xt71c53dzn8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53dzn8w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-02-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  5, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  5, 1935 1935 1935-02-05 2013 true xt71c53dzn8w section xt71c53dzn8w L





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French and Rritish Statesmen
Recognize Teuton Govern-

ment's Rearmament

Invitation to Extend Locarno
Tact to the Air Regarded As Important

By Ilodmn Hawley
International News Service Staff
London, Feb. 4 (INS) Two
beaming French statesmen parted
today from their equally satisfied
British colleagues, having deposited
in the hands of Germany the fate
of a new and realistic European
peace pattern.
Tacitly recognizing Germany's re
armament, and offering to Junk at
last the restrictive military clauses
of the Treaty of Versailles, a proposal for a new general arms agreement, "freely negotiated" on a basis
of "equality of rights in a system of
security," was offered to Germany,
Italy and Belgium following a four-da- y
conference of representatives of
two other signatories of the Locarno
Security Pact, France and Britain.
An Invitation to the powers to ex-

tend the "mutual assistance" guarantees of the Locarno Pact to the
air was regarded as the most Important single outcome of the London meeting. Even without Germany, it Is planned for the other
four powers to pledge mutual aerial
aid in the event of aggression, but
the remainder of the scheme is predicated upon Oermany's reentrance
into the League of Nations and
participation in the "Eastern Locarno" Security Pact.
The one
result of
the London talks was the announcement that Britain, welcoming the
Borne agreements of collaboration
between France and Italy, promised
to consult with those powers and
any other adherents "if the Independence and integrity of Austria

University Radio Artists
Are Featured At Vespers
Gold Case Delay
Causes Suspense




The rosy optimism of high New
Deal officials OVer a favorable
Supreme Court ruling in the vital
gold cases took on a more somber
hue today after the court made
an unprecedented announcement
that it was not ready to hand
down a decision.
court observers
found nothing unusual in the

delay. Decision in a hundred billion case in less than a month
itself would have been unusual.
But many New Dealers In and
out of Congress had expected the
court to leap to a decision and
clear up uncertainty over constitutionality of the congressional
law abrogating the gold clause In
public and private bonds.

The Swan' Will
Star Students,


William Sutherland and Geo
Dawson Represent

d. Oh I Susanna
e. Beautiful Dreamer


Student and faculty members of
the University will be well represented in the cast of "The Swan,"
next production of the Guignol
theatre which opens for a week's
run Monday, February 11.
Two members of the faculty, Mrs.
Cleo Dawson Smith, and Wll.lam R.
Sutherland, both of the English department, will have Important roles
in the fourth production of the little theatre. The former appears
as Princess Beatrice, and Mr. Sutherland as Father Hyanclnth.
Of the student members, which
make up the majority of the cast,
J. Randolph Rash, as George, and
Thomas Nichols, as Arsene, have
brilliant roles.
la menaced."
J. B. Wells Is cast as Colonel
After declaring that, "neither Ger-- 1 Wunderlich, and from his work In
many nor any other power whose
armaments have been defined by rehearsals, promses to star in his
the peace treaties is entitled by uni- role.
Walden Greenwell will appear
lateral action to modify these obli- Caesar. Frances Reid will have as
gation," the Joint Franco-Britis- h
big part as Princess Maria Dominstatement continued:
porica. Countess Erderly will be
"Nothing could contribute more to trayed by Thelma Goodrich.
the restoration of confidence and
Harlow Dean appears as Alfred.
the prospects of peace among na- Howard Bruce Shepherd is cast as
tions than a general settlement Lackey. Bill Huston and Basil Gilfreely negotiated between Germany bert play the part of the Hussars.
and the other powers. . . .this settlement would establish agreements reCadet Hop
garding armaments generally, which
In the case of Germany would reHeld
Of Season
place the provisions of Part V of
the Treaty of Versailles at present
limiting arms and armed forces In Kappa Kappa Gamma Group
Announced Leader In TicGermany."
ket Selling Contest
Eastern security and Germany's
return to the League are specifically mentioned.
The last of a series of three Cadet
by Scabbard and
If Germany does not elect to enter Blade, sponsored honorary military
the "Air Locarna," agreement, the
Reich could not be acted against fraternity, was held Saturday afterunder its terms, which state: "The noon In the Alumni gymnasium.
The sorority selling the most
signatories would undertake Immediately to give the assistance of tickets to the Cadet Hops and the
heir air forces to whichever of them Military Ball wU be allowed to
might be the victim of unprovoked, name a group of candidates from
aerial aggression by one of the con- which will be chosen the "Queen of
tracting parties."
the Military Ball". According to
Dave Difford, the Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority has sold the most
New Courses
tickets to the three Cadet Hops.
in, Geology The tickets for the Military ball
will be ready for sale in a few days.
O. IX Young has announced These tickets and receipts from the
three new courses In the Geology ones sold must be turned in to a
department to take the place of member of Scabbard and Blade by
courses In Geology 18a and 18b, for February 18. All tickets turned In
after this date will not be credited
the calendar year 1933.
These three new courses are Ge- in the contest.
ography 24a which will cover the
Oa February 18 the Queen will be
field of elementary weather and chosen but her Identity will be kept
climate conditions. Geography 24b secret until the night of the Milithe second semester, part of 24a, tary ball, February 22, when the
will cover the development of' land winner will be presented.
forma. Geography 25 will be a
course in regional physical geogMade
raphy of the United Btates.





