xt71c53f1p8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1p8z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-01-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1980 1980 1980-01-28 2020 true xt71c53f1p8z section xt71c53f1p8z \ol. LXXII. No. 93 K2 l 81 l‘nlverslty of Kentucky
Monday. January 28. I980 Lexlngton Kentuek
on Independent student newspaper . r
— *—
Developed by Adult Student Organization
Ne ad'sinoff' etdf ' dt ' tdt '
SARAH L'NDERWOOD meeting 0f the Adult Student up a scholarship-loan fund with the faced last semester. according to the attending classes while supported by her “I htlpcu lot of \o.i .qiiitic l‘t't'flls“
Reporter Organization. The A80, in only its dues; but addedthatthe idea mustfirst SUFW‘y‘ WC“? With scheduling COWSe3 Patents. l'be Adult Student It will make me feefuseiu‘ “ she ind -
third meeting since its inception in be discussed by committee members. above the 300-level. lack of parking Organization hopes to help make mt- She also said her approach would be
A "e“ advising office for evening November, also passed the In addition, the results of aVsurvey places. and lack of financial aid. I’K community more aware of these one of. "l ci's look it up touclhcr " it
class and extension students will open organization's constitution and mailed last IV)ecember to pinpoint Another need was for a gathering needs. King said least for a little while i i ‘
today at 4 pm. according to Jane bylawsand agreedtoformcommittees adult students needs werediscussedat place often older students don‘t “When an adult decides to c't‘ltl‘
Stephenson. director of Student that will study the usage of the meeting, which was attended by know others like them exist, Other Prt’hlt‘lm "lt'mttlm‘d dt'étl' back to school. it‘s cit-”mi mm. ,1 3
Services. membership dues and plan a social approxrmately 40‘ Stephenson said. “uh ”Mmmlmg schgdmc”: dw‘g 3““ lhc tttccltttu iltlltlllfltftl \luri-ik
lhc “C“ advising office. Wthh “'lll event. Committee members will be chosen Several r ' . business InUniversityoffices-after4;_t() said h" ”ll—W" “I” l“ U ‘ l i ’
_ . V , ~ espondents wanted to pm. and finding child care, ()ne need . . L PU] ”I people
‘ operate between4and 8p.m.Monddy Janice Brunet, president of the from among the I42 respondents to sensitize the campus to adult students' mentioned in the sursev that f Wnsidcrrng entering L‘ttlloge‘ as well .is
through Thursday at If” Frazee Hall. organization.said membershipis open Deoember‘s survey. several of whom needs. according to the survey. A better advisin should be .1 m ‘0' people “h” ”“- “l‘m‘ll “”‘lllt’tl
1‘ deSignedtoservethosestudentswho to anyone. not onlyto people mm 23‘ expressed a willingness to serve on student who works full-time and that there iisgan adttsin mft In)“ An} 0M dmmng “Hill“
. cannot be athSCd between 8am. and as mistakenly printed in Friday's committees, according to Linda attends classes whenever possible. or lira/cc Hall ISte h .n i g (i) I“ m ml‘mlifl'l‘“ 'dhout \5() may Contact
4:30 P-m- th time most SlUdenlS Kernel. Membership dues are $5 per Harris. secretary-treasurer. The one who must take care ofchildren in 't he “mini Pdiv-M n ‘3. lhc 0mm“ ‘l‘m‘l Brl‘m’l- l‘rwslt‘“I
V15" the” adV'SVetsr year. or $2.50 per semester. survey was mailed to all University addition to going to school has Murra' Fn lg h1 'mr' .1 Hi Ann WV“) 74.15%: H! Winchester WC.
‘ _. The new advtsrng office hours were RUSW King, ASO vice-president, “Udell“ 0“” 25- different needs than one who follows eycning. progriism litiiilcjmwlii ”k: president Rusty King “I 369%“; "I
announced at yesterday afternoons said the organization would like ‘0 SCI The main WONG!“5 adult SIUanlS the more traditional pattern of present at Yesterday‘s meetin; ffffiislitt Eat-figgg‘lrs‘usutct I ”1d“ “mm In
S I Id .__-s.
urcr e' ' fl
I Q . ‘ “tr 1
Rate higher among college age youths; g e Q “t“
UK professor dies In apparent attempt . ,, - , - .,, ,,
By BILL VI ARD ta kcthetr lites. Dr. Harriet Rose of the :5, _'..;.;__. Mr .“._V ’j’f“%27‘n '- . ’F . .};3'-;2.;'1-3;,;:i‘-}"?"':50" so..-
Reporter l'K Psychological'lesting Service says ' 1., . a ,3, R. s .. .::35::;E5‘::Ii ,.i %4%~:%f; ‘afi?’
young people are much more likely to V. ‘ l," g . . at; ’ ’ l g, ; g 752%; if fl ’ ’ fig!“ if?" *4" H gal?
