xt71c53dz84g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71c53dz84g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-08-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  5, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  5, 1927 1927 1927-08-05 2012 true xt71c53dz84g section xt71c53dz84g KENTUCKY KERNEL




KY- -




AUGUST 5, 1927





L. McVey


Miniature Broadcasting Set Is Latest Novelty in College
of Engineering; Is Developed by Student and Instructor


Message to Superintendent
Rhoads Consists of
150 Typewritten Pages

Mc-Hen- ry


Play Generals
of Washington and Lee on
Last Day


L. R. Penn, who was graduated
from the university in June, has continued his research with I. G.
of the College of Engineering,
and just recently Watkins and Penn
have developed a miniature broadcast
ing station which has an output of
approximately "one gnat power
and covers a distance of one thousand feet. This apparatus is located
in the northern wing of Mechanical
hall, just beyond the electrical labora
tory in the present location of the
short wave transmitting set 9JL.
The set operates on a wavelength
of 317 meters and due. to its very
low power its signals cannot be heard
beyond the limits of the university
campus and this means there is absoto regu
lutely no interferenc-lar broadcast work of other stations
or to the people who are listening in.
It was designed to be used between
buildings and more especially between sections of the same building.
Music and speech are very clear over
this small set. With this principle
many combinations can be had and
its field is also unlimited. It is just
another step forward in the engineer
ing world.
The development of the minature
broadcasting set followed the comple
tion of Mr. Penn's thesis work. This


