xt71c53f1q6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1q6b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1987 1987 1987-03-31 2020 true xt71c53f1q6b section xt71c53f1q6b  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl. No. 124

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Waite 1971



UK to lose $8.1 million in federal student aid

Staff Writer

The past 10 years has been a peri-
od when student borrowing to fi-
nance college has increased fivefold.
That could soon change.

If President Ronald Reagan‘s pro-
posed cuts in student financial aid
are passed, more than 4,000 UK stu-
dents would stand to lose more than
$8 1 million in federal aid.

According to a report issued by
the American Council on Education.
Reagan's 1988 fiscal budget calls for

an overall 46 percent cut in student
finacial aid.

Bobby Halsey. associate director
of financial aid at UK, said the elim—
ination of these programs would
have a devastating effect on both
students on the Lexington campus
and in each one of UK's 14 commu-
nity colleges.

The proposal is part of the Reagan
administration‘s overall budget plan
unveiled last January. If Congress
adopts the proposal, $2.7 billion
would be cut from the Pell Grant
program for the 198889 school year.

More than 1 million students
would lose eligibility for the grant.

Pell Grants would be allocated
only to students and families with
incomes under $20,000 in fiscal 1988.

Lexington campus students and
community college students would
lose a combined $3.8 million in Pell
Grant aid.

The proposal would also eliminate
four major programs ~ College
Work-Study. Supplemental Educa-
tion Opportunity Grants. Direct Stu-
dent Loans and State Student Incen-
tive Grants.

In addition to these cuts for fiscal

year 1988, the Reagan administra-
tion is asking the federal govern-
ment to reconsider the tentative
funding decisions it has made to in-
stitutions for the fall of 1987.

Cutting the Work-Study Program
would affect 1,700 UK students, who
would lose an excess of $1.3 million.

The elimination of the Supplemen-
tal Education Opportunity Grant
Program would affect 1,670 students
who would lose $612,314.

In addition to these cuts, Reagan's
proposal would also wipe out several
smaller graduate fellowship pro~


Weighting around


Scott Willatt. an accounting freshman. lifts weights yesterday at-
ternoon in the conditioning room at the Seaton Center. The Sea-

ton Center is open to UK students until 11:00 pm. Monday
through Thursday and until 9:00 on Fridays.




LKD week
kicks off

Senior Staff Writer

This rain turning to snow might be
unusual these days. but when the
sky yields 3.000 pingpong balls at
noon tomorrow in front of the Office
Tower. don‘t be surprised.

The Student Activities Board has

SAB‘s pingpong ball drop from the
top of the Office Tower will once
again signal the start of the Blst
Little Kentucky Derby week. five
days of events planned by the board
to raise money for scholarships and
commemorate the real Derby of
Kentucky fame.

LKI) week gets under way at noon
tomorrow and ends 5 pm. Sunday.

Specially marked pingpong balls
gathered during tomorrow's drop
can be redeemed for prizes (such as
record a'bums. tanning sessions and



campus courtyards

from Commonwealth Stadium.



Tomorrow -— Pingpong ball drop and announcement of 10
Derby Princess finalists; noon, in front of the Patterson Office

Run for the Rose preliminaries; 4 pm, north and south

Thursday —— Run for the Rodents; noon, Student Center patio.

Run for the Rose finals and announcement of five Derby
Princess finatists: 4:30 p.m., Clifton Circle.

Opening day of the Carnival. it will run from 7 to 10 pm. on
Thursday and Friday; noon to 10 pm. on Saturday; and noon to
5 pm. Sunday in the Commonwealth Stadium parking lot.

Friday - UK Day at Keeneland; all day.
Saturday - LKD Fun Run; registration from 8 to 9 a.m.; race
begins at 9:1 5 at Commonwealth Stadium.

Band festival; 1:30 to 6 pm. at SS. Goodbam field. across

Crowning of LKD Princess, during band festival.
Hot air baloon race; 5 pm. at E.S. Goodbarn field.



weekend getaways) at the carnival
information desk on Saturday.

“The basic purpose is to raise
money for scholarships.“ but
through the years the week has be-
come an early celebration of Ken—
tucky Derby activities. said Missy
Derifield, LKD‘s chairwoman.