When l'K studcnt Martin Noel take their own lives. For most college 32%: ‘2; i “$51.; ‘: "WI-1:22:22. if?“ 1-, ‘ "5' if?" ilfii ,, " '1 ”ha/W5" fl],’/;5-- 2/4
jumped to his death from the tenth students. going to school is their first 7 ' i 3313/“; ’I' i ;: , l ”3,; ‘f . , f" " I -«. a? ; ' tg1/ kill”? 1;.»
floor of a Honolulu hotel last time out on their own. she said. lhey ”:V "‘7’ ..V; “‘"t t?“ ‘1‘ A W] .7 3* . 0 if}, ’ ' ~ . ’ “w as;
November. his death focused attention are trytngtoestablish theirown identi- m V 11;! ii?“ ' V ' W“ < a3 .3 6 . i g . ‘ It,
on a serious problem among college ties. and reach a deselopmental crisis ‘ H «W . .. ., _' . _ ,. ""“"’V””' V . . . a. . h '41; y, gig - , . “i i. xx,
students the high rate of suicrdcs. as they face the problems of growing /«;:74‘%/, ' j; . ’“wtm “ , W . .- "WW
lhc rate among college students is up '- "“2: . . j” a “WWW %“W?lez/Tvm . .. t ; . V V “g, ,. .
more than dOUblt‘ ”‘31 0f non-college Because they are more emotional it I Riki/15’. . . ,. r writaiétgf"? ‘ W, ., i ..
’ people of the same age group, and more impulsive and have not “:“xgo‘g’fiififg anyway; an” “new” ,2.” //W/” s.) , . '
. , . dewtoped ihc coping mechanisms to t ”a” ”is” a..- . . . .. l" MM .. 1- - ”W“
R’C’WdV VHU’I’" Tucker. ‘1 30' deal with their problems. young peo~ l i gag?“ ”Wm i' i 1' ' ~ ”a“ "' ' , WWW’KTTZ', . V V 7% '12:”:
V year-old ( It malhntatrtstnstructor. plc In college face a set of crises which .. 5W. ' w til/W .. . .. fl .5" 4" " i Wm “WM " “fl’flg 1 ., ‘
apparently took his own life Thurs- they are oft' . . 'bl‘ " d"l . . . ”WW-r ., ~ ' ..W"“°“' V-V 7 -..-=°« “. -,.~,
daym his homeatl545 Russel/(ave . ' en ”1.9”“ k U m mg . . . Lam/s" ' , M ”""“,'.. pm» .43, l? W ,, . .
Road. m,- J Hill .51 d WIMP. Fayette “llh. ROSC hind. Il‘lC}‘ are trying in &’/';M.}rt§: ..-v. Q I, W; 0 4’ 4:1 momma 30415-2": Wmnwmmmmm ‘ Wm “HI...“ ,_ ., . . V .,
(‘ounty deputy (0,0er ' ' establish their IdCI‘lilllL‘S and ate deal- -{ " (”WV *“fiyfltt‘ m’a‘fmmy% WW3“ ' f’i’mex ii if: m l, _ . . fl'
. Tucker apparently hanged him- mg wttlt [th demands 01 their pawn“ ‘ a, , ,. , V_- 42/» .,,.;v,e,¢rao.s..,m.;. . ,. . , ,c . .. . (‘14:.le . We“: . . , -. ,. .t V
self with abelt. according to police. or romantic problems. 3" ”U I” ( “H ‘ mm" mm
. Tucker had been an instructor As the crises mount.dcpressi0n can By DALE MORTON lhc warehouse. \alued from $40— Ilic fire. " I here might haw been farsonl ”” r
_ since the fall of 1978. but had result. Chronic depression can be a \ttut “rite: 50,000. was located on West High some broken (wooden) casks in it. "\\'iii.i‘s .ire stl'liL'erlitV ~.'.'Il til the i
decided not ttheach this semester. harbinger of a potential suictdc When Street. iust sottth of Angliana but nothing else." he said. indicating area." he said. “It‘s kind it .i r. rfl‘rllttttl i i
. gezret‘tftjon'tt’lfitx‘gdfl: ”3:13:22; the student decides there are no more l'er destroyed an empty ware- 1M enue. Bill Mittlack said. Matlack the last activity was in September. arm " i .
hiimasrer's. alternatives. he maydecrdctokillhtm— house. near downtown l.L‘XlIIgl()II ispresidentof Industry Development "lliat particular building is not \Iatltick said there trad been no i
Tuck” WV (he "m (”helm P. self. As Rose ptitsit. He 5 had enough Saturday. Scndtng Ul‘ it thh black ( ompany. the owner of the insured." insurance agent Bill (‘ow- electriciit in the building in! rinse or t
ruck” ' of this system. cloud of .sinokeand clostnchrsatllcs warehouse, gill said. Cowgill‘sfirm. Powell. \Val- four years. and there was no L'ih '
While there is no such thing as a Road for more than Itl hours. V0 injuries were reported as it ton and Milward. represents (ash stittl the cause til the to: l
’ While it might seem difficult to “typical"suicidc. Rose specified char- Iralftc from Rupp Arena was result ofthc fire. Industrial l)e\clopmcnt t‘ompany, would be iiisestigatctl. but added fl l
. Q . understand “m seemingly normal. acteristics that most of them seem to diyertcd alter the l’K-(ieorgta bas- Matlack said the warehouse had "I can‘t imagine what started it." might take awhile before .iII\ le‘stll's l
' . , healthy. young adults would want to (‘ontinued on page 6 ketball game hs‘t‘étusc of the fire. probably been empty at the time 0t Matlack said. “I can't imagine it was are known V ; I
‘ s ,. ~
v at t: UK kitchenman Wofford has worked hard for his hat .
