xt71c53f1r4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1r4q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-04-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1994 1994 1994-04-25 2020 true xt71c53f1r4q section xt71c53f1r4q __,‘.,., . “a ..












Some newly elected senators
consider impeaching president


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


T.A. Jones had been named
1994-95 Student Government As-
sociation president for just a few
nninutes when the rumors began to

Some newly elected senators,
many of whom were miffed at the
presidential outcome, began tossing
around a political hand grenade -—
the possibility of immediately inn-
peaching Jones.

But Jones said yesterday that he
isn’t worried about being rebuked
before he even gets comfortable in
his new position.

“Everyone was just a little upset
because I won. It was such a big
shock," Jones said. "I think every‘

one will cool down. In fact. I'm
sure they will."

Recent relationships between
the Senate arnd the president have
bordered on the tempestuous, and
Jones may face a certain inherent
amount of ill will since he is both
an SGA outsider and a non-greek.
Yet he is confident he can smooth
out any differences that come

“I have great faith in (the sena-
tors)," the fifth-year architecture
student said. “They wouldn‘t be
doing it if they weren't serious
about serving the students. I think
that when they see how I'm run-
ning the show, they'll see that they
have their hand in it as much as I

“I want to have a new and im-

Plan could change
greek party rules


By Kate Campbell
Contributing Writer


The Interfratemity and Panhel-
lenic councils have developed a
new policy to co-sponsor fraternity
and sorority parties this fall, greek
officials say.

The joint policy includes provi-
sions to distribute alcohol only to
partygoers wearing wrist bands af-
ter they have been checked off a
guest list. Guests younger than 18
would be banned.

But the plan, which is part of the
latest revision of the IFC’s Risk
Management plan, may meet oppo-
sition when it reaches the final

“I believe that the sororities will
have no problem in passing these,
but the fraternities will," said Grant
Vorhauer, IFC executive vice pres-
ident and co-chairman of risk man-
agement task force.

Some greek members say a ma-
jor obstacle to the proposal is an
unwillingness of many fraternities
and sororities to change.

“I think some of these changes
are good, but I don't think most

people want change," said Julie
Meecham, a member of the Alpha
Gamma Delta social sorority in re-
sponse to the new plan.

In addition to enforcement of
guest lists, the plan calls for party-
goers 21 and older to wear wrist-

A policy change regarding the
distribution of alcohol also is under
consideration. There are two possi-
bilities. The first is a “bring your
own bottle" approach, under which
individuals would bring their own

The alcohol would be turned
over to greek officials as the guest
enters the party, and then it would
be redistributed to that individual
over the course of the night, as
long as he or she is of legal drink—
ing age.

The second option would be to
hire a vendor to set up a bar at the
function, serving only those 21 and

Fraternity parties that feature a
different drink in each room, called
“around the world” parties, would
be banned.

See RISK, Back Page

Enemies say Nixon
was flawed, ‘great’


By Donald M. Rothberg
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Like many
politicians, Richard M. Nixon had
enemies. But he kept a list.

Compiled by White House aides,
the Nixon Enemies List included
people as different in their politics
and lifestyles as Alabama Gov.
George Wallace and actress Jane
Fonda It also numbered members
of Congress, journalists, and lead-
ers from academia, business arnd la-

Until John W. Dean IV, Nixon's
counsel, told the Senate Watergate
Committee about the list, the peo-
ple on it didn't krnow it existed.

Manny of them now remember
the fornner president, as a flawed
nnan. But as his death Friday
placed Nixon in the headlines once


again, some others said they be-
lieve his achievements will ulti-
mately outweigh his defects.

“Watergate was horrible," said
Leonard Woodcock, who made the
list when he was president of the
United Auto Workers Union. “But
the mishandling of it by the White
House was what astonished me."

