xt71c53f1n90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1n90/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1971 1971 1971-03-24 2020 true xt71c53f1n90 section xt71c53f1n90 ' 1 ‘5 Q .
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Complpx David Lemaster, candidate for SC vice president. addressed students at the Complex Commons last night. He was also piesent uith other I' (in; '1'. .- I' -.
. . candidates for SC vice president and president at Boyd and Donovan Halls. Forums will (oiilinue throughout the neck. Ilseiuel 1,9? " .~ _‘
cu m pat g nut 32' photo by Phil Gardner) ._ r
, r Q \ QI' I. (
t to u-‘Il “._‘4'u‘m
\Vcdnealay, March 24. 197] UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON Vol. I \ll. \o In? x -‘ I . 'Q
W » I I'I Ir;
",‘I ‘I .iI .II . ..QIII. -I
, ) ’VV .__ I I'I I. I.
Dld L8 ere 388k SC UOtQ? 131“ l( a“ b i“
_ "\firQ’f . " .~ :
Br RON HA‘VKINS The letter says in part. “IIeri'Iv for president and vice president. our \\ hether largei'e had sought ( 111])(llrll iv _I,
Assistant Managing Editor Legei‘e has strongly denounced \\'e encourage all of our mem~ (‘oalition hacking \ias possihli Q:'Q_". ' ~
Steve Bright's actions last spring hers to aid in electing these (le- due to a “mistiiiderstaiidiriu " . ' ‘7 ’ .»
A dis )rrte that seems to aris- ' . . ’ l ‘ ’ . . .. ‘ ' ,. .. ‘. y b 0 .) ',u .»I r. . x ~ .
in everi' Strident ('overnmeiit He has also lil(ll('.tl(n(l that he st‘l'VlllL‘: candidates. It”: hat”. Qias inst lttt’ttltitlit‘tf ( () [I] '11911 ( ( ,' I III,I II I
. ' . i . ' \\ ill concern himself with stii— Legere said last night that he at .i tor-um tor 8(1 t.indid,ite< toi Q2} ,r’r’rfi"
presidential campaign has at . .. . . Q Q . I. .. .
.‘ . (lent needs rather than the anti— has never aetivelv sought the president and \ice president at :‘h'r : " 'nh
readv developed in this cain- .. ~ 9 . . l’n R()\ H \\\kl\s - 3 ', ,~
. ' ,. . . our movement and attacks on backing ot the Student (.oah~ Donovan llall. Q , _ -- r-Q .
paign. lhe dispute involves the Q . . . , . . . . . \ssisltilil \lairaglnu liltttii u: v -.‘ :. :I-
Student (‘o'ilition tricking [errv our society. Most important. tron. . . . Im not interested in The (itiltt'()\(t‘sI\' is not totally I Q Q I I \. Q . I v. . II; _.
‘ “ ‘ - . , , . ,gvi ill t.» in Q_I..., Q _ _- . .
[”50“, for 5(‘ President ' ' Legere has asked for our srrp- their support. but i would atu unique. in past St. campaigns ‘ "’ I" I t’ I a. -. .
l ' ’ i ' ‘ “ r " - ‘ - 1'} l ,z‘hri ‘iit 7r 1' ' ' t '. ' I!
port. the only candidate to do cept it. i would be .strrprd not (.reek sheets ia hst of canrli- ' [m Qt Q \ . . .rnIII'Q .6 - .rIQi
A letter sent out to members so. \Ve believe that Jerrv Iau— to. I'm a candidate for office dates Creeks should vote for" ”HQ” i' 'Q“ '1 Q ‘Q‘Q 13;" i Y L ‘> . t '.
' ' v ‘ H .. . ri'Qr‘ .l i i_ Q 'of ,3. . Q. -:I . -,,
urges its members to work and gere Will make an excellent stir. and I wont refuse a vote. have been rumored. the ( reek int i i: \1' QI‘Q Q if’uf '. . .
vote for Legere. It is signed by dent body president. ()n Thiirs- Letter is valid sheets \vere risrrall} declared "'lQQ" 1“ iQIQ i Q A" QIiQ I . g; r
'l‘errence Fox. Student Coalition (lay. March 4, the Steering Coin- Fox said last night that the phony by the candidates the al~ \( (Q? Q {QM Q “”1“” ‘ i ", f . .:_ r.
- ~ - ‘ u u -- - - - - rs ‘t. .t r i wrutsr : . '.
president, and Pat Morrison, mittee of the Student Coalition letter is valid. He said both leged sheets supported. . H 1“ I Hi ‘HH .. ‘
r . . r . . . - -. - \(. i'epi‘eseirhiitke~ \\.is do inst Q» . " : - -.
editorial page editor of The unaniinorisl} endorsed the ticket Morrison and he had signed the r L QQ Q Q I Q Q .i Q 5 ~ . .
