xt71c53f1k2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f1k2s/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2013-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2013 text GLSO News, January 2013 2013 2013-01 2019 true xt71c53f1k2s section xt71c53f1k2s r._
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A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization January 2013 Vol 35 N0. 1
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 stood beside the organization and
Change and decried the blatant discrimination.
Contlnuance EheCn, gift? m'onahsGofsgsiagch, the
' R si e wit te . ereare
ByPaul Brown’ contnbUtor still stepls tol take blefodre tt’he skituation '
Now is the time to bid adieu to 2012. '5 comp etey reso ve 4 ut .nowmg
While the year has been a divisive one that a. governmental Ens“???- be—
for the entire country, the gay com- ieves in. our comp am an eieves
muni has made progress like never that busmesses should not be able to
seentbefore Maine Maryland and deny basic services based on sexual I
Washington all voted, to legalize gay gritentratitoh '5 actremienctlrous “cu-3%
marriage. Unlike 2004 where all state ogngwoboaerrdvmecrmrhe; 1e 12%;; £1"
constitutional amendments to define Cind Sommer Karen Ta €093, and $3an
marriage traditionally passed, a simi- l y ’ yh ’ -
lar measure failed in Minnesota. Ad- {10 landtrhave embraced t ecorgjamtza-
ditionally, Tammy Baldwin became the non ‘3" tslatvajg? ecrjiergy. l3 yl has
first openly gay person to be elected a rea y 5 a_ e un raismg. au as
to the United States Senate. Then been working to manage volunteers
last week Newt Gingrich, a constant and to redecorate the Pr'd-e Center a
voice of all things super conservative, ?'tr'thlgg's 03???? asholid‘ay dinnefi
publicly declared that the Republican 5% e 0 ga ta 0 'f thoob agen1v1s/1i
Party needed to accept that the cur- GLrSIS as secredary (a ethoar ' 63
rent chapter in American history was b '3 lpro‘éi f O adv? these mem
being written in favor of marriage eriat?‘ 00-“5 orwar '8‘ e amazmg
equality. Less than a decade ago, gay gor ey wr accompdis ' t ._
activists only dreamed of what today inc2%\{v2e are wawrtig a llOS 0 WEST;
is reality. "gl'ge stage‘ilsealrselazyvslgtaconvhra‘t could
(385% seat: be the m, or
Pride Center. The GLSO began the crushing defeat for the GLBT com-
year in grave doubt of its future ex- gdjunrlttyhas-rae Ug'tted States Supreme
istence. Its biggest fundraiser of the d' thgrgef 0 rewfebwll cases ska
Year, the Lexington Pride Festival, had Egngg :13 erenseo arriage .
suffered a financial setback in 2011 l)_an Ca iformas controverSIal
and the board felt uncertain about Proposution 8._By June, the Supreme
how to progress. Under a new presi- Court Will rule in some regard to these
dent, Aaron Baker, the GLSO bounced acts, Wh'Ch prohibit gay peOPle from
back. A new Pride Festival commit— marrying or getting access to the
tee stocked with experienced people more t an 1'100 benefits that come
turned the tide and made 2012's Fes— w't federally sanctioned mlamage'
tival the biggest financial success to ISO?! tigefoturt votes '5 alnyoréeslguefis
date of any Lexington Pride Festival. u w a ey vote YV' un ou te y
That financial success served as des— have a marked, historical effect on the
sert for a committee that wanted only mfirch for gay leq'uality.. Regargl‘ess,
to provide the community with an a" :1 tgay peolpe {30w irrtevoca yr?
outstanding Festival that could make ad th ey “a" coninuett it kTaLC.’
GLBT people proud to live in Lexing— an ey W' con inue .0 0 .t e"
ton. heads up, and they Will continue
That financial success was not the to be proud not just during Pride
only victory for the GLSO. The orga- month but during the entire year into
nization filed a legal complaint with perpetuity. The G, the L, the B, the T,
the Human Rights Commission (HRC) both Q’s, the I, the A, the Z—S, and the
because Hands On Originals (H00) Poz of every race, origin, size, shape,
refused to honor a quote it gave be- age, and gender will keep on keep-
cause it argued that printing Pride ing on because we know we are worth
Festival t—shirts would go against its the effort and deserve equality.
Christian ideology. The GLSO called Again like the nation, the GLSO will
on Lexington's Fairness Ordinance to see some changes this year. The Cen-
fight against this discrimination. Cin- ter will continue to enjoy some face-
cy Apparel stepped up and printed the lifting.
t—shirts for the Pride Festival. They (continued on Page 6)
— |

