xt71c53dzn9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53dzn9g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1933-09-29  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1933 1933 1933-09-29 2013 true xt71c53dzn9g section xt71c53dzn9g Best Copy Available








Activities of UK Faculty
Revealed in Old Record

now an Instructor at Henry Clay
Campus scandal and campus hisHigh school.
tory of 33 years ago has been found
Clyde Orady, now captain In the
In the bottom of a trunk In the U. S. Army and stationed at the
attic of the Oklahoma home of a University, was an ardent debater
former Kentucky State college stuand gloriously upheld the negative
side of, resolved: "That the Immi
GAME Unearthed after years In their gration of Foreign Laborers Should
solitary confinement, the earliest Be Prohibited by the United States
Final Selection Of Entire copies of the Kentucky State Col-of George Roberts, now assistant
lege Record reveal the Inside
dean of the College of Agriculture,
Staff Will Re Completed
campus life In the days when the was an enthusiastic member of the
Next Week
present faculty were students.
Union Literary society and gave
Campus politics must have been discussion on "The American and
Bdwin K. Patterson, Lexington
In the hands of women students the Filipino" to a group of now- senior In the College of Arts and because an entire ticket of six girls distinguished gatherers.
Criticism was thrown thick and
Sciences, was selected as business was elected to offices by the class
fast at
manager of the 1934 Kentuckian at of 1901. President nowthe class was Charged the "Record" In those days.
Miss Aleen Lary,
the wife of
with using slang expres
a meeting of the Student Board Of Prof. W. S. Webb, head of the de- slons, the editor was advised to
partment of physics. Miss Ella "pattern (his newspaper) after a
Publications yesterday afternoon.
The new business manager was Williams, who was elected corres- certain organ of a rival Institution
ponding secretary of the class, is
(Continued on Page Six)
associate editor of The Kernel last
year and business manager of this
year's "K Book. He Is a member
of PI Sigma Alpha, honorary and
professional political science fra-

Advertising and Circulation
Managers Are To lie
Named Soon





for the positions of DANCE DATES
circulation manager and advertising manager, as well as positions on Burns, Rice, Greenup Named
the sales staff of the Kentuckian

will be received by George Vogel,
editor. Final selection of both the
editorial and business staffs will be
completed next week.
Departing from the organization
of previous annuals, the business
manager this year will be under the
Application has been made to the
Dean of Men's office to hold the
first of two dances sponsored by the
Kentuckian on October 28, the
night of the football game between
the University and Duke. The second dance, at which the beauty
winners will be picked, has been
temporarily set for December 18. All
sororities having entries In the
beauty contest must sell five annuals for each entry.
The organization of the sales staff
will be similar to that used last
year. Each fraternity and sorority
will have one representative who
will handle the sales in their organ
izatkm. The individual making the
highest total of sales will be pre
sented a cup at the end oi the

Officers Elected


By Physics Group

J. II. Haynsworth Named To
Head U. K. Chapter of
Sigma Pi Sigma
Lambda chapter of Sigma Pi
Sigma, national honorary physics
fraternity, elected officers for the
ensuing year at a meeting Wednesday afternoon In the chapter room
of the Physics building.
J. H. Haynsworth, Jr., was elected president of the chapter; Elsa C.
H. P. Adams,
secretary; and Evelyn Baker, treasurer. The retiring officers are; W.
president; J. H.
C. Wineland,
Haynsworth, Jr.,
M. Sullivan, secretary; and E. W.
Kirk, treasurer.
The delegates of the local chapter
convention of the
to the
fraternity held last June In Chicago
were Prof. T. M. Hahn and F. F.
Lambda chapter was
pointed out by the executive officers
as an Ideal chapter for the fra-


Sigma Pi Sigma was founded at
Davidson college in 1925. Since that
time it has made rapid progress in
expansion and today consists of 26
chapters. Kentucky's chapter was
Installed In 1930. The publication
of the fraternity Is "The Radiations
of Sigma PI Sigma," issued under
the editorship of Dr. Marsh W.