But for all that, said Woodcock,
“in the last several years, while he
was still living, people were chang-
ing their view and forgetting what
they looked upon as the bad side
and remembering the positive

Evern before he ran against Nixon
in 1972, George McGovern was on
the list.

McGovern said he thought it “a
little risky" to try to evaluate Nix-
on’s place in history. The Water-

See NIXON, Back Page




e ’ r

~Partly douay' t

onight; low around 60.


~Mild tomorrow with a chance of rain; high around 75.


proved working relationship with
the Senate."

Pan of the groundwork will be
laid this week as Jones will be
sworn in, atternd his first Senate
meeting on Wednesday and begin
to choose his executive cabinet.

That executive cabinet will be a
qualified and diverse one, Jones
promises. Jones plans to continue
his “New Spirit“ campaign —
which garnered him a broad-based
coalition of student support during
the election — into the cabinet se-
lection process.

Jones said he will consider peo-
ple already working in SGA, as
well as the other candidates who
ran for president and vice president,
especially Mark Engstrom and Mis-
ty Weaver.

“It's not going to be just a pay-
off,” Jones said of his cabinet posi-
tions. “If someone's qualified.
they‘ll be considered.“

The Charleston, SC. native


Jones anxious to start work

wants to implement some of his
ideas right away. Through vice
president Benny Ray Bailey, whose
father is a state senator, the new
president will try to set up a meet-
ing with Gov. Brereton Jones arnd
lobby for two more student seats on
the Board of Trustees, including a
community college student repre-

Jones also plans to establish an
SGA phone line that will contain a
calendar of student organization
events. And in to keep in touch
with his constituency, Jones will
stage his version of the Fireside
Chats with a weekly Sunday call-in
show on WRFL from noon to 1

The new president will move into
the SGA office this week. Make
that office/studio, as Jones plans to
bring his architectural tools with

“I'll be spending a great deal of
time down there," he said.






Communications sophomore Amelia Perkins works on nee-
dlepoint beside Kirwan Tower on Saturday.






Four students
from S. Africa
to cast ballots


By Mike McClain
Contributing Writer


Four UK students from South
Africa will depart for Atlanta to-
day to take part in history. They
plan to cast ballots in their
homeland‘s first-ever multira-
cial election.

Tomorrow‘s presidential elec-
tion did not come about without
a struggle. Thousands of black
and white South Africans have
lost their lives fighting to de-
molish the racially exclusive po-
litical structure there.

The policy of apartheid in
South Africa has long been held
in contempt on the world stage.
The white-led government, de-
spite the divestrrnent arnd trade
sanctions imposed during the
Carter and Reagan eras, only re—
cently has shown a commitment
to changing the status quo.

This new, conciliatory spirit
begs the question, “Why now?"

Martin Bosman, one of the
South African students making
the trek to Atlanta, says South

African President F.W. De
Klerk simply bowed to the inev-
itability social change.

“He chose to negotiate whites

Historic election
begins tomorrow


By Ted Anthony
Associated Press


Johannesburg's turmoil, on a
lush college campus, a young
South African woman is prepar-
ing to do something her skin col-
or denied her until now: vote.

It is an experience Tselane Mo-
kuena has craved for years —
and one she wonders if Ameri-
cans appreciate.

“I really think Americans take
their rights for granted. They
don't know what it means not to
have a vote," said Mokuena, 28,
a social work student at Bryn
Mawr College. “It’s like people
in the United States have lost

For her, hope endures. Now
years of it are coming to fruition
for the estimated half-million
South Africans living abroad. To-
morrow is the start of their na-
tion's first multiracial elections,
which run through Thursday in
South Africa. US. voting will be
limited to tomorrow.


out of power, arnd in doing this,
also negotiated a position of
power for whites in the new
South African government,"
Bosman said.

“It was a simple choice. He
chose integration over disintegra-

Bosman compared De Klerk to
the former president of the now-
dismantled Soviet Union, Mi-
khail Gorbachev. Gorbachev saw
that his Communist government
was in the preliminary stages of
dissolution, Bosman said. So be
decided to reign over the chaos
rather than watch passively.