Certain events have long been, or
are becoming, LKD traditions. Deri-
field said, and this year SAB wants
to contribute to this sense of tradi-

“Last year was an overwhelming
success in attendance and partici-

Scc LKI). back page

grams at UK that are worth an addi-
tional $2 million.

In place of these programs. the
Reagan administration has designed
a contingent loan program.

This program would require stu-
dents to pay back loans. based on
the borrower's income after gradua~

Halsey said the program would re-
quire the institution to keep track of
the borrower. which he said would
be unmanageable.

The impact could be feltby univer~
sitirs and colleges across the nation.
thereby creating opposition against

the Reagan administration's pro-
posed cuts, Halsey said.

"M05! people feel Congress will
not go along with the proposal."
Halsey said “However. we are say»
ing let‘s not turn a deaf ear to this.
these things can slip under the
cracks "

Halsey said L'K has written Ken-
tucky's representatives in the House
and Senate. urging them to vote for
more federal financial aid

Students are encouraged to file
their financial aid forms by tomor

Budget cuts planned
for music school

Staff Writers

The possible effects of budget cuts
on the UK School of Music were dis-
cussed in an open forum yesterday
afternoon by about 100 members of
the School of Music.

The forum, held in the reception
room of the UK Center for the Arts,
was organized to dispel nimors say-
ing that the marching band will be
terminated and to explain the rea-
sons behind the proposal to indefi~
nitely freeze two positions in the
program, said Alan Hersch. the
School of Music's director.

“The program is not being phased
out.“he said.

Instead, the School of Music in-
tends to cut the assistant marching
band director and the jazz saxa-
phone instructors' position. Hersch

Last year. Hersch said UK suf-
fered budget cuts that reduced pro‘
posed faculty salary increases from
7 percent to 3 percent.

“There‘s a nasty rumor running
around that there‘s going to be a
second budget cut because the state
revenue is not yet going to cover
next year‘s budget," he said.

In anticipation of this “rumored"
budget cut, the Lexington campus
“is filling approximately 50 percent
of the open positions that we have
currently open.” said James Chap~
man. assistant vice chancellor for
resource management.

"There were seven of those posi-
tions that were open in the College
of Fine Arts next year. five of them
in the School of Music. a pretty fair
number." Hersch said. “When this

second budget cut came down and it
was decided to freeze «hiringI for
these positions. pending some deci»
sion about what could happen with
revenue next year “

Some faculty and students said
they consider the marching band a
major asset to the University

“I think that the decision that Dr.
Hersch has made in this situation
will have a serious detrimental ef-
fect on the quality of l'K band,"
said John Menkhaus. Student Goya
ernment Association fine arts sen-

Hersch said that in comparison to
the other positions. the assistant
marching band position was mainly
a recreational activity. \\hereas the
others were academic necessities
and already badly in need of new

”It's a question of priorities."
Hersch said.

But Menkhaus. who along with nu-
merous Fine Arts students were dis
tressed that no student input was
sought. said this is a ”priority."

"This band. numerous times in the
past, has been on national television
representing this University ."
Menkhaus said. “It‘s not just a mat-
ter of the band. it‘s a matter of the
University. I think this decrsion was
somewhat premature on Dr.
Hersch's part,"

Dale Warren. the assistant band
director whose position is to be {me
zen. said he was concerned about
the decision.

"I feel sorry for Mr ('lark ilhe
band's directorl who will have to do
the job himself , it can't be done.”
Warren said.

A&S changes degree requirements

Senior Staff Writer

The College of Arts and Sciences
is changing its degree requirements,
but most probably won‘t be able to
tell the difference.

The change in the requirements
for either a bachelor of arts or a
bachelor of sciences degree came
about because of the adoption of a
new University Studies Program,
which will go into effect for the fall
of 1988.

However, the new UK degree re-
quirements are very similar to the
old Arts and Sciences requirements.
said John Christopher, associate
dean of the college.

The new University Studies Pro—
gram will require all UK students to
follow a program consisting of a
math requirement, 3 foreign lan-
guage requirement and courses in
natural and social sciences and the

In addition, all students must take
courses to fulfill the cross-discipli-
nary and crosscultural require-
ment. The new program will replace

the seven areas which now com-
prises the General Studies Program.