 Issue 1 20 13 Feature Story _
GLSO Change & Contiuance
GSA Meeting
Happy New_Year Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
from Imperical Pride Center
Court of 5
Kentucky GLSO Board Meeting
Thursday, Jan 3, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
Trans Kentucky
Saturday, Jan 5, 6:30 pm.
Sister Sound Pride center
Concert 6
Lexington Gay Geeks Book Club
Friday, Jan 11, 6:30 pm.
KY Bourbon Bears Meeting
Saturday, Jan 12, 9 pm.
PFLAG Meeting 6
Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Sunday, Jan 13 & 27, 6 pm.
Pride Center
Pride Festival Planning Meeting
.. Th d,J 24,7..
Classrfieds 8 ”rs ay an p m

 GLSO News Issue 1 2013
The thGILiO Ndevas ti: Ipublistged Paul Brown, President
mon y y an or 'e exmg 0.” Ginger Moore-Minder, Vice Presi-
Gay and Lesbian Serwces Organi- dent
zatlon members and community. Karen Taylor, Secretary
The mission of the Lexington Gay Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services GLSO DIRECTORS
to the GLBTQQIA community.
The vision of the Lexington Gay Mary Crone, GSA
and Lesbian Services Organiza— Paul Holland, At Large
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA Don Lowe, At Large
community through voice. Iggie Pargen, At Large
Shaun Pfeiffer, At Large
The Lexington GLSO is founded Cindy Sommer, At Large
upon the core values of fun, in-
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity,
service and competence. GLSO STAFF
GLSO Pride Center Chad Hundley, Office Manager
:fie 1am? r Avenue Pride Center Hours
Lexington, Ky. 40504 Call Ahead for Appointment
859.253.3233 and Office Hours.
"Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO."

 I HAPPY NEW YEAR a little TWIET ta) (the Hollidgy
llllll season, we ecl e to incu e
I LEXINGTON""" the grag‘Kinggdof the cotnmu-
.. nity yasoa ingaMaeim-
CBY TFEN'W! personation portion. So make
ontri utor sure you Congratulate RYDER
JOHNSON, your 1st ever MR
' iiiii
Here’s hoping you Holiday Sea- Mary Christmas.....
son and New Years Eve was
Happy and Safe!!! As we begin 2013, we will pick
up where we left off....... With
1 know I can Speak for Daryl another “pageant” and “con-
and the Royal Family of Reign test". On January 6th, we
31 when} say we could nev- will have our first event of the
er have imagined the _level 0f new year with The Inner Diva
support and dedication we pageant. A pageant geared
have hexperience so CEar dur- towards the Women of the
ing t e reign. To ate we - - -
have had .an INCREDIBLE first £3;ng eyggykgggffmfiogg
half 0f Belg“ 31- The ShOVYS/ girls with that INNER DIVA hid-
events in December 2012 in— ing inside!!!
cluded the Annual AVOL Kid’s
Christmas where Reign 31 set So we hope you’ll join us at
a new record for funds raised pu|se Nightufe as we see who
at this showllllt! Raising over will become the next winner
$4000”!!! “elemg t0 PFOV'de of INNER DIVA!!! You can
gifts and an all around brighter catch HMIM Emperor 31 Daryl
Christmas for 64 children in our BIGD Lyons at Crossings this
community. month for his Trivia night with
the Emperor on aanuahy 17th.
We also worked with the GLSO hilt/vayégiggtn "angew'tcoggglg
to Wt 0“ ,, A _VERY, FAIRY (of course ;) ) a little trivia,
CHRISTMAS - Bringing togeth- probably some more cocktails,
er memgere 9f both orgfanltztil- and a whole lot of fun!!! And
ions an raiSing money or e 2
GLSO and the Pride Festival this ctr-[five figst'lia‘gutahrz ngdgnnl’fi
summer- .W'th Performances KING OF DRAG contest. This is
by the_ ladies 0f Reign 3’1 and THE contest for our Drag King
a speCial performance by La members. This will also be at
Pearl and her beautiful,LIVE, pulse Nightlife
vocal performance ll!
As always, anyone wishing to
A”?! to round OUt our 2012 fun— become a member of the ICK,
dta's'm efforts, we put 0” The can contact Daryl, myself or
Miss/Mr Mary Christmas event. any member of our Board of
Where we crowned STRATO' Directors for a membership ap—
SPHERE, the newest ”“55 Mary pllcation or information.
Christmas. This year to add