'The fourth annual educational
wHI be held at the university October 21 and 22, according to
an announcement made this week by
Dean W. S. Taylor. It will be attended by many of the most prominent educators of the state, including
., teachers
from the colleges, high
schools and elementary schools.
Many noted men have been secured
to speak at the conference.
V. Koos, professor of education, University of Minnesota, will speak on,
"The Place of the Junior College in
American Education." L. A. PechH
stein, dean of the College of Education, of the University of Cincinnati, Fourth Annual Soils and Crop
will be one of the speakers.
Conference Was Held Dursubject will be, "Trends in Elemen:
ing Middle of Week at
tary Education." "Requirements for
Experiment Station
Colleee Teachers" is the subject chos
president of
tie UnsTty 'oi 53S3lo.Fi to
dress at the meeting,
The fourth annual soils and crops
The conference will open at 10 o'
clock Friday morning, October 21, meeting was held Tuesday, Wednesand will continue that afternoon andj day and' Thursday of this week under
evening. There will be a meeting the auspices of the' Agricultural Ex
Saturday morning and that afternoon periment Station at the Experiment
' the visitors will see the football game Station farm.
, between the Wildcts and Washington Among the 600 at the125 farmT
imhonI cnccinnc will was a delegation including
Students Take Drastic Action,
ers from the western Kentucky Purf be'helH in Dicker Hall.
Concerning Moral Situaconference is chase counties, including Carlisle,
The program fo rthe
tion in Colleges
Graves, Calloway, Marshall, Fulton,
as follows:
Ballard, McCracken Hickman, McFRIDAY, OCTOBER 21
Lean, Grayson, Caldwell, Lyon, UnIt may be true that a college isn't
Morning Program
ion, Meade and Henderson.
"Trends in Elementary farmers were accompanied by Coun- exactly a psalm singing,
10 o'clock
Education," L. A. Pechstein, dean, ty Agents L. C. Pace, of Carlisle place, but on the other hand, it
College of Education, University of county; H. S. Patterson, of Grayson; can't be all that some people say it
Cincinnati. '
E. T. Tichenor, of McLean, and C. L. is . For instance, the following ac10:40 o'clock "Trends in Second-ar- y Goff, of Ballard.
tions .taken in colleges 'have bteen
JitiucaAicmJ!! William-D- .
4o mi3'mlCernelxcharige's-- r
.editor, John C. Winston Publishing Brooklyn Bridge, High Bridge, and
McGill University, Canada, has or
to Dix dam with
at various
society for the suppression
11:20 o'clock "Trends in Higher farms en route. The farmers left ganized a
vice. This society drew up and
i. Education," Floyd W. Reeves, profes-the union bus station at 1 o'clock and of
council recomsor of education, University of Ken- -, went to the Hollyrood Stock Farm, sent to the studentfuture dancing at
mendations that all
owned by John L. Dodge, where pure
t tucky.
university should be abolished be- jJ
Afternoon Program
bred Jerseys and race horses were the
dancing is lewd,
2 o'clock Conferences:
inspected. Another stop was made cause modern and obscene and in
"Rural and Elementary Education," at the farm of Herman Watts in Mer- consequence all dances and all places
P. H. Hopkins, superintendent of cer county where baby beeves are be- where dancing is practiced or exhibing fitted for the market by the Mer. schools, Somerset, Ky.
the public should be
"Home Economics Education," Al-- cer County Calf club. At the farm ited before
supervisor home of T. E. Currens in Mercer county the
cie Kinslow, state
economics education, Kentucky.
farmers were shown various animals (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR)
"Secondary Education," J. B. Hol-- ,; arid given their records. During the
loway, state supervisor of high morning they visited various estab
schools, Kentucky.
lishments in Scott county including
- "College Education," Paul P. Boyd,
the farms of C. O. Graves, and Devers
Returning, a stop was Name of Stadium Was Pub- .' dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Brothers.
University of Kentucky.
lished Incorrectly
made at the Idle Hour stock farm, of
Adelbert Col. E. R. Bradley, for a look at
In the "Now You Ask One" and
Thomas, supervisor health education "Bubbling Over," "Bagenbaggage,1
T. R. Bryant, Answers" column of The Kernel last
Erenine Program
E. S. Good, and
J. Kilpatrick, all week it was stated that the stadium
nVlnrV "The Place of the of the College of Agriculture were in was dedicated to Price McLean. This
was an error and "Daddy" Boles,
charge of the tour.
Following luncheon Wednesday at director of athletics informs The Ker(CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR)
the stock judging pavilion, the after nel that the stadium like the field is
noon session opened with an address dedicated to Judge R. C. Stoll and
of welcome by T. R. Bryant, head of the whole is known as Stoll field. In
the extension division of the College the stands there is a tablet for Price"
of Agriculture and included a talk by McLean who died as result of injuries
Prof. George Roberts, head of the de suffered in the Cincinnati game four
partment of agronomy, who discussed years ago but this has nothing to do
of the field.
of the
College-Traine- d
Laborer Gets omy by phasesstation. work 2:30agron with the name regrets this error and
The Kernel
High School
$1,422 Yearly;
is takinsr this onnortunitv of correct- and Common School Get










stop-ove- rs






Fraternity Standings

to Be Announced Soon APPROXIMATELY

Dean C. R. Melcher Expects to
Complete Relatiye Rankings
Within Ten Days

L. E. Penn; Graduate of the University With the Class of 1927, Working With I. G. Watkins,
Instructor in Steam and Electrical Laboratories, Constructs Set for Experimental
Purposes; Range Is Sufficient to Reach All Points on University
Campus; Works on 317 Meters

President McVey's office is now at
work preparing the annual report of
the president which he submits annually to McHenry Rhoads, superinIntendent of public instruction.
cluded in this report are statements
from nine deans and from heads of
all departments.
The annual report consists of approximately one hundred and fifty
typewritten pages and bound copies
are kept in the president's and state
superintendent's offices. In addition
a biennial report is submitted to the
legislature when it convenes this winter.
Doctor McVey's report for this
year relates that excellent progress
has been made in the numerous
phases of university work but emphasizes the needs of the university.