“There is effectively no change"
in the Arts and Sciences degree re-
quirements other than that they are
restated “in terms of the new Uni.
versity Studies Requirements and
the subdisciplinary areas,“ said Mi-
chael Baer, dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences.

Besides fulfilling the University
Studies Program, Arts and Sciences
students will have to complete four
semesters in one language or com-
plete three semesters of one, and
two semesters of another; six hours
in each of the natural and social sci-
ences, in addition to the six hours
required to complete those areas.

Students will also be required to
complete six hours in humanities. in
addition to the six hours necessary
to complete the humanities section
of the program.

If appropriate. courses used to
satisfy those disciplines can also ful-
fill the cross-disciplinary and cross-
cultural requirements.

“Students will have to be very
careful about where a course can
double count and where (it) can‘t

Indiana captures NCAA title on Smart’s jumper

Sports Editor

NEW ORLEANS — More than five
months ago. 290 Division I schools
set out on a mission.

last night. before an NCAA re-
cord-setting crowd of 64,959 at the
Superdome. Indiana ended the mis-

II' guard Keith Smart twisted free
with four seconds left and hit a 12-
loot jumper to give the Hoosiers a
7473 victory over Syracuse and In-
diana its fifth NCAA title.

"I was glad it went in,“ said
Smart. who finished with 21 points.
“I was praying it went in and it did.
That‘s what matters. I just went to
thespot andthatwasit.”

Smart teamed with All-American
Steve Alford to give the Hoosiers ex-

plosive guard production throughout
the night.

Alford hit seven of 10 three-point
shots and finished with a game—high
23 points. The Hoosier backcourt duo
also dished out 11 assists while Syra-
cuse had just 14.

The victory gave Indiana coach
Bobby Knight his third NCAA
crown, a record bettered only by
UCLA‘s John Wooden and Ken-
tucky‘s Adolph Rupp.

Wooden won 10 titles in the late
198th and early '7tB. During his ten—
ure at UK, Rupp captured four.
Knight's other two championships
came in 1976 and 1981.

Indiana was able to set up the win-
nirg shot after Syracuse freshman
Greg Coleman missed the front end
of a mend-one with 28 seconds re-
maining. .

Daryl Thomas pulled down the re-

bound for the Hoosiers and Indiana
streaked up court to set up its final

"We were going to call timeout if
he made both," Alford said. “But
when he missed it. we wanted to
come down and shoot the ball with
10 seconds to go so they wouldn‘t
have enough time to get a shot off."

Syracme had set up in a box-and-
one deferse with the major concern
being Alford.

“We were just trying to contain
their perimeter players." Syracuse
senior forward Howard 'I‘riche said.
“We were successful for a little
while and the ball kept going in and
back out.

“I was playing on the top side and
Smart just went down in the corner
and hit the shot."

Syracuse tried frantically to call a

timeout. but three seconrk ticked off
before the officials stopped play.

“Both Howard and I signaled
timeout, and I thought there were
about three seconds left,“ said Greg
Monroe, who scored 12 points for the

Syracuse's lastsecond desperation
heave was picked off by Smart, who
was named the Most Valuable Play-
er of the tournament.

Syracuse, which closed out the
season at 31-7, led by three, 73-70,
when 'I‘riche hit the front end of the
one-and-one with 38 seconds left.

Smart pulled down the rebound
after 'I‘riche missed the secmd free
throw and raced up court, sliding
through the Syracuse defame for a
short jumper in the paint.

After an Indiana timeout with so
seconds left. Smart fouled Coleman

on the inbounds play, setting the
stage for Coleman’s miss.

Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim said
it wasn‘t Coleman‘s fault that his
team fell short.

“It wasn‘t a foul shot that lost the
game," he said. “It came down to
have it.“

Syracme opened up its largest
lead, 52-44. when 'l‘riche hit a 10-foot-
or with 13:13 left to end a seven-
point Orangeman run.

Indiana then ran off eight straight
points of its own, and when Smart
sliced between two Syracmc defend-
ersforalayup, IU led 54-52.

