xt71c53f1s5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1s5v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 2005 2005 2005-02-28 2020 true xt71c53f1s5v section xt71c53f1s5v Monday

February 28, 2005

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue lree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

Senate may
shrink UK’s
state bonds

By Troy Lyle


FRANKFURT. Ky. , Expansion of UK‘s
hospital complex and construction of a new
bio-pharmaceutical complex may receive
funding reductions. according to discussions
within the Kentucky Senate late last week.

The Kentucky House of Representatives‘
version of a budget. passed Feb. 18. allows
Kentucky’s colleges and universities in
creased flexibility when issuing bonds for
revenue-producing projects such as dormito-
ries and hospitals.

At the heart of this debate is one such
project. a proposed $375 million expansion of
the Chandler Medical Center. The Senate is
looking to reduce the state bonding portion of
the project‘s funding from $250 million to
somewhere between $100 million and $125
million for this year. The rest of the money
would be allotted in the 2006 budget.

Because UK is a state institution. it needs
approval from the state on capital construc-
tion projects over $400,000.

The Senate‘s proposed bonding changes
would put UK at a disadvantage because it
would have to pursue funding for the hospital
expansion in two parts. said .Iay Blanton.
UK‘s public relations and marketing execu-
tive director.

"if we can issue all bonds now. we can
lock in an interest rate. which is currently
very competitive" Blanton said.

According to an Associated Press article.
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
plans to increase interest rates by the end of
this year. This would mean that UK would
have to issue next year‘s bonds at a higher in
terest rate. resulting in each project costing
more on the whole.

Both the bio-pharmaceutical complex and
the Chandler Medical Center expansion are
of “undeniable value to Kentucky." Blanton

There are more than 400 pharmacy jobs
needed across the state. and UK can only cur-
rently train 100 of the about 1.000 applicants
it receives a year. lllanton said. With the new
complex. UK could teach double the amount
of pharmacy students. he said. Many of

Bitch, stitch
at Cats Den

By Andrew Waldner
rut Kthiucrv KERNEL

Everyone knows the (‘ats Den is the place
for pool. games and comedians. but something
entirely different will happen there tonight:

Last Monday. about 20 UK students were
treated to free food. knitting equipment and in-
struction in an event called “Stitch ‘n‘ Bitch.“
The concept involves knitting and engaging in
group discus»
sion. said Sally
Rucker. an activ-
ities coordinator
for the (Tats Den.

Members of
Stitch 'n‘ Bitch
group attended
and helped teach
the craft. Rucker

Rucker got
the idea to orga-
nize the event af-
ter reading an
article in the Lexington Herald-Leader about
knitting and its recent surge in popularity

The Cats Den is beginning to experiment
with new events to attract students. and Stitch

See Stitch on page 5

Stitch ‘n' Bitch
Web site:

For information on any Cats Den
activities. including Stitch ‘n'
Bitch and how to sign up for it,
send an e-mail to



Because of an editing error. a story in Fri»
day's Kernel incorrectly said the Lexington-
Fayette Urban (‘ounty Council overturned
Mayor Teresa Isaac's veto to end condemna
tion proceedings concerning the Kentucky
American Water (‘4). Second District Council-
man Jacques Wigginton said he would be the
ninth vote to overturn the veto. but that vote
was not taken. The council formed a three-
member committee to negotiate a settlement
with the company over the next two weeks

A photo on Friday‘s ()pinions page incor-
rectly identified State Treasurer Jonathan
Miller. It was a photo of Secretary of State
Trey (irayson.

7b report an error. please call the Kernel
newsroom of 2571.915 or email ncu's-‘ukyker-




Celebrating 33 years of independence


Recovered sex addict
to discuss porn
Page 4


UK hoops snaps losing streak
Page 10


Muslim leader calls for unity

By Elizabeth lroutman

Sixty-year-old Glen Dorsett
has followed Muslim Minister
Louis Farrakhan across the coun-
try for 20 years seeking the truth.

“It's just the truth concerning
who God really is." Dorsett said.
“It‘s ingrained in us. Any person
that feels the truth. you have got
to hear it regularly of who speaks

Dorsett. a
devout Muslim.
traveled from
his home in
Ocala. Fla. to
watch the min-
ister speak via
satellite at the
Hotel on New
Circle Road.
About 60 people
showed up for the event. The


satellite was one of 100 locations
across the globe that broadcasted
Farrakhan‘s speech. which he
gave in Chicago.