White of Pennsylvania State



Students are asked to cooperate with a geological survey of natural bridges In the
state by reporting any natural bridges which exist in
the state, to the Bureau of
and Topograhical
Survey, located on the second
floor of the Administration

As Annual Committee for
Scabbard ajid Blade
Social Program



At a meeting of Scabbard and
Blade, honorary advanced military
organization, Tuesday, In the Armory, Luclan Congleton, president,
appointed as the social committee
for the year Gordon Burns, chairman, John Rice, and Hamilton
The committee has se
lected the following tentative dates
for the, social program:
Saturday, December 16, Cadet
Hop; Saturday, January 6, Cadet
hop; Saturday, February 3, Cadet
hop; Saturday, April 7, Cadet hop,
and Wednesday, February 21, Mili
tary ball.
The Military ball Is usually one
of the most brilliant social affairs
of the season. At this time the new
military sponsors for the University
R. O. T C. are presented, and members are pledged to Scabbard and
Pershing Rifles, honorary' basic
military organization, usually conducts its pledging ceremony at one
of the Cadet hops which are formal tea dances held on Saturday afternoon at the Alumni gymnasium
during the spring semester.

Pep Group May Sponsor
Tech Dance; Frosh
Cheering Section Will Be

Ky.-Georg- ia

Former Kernel
Editor Named
For High Post
Dwight L. Ijicknell Accepts
Position As Enquirer Financial Chief

The bids must be presented to
any member of Suky circle before Tuesday at 5 p. m. and
must state the following: that
the person or persons submitting
the bids will be responsible for
any losses; that Suky will be
given a certain percentage of the
total amount taken in at each
dance; any expenses which may
incur shall be paid from the
amount remaining after Suky
has been paid its percentage.
Bids that do not 'state the
above will not be considered.

happened a week ago in The
Kernel office K. D. Jane Anne
Mathews, literary editor of The
Kernel, wanted to discuss a story
with a reporter and prospective
She no could do, (due to
rules) so interpreters
had to be called in. The pledgling
stood on one side of the table and
told her story to Managing Editor
Adams and he repeated it to Miss



students, who are
or have been DeMolays, interested
In forming an honorary fraternity
get in touch with Morton Collins at
114 Johnston blvd., or phone Ashland 6581 X any time after 8 p. m.;
or Sylvester C. Ford at 112 Conn
All University



Snapshots for the feature section
of the 1934 Kentuckian may be sent
at any time to Lois Robinson, feature editor and In charge of selection of snapshots.
Phi meeting Sunday,
at the Canary Cottage.
All members urged to be present I
Chi Delta

3:30 p. m.,

Mortar Board will meet at 6 o'Mbnday afternoon in the
Woman's building.

Club Makes Plans
Will Send


Musicians Meet
Twice Each Week With
Prof. Lam pert

Fifty-fiv- e


musical season of the
University of Kentucky will be officially opened November 3 when the
University Greater Symphony orchestra makes Its initial broadcast
through the facilities of WHAS.
Fifty-fiv- e
persons, including students, and townspeople, have been
practicing twice a week for the past
month under the direction of Professor Lam pert and Alexander
assistant to Professor Lam- pert and sectional director of the
"Quality and not quantity Is the
aim of this group of musicians de
spite the fact that this is the largest orchestra since its organization
in 1918," said Capurso.
Rehearsals are being held Tues
day evenings and Sunday afternoons In the Music building, and
Professor Lampert Is coaching by
special appointment those who need
individual work to bring them up
to the standard set for the orches



Capurso said that the program
would be released at an early date,
but that at present it was subject
to change, and would be revamped
to suit the condition of the various
sections of the orchestra.
Sunday, November 5, two days
after it's Initial appearance, the
symphony plans to play at Memor
ial hall In a first of series of Ves
per services that are to be continued
throughout the season.

