xt71c53f1t0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1t0g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 2007 2007 2007-03-27 2020 true xt71c53f1t0g section xt71c53f1t0g UK Spring football training starts Wliil the Cats
looking to build on ast season's Success

PAM, 3

\\\\\\,l\\l\l inium TUESDAY


(illBRAlthi {UHAKSUl |.\l)ll’l\lll\(l

Candidates call for more education on women's safety

By Blair Thomas llli ixl

him-ii l» inykii'i'i ii”

\ir\R(iH 3", JUN“



iiiiimiliiiil ixxiit' ix lli.il «il
“Hillt‘ll x xiih'lif' Mtliiiiixli xiiitl liixl
niglii .ii ii \i’x'hdlf iii \lt‘llll‘lltl] Hiill
Stutlciit (ith‘llllHt‘lll [‘[leiik‘HHill .\1 Iii; ilt‘lmlc ximiixniul l»)
t.iiidid.ilcx Stilt! Mtliitoxli And \itL \\iiiiicii‘x Pint-c, i’liclpx x.iiil lic “.lx

l’liclpx .lgflt‘t‘ ”Lil in i‘t‘lell .iililiiwxiii;

wiiiiiiunit.iliniif' l’liclpx \itlti
”\Muiit‘n‘x I’Lit‘t‘ li.ix \iUHC .i giciii inl‘i
\\iili t'xmhlixiiiiig [‘lltgltlli‘h iiii tiiiiipiix
.intl ll ix our iolt .ix \Iiitlciii (imcm
lIiL'IH in until} gel ilic “mil iiiit iii‘t‘lll

girl to gut .i than-x lo Intiix on ixxiicx iliiixc pi'ogixiiiix iliiii .llt‘ illlt‘.l\1\ iii

”llix' l.l\l ix I'LLI ilit' iii.i;iiiii\ ii! U.‘
\illlli\ [LIPIK'H \HIliiii llit l'iixi ”HCL' Jun x

\Lliihixl; ‘.l .1 li\ ‘~\i1lll\li*\'\l‘ill\‘
\l i ll\ inning: lit-9" ilt.il \\.lli .it

[hilt \‘ll\1kll,l\.lxx.t‘“'~.:ii}‘ti\ iliix iiix:

lini‘i‘ciix to ho tliiiiii; ll.ii\'lllli\ .iiiil ii...iiiil.iiit\ .|“‘Hiiv

xiii‘uiih iiixli Yiiiit‘,‘ Hit-1px x_i:.l ’lliziit'x Ukt- liglifiii; «dHil‘ih it'.ill\

“(Hook illi' lx .i :it‘i! l“-‘~H iii xt.ii1 it» :iiirlini: Mi' :«i :ii flit i‘Pl‘r-iNllk' ilitt‘t

thc |\\th‘ «ii \ltllt'llxt‘ tigAllhl miiiit-ii on
txiiiipiix. ii ix iiiiimi‘miii in L‘khltJlk‘ xiii

"i think iill ml the ll]l|lj_‘\ \u \‘l\\li\\
iliiiiiig iiiii t‘iiiiipnigii. \\ill.'lil\‘l it he
timid “CCK‘ dining: UH t‘iiiiiiuix l‘l iiii
pruning tho kllillllx' iii \Jllli‘lh. the

that “Ad "itxil lilo tiiiixstiiiciitcx lm
“Ulllt‘ii iiii t.iiii[\iix “

Hoili \.1H\1i\l.llk'\ ciiipliaxi/ctl tlicir

\ICHI'C iii liillim iliiiiiigl‘i 'Aiili itllMIif.‘ .I
pull kill-i IUI Ilic \‘iilc ( tiix [tiogiiiiii iiiitl

pliiw ”

Hk‘ tdiiilliiiilcx tilxttixxctl \\.i\x [U
.itltli‘cxx tho xiiitixiii‘ ili.it sight out (‘1 it'll
t‘tixcx iii phxximl UI xt'\iiiii .l~\lllil .Hk'
inixcx iii \kliit'li Ihk' \lxllll] kin-u lllt‘ll

iltniliii; \\iili ilit- ixxiic iii _iuiii.iiiii.iiiic


l’hclpx t-iiiiiliiixi/ctl Ilit' iit-cil tiii
\llltit‘llix [U ht s'ki‘tlkJICU: !‘\ ”it?! }‘\‘\':x
\xlicii ilic} liixl iiiiiw .iI 'i i\ Iii" \l'f!

Iiiiii \xliuii xi; :iiic ixxiicx likt‘ iliixf
\li ill'i*\!l xiii‘i ”\\\ nut-J in minim lhc
iiiitt‘ i‘! \‘l‘llx'll x l’hiiv lu‘tiiiixt' {hm
llt'o? ljlx' H

\ii illli‘\ll \Ktlil'.\ i din ,ilt' xiiiitcmx

V .. i .i ‘ .,.. ,.
”it“ i.‘ili.i1iixx'ill\\ .\\ll\‘

mixiiiiliii): ”lL' \‘l H)‘ llllllilll\t'
“Ilit' [llll‘i'ILiIIY Iliiii; ix llltlt'JHllfJ

.iitnt‘kt-i' And \\.|) x to approach the ixxiic

\\itliiii lik‘ (ii‘t'rk qullliHlllH him: \\iiiiit*ii’x l’lii c


‘M'Wt‘nrxe m)“- . ~





DHQ‘i‘,§ 8V EC vattn‘ewi

86 election short poll workers



Voting will take place
on laptops instead of
in traditional polls

By Blair Thomas

«illli;illi\'l\f .2\\'«: .ill «HUI \ikilli‘ii\

no l

it \iii


i". , .g .i i
ll'u ( I“ \liii“ I4 .;' ii; ' I 'i-iiii'c l ll‘lill'i

Mull iilll'Iii'!i\ \luz‘ri! 'i ‘7 l'i‘.\\

;\i3!'\ .iik'r‘ fr
‘3‘, will it
i: H i ‘ w \ ilii. illllMHlt

'~i1’!lt lilifii'}; lii.,i
( .n
\ixli'i‘i‘x'li :‘uf l'
‘lll lli it .‘lliii‘ ’

illli: ltiiiiiiiirux 'zi.‘

[tux l .i‘_\ iii“! 'iis


...i . N ,
litiitli .iiii‘ llii ii'lisi l xiliiiii Hiniiil iiit'iiilu‘ix “‘ ~"‘ " 'h‘“ “

lill’ ‘~\|‘!|~!l‘.,' in ii‘ iim xlll\ ilici’i iii\ no ,tiw'filt‘iiix ““‘YVH‘

1‘»"'ll!l\'lltk\ niilnit‘ \ill'll‘j x\x‘.;'l2l ””15“ "1‘" ‘ “l: "V W!“ 1"” \ "7 ‘ "

iii. » i ii“ mi mi in liih }‘li"_'liil‘i‘. M l“"‘»"-"l «i ‘-\ NW 5‘


"it \-i"i' ilk‘lli Ii xiiiti 'Hii' xii liii N .iI‘il \\.":l tiii iiii.... ' x'iiiixl‘iN ‘ i'

