xt718911rh54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911rh54/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1985 1985 1985-09-06 2020 true xt718911rh54 section xt718911rh54 _———__—______——____________—____—_—————————-

o o o o 3 .,
Umversnty off1c1als ., . . -_- UL games ,
. ~ s - . .- > ~ b ' d -, .- .7 :
seek increased funds , is to e aire

’ l R All a: .3 ‘cfart: = if? I}: frat“ aw“: fits-.1“ .‘3’?i‘=.".4 l I. ' ,I'l' I- "n

, ‘ 7* “as: aft? 4: We: WH S I, l I 4 l V

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f ' ' ' ‘ “v if; “tat-ii’ 1"“ as; 0n ‘ -. 5
0" 1g or e uca ion , ., ., A
. \.\ ' UK no longer has I. '-.._i'
P CHE creates committees to recommend ' V ‘ : sole radio rights -: it
, . ~ .' .I' ~ I Vt '1"
future of state 5 dental, law schools or .- . a; = I - “ my“: 1.3:) M. . . .- :
2‘, '- L . 1 x. . t i . .~ . lii' 1.. ‘3 'vl" :1;
By MARKR.CHELL(;REN Yesterday's gathering was 3% are egg-’9 " ’ ' Beginning .r. in. tin, .. in. A, .' f; 5' . f i.
AssociatedPress prompted by the council's proposal ‘ y“ -_ c « ., “ and Duckmmi WNW , r. a, :1 .. ._ _.:..,'.= f
for a strategic plan for higher edu- / t Will not Lil“a\.~ ho hum: . ‘.\ >1 \\ .5 ’. I " .3

FRANKFORT ~ Higher education cation in Kentucky, a document that A a. . .' l‘ . ‘ \ mam. mg station m4; ,“1. WW“ m; ' " ".'i ‘-

. . leaders in Kentucky agreed yester- has generated a great deal of con- M ":1" \‘\\ :3 ‘ Wildcat games tor llf‘iil'i. .. .i» .z» '5 -'.
day that more money will solve troversy in public hearings across ' . " ‘ lt vim announced ”.5: ti " ' 1;.

7- many of the ills pointed out in a thestate- \ J WHAS ‘Mll .nr all of in. . >. - ~ ,. ’.
. g strategic plan for the universities. UK has prompted much of that \ 0i mummii. minim“. ,7.” .....,..-..;. J 'l- ‘ . f
. 53 but a lingering dispute over dental controversy and its graduates yic . gameg ,n an W mg. -. .. .. ,4 ' l i 3' '.‘ -‘ "

‘ schools threatens the harmony. packed many Of the hearth85~ BUt _ million radio broadcast conliaw we -

A: The gaunrlng 0f the Councfl m Praldent 0‘15 A. Smgletary sald ' l I ‘ yr“ ’- . &\ ginnjng npj‘t gear 'hjr.i‘-f_“:' t“. 'MA‘: t 1 ' j ‘ 7t ‘.' :R‘
Higher Education. university prosi- other issues can wait if there is a \ ., \/ j \ ’ ‘ a football seamn’ .. '.-.
dents and chairmen of the imtitutio unitedfront for more money. .1 , s] V ~, ‘ x. as» in [mi War _. “with“; and ”cc. ,. -' . ' ‘-" .' .' , 2..
nal governing boarch had been ex- “I’m willing to put everything ,. r 7 . ' r- \ x /; ball seasons however. WHA> .i'ill ’
pected to bring quite 3 few sparks aside. temporarily. for full funding." / \‘\ \ ' " .._ l .f 3 continue to lll’ilifllk'rlat an 1 h dullrrN . ~‘ .'
as the eight SChOOIS fought over Singletarysaid. / ‘~ \‘ if / K /\%v' even if they conflict .xi'n l ill l ' b
theirturf. But when the subject of dental / ‘ - [I k“ games ” I ‘ »_ ‘