Autumn Sports
Events Will Open
On Next Monday



Literary Society

Will Give Prizes

Appointments Made
For Law Journal
Dan Martin has been appointed
the faculty of the College of
Law as managing editor of the
Kentucky Law Journal. He will replace James Hatcher, who did not
return to school this fall.
Mr. Martin will have charge of
the smaller articles and the
notes which appear in the
Journal. Appointment Is made to
the office upon the basis of scholarby

Recently reorganized, the Patterson Literary society has announced
the offering of annual prizes, both
scholarship and cash as follows:
scholarship prize, $250 cash. This
scholarship is awarded annually by
members of the society at the end
of the academic year. The holder
may receive it consecutively for four
years if his work as a student
by the society.
A price of $25 cash Is awarded for
the best declamation delivered by
a member of the society In March
of each academic year.
A price of $125 cash is awarded
every five years for the best oration
on the life and works of
Patterson. This has not been
awarded recently and is now due.
The society will meet at 7:30 p.
m. every Monday in room 211,

Plans for this year were discussed
at the meeting of the Block and
Bridle club held at 7 p. m. Monday
in the Judging pavillion.
Plans are being made for a gala.
Fall Festival to be held the last
part of October in the Livestock
Judging pavilion on the Experiment
farm. The Fall Festival, known to
many as "The Little International"
is sponsored annually by the Block
and Bridle and plans are being
made this year to make this festival the biggest event of its kind
ever held. An Interesting program
is being worked out by the society.
Proceeds of the Fall Festival will
go toward sending the Dairy Cattle
Judging team to the national contest to be held at Waterloo, Iowa,
beginning October 3. Block and
Bridle financed tha Judging team
at the national contest last year
and. hopes to do as much as possible
toward sending the team that will
represent the University at the contests this year.


Photographs of the members of senior and Junior
classes will be made for the
1934 Kentuckian
Monday. The photographer
will be in the basement of the
Alumni gymnasium and will
take pictures between the
nous of 9 and 13 a.m., and 1
and S p. m.
The photographer will work
with the Kentuckian pictures
two weeks and members of
the two upper classes are
urged to have pictures made
as soon as possible. The cost
will be $1 00 for the first publication print and 23 cents for
each additional print which
will be used In the annual.

Concentrated Efforts Will Be
Made To Secure Positions

For Secretarial

Organization of the senior class
of the Commerce college was held
last Monday night for the purpose
of planning activities with respect
to securing employment for members of the class which will be
graduated in June, 1934. 'This Is In
keeping with a program inaugurated by the 1933 class.
It Is the aim of the association
to publish a 1934 edition of the
"Bargains in Brains," the 1933 edition of which was published this
past spring and attracted international attention in as much as It
represented the first concentrated
effort on the part of a graduating
class to secure positions for its
members in the business world.
The program of the association
for the present year has been
broadened considerably. It includes,
as opposed to that of the previous
year, an effort to place in positions,
students completing one or two
years of secretarial course. Irrespective of the college in which the
students may be registered. This
plan contemplates the issuance of
two bulletins during the school year
to business men in principal cities
of the state requesting them to get
in touch with the association secretary at the College of Commerce if
they are In need of a secretary.
The president of the association
desires to caution all secretarial
students registered in colleges other
than commerce to signify their in
tentions to become members of the
(Continued on Page Six)


The University of Kentucky tennis team is entering its 13th year
comietition under the sponsorship of Coach Downing. Although it may sound numerically unlucky, Coach Downing
believes that this will be the best
season of them all. The season
proper starts about April 10, but
active play and picking of the
teams, both freshman and varsity,
will begin in the near future.
As lung as the weather permits
there will be matches played on
the courts between the varsity and
freshman players every Wednesday
Round robin tournaafternoon.
ments to determine the players'
standing will be played continuously through the fall, and when winter conies the matches will be played on the Indoor court in the Gym
Tenuis has gained popularity by
leaps and bounds In th last few
years. The attitude of
few years
back when tennis was regarded
more as
fcui's sport has changed
to the extent whert sports writer

