xt71c53f061m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53f061m/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1921 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_108 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 108 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 108 1921 1921 2014 true xt71c53f061m section xt71c53f061m COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
Lexington, Ky.
July, 1921
Published in conncction with thc agricultural cxtcnsion work carried
on by co—operation of the Collcue of A;;ricultnrc, L`nix·crsiiy of 1{cntucky,
with the I]. S. Department of Auricnlturc. and distriimtcd in 1`urther·
ance of the work providcd for in thc Act of Congress of May S, 1914.

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The Striped Cucumber Beetle.
ln spring uml eurly snnnner euentnbers, euntulettps,
squushes uml ether blunts nt' the eueutnber fumily ure budly
duntuged. SUllll‘lllllt’$ e<»tnt»letely destroyed, by u smull yellow
uml bluek striped beetle l.l'tr]ll ubnut tln·ee-sixteenths to u quurter
t of un im·h lung. As the leuyes tlllliltltl it begrins tu gnuw
them uml enntitntes its uttueks t`·»r severul weeks, when its
worst misehief hus been dune uml thereutter, the the udult
beetle is t't·eqttently tn be <»bset·ved ubuut the plunts, its injuries
ure less n<»tit·euble beeuttse et the ubumluuee of foliuge uml
other grnwtlts upnn which it snbsists. The chief duttger from
the pest thus entnes when the plunts ure young. But. this is
mtt tlte nnly hurnt dune. .\t`ter ]·lunts ure well sturted uml
hure begun tw send out U1'lllllll"l`$,U they i`t·eqttetttly g·r¤i»w
shtwly uml itt dry weuther when beuring fruit muy die suddenly
{rent snme euuse nett very uppurent. te the grower. lixuminu-
tien of the ttmlergruuml yurts of sueh pluttts setttetitttes shows
tlte presem·e nt smull white wnrnts. with three puirs uf jnintetl
legs next the heud. whieh wnrk inte the stem uml rents. eutting
ef`f the supply 0f moisture to tlte plunt uml killing it; Outright
if the muin stem is budly gnuwed ut seme impertuttt pluee ubcwe
the Hhretts reets. These worms ure the youttg of the striped
beetle. While gttuwing the leuves it creeps inte et·ey·iees of tlte
suil ubuut the plunts frtmt time to time t0 pluee its eggs:
henee it becomes doubly itnportuttt to destroy the udult. beetle
ut this seusun. even whett it. is mnt doing greut. misehief, te
ferestull the injury by lurvue te the roots thut muy Otherwise
eettte luter in the seusett.
The udttlt beetle is very uetiye. running with some rupidity
und tuhing wing quiekly whett disturbed. It reums ubeut. ettl-
tivuted grettttd during tlte full mouths, uttd us eeld weuther up-
preuehes eetteeuls itself for the eemittg winter ttmler beurds, iu

4 ('irculur No. IOS
ercviccs ot` the soil und other sate retreats, coniiug out. again pwlm,
with the approach of warm weatlier in the spring:. Adult do No
beetles niay he seen tlicu as early as April lLZ out-ol`—doors. uml mgos (
continue about plantings until early July, by which time the lcuws
adults have largely placed their eggs about the plants and dis. glwll
appeared. In July adults are not; so eounuou, but the l>roo.t pound
of young in thc soil produces sonie beetles in late July au.l 0H·Cct_
more in carly August. l'uti.l fall adults of this summer lirooit yl
may bc seen about various plants iu garilens and tieltls. liggt {md th
have been scoured as late as July 26th. i`r<.u1 whieh t·irt·um. pm.iS
stanee it. appears that there may hc a second brood iuaturiug _ {hc im
before full. But. observations made at the Kentucky lixpeii.   with S4
ment Station in 1901 indicate that there are not more than twa T dusty j
annual broods of the iuseet at this latitude and that under ortli- bm-,,},1
nary eonditions there is probably hut. one. 4);
The adult insect roains so widely and feeds on sueh a great Mlm .
variety of plants that after its tirst severe guawiug of young ul,P]il·,
plants in spring it. does no great. liarin. It has hccu ol>serv.·il jujm-jk
` eating the silk of eorn ears; soinetiines guaws cultivated astcrs; days. t
has been reported as damaging the blossoms of pear and elicrry. O
Bean plants are sometimes guawed. A more serious ]l1ll't·l]
Q lllC leaves than if it is used i11 a liquid spray. liy diluting it
  with souie inert niaterial. like air-slaked lllll(‘ or ordinary road
1 dust, it eau he niade to proteet the plants without St‘l'lt»llS
- burning of the leaves.
. (rll'tlllltll`}' iuseet powder niixt one part to tlu·ee ol` wood
i ashes eau he inade to proteet young plants if tl1e mixture Es
J l applied often enough. During the height of ll1(" adult inse·t`s
l injuries {lll applieatiou is l'(‘<[llll't‘ll about onee i11 three or four
; days. depending on tl1e weather.
‘. One of the best of sprays for use against the beetles is il
i CO1lll)l.llt‘Ll spray of Bordeaux niixtnre illltl arsenate of lead as
·- follows:
L4 Illiiestnie 4 pounds
Y l·`resl1 lime 4 pounds
'· Arsenate of lead powder 1*; pounds
Water 40 gallons
The Bordeaux inixtnre is inade i11 the usual way, by t_l»
dissolving the hlnestone i11 half of the water, pouring a gallon
12 01* two of boiling water on it at first, a11d stirring to hurry
·i< the solution, lllt‘ll adding the rest of the water. lf} Slake the
in liine and add enough water to 111ake twenty gallons. 'l`hen
ttl inix qniekly the liine \\'2ll<‘l' and bluestoue solution, 2ll`lt‘l' whit-h
ill the arsenate of lead is added. This mixture protects the plants
·e< from botl1 inseet and fungus enemies, as eonipletely as they
ni- eau be proteeted.
ol For sinall plantings ol` melons or enenntbers. wooden l`ran1es
nls with tobaeeo inuslin taeked over tl1e top inay he set over the
;lll plants while they are young, so as to keep the beetles away.

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6 ('i1·l·111111· X11. IOS
The S}_W1'il}`111;I 1s111*111*1‘ \\'1lt‘ll 21 1111·g1· [11:1111111gx is 111 be p1·1111·1·1.·.1
but s1111·0 1111— 1‘1`K1111\x$, i1` <··;11111~1·1~11 11 > 111111 S1111`l‘l1 111 ll l11·1· 1111-
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s0;1so11. they 1l1`C 11111 11s mostly ns lll1gJ_`1l1 [111 first. 11ppe:11·.
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Fig. 1. The adult cucuiiiber 01* melon beetle 1Diabr0tica vittata.
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Fig. 2. The larva or \\'O1`ll1 of the C11l'lllll1lL‘l` beetle,