Young Is offering a new
course In advanced geology. The
students of this course will have

To Cover Vacancies
In Library Science

set-u- p
of weather instruments
in the Geology Museum and will Miss Ruth Budd, Honey Grove,
make observations and forecasts of Texas, has been appointed assistthe weather.
ant professor In library science for
the term Just beginning, according
to Miss Margaret I. King, librarian
She will replace Miss Mildred
head of the department, who
recently was granted a leave of
of six months to do graduSeveral members of the faculty of
University of Michiate
college of Engineering will at- gan. work at the
a meeting of the Kentucky
Miss Budd is a graduate of the
Society of Professional Engineers to Texas State
Teachers College for
held today In the Brown Hotel, Women and has a graduate degree
In library science from Columbia
Those attending Include Professor University. She has taught in Wln-throf
C. S. Crouse, secretary-treasurCollege, South Carolina, the
the society and Professor D. V. Ter- University of North Carolina sumrell, a member of the board of dir- mer session, and in the College of
ectors. Acting Dean Freeman, also William and Mary at Williamsburg,
a member of the board of directors, Va. She Is a member of the Ameriis away and will not be able to can Library Association, the Virattend.
ginia Library Association, and of
The program will open with a Delta Delta Delta sorority.
business meeting at 2 p.m. at which
Miss King also announced the apMr. Perry T. Ford, secretary of the pointment of Mrs. Lawrence . Her-ro- n
Ohio State Registration Board for
as assistant in the reference
Engineers, will speak. Dr. D. V. department this semester, in the
Stein man, president of the National absence of Miss Norma Cass, ref
Society of Professional Engineers, erence librarian, who is also doing
will address a dinner meeting to be graduate work at the University of
held at f :30 o'clock.

Engineering Profs
Attend Meeting





f. Old Uncle Ned
University Trio
a. Sympathy from "The Firefly"
b. Gavotte (two sheep).. Martini
c. Sa'.ut d'Amour
d. Hungarian Dance, No. 8

e. Londonderry




The radio artists' program, under
the director of Elmer O. 8ulzer,
head of the University radio and
publicity bureau, and presented by
the students on the artist siaff of
the University extension studios of
WHAS. was given Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock In Memorial hall.

The program Included selections
from compositions
of Ethelbert
Nevln and Stephen Collins Foster,
and a concert version of "The Stu-de- n
Prince In Heidelberg."
The vocalists Included in the program were Misses Mary Louise
Irene Foster, Virginia Mur-rel- l,
Dorothy Murrell, Lucille Thornton, and Messrs. Richard Allison
and Gentry Shelton. The organ ac
companlmcnt was furnished by
Robert Dickey, and the harp accompaniment was furnished by Miss
Mary Rudlcel. The string trio is
directed by Mr. Lee Crook, with
general accompaniment
by the studio orchestra.
The program was broadcast over
station WLAP by Mr. Frank Burger, and engineered by Mr. Harris
Sullivan, head operator at the University studios,
and Mr. John
The program presented was as
1. Stephen Foster Ensemble
a. Open Thy Lattice Love
b. Gwlne to Run All Night
c. Jeanle with the Light Brown