Fourth Annual Educational Conference Expected to Attract
Many Prominent Teachers
to University Next Fall

Prepares U.


work requires of every s:nior six
weeks of full school time of research,
besides all those hours necessary outside of the rogular day's work to
study the problem. Most of the thesis
work is chosen or assigned in groups
of two students and these men are
placed under some one of the instructors to whom they can look to for
questions, but of whom
they receive no help that pertains directly to the problem of .study. Of
course, this leavs the students on
their own initiative.
Edmond T. Bullock, of the George-- ,
town pike, and Penn, of 161 Loudon
avenue selected as the subject for
their thesis "A Study of Aerials and
Counterpoises to Be Used at Sending
Stations." While this subject has a
large field of research, Bullock and
Penn limited themselves to the- amateur bands of wavelength: namely,
meters, all for continuous
telegraphy, and
meters for phone
meters and
only. The present wave band used
at the university station is.
Bullock and Penn, who were under
I. G. Watkins, instructor in electrical
and steam laboratories at the univer





Work is progressing rapidly on the
comparative academic standings for
the second semester of 1926-2- 7
the relative rankings of the various
fraternities will be announced within
the next week or ten days, according
to C. R. Melcher, dean of men.
At the end of each semester the
dean of men and of women figure up
the standings of the various social,
professional and honorary fraternities and sororities, classes, and other
groups. Considerable interest is displayed in the announcements of the
relative standings.
For the past few years the women
students have led the men by a considerable margin.
For the first semester of last year Alpha Gamma
Rho led the fraternities and Kappa
Kappa Gamma led the sororities.
The university average for the
first semester w,as 1.364. There were
thirty-si- x
organizations with standings over the university average-an- d
sixteen organizations below.

sity, further limited their study of
aerials and counterpoises to the form
of Bent Hertz aerial system.
particular kind of antenna system
employs two horzontal wires spaced
any distance apart, but they always
remain in the same vertical plane.
The lower wire is the counterpoise
while the upper one is the aerial wire,
but unless both are used simultaneously the Bent Hertz system does not
hold true.
Two steel poles were erected at a
distance of one hundred feet apart to
support these two wires. The height
above the ground was thirty-tw- o
measured to the top of the pole. The
counterpoise was made fast at eight
feet from the ground and its length
was varied, also that of the aerial,
and the distance between the two
wires, so that all the data could be
taken that was possible with this
From these data
curves were drawn showing the wave
length of these two wires for any
position wtih respect to each other
and with respect to the length up to
and including 100 feet.
In order to test this aerial system More Than Two Hundred Stu
dents and Feculty Members
for efficiency at the fundamental and
the various harmonics close to the
Attend Fifth Annual SumI


mer Session Gathering






Wednesday's Cool Weather
Arouses University Rattler
From Summer Nap

American Students Show Great
Interest in Restoration of
Oswald, the university's rambling
Burned Theater at
rattler and the grand mogul of the

American youth now in schools and
colleges' showas great aninterest in
Shakespeare as did their fathers in
the days when Maude Adams, E. H.
Sothern, Robert Mantel, Ada
Richard Mansfield, John Drew
and Viola Allen were splendidly portraying the characters of Shake
speare's plays, Prof. George Pierce
Baker, director of the Yale University theater and executive chairman
of the American Shapespeare Foundation declared recently.
The former head of the famous "47
Workshop" of Harvard University
made this statement in announcing
the results to date of the participation of American schools and colleges
in the restoration of the
Shakespeare memorial "theaRe-ha- n,

"snake dairy" located on the first
floor of the Science building, came to
life with the beginning of the cool

During the
weather Wednesday.
scorching days of late June and July
'Kas been rather prone to slumber,
letting the lesser members of the
dairy protest the approach of visitors
in the corridor.
But Wednesday well, Oswald was
there, coffin shaped head, darting
tongue, whirring rattlers and all that
goes with it, making up for any departure from any conduct which custom decrees is the "thing" for any
Consetimber rattler.
quently, Oswald is having more visitors this week than has been the case
since his arrival at the university
several weeks ago.

