xt71c53dzh00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53dzh00/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Warren County--Directories Kentucky--Warren County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Warren County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Warren County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt71c53dzh00 section xt71c53dzh00   I   I I   cunnz To  
  I A KENTUCKY   » ~
  A Compiled for ,
I   I   wma smzvrczs SECTION
  A ALM. I I 45 Sggvma mv1s10N
Ii I A   wom; Pnouzcrs Anmnmsrmmow  
  A ii   IN 1<12;NTu<:1n·buc1q.·‘
December, 1942

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Q .
rg. ALERICAN LEGION O. D. EORTER ?OST—%209` COLORED National Ameried; Leeion),
  3 I ll _ .9 E _ _ L.
ay Third and Center Streets Bewlime Green. Founded 1938. Commander James
 if I o _ _ __ .9
  Beyd, 515 State Street, Bowling Green. ixdjutmit, Wilbur ·.’· 1 ithrow, 512 Cetlter
  Street, Bewling Green. Terms expired August, 1942.
  l§e2*1`L>ership:` 18. Quxxlificutiezzs, limited to hcnercxbly discharged veterans ef
    War DT. . .
  Coxtuvittees: None. -
  Purpose: Te pr<>:;=.ete cmd protect Azzmericcuziszzi.
  Normal Civic Activities: Cooperctcs with scheels and secial service ,
1. Cw1"gC»H1Z&`b1L§~LlS•
  ; Defense Activities: lutccirested in Auxiliiry Police, Civilian ixireruft
vg Wdrziizig Service,.Emergency`Rejpziir Service, Cellectien ef Scrap I·ict;¤.1s and
  Other Iietaxls, .,
is Leecl Publi.eotic;;s·.: None. l _ 1,
~ ·1\.l.Er}RlCJQI LEGIOH CWARREN FOST ¤-[$25 Elctioziul llmerieciii Leeien 826 State
_ _ 2 ll , . _ _ L., I _
T Street, Bowling Green. Founded 1919. Cexmemder, C. Steve Recmcr, Bowling ;
  Green, .. TO.].Cp1'lO§lO 540 er l76.— D»dj,u·tcnt,__A. O. IicClcir1, Bevrling, Green. Q
  .Tele.phe11e 1850-J. Terms expired August, ,1943. V _ _ V _ S T
  liembershipz 226. Qu0.1ificC·.tie;1s, hexerubly discharged veteran .;»i` iferld i
  . Wr`1 " "` V » 1
  Coziuixitteesz Home Defense, J;.h:1TI. Jones, 826 State Street, Bewligigg Green. ]
  Purpose: Prerixete and defend imeriecrzii sm.
  Nmmul Civic Activities; Rehzxbilitetirs;- ef veterans. Ceoperatiztg with
  W- P- A- Recrectie;1 Preject, _
  DGf¢?'l$© f¥GJGiVi’€iOS¤ El1{Q,i`—§,*3€1 in JxU.Xi1iir§,¢"l‘el;‘,ce- Interested in Air Reid
  1-Yfxrdezi Service, -Lu_xiliC.ry Eire lretectiezi, C·i]leeti;‘;g  elis,
  Local Publi'coti';;is: lletie. 4
  A1HERlC-;£—e LEC-IOH'i\U1(lLlr1{Y, O. D. POTLTEA {HIT #209, COLO1Lu.D ( hutierial
  *\11©I‘iccx:i Leggiizi, Auxiliary ), c/e iis. Luvcuzisi J»;»h;1se;1, 125 Chestnut Strett,
  B-W1img; Green. F·f>u;1ded 1958. President, Firs. Luvexie. Jehnsligi. Telrephegc
  975-11. Secretary, jliss Virginia 1-;11.1 `__ over.
or Committees: None. ’ li A
` F I Purpose: Fraternall social charitable. Teachin American citizenship.
I _____.. _______ I .3 V _` -
.1;   n
3 TL E Norral Civic Activities: None reported. l
Q_ - Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Felice, Civilian Aircraft l
{_ Warning Service. Entire second floor of rooms donated to Red Cross. I
_C Q, Local Publications: Hone.
·q5jOn it BOWLING GIEEF'BAR ASSOCIATION ('Kentucky State`Ewr Association ), c/o '
;&5y fi" Iarshall Funk, Tll Tenth Street, Bowling Grcen.' President, lhrshall Funk;
Q_ · Telephone l484. Secret1ry,.August Winks hoffor, Jr., 840 Eleventh Street,
EQ = Bowling Green. Telephone 56. Terms expire lQC2.