Syracuse went back out in front on
freetla-owsbySherman Douglas.

The Orargemen opened up five-
point lead: twice before Smart and

SeclNDIANA. Pagcz

double count." said Don Gross. pro-
fessor of political science and chair-
man of the Arts and Sciences Col-
lege Council. where the changes
were discussed

The proposed changes must first
be approved by the College Assem-
bly. which will discuss them in its
meeting at 3 pm today in 118 Class‘
rom Building.

The College Assembly will also
consider a voluntary suspension of
the bachelor of general studies de-
gree for two years

Christopher said the general stud-
ies degree [5 considered a "soft de-
gree" because it required either ful-
filling a math requirement or a
foreign language requirement. but
not both

"It doesn‘t have a very solid repu-
tation in or out of the l‘niversity.”

Gross also said the number of stu-
dents trying to fulfill a bachelors in
general studies degree had fallen
greatly during the past few years.

Christopher said the new program
makes a bachelors in general stud-
ies obsolete, because students must
fulfill all the requirements.




 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL, Tuoodly. March 31, 1987

.e s'%


(0111111qu from Page i

Altord mounted an 1U charge to
knot the score at 61.

"Syracuse made a tremendous ef»
fort right there to come back on top
of the ball game," Knight said
"l‘ve always had a tendency to be
afraid when you reach a tie or get
ahead after making a run of your
own. That‘s when you have to be

The game was tied four times
oier the next four minutes until
Triehe hit a jumper with 56 seconds
lett tor a 72~70 Syracuse lead. Smart
missed on Indiana‘s next possession
and 'l‘riciie was instantly fouled by

liidiana culled timeout and Triche
then hit the tront end of the one~and~
one tor the threepoiiit lead.

lndiana. co~Big Ten champions
mth Purdue (15—31. Closed out the
season \Vlih an overall record of 30-



to tn-



1 3

i l

i 5





Contributing Writer


ATHENS, Ga. —- With a composite
meet average of 181.9, the UK Wild-
cat gymnasts broke into this week’s
top 20 as the No. 19 team in the na-

UK‘s entry into the national poll
was prompted by a 180.95 team total
in the Southeastern Conference
Championships in Athens, Ga. this

The score, which placed the Kats
sixth, was their best-ever league
title mark and posted a school re-
cord for a road score.

Because the SEC is one of the top
conferences in the nation, the Wild-
cats were not dejected with their
overall finish.

“We’re not disappointed," Coach
Leah Little said. “We wanted a 180
road score.

“The conference meet does not
qualify you for anything,” she said.
”It‘s like any other meet. It‘s just
bragging rights. Nothing is at




Player min N
Altord 40
Smart 35
Seven 33
CdllOwdy 14
’mmas 40
Motor 4
E y 13


Team 4

7 i2 35 20 17 74



7 ctals

Hal”:r“e manna 34 33 Three-point goals Syr
arose 4 "J Monroe, 2 8 Douglas 2-2l indiana 7
‘1 tAl'OVC ’ ‘t. Smart 0 ii Shooting percent
ages Syracuse 483 Indiana 484 Free throw
percentages Syracuse 55 0 Indiana 58 3 Tech:
meals none Turnovers Syracuse 14 Indiana 11
OMCials Joe Forte Nolan Fine Jody Silvester Al
tendance 64 959




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Caution: Star Wars May Be Hazardous

To Your Health

A public lecture

By Christine Cassel, M.D.

Junior Kendall Lucas led the Kats
with a 36.85 performance in the all-
around, missing an All-SEC selec-
tion by less than two-tenths of a

“We did great," said Lucas. “We
just have a tough conference.

“If you‘ve gotta be sixth, it’s bet-
ter to be at the bottom of the barrel
while in the top bunch.“

Georgia, the No. l-ranked team in
the nation and defending SEC cham-
pion, posted an SEC meet record of
189.4 to capture the 1987 conference

Florida, ranked 15th in the nation,
took second place with a 185.65
score, edging out third-ranked Ala-
bama. No. 9 LSU placed fourth in
the meet with a score of 184.45.

UK lost out to let-ranked Auburn
in a battle for fifth place.