Hi "i \nlli

New study area designed to give students more flexibility

By Erin Schmm

iiwaiL- II' o' 'llllt!

iiii'iii liLtkU'HK'l

\ |1t‘\\ xiiiil\ .iitn \:\"\l,'llt'ti

.ii‘oiiiiil xtiitlt'iiix “oiling inn liiiigt'i :ll‘t'l] Ulllfl lli mil~ li‘lll iilwii- ilri'iv
prnictix uill upon iillit iiilii. ii-ilin iii ix
Ilic liiixt'iiit'iii ml lilt‘ \\ I \ 'lli'lL' l l iiiiix
ltriiiy l‘.lx<‘ll‘_'lll ix illl\‘i1 \iitli lit“ 'lliliii

l'lii‘ illii‘l'lMllHll inii'iiiniix
mmlt‘lcil .iim ml the lxixi'niiii' iii
\\ I \i'llll‘,‘ lll‘l.ll\ [lit Hiil‘
upcnml tn \llltik’hlx ivll \i.iii li < l‘iil
llic grand npviiiiiz: .iiiil iililmii i iiltiii:
1\ \Cl iiii “Kl.“ .iI ill ,i iii l K ’iix:

ii iii !i!‘lilllii|l\ iiiil iiilniiimlinii lot liiiulii
\Hk‘i li‘xk‘HlllL' ii \‘l‘ ”H“ :i.iiil :\

fiwiii li‘ti‘1\(il"i;‘ll‘ I'i‘ii‘iw

llii' lik"~\ \ ilill.‘_‘k‘\ .lli ll-"rii‘ ililu

.lll‘l liltli‘lii‘ liiiiiiiiiit'
\t'u i-il‘ll‘lllk‘l\.tlli1.ll‘lll‘i!\ ll\\' 'Ilk' lili‘lt‘ iiiiilvli'
\1,h|lll1\\ii illi" \i‘lL‘ xi§\\‘«ii1i1('&{ 'I‘ lllt‘
i~\'xt:ii«; \i'llil‘lllt'l xt‘i'iiu‘x in tho

llii- iiitiiniln at tho liiii.ii\ liiiw
ilcnl ICC [\H‘t‘ “Ill x[‘t.ll~ il 1" ill iiii‘lil

xLill \' liii ilit' .I\itllil!‘l\‘ ti» lii'lg‘


“it ‘\.:xi:.ii'i;l iiiiilt‘ii‘ : -- lliv iliii It” 'lii‘ llil‘ll‘ilJlll'll
iiiiiiiiiiiai‘ .\ iii unlit iiii .i viiiit‘t'.
lli‘ill‘ xl.iii In liiiixli \|- \i‘li i.iii i min~

iii‘Jl‘i llt'll" :t‘ ‘ilwiiu l‘i"-’\ili\ l1 .l‘xl\

i11:lllkilnill\\l\K'lilk’E\'\.‘~Illli’iIJi "iiiiv .iiiil \ui. \ilii x'd lipii' iixiii;

liliinn .lll‘ll‘llllxt'lllt‘ll'x llit ililll!\1|iil\ 'x.iiil \'.iii'\ fiiuumxc‘}

!"\"1l]“iil\.\"\z .it tho Hii“

i-ilutifil i .ili‘i‘l .ix “it.” .i‘ mil ”i‘x‘ \lliila'li'x \ iii ltliiiil 'l‘ini mu ii

illiN‘t‘il iix "M' Hiil‘ .ll \\l x i» ,i i. 'i-«

‘,AVIL\I‘|1y\ w iii li 'ltg “ii ii\ '~ iii
liiiii liiii' llii
ih.lll\ ,iiiil Lil‘li‘x .ili lt‘li lainl til; it' Hi

\ ‘\\

\Hhik lk \\.iilx il\.|ll.li‘i\‘ in In“ .ii«=iiiiil uliw kl..iii' i. \‘u'li W i: :‘iw.
M an liixt‘ i with \I‘JLC .ix ut'll iix \il'i mil x-wit‘ \iHle i'\.‘l 'l‘ii'. iilll
\C\L'I.li \\li:It‘lM.iiilx uitli ili\ any :uii .i \kliirgbii ii.‘ wwt inil llim 1"
ii:.irkcix riilk it‘llili‘. .iiiil Hi" liiin

\llliik‘lll\ \t‘t'ill in W t‘l‘iHWlll‘.‘ llit' .ilmii' lurii'


lx mm willul uiili it'ii'it'iitc


First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

;\l\ in “lliiim iiiiiiim iii i'lfjt‘illl/illti‘lh mi l\\'il\‘\ wt Midi-int- .i-gniiixl \M‘im‘n

Debate ':~ 4

Alt prof
creativity in

By Emily COO‘VE‘H

. . t

”Wu §MILEY \‘Al’. (it: pump

. >14“ , )"

Newsroom: 5 Advertising: 2574872


 PAGE 21 liiesuay, Mart li .’,’ J


your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun keme' ‘ 9'

W Go to wwwkykernel com for the solution
— —










Aries (March 21 . April 19)
Taurus lApril 20‘ ~ May 20)

Gemini tMay 21 — June 21)

F“ ._ __. -_. . .........fi. , , . ._. _,.,

Bpow N’S

l/i st i::r 1:11 ind r “”112!