and newspapers have given it preference over other sports. Many of
the leading schools in the country
have made it a major sport, not
only for the game's sake but for the
profitable publicity that it brings to
tournathe school.
ments In the south and east have
Inter-collegia- te

been drawing huge crowds.
A leading sports authority of today recently stated that if he had
his choice of being a leader in any
sport he would choose to be national
tennis champ.
There is more than one reason for
that. Tennis, as strenuous as it is.
has not the attendant dangers of
athletes' heart and injuries which
sometimes accompany the collegiate
s)Krts of football and basketball.
Tennis Is the ideal college sport.
College not only prepares one
for life work, but it also
teaches one the recreations, and
especially the physical aids that will
keep the graduate fit when he is
away from his college environs
Tennis answers the latter purpose
exactly. It la a game that can be i
inter-collegia- te

schol-astical- ly

Women Students



Horseback Riding SEWANEE GAME

W. A. A.

Program Will In

of Intensive Drills
'And Scrimmages Is


elude Class in Interpretive Dancing
Courses In horseback riding fr
girls may be established If a suff.
dent number of girls desire to take
a class in this sport, according to
tentative plans which were made" at
the first meeting of the Women s
Athletic Association council, Tues
day night at the home of Miss Re'
becca Averlll, faculty sponsor lor
the council.
Girls who are Interested In horse
back riding may sign up for the
class In Miss Rebecca Averlll's of
As calvary mounts will be
used, the class will be principally
for experienced riders, though
few beginners will be admitted to
the class.
An innovation In the annual pro
gram of W. A. A. will be the add!
tion of classes in interpretive danc
ing. These classes are scheduled to
begin In January and will probably
be held under the direction of one
of the University students. Points
toward W. A. A. awards which will
be given for this course will be the
same as the oolnts given for a
minor sport.
by W. A. A.
Sports sponsored
which will begin immediately are:
archery, which will be held at J
m. each day beginning on Mon
day, October 2. and hockey, whicn
will be held at 4 p. m. each day.
beginning on Monday, October 2.

Improvement In
Last Scrimmage With
Frosh Squad

Cats Show

With one game of its
schedule chalked up on th right
side of the ledger. Coach Harry
O am age's powerful Wildcat team Is
being rounded off for Its annual
battle witn tne sewanee Tigers,
which will be called at 8 r. m. to
morrow on Stoll field.
After another week of Intensive
scrimmage the Big Blue Is rapidly
Most of the fallings that were evi
dent, especially in the forward wall.
In the game with Maryville last
Saturday night have been eliminat
ed, and the entire outfit is working
with a new smoothness. The last
roueh workout of the week was held
Wednesday when Coach Blrkett Lee
Prlbble sent his yearling squad
aealnst the Cats. The Big Blue
was kept on the defensive through- ten-gai- ne


Sewanee, Tenn., Sept. 28
(Special to The Kernel) The
Tigers from Sewanee invade
Lexington on Saturday, September 30, to open their football season against the Big
Blue of the University of
Kentucky. Last year the Tigers put up a game fight but
Kentucky overcame them.
This year the Tigers present
a squad which should be in
much better condition than
the squad which they presented last year, as last year
they were suffering from a
number of injuries sustained
in their two first games.
The Tiger lineup will contain seven and possibly eight
lettermen with two or three
sophomores and one reserve
completing the starting eleven. The line should average
about 180 pounds with the
backfleld averaging from 160
to 165 pounds, poach Harry
Clark has been unwilling to
give a hint as to his opening
eleven and it Is probably that
he will not make his decision
until game time.
giant tackle,
will be the largest man on
the Sewanee team, weighing
while Cravens,
220 pounds,
is the
150 pound halfback,
teams light weight. Both of
these men are playing their
last year of football as well
as seven other Tigers.
The Tigers are working
hard to get off to a good start
in their opening game of the
season and football fans will
see a fighting and scrapping
team atktake the field against
the Wildcats Saturday night.