De Klerk. a gifted politician.
also saw the writing on the wall,
Bosman said.

Bosman, a member of the
Xhosa tribe, says the people of
South Africa have united to de-
feat a common enemy despite
the agendas of various black fac-
tions, the largest of which are the
African National Congress, led
by Nelson Mandela, and the In-
katha Freedom Party. A silent
ideological war over the direc-
tion of black activism has raged
between the two groups for more

See TRIP, Back Page

The South African government
has set up polls at 21 locations
across the United States. enfran-
chisirng anyone older than 18
who has a South African pass-

“This is a first, and we are try-
ing to make sure it goes as
smoothly as possible," said Ste-
phen Grundlingh, South African
consul in New York City.

Estimates of the number of
South Africans in the United
States range from 10,000 to

“They have been a critical part
of this change. To deny them this
opportunity would be a very trag-
ic thing to do," said Joshua Ru-
bongoya, an assistant professor
of international relations at Roa-
noke College in Salem. Va.

The secret paper ballots bear
candidates‘ photos and party lo-
gos — from the African National
Congress and the National Party
to the “Keep It Straight and Sim-
ple Party." Ballots will be flown
home in sealed containers within

See ELECTION, Back Page



Hansen snags 2nd national title

podium has becomes famil-





By Ty Halpln
Sports Editor

So. you're Jenny Hansen. arnd
you‘ve just won your second corn-
secutive gymnastics rnational title.
What do you do now? Go to Dis-

“We‘re going skiing,“ Hansen
said yesterday in a telephone inter-
view from Salt Lake City. “This
has been a long year. and I'm ready
to just have some fun."

After winning the all-around
competition Thursday night in Salt
Lake City, Hansen worn two more
titles Saturday on the vault lid bal-
ance beam. She averaged a 9.9375
balance beam.

Hansen has had a long. grueling
year. After wirnning the 1993 na-
tional title with few expeaations




ferent places." Hansen said. “I
wasn't going out for the fun of it. I
felt like I had to do it. Later in the
year, I was not caring about scores
as much as l was the fun part of it."

Hansen finished the year with a
flurry. She won the NCAA South-
east Regional with near perfection
before heading to nationals. Still,
Hansen felt the heat before winning
her second title.

“I was nervous because I didn't
want to let anyone down," she said.
“I ptnt so much pressure on my-

Going into the final two events,
Hansen had plenty of pressure on
her. She needed to average 9.9 on
the balance bean and the floor ex-
ercise to win the title.

“I didn‘t know what I needed to
get, and that probably helped me
out," Hansen said.

Fellow Gym Cat Robin Ewing
placed 39th irn the champiornships.
on bus. Ewing. who finished with
a 37.650 overall. said she is ready

for the season to be over.

“Much more of that. and I'd be
in a walker," Ewing said. referring
to the yearlong pounding she has
put on her body.

At the start of the season, Ewing
had a goal of reaching nationals.
Now that's she’s reached tlunt pla-
teau, she's ready for a new chal~

“I want to get back here arnd im-
prove individually." she said. “I
would like to finish in the Top 16
next yes." The Top 16 all-
arounders are classified as All-
Americans by the NCAA.

Ewing, a freshman. enjoyed per-
forming in the long shadow cast by

“There wasn't any pressure on
me this yet," Ewing said. “I
didn‘t have to worry about answer-
ing many questions like Jenny
does. They just hound her.”

As for Hansen, next season prob-
ably will test her consistency a

See GYM. Page 3

.J' e




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M -a—.—...-.


2; Kentucky ma, Mona-y, split as, 1904





1’ Hit’





IIII srunatr Ill scuriiutt



APRiL 25

8-10:00 a.m. UN4 'N 80‘

103m~121lem UN4 T”

12300 pm. UN4 '0 & R"

3-7:30 pm. Any previous
scheduling conflicts


8-11 am. UN4 'S, T, U.

