xt71c53f1q45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1q45/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 1985 1985 1985-09-09 2020 true xt71c53f1q45 section xt71c53f1q45 Vol. LXXXIX. No.l8l Estobllshodlm UniverslfyofKonfucky,Lexington,Kentucky Independent ulncoltfll Monday,Sopiomber9, l985 . ' iI
. I
T-na Turner concert 3 ash Reagan reveals new ‘
l S Af . all! a ll "
' . ['10 e S I‘CS .g._-._
Old, new i s . ,
\ ' ' . . d . . . -' ‘ _. :
t . ~ \ s . .~ ‘ i
songs fire i , ' it . {I - I . . Premdent moves to head off legislative , -. . .-
i '. . ' ._.,--.

u CI'O d . \ ‘ a ‘l _ a. contest over anti-apartheid sanctions .. -._-i
R W ' ‘ y .. y , 1 - ’ - ' ‘ in res . I . , I . i

.I . v . . .. _ .ponse senate (.ill leaders d i,‘ . ‘. I”):
. _ i ; " «‘2 . v ‘ B-‘IID'I“lel()il"SPI(I' have decided to seek a delay in the i. i", :‘l ‘ ”I;

By LYN CARLISLE \ ”.I . ‘~ i - . ~. \ Assouat Press fxpected passage of sanctions it‘gls I,‘ d, ’. inf“;

- - ‘* ’4. .. .a ._ .y - ‘v . . .. . . I ation . ‘I .r-gv.
AssmtantArtsEditor I . w ' ‘5' e “v ‘ " WASHINGTON — President Rea Senate Republican leaders pre ,' .. if .' i' 3."

' .I i «d ' . -. “ __ i . gan. faced with overwhelming pres dicted last “Wk that a NIP 'o i-ii' 5. . “'3'

“People “Sh me when I'm ‘" " J " V‘ ’ "h: i I t i sure from Congress. intends to and off filibust r on in H . 7' t 572‘: l ‘1 I
gonna slow down. You know what .. ‘ r 4.4 , ' - i‘ ‘ l d‘ . ~ % nounce limited economic sanctions e e ”u“ ”’5‘” 'i v . ' ..s. .1 ' .
., . . . - . I . ' ~ ,‘ . . A . sanctions bill would have been suc i, ~ .I - I‘

I tell them. Im Just getting u. - } .’ , ‘ w, against South Africa today includ v -. - ~ . .

rt d . .. . I c / . Inc. I, ¥ ' iI Q ‘ . .. -' , cessful today followed by ini- tin-a .i‘I -,: - “i; .I-'
sta e . . . ,, . ‘ r” \' \ , A ing a ban the sale of gold lxruger ures m” x . II . I I_ ll .- . , ,_ . .

“I“ M" - " ‘ l . 4". r, 1 $ ‘ \ . rands. congressional sources said twek‘ d “nag M "r "I w z‘ '_ Ii 'I-f'

, j . » yesterday ,. ,. K , ~ '* ‘1..-‘

Andyou thought she was h°t 0" ‘ . " i" idl‘l' ‘ ‘5 ‘ . " These sources also said Reagan “min“ d”! with W‘ 1 I, .MIE' A , . ~- ‘

vinyl. ‘. ,, d .’ l 2 i. .I . . . would announce a ban on most new houses of tongress saio .i .iIiii-a.I ": I . - . ,

m black fishnet hose, Tina I d’. I I . ‘ ‘ . bank loans to South Africa, order a enedI prIf-sidential \i-to would aimos, - I. f ‘i --I I.

7 Turner strutted across RUPP Are. 3 i -"v . b ‘ ' halt to the shipment of nuclear tech- “Tum" ml’wrrmdfl‘ . ’ - . 1
. . . . . i , b l i . . . . senate Majority Leader Robert , - a - .

na 5 5‘38? Friday night like she ‘ ‘- nol v nd sto l r - cal sales of ‘ 2 . — ' -

- I 0g_ a p a ges e Dole ’aid vesterd-y h) o H wk ' -‘

Owned the place . and she did. 5 , ., ' ‘ ' g ‘ i \ a. computer equipment used to enforce ‘t ‘nemeri t ,‘i- If “ [2‘ 7‘" -.. ."~ .' II‘A ‘.

. Her coffee-andcream complex- " f .3. ‘ . \\ i ‘.I South Africa's raCially discriminato f0: pt; ll 'l 0 d w i ”n. e 39“,. ' ‘ '. ,‘
' ion glistening and bleachblonde ' . " .r’ ' \ h. \. '3‘}. . ~ ry apartheid laws lunldl t unti. r118“ 5pm”; "I HE‘S?) ‘ ' '-

hair in disarray. she belted out , . .\ ‘ ‘ . . Speaking on condition they not be {713‘ I 0 imp 9m?“ 50”" " ~ t‘ .

songs for an hour and a half. , , ' z .\ i . " identified. the sources also said Rea- )1“~5£'0\IH;UU.WH hwn.f . i)‘ i. -. ‘-.i ' '

catching the audience up in her I‘ "I gan would announce reqmrements d ‘I I“: '(lifiumlnig 33531.” t. "“ . ' . . "d '.
whirlwmd excitement ‘0 ‘ ' t' for most American firms in South :1“ t ‘ if! pu ) 1: in. .1?” > n . " . . ’
JOhh Parr warmed UP the ' ‘. i ' :Ut‘lCéi to follow fair employment 2:2driimuiui:fqt axing“)... ,. . . =

CFOWd- actually managing ‘0 get a " . practices and would make available mi3:22;;(5‘32‘“midi; Agni :éidfu ‘. 5-. ‘. ‘ ‘