\‘9 ,»'K V ‘, By SARAH UNDERWOOD Some people can‘t lite three months not agoodone. I'suallyll willturnyou He gained weight .iltei l‘ic lllillllcd
V ' . . VV Reporter K after they retire, l‘yc seen a lot ofpeo— mean,“ because he wasn‘t used to staying in
\ l ~\ Q ‘ i Q _ ple retire and I know only One who's ”0 hObN‘d on freighttrains.“8team ”ll“ PM“ *“ld Cilllntlllll‘v‘l' "I‘L'itl‘tlllfl
‘ . m Q 3’ (Vharles Wofford has trayeled the still living." engines on the railroad didn‘t go over Wofford weighsaboui .‘Weti lt‘lltlst‘ifll
- N .jV “ Q?“ DaltonHehaS pertormedonihestage. W ff d , d h, , ‘ _ . 40 miles per hour. I was 1.12 pounds. him “lint"t. but intends to low 5“
; "ski ' . . _“ He even has the dISlmCllon “l being a 20 . 0 of, .MI L married when he cottld catch a freight train at ltlllspt‘cd Pt‘lmth h) St‘pls‘tttht‘:
5. . -* A») bootlegger in Chattanooga. lenn. “f” M led” Old Ihat “35 m '93" and ride wherever If a )lace looked \\ hen IIL‘\\'l\ “t ind w 'iullt‘il IM he
. ' - . ‘ Charles Wofford has hadabusylife. “ghl'ln the middle othhc depression." good. I'd get off. then giab the next went 10 sec d‘tllftltl‘t dhtitll Ctttlitnt’ltlll
.1 ‘ Wofford, a heavy. black man who turns 65 this fall. btit will continue he 5:“d' ll. :INR: raise $4020 today train if l didn‘t like it." \ttmk‘ til the fill (‘ltltttttl-tttt‘, “its tltt
V‘ worksV tn the Student Center dish working part-time at Spindletop Hall :norctcasiy I :nh‘satlet; the ‘4V'lh‘VOBl Wot‘tord fathered eightchildrcnand tiiiiinancsthettctit tliiii lll‘iic.ilt‘t’ttrtllttg ‘
.‘ ‘ room. tsaman of many stories Behind on Newtown Pike. He keeps the (t: gs: {:de i, cn “mo“ MC stayed married to his wife until she to Woll'ord Ilie tltit‘tnt told \Vttlfitrtl
‘ r his waxed moustache and underneath grounds nearthelmansion)clubhouse I e '1 en I dnhaveto spcndaquarter tired in I955. I hcn he traveled some ”1"” ll be PM hlm l0 *tls‘s‘p. It: might
' .. . his paper hat that bears an “I am during the summer and washes pots on something. more. livcd in Pennsylvania for seven ”CWT “HM UP- '\”d if l‘tt‘ lt‘ttlt‘ lltt‘ ‘ '
I . . . -.~ lOWd button. IS it man Who has and pans in the kitchen on winter He drifted before he married and years and later came to Iexrngton to llL‘Sh. llls‘ClICttltk'étl‘ “Ollltl .L’t‘l ”Whit
* t . worked hard to obtain what he has weekends. again after the death of his wife Wof— \isit his brother. “I oi to lextti ton' l l‘le 1““ klll “It“ ”I ”1"“ ”mm“
3, ("HR RENT/Kernel sun his paper hat. u] “Quid,” dream m- “0 ~ f d d- . . - . . g g ‘ . q . . . .
. . _ pptng or anced with the (herokee Bill was too oid to travel. I intend to die lht dmlot dil\t\Hl \Mtiforrl to flu
( HARLES WOFFORD ”3 “Ill ”WC from UK when he work." he said. “I‘d probably die Road Show. “It's an exciting life, but here.“ he said. (ontinued 0" page 3
Wildcat manta: oda .
- Local school m u roar
ded'cated fans lhc board voted unanimously Saturday to support (ar- p
ter's request to seek a transfer. post onement, or cancella-
camp Outside State tion of the Moscow (iames unless thepSoviets withdraw their 0 var IteaCher, M
V V troops from Afghanistan by Feb 20. acy
. have posrtively identified a woman whose body was found
Ecymilrirl: H0“ ERTON Thursday off Rose Island Road in Oldham County. world By JACKI RUDD ““d.‘ from “CRIN”? ..