& V'

11 am.-21)0 pm. UN4 "W'

23:00 pm. UN4 'X. Y. a
3-7:30 pm. Any previous
scheduling conflicts


8 a.m.-6:30 pm. ALL


8 amt-6:30 pm. ALL

8 a.m.-6:30




800M 208





Monday. April 25

William Pruett, Jr.
Collection: Watercolors
By Paul Sawyler and
Robert Burns Wilson:
UK Art Museum, (thru
summer 1994)

Parsley: Master of Fine
Arts Thesis Exhibition,
Center for Contemporary
Art, Fine Arts Building.
1st floor, FREE (thru

EXHIBIT: Folly & Grace:
Mythic Paintings by
Daniel Ludwig: UK Art
Museum, (thru 06/05)

Tuesday. April 26

"Superwoman 2001 "
Sponsored by Central
Baptist Hospital, 7:00
pm, Singletary Center
for the Arts, Concert Hall,
Tickets are $5, CALL

Friday. April 29

Lexington Men's Chorus:
8:00 pm, Singletary
Center for the Arts,
Recital Hall, CALL 257-

Saturday, April 30

K.M.E.A. High School
Band Festival: 8:30
a.m.-5:00 p.m., Singletary
Center for the Arts,
Concert and Recital
Halls, FREE

Sine Nomine Singers:
"Made in America“ 8:00
pm, Singletary Center
for the Arts, Recital Hall,
Tickets are $10 and $8,
CALL 257-4929


Tuesday. April “6


Kentucky Wildcats
Baseball vs Louisville,
7:00 pm, Louisville

Worltitmrlav April .’ 1‘

Kentucky Wildcats
Baseball vs Murray State,
5:30 pm, Elizabethtown

lllli"~(l.IV April . ‘9.

UK Women's Tennis:
SEC Championship,

Fayetteville, Ark, (thru


Friday. April 29

UK Men's Golf Team:
Keppler invitational,
Ravenna, Ohio (thru

Saturday, April 30

Kentucky Wildcats
Baseball vs Vanderbilt,
1:00 pm, Lexington


Monday. April 25

Catholic Newman Center
Daily Mass Services:
12:10 pm, 320 Rose
Lane, Call 255-8566

UK Judo Club: 5:30-6:00
pm, Alumni Gym Loft,
CALL 255-2625

Aikido Classes: 8:00
pm, Alumni Gym Lott,
CALL 269-4305

Tuesday, April 26

Catholic Newman Center:
Student Night (CN2); 320
Rose Ln, 7:30 pm, CALL

Department of
Biochemistry Seminar:
Analysis of the
Enzyme. UDP-GIcNAc:
Dolichoi-P GLcNAC-1-P
Transferase', UK Medical
Center, 4:00 pm, MN 463

Wednesday. April 27

Holy Communion: St.
Augustine's Chapel, 12:00
8: 5:30 pm. CALL 254-3726
Aikido Classes: 8:00
pm, Alumni Gym Loft,
CALL 269-4305

UK Judo Club: 5:30-6:00
pm, Alumni Gym Loft,
CALL 269—4305






.. - wauwmw-m«mw ..

lIILIIbLittV April {ti

Christian Student
Fellowship "Thursday
Night Live' Praise
Program: 7:30 pm, on
the corner of Woodland
and Columbia, CALL

Campus Crusade for
Christ; 7:30 pm,
Student Center, Small
Ballroom, FREE

Co-ed Community
Service Fraternity
Meeting: 7:00 pm,
Student Center, Rm. 228,
CALL 278-2456

SAB Amphitheatre
Lecture Series: Dr.
Karen Mingst, UK
Political Science
Department, “US.
Foreign Policy in the
Post-Cold War Era” 5:00
pm, Free and open to
the public and
participants are
encouraged to bring a
picnic dinner. if there is
bad weather, the events
will be moved indoors to
room 231 in the Business
and Economics building.
CALL 257-8867