Ed Lemtershipz 55, Open to practicing attorneys in good standing with the
f * State Dar Association. "
*5     . , . .l I   ,1-. - . . , ,»_.   .
_g T -·—i _ Committees: Grievance, R. D. willock; ·lemeership, v,». Joe I. Orendorf, nocrology,
nig QT ” John B. Rodes; Unauthorized Practice of Law, R. D. Willock; National Defense,
f V L. B. Finn, all of Bowling Green. ‘ ·
Cup, it Purpose: To promote fellowship and better understanding among the members
i_ of the bar. A `

 " 4:**
_ Bowling Green Bar Association ( Continued )
Normal Civic Activities: None reported.
Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Civilian Aircraft Warn- I
ing Service, Public Speaking. ‘ I
*'Local Publications: None.
* BOWLING GREEN GARDEN CLUB ( National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc, ), '
c/c Mrs,VJehn·Stout,'Covington Drive, Ea ling Green. Founded 1954. President,‘
Mrs. John Stout. Telephone 1568-W. Secretary, lbs. Roy Phillips, 1045 Eagnolial
Bowling Green. Telephone 1277. Terms oxpiredSeptenber, 1942. ·
Lhrbership: 75. Qhalifications, open to any one having a love for and desire
to cultivate flowers and shrubs and to conserve wild flowers. »
` Committees: Fxhibit}·Hrs. C. N, Wade, Sumgter Avenue; City Parks and Alleys,
Hrs. Unirles`3tovall.’Scottsvillo Pike; Cons’rvation, Irs. Earl Rabeld, 942
¤ - » Parkway; Program, lrc. Paul Garrett, College ssignssg Library, Florence '
. Ragland, 15lC State Street; Horticulture, lr:. J. O. Carson, 1155 State Street, ·
all of oowling Green.
Purpose: Beautifieatien of exterior; better gardens; conservation of wild
flowers; securing improvement of streets, alleys and highways,
Normal Jivic Activities: Cooperating with_City Council ( streets and alleys ),
· Park Depxd, Board of Education ( school grounds ).
Defense Activities: 'lnterested'in Sewing and Lreparation of Surgical Dressings,
Red Croix Assistance, First Aid, Child Care, Entertainment, Recreation, Library
Service,·Colleeting Books, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Typing and
Other Clerical Assistance.
Local Prblieationsz Year Book. ·
y J BOWLING vRHFK IUSIC CLUB ( State and National Federation of lrsic Clubs ), o/o ' J
P Mrs. Wallace §eGinlej, Huis; Ferl Road, Bowling Greer,` Founded 1922. President
· Mrs. Vallee; *cGinley, Telephone 725. Secretary, Qrs. Roy Elkins, Scotts-
ville Road, Bowling Green. Telephone BCBG, Terms expire l945,
_¥@PPEK{Ei§j 75- OPOE PC individuals Offieient in sono phase of music,
Ceggitteesi Pregram,“Krs. Arthur Henderson and lbs, J. B. Helm, Smith’s Grovo j
and mms. J. A. Bryant, Bowling Green. ‘Publicity, Irs, Jaek Holland; Libra-
Tian, RTS• F. J. Hamilton; House Enrollment, Irs. Clarke Madison and Hrs. `
Chas, Banks, Bowling Green, “ ‘ ·
Purgosoi To promote music culture and music appreciation. '

j ••5n i
T Bowling Green Music Club ( Continued ) `
% Nornal Ctvio Aotivitiosi Cooperating with western Teachers College in`
E promoting musical programs and with the P. T. A. in a similar capacity.
; Defense Activities: Interested in Entertainment, Recreation, Library Service,
g Collecting Books, Discussion Loaders, Public Speaking. ‘·
§ Local Publications: Year Bock. ~- f. W — — ` ,
’   "’ '*'f f\'|"\'\"\'V'1'.`f h H1 Tv '\ ( l\ 1*1 Q '"I ' V i I I I. I U IP" (`i ' `
lent, ‘g BOJLInG arnbl iOnACCO BOARD Or TnADn, c/0 J. E. Bohannon, lo2 College otreet,
;;O1i%Y; Bowling Green. President, William_L. Buford, Bowling Green. Telephpne lO70.
j· Secretary, Ju Ec Bgbannen. Telephone 1352, Executive Secretary, James
‘ Q Searcy, Bowling Green. Terms expire December, 1942.
sire d 7 , ’ A A `
tg lbmbeishipz lO. Open te_business men established in tcbacce business.