But 8 gathering of university pres Schools came up. that spirit of coop- ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ’ / / 5 " " ' But nt‘x‘! \(mr xiiiin 'v\:il em l " , ' I " ‘ '
idents on Wednesday apparently led eration deteriorated. ~« [é ’ / ltl l. combs pruir t. int-r. on . . ' 5?
to an agreement to fight for one goal Swain and Singletary warned that g - ' ‘ ' / “thumb; are I plaMF-Ll n ~h.. n.5,... ‘l “ .7 7
—more money for higher education. warfare between the schools to save / r' : A -/ / v’ , ' time ' l t I , ., ‘. ,I . 1

Higher education has a tormlfla their dental prOgrams could scuttle \ ‘ “2.? , ‘ N i x / / . 4 Bernie \lillilt‘rnt‘l'lt' thri-tttir if l.‘i ’ l ' I "
for distributing money to the institu- any effort in the Legislature to get _..._.._ A / f. /' L'K Informant,“ sci-H. oc can. \to ~ I l- ' V ' ‘
tions. but only abOUt 35 Percent Of more money for everyone #6 t ‘5 '. g ‘ / / ’ find it incredible trot: a ~‘a' .ii: a ‘ ' " . "i
that formula is contained in the cur- “You will put the University of ‘ a,» ” a . which has hem dnpimsg An} it“, . ', ‘. L .z."
rent budget Louisville against the University of q _ . € ‘ " ’ . . ' ' ' i i-mwmu .,i Mum.“ .m. m. N... 1,, f g' ‘ . '

The goal. all agreed. is to get 100 Kentucky at a time when all of us l w “' ' \ A‘/} / ’ l vears tttiula men (NIL-\i'lt‘.’ its a ' f ' ,. l ‘ .
percent funding from the 1986 Gen- want towork together."Swain said. " » .‘ ' / '“fldely accepted pnphig- 7. ”311' '. -. ' . '
eral Assembly That would translate “Don't do this out of some willful .- / / ’ / Without having ,,..,.,_ 1 W" .0 . ~ . ' i, '
intoabout $225 million more over sense that the council has to close ' , \ / , am dwuwom MAW, Mists Md ' . -
the 1986458 biennium than a contin- something just to show that you are I » / /' / ' an} other intrnuzmnc Am my ”g f . . i :
uationbudget. still here.“ Singletary added. / ' . m); been consulted .\._. mum - ,1.” . ‘ ' ~.

”“9353 please. please don‘t do , sin that tht- l n1wr - .f Kerfiutlkt ‘ I .I ~ “ ‘.

The extra money would allow the thgtouncil member Terr MCB r / will t'aretulljt {i>\t‘.\\ ‘L'ns I!.i“ i; ' n- ‘ '3 ' ’ t .' i "
universities to provide lu ualit‘ . ~ 3' A raye ' ,/ “I. [ermine the iii'urc .,3 mini \{le‘b 1 . . t .
Programs. retain facultyglrlngmberls 53'd the “men“ Clearly Shows that . 7 ”if lirOddCihtlng1Y"l‘lt*Ln.l .\ ..: i-i " ' I "
by increasing salaries. and keep KentUCky does "01 need two dental / . i, WHAS president itiitit :" ‘i‘i Hr ‘ . . . ‘- " ’
them up with competing institutions. “@013 .b‘“ he was rebuked by the y ‘_ ‘, nef- “f and l' lit 1. \‘it‘t' presto-r r :.-u. J y ' _'
thepl‘eSIdents agreed, [wopreSldents’ IANDAL wuugmsou Kerr‘s Sin“ Hammond \alll litt‘ .iti? H‘llnl ‘ if ‘ . =1 ‘ , ~

' lth‘ raftiri tiroailtm' .ii ..‘ ' ' .. ' . l '.

