xt718911rk6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911rk6t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 2004 2004 2004-09-20 2020 true xt718911rk6t section xt718911rk6t Monday

September 20, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915




Many students uninformed
on current Jewish holidays

Page 5


Men's soccer

clinches home invitational

Celebrating 33 years of independence

Page to


Faculty center may get $4.4 mil overhaul

By Adam Slclilio
rut krkiuckv mm

A $4.38 million overhaul for
the Hilary J. Boone Center is set
to begin in October, pending a
vote tomorrow from the Board of

But the controversial plans
have members of the UK commu-
nity — including Board of
Trustees members — weighing
the short-term costs with the po-
tential long-term gains.

“The question that we’ve got to
answer is, ‘Is the timing right to
do this renovation and spend this
money?” said board secretary
Russ Williams. “Even though the

source of money for this is pri-
vate, it's still a really tight time
right now.

“It’s a matter of timing."

UK will pay for the construc-
tion strictly through private dona-
tions. About half the funding was
donated specifically to the center,
which is on the corner of Rose
Street and Columbia Avenue.

The remainder comes from
“unrestricted" funds — non-spe-
cific donations that can be used
anywhere on campus, said Presi-
dent Lee Todd.

“The bottom line is that this
money does not come out of the
university’s General Fund,” a

fund that includes student tuition
payments. he said.

Todd said the renovations are
needed now to help him attain two
of his goals: a better conference
center and more fundraising.

“Most of our competitive uni-
versities have a conference center
on campus that really draws peo-
ple into the campus," Todd said.
“We have people who go to our
football stadium and basketball
games, but we don't have a place
for our faculty and staff to go.

As of July. the center hosted 20
to 25 events a week. said Chris
Mefford. who worked at the center

serving as event coordinator for
part of that time.

In July, the center had about
1,800 members with 60 percent of
that being faculty and staff. he
said. Faculty. staff and parents
had the largest dues of $15 a
month. The other membership
categories. which were free or at
half price. were alumni resident,
alumni non-resident. retiree and

“The other reason is to en-
hance our fundraising abilities."
he said. “We spent $1.4 million for
four fundraising functions at Lex-
ington hotels last year. We need to

own campus to enhance our own

Last year. the center did $1.2
million in business. Mefford said.

The center closed Sept. 1 in
preparation for construction. Be-
fore then, the I7-year-old facility
hosted workshops. recruitment ef-
forts for potential students and
business partners, seminars and
even weddings, said Becky Nau-
gle. chair of the house and reno-
vation committee for the Boone
Center Board of Directors.

Naugle said the building was
“a unique design at the time”
when it opened in March 1987, but

for about two years up until then,

be spending that money on our

See Boone on page 3



White-hot Cats
burn Hoosiers,
show promise

Even the
scoreboard was

Late in the
second quarter.
the Common-
wealth Stadium
scoreboard went
blank after UK‘s
offense went

The score-
board was up Ilseman
and running spouts roiron
again after a few
minutes. but
UK’s offense never stopped
against Indiana.

No one expected this from
UK’s offense —— 51 points. two 100
yard rushers. big plays and sus-
tained drives.

This was a different team be-
cause it was a different team.

“If you didn't have a pro-
gram, you needed to go for one
tonight." said UK head coach
Rich Brooks. “Because you saw a
lot of new faces in the lineup and
a lot of those faces did some very
good things.“

Brooks sent out most of his
first freshman class against Indi-
ana — and it worked.

Freshman running back
Tony Dixon ran for 105 yards and
a touchdown, a 67-yard sprint
down the sideline.

Freshman offensive lineman
Aaron Miller saw his first game
action in his first college start.
and he helped open holes like the
one Dixon kept finding.

Freshman wide receiver Lon-
neII Dewalt threw some de-cleat-
ing downfield blocks and caught
three passes.