Irish Folk Song
Ethelbert Nevln Ensemble
a. Little Boy Blue
b. The Woodpecker
c. In Winter I Get Up at Night
d. Mighty Lak'a Rose
e. Narcissus


Modern Compositions
a. When You're Away (from
"The Only Girl") ....Herbert
b. Concert version of "The Student Prince in Heidelberg"

Including vocalized renditions of
"The Serende", "Deep in My Heart
Dear", "Drinking Song", "Students'
March Song", "Just We Two", the
entrance of the officers, the reprise,
(march song).




Kentucky Nelmen Experience
Some Difficulty Nosing
Out Strong 'Rama Team

THEOLOGIAN IS Enrollment Total


Social Service
Worker toSpeak
At Convocation
Prominent Lecturer On Personal Problems To Hold
Discussions At UK

Mrs. William H. Morgan, an authority on personal relationships
and social problems, will be the
guest speaker at 'the University for
a week, starting February 7, under
the auspices of the Y. W. C. A. and
the dean of women.
Qualified by her study In the
fields of parent education and child
psychology, and her experience as a
member of the ' National student
staff of the Y. W. C. A., Mrs. Morgan has been recognized as a competent discussion group leader.
Since her residence in Iowa City,
Mrs. Morgan has done professional
lecturing and discussion group
leadership in high schools, communities, colleges, and universities In
the field of personality, adjust-men- t,
parent child relatlonsnips,
marriage and the home, relationships of men and women, and kindred subjects.
The convocation which will be
held Thursday at 4 p. m. in Memorial hall is compulsory to all worn
en students who have not been excused by the office of the dean of
women. Every woman student will
be given the opportunity to have a
personal conference with Mrs. Morgan. All students desiring such a
conference should apply for an appointment to the office of the dean
of women.
Mrs. Morgan's program for this
week Includes addresses at the
women's convocation, the sophomore commission Thursday at 7
o'clock in the reading room of Boyd
hall, and the Dutch Lunch club at
noon Friday in Patterson hall.

Expounds Theory That "Life
Is Much Simpler, Sweeter
Than Series of Problems,"
At Club Meeting
Dr. JO. W. Warmlngham, professor In religious training at Boston
University, spoke at the Friday
meeting of the Dutch Lunch club in
Patterson hall.
Dr. Warmlngham, who is known
to his Lexington friends as "Kod-aya- ,"
used the subject, "Enjoying
Yourself" as the main theme of his
address. The theory of life he expounded In his statement was that
"life Itself is a much simpler,
sweeter, and grander thing than a
series of problems" in which we use
our senses to see the beauty In others' lives and so enrich our own.
Other addresses of Dr. Warming-haduring his five days' visit In
Lexington Included talks at the
banquet of the Y. W. C. A. and Y.
M. C. A. cabinet, the Young Peoples' Religious council. University
Training School convocation, Bry
an Station High school convocation,
and the dinner meeting of the
Founders' organization.
Dr. Warmlngham was brought to
Lexington through the auspices of
the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., the
Young Peoples' Religious council of
Lexington, and the American
Youth foundation.


Reaches 2555
Registration figures released
yesterday at noon from the Registrar's office showed a total enrollment of 2,555.
Registration of late entrants
will continue In the afternoons
from 2:30 to 3:30 o'clock until
the end of the week. Monday.
February 11, is the last day on
which a student may enter an
organized class or drop a class
without a grade.