Friday, April 29

Department of
Biochemistry Seminar:
'Lipid Peroxidation and
Aging: Modification of
Protein by 4-Hydroxy-2-
nonenal", 10:00 a.m., UK
Medical Center, MN 563

Saturday. April 30

Aikido Classes: 4:00
pm, Alumni Gym Loft,
CALL 269-4305

Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Service:
320 Rose Lane,

6:00 pm, CALL 255-

Sunday, Apr1131

Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Services:
320 Rose Lane, 9:00 &
11:30 a.m., 5:00 & 8:30
pm, CALL 255-8566

Catholic Newman Center
Spaghetti Dinner- All You
Can Eat: $2, after the
5:00 pm. mass service,
CALL 276-4010

Holy Communion: St
Augustine's Chapel,
10:30 a.m. & 5:30 pm,
CALL 254-3726

Aikido Classes: Alumni
Gym Loft, 1:00 pm,
CALL 269-4305





.aw..........m».~.- _, - ,

ty’s College of Agriculture.

in at 257-1299.


Forum for review of Ag college planned for Wednesday


A public forum is scheduled at Seay Auditorium Wednesday at 1 pm. as part of a review of the Universi-

The forum is intended to give the public a voice in the current and future direction of the college.

Each forum begins with an open session. Then individual groups will meet with each of the four review
subcommittees — planning and evaluation, degree program planning and evaluation, future direction of the
college and performance of the dean.

Everyone interested in the college and its programs is invited to attend the forum. Students who cannot at-
tend, but who want to discuss any aspect of the college, may contact review committee chairman Lyle Sedle-





Kernel wins KIPA awards


Staff report


The Kentucky Kemei received
awards for every section of the
newspaper, including first-place
honors in six categories, during a
statewide awards banquet this

The Kentucky Kernel won a total
of 3] awards at the Kentucky Inter-
collegiate Press Association con-
vention in Morchead, Ky. The or-
gani7ation is made up of
newspapers from nearly every four-
and two-year college and university
in the state.

Executive Editor Dale Greer won
first place for a news story on the
sentencing of a UK student arrested
for an attempted rape at a fraternity
house, and Staff Writer Brian Ben-
nett won first place for a special se-
ries on the hiring of women and mi-
norities at the University.

Staff Writer Eric Mosolgo won
first place in sports column writing
and Staff Writer John Abbott cap-
tured first place for an album re—
view in the ans section.

Other first place awards went to
News Editor Lance Williams for ed-

itorial writing and Jeff Burlew, a
former Kentucky Kernel photogra-
phy editor, for photo essay.

The Kentucky Kernel also re-
ceived two awards for continuing
news stories. Greer, Williams,
Sports Editor Ty Halpin and Editor
in Chief Tyrone Beason won sec-
ond place for coverage of a campus
suicide last spring. Eight staffers
combined for third place on a series
of Black History Month stories last

In the features and diversions sec-
tion, Ans Editor Nina Davidson and
David Lavender, a former Ken-
tucky Kernel ans editor, both won
honorable mentions for personalin
profiles, and Williams won second
place for a feature story.

Lavender finished third in the re-
view category with Staff Writer
Matthew DeFoor winning an honor-
able mention. Abbott won second
place for a general interest column
and Reason finished third.

The Kentucky Kemel sports sec-
tion won several awards, including
a second-place sports game story
for Bennett and a second-place
sports feature story for Halpin. Hal-
pin also won a third-place award for



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sports news. John Kelly, a former
Kentucky Kernel sports editor, won
an honorable mention award. Mark
Sonka, a former Kentucky Kernel
staff writer. won an honorable men-
tion for a sports column.