Resist red To Date In the
Office of the Dean of





Inter-fraterni- ty

U.K. Bulletin Has
New Staff For

Inter-fraterni- ty


Plan Courses In

According to a statement issued
by the office of the Dean of Men
yesterday, 355 cars have been registered and assigned to parking areas
on the campus, in compliance with
the new traffic regulations. Inau
gurated In an attempt to eliminate
the congested traffic conditions
which have prevailed for the last
few years.
Of the total number, 180 ears are
those belonging to faculty members.
the remaining 175 being students'
cars. At the close of the first day
of registration there were only eight
places left. This means that a
great many cars which heretofore
have contributed to the general
confusion will be left off the cam
The areas into which the campus
have been divided are as follows:
area No. I, Main drive; No. 2 White
hill; No. 3. Neville hall; No. 4. Armory; No. 5, Frazee hall; No. 6,
Alumni gymnasium; No. 7, McVey
hall: No. 8. Mechanical hall; No. 9.
rear of Kastle hall; No. 10, Library;
No. 11, Men's dormitory.
Passes Resolutions To EnEach registered car has been proOld Custom; Bids vided with a tag giving the number
of the area to which it has been
Called For
assigned. No car can be parked on
the campus unless it has been proA resolution advocating the wearing of freshman caps by freshmen perly registered, and then it must
was adopted at the last meeting of be within Its designated space. For
council held the first offense a warning will be
Monday. September 18 at the Alpha Issued, but for the following a fine
Sigma Phi house and was endorsed must be paid.
by all the fraternities. The caps
will appear on the campus as soon
as all business firms have submitted
their bids and one has been accepted.
The Council also voted that the
Virginia Bosworth
and Jane
freshman men shall not take dates Hamilton, Juniors Th the departto football games. Suky circle en- ment of Journalism, have been apdorsed the adoptions of the Council pointed to fill the vacancies which
and asked that the fraternities back occurred at the beginning of the
the resolutions to the utmost, and year on the University Bulletin
have their freshmen out for the staff. The two members who last
football games in freshmen caps to year were appointed to serve failed
form a more compact cheering sec- to return for this semester's work
at the University.
Sealed bids for the freshman
The two new bulletineers, togeth
caps are being received by Gordon er with Mary Chick, member of the
Burns, president of the
staff appointed last spring, win
council, from six Lexington comprise the staff which edits the
firms. As soon as all the bids are mimeographed copies of the weekreceived the accepted bid will be ly bulletin, which are sent to the
announced and all freshmen will be offkes of faculty members of the
required to wear the traditional University. Bulletin news includes
blue caps.
only brief announcements of meetings which will be held and of
events which have been scheduled.
Announcements for publication in
this bulletin should be sent to the
bulletineers in care of the Journalism department.
Virginia Bosworth, in addition to
being a student in the Journalism
played constantly by all ages, of department, is a member of Kapboth sexes, at all times, and in all pa Kappa Gamma sorority Strolclimates. Football, basketball, base- lers, and of the Y. W. C. A.
ball and track are physical aids as
Jane Hamilton Is a member of
long as one is in school, but when Alpha Xi Delta, Y. W. C. A., and of
through with college they cannot Pitkin club. She and Virginia Bosbe continued unless the graduate worth both are from Lexington.
places his life work in those fields,
Mary Chick, the third member of
and even then the number of years ths staff, is a member of Kappa
spent in those sports are limited.
Kappa Gamma, Strollers, Guignol
At present, tennis at the Universtaff, and is a Lexington girl.
sity of Kentucky is a minor sport.
However, it is hoped that within
a year or two it will become a
sport. The facilities here are
Plays to be used in the tryouts
almost ideal for accentuating ten- for Strollers, student dramatic ornis. There is a long outdoor playganization, have been ordered and
ing season, there Is an Indoor court will be placed in the library imfor use during unseasonable weathmediately upon their arrival, it was
er, and the tennis material enterannounced at a meeting of the oring the school is among the best ganization Tuesday afternoon in
to be found anywhere.
President Manring
White hall.
A few years ago there was hardHollingsworth stated that Strollers
ly a high school tennis team in will produce the spring revue and
the state. Now practically every Amateur night this year as has been
high school has a team and yearly the custom.
they hold their tournaments at the
Further notice concerning the
The winners of these tryouts will be posted in The
(Continued on Page Six)