1 Today 8


; Horoscope

3 S'ionsored By

Lg .,_ -





luprrimiriq sl'lti‘fflS


HQI'Q8CQP68‘7‘ Dancer iJiine 22 — July 2) loan

Leo (July 23 Is Aug. 22) l“ : .' -
l/irgo (Aug. 23 7» Sept. 2?) ‘ “ ..
Libra (Sept. 23 — 0m. 22) ;..
Scorpio (Oct. 23 Nov. 21) '

Kiri lilt‘lltl '\\L.


t.-~ ,i r» ,‘vb M» it it .\

Juuz itoni




Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
it .Iai .s an 8 Your enthusiasm is
:i . i'iilles‘s‘ and why not7 You have
.: e" a ' a" (harm. and (ilié’tltfilliii
unit are you going to be, do in

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) lo
1:» s i 7 Might as well iC‘.’lOW
‘- a it losses new ware.

" ‘('.l Its always time

and Wiat

‘ i \Yslli lltivr;
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) l.
fi'y i- if li‘i Ul‘; it; ii‘i ‘iii'tit.’
’ ‘L ff lv‘wil'

": {hi1 Siiiii i‘si'

\ _ ;
11 \t .t,

i‘y . V. "\ i ,
"3:1 mi” "tl {fl sn'nem;ct\ est?

1 z": wtii'klrv
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) li
.. ..;.« 7 rim;-
. m rim! less tittii: ii ' i ‘tl‘iitt’ll

r, .. ,
ll‘\ ttr: l If~ it

.1, t "I": ‘ ""W't‘

7.7(1; il’

‘T’Zts; \Nt‘t“, iii" ii i'ii) ii'ttt

‘ T'i 'MZS "JUL/if"




Tilllllilli 8:00 PM



Outside tood and drink permitted?


_G .V,'.5..'I 9%PNUNE,@.www;9KSA8-°RG

Adm salon


'fl'le DiSI-l

By Rachel Paula Abrahamson

Did She Find a New
Boyfriend in AA?

There is alxxais some truth
in all these era/i stories." _lkl'
son l‘ll).t\\. 33. lead guitarist
toi a rock hand. told Splash
Nens alter the National line
quirer reported that he and
Spears. \\ ho first met at a
recording studio in JUNK and
ICL‘oth‘L‘lL‘Ll til .'\luilttillcs
:\lt(ili_\111ttlls. are talking on the
phone eoiistantl) and plan to
iiio\e in together.

And he added: “lt \\lll all
eoiiie to light \er} soon.”
While Spears' rep had no eoni—
iiient on her relationship \\ith
l’il);i\\. a source close to the
singer tells l?s: “lirrtne_\ harel)
lslltius this Jason gu) lie is iiist
riding her eoattails."

l‘tlflltt‘i e\ idenee ol' his 111*
eoiiipatihilit) “I”! the mom"
On his .\1_\.\‘p.iee page he
tht'r‘ht‘tl ”l «littid \Mittt httls U

Is She Refusing to Obey
Promises' Strict Rules?

.-\t l’ioiiiises. no pets are alr
loued unless. apparently.
)oii're a pop Spears
theeked in \\ith Siiou While.
her t'liiliiiahiia. “She‘s all our
the plaee \\it|i her little dog.‘ a
soiirte told l's oii l‘eliiiiar) Iti.

,\]so. l’roiiiises rep \“aizih
(‘iirraii tells l's \isits are liiiiit
ed to Saturday and “\Ne don‘t



A new man! A love note

from Justin!

take more than too \isitors per

YCI. sit) s ”R" sillll'L'L'.
"Spears" litiltll) is in and out all
the time." Spears" rep could not
hL‘ [Cached loi eottitik‘nl.

Did Cher Send the Pop Star
a Care Package?

ACL‘UHlIHg‘ to the National
linipiiier. Spears
special deli\er} lroiii ('her. (it)
" l‘lie eare paelx'age \\ as loaded
\\ith treats. ineliidiiig home-
made tudge hi'omiies urtli
\nnillai lrosting." the tab are

The report \sent on to list
other contents. lga l’erla silk pa,
iamas. stacks ot tashion maga
lines and the ieonie singer‘s t‘a
\orite tangerine- and hone}
(lL‘\\'\LL‘lHCd eaiidles. lint
(‘her‘s rep. l.l/ Rosenberg. tells
l’s. "It's not true "

t'L‘L'L‘HCtl it

Did She Get a Letter From
Justin in Rehab?

.liistiii sens Britne). I still
lo\ e _\oii'” pi'oelaiiiied the to\
er ol the Maieli 1(i lile i\’
Stsle lie stor) 'l‘iiiilierlake.
Iii. penned a giisli_\ letter to his
e\. in \‘xliieh he \oiied to "he
“arting \.\ hen she gets out "

.-\ toiieliiiig tale hut. alas.
iiiitiiie “He did not \\ rite a let
let.“ sa_\s a souree
Spears. ”But he did lea\e a
message at l’roiiiises \iisliiiig
her \\ell "

(lose to

Us investigates.

the latest Spears nonsense

Addicted to Coca-Cola

She has been drinking
about 14 ('okes in 1-1 hours."
Star retentl} reported llai'dl)
"l‘ttllllllt‘s ean hiiiig soda. hiit
\\e don‘t pio\ide it." ('iii'raii
tells l's.

Brit Speais era\e
alothes. .\ltei dropping $3.l)l)ti
at Shop iiittiitioiieoni Mareh l.
Spears sent her assistant to
lie\erl_\ llills lioutitiiie Smteh
loi' $1.0M) Ill diids .\lareli l4.

"She said onl) dresses and
no hlaek'" 0\\11L‘I’.llllltl (‘ohen
tells lls llel rep couldn't l‘L‘


Is She Getting Out Early tor
Kevin's Birthday Party?

British taliloid l‘he Sun
elaiiiied Spears. \\ ho began her
lull.” program l-ehr‘uar} ll.
\\ as din king out t\\o d'a}s earl}
to attend hei e\'s Mareli ll
hirtlida} hash iii l ..-\.