Several layout awards went to
the Kentucky Kernel, including a
third-place finishes for front page
design and for a spring 1993 sports
page layout, and honorable men-
tions for layouts of a fall 1993
sports page and a feature page.

Joe Braun, a former Kentucky
Kernel editorial editor, won a sec-
ond-place award for opinion page

The 1993-94 basketball preview
won a second-place award for best
special section and Tyrone John-
ston, a former Kentucky Kernel de-
sign editor, won a second-place
award for informational graphics.

Staff photographer James Crisp
captured third-place awards for
photo essay and news photo.

Dennis Bonifer won a second-
place award for a Kentucky Kernel
house advertisement.



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QB situation still in limbo

Curry remains
undecided, but
Speedy in first


By Doc Purcell
Statl Writer


Entering Saturday's Blue-White
scrimmage, the battle for the UK
football team's top quarterback
spot was wrought with question

And at the conclusion of the ac-
tion, little had changed, leaving
Wildcat head coach Bill Curry all
summer to ponder the answers.

“(The quarterback battle) is
cloudy in terms of who will be
ready come August," he said.

“I don‘t know the answer to

With incumbent starter Pookie
Jones considering concentrating
on a pro baseball career and ulti-
mately ending his run with the UK
football program, the Cats signal-
caller race has four chief contend-

But, according to Curry, none
made a strong case for the starting
job during the weekend’s contest,
a $942 defensive victory, scored
by way of a complicated system
devised by the Wildcat coaching


Here's a brief summary of the
candidates and their performances:

~Redshirt sophomore Jeff
Speedy, a Franklin Tenn., native,
entered Saturday's match-up sit-
ting atop the depth chart at the
quarterback slot, and he continues
to hold that sought-after position.
Before being the victim of a brutal
hit by free-safety Melvin Johnson
in the second quarter, Speedy
completed four of his six pass at-
tempts for a miniscule 31 yards
and tossed one interception.

While his passing stats weren’t
overly impressive, he was a bit
more productive on the ground,
rushing six times for a total of 40

-Redshirt freshman Matt Hob-
bie, who is currently holding down
theAback-up role, seemed to make
little progress in his bid for the top
spot during the scrimmage as he
turned in passing and rushing stats
that were mediocre at best.

He completed 50 percent of his
pass attempts (10 of 20) but only
for 33 yards, while rushing nine
times for 40 yards.

Those stats, coupled with three
interceptions, made for a less-
than-desirable outing.

oRedshirt freshman Billy Jack
Haskins stands third among the
Cats’ quarterback hopefuls, but his
stats didn't reflect it.

The Paducah native completed

Trumbo tricky


By Brett Dawson
Assistant Sports Editor

Troy Tmrnbo could do without
the first few months of the base-
ball season.

Trumbo, who pitched masterful-
ly down the stretch last season,
was back to his old tricks yester-
day in pitching a gem to give UK
(23-18, 6-7 Southeastern Confer-
ence) a 6-1 win
over Florida (28-
15, 11-3). "

it was the Wild-
cats' second
straight win over
the Gators after
dropping the
opening game of
the three-game se-
ries 15-6 on Fri-
day. The Cats
beat UF 11-5 Sat- '
urday afternoon.

Trumbo pitched
his first career
complete game,
giving up eight ,
hits and striking
out seven to move
his record to 2—4.

UK and Florida



home run from catcher Brad Hin-

UK leftfielder Chad Green,
known more for the speed of his
feet than that of his stick prior to
this weekend, hit a two-run shot in
the fifth, his second home run in
as many days.

After Jeff Abbott walked on
four pitches, third baseman Chris
Gomalez hit a mammoth two-run
dinger to left to
cap off a four-run
UK inning.

The homer was
Gonzalez's third
in two games and
his 13th of the

Florida’s Chan
Perry led off the
top of the seventh
with a long home
run to left off
Trumbo. Perry’s
seventh homer of
the year out the
UK lead to 5-1.