How About You?


ter at

iA "good time was had by all" was
the general concensus of opinion on
the campus following the fifth annual
summer session luncheon which was
held at the Phoenix hotel last Friday
and attended by more than two hundred students and faculty members
of the summer session.
The luncheon was characterized by
a spirit of geniality, which expressed
iaself in the group singing as well
as in the various speeches. One of
the features of the singing was the
rivalry between the men and women
Overton Kemp in addition to leading the group singing, appeared on
the program twice, singing "On the
Road to Mandaly" and "In the Garden of My Heart."
Be was obliged
to respond with an encore on both

Dean W. D. Funkhouser, of the
graduate school, acted as toast-mast-

Six States and 14 Universities
Are Represented; Lectures
Are Given in Tent on
Stoll Field
Coaches Harry Gamage and
Craig Ruby Are Main Instructors in School


Approximately fifty men representing six states and fourteen colleges, are enrolled for the summer
course for athletic coaching in football and basketball which began at
the university, Monday, August 1
and will continue for a period of two
Each' course offered is made up of
two hours of theory and two hours of
practical work daily. Practice is held
on Stoll field and in the men's gymnasium and the lectures are gives in
a tent on the athletic field. Head
Coach Harry Gamage, of the university, is teaching the class in football
coaching and Coach J. Craig Ruby, of
the University of Illinois, teaches the
principles of coaching basketball.
This is the first time the summer
coaching course has been given at
the university but administrative officers say it is necessary as the university has so many requests for
teachers who also can coach athletic
Below are given the names of these
enrolled for the clas3, together with
the name of their alma mater and the
school in which they are now coaching:
F. W. Grone, University of Kentucky, Ashland.
C. T. "Turkey" Hughes, University
of Kentucky, Harlan, Ky.
A. T. "Chuck" Rice, University of
Kentucky, Pennton Military InstitWtel
James Clay Ward, University of
Virginia, Paris High school.
Roy E. Byrd, Lincoln Memorial University, Lynch, Ky.
Justus G. Burrows, Transylvania
College, McAdorg High, Bessemer,
Jack Smith, Ogden College, Marian- na High, Fla.
Doug Smith, Ogden College, Bawl
ing Green High school.
R. J. Hosier, Bliss College, Mont- pilier, Ohio.
A. H. Henderson, Ohio State,
Sharps, W. Va.
Patrick M. Payne, Westminster.
College, Hazard, Ky.
Lincoln Joshua Wells, University
of Kentucky, Langley, Ky.
Bennett Lewis, Kentucky Wesley
an, Mt. bternng, Ky.
J. R. Strother, Kentucky Wesleyan,
Buffalo, Wyo.
J. A. Howard, Jr., University of
Kentucky, Williamsburg, Ky.
John I. Flippin, University of Lou
isville, Ferguson, Ky.
J. M". Lyons, University of Ken
George J. Schmidt, Ohio State Uni
versity, Garfield Heights High, Cleve- -

Dorothy Stebbins, a student
of the summer session, spoke on
"Credit for Credits," while Dr. Paul
H. Clyde, of the history department,
spoke on "Summer Sessioning."
Taking for his subject "Changing
of Summer Sessions,"
President McVey traced the development of the summer school movement
and especially stressed the seriousness of purpose which now characterize the summer sessions of the UniAs a concluversity of Kentucky.
sion to the program Mrs. Sallie C.
Bullock read "Alma Mater."
This luncheon was the fifth one
which has been given during the summer sessions. In previous years the
luncheon was given in the first term
but this year because of the unprecedented large enrollment it was necessary to postpone the luncheon until the second term.
P. S. Editor's Note. The reporter
forgot to mention it but they also had
thanks to
food at the luncheon
Dean Taylor the menu was a
Dale Russell Tenders Resigna