University of Louisville President Council members finally agreed to catChlng up l games on any“. .t.i:' may r..i:.-.~. ' ,v .I .
Donald Swain said it is not up to the appomt two committees to study Ed' . . i ‘Mijts A.“ " - ». .' u ' t - '
council or the universities to deter- dental schools and law schools and '6 Ha'l' ° "mow "95mm” ”"95 '3 breo" dOY OtterhOO't 0“ the hrs? floor of the Student ‘ limit/ail arm . .. , .' ' -
mine how the state should raise the make recommendations within two '° r9°d ° "ewsWPer between “05595 Yester- Center Addition. season
neededmoney. weeksonwhattodoaboutthem. "The lnl'vt-‘l'~.(\ ,: > It ‘ ' ,V . .

committed H w I-i ' ' "r ' ', . . ’

Q Q g . \Chcdllllllt’ Writ *--' '. ‘ ., . . V ' l' .

Discount [lniversny computer office closes today " "

.tll‘i ll' ill'flritltthi ,. ,: fil‘l i‘ i~~ I ' ' ' " .

much cifiltthnll‘l’ ll.ir:.:-. inzsnw . ' 5
By SAILAJA MALEMPATI nication services. cited financial In the past. the University departments to help them determine and see if they will give discouni,_'- \“g‘mdl‘t’h‘ ' ‘-’ i‘ e‘r-i‘t“ l‘ '3? ', ' ' ,‘ I .
Staff Writer problems as the reasons for closing bookstore was selling discount com- what computers they should buy We Estes said hogan at“ .1 vii-\wtiie-t : .r ‘ .» t .1 ‘ '. .
"It was very expensive. and there puters to students and faculty How- give them prices and act as a guide , . .‘ng '“lpl'l'”“"" " l' ’7!" “W . . -' . .- -.'

If you're planning to buy a mm was not enough revenue generated ever. when the bookstore was sold to to get them started."Estos said Although none of the services Will that uni-t” .ii-n: - , _‘ - ' fi .
puter from the University‘s Office from sales to substantiate the opera. the Follett Corp. the store was no he a‘hllahle fitter t0d'd}- all ”Tile!“ Mlt‘ , - .-
Products department. 4 pm today tion." longer able to provide the service. The office also sold discount coma placed heft)” sept 5 “ill htf ’PM‘ 3th h” 'vt‘r: ““1“" . ' . .' . ~: .~ - . '_
isyour lastchance. The department. located in the Estes said. puter equipment to a“ UK depart- (:‘SSQd and handled as usual. t‘oml-s "title-litis' i. "Tl? A 'l. Iiiil’fi’;i..i"'t"\ . ,- . " '

At that time. the department that Rose Street parking structure, "That's when accounts were set merits. community colleges. the 53m ”.1 .1“.’““““.l' ”M" '“t '7 ’3‘“ ‘i‘ 'y ' ’ .. :
enabled students and faculty to buy served a two-fold purpose of resel- up in our department so we could Medical Center. faculty members H“ "mm” ““fl_""‘k' "“" ““m“ -, " . ' ._ 't
computers and software through the ling computers as well as providing sell to students and faculty." Estes and StUdemS Th9 Closmg Of the Produt‘tS depart n 1“ paling l k "5“": l. ”7" . ' . .. ; 5 f . "
University at discount prices will be consultations on the selection of said. ment Will not affect the office Ma» m” " ”m" 3“” i"”'“ “L" 'n’ " ' . in i ' .
closing itsdoors. computers. said Gerry Estes. man- The primary service of the depart- "Faculty and students will just chines Repair and Electronic Mam “0mm“ ”WW" ‘ h “H“ ”i" N" ' , , .' .f “

Del Combs. director of commu~ ager of the office. ment was “consultation for all UK have to go to local computer stores tenance department “" “ll “ I 7 ‘ " « - 3 ‘1' " t.