“She is getting out ol reliah
this net-1.." a souree eontiriiis
to is but not tor his shindig
Riiiiiors \keie liig enough tor
l‘ult‘l'llllt‘ to eaneel the part).

l‘he last thing he “ants is
her pait}iiig on his .ieeoiiiit
"Kenn inst “ants her to get
“ell again.” sa_\s a souree elose
to the rapper llis rep had no





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This team
could be


It Keenan Huttnn ltas his ttat tlte
hannet' _\eat 1 l‘\ tnnthall entntetl ttt ltltltt
utll he tetttettthered ttnt as the \Ullllllltl'
ttntt nl the tehuthhny nt tlte ptnL‘tant httt
as the start nt sntttethtng great

lt Keenan Burton has llls ua}. the
Ziltlfi (Kits. \\ltn heetn \llllllL‘ Pltlkllkk' tn
tttnt‘t'tm \\Ill last Mustt
Cit} Bots] \tttnr) as a spt'tnghnartl tn
tlte top :3 tltts teat,

lt Keenan llttttntt
has llts \\a_\_ the “Ultl
"sttttesC unn‘t al

\\.t}s he [‘t't'tt'tletl l\_\

ttse season's

tlte “old “sut‘pt'tstng”


ulten rtenple tallx
ahnut l'K tnnthall
lltahs \\lt\ lSltI
CHRIS tnn returned. and it's
DELOTELL uh} the .‘lltl‘ ('ats

entet‘ spttne tttatttte
\\tlll tttnte npttrtttsttt

than the tttngtatn has
ll.ttl \lllk L‘ ll‘l‘t‘ «la-\s t‘l

l‘tttt ('nuelt

"I see gteattttss sattl lSlllittlt. \Kl‘ut
elettetl tn pass up the \ll [hall and
ennte hack lnt' hts setttnt season "I see a

lnt nt things \\e ean huthi on \\e hate
pnsttne thtttgs tn httthl on ltt the past.
ue .t|\\.tts had negative things ”

'l‘he [MistlHL‘ tlttnes ntt “htth the
(‘ats hope to hutltl aren't hard in llll\l
l'he tltnantte ntlettsne tr'tn nI littttntt.
ttttat‘tethtttk \tttlt‘e \‘lnntlsnn and tuttntne

haelx Ratael little tetttt'tts tntatt [he
\ttltttj.’ tlelettse that struggled tntehttl\
last seasnn gained \alttahle \‘\[lk‘ll\‘ll\\'

and has tttnte tle;"h than it etc: has tttt
head lx’tttt litnnlts \nd the
sehetlttle \\tth eight hntne L'tttttt's llas l l\
potsetl tn thallettee

\lk'l ttlaxll
tnr nattnnal lL‘kt‘L'lll
ttntt and an upper «li\isttll1 tttttsh trt the
Southeastern ( nrttetenee ' \rtti. nh teah,
the (Etts ha\ e a
lnttts\ tlle. tnnt

thattte to heat

llut \\htle last season \\.t\ exettttte. tt
\\as no tttnte than tus! a uttttttttj: nt the
appetite tt lluttnn and ltttrnks ha\e thet:




Spring practice ushers in new UK standards

By Travis Waldron

ttvald'etttlsvku'tte . tr" Lla}.

enee opening spring: ttatntng tester

“l tnld the pl.t_\et‘s alter our l\«\\\l

game that \\ltat \\e (lhl this teat tlll

.Sntte taktng met the 't ls tnnthall
ptngtant Ill .‘tltll. Riel: thnks has
hetntne auttstntttttl tn hattttg a tat
get on ltts hatls and the \‘~L‘|)_‘lll nt het»
tet e\ttettattntts on his sltnuhlets

ltut \Kltcll stunt: ptaettte stat‘ts
\\etlnestla\. tt \\ tll he a tltttetent
tltlsslldll I‘ll liltlill‘n

“ learns \\ ill take us ntnt'e settnus
l} in our league than the} have lit the
past." llttttlh\ said at a press enntet


\\ llt




\lttste ('tt_\


ltltltrl isn't going tn he enntl ettnuL'h
ne\t )eat "

Bt‘wths lt‘tl [K [H an 5 g lk'klllkl
a tutor) ntet (‘letttsntt tn the

ltlnnl It “as the pro
grams ttrst html ‘»\lll stnee l‘lS-t
l.tnehae|\et' \\esle_\ \\nnd}anl.

t\\tl| he a sentnt “hen the 2th‘

season starts. satd the plants uel
kUl‘nlC the higher e\p<_\tattnns
“'l'hat‘s \\ hat \\e all eante ltete tn



()thcr schools \'o\\' to hold onto
coaches during [YK SCLII‘Clt








do In tatse the hat tnt t'tet\'tntl\
\\hn \sants tn he a \\Il\l\.ll til the in
true.” \Vnndtattl said '\\e .tuettt
that “till open arms and \\ e rs read-t
tnt etet'} thalleitge that an get
_\‘ettl H

l'ttlt'se last “hen the
htggest stnt_\ nt st‘ttng; tttatttt.’ was a
hattle tnt the statttn; attartethatk tin
stttntt. l‘lx appears tn hate no ‘.
ulllthCISICS AHL'I sltttlltlj;
going ttttn tltts seasnn

l’ittl Brooks satd ll!t\ stunt; twat
ttte \\tll npen \\llll tttnte [‘la\ets ‘tt..n
ttsttal \_\ill:.' tnt [ll.l_\llt:.‘ ttttte

"\M‘ ha\e tttnte tntttttettttnn than





\\e‘\ e etet had stnte l'\e heett hert ‘
litnnlss sattl “ \t e\et_\ rtnsttntt
there's tttst tttnte ttentrle tha' t.
)nttr e_\e and Intrigue \nn tn see
“here the} are "

l'hat entttt‘ettttntt \\as etztlent at
[K's \\tt:lsn‘at \t
ent'tltng tn llt’nnlxs. l4 l‘l.t\\‘ls tar:
then ~1ll'}.ll\l tlaslt ltl less (It

1 l\ had ntte

eatltest sttt‘tng

:tt la


seLntttls llts tttst season
platet that tan taster thart i

"It \\as one nt things l t\_t\ ‘te'\
enenutagetl .thnttt,” lttnnlts
" l he ntet’all teant st‘eetl attf .1 1"
In ltl.tl\e plats has :ne'easet:
tlnesn't mean all the tas: ;t;\\
plat that “ell. hit! at least tte hate
speed ”

Retuttntt; ttttat'tetl‘tati.
\\t‘t‘\l\(lll L‘lllC'lCll

tttatttte \\llll ltts starting ntlt «tr the




ltISl \gfitt s \;ttttt_

ltne lle e\etttttall\ heat t‘tl' t tam
l’ulle\ and \\ent ntt .eat: t'te \lt
ttt passtttgg ~\attls ttet gait. twat

thnlxs is still lilttlsltl: tor n
tttettt ttnttt ltts

"I sttll think he need in
hall setuttt\ \\tth lttttt “ ltrnn‘ss saat.


tltttttlt'tlta‘lt ’l::s

‘.\.ttl, ttrt

”He did a ‘.et'\ snntl u'w tenxt'
tn}: unetaees. hut he \lill :teetts '«r
.ttttttnxe nn h:~- lt.ttl\ \‘-llt,lr tw

\\ttlt the hall and enn'. tut. tn l-.t

the “all as .lxullltlk ,\ as l‘n in:

\\l\lt.‘ 't‘x‘t‘i‘st‘l l’\t\".:' lS t" "
'llltths \\nndsnrr ha~ ,.