. . "i '* it. o i’ ssii .. . .‘ v' ..

the floor to its feet before his expanded t'S aid for South African nalhill g y ‘ ‘ .

grand finale his hit "St . black students I' __ = ‘ , d

Elmo‘s Fire " , , . ' The expected announcement One exception is the ban on kill 7 ~. i Z . d i

The show actually started bed i i . would mark a Shlft m Reagan's gerrands There. rather than acting if . i ».
fore the enormous curtain drew . I long-held policy of "constructive en. unilaterally. Reagan will seek per- . ‘_ .‘i
back When the lights faded. a . " ‘ gagememj‘ a low-key effort h} ne- mission from the-internationaliwdy r I: ‘ . '.

huge video screen above stage - gotiations that the prefldem mm on that administers the tienerai ’ ' 'I I: ' . .

showed the middle-aged star fil» .. ' ~ ' ‘ Friday Offered the best hope of ac Agreements on Tariffs and Trade ‘ . ' VI. ‘

ing her blood—red nails.IlaCIng up 7 , " ’ \ complishing political reform m sources said .‘ . I_ ' . '

thentlswl'lvnszlet g; chrtégltiftIghigg /' . l’ «i. South Africa . . . Administration offiCial.s told Juli f . ‘ ' 3

fire “II and leaving theudressing ? ’:.. . ' secretary 0f 5‘3“? ('ejlrgeI bhultz gressional leaders that step is de ‘ . .3 ._ ‘ .

_ ~.' 4 \ informed senior Republican congres “gum to (ligiingumh between triiiie . . . -.

room. ‘ I sional leaders on Saturday of Rea ‘ . ‘. ~ .

And then the performance d ' gan'sintentions Rl\(.\\ ~ { ‘ ‘ . I.
began a i ‘ . ‘ -’ " . ’
TWO Video cameras success- ‘ iii- . S f h i "

dddd do keep dd ,, even res men garner . . _. ~ . , .

the "private dancer" and her six- ‘ ' ‘2' I . '

man band. projecting her larger . f o ‘ I ..
than-life image on the screen for ‘- _y h l h p " ,’ ‘

those upper arena fans who _ i our ear SC 0 ars l S ' .

"ll'nl'.A 4h 1 '-'

-_ 2:11;?le 0 “ R.“ B" “H0“ ”1 u. . lh (i\R\ LIPSEY net-ring riiaIi-ii' .ini: ’l'tiuiizas Wide . .- .- _
. ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 tittibuhng ‘.‘.r.ie:‘ oi HilliiiN‘Yliiti.\l. .ii. .i:. .i-i. met: 4 ', "
She started With the high-en ' V '\ \ inaJoi‘ ' ' ';

ergy hit "Show some respect.“ . .s'eyen incoming freshmen wiil The suit-ii students were st'ici ri-i: - '.

an unnecessary exhortation ""“'“‘”°'“ “" ‘ have a free ride at ['K as the first from all lltCUlYllllL‘. ireshiiiei. who .lIll '- .‘ ‘ 2' .

she earned that when her Tina Turner in a tight V-neck white pontsuit, Rupp Arena. John Parr of St. Elmos Fire recipients of the Otis A Singletary plied for tinaiicio. of this war I: . ‘

comebIack albigm Private Dancer Sings ’Respect" at a concert Friday night at was the warm-up act. Scholarships Minimum crateria ioi' t‘It!i>liit'l'aY‘.ii". _. ' = . V , .

went at'nu ourt' .~ _________________ ... . -e .‘ . ~ .I.. _. ....d. ...i .‘ ’. '; "

.. p .i m . imes .,.. . white minidress wrapped in ing” but not "\‘l‘e llont Need A“ .Thifiuijtgfi 31:3 EOE-J ”,8? lunch 8“ “:1, \imj‘l‘” ( m“ in, I. _ ,' -.

Are )0“ ready for me she leathers. helping to creme a 59. other Hem .. .\iI uttdly a e . i1 ent entei coinposix scoti oi .t and a .i... ,- _ I r .. .
teased coyly. before launching ductive. hypnotic mood for the . The scholarship. which was estald school grade point diaerage wt '13 . I-' . I .' t .
into “i Might've been Queen." “”0.er ' “”h the vigor Of a toyearold. lished this year with money from The students actiyities work c\lli‘ _ .- ', d‘
another ironic title. for she ruled REVIEW ‘ Tina danced through two oldies the President's Fund for Excellence. rienci- and interests also were I . . " ' --
that night. seducing the audience 'l'hi t I‘ K I "ll i"River Deep . Mountain High." will provide the students with $16.41!» sidered -' .-
with her raspy. emotional vOice \iax‘t' :‘JLngni‘rairEmaltg mg: and the potent ”Rollin‘ on the oier the next tour years They are students mt‘flms’ the ”HENRI“? I, ' _‘ I‘
anda daring stareusedonlydur» # their way into the lineup Mm River I and then braked hard. the largest merit scholarships in (“Flit‘l‘ld “”9 dbkt‘d 1” ‘Uhmi‘ A“ ' - 5‘ 'I..'..
ing the brief times she stopped Every Private Dancer tune but scenes from the movie flashed on gathering emotion tor a ”lo“ ”(.5 m’mr-‘d and adre ”“9”de ‘0 (Md-\BGL‘MI :‘girt’lfintgfllfxfy n . ' i , .'
movin . 0 "‘l. u. '1: . , .. .. . I“ . I ..z coycrt e stu ents e ucatiorial costs mem r5 0 0 om 1L 0“ ‘t ‘ . . ,d -