Freshman free safety Marcus
McClinton smothered the
Hoosiers on punt returns and de-
livered a hit to IU receiver Court~
ney Roby that could be felt in

UK‘s youth movement
seemed to breathe life back into
the Cats. Football was fun again.
and it showed.

When Shane Boyd found re-
ceiver Scott Mitchell for a 19
yard touchdown. Brooks sprint-
ed to congratulate Mitchell. hur-
dling a sideline bench and losing
his headset in the process.

“The encouraging thing is
they have ability -~ that's very
encouraging.“ Brooks said of
Mitchell and his other young re-

See Prunlse on page 7


.d‘" .4 ‘



By Jeff Patterson

Scampering into the end
zone. Shane Boyd celebrated.

After waiting more than
two weeks to score. the UK
senior quarterback had to ex-
press his joy with a little

“It was something I tried
to sneak in." Boyd said.
“(The officials) are cracking
down on celebrating.“

The Cats had no trouble
enjoying themselves Satur~
day night in their 51-32 win
over the Indiana University
Hoosiers in front of 65,532
fans at Commonwealth Stadi-

Celebrating his 22nd
birthday. Boyd led the Cats
with a career-high 130 yards
rushing and two touchdowns.
and 21-of-30 passing for 205
yards and two more touch-

“My gosh. he did some
amazing things with the foot-
ball in his hands.“ said UK
head coach Rich Brooks.

Boyd ran the option with
ease. He dropped back to pass



Wildcat Meal Plan OJ



Senior quarterback Shane Boyd celebrates with
down. Boyd rushed for 130 yards and threw for

Cats all smiles in first win

and connected with his re-
ceivers. This was the Shane
Boyd the Cats had been ex-
pecting to see.

“I’ve just been waiting for
Shane to do it." said UK ju-
nior linebacker Chad Ander»
son. “We all knew he had it in

Boyd led the Cats (H) to
scores on each of their first
three drives during a back.
and-forth first half.

UK freshman running
back Tony Dixon. who was
making his first start. added
105 yards on the ground. in-
cluding a 67-yard score on a
counter pitch in the second

BenJarvus Green-Ellis led
the Hoosiers (2-1) with 101
yards rushing in the first
half. The Cats' inability to
stop Green-Ellis from break-
ing around the end kept the
Hoosiers even with UK mid-
way through the second quar

“They score; we score.
They score; we score."
Brooks said. “We answered
almost everything they threw
at us."

alum I STAFF

layers and the crowd following his second rushing touch-
05 yards and two touchdown passes.

UK’s offensive line. a unit
that was overpowered
against Louisville, pushed
the Hoosier line back all

The Cats especially
Boyd ~ took full advantage
of a solid effort by the line.

“When we give him time.
that's what he does." UK se-
nior right guard Matt Huff
said of Boyd. "He makes

UK rushed 43 times for
355 yards and four touch-
downs with two lilo-yard
rushers in the same game for
the first time since 2002. They
had only one Arliss Beach
against Vanderbilt all of
last season.

Indiana pulled within
three points early in the third
quarter after junior end Vic-
tor Adeyanju recovered a
Boyd fumble for a touch-

“That was something that
could have put people down."
Boyd said. “But we stepped
back up."

Boyd then led the (‘ats on

.See Win on page 7






.lGI'S‘ alternative to standard

thinks big
for UK, city

By Emily Dickerson

A Broadway choreographer. former Doo-
bie Brother. heralded author. NASA scientist
and the “fifth Beatle“ are just a few of the
many featured guests at an unconventional
convention centered on Lexington this week.

The 2004 ideaFestival begins tomorrow.
kicking off a five-day series of events and

“The ideaFestival is to inspire Kentucky.“
said Barbara Flexter, operations manager of
Kentucky Science and Technology Center.
the organizer of the event. “The idea for the
ideaFestival is basically to meet and greet
and exchange ideas.“

IdeaFestival has become a strong pres-
ence in the central Bluegrass. Flexter said.
and has expanded outside its own box.
stretching its borders to Louisville and

The third biennial ideaFestival is a fix er
day event that begins tomorrow and runs
through Saturday. In the five-day span. speak-
ers at more than 60 presentations will bring
a creative atmosphere and a great quality of
people to the Lexington area. Flexter said.