Programs Will Consist of Lectures On Pertinent
Facts For State
Garden Clubs

Under the auspices of the department of University Extension, a
series of six Garden Center programs, arranged by Mrs. W. T.
Lafferty, secretary of Woman's club
service in the extension bureau, will
be inaugurated today at the University museum, for the purpose of
discussing and disseminating practical Information on gardening to
public of central
the garden-minde- d

Invitations have been sent out to
the garden clubs throughout the
state and to the garden departPrograms
AT U. K. mentsbeen women's clubs. the idea of
arranged with
presenting specialized Information
Local Chapter of American on topics most In to be discussed toGeneral topics
Association of University day and at the five following meetProfs To Convene Tonight ings will be: "Garden Centers";
in McVey Hall
"The Outdoor Living Room"; "Con"Flower
sider the Landscaping";
A meeting of the local chapter of Arrangement"; "Trees and Shrubs
the American Association of Uni for Public Places"; and "Conserva-


versity Professors will convene at tion."
7:30 o'clock tonight in Room 109,
The service is absolutely free to
McVey halt
person wishing
any garden-minde- d
The program for the evening will to attend, and the hours will be
consist of a summary report of the from 10 ajn. until 12 o'clock In the
annual meeting of the association. morning and from 2 until 4 p.m. in
consisting of items which will not the afternoon.
be published in the bulletin, fol
This Tuesday's meeting will be
lowing which there will be a friend presided over by Mrs. Lafferty. A
ly critical discussion of some topics welcome address will be given by
Intimation Forwarded That
intimately connected with univer- Mrs. Frank L. McVey. Mrs. Lafferty
Governmental Banking
sity life.
will Introduce the topic after which
Activities Will Be
John F. Day, editor of the Ken Miss Margaret King, librarian, will
tucky Kernel, will be present to discuss "Garden Books for the GarCombined Soon
submit student opinions for the den Minded." The morning session
will be finished with a round table
the GarThe topics under consideration discussion on "Starting Calhoun, of
Lundeen Bill Estimated to will include the following: Are we den", led by Mrs. J. D.
Cost Eleven Billion
By Robert S. Thornbnrgo
using effective teaching methods?; Millers!) urg.
The afternoon session will open
A Year
Do we have any "dead" courses on
International News Service Staff
the campus? and have any of our with a paper on "Rock and Wall
Clark, of
Washington, Feb. 4 (INS) For University rules outlived their use- Gardens by Mrs. Edward
Washington, Feb. 4 (INS) Plans
Lexington, and Dr. W. R. Allen,
the first time In history, a Congresfor the erection of another monuuniProfessors who are interested in professor of zoology at the
today began
mental structure were made public sional
today by Governor M. S. Eccles, of hearings on a bill for which the knowing how students think and
conThose desiring Information
communist party is making a natio- feel about such matters are urged
the Federal Reserve Board,
to attend the meeting. According cerning today's meeting of the garn-wide
announceIn connection with the
center may write or call Mrs.
The measure is the Lundeen un- to the action taken by the associa- den T. Lafferty at the University.
ment, there was the clear intimation at the annual meeting, any W.
employment insurance and old-aAdolph Miltion of Eccles and Dr.
member who is now in arrears is
pension bill, estimated to cost
ler, chairman of the building comautomatically
to mema year.
banking activities
mittee, that all
The hearing was held by a house bership by paying bis current dues
government would be comof the
of which Rep. for the year 193d.
bined . within five years.
Matthew. Dunn (D) of Pennsylvania,
In planning the new reserve only blind member of the house, is
Donations Made by Mr. Snybuilding, arangements were made
der and Mrs. Frederick
for housing the Reserve Board, the
Endorsement of the bill was formFederal Deposit Insurance corporII. Von Engelken
ally announced by a spokesman for
ation and the office of the Compthe communist party In denouncing
troller of the Currency.
Announcement of the receipt of
the administration's economic secutwo valuable pieces of sculpture was
Miller Indicated plainly that it rity bill as a "fake,"
Professor E. J. Asher, president made by the University library Satwas the intention of the government
The measure was introduced by