, v; . < . . \l'. ' ' ' ‘ “it -.iI iz‘tur . V’ i '4" '
lsentuckv Wildcat. of Jerry Legere and Mark Blair letter. luox said the discrepancy » jI§=:?15.-¢’:Q.;}I;_~ W H l‘ l i i M Q , 'Q' . I
' ' W .aéfihig-q ‘ "Hr'r' ttrurt thr' \\ urh r-hh-ririh '1‘.” h 5 L 1 -
Q“ he“ 4, that then- isiuitil lu- onii 17 5‘:.;;i.;.:...3 .' 'I" ,
o a fire ::.:=:525;' k 1. '9 I“: " " l . t . r \ I \‘t II I r . Q- .~ ‘I I.‘I
Seeks earth intelli Fence W “h “”‘h'hr *h h *' . “r . .- . ,.
/ ‘"' u ate. lle .ttltlt'rl that in t: “ , r, g 'I '.
‘ ‘ ""i _—————-————I—— " .. II‘:V“':I-r:I~ ,~ .‘.
w '. e\ei'\lrotl\ \t'l’llli'ti to -ittht _' ' r_
9 ° 9 . I . I'f' » . alter the \enate appimo ll fit. I’ -:‘ Q. J ,4
Cu 8 ea 1/8" t in t em ' ~ tiriniiite ieiioii iii.“ 1, \Hiiti t g" :Q , .1
i -. rs.’ I, lia\e iiii i‘easetl strident iepii \t n h r' '1. ‘ II.- It .
. . r . . V -% tation in the Senate trom 3 to Ur“... i ‘.‘ .-‘. :
By DAN MYSOCR world’s population eventually live freely in whatever Size and I I ,. to . II . I '.
‘ Kernel Sta” Writ" level oil to 10 billion led him to type town he chooses.’ . » .. . 6 1) IHI Q em islt‘t QQIIQ QIIII I
rhe locum? series sponsored say that the SOIUtion t0 OVCT- CIOUd also “8th several Hz. .- 7:3" I: r‘liiiii rugV iii iti‘ stroke rii‘\' tit" ii 1".” :
lt)’ tht‘ EHVih‘Onmf’ntill A‘V‘rn‘h“ population and the destruction things that individuals can do .I ‘ 23' QQ..Q,QQQQ\Q.Qi a Qiumi ,, prim.“ ;~' ; ,i _~
ness Society had as its guest of resources might come natur- to help bring about a qurcker W IIIIIIII III III inLtoii lit. IIIIIII IIs II. QI
. speaker Tuesday night Preston ally but very uncomfortably. solution. Among these sugges- ,_ Q )tlipltsli stud. III IIII its. . .I II .' _ II I
(Timid meessm‘ 0f geological “But who wants to wait; the bat- tions were writing congressmen, , . \thlll’ Q I QQQ Q \Q I .Q..., \I Q r Q, If ; ' ,
sciences at the l’niversity ot tie for survival is on!” Cloud supporting legalized abortions, ' i t!\t'.tiitli.1i|il1rlatt‘tirrl\(. :I.I ""-;‘ ,I‘
California. \Vhll‘) discussmg added~ Obtaining vasectomies. support .I lilent \.\as llt'\l t.) tako thi Iflun-r i ‘wi ‘\ i" i .
uiiuuts the He explained, “A new code ins: planned parenthood, and t i...
of the land and sea. Cloud also 0f human rights will soon come contributing to universrties for '3, t.tlt.\t' III the it IIIIIIIIIII \IIII . II. . ,.I in. ;~I Q
discussed PO-“Simt‘ retaliatory 1“" into existence: the right of a further research. . ion." QQII \.ilrl that tt sttirli‘tit\ ‘II.’ .0", 7-.
tions that. in his opinion, must fetus not to be conceived into He concluded by saying, To It“ . hope to he \tti‘tt‘\\ttll III QQIIIII I r '
be taken now. a world where it is not wanted, continue at our present course hr? .. tlt'alilrgs iiith .idiniiiistiaims , I f:
While many scientists today the right of sIocrety to drscorrr- concerning man and Ihis Lei- . “input must IIIIIIQIIIIIIIQQQ QIII QIIIQ .' I . I . IIIIII.I
' . ' age reproduction through legis- sources is to play Russran ro - QI Q I QQ . Q II\ M \ . Q , . .' .. _ . , ,
are puzzled by the question 0f lation and the ri ht of man to ette with mankind ” PRESTON (ZLUI'I) .‘ l . H . ' ”M r ' H ' V . '. , - r '
whether there is intelligent life ‘ ‘ g ' t s-\( lItil\t*i\lt\ \tltrli‘tIrt \Id .I ..I II. ,IuII .