Stratford-on-AvoMore Than 50 Students Are on
"Although the younger generation
Library Delinquent List
has frenuentlv been characterized as
Sr,irituallv incaDable of aDoreciatine
Summer students are like regular
Shakespeare," said Professor Baker,
"the generous responses of scholastic semester students in one particular
they keep books out of the library
youth everywhere tend to refute this.
The list of names posted
(CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) on the door of the Carnegie library
is evidence to that point.
More than 50 names of students
are posted under the date of July 28
as guilty of holding books out over
Is Shown in Work on Physics the allotted two weeks. They know,
we all know
the penalty, namely
a matter of two cents daily for every
in the Physics build day
Repair work
and a curt reminder
ing which has been carried on by a from the library or even more drastic
group of workmen the greater part of action.
tion at Muncie Institution
the summer, is progressing rapidly.
to Accept Position in ColLess, survey Shows
It will be finished early this fall.
lege of Education
Weather strips have been installed
in every window in the building which
necessitated the removing of all the
-Morgantown, W. Va., Aug. 5. A
The Physics building has
of the
Muncie, Ind., July 30 Dale Russell
survey made in many parts
long been noted as the coldest build
has tendered his resignation a3 Direc
country shows that a college educa- -'
ing on the campus and the installa1
tor of Research of Ball Teachers Col
tion is one of the best
tion of the weather strips will make
The resignation will go into
that a voung farmer can make, Colthe large lecture rooms as comfortTracks of Old Lexington and Ohio Railroad Are Embedded effect at the end of the present term.
cording to information from the
College Graduate Discloses "Riotous" Parties able as the smaller rooms in which
Oldest Living
Mr. Russell will go to the College of
in Concrete on Lawn in Front of Mechanical Hall;
lege of Agriculture of the University
the temperature is more easily kept
Gave; Chess, Checkers Led as the
Education of the University of KenDedication of Historical Monument Was
of West Virginia here.
Most Popular Amusement for Students
tucky, Lexington, as assistant direc
Conditions differ in various states,
All the halls in the building have
Held on May 30, 1916
of Early Days
tor of the Bureau of Educational
but in every state where surveys
been painted and repairs on the
Service and as associate professor of
were made, including Ohio, Maryland
plastering in all the rooms have also
Unknown to a large number of stu year a group of citizens set to work education. His time will be divided
New York Illinois, Indiana, Kansas,
Delaware, Ohio (By Methodist many a generation of college nesn been completed. Students returning dents of the summer session there is to obtain a charter from the legisla
Texas, News Service) When Samuel Wes- men has been ducked, was then bub to the university this fall will scarce
equally between these two positions.
Iowa Wisconsin,
on the university campus a portion of ture for a railroad from Lexington
Mr. Russell's work will be of a re
Georgia and Washington it was found ley Williams, 99, of Cincinnati, be Miner merrily.
It was as well a ly recognize the rooms of the depart the original track of "A Pioneer Rail to some point on the Ohio river.
search nature, including a survey of
ment which has been the downfall of way of the West" the old Lexington
that the more education the farmer lieved to be the oldest living college nightly trysting place for students.
How did it happen that Kentucky the schools of Kentucky. He will co
possesses the larger is his income, graduate in America, came to Ohio
Of course they had parties in those many a high standing.
and Ohio railroad which is generally was the first state west of the Alle operate with school authorities in
and that the years spent in high Wesleyan "way back" in 1846, it took days. The boys took their girls and
conceded to be the first railroad west ehenv mountains to consider the
by him an entire day to make the
their atack on educational problems.
school and college are well repaid
spent a delightful evening in playing O
O of the Allegheny Mountains.
building of a railroad? Thanswer He will be associated with Floyd W.
earnme capacity when
trip from Columbus to Delaware chess checkers and other "riotous
At that time Kentucky Reeves, director of the Bureau of EdThis portion of the old railroad is simple.
Now You
farm activities are undertaken.
in a covered wagon.
track lies embedded in concrete on was one of the recognized leaders of
Service, who recently conIt was. found that in Ohio the averA college education was less ex
o the lawn in front of Mechanical Hall. the Union and Lexington was "the ucational survey of the schools of
Had "Vices"
income of the farm