 ' ' “ every award for community service in
SisterSo|und IS "In Our the universe, but the best award is a
E ement “Thank You" from the people who ben-
efit from her efforts. If you see her,
Join the Sisters as they explore the please thank her immensely for all that
Elements — earth, air, fire and water she has given to the community.
— and variations like snow, rain, wind, The current president, Aaron Baker, will
rivers, sunshine and rainbows. Some also step down. He oversaw the past
of the selections will include “River year when the board was struggling
Deep, Mountain Hi%h", “Come in From and the organization seemed ready to "I
the Rain", “Rain ow Connection”, collapse. It has been a monumental j
“Healing River", “Aquarius” and “For task, and Aaron is ready to spend more i
the Beauty of the Earth”. Always in time on his home and personal life. i
“T-R-O-U-B-L-E", the chorus will round Amazingly, Aaron, and his wife Samara, .
out the concert with their version of have given so much of themselves and
Katy Perry’s “Firework" and Lady Ga- aren’t gay. These people are the al-
ga’s “Born This Way". It promises to lies upon whom the GLBT community
be a fun evening! relies so heavily. They are both amaz-
So, gather up family and friends, ing and deserve a round of applause.
shake off the post-Christmas blahs They are not saying goodbye, however.
and join SisterSound for their Win— Samara will continue to work with the
ter concert on Saturday, January 19, GSA. Aaron, who is a lawyer by day,
2013, 7:00 pm, atTates Creek Presby- will serve as a consultant to the board
terian Church, 3900 Rapid Run Drive especially as it finalizes the situation
(Man O’ War Blvd east of Tates Creek with the HRC and H00.
Road). Tickets are $10 for adults and Finally, Paul Brown will step up as the
$5 for children 5 and under and are new president. This position is not his
available from SisterSound members first time chairing a committee or a
or at the door. See you there! board. Over the years, he has been
very active in many Parts of the com-
Interested in singing with Sister- munity. Most recent y, he chaired the
Sound? All you have to do is be a committee for 2012's Lexington Pride
female, 18 years or older, can match Festival. After its success, he agreed
pitch and enjoy singing with other to serve in the position for 2013, so he
women. Rehearsals for the Spring will serve as chair of the Pride Festival
concert start on Sunday, January 27, and its parent the GLSO. While he is
2013, 6:00 — 8:00 pm in the choir a seasoned veteran of community ser-
room at Centenary Methodist Church, vice and activism, he certainly looks for
2800 Tates Creek Road, Lexington. support and help from the gay commu—
Come and join in the fun! nity of Lexington, whicjh is abicilndant in
- seasoned veterans an up-an -coming
(Contmued from Page 2)h activists. He knows that the commu-
Soon it Will have a new copier thatt e nity at lar e is the stakeholder in the
community will be able to use. There GLSO andghe ea erl awaits its input
will be a projector so that the various ' 9 y '
grolups vaho meet there might havei
mu ti-me ia presentations. T ere wi .
be computers for the community to PFLAG January Meetmg
use. The walls will getafresh coat of Come and learn from AVOL (AI S
paint. New life will spring forward, fill Volunteers, Inc.) about how to take ‘“
the space, and thrive in a more mod- care of oneself in relationships, in- i
am Center. . _ cluding safe sex. This is for LGBT ‘
The current gay-straight alliance ad- individuals and parents who are ask— ’
visor, Mary Crone, will step back and ing - how do I talk to my LGBT teen? ‘
let others Shape the program for our Here is a welcoming, confidential
youth. Mary wrll‘ start a well—deserved opportunity to pose those ques-
retirement starting !” January. She tions that are most difficult to ask!
has beer; an aCt'V'SEfi“ ththLBT com- St Michael's Episcopal Church, 2025
munity or m°re an "W years. Bellefonte Drive, Lexington (Go to
She has served as the board chair, .
_ the end of the parking lot, and then
producer of the monthly newslet . th . d d
ter, and lead GSA advisor. Through m festhe .0?” .
her efforts, she has won practically Foir “I rt er m ormation, 9° to WWW-

 m TIE)“
fi kl mg} a rag;
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n..l ‘ (A . ,.,..t V _
F mu: m] , , -yawmgI
.; muwéiyafnmyma‘ggja‘nflmm
$355010) Mamba]