in this universe other than on \isoii (IrlIlitltlillt‘t'II .ii... in. 3 . _IQ II: - Ir
Earth. Cloud is haunted by the . . . “out!” Ht Ilium r \ .- . ,' ~ I. -I I. ,-
rh wrrrrhh hrr l 1K antlm ates housmor shortage “hh r .
intelligent life on Earth. b P mite. said .itte: i-.tlt‘\ l.tll's1‘ii lit\ I- .. I . .I .QIQ
maioi position is that stud: nts h ‘-.I IQ
Cloud said, “If similar experi- o \erQiQi iQQm. QiQQ. QQQQiQQ QQ, QQQQ . I p I. I.
menu used by uruhruu surehrruu due to increase( ros en ro ment m... . i i .n s ~
to determine life sustaining con- cation " » I , .- .
(litions in outer s ace were used I . I I I . . . Q . ~ I . .. - . Q . r'.
here on Earth their hypothesis By DAVID BLANTON larst semester the t irr\'ei'sit\ date. l is housing is on .i first (ontinued on Page '- (0L 3 Q , Q
’ ' . i. . . ‘r ('23 ir'rrt rfthh rmxlir't ‘t\(‘(l basis. -.. ' .
would be that Earth, “.ch its I kttIiIiItl Ihtaif “rittIr III i;i:1I\IIIhouerd i {Nix}: ( I It (()l\t\ IIIIs IsiIIIII QIII I III Q-Q L II . I , I I . I
~- . u .. '~ .. -in ‘til ier t't‘s‘i i.n e .iss. ‘ I er . - It s l' i --------,-,,,,,, _ . ;
polluted atmosphere. could not \“l f“ *‘ “HImIL‘” (I “‘r‘ “' ‘ I f Q I I . Q. Q , .r . Q IQI ,,-,,, I _.
sustain “f9" create another I ni\ersit_v hous— .\ large number o tie remain—I ree i.is reti-iiii. appnnunaa \ II _ . . - . .
i ‘ ' trill \uhQQQtQQuQ. \Q'QQQQ‘IQQQ m (hp ()np mi: 38 percent new residents of ltttttt more applications tli|\ “ (‘zllllt‘l' . . . . Ir
Cloud also stated that CillClt- of this past school vear'. .ieeord— lni‘\tHL'l”H W nearlrv “mm and “‘4' than it ‘l'll Jl lit“ “”1“ id” l-‘orer.ist QQQQ l.e\ingiou and QQ- , . . " i I. i
tnted limitations on man's use of iiIL' to lnlrrr l\\. l'KV (lir‘r‘i‘trhl‘ “W" r'l‘l“ l” “V“ “t l“””" ”'“l \P‘” . (lllll\: l.tlt and told ttMl.i\. ihaii ‘ ‘ i' .
resources must be put into full ”f housing. eomrnrite the rest either tired \loie llltlhlllQ needed |\ dumb and not .is (”lit [it .I I. . . I
use. Although Scientists have "I \\orild not sa\ it is initial In oil campus apartments and llit' iiill\llllt tioii otII Itlitfl lliqltl. \lmili (lt)t|(l\ and \\.Ilttltl ‘ ‘ _. " ‘. . I.
never agreed on a formula for but I \uirild sar’ that it is going houses or boarded in (.rrrek dorms Irs still in the trrlkrnL' “uh .r tll.|lHt‘ o! ‘sl‘dlht‘ls QII . ‘ .
this calculation. he feels that the to lt‘.t( h the stage of being (‘llli liirrlst's. stages said ii \ memQI mgr. ieiiipeiaiine “I . I._ . i .
theory of demographic quotient eat nest \ear or the rear alter." in tutuie \t-ais. due to in dar Q" the mid W‘s, in“ “'"lul‘t .
must suffice. This theory takes said Ivv All treshinen .ire required to Miler-ll the or ‘~l\ peiieiir Iii Q" QQQQ. mid ._iQQ-QI high QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ . ‘ ‘ .
into consideration the total re- l'K has a housing capacity for minim m. ”mint-Quit,” f." l'ni- (lease in t‘lllIlIhlllItlt‘lIl. l\\ err in the ”PP“ 10's. \o than”- «it Q I
sources available, population 4,69! single undergraduate strl- versitIv housing and are urged “W‘W‘d ”Mb “" are L'UH'E' l” QIQQQ, QQQQLQ‘ Q" QQQQQQghQI "Hi It“ rI ,
and the per capita consumption. dents. Of this number. 1.878 to do so by admissions eoun— l'ulV“ l“ Pl'mttl“ ”WT“ thN'Hl. ”.QQQ ,pQImQQ, Q,,QQQ,,QQ.,“IQ.I ,- g
Cloud's prediction that the spaces are allotted to freshmen. selors at the earliest possible no question about it, voo’-----------,,,,,,‘ I
k .