g ne “84 w is performed. htr thc screen for One of the l.l\ s L it R“ R. i ilILt forfour years Academic i-Ixcellence and the (ltfii'e '. _d .‘ .‘ , i. '. .II .
—————————‘—‘—_ HeCipients were George Putnam 0i Admissions ‘ '. ' 7 z c ‘.
_ Allard ot Levi'isport. Ky . a inechani Athough this year s ikillllt'i‘s .ii‘i- ' ~' ' . ‘ y '-I ‘ ’-
, . . I cal engineering major. Arlj'dll \' Kentucky residents. iluifll'siaic .ii» : '.'. I. .
an new i377 .».; , ~,. .0 ‘31:»... Bhapkar of Lexmgton. an English plicants also are considered. accorii ' i ‘y- _ ' I""
if ' .. ;::{‘,;,I£,__I;I.Vx ) - " major. Gregory Gibson 0i BOWilnE, ing to llonald Sands. \ice chancellor x' . . “ i A; 3' ". I
. I . , 3 w ”‘5, :3 Green. KY 3 mathematics major. for acadeii‘iicaftairs ' ‘5'" i. ii. . "
Galnes center experlences flrSt semeSter '3‘” a»; 33‘ ’ . ' ‘5 ~ : . .7 ’32:" Michael H Huang of Lexmgton. an Bhupkai' whose father is a proies - . " ,' ‘I -
By WESLEY MILLER ________—.————— I I' 1; , -I 4 ‘ electrical engineering major; Leslie sor oi statistics at i’iy‘. said the '. I'I’
Staff Writer . . .‘~ 4 if _ “ ' ' .r;f'I . Rafferty of ()wensboro. Ky . an un- scholarships would help firing the ' ; I ‘ ,
i I think \Nhat the . ‘4‘ 4‘3 , . decided major. Mark Alan Tichenor best Kentucky high school graduates _ . ’ . ‘ ". 1.-

On a first-time “S” to the Games CCHICT does for the .. . .. »_ w; ..I a 1,5 .. ‘ of Benton. by. a chemical engi» tothei niyersity .' . . ‘II
Center for the Humanities. one . I . . :3, ' ‘ dr‘ ' g o 1 '» ’ . ‘,
might expect to find a hardcore UmWTSlty 15 add an {i h ‘ \ I W0 hlts a alnSt CUbS I if"
study center. where people study entirelvnew S ‘ 1 ‘ ._ -I ‘ .- .

. . , patia . . ... .
Great Ideas wand nothing else. . . I’ s- . _. . .

Actually the Late ltalianate \‘lll'd dimenSion.” I . ’ ' . . ' ‘ ..
that houses the center offers stur Raymond Belts . y le e e ose an 0 ' , ‘g
dents a comfortable setting in which ' _ ‘ i . _. d. ";I . ' ' . '
{osmdyandmeet~ Honors Program director ' - ’v By JOHN NELSON leagues ('obb set his record in :4 - ‘ -‘ ‘

Instead of modern office or resi- — , .5." . Associated Press seasons ‘ _ - ’
dence hall furniture. pieces of late- . T If .. \.. Rose can now break the record in « . ._ -. - . '- .
19th century furniture add to the re- INevertheless. the “em” '5 OP?“ ‘0 ‘ ' .i ‘ . it} CHICAGO 4 Pete Rose caught up (‘incmnatr where the Reds begin a ' ‘ . ; . ~ - I‘.
laxed atmosphere mm." classes. featuring a “d“ "a” ‘ .‘ I x , ' with Ty Cobb yesterday. then was iii-game homestand tonight against I ' . .

Unfortunately. at least for the “A" "f ‘h‘cmsL‘ '" the “Old "f hu- ' , . ‘ left on the threshold of uncharted San Diego . ' . .
time being. not everyone will be al- manities. including classes ‘” his” '_1 . 7 » “I , baseball territory, delayed for at "The fans there will be revved up . . . = .4
lowed to use the study facilities ry. "“WC‘ foreign language and .« i“ "* . [935‘ one more day by rain and hke the fans here." R059 “id H“ ' ' .
This is not because of a snobbish or women 55mm“ . I ‘w "3" _ 4 darkness was a very nice reception they gave . . '
elitist thinking on the part of the _ Tht‘l‘ef 3 km" 0f WOW." b51515 "L . J f If Rose. player-manager of the CHI me here " ._
Honors Programhowever ’0'” ”1" Games program and the ~‘ ‘ l' x‘ ’ Cinnati Reds. had two Singles in five Rose had two further chances to . ‘

“At least at the beginning. the ram?“ studentsI.) anIdIéhe? ”01d” at-bais against the Chicago Cubs in break the record. grounding out in . - .'
study facilities will be limited due to m: (9:111; 15:” (1)11 :51. gellgrliafdat. IANDALLWILLIAM’ON IprthS'aW a game heIwasn't even supposed 10 \m. Rthl . l‘dtls' - ‘.
space available to the Games fel- ' ' pe ’ ‘ . Students attend a history class at the Gaines Center for the Hu- play T givmg him 4‘19] career h'ts‘ ' ' =
lows and the Honors students.“ said . (lne problem that faces the Games monities last week, which recently Opened for student use. dead even with the record of Cobb. ;
Raymond Belts. director of the Hon- (enter is its operating hours (‘ur- who played hlSI 135‘ game In 1923- ‘ ~ ,
ors Program. Irentlyé the centeIr is open for classes ideal place for quiet study." Betts Although he dislikes the term "re— n rThe tyinlgsthigameoin th‘ztfgathén- .