1 BR Apartments for
Used Twice - AC U_nits - _
$150 each (Negotiable) North Harmer AVE, JUSt Off
East Main St, near Woodland .-
Two Pinguino PAC C120E Air Park. Kitchen & bath. Private
conditioning units with re- entry-_ $550 per month plus
mote controls and all that have electric. $259 dePOSIt, DEt
barely been used. Works great! meridlyi SGCUO“ 8 .Welcome. ”
Retails normally for $200+ but Laundry room on Site- Please
selling for $150 each but nego- call N0“ at 859'230‘8079-
tiable. Contact the Pride Cen-
ter at 859-253-3233 for more _ _
information and/or to see the For more information or
units. to place a FREE CIaSSI-
fied ad in our next edition,
Fur Coat For Sale please email the detailed info
to Chad at chad@glso.org. All
Gorgeous Fur_ Coat valued at classifieds should be directed
$15,000. _Asking only $3,000 through the Pride Center and
but negotiable. Would be great should be short but contain
for an elegant drag perform- the basic information of who,
er or classy real girl. Pictures what, when, where, cost, etc.
available upon request. If in- Deadline for all submissions to
terested, please contact Joyce the GLSO Newsletter is Janu-
K Cruse at 859-254-6825. ary 20, 2013.
AnynuanlfiflTWadllt | Y G'f't' , M _
min. in 8|!”th 5 our | ingrin USIC,
county? ' ' ' '
' v
— Is Your heart on fire for the Lord.
ummafimnmmmwima Are you searching for a place? ,
moldnsmrequutedfwmimnrviewrmamh . . l"
m. smnmmammimmaa Open Arms of God Ministry
MMmMW . "hm Needs You! a

' Th GLSO R ‘
f _’ \_ . j" b S > V l i A],
_ 1.9:, J; J J ”31!“..ng J prism
The Impefial Court of Kentucky _
'- impctky@aol.com \vaJm])crialCourtKenlucky.org
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
a SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women
DJ Fix My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Fairness—www.lexfair.org 859.951.8565
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty 859.338.8483
GLSO Pride Center—www.glso.org 859.253.3233
’5 Lexington Pride Festival—www.|expridefest.org 859.253.3233
*2 Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201
1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Center

 GLSO Phone Directory Sister Sound 859.806.0243
A community resource page for gay and/or Social Services, Lexington 211
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky.
Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
WW TransKentuckY casslemtf@ .
AIDS V | t I AVOL 859 225 3000 yahoo.com ‘
n e c . .
° ” ers " ( ) United Way 859.313.5465 1
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 7
888.425.7282 _ _ i
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 _ ,
Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691
877.606.2437 _ 7
. Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851 ’
Health Dept, Jessamine 859.885.4149 , ,
IntenNeave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
Health Dept., Woodford 859.873.4541 ,
. Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319
HIV/AIDS Legal PrOJECt 502.584.1254 ‘ _
. _ . Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.0580
LOUISVIIIe Region 502.574.0161
MCC Paducah 270.443.3339
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 . ,
. Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
Northern Ky. Region 859.341.4264
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
Studentfimuizs .
WW Berea College ACE 859.958.3633
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Centre College BGLA 859.238.5332
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 Morehead State University 606-783-2294
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 UK OutSource 859.323.3312
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 "
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 /\
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 ; '31:
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 r\ eo‘ :e‘e’
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 \ COTSEGOQQ
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 ‘ °§odogéee
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 ‘ -. “$694358
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 " . 3693:6099 .
International Gay Bowling 859.539.3058 6» i a,
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 ,
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565 . 1
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931 ‘ .1
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428 '
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadlme
MACT 859.358.8335 January 20
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send articles and ads to
PLFAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor@g|so.org
_ l

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