:\t.tlttr \«I it” '\


\\ H By Chris Miles llr-rnxarr has on its
' . . ‘_ _ > H, H g H ,r‘ V
lhts \L‘asntl. the ( ats lta\e a tnattt te ' “ .,. l'l‘ "h \‘( \\
Ltttttetl altnnst entttt'l‘t h\ the ttttte'tt ll 1 l \
2 f - I' .tzttf ."t 'h. H. ‘ in .1 .nattt __ -- . . ..
tnatlttn: stall and one n. the tnttntr\ s ‘ lx‘ ‘ '. k , H \ , ' “w" l)‘ " WU"
‘ ' s H ‘l‘ s has if“ ',_tl‘ .s tar-a r, flu, at , n . ' m, a ‘
rttnst e\ttInst\e nttenses and ’hat \.t"l ‘ ', l ‘ I t ‘ “w “\t "~ lh ‘ ~'~‘l ‘
- . , “1'1: attl‘tet s? n: n.t.'t : t . . t . , ,, :rnf: .
Put l l\ ltstrtttalt mm the llaliirl‘trt.‘ tttttttte \ ‘\‘ l, l k l ‘ l ,H _, l\ u a tnn rat \ eel t I
> > ‘ l‘L‘ lll.1llt‘l' it?! ‘t. t . .‘.:r He \' luttil ‘y
\n‘a l‘lltltlls~ sartl. it s happen ‘ \, l .
ttt" .. a lk‘.lll1\tt'lt'lllllllt‘tl 'n 'et r. :ttiw n t' -.t H, l" \ t\.,. Huh s»:
. , , truanttetttt :t’." t.:r tat» t' :2; mt' t' ,, r,. l '
\\lta’ - lratttrtttttt: :\ llll l tatttpus l r 1 ( “ ‘ . r t.
I , , , the ltttn lnttt rtas “Ruth r ,, ,. t,. t' , t, . t ,r \ ' ‘
an. t\:'\ {.j‘xt"“L“lilrtf.1l-‘tl"‘t't . , , ( t l» l, l ‘\ ‘ \ "‘ “‘
- .» t trim t. a r a ~ . t t . t . . t
teatt \ntl I? at "Hull 'e l’ r ‘\ tttts tt 1] 1‘ I‘ll ll h‘ \ l I N l l \ l “t ““ l ‘ (h “l t . r
r . \ l\.lllllllll\ltlxl‘-l\l lit .~ ll- 1 l' r ., Y , H, 'l tlt I
{eate ttehtntl tht 1:.ettt rttt v‘ , tst' t | \( \ \ . l , t' er . .t rt .. ,r rt m ‘ ‘
l . ‘t\Hl'V‘.t U - w. ' V I *
rt " "I‘m’l‘ 'l " “ ““I 'H‘” "' \\e t mt t, m tiratnr \la n
‘lt.‘ :Ijet' rlt‘l'l , :‘t't ' ~..:~ntt ‘
l litrrtt ‘r 3.3;, l‘lrr ".t v ,m , , st ll l m ll \\ 1-. t
l * ‘ ‘ ‘ “ HR tttte' utrnrr .:l :..1' ltrt 'l "‘
i‘t‘tit lSlt r'l H l r t , r t\ rt t :
etttt.lt.s . t r‘ ‘ I ‘
ttt‘t‘i. ._,.. or t~tt.~r- It in M an. _ .t at r. r. ‘f H H "'1"L”“ \ ‘ :t.‘ tzs.
l‘ ,y, r H . H . . l ll\ \l. """ l'ls l l
‘\ ' “"\‘ M ‘ "‘ ‘l " lie :tt tttnl «‘1 l t s s. ‘ ‘e '2‘th ll ‘l l l» ’ ’
tletstantt :ttwte w M." ' l“. , H 1‘ , r l hs ,, . ‘~ 3 :.
nt lltl 'h Il \ r- ., l . ,, t 1 1 . . M, K. x \ 't. .
. t . t »\ Mt a \ lAlll\\ lit .lkkl‘llt . ”\lr l“
, ' t , r.\ , ,t r t ,. , .
l‘ltsh th'ttt's that ha‘ e not h tl‘i‘t'rteri here l r . r '. in ‘ ' “‘1' l‘ l ‘\ '
l” “ long “m" nthetx l':t .~ ’ \ttlt t t r " H ‘ ” ~ .. t
t . ' i . l A t l . ‘.
\ntt get the 'eelttt: that tltr. l‘l.t\\'l\ nun 5mm,” \t l t.‘ e {w an“ M n l" h l t w
L'et that llte\ untittstantl that the :la\ n‘rl .\ tin «it . t. ,: [ hm met n. ~ ‘\ ‘ ‘l ‘
tnt \\lll\ll thet'te ttttrlee-el ts tteht .n gt. ,tm-alm, \l. n . ,. \» . at t r‘ t ‘5
,l 'r M ,r, t ' r . i r . ‘
tt.tnt nt thent lhe\ knnxt that thts :r'nt-t‘t ltt ‘he I‘I. .. ‘t'tl l’ '1‘ nt 'ur ll “ H \l‘“ ‘ ’l l‘ l l ‘ ' t
has the t‘l‘l‘ttttunth to shred the l‘ettt't‘ tnl K as the ls’w at; t tt i' t n! nlu-ge has V \ \ l"“‘“‘“l‘*"' ' "h“ t- ‘\ .
, . . t , .. .' .. gt» .. l- . ~,. ,
tlntt ttl ll\ ltlttll‘all as .t llt‘l‘k'l\‘\\ t‘ttt Isull‘alt at‘ttl e_1_ 'lta. Wm lnu l-ttl 'n ll “ "‘ “ H "l ‘t “ " ”‘l 1"“ \ ‘ “l ‘ -’
:‘att’t see luttrut l la heat' . ~a h lttltltt \ttnth "-l ’lslttl ~ ttr‘th l.!\ \\t:s,'ht atltntt. l l\ 3‘. at v: L , .
"lhs ttttl eas\ tn \xakt‘ ttl‘ t'\et'\ tla\ team: lttl \lr’illt‘nt'a ‘7‘ ll“ l1?“ lt‘tlll‘f “1 ’ln lt‘l-lll~tlll~-7" ft ‘ .t
' ~ ' . - t- u l - we , rr~r r . rl, L
and \\.lll\ trtl taintrns as ltrse't's, Harri.” lltej. l ls.» it ,tt wtruanth-tg \xa. trad \,. kt. l L\ltl_'t\' 'trr an n ..\ ,\ : ls ,l
- . ' ‘ ' r lr , .
sttttl '\ntl that s snrttethtne \ke «lnnt \ttttsl‘t lltltll“ \tltl “‘l \tl'l‘l-‘l tr ‘ r‘
' , ‘ .. ' ,. ., l , ..
“ant tn L'n hath ttt' \‘Htert askttt :t [Layman m-tnt: )‘e that “l‘vtt asletl .:"«‘tr' lit t l\ t, . ,l.. ; lx‘
.\nd rt Keellall Hutton has ltls \\ H with l’tttttrt s rttl l ».‘l' tntttznent nt‘r l‘-t\l JIM-ll l“tl’\s“‘l«tlt \s‘w \l‘tsthl‘ ‘ =‘tl ht tt 3 mt
tht.‘\ \l.nttt l‘l'll‘» tttttrtttwt'h‘: _ttl‘fll7ttr‘ttt tittn tlu ll,;"ttl \': .»
. '(~ ‘rr '3