- Acting Citypolicc Sgthck Stclartsatdthedenlal{ec‘iirds (‘0?) MW" \lacy. a hmmci" administration
It's not part of the National Park frirltaiile-rtfaartailienholsmiij: :lrcljm- 34- ”‘3“th dentaliesisper- ADOLHASSAN BANI-SADR. whose apparent \ictory , . . ”Till”? comVplettd hm? _C:'“‘“Urk
Senice. and It‘s certainly not the Red Mrs Helm anazsistantlrnaa‘na er 0”“le Boart‘afct r a in Iran'sz'irstV presrdential election has been taken as an Ihings getthrownoutof k'llcr“hcn rcqtinemctrs irijwururrfum“$111“
River Gorge. but during basketball in Louisville ‘was last seen by l'egllow em loyccs walktnc “0 encouraging stgnforthe American hostages in .1 ehraVnt said an All-American basketball star hits pm??? V” ‘ ”mm-L l" “M ””9
season at UKsome ofthe bestcamping her car last bunday mgm Her cm waspfoundi on a “ft-fl yesterday a solution tothe crisis becomes attainable ifthe the‘htgh school classroom. “T: '5‘“ h t. V 1 (Q . V
. around is right in front of Memorial Tuesday by city police. ~ Linited States does not meddlein Iranian affairs. (ardboarded Windows. starryfycd . ‘n er I C ‘l‘l‘U‘l‘V': n (I ”m“
Coliseum. . At a news conference at his campaign headquarters iii students andautograph seekersletyou ( ombs. a latcs (V iccls bitsttics\
Despite sub-freezing temperatures nation Iehran.lhelranianftnance minister also said foreign repor- know he's there before you ever see teacher. Man will . br‘ lL‘iltI‘ilIIg
and lhtlhreatofan Clghlinchsnowfall ({Zi;‘:,:;ll(;1,::nacl:);;dm‘:"rescind?! alcrgess tp IfrVa: evenVcin him. itCL‘tiunthing.hiiffiti' titticnincs tindVy..hr.
whi , , , Q , V V .. " t sar sen o ercs o cwor , y .. . V . , , . H mus ot cr usrncv courses tint' l t‘
linetcih “get; ga$ng39$efigglfinhgg S“Tilt; IF}: 3L???“ V( gMMITTHfi. after HBTCCIHBV V10 l'nofftcral returns reported Bani-Sadr had received a Iatcs ( reek chnior hlgh hasn ‘ been end of the term
attem l to get the orchestra Seats for PP V . ~l C" Vancrs emands 0“ lh‘ ()llmP'CV )U‘ whopping ’5 percent of votescast in Iran'slirstprwdetittal the same since I K guard KHC M“) Macy's \C'dl off the court when llt‘
the “fildcats next two home games terday 3“ “loudohvnnpf‘l'mado‘ la'dll‘t Em‘de“ election. began h's student teaching there .Ian. I‘ V i .1' l K l I’ f '
Feb. 2 a ainst Tennessee and Feb. (i for games of its own it there is a boycott of the Summer l8. "("1“ch _m . mm , u“ “c (M
against gl‘. MISS mm“ in. Moscow weather “You wouldn‘t believe how man) ”wed.” the V «f, “whim“ M!
s m. remw
C ‘ :. a.m. . t- » a no mcrt- . Q . . , . .
giate dian of StUdenctzolgrarr‘igkiilzfii: can athletes should beseni .0 Mom,“ beau“ 0' the 5mm TODAYS FORECAST (‘ALLS for increasing cloudi- Leatherston. it“? Creek: prtncrpal. However. he did not plan .i sptzvtg ‘
this was a record. These seats are usu: intervention in Afghanistan. Ihose athletes could then par- ness with highs in the low to mid J0s (‘loudy With a good SUI/11w"? up :1 e ”:l wee . layoff after finishing his business
ally available for students until noon ticipateinasportsfestivalsometimethisyearif they did not Chanc°lll “m“ “"“Bhl “Id “’mt'tmw lows tonight Inth: . ter our ays .0 classroomobser- administration classwork. “I decided
he added. ‘ go to the Olympics this summer lo“ 10 mid 30s. and highs tomorrow in the mid 30s. ”“0,“ and grading papers. Macy to put it to use and not rust sit around
Continued on p". 3 admitted it was a “different feeling not this extra year " _ .
being on campus anymore. I‘m sort of ("""W‘d on [“29 0
. I

 _____________—_________________________—___:-..--_....__._. .-__
KENTUCKY Debbie “(Daniel
fill/or m (lire! erl “u". Kim Aubrey Thom-s ( lurk John (In) (ilry Llndm
1-) Focal Bob ('ochrnne 1,, , V,.,,,,I.t,,t,l, II/m” slrwii lrlrior Director 0] Photographr
( If) Willis Associate [Arron Paul Mann
.MulluLIIle hliior Cindy McGee s.” hrhtm Brim Rickerd Dlvld Mun-rd
Jacki Rudd inomni strusium strum Miro: PhUIU Mam!"
. . Stnc Mane) lb. Dot-slid ('upi Edwin l/rrnit.in-nini I ,liior
edltalals & CO S Editorial Editor
(uni/tut hliro/
N l h o victors
I l'..\. Secretary-(icrteral Kurt Waldheim claims that foreign power and calling for a reinstatement of regis» several European countries. The L‘nited States alone li-IIIOH can perhaps be avoided in the future.