Presenters include Emmy Award-win»
ning choreographer Twyla Tharp; Dr. Ben
Carson. director of pediatric neurosurgery
at Johns Hopkins University: former Doobie
Brother and Steely Dan member and con-
gressional consultant on terrorism Jeff Bax-
ter: Awakening author Oliver Sacks; and Sir
George Martin. award-winning producer.
composer and contributor to the Beatles.

After all the hard work put into creating
a diverse and unique lineup. Flexter said she
expects around 10.00) people including inter-
national guests. The expected turnout has
surpassed ideaFestival 2002 attendees by

The exploration of ideas, which is lead-
ing Kentucky to being known on an interna-
tional and national level. is an idea come
true for Kris Kimel. president of Kentucky
Science and Technology Corporation.

“Kris's inspiration came from his time in
California and from the film festival he at-
tended there." Flexter said. “He didn't see
why Kentucky couldn't make its own mark."

Though Flexter said the festival has re
ceived international response. the event will
not be complacent. This year. the festival has
achieved one of its objectives by hosting
events in Louisville and northern Kentucky.

“Our main goal has always been to
spread ideaFestival throughout Kentucky."
Flexter said. “We want to keep the main
events in Lexington and just create satel-

College students are the majority at some
ideaFestival events. Flexter said. With the
support and. more importantly: ideas from
students ideaFestival 2004 might generate
enough success to return to Lexington next

“The ideai‘estival brings together people
from everywhere and their ideas." Flexter
said. "You can find a college student sitting
next to a corporate businessman sitting next
to an artist. all sharing ideas."

Email featuresra kykernel. com

campus fare

By ram Franklin
Students subscribing to
the Wildcat Ofi'Campus Meal
Plan will now benefit from
more restaurant choices. a
better online system and ex-
tra coupons thanks to a busi-
ness merger. said company
The plan's name is also
changing to Off-Campus
Meal Plan. said Ken

Schwenke. founder of the
Off-Campus Dining Network.

The Off-Campus Dining
Network has run the Wildcat
Meal Plan since last fall and
recently merged with its par-
ent company Ofi-Campus Ac-
cess. The merger added 33
schools to its original 24 and
added more options for stu-
dents. said Cade Lemcke.
vice president for marketing
at the company

UK Dining Service repre~
sentatives said they are not
worried about competition
with the off-campus meal
plan changes.

"We cannot control out-
side vendors' marketing to
students." said Randall Gon-
zalez. student affairs admin-
istrative director. “However.
it does challenge us to make
sure we are doing everything
we can to meet students'


UK is trying to meet stu-
dent needs by expanding the
Plus Account to off—campus
restaurants or venues. reno
vating the dining halls to a
more contemporary look and
offering an expansive variety
of international foods.

Whereas UK's oncampus
Diner Account costs 8850 flat.
a student with the off-cam-
pus meal plan pays a $25 en-


rollment fee and then can put
any amount of money on his
or her card. There are 25 par-
ticipating restaurants listed
on the plan Web site.

Lemcke said it‘s good for
students to have both op

“Of course there is al-
ways competition with tradi-
tional meal plans and us. but


“We cannot control
outside vendors'

to students."

Randall Gonzalez
MM M Motive hector





By Michael Powell and Michelle Garcia


NEW YORK , One late Au»
gust evening, Alexander Pincus
pedaled his bicycle to the Sec-
ond Avenue Deli to buy matzoh-
ball soup. at pastramion-rye
and potato latices for his sweet-
heart. who was sick with a cold.