The Kats were ahead of both LSU
and Auburn early in the competi-
tion, but could not hold on to the
lead. LSU overtook UK after the
second rotation.

The Kats then scored below their

season average on the floor exercise

with a 44.65, enablirg Auburn to
gaintheupper hand.

Little, however. was not convinced
her team deserved the sixth-place

“Our sport is very subjective and
you've got to take what you can
get,” said Little. “I thought we did
well enough to place third or fourth.

Wildcat gymnasts break into nation’s top 20

“We just were not rewarded for

After a meet at West Virginia Sat-
urday. the Wildcats head for the re-
gionals, which will be held April 11
in Gainesville, Fla.

There, the Kats will hope to qual-
ify for the 12-team field that will ad-
vance to the national competition,
April 25 in Salt Lake City, Utah.








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KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, March 31,1967 - 3







Associated Press

[.08 ANGEU‘IS Oliver Stone‘s
Vietnam War epic. “Platoon." cap-
tured top honors at the Academy
Awards last night by taking the best
picture Oscar. while Stone himself
took the award for best director

Paul Newman, the sentimental far
vorite. finally picked up the best
actor award after he received his
seventh nomination this year for
“The (Tolor of Money " Newman
won a special Oscar last year for his
career achievements

Marlee Matlin, a deal performer
making her film debut, won the best
actress Oscar for "(‘hildren of a
Lesser Hod" yesterday, while
Woody Allen's "Hannah and Iler Sis»
let‘s" brought him an award for best
screenplay and supporting acting
honors to Dianne Wiest and Michael

"To tell you the truth I didn't pre
pare for this speech, but I definitely
want to thank the Academy." said
Matlin. delivering her speech by
sign language

She played a wordless cleaning
woman who learns to conquer lier
rage with the help of a teacher
played by William Hurt. who pre
sented the Oscar and who is her
boyfriend in real life

“Gee, this isn‘t like I imagined it
would be in the bathtiili.‘ said the

Eighth time Newman’s charm in Oscars


“Gee, this isn't like I
imagined it would be in

the bathtub."
Dianne Wiest,
best supporting actress

exuberant Kansas City-born Wiest
as she collected her first Oscar from
her first nomination at the 59th an-
nual Academy Awards.

Wiest played the would-be actress
sister Holly, while Came, who was
not present to accept his first
award. played a philandering hus-
band in Allen's comedy about af-
fluent Manhattan neurotics.

The award to Allen. who as usual
shunned the nationally televised cer-
emonies, temporarily upstaged
Stone. writer and director of the
hemin favored “Platoon." That
searing depiction of the brutalizing
effects of the Vietnam War picked
up an early Oscar for best sound.

“A Room With a View." a comedy
of manners set in turnbf-thecentury
England and Italy. won three early
awards for cOstume design, art di-
rection and for Ruth Prawer Jhab-
vala‘s adaptation of EM, Forster‘s
novel ”Room“ had tied “Platoon"
for most nominations with eight.

Steven Spielberg, director of

\ .


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“Jaws." “E..T’ and other blockbus-
ters. received a standing ovation
from the audience as he stepped up
to accept the Irving Thalberg award
for contributions to the industry.

“I'm resisting like crazy using
Sally Field’s line of two years ago."
said Spielberg, whose ”The Color
Purple" was rejected by voters last
year in every category for which it
was nominated. Field, in claiming
an acting Oscar for “Places in the
Heart" in 1985, gushed: “You LIKE



3...“ I


“Aliens," a sci-fi sequel about
monsters in outer space, won
awards for sound effects editing and
visual effects, while cinematogra-
pher Chris Mengcs was honored for
his work on “The Mission“ and jazz
musician Herbie Hancock won the
best original score Oscar for
“'Round Midnight."

Hosts for the glamour-filled show
were Paul Hogan, Australian star of
“Crocodile Dundee," and comic ac-
tors Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase.
In an effort to boost sagging TV rat-
ings, the producers tried to stream-
line the proceedings, but an hour
into the evening, only five awards

had been presented.