Eos, § Cozritteesz None reported. `
IJ V ..._.. -.. -» ....- H r·-r· ` _
13 s E
* § Iurpose: Cwnductixg an arderly tobacco business. 4
zrcet, E »· V
Q Norral Civic Activities: Cooperating with the Chamber tf Commerce.
Q Defense Activities: None reported.
’ jr Local Publications: Lone. y
[S )|   1 A r ' \ ` _ ’ {
" ?_ BOWLILC GREEN ROTARY CLUB, IBC. ( Rotary International ), 457 Tenth Street, l
 'Y », · - . _. . - · - . ·· » _ . r- —¤ · :
;i¤SS’ Q Btwling creon. Founded l920. President, Hubert Cherry, ll2o Park btreet, X
;r&yy § Bowling Creen. Telephone 998, Secretary, S. C.€ooke, 457 Tenth Street, E
ii,  Bawlirp Green. Telephone l2. Terms expire July, l345. . I
A lerba snip: 48. Qualificati-ns, male executives of ge;d character and {
E repututler in a benafide and recognized business or prsfcssicn. 3
ji.  * ‘ ··  
j Cennitteesz nrno reported. _ _ ,
Sidcnh Q Purpose: Drewbticn of better business ethics, perse and fellowship.
{ _ Nerwal Civic Activities; Epansor ef Bay ai; Pirl Sc ut camps. Aids in
3 progra ·e*. r;r crippled children. I
" * Defense Activities: Specifically none. Club will cooperate whenever and
rove ; wherever possible. _ A
~% Local Publications: None.

Commerce ), Hcln.Hetcl, Bowling Green. F;undcd'l955. President, J. P. Hasters,
416 Thin Street, Bowling Green, Vice-President, I. H.‘Sad1cr, Bowling Green, I
Secretary lkrtha S, Barnes 1675 West Chestnut Street Bewlin Green. Telephone ,
J I D I ..
1550-J. Terms expire December, 1942. »
lbmbership: 275. Open to business and prefessienal men with good reputation in _
the cemnunity. _ y
Cxrritteesz Twenty ( 20 ) standing committees. ,
Purpose: To develcn and promote the educational, agricultural, civic and _
cedmcxeiul growth of Bowling Green and Warren County. .
Normal Zivicaletiviticsz 'Developnent cf the Bowling Green Industrial Feundatiom
sponsor runieipal airport, working for inprcved highways and bridges, support e
’ the w·xx if the Ccmmnnity Chest and other lecal welfare agencies.
Defense Activities: Interested in Entertainment, Public Speaking, Consumer I .
Protcctirn Activities, .
Lecal Iublieabionsz Lone. _
BOY SCCJ;3 OF AIERICA, ZBEZCTH CAVE DIVISION ( National Bey Scouts cf Armrica ), .,
e/e J.'L. Bryant, 656 Thirteenth Street, Bewling Green. Feundcd 1935. Scout-
master, J. n.`Bryant, Telephone 1206. Field Scout Executive, Burns Powell, V
Bewling Green. Terms expire 1942,
` lbrbership: see; Open te beys’9 te 18 years of age able to pass Scout tests
* and rcquirepents. `
Ccrmittctsiy Health and Safety, Dr. I. L. Billings; Carp and Activities, Jimmie
Hill, both ~f Bowling Green.
Eurclsei Character building and citizenship training. I »
Bernal Qrvic lctivrties: Distributing posters for Why Ecmds and Stamps. Also J
assisting in other civic activities when called upon,
_DeTenae;;ceivitiesi Engaged in Collectién of Screj Totals and other Yetals.
Trainirj fer First Lid, Celleeting Bceks.' Interestud in Efrrgeney Repair
Service. Wed Cross Assistance, Child Care, Signal Services.
Local Iublicati;ns: Kane. l .
BUSINESS AUD PROFESSICI;L`WOIEH'S CLUB ( State and`Hati nal Federatijn of
Business and Prrfessi nal U»;cn's Clubs ), c/o Irs. subyc S. Parker, 1522 ’
College Street, Berlin; Green. Founded 1924. 'Prosidont, Irs. Rubye S. Parker.
Telephone c6C—J. Secretary, Yrs. Opal Andrews, 161 Eleventh Street, Bowling
Green. Telephinc 1145-J. Terms expire 19é2.