g _.
2 THE KENTI‘CKY KERNEL \Vedncsday, March 24, l97l .‘
l x .
()utdated (3) Senate report “
A I l I k l
gitators exp mt campuses news eme S , 1;
. - \\ASllll\(.1()T\ (AP)—-ln a destruction of the system. (lures for dealing w1th legiti- From AP reports
“'90” ”"09 "lt‘mlk’l‘s (‘ullt‘d The Committee on Govern- mate complaints. I? I
, ‘ . outdated, a Senate committee ment Operations said such Codes of conduct \\'ASllINCTON—President Nixon will send (.‘ongress later I’ . h“
hhd Tuesday thht campus dis- groups have ‘prlOited alleged It called on college adminis- this week his formal plans for reorganizing the federal gov- 15 DH
. . orders have been stirred up by campus grievances, but that it trators to make clear to both ernmentIs executive branch under eight Cabinet departments, . supm
‘ groups seeking to create “re— is important for the nation's faculty members and students House Republican leader (Jerald p. Hm] Ur Michigan said paren
'_ » bellion, revolution and eventual universities to set up proce- the standards of conduct expec- today. The Nixon plan would leave the State, Treasury, De- Mill-i
. I ted and the penalties for Viola- tense and Justice departments in existence, and would create ”PEP;
. H tions. new departments of natural resources, human resources, lll‘tt I
~ 01186 a roves The report was criticized by economic development and community development. f .
. . think
Sens. Abraham A. Ribicoff, D- SST .
. . - . . Conn., Charles Percy, 11-111,, \VASIIINCTON~Legislation designed to protect newsm‘en ciIil S
- I' . t l' 0 ll. lld I ll Ilt and Jacob K. Javits, R-N.Y. from being forced by the Federal government to reveal tie ‘
V0 1 D a e e Percy said it is “clearly out of identity of news sources or to disclose confidential informzl- lichlii
I I I . ' I 't'I ‘ u I r i i ‘ .‘lzy lv Sen. ames .
. WASHINGTON (AP) — A But the Supreme Court ruled lddte’ has been overtake" both Empjfl‘ "“;{°‘]1\}4““1T‘}”_t1l;‘i§_"“tl‘.]]7“?“‘l(‘l- ? ,1 fl m role 1.
' , . - ., b d its )y events and superior treat— . (arson, — an. it eaison )i wou pioute or i - )ll t
proposed constitutional amend- that Congress went eyon t f h ‘ b' ' d . h . , tl . .-.-1,,, f 1])“ .. “wh ii there k subst'uiti'il evi— [0 u
, I) , ~ . ' . . to men 0 t e su leCt an migt mg it pil\l(i.,( 0 s t (t 9 . . . t t ..] ‘t'
ment to lower the voting age to powers last year in voting 1 _ 4 _ p ‘ . ~ _ . l ‘ f.1_ "ll . 1 . (.1 5.
‘ ‘ . . . g _ . . , we] make a negative rather dence that disclosure of information hel( con 1( (Iltld )y tit
. 18 in all elections was approved lower the voting age in state l .. . . ., . .. ‘ _ .. ”I t . ., t . tl wt t l rm m.) i to t1“.