"it is a restored. though most gra~ mm a m “'I‘“ 1 pm. but "0 def" said, cruiting tool." Betts is not averse to R1 g Iagfa: t icagd n ' n er
cious. 19th-century structure. but "In“; times have been established for He added: “We are finanCially showing off the Games (‘enter as a beggihe atueirsdon anI 3'an greetIeId;
frankly. when you have more than 5 u ”ewonb- hamstrung; we do not have the learning alternative to new students y a uge S n ing ova '0". mm . [mi 1v ....” showed up u Turf.

‘30 in the building the o rt n‘t' “If it turns out as antici ted the t ' i crowd 0‘ ”269' it was a hm drive -

. 7 . ppo u i I) _ pa . money I ntil we are properly staff- atLK into rightcenter field the 94th hit of land Mull Saturday to unveil the new
for quiet study 15 qmckly diSSi- bwldmg would be Open in the eve- ed. the hours will be somewhat er- Scc(..kl\I-ih.page" Rose. 23rd season ‘in the mam fall season. For more. see Divan.
pated. Bettssaid. ning and i think would make an ratio" ‘ J

O O O .
Couch Jerry Claiborne was dis-
Scnentist warns a amst aftermath of nuclear war ...... .. ... ..
Blue-White scrimmage Saturday. For
By BETH LAWSON Turco pointed out (hay there hasn‘t Thomas P. Ackerman. James B. will take small chances to reduce bratioInIof Sigma XL a chapter ofItheI dauls. ”‘5' 0"5' "‘3" ‘-
Contributing Writer been much work done on the prob- Pollack and CarlSagan. big chances.“ Turco said scientific honorary research 500'?!) .
. . . of North America.
I I lem of long-term consequencds of The theory of nuclear winter arose Richard Mitchell. co—chair of the

Even Without the nuclear winter nuclear explosions. “What (the the- from the group‘s research and Bluegrass Nuclear . Freeze Cam- Turco is an expert in the field of m
theory he helped devIelop. Richard cry of l nuclear winter is concerned Turco publicized it in Science mag- paign. said. "We‘re livmg in a much atmospheric physics and chemistry
P. TurIcIo said any we ear exchange about IS whether or not the rest of azine. it suggests that the a{_ more dangerous world than people and works as a research scientist To“, ”in be ”my ”my M m
would probably be one of the maJor the world will also have a stake in termaths of a nuclear war _ pro realize." He and cochair Yvonne for Rap mum in California He Mm“ “h . 10 m 0‘
disasters for humanity that has ever the eventual aftermath or effects ~ - Fabre attended the lecture and dis- ha ' ‘ ' ' . '

urred the l ”'53 th .. .. longed cold. darkness. radioactive . . 5 published many seientific pa munmmmm m, I M M" 90.
occ on pane r . that could spread around the globe. fallout and ultraviolet light _ could tnbuted free literature on their or— pers and reports and served on gov- Tonia!!! m ‘mm um u "my
he sald- pose a scrim threat to survivors, Eamuhm- ernment advisory committees M. my m u ”my With .

'nie scientist spoke Friday to In 1983. Turco and a group of sci- M0 Md Others in the "APS canine-dam cucum-
about 150 people on “Nuclear Win- entists conducted a two-year inmo- Turco said the United States needs team have been lecturing at many The 1985 Leo Slilard Award for m. the low may viii be
ter: The Environmental Af- gation known as the TrAPs study —. people to concentrate on innovative universities in the country. At UK. PhySIcs in the Public Interest was un 70 ... m1 ..., ... g.
termath," at the Nursing Health Sci- the initials of the authors‘ last ideas and thinking to prevent a nu— he was a guest speaker in conjunc- 8W9" ‘0 him by the American PhySi' "an“.
mBuildins. names: Turco. Owen 8. Tom. clear war. “We need politicians who tion with UK‘s centennial cele- cal Society.

0 ‘ A

 2- KEWVKM My, W3, 1'“
Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office.

, 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The infor-
mation is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor.
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
ities Office.