\_..,..- .; no ` . V V

 Y F
. -7-
térg i Business and Professional Worwn’s Club Continued
S . __ _ .
Qphgnc V lgniborahipi. 54. Open to women actively engaged in business or a prcfessitn.
Cennittees:` Educatien, lhgnolia Sccvillc; Finance,'I&s. Hola Ieltenbcrryg '
R in _ Health, Irs. Belle Galloway; International Relations, Nina Hanner§ Legislation,
’ Ruth Lawrence; Membership, lbs. Edna Fisher; Prcgran Coordinator, irs; Lillian
Yurray; Public Affairs, Thry Lawrence; Publications, Bess`Wettlingtcn; Pub-
; _ licity, Jssephine Lindsey; Radio, Krs.·Nargarct Hardwick, all of Bowling
{ Green· . ‘ ;° ` » = ‘
{ _ Purposes, Better business women for a better business world. To obtain a just
‘ . recognition professionally and financially.
ation, I v . ‘
1 I rua} Civic Activities; Svcnsored sale ef tickets for Criaplcd Childr¤n's '
T — .l--r.-... .. .. ,--.,--. -.-. _ . ~ -
- Campaign. Cpntributes te rccreatian programs, warren County T. B. H spital,
3 State B. & P. UQ Pducatizn Fund and other worthy programs. »
i _ ‘Dcfense Activities; ‘Enéa;ed in'Sewin; and Prcparatisn of Surgical Dressings,
5 Red Tires Assistance, First lid, Preparatirn and Serving of Feed, Collecting
1 B.oks, Research Lssistance,'Interviewing. Training for First Aid. Interested
j in Encrpancy Repair Service, Rotor C;rps Service, Aybulanoe Service, Operation
· Q; ‘f Cartoons, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Teaching Classes cf lay
Ca ), `‘`  Reading and Sketching, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, Consumer i
5- S Protection activities. ` {
2 _ __ L · ‘ ’
’ Q `—, ,`._·, uw;. T- n =.' . ‘1-
I Leeai Publications: J nv wines ·L;nthlv Year Bern, ,
......,-.-.-». -.. --.._... ~v ~ ’ I
» · » » · · ·
ts i ‘ ‘- a
V CHURCHWOI1N*S FEDERATION ('Naticnal Council of Church tkjmn ), c/o Irs. G. U, E
y? Hummel, 652 Twelfth Street, Bdwling Green; Founded 1957. President, Lrc. §
;nno S G,}ILlhniuJ, Tclephvnc l556. Secretary, Yrs. Ed. Ccvingtcn, Nashville
p Read, B wling Green. Telephone 482-I. Terms expired October, l942.
p _Ybrbership; ?,OOO. Qualifications,»ehurch·n;rbership. i
lso _Q@gnittces: Cczaawity Service, Irs. Harvey Black; Citizenship, irs. S. H,
l Browr, hztr sf Bcwling Green.
_ , Purpose: Tr unite church wincn in an approach to social pr blens.
S , »Bernal Civic Activities: Coepcrating with existiw; social agencies in
ccrrmnitv service includinr child welfare and crinnled children's er¢aniza~ c
, 3 <_> -i L
ti gis, ~
* _BCfcnsc activities: Engiged in Red Crcssilssistancc. Interested in {iter
~ Cwrps Service, First nid, Prcparati-n and Serving _f F;od, Cper1ti;; of
’ Cantoons, Collecting Books, Public Speaking, Typing and Other Clerical
kCT’ pl assistance. _
1 lzcal Puolicatiens: Mono.

CITY COUNCIL PARENT—TEACHER ASSOCIATION ( State and Nati;nal C;ngresscs P. T..lJ|,
c/e Irs. B. N. Robinson, 1540 State Street, Bowling Green.' Founded 1924,’ ‘
President Irs. B. N. Robinson. Telephone 158. Secreta r Lucille Scott, l555
` Chestnut Street. Telephone 4504W. Terms expire 1942.
Membership: 1,000. Open to parents, teachers and others interested in the _
welfare cf schcel children. _ . 2 r ‘
Ciryittces; Program, lis. H, L. Sinclair, 422 Fifteenth Street; Ioibcrship,
lhs. C. L. Heel, 1241 Indiancla Street, beth of Bowling Green. `
Purprso; To advise regarding schcel problems; make plans for school year,
Nernal Vivi; Activities: Feeding underpriviledged children; cooperating with
. `W. P. A- and State Library Frejeet. T
Defense Activities; ‘Inter;sted'in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings,
Red Cr ss Assistance First Aid Fanilv Social Service in Industrial Areas
3 3 nl _-V
Child Care, C;llceti n of scrap letcls and Other notals, Collecting Decks.