; 400 to 19 b' the House Tues- and local elections too. tlan a pOSItive contribution. in “small is itquntt o pHthl' a .. uta 0 um i t. o “IDLE tl
) I l l - I t 1 espionage. or of foreign aggression. In most other respects, ‘
' day and sent to the states for v Dua e ection sysem Th} report was based on however, it would protect newsmcn from disclosing sources Ant
. p - ratification. Inless the 26th Amendment— hearings conducted from 1967 or infornrition to 1 “(191,111 court gr-ind II'H‘V agency or surel
' _‘ . Minnesota and Deleware leg- which won 94-0 approval in the to 1969 by the committee's per~ m“ rrcssioIn-il committee ‘ ‘ ' I ’ in 19
islatures, acting within an hour Senate—is ratified, most states manent subcommittee on invest- I‘ II I I betwe
. ' .. after the House vote, both either will have to amend their igations. College disorders were BFLFAST \vmum.” lrel‘tiid—lllisiilcssm'lll 1mm lek caster]
lodged claim to the distinction own constitutions to permit 18- TGV'iewed as part of the panels _ ‘ 7‘ ‘ ‘1 ‘ . ‘ _. . ._ _ ‘ . f .. . )_ distal“
. . - , d l , . , He! took the oath as piime ministei of .\oith( in lit land Tilt s- ,H
hf being the hrSt state to ratify year-.olds to \Ote or set uh ua over-all probe 0f “ms and (115- dav summoning his countrymen to unite against the terror , “KI
. . They were followed closely election systems for federal orders around the nation. ”my.” st-ilkcd the province for almost three vears Ilc made 551‘
' h\y Ill'lennessee, COhheChCht and hIhthhs and State and local “Th ‘Focal paint’ f I clear that if his administration fails to pacify the riot-torn LU];
. I‘ ' as ington. , ones. Ih d P E RV . 6f campuses are a 0C3 streets and crush urban guerrilla gunmen. "utter disasterIIm t ( I
II I In all, 38 states must ratify t0 Rep. RIC ar HI 0 ’ - a., pOlht 0.1 groups Whose Clear direct rule from London—lies ahead Faulkner pledged he F0 the
I make the amendment effective, urging approval 0f the amend- motive Is to create Chaos and will not l("t(l '1 “punitive j'ickbootII regime But it will be It has
I I and sponsors hope this can be ment. ShId the establishment 0f anarchy, the report stated, as- swift and decisive in (telling with troublemakers he said. “”IStlIC
, . done in time for the 1972 ballot- dual election systems would cre- serting that such groups gen- I I ‘ I The
I ' I mg' 3.391 Y (go'nfgsmn, chaosnand p08- erated COhfrOhtfahOhs “by induc- BUENOS AlRES—Argentina came under control Tuesday Boris
‘ . 14 can. defeat _ SD" rau h?“ year. mg support rom otherWise of military men who favor returning the government to month
. ' l Although ratification 15 confi- Dissenters . well-intentioned students on civilians in a ve-n' of two. The nation has been under rule m“ “I”
dently predicted by the sup- Despite the overwhelming the has” hf some longstanding of the armed forces since the overthrow of civilian Arturo lI‘II‘IIII'
.I I porters 0f the amendment, in support In the House for the campus grievances. lllia as president in 1.966. It has had seven presidents—two m”) It
' the last 10 years 20 states have amendment II was bitterly at- The report said many leaders of them elected civilians—since the downfall of dictator Juan i “Ii” 3"
I I II I defeated efforts to lower the tacked by some Of the dissen- and investigators Of campus dis- 1) Peron in 1.955 Vow it has ‘t new milit'irv junta headed by i “Imp t}
voting age to 18. If 14 states ters. Rep. Charles E. Wiggins, orders came from other schools (.(Iln Alcpnidro immw I ' I ' :
‘ refuse to ratify the proposed R-Calif., said congress was and nonstudents. “Testimony II I II I
26th amendment, it will not demonstrating the “PemiSSive' ES‘abl‘IShes that StUdems for ‘4 wxsin‘sc'ros—Tim Rev “alter I“ F'Iuntrov '1 :37- I. l
‘ I I I take effect. . . . ness Of mOdhhh hmehcah 50. Democratic SOCIety ahd .the vcar-old Democrat, was elected IlIllt‘SditV as the District
' The 11 million young Amen- ciety by approving It. affiliates of those organizations ' . . .4 .‘ _) , . ' . )4 . , . St I]
> ' of Columbus first l(pl(.\tlll.tll\( to (.ongitss in marl) a H
cans who would be fully enfran- Others expressed concern that Black Panther party, as well as .. , , .. .. J . . , . _ ‘ , . .‘ h I“ ,.
. . . , , . 1 . h d . d 1 . . . untin). \\ 1th lilOlt than half lllt \ott counttd, lll( Baptist I H
' chised by It already are Ehglble m. CO lege IOIIIhS t e stu ents an 0t I.eII.S Of hmlh" philosophy, clergvman—who made a name for himself as a city councilman (llll'lllfl
* I' to vote in the 1972 presidential “I“ be able to take over the are ghldmg forces m a large and civil rights activist—had polled 56 percent of the vote l2-23.
‘ ‘ I election under th Of Congress. local government because they percentage Of the campus”dis- in the six—man race for nonvotint: Ilousc delegate. and Sc
~ .. , . will outnumber the regular reSi- ruptions in recent years, it ‘ ‘ “ qucrt
I o . . . 4 ..