Islamic leaders gathered in
Chicago yesterday to celebrate the
annual Saviours' Day Convention.
Farrakhan joined the Nation of
Islam in 1955 and is attributed
with the group’s growth and de
velopment after the death of for-
mer leader Malcolm X in 1965.

community to unite despite reli-
gious differences. He called follow-
ers of Judaism. Christianity and
Islam to act in faith.

“We cannot integrate right-
eousness with wickedness," Far-
rakhan said. “We are in love with
our own filth."

Farrakhan addressed the dif-
ferences among religions by refer-
ring to the “three books that lay
the foundation; the Koran for

Farrakhan implored the black

See Farrakhan on page 2


UK junior guard Ravi Moss celebrates after the Cats' 78-71 win over Alabama in

Tuscaloosa. Ala. The win clinched Ult's 43rd Southeastern Conference title.

Cats roll Crimson Tide
with second-half surge



By Ben Roberts

'l‘liSt‘Al.()()SA. Ala
High lives and pats on the back
from every member of the [K
bencb greeted Lukasz ()brzut
as he walked olT the court after
scoring his only two points Sat»

The sophomore center had
just completed a dunk in transi-
tion to give his team a 7062 lead
and Alabama head coach Mark
Gottfried a reason to call a
timeout with 2.50 remaining.

As ()brzut joined his team»

mates in the timeout huddle.
chants of "(lo Big Blue" from
section 7. of Coleman Coliseum
drowned out the Alabama pep
band. and those in the (‘rimson
'l‘ide student section who had
been screaming and waving
shakers just an hour earlier sat
with their heads slumped and
pom-poms on the gmund.

The No. 5 Cats sustained the
lead and went on to defeat No.
16 Alabama 78-71 Saturday to
complete an improbable sect
ondrhalf comeback and capture

See Cats on page 2

Xiaoling Yang. a member of the Chinese Folk Dance Compa-
ny. performs a flying apsaras dance Friday night in the Single-
tary Center for the Arts. The event was held as part of UK‘s Cul-
tural Diversity Festival. which wraps up today. The Chinese Folk
Dance Company is America‘s premier traditional Chinese dance
company. Founded in 1973. the Manhattan-based company is in
residence at the New York Chinese cultural center in New York
City's Chinatown. Each year. the company performs at more

than 500 events.

mutant | sun

See more photos from the Cultural Diversity Festival 1 Page 3


Rowdy fans
ignite Sparks

From a corner in Coleman
Coliseum red-clad Alabama
h u r l e d
they had at
P a t r i c k
S p a r k s .
They sent
jeers and
insults his
way. and
they tossed
trash too.

soaked it
all up and
shot back
the only way he could by
nailing clutch basket after
clutch basket.

The UK junior tied a ca-
reer high with seven 3-point-
ers. and he delivered the (‘ats
their 43rd Southeastern Con-
ference Championship.

As their chants and boos

scents {birch

intensified. the fans played
right into Sparks‘ hands.

“1 like playing on the
mad.“ Sparks said. “The guys
in the locker room . it‘s
everylxxly against us. Oppos-
ing fans. they've been on me.
1 kind of like that. It‘s kind of
like your back's against the
wall —~ your guys against a
lot more guys."

Sparks led his guys to vic-
tory in a classic SEC brawl.

And in doing so. he added
another line to his growing
resume of clutch play.

Afier his fantastic finish

in UK's comeback win at
Louisville he nailed the
game-winning free throws
with less than a second on the
clock he had earned him-
self a place in UK lore.

But on Saturday. he re-
turned to The Zone and
topped himself.

“Different type of game.
same type of feeling for me."
Sparks said.

With ten minutes left in
the second half. Sparks took

After barely drawing iron
on his last 3-pointer. he pulled
up and launched a deep trey


A minute later. he had the
look in his eye as soon as he
crossed half-court 7- he was
going to shoot it. no matter
where he was.

He was trapped at the top
of the key and nearly pushed
to the ground. He kept his
dribble and headed to the far
corner. 0n the way, he strug-
gled to hang on to the ball. He
put his head down and re-
versed course.

Passing was not an op

He made it back to the top
of key and found some space.