. Russia and the [hired States have no desire to enter tration Ior thedraft. EarlierIl .8. sanctions against the has pledged $400 million to securethe country most Because the Soviet Union has embarked on what
into war lletold reporters last week.I‘ l thinkthat the Soviets call torIa cancellation ol l, .5 grain sales to threatened by' the Sotiet presence in Atghanistan. can only be viewed as an aggressivecourse ofactionin
“*0 POW“ 1*” IUII)’ 1N8” OIIhC dlfiastrous conse- Russia amounting to nearly l7 million metric 10’15- Japan‘s Prime Minister Masayoshi ()hira con- Afghanistan. a more convincing counterforce than
. quences ol a direct military confrontation lIlow'eter. cutting oll high technology to Russia and boycotting dernned the Soviet presence In Al'ghanistan and has been presented in the past must be found to con-
. , “Mid leadersare bum} lindingw'ay'stoconyince both [ht ( lympic gdm“ m MOMO“ 1h” summer. pledged that Japan would also join in sanctions since the Soviets of the futility of their actions in
POW“ ”I the truth ”I the” words. In Britain. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has against Russia, Ohira say'sthat his countrv has oll‘ered Afghanistan. I
. ), . . , . . . I . . I . , . . '
In Britam. Idlshbm Japan and at the l ”It‘d promised to strengthen trade sanctions as well as cuts to increase economic aid to Pakistan. and to cooper- . , ~ - ‘
\v. ' \. York world leaders are planning , ,. . . . . . lhe only hope for the world Is to avord either
_ atious in cw . . ~ h in goyernmental. cultural and military'exchangeswith ate with the United States and the European nations another conventional world war oreven more terrify-
, sanctions and other measures :Cslgm’dI IIIO he?" I t the Soviets. Britain also has supported (‘arter‘s Oly'm- to secure the release ofthe American hostages in Iran. ing a nuclear war Hopefully “Ialdheim is correct in
superpowers trom each others t roats. e tas may -. ")I I offered to hold the ames in Britain. . .. . , . . . . . . . . . - .
not be an gm one D" b0)“ I and g lhe ellectiveness ot any ol these sanctions. real and hisestimate ofthe wrsdom and discretion ofthe super-
» Recent developments hate lound President (‘arter Pakistan has requested $2 billion in military and proposed. is. however debatable; but It a cohesive powers but nuclear war can have no vrctors and the .
promising that the ('5. will under no Circumstances economic aid lor two years. a request the [3.5. isseek- alliance between the [75,. Japan and (‘hinaespecially rest ol the world must remind the Soviets.and perhaps
V allow a takemer ol the Middle liastern oil fields by a ing to meet by working wih Saudi Arabia. Japan and can be drawn upagarnst the Sonets. military contron- the Americans. as well. ol that inescapable fact.
. .. ., .*_c._,_I
’ I
' ' Policy of force / I
7 " I
m er ' it ~‘ 2 i
. . ,' s ,1. 2&4 / ‘,
-‘ \ E‘s 7:: l
r . ' . " Ihc \osiet insasion ot -\tghanistan as a means ol sersing notice that we 6) We must decide. against all \III' ‘V I’m / (I
.I marks theollrcralundot theattemptto intend to be ready. instinct ol liumanitairanism as wellas (f .\ 5"» 71.; It I I. ‘l f]; I
i i _ |n\oI\c‘ thesotierl riron in that webol 2) We mustguaranteethe borders ol pride. to wait out the hostage issue in iI .. .(I I ‘Is. ”I [I 3 II (it. I“ («I I
' relations which we hoped would be Pakistanand burldanairbasernKara— lehran. l'he tact is that we are not _ 1 ".r \\_‘y I 3 L I
restraining and which Henr\ Kissinger chi. ()ur military etlort ought to be ready now to meet the Soviet aggres~ I ‘ '~ » -: I ‘eo‘s I 0 . I
' ”A . delrncd as “detentc " Scholars may accompanied by aid in the lorm ol sion in Iran which would \ery' likely 3 r__, ' . g I; I
. - argue about why it tailed. lhe rest ol tood. medrcrne and help in educating lollow our attempt to rescue hostages ‘ q n 0 I) , *\ fl— ! Mfg I I
l i 1 us may wish to demte our energies to art illiterate population It is a tall or punish Iran by military means. R I' . ‘t l [I . , ‘ huflc; _, I
. .. v . .r * b i 'ltnc“ a th' ma will . r' v...‘ .- -‘—.-r' I
.. I .' . , dccltllltIL whit to do thout it ordcr ut i g i . c t L P 7, “e need to “\er thc coycrt I,, 91/ A ‘a . ”I, I II V
. It Russia is not to be restrained b\ d re\eal that there is no alternatne. . . , I . .- . . - I \ . -.\\\ I
. ' - _________—__ action capacity which was dismantled , 3’1_;‘.c_ a,- - .M _ .
desire tor esteem or admiration oi d - I . - . » , . ‘é v" 3"? I r \- t: A A I I
' ‘ I tride ‘idwntages or those mutual ties uring progressiyc inycstigatrons 0' ‘ ‘ 7 ' v ’ II ‘12.; v I
. . _ ‘ ‘ “ r the CIA. lhc Iirst ste rsto "e real the ' § .. c 3-, . I
5 - which caused cr\iIi/cd powers as well braden report , P A I . - \ . ' -. ) WI. I
l d i th‘ k tw' bl Hughes-Ryan amendment which , . , \ x . iI . r“ 5
. . - s r ' ~- . l . ‘ , . \\ ~ , ' .