He wouldn't return for 28

As they lefi the deli. Pincus
and a friend inadvertently
walked into a police blockade
and sweep of bicycleriding
protesters two days before the
Republican National t‘onven

“I asked an officer how I
could get home.” Pincus said.
"He said ‘follow me' and we
went a few feet and cops
grabbed us.

“They handcuffed us and
made us kneel for aii hour“

Police carted Pincus to a
holding cell topped with razor
wire and held him for 35 hours
without access to a lawyer.

The floor was a soup of oil
and soot. he said. and the cell
had so few porto—potties that
some people relieved them-
selves in the corner.

Pincus said he dislocated
his shoulder as police pulled
back his arms to handcuff him.

"Cops kept saying to us ‘this
is what you get for protesting.”
said Pincus. whose account of
his arrest is supported by deli
workers atid a time-stamped
food receipt.

Pincus was one of 1.821 peo—
ple arrested in massive police
sweeps before and during the
Republican convention. the
largest number of arrests asso
ciated with a mayor party con-
vention in American history.

At the Democratic conven-
tion in (‘hicago inlaott. which
unlike New York‘s was marked
by widespread police brutality.
cops made less than 700 arrests

In the days after the conven-
tion. Mayor Michael ltlrximberg
and police commissioner. Ray
mond Kelly. stated that “every
NYl’l) officer did a great job ”

But interviews with state
court officials. city council rep-
resentatives. prosecutors. prov
testers and civil libertarians
anti a review of \ ideos of

demonstrations point to many
problems with the police per

Officers often sealed off
streets with orange netting and
used motor-scooters and horses
to sweep up hundreds of pro»
testers. including many who ap
pear to have broken no laws.

In two cases. police coni-
manders appeared to allow
marches to proceed. only to or-
der many arrests minutes later.

A majority of those arrest-
ed were held for more than two
days without being arraigned.
which a state supreme court
judge ruled was a violation of
legal guidelines.

Defense attorneys predict a
flood of civil lawsuits once pro
testers have settled misde-
meanor charges lodged against

Police officials declined to
talk about these problems. cit-
ing a pending court case.

But the city‘s criminal jus-
tice coordinator. .lohn l-‘ein
blatt. said in an interview that
city lawyers tried to weed out
the unjustly arrested and that
the volume of arrests more
than 1.100 on one day over-
whelmed the police depart-

More broadly. Bloomberg
and Kelly defended the vast ina-
jority of the arrests as justified
and described holding cells as
clean and humane.

liloomberg in inteiyiews on
convention week said protest-
ers expected prisons to look
like "Club Med."

Kelly said police encoun»
tered other delays as they tried
to find separate cells for a large
number of female detainees

The first mass arrests came
three days before the Atig. :itl
Sept. 2 convention when police
swooped down on (‘ritical
Mass. a i()()St"KlilI collective of
bicyclists who periodically
flood city streets and slow traf-

Police usually tolerate the
disruption But that night offi-
cers arrested more than 200.
Kelly later told New York Maga-
zine that he wanted to send the
pl‘tllt‘Sit‘l‘s it message.

The next few days were qui-
et. and a massive quarterniil-
Iioii strong march went for


ward Sunday. Aug. 29 without

But the mood changed Tues-
day. Aug. 31. when police made
1.128 arrests. Anarchists had
pledged a day of resistance.
blocking traffic. Police arrested
hundreds and civil liberties
lawyers on the scene described
most arrests as lawful.

Farther downtown that day.
the War Resisters League. a
decades-old pacifist group. was
readying a peaceful march
from Ground Zero to Madison
Square Garden. where they iii-
tended to conduct a civil disobe-
dience “die in."

A video provided by the
New York (‘ivil Liberties Union
shows police commanders lay-
ing out ground rules: As long as
protesters didn't block traffic.
they wouldn‘t get arrested dur-
ing their walk north. (No per
iiiit is required for a march on a
sidewalk as long as protesters
leave space for other pedestri»
ans to pass).