He let another 3-pointer

“1 don‘t know why they
left me open. but I was able to
knock it down." he said.

The coliseum was sl-
lenced. and the usually stoic





PMZ I Monday. Feb. 28. 2005

Cats relish Bama’s floor

By Ben Roberts
mt ltrllrucxv lirlillri

TUSCALOOSA. Ala. . ’hibby
Smith almost always finds some-
thing his players could have done
better once he gets to his post-game
press conferences.

Whether it's rebounding. free
throw shooting or perimeter de
fense. the UK head coach rarely
leaves the podium without picking
apart at least one aspect of his
team‘s game.

But not Saturday

Not after the Cats traveled to
Tuscaloosa to snatch a victory
and the Southeastern Conference
championship ~~~~~ away from No. 16
Alabama Crimson Tide in one of
the most raucous arenas they had
seen all year.

' Not only was Smith content ,
he was downright giddy
“This is how we do it." he at-
tempted to sing. repeating the
lyrics from Montell Jordan's 1995
hit one of his players had been
reciting minutes earlier on the
Coleman Coliseum court.
“This is how we do it" symbol.
ized what UK had just done, Smith


said. Win a championship, against
a tough team. in an even tougher

“To come here and play a team
of Alabama‘s caliber i [feel as for-
tunate as anyone to get this win to
day." Smith said. “We knew it
Would take a tremendous and extra-
ordinary effort out of everyone to
day and I thought we did that to a

UK‘s celebration began in the
closing seconds of Saturday's game
when freshmen guards Ramel
Bradley and Joe Crawford removed
their warm-ups to reveal their my-
al blue jerseys with “Kentucky“
stitched across the from. As soon as
the buzzer sounded the two players
walked toward the Alabama stu-
dent section. which had been
hounding the UK bench the entire
game. pumping their uniforms
back and forth as Crawford cupped
a hand to his ear. goading the fans.

By the time the Cats filed off
the court. everyone was doing it.

"We didn't win the SEC regular
season last year. and we were just
excited about it." said junior guard
Ravi Moss. “We were in a hostile
environment it was us against


the world. and it felt really good."

Senior forward Chuck Hayes
said winning the conference title at
Alabama felt even better because of
the actions of some of the Crimson
Tide fans. Hayes said he took excep
tion to some of the catcalls from Al-
abama's student section.

“It was on the road. and there
was a lot of trash talking going on
between us and their student sec-
tion. so that made it even better."
Hayes said. “Some of the stuff they
said and some of the stuff that was
written was just inappropriate.“

As the UK players ran through
the tunnel. the taunts from the stu-
dent section morphed from verbal
abuse to plastic bottles and cups be
ing thrown down at the Cats. Arena
security was immediately dis-
patched to break up the crowd.

A minute later. after a brief ra-
dio interview. Moss had one thing
to say to the Alabama students that
stuck around to boo him.

“We‘ve got championships.
though." he informed them with a
smile as he ran off the court.





Continued from page i


Islam. the Bible for Christianity and

the Torah for Judaism.

All three religions worship the
same god, he said.

Farrakhan rebuked the

hypocrisy of religion and disap
proved of the US. war in Iraq.

“My intention is not to hurt. but
my intention is to get us to reason.
It's about making faith real."

Farrakhan argued that the
black community has allowed the
rich and the white community to
define its identity for four centuries.

“We have allowed our enemy in-
terpret us to each other. One thing
this enemy has always feared is for
the mass poor to find a leader."

Farrakhan urged the black men
and women to join the commemora-
tion of The Million Man march in
Washington DC this October.

"If you are not prepared to live
for your mission and die for your
mission. leave it alone." he said.

Lexington Community College
English sophomore Justin Fox said

he believes the Lexington commu-
nity is afraid to face ethnic diversity
“No one wants to understand
each other." he said. “We are look-
ing at the shallow end of the pool."
Fox said racial fear in communi-
ties leads to ignorance. He said he
aims to peacefully promote unity
within the black community
“There is hopelessness in the
black community," Fox said. “He
(Farrakhan) is from that. Seeing
him and what he is and how mili-
tant he is gave some people hope."
Baptist-raised freshman Can-
dace Adams. a UK biology student.
said Farrakhan‘s speech made her
reconsider her beliefs. Adams said
she was inspired to read the Koran.
“There is not specific religion."
she said. “You have to be open-
minded. It's not a religion that
makes a person. but i still believe in
God "

Fox said Farrakhan’s philoso-
phies are applicable to all lives. re
gardless of ethnicity

“You might not like what he is
saying. but you need to find perspec-
tives in what he is saying." he said.