-I . . “5"“ I" m" 0 'n M ‘ ”0 requrres the (IA to report to eight ‘— - ~ \. ““3 (i7,
« taking harsh action. what else can we ——-——————— . . . _. I . . 3 \ - - _ , s
, . separate congressional committees ~ - 1/; e ,
. ' do except build and ptit on station the .1) We ntust burld a permanent and . . . .
, . . belore planning a clandestine acti\it\. / ,ti ~~ “ I
‘ . - restraint represented by torce expanded l .5. presence in the Ara- ' /‘c \ / . \ , . I
- . . ,t _. I .
- . lhe altcrnatnc is a polic_\ ol no res- bran sea. lhis will require gotng ahead All oI this ought to be set rrt motion fl‘d/E‘I’ I51- ' / VI 9), «MIX , ’51,” I
. traintat all lnthateyent.weshouldat with the burlding ot two new carriers at once. Some ol it is being set irt . / I!“ "I r/ 4 1 ‘4 I\ I
. L , a \ery minimum and as a most likely for the Na\\‘ and linding an on-shore motion, But we cannot bltil'l, We can- 7 I ‘ I ,, - i Q \ \ I
. _ ' ' ‘ ' \ \ ~ .\ i
lirst result. lose all access to Middle base in addition to the bases at not make suggestions based upon the _ , as. Q I . 4:;\ I
' ‘ . 'I L lastcrn oil other than that which we Karachi. possible use ol an Army when we do ' ,. , /\‘\‘\ “5:," 3311/ I
' ‘- might obtain by going but in hand to 4) We ntust press lora settlement ol not ha\e an army or upon the possible / t / \\ ‘ \ ’\ I Lé—f—I/I I
i ' . . , Moscow and asking tor terms the Israeli-Palestinian quarrel. Weare Use ot a lleet which has been muclt -» . f\‘\§. \I\\ _ . l
‘ V ‘ Assuming that we do not wish to unlikely to win lirm Iriendsltips and depleted. A larger army and a larger 7 ‘ ‘ “ I
. . adopt a policy ol no restraints. we sate bases in the Persian (iull so long na\_\ are essential to a policy oI res- ( ”Humming ' i
‘ " must nest ask ourseltes what should as the Palestinian Arabs have a legiti- traint. In the new ol military experts I
‘ . . . . . .. ,. .. ..,, , ., . .. . 99
. . , _ bc donc to apply thc polic_\ ol lorcc matc griuancc tisa reasontor cruising hcrc. thcic is timc to burld But not (9 MT 9088 IT, MID I” )6) TURKGY5 war BLQW m %PSI FRANCJ‘IISQ I”. l
. . llie answers are much easier to list trouble. much time.
_ i: . ‘I ‘ ‘ that they are to adopt 5] We must issue a warning to the /-,-
‘ ' ' lr\\e rnust rcrnstnute the dratt. not Soyiet l'nion that any intenentron in Tom Braden writes a nationally- ' ’ I
. ' . i - only as a means ol augmenting what Irart will automatically trigger a l S syndicated column out of Washing- , . ; ~ I
‘ .I has become a xery weak »\rirry but also response ton. l).(. It appears mery Vlonday. » I I/r I '
II ‘6", <, 7/ .2/ . 49:! at {f I
I . . . 5‘. r( I 1/," W” ‘ l
.v I . " . ,/./. If] ,a/’/% I' l
. D . . . , . . *.
.- .- I r: —ab 3th . -I-.«,/ ./ ./I.., s .
. . t K .v » ‘hfi . > ,_ .A- - .L/i f f 4/ 03-1'
- ' . - , . . - . «at ‘ , .
' \ —~.—::;':""“> 9’41“: ' “J ‘, ‘ r I
~ ‘ ‘ . . , . _ , "L’s. 2- = .3? 15".. , 3; . /
. . f Renai, sance Man is dead. I\ w ’l. ’n . * ' 7 '7‘ r” ‘ x .; -" “ " . I -
'1 FBI. drlve ‘ 3 . I ‘ R Rebecca A. Walker (“C/Q) -K’" ~ git-lg ' - ” ‘C ' .- t
» » ' January -3I He is But dottt panic. In I. _ . . . . . \i ,———~~»— * , x 4 1,7 ,1 - r
, . Business Administration Junior ‘47; , 3 D) t." 3‘ -I . . - I
. \ow that “hoot 1c back m wwon his place is a new man the Future . “a .T ‘ . , . / / l .
I /:::«7—f:,—"1 'Is" 53‘s ‘ A; - , / l f I 1-: _ .
. '. I and the acti\rtres ha\e «”1ch many Man lhe l'uture Man is a being ol . ffifir . ‘éal . - / . I
. 5 students. especially graduating hopes. dreams. and spectal goals lhe NO VOIce X / rs... _ - ’ ‘ I ““Vj’ . . ., ,2: I .