Local Prblicaticnsz Annual Booklet.
D. A. R.; Kentucky Society Daughters of American Revolution; National Society ·
Daughters of Anerican Revolution ), c/o Mrs. Joe M. Gardner, 522 Fourteenth ·
Street, Bovlin Green. Founded 1902. Reeent lhs. E. A. Diddle 1720 Normal
, p r. a »
Boulevard, Bowling Green. Telephone 1455-M. Secretary, lhs. Joe H. Gardner.
A Telephone LO?. Terms expire May, 1945.
Membership; 85. Qualifications, a lineal descendent of one who gave aid to
A the American cause in The American Revolution. ~ ‘
Ccmmitteo¤~ Ztudent Loan, l}s. E. T. Barr; National Defense, Uiss Elizabeth
Finn; "anwal lor Citizenshin Hrs. J V; Eardcantlee Americanism lbs. W) D.
_ A - I ¢" 9
McElroy, .rl of Dorling Green.
v PUTDOSFT Ti l°TT®@Uato the Gjirit of the men ind wonen who achieved American A
indcponccxve and to further education, patriotism and interest in historical _
data. A
Tornal Civic Activitivsz Cooperating with ded Trois end Bundles for America.
Through the Ecard of Education distributed citizenship medals. Located and
marked the grfves of Revolutionary soldiers.
Defcnseitgtivitiesr EEQQQQOQ in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings,
Red Cross Assistance. Interested in First Aid, Library Service, Collecting _
Books, Discussion Leaders, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance.
Local Publications: done, .

..9.. ;
Tl .L`.L`)| L V
~ DISABLED ALERICAN VETERAES OF WORLD WAR I ( Hational Disabled American Vctcrans J
1555 of World Nar I ), Armory, Bowling Grccn. Foundod 1950, Commandcr, U. BZ
M korr, 005 Scvontocnth Stroct, Bowling Grocn. Tclophono 795-J. Adjutant,
"’ T',` " . *T . { , . ,,,
B. M. Mado, Q01 Jost Twolfth Stroot, Bowling Grcon. Tolcphono 725¢W. forms
¢ 4 cxpirc 1942.
' S · Igqqtcrshigi 46."lOpcn only to vctorans who havcfscrvicc connoctod disability.
.1. I »
- _0onnittccsi Exocutivc, N. B. Kcrr; Mcmbcrship, W. B. lbrtin; Wolfarc, B. lh
_; .Sniths all of Bowling Groom. . 1
Purpose: Organized for tho wolfaro of disabled Amorican votorans of World
A .·aI' J ~ ·-
* { lQinqil_Qiyio Actiyiticsz Cooporatcs with all cx—sorvicc mcn's organizations,
ings, J · community and civic activitios. ‘ _
~ Dofrnso Artijitics; lnttrcsted in Auxiliary Pclioo, Air Raid Wardon Sortico, J
AV Civilian Ai1era?t’Yarnin; Sorvicé, Motor Corps Sorvico, Ambulanco Scrvico,
Hospital and Clinical‘Assistanco, First Aid. Tcaching Amcricanization Classcs
V for Aliens and Othcrs, Tcaching Classes of Top Rcading and Skotching, Signal
L Scrvicos, lntcrviowing,
ional 1 · 9 »
ty ~ . Local Publications· Nono. . V }
al T w ~· I I ··~¤ ·· rw ·· · .1- ~—• — · U`: H ' n i
y_ j FREL AnD ACCEPTLD ;A¤0LS, BOULILG GRnEh LODGE y$5 ( Grand Lodgo oi Kcntucky, I
» F. &,»Z N. ), 512 Twolfth Stroot, Dowling Grocn,·'Foundcd‘l820.` Acting
Z lhstcr, T. S. Stcvons, 1207 Broadway, Bowding Grocn. Socrctary, Gcorgo B. Q
` Korr 3225 Kontuckv Stroot BoUlin¤¥Groon. Tolcohcno 782-J. Torms oxuirc I
O s ._ s 5 ., i _ ,
Doccnotr, l942. ,
h L lbmbcrsnip: 250, Opon to adult malcs approvod by momborship.