“More people of other cultures
need to be here.“






Continued from page 1

their 43rd Southeastern Confer-
ence regular season championship.

With starting center Randolph
Morris limited to eight minutes
due to foul trouble. the seldom-
used Obrzut came of the bench to
play a career-high 22 minutes. 18 in
the second half.

“To step up like he did today
and play 22 minutes is big for us.“
said UK head coach Tubby Smith.
"He just epitomizes the type of
players we have in our program.
He works hard in practice. and we
keep encouraging him. He was
needed today. and he stepped up
and performed.“

Going into Saturday‘s game.
Obrzut had played no more than
five minutes in any SEC contest
with his season high of 12 minutes
coming in the season opener
against Coppin State.

Obrzut said he never let his
lack of playing time get him down
and was just waiting for the oppor—

tunity he was given Saturday

“I was prepared for it all year
we working hard in practice every-
day and always keeping my head
up." he said. “If you want to play
you have to do the little things. and
that's what I did. 1 know that Coach
Smith gives a chance to everybody
You just have to wait. be patient.
and your time will come sooner or

While he only scored two points
and attempted just one field goal.
Obrzut clamped down defensively
on Alabama‘s front court of Chuck
Davis and Jemareo Davidson.

Obrzut and UK forward Chuck
Hayes held Davis to two points in
the second half after the Crimson
Tide big man went four-of-four
from the field and seven-of—seven
from the free throw line for 15
points in the first half.

“I just tried to be physical with
him and not let him catch the ball."
Obrzut said. “And if he did catch it.
I waited for the trap to come and
he couldn‘t go anywhere."

As ()brzut kept the Cats (22-3.
13~1 SEC) in the game with his de-
fense. junior guard Patrick Sparks‘
second-half outburst provided UK
with its offense.

Trailing the Crimson Tide 36-29
at halftime. Sparks scored 20 of his
season—high 26 points in a second
half that saw the Cats shoot 71 per-
cent from the field and hit eight of
their 10 3-point attempts.

UK made 13-of-19 3—point shots
for the game to shoot a team-record
68.4 percent.

Alabama (21-6. 104 SEC) led by
as many as 14 points in the first
half. but the Cats managed to cut
that lead in half before the break
and used a 13-0 run midway
through the secondhalf to grab a
5047 advantage of their own.

Freshman guard Ramel
Bradley had two 3-pointers and all
seven of his points during the run.
and Sparks finished the game tying
his career high of seven 3-pointers.
with five of them coming in the
second half.

“Patrick was pretty impres-
sive." Obrzut said. “We listened be-
fore the game to the TV. and it said
Kentucky wasn‘t shooting the ball
very well this year.

“But he proved he could shoot
and he could score today"

brobertsia kykernelmm



Continued from page i


Sparks bounced around midcourt.

“All right,” he screamed as Al-
abama called another timeout.

Sparks lives for those moments
on the road, and he was going to let
everyone know.

“I don’t like to show emotion
but this is a big win for us." Sparks
said. “I was just out there playing.
having fun. That's what it‘s all

With every shot deeper and
more improbable than the last. his
3-pointers deflated the Crimson
Tide and its fans.

“You can see it in their faces.“
said UK junior forward Kelenna
Azubuike. “They're like. ‘Oh. he hit
another.’ A couple of them were

After the game. Sparks re-
turned to his quiet self. He had de-
livered his answer to the taunts.
and he left it at that. The silence in
Coleman Coliseum said it all.