. I. ' ‘ \t‘nlttl's. are looking lor actnrtres to “1mm Mil" knows “h“ h“ 1‘ and 1? a i 9s, I! LJ/ w" , or ‘ , I
' ' - become mWIH‘d \th Membership “PM“ he I5 going and I5 strningto SCI I would like to speak on behall ol a L \r / \ - . S '2 1% " / i , (If, "1.. ‘ Li". I
" ~ I r r , . ' ' ‘ . / n r K ’ u. . I
r: t .‘ drnes ha\e started and recruiting has III?” He ‘54 man “h“lhmks dIW- HIS constituency in our society that has no \ 1/ / ’Wm ll' .. 2).. j,
. ‘- i ." ““21““ “I9 ‘5 not E’U'dCd h} PC“) ”10112!th \oice. Ittsmy layman‘sunderstanding -J’I .. '~\\ \R ) ‘ - ‘\ M) : i I
.'. I I . ,~ I .. Phi Beta I antbda I PHI I is also hat. ‘UCh as “hill time he‘s going to gel tip that the purpose ol law in our society is c. /// "/4. ’ I \ K) i. " I
'.' _‘ 'I ‘ - rng its membership drne and recruit. tomorrow or whatto leedthc kids. No. to protect the rights ot its members / A A ‘ ,. 4L ) °0 i
- . mg interested members PBI it d hrslrleisgmded bythoughtsnlscurch— Irom intringement by others. What / .° _/ . Lt.) ’ ° W I I
.. ; I. 3. business honorary open toany student Ing (OI wanting I“ know.asyousaid,l more basic right d" “C haye than the M V) _ I
. . . interested in business too don‘t hgm- right to live‘.’ Surely one ot the most \ / ._/ .. ‘ ©0..'“°°2'"2‘F°""' I
. ‘ . lhe time has come to look ahead ' \ “ ,s/ y D" "m r
‘ t . » '. tohczihusuiessmarortotorn Iht‘trnh ‘ basic laws in any society is a law ' /’ .. "’” <5 .
. II ~. .I I I . . - not back lhe l uturc Man is looking , , ' ' ~ ‘ I
. I I . I rcqtllrcmcrllslttt mcmbershiparethat be dt d“ . I ,. ‘h l h 425”“! taking 1”“)th persons I'IC- p ‘-—--'" I ’
. . I '. ',' you hate a DUI (rl’A and )ou must {\anth riltyiiutih hkkdit‘lngllylr l‘ puIr~ How then. in our so~called “adyanced ’1“ U i
. - v r . _ (\‘. i. ' | S] H' ‘ » - .. .
. I I I Iran 6 hours or business courses If; 'lk I I - . ‘ .'.( mt 0 cryilt/ation. do we Illlslll)‘ ending the ~' ‘
, . .. . , hCI‘llt‘gl'ttlt'tl‘tin ta Ingo purposcswhcnihe world I . _ I , .. -. .WW__-.-~
I, I , . t. r ncs ol some ol our unborn members
. . , contains poserts. hunger. and hatred. , I .
~.- . , PHI 1‘ designed m 111‘“ students . . - olsociety.simp.y becausetheirbirthrs
. I ,I I . But the searchers cannot let it go. As .~ -) -
. II . , greater ”Ntlhl into the business Ireld . . . . II not desired “hat condition or that .
. II .I ,I thr iirh rt d h Albcr. Einstein once said. ()I all the child drastiC'tll\ ch'in cs in th
, t) ; ‘ . I . c . ‘. ‘
. .2 .' ‘ I‘ I‘II' "”3“”: m t rough communities available to us there is moment that II. ”III“: lrom tht 6 am 0 I‘
-. ' 'ti'ts‘t.‘ - . ' i“ ,
I.. . . I~ I‘KL‘ ID” :1“ I ”I lPHIWr} PM“, P not one I would want to devote mysell womb" L t
v 2 ‘l r - - s - ' .
i ,I . . II ”I- I‘Ilm‘I III“ II P II” mcmbers I” to, except tor the socretv ol the trite
- . ‘ titti‘ilmN) l' l“ " i ' - s " - ’ '
'. ' \ ”C I I t LI I I d“ m ml dd” \Eflrshcrs lhere are plenty ot You mas ask why lspeakolkillrnga
' . I t i ' ' . . . ' . ‘ . - .
- II . * ll“l .\ ‘l Pmmt‘an-l Pl” searchers aloe and well tdoav lhey child rust belore birth. when present lhe Iwnlui'lsi' Iseme/ welcomes all contributions from Letters: ’
. . , , . I s. i i r- , . ' ' , ' . ' ’ i I i
. I - . I II“ “I‘I L ”“I ““‘“mcnl- ("timid are reaching be\ond man \ selt-madc ruling allowsabortron only ”1”,“th the l K community lor publication on the editorial and Should be 30 lines or less and no morethan 200words.
' , ' to t . i “ . t ' . . - . ~ '. .
. A. I“: ti n “\lt‘hHhH ”MI ”‘0 II‘" limitations. And the searchers are the trarrlv set lirst three months of preg- opinion pages. ”19) «‘hOUId concern particularissues.concerns orevcnts
. r. t sa"rn ‘4' . - . ,I
" I myth/2:] n [C ”mun“ I I‘m“) the “n““hU “”18“ “”0 Iht‘ Sl'dfshrstto nancv. How'eser.what rsthcdilferencc relevant to the [X community.