U y
Comrittocsu Nono roportod. ·
an Purpos.: Social and charitablc.
I .
Normal Civic Activitios: aiding in supyort of Lanonic Hom s.
1 Dofrnso Activitiosr lntcrostod in Colloctiny Books Discussion Loaders.
' .-.-...,....... . .   _,,.-......-.-...... — ’
Local Tublications: Iono. ‘
Amzrica ), c/o Hrs.“H. J. McIair, 1059 Laurol Avonuo, Bowling Grown. @~umdtd
1955. Commissionor, Hrs. H. J. NoHair, Tolophono`754, Acting Blcrctary, Pts.
_ W. W. Williams, 801 Edgowood Avonuo, Bowling Grcon, Tolcphono 1008. Tcrms
oxpiro January, 1943, ·

 -lO—   `
Girl Scouts of America, Bowling GrocnJWarrcn County ( Continued )
lkmbershipz 117. Open to girls l0_to 18 yoarsiof ago willing to obey
Scout laws. ,
ccmistcssg Policy linking, Mrs. W. ll. Williams; Public Spanking,   J·.!=·
Bryant_ both ef Bowling Green.
Purpose: Povelopmtnt of girls along physical, mental, moral, omotional and
spiritual lives.
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross.
1 Defense neti“itios· .Engagcd in Rod Cross Assistance. Training for Collecting
`Ecvks. lnturtstcd in Bowinb and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, First Lid, ’
-. ,···:···*·····.··‘ ·r’· *-*1* A '·’l , ‘ . . `· - ~
lr¤pa»ati»n and £»~viq; oy food, Child Caro, Collection of berap lxtals and
Othtr Metals. Signal Scrvioos, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance.
Local Publioati»nc· None, D
/ 3 H n ..> T J
· Gr nd Led;c of kentucky ),`c/o Charlos Enochs, 554 Tenth Streot, Bowling Green.
Foundnv l@d0. Noble Grand, hubert Hardaway, 651 Tenth Gtroet, Bowling Green.
Socrot:ry_ Charles Enochs. Tolephono 109. Terms exgiro 1942.
A lCc2·mLc:rsh;F__»: 242. _Opcn to white malo adults of good moral character.
Connibjcisr Sick, Hubert Hardaway;`Widows and Orghans, G. W. Colo, both of__
Boivliléj Freen. V
Purpis·; Fr tornal and social,
hormal Clvi®.lotiuitios: Caring for sick, burying tho dead and oducating
orphans nl 1 e used nombers.
_DcQcnsoJ1qtrjieiesi gnturootcd in Discussion L<;dcrs. Lodge willing to aid
in ann dtfsnse activities whrn and if called i»on. ‘l’‘
Local lub itxti ns: Brno.
KIUAIIT VPDD OF'BOYLlZG GREEN ( Kiwanis lnternatienal ), c/o Dr. W. J. Edons,
1048 Elm Ctroot, Bowling Green. Foundod 1025. President, Dr. T. J. Edons.
Telephone 758. Secretary, E. K. Cannon, Collcgc Heights, Bowling Greon.
!'| . .` I _ '.
lelepi no 1700. forms expired.
linibershini 65. Qualifications, a man outstanding in his profession er
business and is capable of speaking fer same. `

Kiwanis Club ef Bewling Green ( Continued )
i Cemnitteesi Citizenship, Dr, V. Graham; Undcrprivileged Child, Fred Hahn;
Bays and Girls,‘L. Y. Lancaster; Public Affairs, Dr. Jehn Blackburn; Veca—
· » ti;nal Guidance, Barcus Gray, all ef Eewling Green.
A ’§urgesei Premetien ef better business standards and cermmnity spirit;
assumption ef citizenship responsibility.
d ‘_ O
Nerral Civic ectivitiesz Furnishiuc nilk and health services ier needv
.....-.‘ .,,. .'..-,,,.-.,... ._,,,__,___ G. .4
families and ceeperating·with lecal health department in prsviding free
;ptical, duntal and medical services fer indigent children.
l-.; it DcTt:seZIctivities; Trainind fer Keter Ceres'Serviee First gid Diccussi n
ein¤ _.n. re.-_ ...,, ,._. _n...-,l;.,_., - ¤ *
rid ¤ · Leaders, rublic epeaking, Research Lssistancc, Interviewing. lnterested in
°" I ...-— . , q»— . .' . . ··—~···=,:·,· ········
_d Civilian eirerait Jarning $erviee,=Child Care, Cellectien .f Scrap ietils -
end Other M;t;lr,· » l
L,eal Fublieatie;sv Zeno. -
TCE,} Knights pf Crlurbus ), K. ef C. Club, Price Building, Tenth Street, Bewling'
- I _ U . . rf · ’ ·` _-I ·- I ' `
Ci J Green, ·N;undcc lJ08. Grand knight, hmm ns iearsen, ( e. S. armed Fcrces ). r
"’L• —~ ~r ¤ . ~» ~— · » . . · - ··,· . .