The Cats added
insurance in the
eighth when Ed-
die Brooks


JAMESCRISP/Kornol Siam knocked in Hin-

played spectacu- ON A ROLL: UK's Chris Gon- “6'5““ with a

'3' defense in Yes‘ zalez ls congratulated after a
home run on Saturday.

terday’s game.
The first two
games of the se-
ries had been marred by 13 errors
between the two teams.

The Gators didn’t make an error
yesterday, and the onlv UK mis-
cue, second baseman Chip Rhea’s
boot of a sharp grounder, turned
into an out as Rhea recovered and
fired to‘the plate to nail Florida’s
Brandon Marsters on his way to
home plate.

Though the defense was work-
ing, neither team could shift into
the high offensive gear each had
seen earlier in the series. UK
scored first on a first-inning solo

sacrifice fly, the
only run of the
game that didn't
score via the
home run.

Despite the long ball show, the
real story yesterday was Trumbo.
The sophomore, who was expect-
ed to be among the SEC’s finest
pitchers this season, entered the
game with an ERA of 6.92.

“My curveball was coming
along today, and my fastball, ve-
locity wise, was back," Tmmbo
said. “l just really felt great when l
was out there pitching today.”

Trumbo was spurred on by the
largest and most vocal UK home
crowd of the year, including a





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SPEEDY DELIVERY: UK quarterback Jett Speedy leads the

tight race for the starting spot.

seven of his eight throws for 86
yards and one interception. He
made little impact on the ground,
however, running just one time for
no gain.

-Junior Eric Gray, a City Col-
lege of San Francisco transfer,
showed flashes of brilliance
throughout the game.

His stats help solidify the claim
that he has a rifle arm, completing

ing an 60 yard bomb to receiver
Donnie Redd. It was obvious that
Gray was unfamiliar with the sys-
tem, however, as 10 of his pass at-
tempts fell incomplete.

Curry said the winner of the
quarterback battle will hinge a
great deal upon who works hardest
this summer — a season that
should provide the answers the
coach is waiting for.




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four passes for 122 yards, includ-

as Cats Win 6-1

large group from Danville High
School, Trumbo’s alma mater.

“I had butterflies at the begin-
ning, seeing everybody from my
hometown that l hadn‘t seen in a
while," Trumbo said. “After i got
the first inning over, I felt real

Trumbo walked only two and
worked out of several jams with
strikeouts. But perhaps the most
impressive statistic of the day was
his pitch count — only 102 pitches
in nine innings of work.

“This is the way Troy pitched
down the stretch last year,” UK
head coach Keith Madison said.
“We’ve been patient with him and
hoping that he'd do the same
thing, and he’s been gradually do-
ing that over the last two or three


-Abbott grounded out in the
first, then walked three straight


Continued from Page 1

she drives for a three-peat. Be-
sides such an astounding feat,
Hansen also is chasing the
record for most career gymnas-
tics championships.

Utah’s Missy Marlowe has
won five national champion-
ships. With this year’s three ti-
tles, Hansen now totals four.
Hansen has two years of eligi-
bility remaining.

“This year was so different,
so dynamic," Hansen said. “l’m
glad I won. I’m also glad its
over because l’m tired.”

Hansen climbed all the
mountains put in her way this
year. It may be somewhat fit-




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times, snapping his hitting streak
at l6 games. The Gators pitched
around Abbott all day but got
burned on Gonzalez‘s two run
shot in the fifth.

“This team made a statement
loud and clear that you can’t pitch
around anybody on this team,"
Madison said.

~Madison likened his team’s re-
cent run to last year‘s squad. The
Cats were l4~l4 at one point this
year but have reversed their for-
tunes over the past few weeks in
hopes of making the journey to
post-season play.

“At one point last year we were
3-9 in the SEC, but we came back
and finished second in the touma-
ment and got an NCAA at-large
bid," Madison said. “This is a
team that i