. . ._—_.__—.—.———_.. . _FA ...___..., .___k. .c . . _. 5 I. '1 ~ 7 '1); I.
OffiCials urge students to attend games . A
. )‘Q—‘f'J-l.’ “\-\ Ir. ‘: .1. "l

. . . . . -—» é ‘ ’ . ‘ - "
Committee says unalloted football seats may be sold to public as season tickets $13.13,?“ \ a . . « . ' , " u
’ \ “A‘ 14-.”

By SCOTT WARD‘ ‘ to see Whether the 12.400 tickets al— sell the tickets on a season basis Director of Student Athletic Ad- ' ‘ \ ‘-“"" ‘ . . , . _'-. ‘ I:

SpeCialProieCts bditor lotted to students will he used. said than onagame-by-game basis, missmns Ron G. Allen agreed: h ‘2 \ ~ ' f _' .' ' 5 -. '-
‘ ‘ Joseph T. Burch. dean of students Ticket allotment for the Bowling “After all. you SGt more Of the I» K " . .‘ "'
Use em or lose. em. _ and a member of the Athletic Green game starts Monday, and Stu- cheering effect from the student ‘ .' ' ..
Although they re not usmg those Board‘s ticket committee. dent Government Association Presi- body fans just don‘t yell like stu- ’ \ ' ~ . . , ‘ .
words, officials in charge of ticket "If there‘s big empty sections up dent John Cain is encouraging stu- dents do,“ /) / ‘ , ' " . ‘~

allotment are saying that if students there. then (the ticket committee) is dents to pick up their tickets Wallet—size booklets listing all the * m _ . . ~ ._ .
don't use the" football tickets this going to be compelled to sell those “Students should attend the games information students need to know " ”“"‘*—'——""’“—— r * ‘ I. TH , . '

Year. they might be taken away and tickets 0“ a season ticket level,“ he as much as possible." Cain said. “It about ticket allotment are now l H K I . , ' , .

soldtothepublicas season tickets. said. “There are people in the public showsa great deal of support for the available at the Student Center in- seats except sections 208 and 210 Rt‘quesls tor liliK'k \t*.1’;‘l‘r_' "iils‘t .' ' ' V .. -' ' ‘

About 1,700 tickets were taken that )Nant tickets and can't get team and the school." formation desks. the reSidence halls ipreferred seatSi will be from 8 be turned ir. .it H .i '? ‘ti a: inn l ' l. - . .

away from students last year be them. ' . And the Athletic Board would desks and the dean of students‘ of- a m, to 8 pm Monday at Memorial Block—seating iorms i-..i r in Kt'd ' . .

cause of low attendance at the Tickets not given to students at “much prefer that the students at fice.513PattersonOfficeTower. Coliseum Distribution for sections up from Asshldlll lit'ii. m \'Ui't"l[\ - ‘

games. the end of distribution are sold to tend and use those seats and cheer 208 and 210 lasts from 6 to 8 p m Michael )1 Palm mot: liming-Lori ‘ I ' .