Deautv Grand hnieht Jchn yn Hanlcv new actinr Crand Lnimht Ccllere St.
W . ·.. 9 V ’ _ LD n.; } Q
Berl ‘i.. ZL Green. . Telephgne 29. Secretary, A. J, Ritter, Church Street,
B idigg Green. Terms expire July, 1945. ·
f Hzmlershipz 40. Upen tc Heman Cathelics·ef {ted standing in the parish.
Cewajttess: Pregran, Jchn C. Davis; Empleynent, Steve Reemer; Sick, Jehn
Hailey; Tublicity, U. A. Hartig;‘Hembershig, Jee ";;ruder; Pause, N. A.
  Hartir; all ef Bcwling Green.
Purrese: Te premete a better secial life ameng its rmrbers. 4
id Kernel Civic Activities: Spensered Cathelic Clue fer students attending `
lecal eel Lge. aided in securing Tuberculosis Zrspital fyr the e mmunity.
Hrseizal ,·`. yir the crnnunitT.
Def nse Attivitiesc istyrsztec in Civil;an.4ircraft Warninm Service
-M.-. --—- . --,--... -.-. .... -- .... .-e.._. ~ ’
· Aux liar? Fire Trxtecti 1, Emeige;cy Rejair Carrier, Cellectiin yf ecrai
as lbtzls and Other lltals, Collecting B· ks, Diseussi n Leiders, Public
~ » J Q ._
ueeelrcw  e
Y Lecal Publicati ns: Nene. · ‘ ‘
LIONS CLUB OF·BOULlTC CREEK lnter;ati,nal·Liens c e Dr. L. H. Causey,
’ . .
548 Main Street, Bewling Green. F.unded l05l. President, Lynn Givens,
American Natianal Bank, B wling Green. Teleyh-;e lOO, Lecret ry, Dr. L. L.
Causey. Telcph ne 680. Terxs expire July, l945.=

-].2- ·
Liens Club ef Bewling Green (_Centinued )
Z Membership: 50. Quclificctigns, business and pr;fessi;nal"mcn ef Warren
couzty. ·‘ · · , » I ··
Caxnitttesz Citizenship, Grevcr Ferrcn; Bsys and Girls, H. C. Hines, b-th cf C
Bewling Green. · I ` ·‘ · ‘
Purp,s;: A Service ergznizati n with civic ;bjnctives.
. Hirucl Civic Lctivities: }r.vidi;g glasses and milk fir undcrprivilcdged
schcel ehild1;n. Citizenship awards @»`rurel students. Spenser cf Jar D-nd
drive threupneut Warren Csuntv. rt
Defcr€>,Activiticsé’ Interested in Icter C>rps Service, Ambulance Service, ' `
J spnxll enc Clinical Assistinee, Celltcti n ef $crap Lbtels and Other Lbtils,
Discrssicn Leaders, Public Sgceking, Interviewing.
Lecml Publicsticnsz Nene,
4 LIOIESS CLUB OF BCHLIEG GREEN ( Liens Intern;ticnil'),`e/e Irs. Rey Eendricks,
C O07¤T¤;x‘lie Avenue, Bswling Green. President, lbs; Ll K. Ceusey, 956 Caving-
‘ ttn Ctry tg B5wlin;·Grsen. Telephbne 1241. Secretary, Mrs. Rey Hendricks.
'U ¤ · · .1
Lclein pe ll5l, Terms expire July, l94e. ‘ `
Hcmb»rsTip: Open te wives ef members ef Liens Club.
· C*mrftbees: Executive, Irs. E. J. Lowery, Hrs, Hcreld Huffman, ?Ts. Eircld
P irscn, dll ef Devlin; Green. `
·Purpes,; T;`essist the Liens Clrb. L * · ·
Bernal Viuje Activities: Centributinp funds te Tubcreulesis H;seitel Criuelcd
____1____,___,I__,___ ____ ___,_____ .1 _ L 5 4...
CbilUre;·s Ciuxissi n and ether werthy civic nntcrpriscs.