Within a block or two. how-
ever. the video shows marchers
lined up on the sidewalk. far
froin an intersection. as a po-
lice officer announces on the
bullhorn: “You're under ar-

“They came with batons. bi-
cycles. they came with netting.”
said (1. Simon Harak. a Jesuit

"The kind of forces you ex-
pect to be turned on terrorists
were unleashed on us."

Police arrested 200 people.
saying they had blocked the

At about the same time
Tuesday. several other groups
of protesters started walking
two-abreast from Union Square
to Madison Square Garden.
However. several demonstra
tors say. and photographs show.
police soon stopped them.
asked them to raise their
hands. and arrested them.

Throtighout the week. po-
lice picked up dozens of people
who appeared to have nothing
to do with the demonstrations.
according to the New York Civil
Liberties Unions.

Among those swept up by
police were several newspaper
reporters. two women shopping
at the (lap. a feeder company


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Numerous arrests during GOP Convention

executive out for dinner with a
friend. and W-ndy Stefaiielli. a
costume designer with the TV
show Sn in the (‘ityu who was
walking to get a drink with a

She saw a police officer
pushing a demonstrator
against a wall and asked him to
lay off. Police flooded the street
and she was arrested,

"1 don‘t know how this
could happen." Stefanelli. as.
told the city council last week.
"I was coming from work."

Bloomberg has acknowl
edged police may have arrested
some innocent bystanders. But
he suggested it was partly their

"If you go to where people
are protesting and don‘t want
to be part of the protest. you‘re
always going to run the risk
that maybe you‘ll get tied up
with it." he said on a weekly ra~
dio show on WABC.

Police hauled those arrest
ed to newly built holding cells
in a former bus depot. Inter-
views with two dozen protest
ers from six states described
floors covered in oil and police
officers who denied them ac-
cess to family and lawyers.

During this time. deputy po-
lice commissioner Paul Browne
twice stated to the Washington
Post that most protesters had
been released after six or seven

Only on Thursday did be ac-
knowledge much longer delays.

Last Friday. Feinblatt. the
city‘s criminal justice coordina-
tor. attributed the problems to a
glut of arrests. Other city offi
cials have spoken of state der
lays in processing fingerprints.

But senior police officials
had predicted for months that
they anticipated 1000 arrests
per day during the convention,

State court officials. prose
cutors and Legal Aid lawyers
doubled staffing and opened 0x.
tra courtrooms during conven
tion week only to wait.

"What happened for several
days is that we had resources
available and we simply were
not getting the bodies pro
duced. the defendants in the
courtroom." said David Book-
staver. spokesman for the state
office of court administration.




2895 Richmond Rd


what we find is
that students Iiiid
value in both." he

But the
changes in the
tlfft‘ampus Meal

Plan are intended to increase the number of
students who .sulist ribe to the plan. l.emcke
s‘tllti Last year over 73 students used the off
campus plan

With the plan. students can now get
coupons online. refer a friend to receive bonus-
es oii their card and use their card at other uni
vei‘sities if the restaurants are under the same

Students and parents can now log on to the
plan‘s Web site at wwwocdn com to see their
account statements and add money to their ac

\‘irtual t‘oupons allow restaurants to give
the company specific deals for ()fft‘ampus
Meal Plan members. Schwenke said.

“We ptit these deals on the Web site. and
students are able to print off the coupons and
redeem them at diI'Icrent places." l.enicke said.

Some coupons can only be used a couple of
times per semester. but others can be used uii
limited times. With these coupons. students can
save over $100 per year at their favorite local
restaurants. l.eiiicke said.

Despite the new options. some students like
the oii-cainpus eateries better for health rea
sons and convenience. they said

"Students want to go off-campus to Pal/.o's
and 'l'ollv llo. but it can be really unhealthy to
eat at those places everyday." said limily
Strange. a business sophomore “If students eat
on campus ‘tl the dining halls. it is closer to
walk to after night classes. and that gives me a
certain level of comfort in terms of safety.”

lylerchandising sophomore .Iessye Logue
said she likes having both choices.