‘,§t§:&"~§tg ~ w

‘ l.’ )r A [a r ,
(9/11“? (1% (bitureui ch/[a/er .z..)¢'rut(';r Hm ..




0 UK Students for Life

Meeting, Student Center,
0 nm

9 pm

Soul, 5!

0 Cheap Seat Tuesdays, e as pm

"The Pursuit of

- tlrttttermty Christian
ietlovxshtp 210 Student (erttr'r

0 UK Budo Karate Club, Barker

thht Film Series), Stu

(enter (enter Thea?
0t EC M Food tor Body and ')r‘tt


As (472 Rose Street‘r

- laughs on the Lawn

- A Sr'anner Darkly (Late

Owen Smith, Momorral Hal?

Or to

107 Student Center

' thdCard UKID v2 0,


Armory, 9 not

- The Lanquaqes of the
Jews, Premdents Room

Sinqletary Center, 8 pm

- ASA Reggae Dart; R at


9 pm

YMCA Center for


Student Center


HappYness”, Worsham
Theater (Student Center),

0 YMCA Center for
Achievement Tutoring,
Achievement Tutoring, S
0 ONE Week, Student
Center Patio, 11 am

' Wildcard UKID v2.0, 107

Hall Danre Stttdto 9 pm

0 Bandits (Late quttt Ft'nw
Series), Student Center
Worsham teats”, ‘0 not

- Bryan Station Nltddlr‘ Srhortt
Tutoring, Bryan Station Middle
Srhool, 4 on‘

' ONE WPPK, Student Center
Patio ll am

. Dht Alpha Delta Meeting,
Student Center “1
. the Beatnik Ball
Student Center Grand Balrroonr
9 pm

' Comedy Caravan With Tom
Mabe Student Center Cats Der
9 pm

' VVrldrard liK‘D v) 0
Student Center

7 pm


outdoor Amphitheater, 8 pm

0 UK Budo Karate Club,
Barker Hall Dance Studio,
5'30 pm

0 Jobs in the Pharrnareutrral
Industry and Medtral Sales,
James @ Sturkort Career
Center, 408 Rose Street, Rm
203 4 ‘lO 0’“ 0 Down by Law (Late
Night Film Serrosl,
Student Center

Worsham Theater, 10 pm

0 Family Fun and Learning
Nights, The Carnegie Center
of lextnqton, a 30 pm

0 erdCard UKID v2 0, 107
Student Center



' Trap 8. Skeet prartrre,
\Nrtmore, KY, 7pm

0 ONE \Nnnk, Student Center
Patio, 11 am -

tet lltntnt; sant lle ltttnnx exatt‘x
“hat he s setttttt: httttselt nttn hetnte
he steps a;t tn the late He s
tttnte tttatnte than he \\as last war

and he htttt\\s ultat ttnttttattntt M .et


t.s ttt \nu e.ut e\t~ett htn: in he .t te
,tl3\ strettal tritnet next \eat

l‘te Itltt‘ .1\ “it; hteh
l‘ttt \\t>1‘\l\.|l\l

Anzh latttl

‘~\'.tsrlll "
et t.“\t\ettattnns \\ tttt :1

said the teazxz ts teaet it

\\t' \( L‘t" ltl r_«l"‘t’ t‘ll hete
ttet\ tla\ e\et\ tttatt H t \ttett t.__ tn
re! hettet “ \\nnd\at\l sate: \\e tan t
settle tnt an\thtn-_' less t'ha‘ r‘mu'

L'Allh'l .tIl\ lll\‘l\

UK missing players in spring

l l\ \\tl‘ he \MllttttlT want 't at
ets ltltnn'ks that e\;\.x‘,s tn
tttnts tl; ltltl‘

Running ha. lt



ltlh"! C'l


lt‘l‘lt (“til/alt" ltsrtit let't' lttsll
\\.ttthe.. ant: '4 llentx at ‘ t‘
tltet tlttss 2‘ t H n tet‘.
u . lt t \t 't s t '\ t s n?
r, rtt\
l ' t l l
"t H \ hr t ll ‘ ' t ,l '\
'h it t . lst ‘t .e e t‘tt'
rrt K, ’t \ ill.utk. \ tf
l " t .\. k . \ ”ail. I\\ ll.
e ti; rt. linml» ~aa
l‘l't s ll t' kl s' ltritr
e r K,tr r» e .. r ,t
“an \le lr l ' sn: . sxtt‘
r r\\ t’r, t Mt [,r. .e t w ,3. ,
tr t't tt‘. '\ t tt' t' 't'
s ‘1l_\ 't



t t
\ s t
r H i
\ t\|\ t ‘
‘,r \ J
tl\ \ r
, is

UK advertises coach
positions online

By Chris Miles.