` lhéhegj leti ities; Interested in Sewing and freiarstidn ef SurLicsl DressinQm
· Red Cr ss esvistereq, C i,’· ll:;tin; B ;ks, Tygixg ard Other Clerical Assistance,
T1-li; if-V1 nywj —· F. .
-I-a »* n. ,·~- ..··;JI
Lecil Prtlfcstienss Inns,
nrwrica ,, c/e irnest Jcncs, R. D. $5, Bcwling Green. F,undcd 1907. Censul{
M C ¢—»Z—J- » ¤/\—· ' VF »' -»~,·,.. Q - . A , .• .,` . , · .
J. I. Peectrs M, l0ll Ihirteehth ~trcet, BtwlinQ Green. Term expired Janudfy,
l942. Cccrctary, Errvst J nrs. Terr indefititc
' _§;§§{{§E#Q¤ 125 Tincrs. 375 Qdults. Quilifiecti ns, gvyd health, white and —
=citizen rf the United btitcs. ’ ·
¤ . .· I ,
C mnitt ts: Nsne. · e - -
Purccse: Frxtqrnel insurincc.

Hedern Weedmen of America Bevlin~ Green Came Centinued _
_ A a e -
Normal Civic Activities: E uieeed one reem in Tuberculosis Hes=ital and
m-n,.n_e-».»;-·»—---~-- . LL
H charities. ·
i» -s · Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliarv Police Auxiliarv Fire '
bil bl ._I_; ..-.. .. al.? . »....- · i. - .... . .....,-,..,....._.,., ____,. ,_,__ *{ , V _
rr4tecti;n, Emergency Repair Service, Red Cross.¢ssistance, First.lid,
I Entertainment, Recreatien, Cellectin; Backs.
` Lecal Publieatiens: Done. _
-nd , _ ,m A __ ,_ . ,_._ _ __ , - _
_. ORDER=OF EASTERN STAR, RARK CITY CHAPTJH #128 ( General Grand Chapter;
, 1 `Kentucky·Crand Chapter, O: E. S. ), c/o Hrs. Sallie Brunsen, 625 Eleventh
_ . Street, Dewling Green. Fzanded 1910. ‘Werthy Natren, Mrs. Hell Garrisen,
fw] 516 Thirteenth Ltreet, Bewling Green. Secretary, las. Sallie Brunson. Terim
°""S’ expire September, 1945,
lkibershiez l%3. Oeen to wives sisters dauehters er mothers ef Master
- ___ _ _ __ _ _ ;_ 4. ) J O
J 1 Cenmittces: Finxnce, Clem G. Childress, 1560 Fentucky’Street; Relief, lis.
*?‘S’ Rubye Themesen, lOl? Elm Street, Dewling Green. `
U’lllE·· ` T ·
S *‘ • , • J `
’ » { Eurpese: Seeial and charitable. _ T P
( · ~ ' 4
Normal Civic Activities: None reyertcd. 4 __
_ Defense Activities: Enyaged in Red Cross Lssistance,_First aid. Training'
1 fer First Aid. Interested in Sewing and Preparatien ef Surgical Dressings,
Preparati;n and Serving ef Feid, Operatien ef Canteens, Library Service,
Celleeting Books.
_ 1_ Lecal Publleatiens: Keno.
Lggied ~ - ~~» ·»·—-· »-“~— ·—— _ I ·
. . PlRETT~TBAChEK ASSOCIATION COLORED Stite Street Seheel E;wlii;'Green.
~.].,,.S 9 9 ii _ J , ·
””"° ’ Founded 1940. President Els. E. Ruth Finch 42C Chestnut Street Bewlinx
1CC I S J e.
‘ ’ ‘ Green, Secretary, Liss Frances LuValle, 557 College Street, Bewling Qrcen.
Telephone 506. Terms expired. y
Henbershie: 2l.* Omen te teachers and entrens rf the State Street Sch el,
.... . . . .*-- .- ~· t .
_ , Committees: Health, Irs. Ora Porter, 735 Collegé Street, Bowling Green.
;ul{ Turpese: Better~relatienship between parents and faculty. kromete better
1*Ty’ facilities for school activities, _ _
_ _ Nennal Civic Activities: Ihysical examinations and health programs fer school
CYZG ~ —"·"""""" ‘ ‘ """ ‘
‘ children.
· Defense Activities? Interestedin   and lr