U.K. Tennis Team Enters 13th Year

Judging Team To

Plans To Hold
Fall Festival





Miss Martha Manning has been
students of the University, and will
be given to the person or persons appointed as editor of book reviews
having the most satisfactory bid. and legislation to take the place of
which mast be in the hands of the H. W. Vincent who did not return.
The first issue of the Kentucky
circle by Tuesday, Octoocr 3. A
prepared form will be released in Law Journal will be ready for dis(Continued on Page Six)
tribution about November 1.

IJlock and Bridle

Is Begun

According to an announcement by
Bicknell, Lexington,
and C. W. Hackensmith. director of the
of The Ker- Intramural department, fall sports
nel, was appointed financial editor will open Monday afternoon. Those
of the Cincinnati Enquirer last events starting are: tennis, doubles
Tuesday by John Larue, managing and singles; golf, doubles and
singles; horseshoes, doubles and
singles, and practice for the cross
Mr. Bicknell was named for this country run.
position when Lee Evans, former
The number of participants this
financial editor, was appointed to year exceeds that of last. There
the post of city editor to replace are teams entered, from each fraCharles J. Bocklet, who resigned to ternity for every sport. This year
become postmaster of Cincinnati.
should prove a success for the de
For a number of years financial partment, as the rivalry for the
reporter for The Enquirer, Mr. medals and trophies will be strongpersonal ly contested.
Bicknell also conducted
interviews with the financiers of
Examination for the cross country
of Cincinnati, dally explaining the run will be held Monday afternoon.
financial conditions and outlook of This , sport is an annual event.
the nation, the administration's There are nearly 100 men entered
methods, and giving advice on the in this race already.
money situation.
Golf matches will be played at
Mr. Bicknell was graduated from the Picadome golf club, tennis
the University in 1925, after having matches will be held at the Uni
studied journalism for four years. versity courts, and the horseshoes
Since his graduation he has devot- will be pitched at the side of the
ed his time to the newspaper world. Alumni gym.
The year that Mr. Bicknell was
The Department is headed this
year by Ralph Griffin, senior manof The Kernel mark
ed the first time that The Kernel ager, and Reynolds Faber, assistant
was partially printed in its own senior manager, with Junior manplant. That year the first linotype agers, Sam Warren. Howard Stanmachine was purchased
and Mr. ley and Bob Woods. There are
Bicknell was the first operator.
positions open for freshman manMr. Bicknell Is a native of Berea agers for those who wish to enter.
is widely known in central
Kentucky. Upon his graduation he
married Miss Lutie Williams of

SuKy, student pep organization,
will handle the check room concessions at the dances as usual this
year, following action of the Athletic council, according to Frank
Adams, president of the organiza
tion. This concession is open to






Dwight L.

graduate of





out the session and time and again
stopped the frosh at the line of

Never were they able

to gain more than three yards from
a play.
Little is known of the strength
of the Tigers, but it is well known
that they will present much more
(Continued on Page Six)