ducted a
age vearlv labor
pensive than it is today, according to
of Kentucky."
How many buildings are there A tablet of dedication placed on it
"Buggy-ridin- g
higher learning in Indiana. In this
was our 'vice'," ad
er with only a common school educa- Mr. Wililams in a story published in
reads "This restoration 'of a portion
on the campus?
So much interest did citizens of work Mr. Russell was also associated
"That was the
tion was $278; those with a high a recent issue of the Ohio Wesleyan mits Mr. Williams.
school education averaged $325; those magazine. He paid $1.50 a week for favored and practically the only 2 At the last estimate, how many of the original track of the Lexing Lexington and the Blue Grass take with Mr. Reeves as a member of the
and in the proposed railroad that on Feb state department of education.
cubic feet of space are there ton and Ohio (now Louisville
who had completed a course at an board and room and his other ex- method one had of entertaining the
Nashville) Railroad laid at Lexing- ruary 8, 1830, eleven days after the
"My resignation was tendered beyoung lady in whom one .was inter
under roofs on the campus?
agricultural college made an average penses were few, he says.
ton in 1831, is dedicated to those men charter was obtained, the books were fore Mr. Pittenger received his apested."
yearly labor income of ?1,4.
3 What is the oldest buildnig on
forethought and courage who were opened at Brennan's Tavern (now the pointment," said Mr. Russell. "I reof
Attend Chapel
Wesleyan had only one building,
the campus?
"We were not only compelled to bankrupt health santiarium near the 4 What is the seating capacity of pioneers in railroad development in Phoenix hotel) and within five days gret leaving at this time very much,
The dedication of the the required amount of stock was as I would greatly enjoy working
attend chapel service like the present. sulphur springs, back in those early
the gymnasium?
on May 30, 1916 was a gala
with Mr. Pittenger."
day Wesleyan student, but we also days.
Its "library consisted of a 5 What two class buildings on the track at the university and many sold.
Doctor McVey and Family Will had them twice each day. They both fairly
Laying of First Rail
Mr. Russell will leave for his new
bookcase. The based
campus were once used as men's prominent railroad men, government
Tour New England
On October 28, 1831 as the climax home in Lexington immediately after
began and ended the day's class ment was fitted to serve as a chapel;
dormitories ?
al officers, and citizens attended the of an elaborate parade and celebra the close of the second summer term.
"Each the kitchen as the laboratory for 6 When does freshman week be
work," says Mr. Williams.
and Mrs. McVey and student also was compelled to attend study of natural sciences; the parDoctor
tion, Governor Metcalfe drove the
daughters, Misses Janet and Virginia one of the Delaware churches every lors and sitting rooms were classU. K. GRADUATES ON VISIT
nail attaching the first iron rail to
Reflects Spirit of Times
7 When will the first football game
McVey. are in Washington today, on Sunday and a lecture by the college
rooms and offices of the professors.
In order to understand the import- the beginning stone sill. Work pro
be played this fall at the univer
L. H. Warth, of the class of 1922,
their eastern trip, according to a mes president in the afternoon."
ance of the pioneer railroad it is gressed rapidly and the "Observer,1
Although he is unable to leave his
sage received by Miss Jane Nichols
of Kentucky, and his
Only house, Mr. Williams is enjoying good
8 What
"Electives' 'were unknown.
team will oppose the necessary to recall the conditions of of May 24, 1832, stated that the grad University D. Warth, of
secretary of President McVey.
that early day. The first locomotive ing for the first six miles was nearly brother, R. visitors at thethe class of
Wildcats ?
McVey one course could be followed for health. It was 79 years ago that
1920, were
From Washington Doctor
graduation and that was laid out by ,Mr. Williams received his diploma.
9 What will be the name of the engine in the world was built in EngTuesday.
Both are now with the
and his family will motor northward the faculty.
August 15, 1832 was a
land in 1816 and it was in 1829 that
new class building?
He was the third one to be graduated
Western Electric Company in Chiplanning to tour New England before
10 How many square feet of floor Robert Stephenson constructed his
Ohio Wesleyan's famous sulphur from the institution, which he
cago. Mr. R. D. Warth was accomhev return to the university about
famous "Rocket." Yet in that very (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR)
space will it have?
tered four years after its founding,
j spring,
in wnose oaorous
September 10.
panied by his wife and two children.
"Boot-to-Boot- ."