' . m u s a e n r Deadline: Forms wm be accepted no lam man m. Mon-
.‘ day preceeding the publications date.
‘. " , 7' ' owe" 5‘3" “p ‘9' Adm’ss‘c'm V95" ”Elem-he" Ed 0 Mavies Silent Movie, $1.75 w UKID, Weisham ' Workshops: Training: Preparing Year People for ° Movies' Mtness, ”-75 w UMD: Worsham Theatre.
. . . v i gate. 06 Oylor Ed Bldg 8 4 30 D m Call 2791} Theatre 7 30p m Change 2035C: 8:30a.m-12Noon: Call 7-1851 7:30pm.
.' I’ ' t; ’ ”"0“. Per" 0nd “30ml" E‘h‘b‘. R0500" 60‘ 0 Sports UK Football ticket distribution for game against 0 Meetings. The First National Student Speech Language . Concerts. Squeele in concert with The H°°'°" and
> ‘ . \ .- . F ' ‘J 25“ 602° w Bowling Green Memorial Coliseum, 9a.m.-4 p.m Hearing Association meeting: TBA; 6 p.m_ "‘OTW'h? $81910: MOMOF'OlCO'iSGUmr 713091“-
- . V 0 Moves Silen' Maire $1 5 w UKID Worsham a Sports Flag Football Officials Clinic 135 Seatan 4 0 Movies: Witness: $1.75 w UKID: Worsham Theatre: ' Sports: Entry deadline for Intramural TUQ'O'WOT '35
' '- ,j .' .- "es"? 30;: m p m Call7-3928 7:30 p.m. 5°°'°""Pi"‘-'C°”7'3973
‘ g i .. g " ' 590"} U“ Football "Cl‘e' d'5"‘b‘-'"°" '0' 90m" 090”“ | Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meeting: 0 Academics Last day for POYment of registration fees . Meetings. TOPS (Twenty-One Plus) Organizational
. . . . . _ B. .. gore-en Memorial Coliseum do w s :3er 1158C 4pm. COll7-8567 and or housing 8 dining fees in order '0 avoid cancella- meeting and dinner 21 8 older, K-House 412 Rose St . 5 30
', ~ '. - _ ' 10'" F1033 Football ON'C'G“ 0"“ ‘35 59‘3”)" 4 I Workshops Financial Resource Systems Training. 15 tion of reg.andior mealcard p.m.:Ca|l254-1881
. g . ;~ ~ . , V r “a“ 392” Memorlol H0” 100 m 471400"; C01'7‘1351 0 Concerts: Recital: Jennifer Brock, soprano: Donna ' Meetings: N.O.W. Emergence‘A Feminist W°m°"'5
' ~' -. ’ I ' - ° M9e""95 Engl'sh S'Ude'" Am ”WOW Committee ' Workshops Study Skills Workshop for Students in T.V. Boyd. mezzo soprano: CFA RecitalHall;8p1m1;Call7-4900 Press meeting; 109 SC. 730 p.m., Call 231-7985
,: _ , ‘I ‘ .,,., - ..q i345 PAOY 3 p m C011 250 or: ‘ COurses Free-Reg required 119 SC 6 30-9 30 pm. Call . Sports: UK Football "(keg distribution i0, game 090"“, ° Meetings: Pre-Vet Club Organizational meeting. after
‘ - '., .. .. ‘J‘iie' "gs we» and Lesbian U." or at Siudeiits mee'ing 7 3383 Bowling Green; Memorial Coliseum; 9a.m.-4 p.m. PICNC' 106 Animal Pathology Bldg. 730 p m . Call 254,
;‘- l . f l ' V N’ L r m 0 Meetings; Concert Committee meeting; 228 SC, 5 p m,; 3254
'. .1, Call7-8867 ' Meetings. UK Fencing Club meeting- Free instructio
,. . ,’ ‘ . . n equipment provided Alumni Gym 7 30 p m Call 233»
' 5201
. 3.; . . ' . 0 Workshops Training, Communication Unfavorable
. I, 4 __I News, 15Memorial Hall 9a.m.-12 Noon Call7~1851
I , ' l , I - viz-.1,“ A "‘st s: ‘5 w 'uKiD 1M 'g'IOt' Iiioo'ie ' Other BUMOmWOOd Retreat- FEHOWSWP 0' Comp BU" ° Other. SGA SAB CAE Fall Free-ForAll lrain date Sep- ' Other» Apply for Student Teaching Spring 1986 1013
. ' - ; nomwood (011254 1881 tember 22). Stall Field 11 a.m.»bp.m Taylor Ed Bldg». 8-4 300 "1 Call 7 1857
4 . g . ' Mov'es Wl'neSS 5175 W UK'D WOFShOm Theatre 0 Religious Sunday evening fellowship- Worship dinner ‘ Other CTBSV Admissions Tests given teacher Ed
- g 7 30p m 8 fellowship at K»House at 412 Rose St 5 pm. Call 25L P”9'9"" 16l'JTt'JYlm'Ed Bldg C0117 7791
. 1 e Sports UK Football vs Bowling Green at home Com- 1881 ' Movies Annie Hall 51 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre
' _ V . monwealth Stadium 7 30 pm
V . 1 . 0 Sports UK Football ticket distribution for game against
, Tulane MemorialColiseum 8 o m -8 p m
.V ‘i ‘ ‘ l i
- .5 .fl " " ° ° 5“?“ M0"? 5" 75 W ”“0 WO’Sho'“ ”9°”? 7 30 p 1" 9 ‘1 Concerts: Rental: Jennifer Brock. soprano. Donna Boyd. mezzo soprano; 9 9; UK Football ticket distribution for game against Bowling Green, Memorial