Kentucky (78)
M d R1 11! M I d n b
AlubUIkP ll ‘3 l0 l 3 4 5 l t7 4 15
Hayes l') 4 8 0 0 i 2 2 2 3 9
Morris 8 I 3 0 0 0 0 O 4 0 4
Rondo 1b l 5 0 i) i) l 7 3 5 2
Sparks 30 814 7 i0 34 0 l 2 26
Moss l5 3 3 22 Z Z l 2 l 10
Bradley 8 21 Z? l 3 I 2 O 7
Carrier 4 0.0 00 00 l 0 0 O
Obrzut 2? l i 0 0 O 0 l 3 4 2
eerrt I i l l l 00 0 o l 3
Alleyne Z O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0
lhomas P L 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 i) O
(rdwlold 8 U! Ol ll 0 fl 0 (l 0
TEAM 200 2748 l3-l9llrl7i4 l9 Z4 79
Alabama (71)

m fl Ir! 3" "1 0 i II b
[lam 59 57 (ii 7.] i ) b l7
Winsiol‘r t8 i Hi 59 . .’ l 1 b [i
ildvimor ls ' ' 0 0 4 A i l 2 b
Shelton l4 4 9 i b 3 4 5 l 4 l2
Steele 40 1 i0 .‘ 7 23 5 4 l ‘0
Biurll 0 C l D l“ O (i O l I)
fell. m 2 Z l i C 0 a. 5 4 5
Johns .7 r." l i) ‘i O 0 O U f 0
lean 8

YEAH 200 24% lib l8-i9 i5 18 28 7|
My ...................... .29 49-70
Ali-n ....................... .36 35-71

field anal SilOul-lifl till bbl UA 44 9 liee throw
shooting uh n4 ’ L‘A 04 ' lerhrralx lime
Triv'irweix Lil "i Waves 4 Bradley Bi UA l l, Shelton
4 {law l 804de Viola tilt ' ‘Alleyne ii Uri l
'vaws '. Swirl“ Vwald Boudreau- in {albeit .iLle
Llltifltiy Atte’idante ‘5 Nb

Records iii N ii't ii on ,‘I c loll



Kathryn Tohill
Lauren Vogt
Rachel Watts
Lacy Wright
Emilee Young


Ceres Mackenzie Ryle

Sara Wells

Remember International Badge Day on March 7, 2005.
Wear your pin in honor of your sorority and the National Panhellenic Council.



Lauren Marion
Andrea McFall
Amanda Mills
Jennifer Nicholson
Alli Nofi

Alpha Delta Pi . Alpha Gamma Ditto Chl Omega Laura Otis
Michelle Arnold Jiflian Baker Moon Abell Leah Patterson
Sammy Arrasml'th Tara Bonistaii EM Blaeser Courtney Sims
Erin Azar Mary Katherine Bradley Gillie Camic Sarah Small
Meredith Boarman Krysia Clark Kristy Carroll Libby Wiese
Amanda Brown Lesley Fish Joanna Cato ‘

Erin Brown Heather Grant Shelby m Delta Gamma
Molly Brown Kristen Groen EM W Ellen Altevers
Cara Childers 7 Alfison Hominy) . (3* Liz Bornwasser
Whitney Collins Man W ’ ~ .. ‘ .. Karri Cambron
Mary Ellen Fortney Kerry Knapp Christy Hruska Laura Cothran

Jen Funk Claire Marker . Michelle Huber Jill Dittmer

Megan Gentry Katherine Mciflmoy Tu. Lauren Ferris
Megan George Bromine Morris W” ::.<;f'.‘ Kim Gasser

Liz Green Christina MW 3.. m . Amy Hambrick
Carrie Grimes Maggie Nestheldo mm Emily Kennedy
Brittany L. Hampton Megan Popiolarczyk mm Stephanie Logsdon
Jessica Haynes Mary Lam PM A“ m Andrea Maurer
Christyn Hegele Lindsay Bholians Emily W Kristi Nall

Jane Heiy Lindsoy Sandor: ’ ' Michellofbllock Brittany Nathanson
Andrea Hennig Launwm , Dawn Regan Shanna Preston
Sarah Hobbs Wt'tmeywm Tara Stephens Summer Schneider
Katie Kamrani Tiffany Mm Beth Strater Page Schrader
Kristen Kaufman Lora Mod Rachel Tierney

Abby Knight Ashley Woodnrll Laura Wills Delta

Erin Lampson Lindsey

Amy Lyons Alpha Omicron Pi Delta Delta Delta Lindsey

Jayme Mitchell Jamie Brown Lara Clay Brittany '

Jill Morris Joanna Day Rebecca Davenport Katie Hunter
Kelley Paige Kelsey Fort Laura DuBois LiZ Lewis