"Having both an offcampus dining card
and the regular l'K dining account is beneficial
to commuter students like myself.” l.ogue said.
“When I don‘t have any more classes. I enjoy
jumping in my car and using my Wildt‘ard. but
when parking is a mess on campus. I like going
to the dining balls with my Plus Account "


Continued from paqel

"('11 s .4 Ajvkernc/coiii




Friday's Kernel incorrcctly identified
.leioiiie llaii'stoii's (i in. Sum/(iv as a IIK
play The drama is actually an Actors'
(luild of Lexington production

To report an error. call The Kernel at


















Europe overwhelms US. in Ryder Cup win

Dy Leonard Shapiro

INE mmucrou‘rfiii

SHIP, Mich. There would
be no miracle on bent grass
for the American Ryder
Cup team Sunday.

Trailing by a record
margin of six points after
two days. the US. was once
again outplayed and over-
whelmed by a relentless Eu-
ropean side that clinched
enough points after seven
of the 12 singles matches to
retain the Cup for the
fourth time in the last five

Englishman Lee West-
wood's par putt on Oakland
Hills” 494-yard 18th hole
was essentially the winning
stroke in the worst loss an
American team has suf-
fered in the biennial compe-

Continued from page 1


now the facility needs to be

“As far back as two years
ago. there was some dismis-
sion for the need to reno-
vate. that the facilities were
obsolete.“ especially in
terms of technology. Naugle

“Some rooms aren‘t
wired with Internet. and
one wing of the building
doesn't have running water.
so it‘s hard to have the typi-
cal refreshments that you
would expect at a meeting

“In terms of just keep-
ing the. facility current. us-
able and up-to-date. there‘s
a definite need for renova-
tion." she said.

Williams. a senior train-
ing specialist for UK HJ-
man Resource Develop-
ment. eats lunch at the cen-
ter from time to time ard
said he sees potential spate

“It‘s pretty functiom]
now." Williams said. “It

tition. which began in 1927.

Europe's victory was its
seventh in the past 10
matches. and the final score
of 18 1/2 to 9 1/2 tied the
largest winning margin by
either team since 1979.
when the format was
changed to include all Eu-
ropean players.

Westwood's putt earned
a 1-up win over American
Kenny Perry and pushed
the Europeans to the brink
of victory with 13 1/2

Colin Montgomerie. in
the group behind West-
wood’s. had already
clinched at least a half-
point over David Toms by
going l-up after 17 holes. so
Europe was assured at least
a tie in that match for a
half-point and the magic
number of 14 required to

can‘t hold big groups of
people comfortably. like two
to three hundred. But it’s
not that big an issue with
100 to 150. It seems to be

But Mefford thinks that
structurally. the facility is

"I think they could use
less money to make it pret-
tier." he said.

“The state‘s falling on
hard times right now. and I
think less money could be
sufficient to do what really
needs to be done." he said.

“I don‘t feel that a close-
down-the~building. knock-
down-the-walls renovation
is necessary.”

Rep. Jim Wayne. D.
Louisville. was the only per-
son with that opinion when
the project came before the
Capital Projects and Bond
Oversight Committee in

“Does it take $4.4 mil-
lion to do that?“ he asked of
fixing the lack of running
water. “If you did raise a lot
of money through the facul-
ty club. where would it go?
The students? I doubt that.

“It sends the wrong mes-
sage to you students."

Monday Sept. 20. 2004 I PAGE 3


retain the Cup.

Montgomerie. 41 and a
captain‘s choice pick, had
the grand honor of making
it official when he rammed
in a four-foot putt for par to
halve the 18th hole and win
the match. l-up. giving Eu-
rope a point and 14 I/2-to-8
1/2 lead with five matches
still on the course.

Europe was ahead in
four of them. and won sev-
en of the 12 matches. halv-
ing another.