Portion of First Railway in West
Is Kept on University Grounds

Buggy Riding Was Best
Entertainment in Early 846
Old-Time- rs





In Washington






The Kentucky Kernel
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the students and alumni
Published every Friday throughout
of the University of Kentucky.
the college year by the student body of the university.
Entered at Lexington Postoffice as second class mail matter.

John R. Bullock-



Mary Elizabeth Carter

Dorothy Stebbins

Theresa NewhofF
Don Grote

Vames Shropshire




Teachers, especially those in institutions of higher learning, are not
bound by any absolute rules of procedure. In agriculture science and
experience have proved that the best
results are obtained if the seed is
planted at certain times and in certain ways. In medicine science has
shown that the chances of recovery
are best if certain treatments are
given. But in teaching there is no
positive criterion some teachers use
one method to most advantage, some
It seems to rest largely
upon the individual.
There is no doubt, however, that in
American universities methods of
teaching have undergone considerable
No longer is th lecture
method used exclusively; indeed one
well may hesitate before he says it
is even employed extensively today.
In "its place is substituted a list of
data, facts, and bibliogrphy dictated
by the instructor; or, as is employed
br some instructors, the daily oral
quiz, method to cover the facts re
lated in the text assignment.
essay, "An Old
In his
Master" Woodrow Wilson admitted
we are gaining in thoroughness but
wondered if we are not losing in
ttioughtfulness by abandoning the
According to the
lecture method.
former president the reason is simple
for this metamorphosis in educational
bor one
methods since, says he,
man who can impart an undying im
pulse there are several score, pre
supposing the requisite training, who
can impart a method; and here is the
well understood ground for the cum
ulating disfavor of college lecturing
and the rapid substitution of 'labor
atory drill'."
Viewed from the student's stand
point there is much to be said for
President Wilson's contentions.
one examines any university
University of Kentucky, for example
one will find that as a general rule
students take the greatest interest
in those courses in which the professor has the ability to give them a
wider vision of his subject; in those
courses in which the professor uses
the lecture method to join up the

cold facts of 'the text with modern
life and its problems.
Undoubtedly there is something to
be said for the daily quiz method
used by some instructors.
It does
cover th lext and probably it serves
its purpose of pounding into the student's head facts found in the text.
But should college students have to
have material pounded into them?

Don't they already have or can't they
be shown in other ways some idea of

the purpose of college? If not if
they can learn only by secondary and
grammar school methods have they
any business in college?
It is not disputed that facts are
Nor should the importance of text books be lessened. What
The Kernel is suggesting is that
while these be stressed for outside
work and preparation, that the class
period be devoted,- to a larger degree,
to the lecture of the old school to
the lecture which encouraged thought
as well as presented facts. Perhaps
if this were done the United States
would produce men like Wilson's "old
master" Adam Smith men of philosophical insight and practical vision;
men who would add to the glory
which is now ours, like that Scotch
professor whose economic teachings
added so greatly to the material triumphs of the British empire.
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Wheh asked to give Tiis chief objection to college graduates who applied
to him for work after leaving school,
a successful enmlover replied. "Col

lege men usually want to begin at
the top."
The man preferred to hire, a col
lege man whenever he found one who,
He had
could do his work efficiently.
many college men working for him
But the men he employed were not
reluctant to begin where the rest of
the men began. They were willing
to learn his business from the ground

His position is easy to see.
success of his business depend upon

the men who produce his commodity
and upon the men who offer it t6 the
public. His perspicuity in choosing
men then accounts largely for his
own success in business.
College men, according to this employer's experience, often wished to
occupy executive positions