K. Graduates Awarded
Fellowships From Various
Schools; Will Continue

Miss Anita Wells, Stanton, Ky.,
M. A. degree from
the University in 1932. has been
granted a $900 cooperative fellowship from the University of Kentucky and Brookings Institution at
Washington, D. C. Miss Wells will
spend most of the year in Washington on a research project, under
the guidance of the faculties of the
political science departments here
and Brookings Institution.
Donald Braden, Lexington, who
obtained his M. A. degree from the
University of Kentucky in 1933 has
received a fellowship grant in the
School of Citizenship and Public
affairs at Syracuse university. Hugh
Jackson, former major student in
the department of political science
at the University of Kentucky who
received his A. B. and M. A. degrees,
from here in 1931 and 1932. held a
scholarship at Syracuse last year
and is now assistant to Prof. W. E.
Mosher. director of the school.
Another political science major
student, Robert B. Stewart, Denton,
Ky who received his A. B. and
M. A degrees from the University
of Kentucky in 1931 and 1933, has
Just left for a year's study at Harvard and Tufts, under a $500 scholarship granted him by the newly
created Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy at Tutts and Harvard.
Shepherd Jones, Georgetown,
sailed recently for England, having
been granted the Rhodes scholarship. Mr. Jones received his M. A.
degree from the University of Kentucky in 1931. taught at Murray,
Ky., for the one year following, and
spent last year at Harvard.

who received her

� Best Cop;







Heizcr Named Pan- Hellenic Delegate
To Represent U. K. Chapter
At National Congress
October 13

VARSITY HALTS Tennis Players

Education Groups
Organize For Year

To Participate In
Fall Tournament


Phi Delta Kappa and Kappa
Delta Phi. Ilonoraries,
Hold Meetings

All Matches

Mary Heizer, member of Women'
has been elected by
the council to represent the Unl
versity chapter at the National
congress to convene
In Chicago, October 13. The decision was made at the last Pan- Hellenic meeting held Monday at
5 p. m. in Patterson hall.
The trip will be financed by the
dues contributed yearly by each so
cial sorority on the campus to the
Pan - Hellenic council
This is the first time since 1931
that a woman delegate of the Unl
versity has been sent to the na
tional convention.
Miss Heizer is the daughter of
Or. and Mrs. H. L. Heizer, and a
junior In the College of Agricul
ture. She Is a member of Alpha
Xi Delta, Phi Epsilon Omicron, and

Must Be Completed by Oct. 15; Cup
To Be Given

Returning from
the Kittens again took up the task
of being one of the best freshmen
teams ever to be assembled on St oil
field. They resumed practice again
Monday amid a downpour of since last the time that has elapsed
rain that turned Stoll field into a 1934 tennis squadthe have of the
strengthened by the reporting of
The practice on Monday was light several experienced
candidates, and
due to this Incessant downpour. On Coach H. H. Downing
has com
Tuesday, however, the Kittens gave pleted
round-robi- n
the plans
the Varsity one of the toughest tournament which for a Include both
scrimmages they have had this year.
freshman and varsity players,
In fact it was tough sledding for will be completed by October 15.and
both teams.
Three more players who were
During the first part of the fracas,
both first teams were used, but members of theto report freshman
squad, but failed
last sea
later, Coach Oamage put in his secson have
ond string men, and gave the regu- are Alfred returned this fall. They
Miller, Paul Cullen. and
lars a rest. This week, so far, the
Rush played number
Kittens have not shown up as well Milton Rush. two seasons ago, detwo
against the Varsity as they did last featedposition
y. w. c. a.
the number one man In the
week. This is due to the fact that
The council meeting Monday was the Varsity has Improved a lot in playoff, and he and St. John were
presided over by Virginia Pitzer,
undefeated as a doubles team. Also
few days.
president. Other officers are Mary the last
Bert Johnson, the former Ashland the addition to the squad of
Heizer, secretary, and Elizabeth ace, again led the Kitten offense
Headley Heath, the Benton
Jones, treasurer. A date for the with his driving slashes through flash, who was Ineligible last season, as well as Nathan Elliott and
next meeting has not been an- tackle and his wide sweeping end
runs. There is no doubt that John- Darrel House should bring considson is one of the best frosh pro- erable strength to the varsity
two-da- y




net-me- n.


The Archaeological museum situated in the old library building will
be open regular hours each week
to faculty, students, and townspeople, according to an announcement
made by Prof. W. S. Webb, head of
the Department of Archaeology.
The hours are from 1:30 p. m. until
4:30 p. m. every Tuesday
Thursday, and from 2 p. m. u