Morgan Peach Sherri Madison April Dye Sarah Orear
Sarah Sanderson Laura Nelligan Brooke Elder Arianne Piland
Jen Shaver Jenny Read Natalie Fantini Natalie Segue
Molly Smith Allison Rogers Lori Beth Hinton Brittany Stark ,
Renee Smith Kailey Schulz Jill Holloway Rebecca Tichenor '
Paige Spangler Kimberly Smith Jessica King Dayna Visse
Jennifer Spence Susie Theis Stephanie Kneisley

Lindsey Strategier Ann-Michelle Yates Alli Lamp Phi Sigma Rho

Emily Campbell
Stephanie lsaac
Emily Kilpatrick

Yekaterina Mogilevski

Caitlin Mullins


Kappa Alpha Theta
Emily Adelman

Sasha Atkins

Sarah Beard

Tyler Bell

Audrey Burrell

Laura Carroll

Elizabeth Combs

Anna Delaney
Casey Dudas
Sarah Due
Cameron Gill
Lucy Hagan
Emily Harris
Kimberly Hayth
Mary Hicks

Alex Huber
Kathryn Knapp
Lauren McElroy
Emily Schoen Q _


Allison Leet
Ashley Lindemann
Marci Palmieri
Courtney Rothman
Callie Schott
Andrea Travis

Lisa Williams

Pi Beta Phi


Kelly Anderson
Stephanie Barbadora
Kortney Bryan
Liz Charron
Christina Cosmas
Jessica Evans
Becca Griffin
Hillary Kaiser
Kelly Prendergast
Janet Stauble
Courtney Sutton
Rachel Tafel
Wen Walker


Sigma Kappa
Abble Bfm 2%
Ryan F
























 Hillary Canada
Asst. Features Editor

Phone: 251-1915
E-rnail: hcanadaOliylierneicorn

Feb. 28,2005





Alumni Association

Come Celebrate






not the main event Saturday at
Rupp Arena. It was the Ex-
treme International Ice Racing

In this picture, one of the
quad racers speeds down the

The blaring of smoke
alarms from the bikes' exhaust
fumes were barely audible
over the revving of engines in
the wings of UK’s favorite
place to watch basketball.

However basketball was

on Ice

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Best Director: Clint Eastwood, Million
Dollar Baby

Best Actor. Jamie Foxx, Ray

Best Actress: Hilary Swank, Million
Dollar Baby

Best Supporting Actor: Morgan Free-
man, Million Dollar Baby

Best Supporting Actress: Cate
Blanchett, The Aviator

Best Animated Feature Film: The In-

Best Foreign Language Film: Mar
Adentro (Spain)

Best Documentary. Born Into Broth-
els: Calcutta ’5 Red Light Kids

Best Documentary Short: Mighty
Times: The Children ’5 March

Best Original Screenplay Eternal
Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Best Adapted Screenplay: Sideways
Best Cinematography: The Aviator
Best Editing: The Aviator

Best Art Direction: The Aviator
Best Costume Design: The Aviator
Best Original Score: Finding Never-

Best Original Song: “Al Otro Lado Del
Rio" Jorge Drexler, Diarios de Moto-
cicleta (The Motorcycle Diaries)
Best Makeup: Lemony Snicket‘s A
Series of Unfortunate Events

Best Sound: Ray





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Iayed by vocal perfor-
mance sophomore Anne Fuchs, rejoices as lowers rain down during
Saturday's performance of Giacomo Puccini's Madama Butterfly at
the Lexmqton Opera House, sponsored by UK Opera.

Above: Madama Butterfly's servant Suzuki,

martian nun | surr
Below: Office of International Affairs study abroad advisor Melanie
Miller carries the flag from Senegal Friday in the Reflections on Cul-
tural Diversity Parade.



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Center Room 111

o What a Drag, I no PM, i enzw

0 Prayer Br Praise, 9:00 PM,
Chapel between the ADPi and
Tri-Delt houses off Rose Street
and Columbia

- Wesley Foundation's Bible
Study and FREE Dinner, 6:00 PM,
Wesley Foundation, 508
Columbia Ave.

0 UK ACLU Meeting, 730 PM,
Student Center, Room 231

0 UK Swing Dance Club Lessons,
8:00 PM. Tates Creek Ballroom,
1400 Gainesway Dr.

- CSF Presents 'Shrft' for
Freshman, 7:00 PM, CSF