_“Platoon’s" competition for best
picture of 1986 was “Hannahz”
“Room;" “The Mission." and “Chil-
dren of a Lesser God.“

Stone has already won the Direc-
tor‘s Guild prize, almost always a
precursor of the Oscar for best di-

ABC had hoped for a first-half
blowout by either Syracuse or India-
na, but the game remained a clif-
fhanger to the end, with Indiana vic—
torious 74-73. ABC officials feared a
close match would keep sports fans
glued to CBS, thus eroding further
an Academy Award audience that
has been declining in recent years.


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0197 m-meo




Erik Rocco
Arts Editor

Wu Miller
Assistant Arts Editor



Oscar winners

Best Picture

Best Actress

Marlee Matlin
"Children of a Lesser God"

Best Actor

Paul Newman
"The Color of Money"

Best Supporting

Dianne Wiest
“Hannah and Her Sisters“

Best Supporting

Michael Caine
"Hannah and Her Sisters"


Best Director

Oliver Stone


DAVID PIERCE (allilin‘

Re: «'9'



Two plays
featured today
at ArtsPlace

Staff reports

If you get hungry for culture wit
your lunch. you might consider
going to this week‘s Art a la Carte
program at ArtsPlace on 161 N. Mill

The weekly program has featured
"bluegrass. ballet, country and clas-
sical." said Inira Knight. program
director for the (founCil of the Arts.
"This week it just happens to be the-

The tree presentation, which
starts at noon. features the Junk-
yard Players. performing excerpts
from two plays

The first play. "Playboy of the
Western World,” by John Millington
Sing. is a comedy set in turncf-the
century Ireland.

The group will also perform "()h
Coward." a musical tribute to Brit-
ish sophisticate Noel Coward.

The hour-long performance is
sponsored by the Society of Fellows
of the liexmgton (‘ouncil of the Arts.

The audience is invited to bring a
sack lunch

For more information. contact the
(‘ouncil of the Arts at. 255-2451 or
233 1469




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 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuudly. March 31, 1987


Uompcng daebtes
between candidates
highlight SGA race

There will probably never come a more important time
for students to take an avid interest in the Student Govern-
ment Association as the next two weeks.

With a new president and vice chancellor for student af-
fairs scheduled to take office in July, the next SGA presi-
dent will be responsible for establishing a relationship with
two administrators that will extend well beyond the next

academic year.

The next SGA president will also be blessed with the op-
portunity to have a voting voice on the two campus bodies
that determine academic policy at UK — the University

Senate and Senate Council.

Issues like mandatory attendance and "dead days” be-
fore finals week, which have been argued between admin-
istrators and student leaders far away from the mains-
tream of central campus, are the same issues you could
likely hear mentioned when the candidates for the SGA ex-
ecutive branch debate tomorrow and Thursday night.

Tomorrow night Cyndi Weaver’s running mates, Susan
Bridges and Karl Crase, who are running for senior and
executive vice president, respectively, will meet Kenny
Arington‘s vice presidential slate of Keith Clary and Brad
Dixon. Clary is running for senior vice president and Dixon
is running for the executive vice president position. On
Thursday night Arington and Weaver will square off.

The debates, which commence at 7 pm. in 230 Student
Center, will be the only opportunity you will have to listen

to issues firsthand.

They are being held to give you the chance to decide
who the better candidates are, and vote accordingly.

Get serious

Columnist responds to critics, decides to try his hand at addressing ‘newsworthy’ issues

I-nr the past eight months. I have
been terbally attached by persons
who bPll?\'(’ that. for one reason or
another. my columns should address
pertinent topics of international im-
portance. implying that red M&Ms.
condoms and singles night at the Pic
Parareofno concerntoanyone.

In an attempt to rectify my
relationships with all those intelli-
gent souls who claim that I write
()th for my friends. I offer the fol-
.Ummg thoughts on issues that I
deem to be of international and
moral importance.

! hope this will clear the air of any
questions about what I deem to be
serious issues

Spring fey er

Have you seen MTV lately? What
the hell are they thinking?

The other day l was over at a
friend's, apartment and he happened
to have the television tuned in to
MTV's live coverage of spring break
in Daytona. Fla

The camera panned the beaches.
full of tans and waves, as TJ, Snake
and I