'. , ' . . c ‘c s 19th Movie $1 75 w UKlD Worsharr Thea‘re 7' 309 ’1‘ CFA Recital Hall- 8 p.m.. Call 7-4900 Coliseum. 80.m»8p.m.
. ‘ . ‘ ‘ q ~ W mess $1 75w UKlD Worshor" Theatre : 30p r" 9 12 Squeeze in concert with The Hooters and The Truth. $8, $10; Memorial 9 9102 Flag FootballOfficials Clinic 135 Seaton. 4pm ,Call7‘3928
‘ V ‘ Q 5' “we“ 5" 75 W ““0 WO’SM’“ Theo”? 3013 m Coliseum. 7.30p m., Ca|l7v1378 9 10-11: UK Football ticket distribution for game against Bowling Green Me—
“ ‘ . . ~‘ 13 witness $1 75w UKlD Worshomiheo're ’ 309 m 9 9-27. ExhibitionszPerrYOrtd Leonard Exhibit: RosdollGollery:CaI1254-6026 marialColiseum:Warn-411m
. . : y" 3 '4 1V mess Si 75w UKID Wors'iorvi Theatre w 309 m 9 12: Entry deadline for lntramuralTug-O-War. 135 Seaton; 4p.m., Call7-3928
, ‘. . - i . ' " 3 '° Ann“? H0” 51 75 “’ UK”) WO'Shc’m “Game 7 309 m 9 14- UK Football vs. Bowling Green at home; Commonwealth Stadium
. _ ~ ‘. . 9 16: UK Football ticket distribution for game against Tulane: Memorial Col-
‘_ ' L . * .‘ ~ iseum. 80.m.~8p m,
.: . . lri' _ -‘ ' " .‘
.1 l i ‘ . I >
. r i ' ‘: - f .
:1. .I v o EUgItSl" Student AdVISOrOry Commit‘ee meeting ‘345 P01 3 p m Call 9 H_ Academics: Last day for payment of registration fees and/or housing 8 9.17. UK Football "(k9, distribution for game again“ Tulane: Memoyial Col-
1' ‘ -‘ i. ' ' - 'i I 75? 0“: dining fees in order to avoid cancellation of reg. and/or meal card iseum: 9 a.m.-4 P-m»
. I; 'V; ,. f 0 VAGOV 8 Lesbian Union of Students meemg 1158C 6;.) m 9 9.9 13; Other; Sign up for Admissions Tests for Teacher Ed. Program; 166 9,”. Training- Resmrfih Accounting Procedures, 15 Memorial Hall. 10 am .12
." i ‘ " . V ‘J 5‘5 NW Pe'°'*0"5C°mm'"ee meeting HSSC do m Cc.H 7 8867 Taylor sewage-4:30pm.; Call7-2791 Newcqumés‘
:1. A. T , v' : . '. k" :C‘,B;e¢;': Nationoi Student Speech Language rteanng Assooation meet 98;: a. 9 15 Burnamwood Retreat- Fellowship at Camp Burnamwood. Call 254- 9'18'ILast day ,0 drop a course without it appearing on the student's trart‘
. . ,, scri t
i — ., , , . i Q . \ “arr-t CCmr‘r‘itteP meeting 228 SC 5 p m C0117 8867 9 15 SGA SAB CAE Fall Free-For-All '85 (Rain date September 22). Stoll Field. 9 ‘3 Lastday ,0 change option in college dean’s office
" .. '.«' ‘ q 2 Tom TWPNY One Pl“ Orgon'l°"°n°| "199th and dinner 2‘ 8 older 11am-6pm. Call7-8867 9, 18: Last day tofile for repeatoption in college dean's office
' :,-V - , ‘ T U K H. USP 412 Rose St 5 30p m Coir 254 1881 9 16-20 Apply for Student Teaching Spring '86 1013 Taylor Ed. Bldg; 8-4 30 9 18: UK Bosgboll (Pro Day), Shively Field. 2.30pm.. Cal17v8901
.‘ ‘ '4 i if ‘ l I .N O W Emergence A Fem'ms' wome" S Press "tee‘ing '09 SC 7 30 p m .Call 74857 9, 19‘ Entry deadline for Intramural Golf (S); 135 Seaton, 4 p.m.. Call 7-3928
’, . F - Ii " («111731 7985 9 16-21 CTBS-Admissions Tests given» Teacher Ed. Program. 166 Taylor Ed.
. 5. . .' v' 9 ? P'e Vet Club Organizational meeting after piuiir 100 Animal Pathology Bldg. Coll7—279l
' “A ' . ’ ; B "u: 1 710 D '“ (011254 8754 9 15 Religious Sunday evening fellowship- Worship, dinner, fellowship at K-
' ’9 ‘2 UK ancng Club Meeting tree instrurtim equipmer“ previded Alumni House 412Rose$t.,5p,m,. (011254-1881
; ‘ - , ' , ,‘ CW“ 7 309 r" Ca|l233 5201 9 10- Workshops: Financial Resource Systems Training; 15 Memorial Hall; 10
' ' ._ ' am A12Noon, Call 7-1851
’ ' ', 9 10: Study Skills Workship for Students in TV. Courses Free- reg. required:
4 '. . . » 1195C16'30-9 Np.m.,Coll7-3383
' , V 9 ”‘12. Training' Preparing Your People for Change. 203 SC: 8:30 a.m.-12
' ‘ , Noon: Call 7-1851
, '1 . f. . 9 12 Training. Communication Unfavorable News. 15 Memorial Hall, 9 am.-
. .v : 12 Noon: Coll7-1851
5 O