‘ I smOklngfactS (high . 'h tI hald' Pro r h l \\I:\Slll.\I(IT()N — The Labor Department announced Busmc:
» -. ._ . I. me sltateglnogyt avtl? thmg Th ‘ Peuc anngs} f4 .1 Tuesday publication of criterion for states to pay black- Meeting
I , I . o o ah“ hm er I‘ .‘ h on y rhe h commi ee SI“ . the ‘h I long benefits to disabled coal miners under their workmenIs Architc
- ' ‘ ‘ 3 have lowered it to lS—Ceorgia ure of campus administrators . . . . — .. . . .. . .
unrea lstlc . r‘ ,. l H ’ d ' ”h i .. . . compensation laws beginning in 193. It a states work- ”10 se
‘ . Ixentucky and A aska. In a- to eal \‘Ht egitimate griey- _ ) ., . 11 law (1‘ is not meet the criteria. the School
v a , . , , , . .. . . . .t ”HHS tompt llhdllO X
‘ I \h“ hOhh Trlhh (.ouncil “IhIII Maine and Nebraska It IS ances Often has led Students claims in lll‘tl state will be administered by the II.S. Depart-
I . for Tobacco Researclr-l'.S.A. 20. and in Massachusetts, Min to question the effectiveness of “m” ”f 11‘)” “id Secretary of Labor l- l) llodgson. ,
.- I , - said Tuesday claims that the nesota. and Montana it is 19. usnig appropriate channels and The “do,“ government currently administers the entire
.I I I puzzle hf smoking and hhhhh program. Black-hing claims filed after Dec. 131, 1972, will be
I I- has hhhh solved are thhhhhhh processed under state laws that meet approval of the Labor
- and misleading. ' Department.
» Dr. Clarence (look Little. 1 6 ast proposa I Classified
. _ ~ ~I scientific director. said in his :lquiihei
’ ' . .» report that slow but steady . . {aggro
~ . . 0 .
progress in research on smoking 1 d b t I”. Jo“,
‘ - - and health continued to be puh- as sal e y sena 01.5 ”Rattles
, I I lished by investigators whose N t f . “I'm, 2‘:
‘, research “"45 SUPPONCd b." th“ “IASHINGIIION (APl‘FOUT back to vulnerable borders and ex overnor aces 5 “2:21:22
' I . . council. WWIIWIS JOIHCd 1r‘195day in de— then installs along these borders .. . . i prior to
I- “The process is naturally slow scri )ing as (angerous be- the military forces of the Soviet h b d 37y cm
‘ ' . ’ - [in I!
v I ‘ - and painstaking because these {UddlCd‘ unfair and folly the Union.’ tlg t u get Sltuatlon rooms or
, diseases are immensely .00.” Middle East settlement sugge's- Humphrey said the State De- “m
. ., , plex and have been afflicting tions of Secretary of State Wil- partment seems befuddled and FRANKFORT (AP) ——State sociation’s proposal for teacher m
, I mankind for hUUdjedS, e'wln 1“"1’; P. SRogers. r . confused about the Middle East. Budget Director Jack Blanton salary increases, WhiCh Blanton Imems. t
. ‘, ‘ thousands, of years, Dr. Litte ]) Au]: an}: J. W. Fulbright, He said the Soviet Union is said Tuesday the next gover- said would cost $100 million 333,331:
_ , . ‘ wrote.' . ~ . ' r 'w 0 ended the Rogers seeking Israeli withdrawal from nor will barely have enough OVer the biennium, cannot be : being r(
While bits and pieces 0f "l- Il’l‘llesals and'muntered that if all territory occupied after the revenue under existing taxes funded “without a tax increase, ron su:
" . . fomiation about them are re- 51119 pFOVCS intransrgent about ij_day war of 1967, and he to fund a limited number of cutbacks in other state pro- , 53:12:?
‘ , ported by sc1entists almost every peace efforts, that could lead to fears the US. government is go- new programs which are already grams, or federal revenue shar- Call 252-
. day. the time when thle numelr- the; loss of‘AmericansupPOrt. ing to be a party to that policy." committed. ing,” he commented. W
. ous parts of the 'ful puzz e ltn. Jato) K. Javits, R-N.Y., This attitude, Ribicoff said, Natural growth in the state M
will be assembled into a cohe- \1\n( hHen‘ry. M. Jackson, .DI ‘shows the folly of endangering tax structure probably will be Rlanton estimated there viii]???
' sive picture cannot be predict- as ., assailed the suggestion Israel’s security by forcing a re— sufficient to pay for those al- would be $28 million to $45 hdigiIdii?