to consolidate the banking activities. Rep. Ernest Lundeen (FL) or Min- of Alpha of Kentucky chapter of urday. The replicas were made by
However, he did not say under what nesota, but not as a communist bill. Phi Beta Kappa, officiated at the Joel T. Hart, the great Kentucky
Jurisdiction they would be combined. It has the support of Chairman initiation of the five candidates in artist and sculpturer.
Some experts expressed the belief Connery (D) of Massachusetts of President Frank L. McVey's office
One is a plaster cast bust of
that the administration would re- the Labor Committee and many in the Administration building were Henry Clay, which Mr. Hart made
day afternoon. Refreshments
commend to congress the establishtrade unions.
in 1847, and was presented to the
Inment of a department of banking
Among the first witnesses will be served after completion of the
library by William R. Snyder, 425
itiatory rttes.
under a new cabinet officer. This Broadus Mitchell of Johns Hopkins
At present the
Those who were initiated into the West Fourth street.
was considered a logical step bepossession of
University, Elmer Brown of the
honor organization were: Stephen original bust is In the
cause of the federal control of banktypographical union. Elmer Rice, the Hubard, Lexington; Marjorle Pow the Clay heirs at Ashland, Henry
ing taken over by the government
dramatist, and Herbert Benjamin,
Baldwin, N. Y.; John Lockhart Clay's home. It was made by Mr.
through the FDIO.
reputed communist. Heywood Broun, ell.
Davis, Paris; Mary E. Wharton, Hart as a commission for Gen. Lesnewspaper writer, had been anUnder the FDIC the government
and Fannie Herman, lie Combs. It was then presented
to a friend of General Combs, Mr.
has assumed for the first time in the nounced as the first witness but his Winchester.
history of the nation the control not name was stricken from the list.
Dr. W. R. Allen, secretary of the Daniel Vertner, who In turn willed
only of the member banks of the
society, and Neil Plummer, treas it to his nephew, Vertner Johnson.
federal reserve system but the
urer, assisted In the Initiation cere- Mr. Johnson then gave It to his
state banks. Eventually all
mony. The next Phi Beta Kappa sister, Rosa Vertner Johnson Rhett,
banks in order to be Insured under
initiation will take place near the who later sold It to Mrs. Henry
the corporation must be members of
end of the present semester.
the Federal Reserve system. In efThe other sculpture by Mr. Hart
Prof. Enoch Orehan, head of the
fect, this means that there will be department of Journalism, has apwas one lent by Mrs. Fredrick H.
Von Engelken, New York City, a
a single system of banking In the pointed Dorothy Wunderlich, TheoUnited States, a situation that never dora Nadelsteln, and Ruth Ra'.ston
The bust is
Professor Thomas D. Clark of native Lexlngtonlan.
has existed heretofore.
as editors of the University Bulletin the University of Kentucky History a marble replica of the famous "II
department published an artic.'e in PenstrobO." which Mr. Hart executIn planning the Federal Reserve for the second semester.
building, which will be located on
The bulletlneers will replace the the Mississippi Valley historical ed and presented to Hart Gibson,
Constitution avenue In the neighretiring editors. Thelma Goodrich, review, entitled "The Slave Trade Mrs. Von Engelken's father.
between Kentucky and the Cotton
borhood of three of the country's Kitty Hunter, and Virginia RobinKingdom. Dr. Clark explains the
most beautiful buildings the acason.
deme of science, the Lincoln memThe bulletin, published weekly by position of Lexington as a slave
University of Missouri
orial and the public health bureau
the department of Journalism, pre- market for the lower south, and that
the board selected a group of the sents announcements of meetings of of Kentucky as a negro breeding- - Eugene Rlngo this semester and excused him from military training on
nation's leading architects to sub organizations as 'well as announce- ground. Various
mit plans for the structure. It will ments concerning other campus anecdotes are recounted, which will his claim of "conscientious objecw vuiwuuncu ui wiute mar Die ana organizations, and U distributed to prove Interesting to those who have tions" after expelling him last
will cost somewhat over a million each office on the campus, and the a taste for history. A copy Is on file spring for his refusal to attend
military classes.
In the periodical reading room.
city newspapers.