Gory More.
Arts Editor
Assistant Arts Editor
o o ‘ V- 1
‘\ 2‘ \ .‘ l. . . .
\ ~ A\ ~ K .
(.2" 4—- 2 . . . . ' , ‘
' ' .2 ‘- By GM“ ”PM?“ in this area to broadcast in stereo ‘ ' “ . -'
’ r '2' _ ‘ CmtributingWriter this fall, The NBC affiliate Will " .. ' :
' ¢ ' 2 ' can a remake of a popular oldie \ . . . , .
2 ’ . .2; 9% Four local TV stations unveiled withy“Alfred Hitchcock" Another 2 ”'3 22 ‘l :1 . I, .2
,.a .- .- Hl thexr new: fall season with a. “TV show destined to be a h” .. producer \ . . ,1 g g i . . . .- _
g . ,2 ‘ . I > . - Weekend at 'I‘urfland Mall Satur- Steven Spielberg's "Amazing 5... ‘ .4 “7‘" a I y i2 w . _. .- . .’
. j ..2.‘ J day Each station set up a booth. ries '3 . a , .3 "~ i . -/ ,
2 _ . I! /l I ‘ manned by personalities from the Also new on .N'Bt' .b ”MM... 0. i R V , f. a w 1-. 4..
'2 (’ ’ , 1°91 news 9'08”?“ and other {a Science." a show reminiscent of the . .. - 3‘; ’l W a -. . -. ‘. . ’.
. I. i ”r ‘ . miliar local faces: including UK bas- “Fantastic Four" comic book 59“... "w . .- l...» _ = f I, \ - ’4’ i. 1 .2. .'._
’f 3' , " .13 f . ketball coach Edd“! Sutton Bruce Springsteen fans should ree~ ' 1“ a a m. . _‘ ., 2.2. . ' -
f' ' 2 9'2 ' 2 ' . '. 1‘ Each station gave away hats. T‘ ognize one of the cast members / r . ,.2322
Jib . q a '2 .. r; shirts. calendars and other prizes Courtney Cox, as the girl who danc / c’.~ '5. ~. .. .1
,. ., ~ . every hour, so interested Shoppers a. 0....ng w.._h h1m .h the - Dunc”... , . .1 3 _v .1 .2
l ‘ hadlhe opportunity '0 see the pro in the Dark“ Video Rounding out i mums . . i"-' 59/52 'L-‘l .
' motionai tapes and posters located the list 0. new shows .5 “Ooh...“ 1'. 21.. ‘. g".
. at the booths, Turfland Mall also Girls." with Bea Arthur -"Maude ' "Masterpiece Theater ’ is back . ’-.’ 2. ,
_ Save awayaTV. and Betty wmu. WMary Tyler and also "(ireat Performances ". :2; s: .3'.-_."{,i
-’ WTVQ-TV had the .mOSl new: Moore“i (me show is making its KET debut. l 2'+ ' u." “2.2 '2 2
2 - shows. w'm “Our Family Honor KET has a solid lineup. headed b} 'Ketituck} Afield,“ hosted by Jere ' " "12;."5; .2
g , ”WWW to be one Of the more-popu- "War: a Commentary by (iwyiiii iii} llreier A series about Kentui-k} :;.2'l,‘: - '25.;
' . '3’ 5995 "l the ABC lineup Dyer,” a Canadian journalist A his- wildlife. it will feature shows on eon ‘ , 2' f--.._t". 1 .‘ .1.“
, A “Honor 'Sya mghttime drama about torical look at war and its effects. sermtion. and will tie \hUl at l()('ii .1,i"-‘;";2~.2< .‘-.-1.
I " g ‘ two New \ork families one Mafia the series begins at 9p m .(lct l tions across the stale \ oi I J, $.22 .’. 2 3‘.
I _ . / and the other a family of policemen .J .,- 3__. ’
._,3 .. 2 —and the conflicts between them. . .;.fiu'.'.1.
/ . vi; ,7"; . Also of note is “llimestreet.” star- Reading Rate 8: Comprehensmn SPORTS CENTER .;-' :12'1.~.,7 .'
i ' ring Samantha Smith. the girl whose A g 743—... ~ ‘A i: . i", -' 9..
. ,z.’ - trip to the Soth L'Vnion made histo / / .17 /‘ 2: \1‘ -. S'Uden' Special“ ' ‘- '.2.2-- 7252' i
3 5g ry, and whose tragic death recently ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘. e N;:‘ '1'. .3 3292.;
'- ‘3 “ ' madethenews \ \/ ‘ r \ 00 rjr.‘ Hf? ,5"
. Yet another ABC series is "The “ . .~ ',‘ 5.1:”. '.
7 '45'85 PrOJect." a program which l0 sessions c0vermg strategies for ll"pl'O\/e.'l"ent m readmg per semester -".'_»..';‘3 2'2. .‘x.
2 ‘\ T will concentrate on world history be- speed and comprehension for all types of reading I .1 .' - 1 i_,;
*3 ~ tween 19451995 Richard Nixon. F... Saws“... ”5,... a”... . 00 3' 35“.. a. ' :‘iifif
Jimmy (‘arter and other world lead- 3., v on», a m... w .2; . s 1 49 '. .3“. - '.' .; 2).?
. ers Will give their Views on the 59p. 9 0,. Q . ; - _.' — . g _
2“ events ofthe period R V , p 2" . per academic year .t ._
, . uvuuumi 22'2"'2S'°" WKYTTV added a new face to iL\ Pg 2 2: 2 2: 2,222 2222 . 2 -2 .2 :2
Tina Turner Sings scul-iilled songs Friday night in Rupp Arena. weekend news team. Shawn Smith. C' 99$“ 1 ' " ‘-‘ ”i ‘0“ Ir‘9 2. .- ..- 1'?
who will co-anchor the program with "WWW“ L ~ 2.: I, '5... ".- . '_
l I l have Wagner (‘omedy fans should .5 _ . -- .' . -.