The Council listen tiese m urawa rom occupied Arab exchange for vague Arab as- “it Will be a tight fit," Blanton "“0 the general fund during SIOIweel
. among highlights of the re- tcrntory in a peace settlement surances.” mid an Optimist Club luncheon. the first year of the 1972-74 r‘rfrtntnr. 2:41;)
, port: . l” be guaranteed by a big-pow- Javits said geography is criti- biennium. I , , I
b It is supporting several er peacekeeping force. cally important in an area Jigsaw puzzle
. ' studies related to the theory Guarantees? where anarchy can swiftly sup- “The state budget is like 3 Other needs rm:
that cancer may develop from a Joined by Sens. Abraham plant agreement jigsaw puzzle," he said, "and From that, he said, the next 3:“ ”to?
. i‘ - ' V ’ , . . . . . (‘I If
latent Viral substance that is Ribicoff. D-(.ann., and Hubert Fulbright said Rogers had were 3““ beginning t0 50“ Ollt governor Will have to find Davies.2
normally repressed but some- H Humphrey, D-Minn.. they suggostpd 0an that Israel ac- the pieces for the next bien- money to fund the built-in inf ‘
how uptivatod by a complex in Iiisnsted that Israel is entitled to cept the principle of withdraw- nium. "93595 in the SChOOl founda-
' ‘ tel‘plzty of internal and external secure and recognized borders al, in advance of a settlement "The next governor must put tion program, the teachers’ re-
(”More . as ‘part of any settlement. but Israel is “leavin g the im- them together,” he said, adding: tirement system, the Somerset
. t A long-term smoke'inhala- . . . I was appalled at the pression that so long as we sup- "he faces some agonizing deci- Mental Retardation Institution,
tion experiment With mice fa'l' S'Iggf‘stlon by our State Depart- port her, she will not withdraw Sions. Hazelwood Mental Retrdation
, ’ ed to produse any squamous ment that “.Ih. might to consider from anything.” “He must decide whether to Institution in Jefferson County. ‘ '1
C9" tumors. the WP.“ claimed 50V?“ PartK‘lPKUIOn in a force He said if Israel gives the im- seek additional revenue to sup- new parks at Dale Hollow, 5
by some to be associated wrth designed to guarantee the in- prossion shy does not want to port new programs," Blanton Green River, Crayson Reser-
smoking in humans. While the tegrity of an inherently in- negotiate. she will risk the loss Observed. “or he must decide to voir, and White Hall, state
council did not say so, this was sec‘ureborder, said Jackson. of American support. He said place a moratorium on taxes matching for the federal Om-
. a reference to a study'by two It is difficult to imagine a the Israelis appear now to be- and maintain the status quo for nibus Crime Bill, Northern Ken- Rt
American Cancer Society re- more short-Sighted and danger- lieve the United States will sup- ongoing PTOKTams-III tUCk)’ State College, the Uni-
searchers that they. said re~ ops arrangement for the Middle port them "no matter whas posi- Teacher: salaries versity 0f Louisville and the
sulted in such tumors in beagles. hast than one that forces Isracl llnn they mi“. . ~ The Kentucky Education As- Capital Plaza in Frankfort.

 ~ , . . ' ‘. i ' I l: I
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3 “\“THE KENTIVCKV KENNEL. \Vedlli-sdin. .Wilri ll ‘21. “WI—3 .5. .' . I‘
7- o o o 'l . - , .
y . t t } ‘- y I ‘l Ii
~ 0 I up In 16 all' . . .
, . If the US. Senate cuts off . git f0“ iga i.iplt.il .inii pii\.iti \ 0 . . I I .' .
" . r ‘ 1 I ' . , -. ' " .' ..I _ ' .
; RuSSLa has funds for the American 831. 14 dvlser baClfib ”PIN! '0 {HIIilI ll" lob A . lx()’I ll (1’1 (8 "I, .- _ .
S B Aqu R PEIPERT the TU144 Win ha"? only the The administration liii\ liiili' l’»\ H. l.. Ni H“ \K II I"_I " I.
- v . .. . . .. . . . . . . , . ,«f’._4
' t J _ l P W 't (.oneorde as competition in the lb FRANLLS LI;\\lT\F. rated it has ;ilt.-ii..iti\.- illlJIii liiLi \wii 1.1m! l'ii‘s\ \\iilt'i - I ._ ‘
: i * ' - ress rl er . . .. - . . . ,. ‘ « . ..