. . I I 't . ti lsc . . I '. I I I .
, , . «\ns student who rs interested in meet our destiny. Iht)‘ more than m d “ft 3 months ”Id and [PM "I ”‘9 letters. opinions and commentaries mustbety'ped and
, I .I 4 . . n - - . . ' s . " ' ‘
I becoming in\ol\cd in Phi Beta .IiInyone. erIllC that we cannot sitidly same life 6 months later. Both grow. triple-spaced. and must include the “mug glgnatum
I , I I ambda and opening doors to new V; anyIInorc. lt rI: tIIme ItIobbreaIit lIiI'ee and take nourishment. Both have 8 address and phone number. l'K students should include OpinionS'
. . ans omeist e an. ut is es- ’ it ‘, ‘ '- .. ‘ , ' - - ., ' ~ -
. . lrclds and leadership deselopmcnt. , detin e 3mm" structure. 80m ‘m theiryearand mayorandl "MN“empl“)‘c”h°”ldl"t Should be 90 lines or lessand shouldgiveandexplaina
, .. III I . tiny is the stars and beyond truly a Complete human me. their position and department ~I . , I . .
I '. may or . ulr'. l ortwengler. PBl prcsr- ' ' positron pertaining to topical issues of interest to the UK
I I I, dent. at Z‘o.3‘5s m WU may ,ittend tllasen t you ever wondered why man You may notagree with my‘ philoso- . community.
I . the lust nreetrngot the semesterwhrch has HIWa,“ been lascrnated with the phres or opinions. and that is your lhe Kernel may condense or reject contrrbutrons.and
will be held on January 29. IQXOat 6 30 heavens?) Don't let yoursell be caught right. However. I simply ask that you lrcquent “We“ may be Ilmlled- Him" ”59"“ the "BI“
. I pm. in Room 106(‘ ('omples in the trap of the past and your consider the rights of thousands ot to edit lorcorrectspclling. grammar and clarity.and may
4 . (‘ommons “Renaissance Man “()pen the doorto unborn children before you loudly delete libelous statements. ('ommmuyi"
. the future It s closer than you think proclaim the supposed wisdom ofnine ShOUId be 90 lines or ICSS. WIIh "0 more than 300
I Terri Hartley (Did you know it is predicted by nota- l'allihle men. After all. with nrncdiller- (‘ontributions should be delivered to Room I I4Jour- words. These articles are reserved for authors who. inthc
. , , Business Administration senior blc scientists that we will land men on em men the decrsion could easily haye nnlism. l'nivcrsity of Kentucky. Lexington, Ky. 40506. editor‘s opinion. have special credentials. experience.
Ma“ PI '99” I IhCIUIUfCJOUmCy has gone the pro-lite way, [or legal reasons. contributors must present a HK ID training or other qualifications to address a particular
x Future Man begun Prt‘parc for tomorrow get before the Kernel WIII be able to accept the material. subject.
ready " (Joan (‘ollins as l‘drth Keeler. Keith I.. Stlgcr
\o.\1r Scarborough. you think the Star Trek Engineering senior
‘ .

 , Tlll’ Kt\ll ( l\\ klRNH . \lnnday, Januan Ill. IWOJ «7 7 -'
at ans , _ ,1 _
' d h ' ° Wofford works hard for bat -- ~
12 - . , , . -
in seven .fl, .1 , ..
We’l I .. 3- ,. . . . .~ , .;.
d ta 2" ’7 ' . -< fi’fiyifivijII ( onunued from p829 1 /\ lob stlpenisol on. .lslst‘ll school I lill‘. ll‘i'r‘I ‘tlfllt' good
un er 8 rs .v ' . W 7“ -. ' , 7 ”22’ 1/ everythln'and haveelethln' “oilord hov. he tell about vthrtetolks l“t‘vflsL‘tl.l~tt house _' ,’ -. ‘
“ - ‘ - ' 2-. ' ”34”“; he ' in ulan‘t In past h it I h h h hm h .r l ‘ l ' '
" * , 2 -=..’£‘:---’-f12'"”* ’23-. .cause u e ' s " ‘m no ctter ' 1n: - 2‘ Until .tll . ll . -: a: i ' - " - '.
Continued from page I - 6» .. , I w 41%". A‘ . .MM 40 .. lm 6' t l I II , III . . l lIlII s HI I . I ..
h '-k 1- - “ ever . 3'- . r ‘ 7' . .. h d , l lht‘ ‘1 louest “Hill and NH “lrl'st' lllrltl lll' r d ..\ tn stlld lit: r» \L "Mill, ,, . .
AllhouE “c C 5 die n 4 2‘7 , .22 ' 1"" 7 ' ,. 5m“ H octor “L tn“ the l’le\ltlr.'lll " lie allsueft'd “ hellc \sl llis" l‘r"\\l.‘tl 'lle ltltl , -' .' l .. 77,77
all gone on Sunday. the stu- 7‘ Vs ’7 X '- 52‘ 7'- i’i“'-"-l77lfl h'm about dying. h") wanted to "You ll lve to loot .tl till.- ll.lld l'd rlisl le.r.- \\ illlllltl r Lu "
dent allotment often l3 used UP "’