Both captains had said
earlier in the week the
team that putted best would
win this event. and the Eu-
ropeans seemed to make
virtually every stroke they
needed over the three days.

“I don’t want this day to
end," European Captain
Bernhard Langer said.

“It‘s hard to put into

The proposed renova-
tions would add a 3.300
square-foot extension to the
center. which would expand
the facility to almost 23,000
square feet in size. The
changes would enable UK to
host “larger scale events
that require space for 300 to
400 persons." according to
the Board of Trustees meet-
ing agenda.

Student Government
President Rachel Watts said
after helping plan events for
various organizations. she
sees benefits in having a
fully renovated center.

“My personal opinion is
that the renovations will be
really beneficial for the
long term." Watts said.
"Part of my job is to think
long~range and down the
road. I will be concerned.
though, if this happens. and
then in the spring they (the
Board of Trustees) turn
around and propose a 15
percent tuition increase."

Watts said from what
she's heard so far. the great-
est student concern is the
money UK intends to spend.

“As a college student.
that sounds like so much
money. but they (the Board



“Players do the job. I
can only make them feel
comfortable and encourage

suspense with his third vic- Phil
tory in four matches this
“We've got a lot of great
players in America. but
“They‘re the ones who they just flat outplayed us."
hit the shots and made the “I don't know what it
putts. is.“ said Montgomerie. now
“They did an incredible 198-5 in Cup play.
" “We came here again as
underdogs. and it‘s amaz-
ing how well we do. ond-guessing is a golfer’s
“We really can't put it biggest problem,” Sutton
for almost an hour before into words; if we could. the said.
Harrington came to the last Americans would have “We've got to live in the
hole. worked it out by now. present. I made mistakes. I
His final match-winning “I don't know how it take full responsibility for
putt touched off another happens. the mistakes I made. I
raucous burst of boisterous “We doubled their thought there was no bad
singing and the traditional points. Remarkable. Re- way to pair the guys we
spraying of well-shaken markable." had.
magnums of champagne. Sutton had tried all psy- “So I'm going to live
“They played ferocious- chological and strategic with it. and I‘m going to
1y." American captain Hal ploys this week. each one move on. I‘m going to hug
Sutton said shortly after seeming to blow up in his my kid tomorrow. and
Montgomerie ended the face. everything will be great."

Mickelson and
Tiger Woods played two
matches as partners Friday,
and lost both.

Perry sat out Saturday's
two sessions. and Sutton
sent Jay Haas to play 36
holes and saw him get
drubbed in the afternoon, 5
and 4.

“You know what. sec-

The European team and
several hundred of their
fans had been celebrating

of Trustees) look at the dol-
lar signs a lot differently
than we do." she said. “For
UK. it‘s actually not that

“But even though we're
under tight constraints.
that doesn‘t mean we can't
stop growing.“

argument by hosting a
fundraising event and say-
ing. ‘See this place where
we are? We could have made
it much fancier. but we
chose to invest first in stu-
dents. Now will you make a
“Do that don't go doll
Todd said the Iongvterm up your facility first. Speak
effects of a fully renovated first with actions.“ Reed
facility would more than said.
pay off the one-time $4.38 Naugle said the renova-
million construction bill. tions will not merely update
“There are those who the facility but also ensure
will ask. ‘Why can't we di- that maintenance will be-
vert this money to improve come less necessary.
some classrooms?” Todd “In order to keep it
said. “It's not like we've maintained. there needs to
stopped trying to do that. be an investment to keep it
but we can generate more up to par." Naugle said. “It‘s dent Todd will come to the
money this way by having a about trying to move it be- board meeting with the ben-
facility on campus that will yond regular maintenance efits.
help us bring in even more and trying to fill a need on “The faculty with whom
donations." especially for campus that currently isn't I have spoken -.. and it‘s a
scholarships. he said. being filled. limited number of the total
UK spent $500.000 reno-