Congress Will Hear
Bill of Communists

Rig Blue Nelmen Go On Scor-iSpree To Down Weak-

ened Commodore Team
basketball team took undisputed
leadership of the Southeastern conference besides taking

another step towards national

championship honors by their
great display of basketball in
downing Alabama
Vanderbilt 58 22 on consecutive nights and handicapped
by the long road trip.
Tonight the Wildcats continue their rambling to play
St. Xavier in Cincinnati.

Alabama's Crimson Tide presented an exceptionally rangy outfit,
with the first team averaging 6
feet 4 Inches. With this height advantage the Tidesmen were able to
gain control of the tipoff and they
had little difficulty in getting the
ball from the bankboards.
Wildcats were forced to make all
their shots effective or lose possession of the ball "Big Ed" Edwards led all the scorers for the
night with 21 markers. Dave Law- -'
rence and Jack Turner were kept
under close guard and had few opportunities to count. The 'Cats took
only eleven shots at the hoop during the entire first half. Coach
Rupp made only one substitution,
when Jim Goforth replaced "Andy"
Anderson at one of the guard posts
when Anderson was retired fraa
the game with four fouls. The defensive work of the whole team was
one of the high spots of the vie
As if In retaliation for the close
game of the previous evening, the
whole Kentucky squad went on a
scoring spree once more, counting
from all angles, as the 'Cats overwhelmed Vanderbilt's Commodores
to eliminate one of their
chief rivals In the race for the
Southeastern conference title, who
had previously been unbeaten.
The Commodores, handicapped
by the absence of Dick Plasman,
their ace scorer and
end in football, and the Injury sustained in the opening minutes of
play by Carloss, a regular guard,
were never a threat to the
58-2- 2.


Edwards started the scoring with
a field goal and Warfield Donahue and Dave Lawrence made foul
shots and from then on the 'Cats
were never headed. Edwards was
again high man for the night with
18 points, with Ralph Carlisle second with 10 markers. With the ex
ception of "Duke" Ellington, every
man on the first two teams scored.

front In the conference standing.



Library Receives

Costly Sculpture

Honor Fraternity
Inducts Five At

First Initiation


Grehan Appoints
Bulletin Editors


Faculty cars will be registered today In the office of the dean of
men. Students' cars will be regis-

tered February


students who entered
for the first time this semester are asked to see Miss Carrie
Bean, postmistress, at once and obtain post office boxes. Students in
school last semester will keep the
same boxes.

Lamp and Cross, senior honorary,
will meet at the Kappa Sigma house
at 7 o'clock Thursday night.
Phi Epsilon Phi, botanical honorary, will meet at the home of Mary
Whavton, 416 Fayette Park, at 7:30
o'clock Thursday night.
Women's rifle practice today and

Thursday from





Meeting of French club this after
noon at S p.m. In Uie woman's

There will be a Cwens meeting
Thursday afternoon at five p.m. at
Boyd hall.
Mortar Board will meet tonight at
o'clock at Marjorle Wiest's home
at 1030 Fontaine Rd. All members
please be present


SuKy will meet at 5:15 p. m. today in the basement of the Alumni

There will be a meeting of Keys,
sophomore fraternity.
Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock at
the Lambda C'lii bouse.


� Best Copy

Tajre Two
wa possessed an army, navy and
of war, second to no other
nation, such would be the greatest
possible assursnce against future
war. Is this really a sound argument? Human nature Is sure to play
an Important part In such matters,
and since It can not be overlooked,
it would be expedient to delve Into
its peculiar functioning.
One of the most promlnrnt psychologists of today, when questioned
as to whether a nation, armed better than any other was not the most
for preventing
effective method
future warfare, gave an extremely
logical and convincing answer. He
compared the heavily-arme- d
to the child with his new air rifle,
or the sportsman with his expensive
and superior rifle or fishing rod and
reel. Both of these Individuals long
to try their skill and test the
efficiency of the weapons, and It is
not hard for them to find something
to furnish sufficient excuse to use
these articles. The scientist continued his discussion of the question by
saying that as we Invent more effective bombs, airplanes, and ships, we
acquire a superiority complex thereby placing the proverbial chip on
our shoulders towards other nations.
We forget what war means and
think only that we are "good
enough" to defeat any nation that
might cross us.
Here Is human nature working
AGAINST the nationalists, who
have used It in their arguments so
often of late in saying that it can
not be changed and therefore, there
always will be war.
A nation with a chip on its
shoulder is undesirable.
nature will tend to bring this undesirable state about if conditions
being discussed are allowed to take
place. From an international viewpoint, a chip on the shoulder Is not
only expensive, but it involves persons who are not to blame for such
actions, and threatens the very progress of mankind. We as Individuals
are supposed to be living in an advanced age. Let us not turn back
the pages of time through warfare,
but put our interests to work at
something really useful.