l .\
l\ ,
t, r
~ (7 \r'tt‘" ‘ \‘Uzt'd “Jam
rr’ (1 fht‘ e S "teta'w
Li‘rttt” in"
/ .
. It 1 .
." -44
\l l
,,/ l
\ sown—o” I








'It'fu wt? "or" Ihhlr

\Iltl'lllt: “CILHIHL‘ “(Uh
the Il\'\ll.tll\) ot \\nIIIeII to talk about
hetn; ellldthk‘d dllkI \\h.It e.III he done
In the ICHKICIIKK' II.|II\ to eneourttgze
Iepottute UkuJNlUlh nt J\\l|lII
"('onnng; lUl\\.ll\I l\ IIIttIeIIlt.”
l‘helpx MIMI " I'he In.InI “In Ih.tt \\\‘
e.III ll‘nklk'.|\t‘ the nunIheI nt “Utlletl
\\ ho report \\ hen the\ the .HNJUIIK‘II
l\ to t h.uIee the .IItIIIIIIe .Ihout \pen
me up \Ke neeII nIIIke ll \o people
IInII‘I teeI like IIIe\ Iue Inolxetl Iloun
upon or \IlJlllk‘II or Inn}: I\et.Iu~e
the} thunk Ion Inuth \\e II.I\e to
llldI’xC II||\ lllkl‘rlllltllIIlI‘Ik'

\‘eIIhIMIIthW .lI\\‘ .1IIIIIC\\e'II

e'.l\lCl ”

\ltlntoxh pIIqu In I\‘\II\ on n.
pttnthne the \.:tet\ \et
\\III\II I“\I|\\‘\ on Iepotttne \Inhnt
\l'lllltW III \IIHII‘.\. tInnI ttxe [\"ltlk'llx e

IIaIIx tn .Ill IC\I‘_I\'II\\' ILIII‘ on t.llll



"lhe ptexenee nt llltIl\l\IIl.tI\ III
\IIIt‘l‘. \eI,
\II‘IIII} \\lII help \Ionten I‘tultI IeI.I
Ilt‘ll\IIll‘\ \\llIl IheIn IIntl III.II\e the

then \I\:I‘IIII\ .Itt\I .l\\\'\

[‘ttu“\'\\ thtx't.” \I'e Illl|‘-\Il \.lI\I

l’helpx .Ill\I \IKIIIIII\II Imth e\
premetl then
\I \\ \R-I'I K II etoup IhIII etuout
~t}.\\ 'ttt't‘ It‘ l.II\\' IItI
\L'lIil'tL' Itll \'\It|ll|‘It‘ IU l‘lL‘\\‘lll \IIIIt'llI
.Iet\ Itg‘tnthl \\Itt‘.tett

't'hunem Imppen \\ hen
ulet\ IIIM‘ \ttttlettt (inwrnntettt \et
Izr‘ exunple' I'Itelt‘x \IIIKI

l’helrn itI.ll|\ to hold .III exunt to

\‘\III\III\ I\otIt nten IIIIKI \Iotnen on IIIe

\uppntt :ot

‘ .
.ILll\e tote III


“\II\’\ \I:tIn:ItIIItn;‘ \Inznsn \ ~.Itet\
.llltl to enrtttnue In tutIII IIIIII \uppnrt
'IK \Intlx 4' “om-en \ l’itt:
'on tantptn Aunt tvtittne Imtk
I‘U\Il\‘ “n' I III‘IIII'I\.1IIII III.I‘. \ ".‘l
~\IlelI \\ntnen \ I'I.IH IItInIIt'
I’M. A» \\\‘ u :I: I : I. the
when“ I=Itttt wth

to» list It \ e»

‘ III} \II

Iwue I-I





\II“\'\I \pttt e .tIxo llltthN It In .Itttue

opttnn ot ll‘IIlIklllf.‘ .II'I en
tt\e pIIIee tn \Ill\I\‘llI\ \xho \\.IIII to
\tutt} alone III one ot the :4 tuhlnex
I'qlllI‘PUKI \\ Ith tntnputeh

”I “\k'kI to go to the kl‘IIIl‘UICI I.I|I
Itll the tune .IllxI l thutk tIK met: to
enrne heIe heettuxe II
thante In \\tllI\ tItI\\ll here In \our
\eIt III thew lIttle tuhh}. thIne~ on [In


\(Hl .l

tnrnputetx ”
IIVCKI one nt the \III‘I‘IC\ to «In Ittx

"\nu «Inn'! httxe IIII IIIIII

\‘Ix'kllhelI \etttnr
Nth-ground nnt\e ”

\ \entilne tttett tulle-II (rlIlI‘ _:t the
llult “III In


\littlt’ltl\ \\III Ik‘ .tI‘I'e' lIt ‘kICkI It

open M tht tII\I nt

\.III\.'\ HI 'HINI\ lIlIl I‘t‘\k'7.l‘.'t \ Itt‘ll’
\ent‘uue llIIIkIIIIlt‘R lnnII \\:II he Inn

ht; Int Intaerrtent '

I‘lll IIut‘e nut” I‘e

\eM‘t I: IIIIIIIN Inert“: III (IlliI‘ .II the


lit-‘l‘lllJlIl‘ll ntt \x'eIer K I‘KIIIlII

I'M ‘II‘I‘II _ ll Ill}; III‘HII
I\ \l \ Inuztr
'I II n II-‘I‘I



' I I I

IIIlI‘ \\I‘I\'IL‘ \Illka’llI\ \ .Itt L‘.ll

(JIheI new \erIItex Illk‘ plunned
tor the ne.It tutute. IIIeItnhng t\\n .Iu
\IIU \l\llLlI I'oontx th;II hme heen re-
\Illllllk‘kI .l\ prexentttttnn tmllttx \Ihere
\I'IIKII’III\ “In uorlx on IInII
I'n\\et‘l‘otnt pI'oIeth. Ihere \\tII IIIxo
he tout \ uleo eIIIIItIe I'nnmx tnI “ork

l'k‘k Hl‘tl

on llllIIIllllCtIl-A Pl'H]k'kl\ .uIIl .I \Itleo
tu't thxplu). ulneh \\[II \ho“ \ [\IL‘U III't
lll\I.III;lllUll\ thIIt \\ III I'e ehttngetl out

l‘he Huh \HII he .I toe.II pntnt tot‘
.IttI.IetnIe ne\\ \tutlenh Io eonIe to
(K. \II‘xI l)e.In ot Ithttn'tex (Xu‘ol