3‘ “mm!“ international market. [he Con- .\ssoiiaieil l’less “riier plans 1} («ingress “in... ”m... \\ \\lll\( . it)‘. \i l’i... , 5 I

l‘lIK‘l‘ . M()S(.O\\ ——lhe Sov1et Union corde is at least several months \\‘ASIll\'(;’l'()\ President Limit; But It Wm} (new... ..§,..; \WM .19, , .3 . , t" : .. . ,3 ‘. I:
go\'- i is pushing ahead with its own beliilid the Russian craft. \jwnflc science Mme...- 511.“ that ”HM. Ppmmlfl I. Um, i" “We“... in . w. , .. I. -II;
ems. 3 S”PPYSUIIIC ”4111590"t Plum" HP- US. astronaut Neil A. Arm- if Congress rejects llii‘ simeiu lnyflIiIII-h‘. h“ “if-Hm”. {H I. my. .\ . . {:,.
S'lid patently IllihdianHIl by piob— stiong told a \Vashington gath- sonic it‘tlllli‘l'I m. may inm- l.. one-world culture l)ivid slid 1,, ,7 .I I..III.I I
De : lcnis of cost, ecology or public eriiig in November that the get foreign capital and private l-thmflnn lwhwm the “In”; \t kin iiwN In, .. .. -. i _. I"

.- - - ..v . u . . .. . . ~ '--' {It -
o)lnlon. .. . - I - _ .. '. . - ~ . . . .. ., '.i m I _,.I.: ., ' II,‘
‘eate lI lI lIii 1s “.1 fine looking alr (.tpititl to put a [)i()II)I}[)t SSI “In” In”! l‘.|ll'i)pi‘ “I“ I)!” i\.i...ii.. i, A. K. . I , _, . I ; .Ii '-":
rces These problems are factors craft and as good as the best in the air. loundb iliered for the better ii...” ii. i. .1”... in .3 A. .i, ._ .- .'
’ that made US. congressmen kind of products" the United - , . . ' . ‘ ' i . I. he mpm Is \iini. iii inik. '. .- '
. . . . _ . ()n tlle c\e oi ii ciuelal here through the e\lsten1.)—\e.il-o( \\ lite [louse t, ”mid I-IuilIlmm-.I.,,ii t . A I i _ . ~. _ .

1n .i;_—o t‘ ".1 ~ , i. . - . ' -_ .1 . . ‘ - 4 j. . ,-
n in in 6”” IOU“ 10" [SI )(en ‘1 H to “I Ion} advrser said he was not calling twigmph it“. l1.(,/.1]'l_l iii skin i.iii- I ~ ' H .e. ‘ . - . . at‘
between Moscow and the far one of its commercial a1rl1ncrs f ., . l . 1.. ,~ ‘ l . . 1 .. i . .. _ mini :m i Mi- " (Ii . ‘r .
. . . oi attua pillt llLIiUll of t 1e .851 ....,--,1)d\id iepliet.; \.i- ll lit at . . . . ,. I . I;
. eastern city of Khabarovsk, a outsule the Communist bloc. It l 1 . l 1- . 1 . - _] . ‘ll‘c’squ .t “1.9. .- .. . .. . . . . . -.- .
ulk- . . . )ut (oes )e1e\e tie I liltit (.mi out imli-t. we do some Ix? . . . . -I.
ues- distance of 4.000 miles, is the Yak 40, a small passenger inmw mm. and. building the t .. iifriiii In 4% . .: . _ r. 53."
. ’1‘}! I g” ~I,»_l {I . '.. . . . . .‘ I . , . _ .t...\.i lllll.lk “.11.”: l I p(il'nll(i“ \. I . 3 III ; .'
rror SST“ Utktl niopI illstTfic “Ilts Ipl up “1th iIsIlIolt tlrlfe 0i} “Ind ”I” plotot) PU“ \\lll(‘li “.1” tell ._( Tertaiiib. he .idded. H” \. mi H. . ., . II II
I I l'() v 1 i ,i i “I 1 '. ,' y V p , ,. . . . I; II I ..» . . I _ ; . , .' I
kid? , l p ‘0 "pg‘ 1(1 I “pOIe‘ 1n( ”1g ( 1p] I)1 If} \\0 \‘ ere US \\ llt'IllCr it 5 l('ilsll)l(’ I0 llil\'(' {“0 pl‘IlIUi\ ‘)(' .lllpliilltw pl’lt- Ii” 1' ‘ I‘\‘ I’ . . "k". sI I .
_ ‘ TI. H4, Dec. ;.1. “Job—beating sold to ltab~ in 1969. . _} , , -_ l' . .} , 1, , . ,. _, . . ii” [5.95. . v~...v . . _' 2 -. w
.oiii , . , .‘ ; sut 1 an aiip ant. \ll( 1 a II]()(