phono number. When the operator
Jay comqueries, "University?",
mands, "Oimmle
the Lexington
Herald, or the city Jail." He's the
only person I ever saw get away
with It.
When Tommy Atkins gets goBy STYLUS
ing on something he believes in, he
gets a pained look on his face as
If he were bothered with athlete's
With all due amiable forms of foot or some such. Bag Kssh thinks
greeting, we commence what must he would make a good Mohamme
nnrnqsnrilv he termor! a little clean dan Bob Dickey, who plays the
dirt dishing for obvious reasons. organ In a most fascinating manBut we have made some remarK-abl- e ner, peers almost blankly in front
deductions (for us, that is) and of him when he's filling, memorial
hall with melody.
here's the result.
Billy Was Ynuns; Then
Jack Crain, who prides himself
We have heard recently some on being the top of Breathitt counsort of a story about Billy King of ty, goes back every now and then
the KA lodge.... He used to court to freshen up on his accent. Ben
Well Taylor really gives em their monAlice Lang Vance, y know
as the story goes, they used to fight ey's worth when he slnrs. Ben
every evening Just so they could rares back and lets the thunder
make up again. . . .but to get on the come forth, with a little head
trail one night Alice slapped Billy's swinging thrown in.
face during a heated scrap, and
If you want something awfully
Billy, who sought means of mak- funny, something that's ordinary
for the benefit and apt to be taken for granted, but
ing a dramatic exit
of a room full of his high school a real rib tickler when you get to
friends, strode majestically from the thinking about it, Just watch Prof.
All was fine until he got Farquhar teach a class sometime.
near the door. . . .It seems there was
a small rug on a polished floor....
Billy gauged his steps rather poorly
It must have been most entertaining to see the
King lad sprawling.

The Kentucky Kernel j weapons
Lexington Board of


Collnre PrfM Association
Krnturkr lntrrrollrlat Press Association
International News Service

Puhllra-tioni- i.
"sTmrmber of th Major Colle
represented by A. J. Horns Hill Co..
nd St.. Mew York City;
Muduon St.. Chlraio; 1004 nd Avs., Seattle; 10SI B. Broadway, Lot Angeles; Cll
Bl1., Bun Francisco.


WEWSPAfKR OP THS STUomivbhsitt op


or the

Tear. Entered s
Sabscriptton MOO
Lexington, fly.. Pontofflc As Second
Class Mall Matter






Managing Kdltor
Aft't. Mgr. tdltor


Ben F. Taylor



John B. John
Norman Oarllng
Delmar Adama
Jo Blackman





nrrr jkaH


Jl ett. Lll.

Bxclwnoe Idilor

ocff Idftor

AuU Society




Mary Chick
BettT Anno Pennington
Franeee Smith
Elliabeth A. Krlegel
Blllle Irrln
Louise Payne
Mildred Webb




Mary Reet Land
Oameron Ooffman

Net" Idltor


Ed Lancaster
Dan Salrara

John Darnell
Virginia Roblnaon


Betty Earle
Theodora Nadelsteln
Catherine Jons


Leslie Bcott
C. T. Hertzseh


Frances Reld
Elisabeth Milliard
Lawrence Edmonson
Burton Levy
Mary E. Earle
Henry Wilcox
Edmund Thompson

Dorothy Wunderllch
Mary Sharberg
Jamea Rasb
Rosa Chepeleff
Mary Ague Brand


Joe Quinn


John Christie
Betty A. Pennington
Woodford Webb
Raymond Hathrem
Raymond St. John
Thomas Wagner
Belmont Ramsey




ABC Stuff.
We are told that Anna Best
Clark, the Paris confection, . dotes
on ATO Bill Amyx. And now that
PhiDelt Joe Arvln is back among
us, we wonder whether the little
TrlDelt will favor Bill any longer.
Amyx is a demon wltii the wom- en, so
Along the same line, do you suppose maybe Phi Beta Kappa Marge
Powell stops to pine Just a little
now that Alpha Slg Morton
hns gone off to help Prexy