".\I| proxpettne \Iutlentx \nrne
iIllI'ltL‘Il the \\ l \oune I IIII.II} .I\
put nt then elunpux tout ,IIIII tInII II
.III Itnpot'tJnI \IIIettIetIt III the uttt\et'
eotnzrtttnrent In trottlennex‘
lltethtehx \.IIII ’\\e ht. Itexe the Huh
.It \\ I'x \xtll I‘k


I‘e'III’t‘.‘ teIIIuIe of the t K IlI‘lIIl\ xxx



ttIrIII'wI'InII en the

l l\ I Ilntutt \ \\e-l~ urt-

\\III I ‘I‘l.tlI\ \

lot "-'I'
IIIII‘ ftrlrl’IlI

I'll,‘ VI«‘\_'\ (!L~\

Ilane w IIIII‘ t‘~

‘lk.I\sI‘n \IIIII I‘ \k‘l} !i'\\'
tom'nI/UI Iw rm \trIIt‘.:L||\‘\ =or

“. I‘le‘I U

\Xe‘ln I\ II :‘x ILIM'

’7‘.I'Il le‘ll‘rh ID

\ \I \ IIIhI
"ketttue‘m \tt IIIII


Ur Intunut,
\ll\ .IIIII

h I\ put‘

Gonzales aide to invoke
the Fifth in testimony

8‘ Margaret Talqv.
Ron Hmc eson and Manse Taylor


.v\ttnrne_\ (Ieneml Alberto (IUll/JIkW
\\lII uI\nke tlte I‘IIIII .\lllCll\IlllL‘llI
r.ItheI than :Inmer l.I\\nI;Iker\' LllltN
tIott\ about the lump nt etght l' 8‘ III
Iotneh. her I.l\\}\'l \llkI Month}

l‘he tIeetxton II} \lontetr (inotlhne
to pI'oIeet hetxelt _t:_‘.ttll\l xelt IntI‘IInI
IIzttInn lll.ll'I\\ the tn~t lll\ltlllk\‘ III uhIeh
.I Huxh .ltlllllllhll'JllUll .Ippntntee III
\olvetI In the probe h.I~ NIIJILIIL'II eon
eernx IIhnut ptHHI‘IC LI'IIHHIJI lCPL'le'lh

(Bootlltng. 3 I. httx I;Il\en IL'.1\ e horn
her Job ‘.I\ eounxel In the .Ittorne} gen
eml and In the .luxttee Detxtrnnent'x It
won to the WIIIte House.

.\le;In\\hI|e. (Ion/Alex uent on ”J
tIoI‘.;I| Iele\ l\lI)ll \lotttlttx \L‘t‘hlllgl In de
lleet etttIeIxIn three tho \ dIIL‘l' It ne\\ IL"
IL‘.1\C ol' eirntulx \htmetl th.It he held
more III\nl\enIent III the lump thIIn he
llllll;lII_\ xuggextetl

"Notlnng InIpIopeI huppenetl
here." he \SIILI III IIII IIIIeIIIe“ on \H(f
"I“.e got nothtng Io huIe III Ie‘l'll'tx ot
\\h.It I'Ie done And \\ e no\\ \\.IIII to
Ie.I\\uIe the .\Inet’te;tn puhhe thut noth
In; unprnper happened here.

"Someday \\ hen | letn e tlnx ot
tree." he mud. “l tun LUIIIIKIL'III thtII I
\\lII Ie.I\ e mth In) Integrrt} “

III II letter to SenIIte .Iutlu ltll'} (‘oInr
nIIttee (‘huu'nmn |’.Itnel\ l.euh}. I) \t .
(iontlhne\ Loner. John M I)U\\\I.
~.Ittl th.It "the potentml IoI Ieettl Ieop
.IIII) tor M\ (Iontlhng II'nnI e\en heI
nonI tr‘uthtul .lllxI IquttIIe te~Iunon\
uIIIIer thexe \ Il'klllll\IIlllLL‘\ i\ \et’_\ Ie.II ”

I,\‘IlIl\ I’expnntletl "lhe \ll‘tk‘llLtlll
people .It‘e Iett to \IoIIIIeI \xhttt uttnluet
.It the hm nt \l\ (Iootlhnek eon
tern th.It \he ll‘nl} Iner'InInI.IIe henelt In
\I‘IIIIK'K tron \\llIl eIIIIIItI.II eh.n;:e\ It \he
IIppoux hetnte the \ttlllllllllL‘L' IIIIIIeI
I‘utlIl "

lhe putIeI'x top Repuhhmn. Sen
\tIen \pt.\ter ot I’enn\_\l\.untt. \(HII\I
II'I he Ik'delL‘kI IoI utttItIIe‘ttt

Rep \(I‘IIII l’utn.InI nt llor'IIIeI.
xIleI‘lllltlll ot the Ilouxe RCPUI‘IHIIII

('ntttetente. etIIIeII (iontllttIeK IIet won

I\ Ixe} .IttIe to

.lllII \IIIKI :t "IeItIlnnex III
thouehh .Ihout \\Il.ll
t:t.I§ II.I\e I‘t‘eil :.'\Illl_‘.' HI] .II We III\II\\'
I)eIt.iItnIent "

\I the nune IItIIe I’IlIlltIlll pIeIIn IeII
Ithn ~ lIIIuleII up here to ItxtttI In lI‘.l\
I.lllII ot eIInIute \\ouIIl Ive II\I\I\L‘\I I't\

'Iteli IIlIt‘llte‘\\ lt‘ l‘ll‘lx'x'

IIt\IIluIII\' \Kot'xt


IInIII I IIttInI.II thtneex

(inntlhne'x .nnInIInIenIetII enne II\



\\ \\ \\ . III<\.e