. urner note that George Burns will have a I 3 l . “Ag: E , '. . ‘.'. \ i:
show on (‘85. "The George Burns ' a 1 AF ‘B2C5 : ~‘ 52
Lontmucd triiinpagconc (‘omedy Hour 22 I 2: l 2 222:: 2222:2022“: 2 2 . '2' '\3 2.
. . . Al'o "new" i- "The T‘Wlli ht O 2". .' ‘.‘.
soulful. tersion of the Beatles with Bryan Adams and making a 7.....5‘33 thh “2.“ use the 2i... I ': and .9... H. be... -. the Spa ., - ~" . . .
HE]? desperately “93‘1”“: "help film mm ”“91 Gibson 2A!“ l scripts. with contemporary stars 2 J 2 Fa; ' ' -.-\ l: 't ‘g: she-a Nao'i '2 2 ‘.
hmeialihiui-hillinhm fieeling down to wanted to do something with anoth- playing the characters Another new I < .a 1 us To” .4. Ho (”“00” Mm '. -. - ‘ .
g‘iutienu er guy but he got married. she series we... l‘razv‘ .5 based on the I O x e . . . . . . t. . \-
. . 3 ~ ~ _ in (out .ee "‘"03 ‘L‘ and 'he , - ..
(ontinuing Wllh songs the“ werent added popular movie with Richard Prvor § U o ind' . ‘r n «i. ‘* v 2
hers. she lapsed into 27. Top‘s He promised ‘0 do a song ‘2‘” andGene Wilder 2 ' Ill é 2 do 2099 Q2 C2 i-
"Legs." quite appropriate for a me. Tina continued. “‘hut until he WUiX-TY will be the first station I n. N Grea' HQ. M We swaems z 2 ‘5 j . -.
woman known forlierlean legs (1088. l ll do one 0i his The chords ' I. p v v . A 3 ' . .. a . -
Before her final song. Sm. mm of Bruce Springsteen's "Dancing in -> - ————————————-—- | w W l 2‘ C” .‘2 5C 222 7 ”9”?!" ‘ g .,
mented on how exCiting these last tlie'l)ark"immediately followed Cg GENERAL CINEMA 5 U N T A N N I N c S A I- 0 N I z n l 5"“ 5 “7' ”3‘3 "2 ‘9 "' f -’ “3' , ,
few years had been for her. working _ ‘ losing ”n that high “0‘8- Sht' lt‘ll BAIGAINMATINEES-EVERYDAY _ 0- 1 ~ . -_ .3 . _ 3 .
mm such performers as Mick Jag. tam with optimism. proclaiming "1 $2 so All. SHOWS NGU'éL'b’G’v L’3‘U"9*‘ .7 I O '3 y... .- . h , . . , .- 393 ~ . ' -‘
ger and the Rolling Stones. Rod had-i good ‘lmt‘ l'“ be back “”99 ° BEFORMPM“ 2222292522222°m$2op°222q022'2' I Q m - m ; ' 1 1 3'
Stewart. Lionel Richie. doing a duet )“U‘diiéim '2 ' _ > *3 o- l , J- ' ga' 20 . . . _;- - . .2
ruiiruiin mu -. 25‘1" 1212 I 3 < - - - -.
uiWiiiiiiAiiuiuiim-uu o o .2 . .»
trauma: Tanned skin is more attractive ll makes yOU ' U > C3 "’1’ Dia'a ls 1' ‘ 2 , . _- .'
BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL 2222222222222” '°°“ Y°Unger “9°”h'e’ ”“95““ and | 1? 269 S36l 5' ' -‘ "3 ’- ' 3 .-
. b > . 2 .2
SMVEMDOKHJ sexy. Our SILGMAN SOLAthJM loi'rtmg a . . . I .2 . , .
mum»: beds are .mponed how GERMANY and are I g l ?580 Richmond Road .. .‘ 1 .;
f" 1,000 COPIES ' $19.95 F‘YET'E M‘ll totally safe (wont burn yoU like some otl: I t . Lexington, Kentucky 40502 2. .2 . . _ ‘-
.... o / .' . .
neor na—one s - ,-..
9 manugg‘glfi‘mmw, Bes-Type 257-6525 , 3. .- ..
E" ...i. ‘ . g ”n, ..n. ....: ’.,.- V \’ llifilfi. 1’" "—-’—‘_’__——‘——_. . 1-2 _‘.
‘ ’ 1’ ' sip-acumen 3' 2 " ‘
-. k- k ' 401$. Limestone ""““”‘“” .. . _ ’ . ‘- -
whims: _ 7‘ ' r .35. t ‘3. . '_’ ‘ _, _- ' ' '
35““ ' :- ‘ W‘gfil‘: .3: 2. . .. .. f . .0 i
f... .3 . E _ ‘ .2 I “ ht"
KENTUCKY _. .1 , .'
e. ,. . V - 4 ,3
1537 EASTLAND DR Edltorln chlot Elizabeth Cams .3. . _ .
' Managing Editor Sacha DeVroomen 7 '7 .. 3 .« ..-'
299-9187 News Editor Fran Stewart \ ‘2\222”‘ l , . . . . h'! I. '3‘.
. Editorial Editor Alexander Crouch .. " “5 \‘\2 - . f .. 2‘.'22"2. '133.‘
Across From Continental Inn 5P0". Editor Willie Hiatt A” h 222.22212k ._\ 2. / ._ _‘ .3 , a ,’ _. .1”
SCA WOLFF SYSTEMS Arts Editor Gory Pierce . a a. x, K... ' 3. .3 . ‘ _3,',_
Special Prolocts Editor Scott Ward 02* i. v t ”t ' _ _. g. .fé . -.. '. ‘1'“ I.-
Photo Editor Breck Smither k ’ q or 1' g " ' m . +~ { :. ‘ -. .1 -. . .
‘1 Q ‘ t». k H . - .1. ; . 'l
. s ‘v -. _,
Adviser Paula Anderson 04‘ ‘ Q . f - l. 3 33%- 3 2 . . : .’ '. .1
O Advortlslng Manager Linda Collins 6.; ” Q , .. x . -.x" 4 ”f 3 ,3 .1 .
3 T'mes Production Manager Rhonda O'Nan ' ' 3-_._..- ‘ . .- .'
A.“ .._; , HF* .. ' . ; ,‘ .. . ..' ..
For The Kentucky Kornol is published on class days during the academic year ’ . \ ’2 2* / '2 " 2' l' '2
andweeklyduringthesummersession. _%,2i2.;\.:?1* V , _ ‘ t ‘ . -"- '2? " '
Third-class postage paid at Lextngton Ky. 405]] Mailed subs