"This year is sort of a test year ' the public. Burch said it is easier to the team on."Burch said. The“ m '3 all m Monday (iffice Tower ‘ ' f '
N' ° ° ° "
INSIDE learaguan intervention ,, - .. Researcher to discuss effects . , ,
" f ‘
harmful , speaker says . . .. . 0 nuclear war on atmosphere .
UK'dIIH-m offices will have: ‘ By ANN ROGERS ested in him." said Dr Yosh Ma ‘
:nlcmfgzulx a3: strutdems‘whs By BRAD COOPER natories on the United Nations‘ and ‘ ‘ ; I ». . . Contributing Writer {ugaraiadi‘rlector of radiation iii 'the ‘
m mam“. m '4““'"°“ ContributingWriter American States Charter‘s that state ' ~ - W ., , _ . w ”a. ”m” l 3’" ”“9"
- . Pele - that we will no way interfere in a! “rib? p . x a _ . Richard P. Turco. noted sCientific ested in how he came to his conclu~
According to Laleah Logan, the internalaffairsofothercountria." ”M if, researcher and author. w‘" 59“.“ °" 5‘0"“ g'emlf‘calll' aim hm he de-
Nicaraguan people don‘t want or When Nicaragua protested the " “a" m ,_ g" i? the gl‘lluc’l‘fir “llilkt‘e‘r; 'It'he1 glwron» tends his conclus‘ions
lorry Bani-r . needtheUnited States help. United States aid to the contra re- ‘. .- men ‘ erma a 3 pm ‘
don book Wm. glide" “plot: Logan. who traveled to Nicaragua bets at ' the International Court (1 fi ww- ‘ ' “3‘1th 201 NW‘SIhS Health SelehCeS 183:2; firs: alrltlil‘lglllgewlfllflfgd
what would. NW NW if "pm“ last November. spoke about her ex- Justice in April 1934. Logan equated V Bulld‘hg- . . SI . . (. 1 ‘3‘ n
. riences esterda at a forum the US. reaction to the A tollah as 'NrcoofR 5‘0 W'atfi 'h Cal» m “on” magazim 3r ‘ ga ‘
I“ WW. For I renew so: pe y y ya - ~ - ~ . noted astronomer contnbuted to the
mum ' mow "coasters":- mmeigg ego" manor macaw whim .
n, w ac w t r tage cr . “ meini W V! _ _ _ . _
story was “one-sided,“ described nothing to do with the world court Stem X1. 8 national ““3“th re- - . .
the plight of the Nicaraguan people and neither would the us," Logan ”arch We?! . ,Eéffozn‘ms fifla‘tfiaf’amléfi
for the put so years, and their said. “"90 h.” been mud 35 an a J .
rehtimhipwiththeUnited States. authority in several fields related to warfare would baSIcally shield [LE
“The We in Nicaragua want to i." . ourf of . that the atmospheric sciences In addi- staid?!“ gleteaggds 5‘13?“ T 9
m... mow." the .0... u» i... dim some“... mm won t... i. mommy m... insets; emissa-
.. rs a r saw on '
Minna-timed watch in effect fem“u$l’°"{v.‘°‘ln‘2°°fi'i Um gun to the .point of breaking trea- um was go.» 1min: pace, Ce... 235:,an Emmy mmmfl‘m‘ raising winterlike conditions iie
h m .4 Warn I“... States but we want to our ties."shesaid. tn] America mint be rig—minimized he also has received awart‘b for ex- said nuclear warfare would lead to
mu- m-u with . tic-ability m gm“, cm“, mfi'mwom , , andbenonalisned."shesaid. cellence in technical refereeing and “More“ havoc which could
d H'Wl Ida. The in: of cials and determine our own fu— It '3 this t9" th‘t W“ “ht L08!" “80 explained the reforms scientific achievements. Moat re plunge the earth baCk ”‘m dark 33"
*7 III be natty cloudy with a ture . .. coiled Nicargm to turn to the SOVI- that the Sandinistas are making in cently he received up 1” w Szi- conditions.
Q I” dance a Mo... ' et Union for financial help. When the Nicaragua, adding that the current hard Award fu- physic, in the Pub.
at! In u- no. with "lid. “to my Wm mt United State vetoe- an internation- recime under President Daniel Orte~ lic interest given by the Ama'ican “The lecture will be fairly basic so
we're m in NW is w, al loan, the Nicaraguan: have no gt has helped to wage a plura- phygia] Society students as well as scientists can un-
“anneal and mine. We m it wheredaetotu'n should. haticf of t -- t - ' -- -
‘ . cm W. itiiinii a lot of people are inter. oer-unanim. Maruyama said.
t t ' ~i

 :— KEM'ucarv runner. Aria-v. we. 1“
Spam Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
; mmaaotewswr
. mudnm Continued from page one —————_—’———
'V tucky Network will expire at the end of the two schools conflict, U of L
- v . of tilts-86 basketball season. gems will be carried all or in part
. Volleyball team northbound this weekend it the first oi this year. in the on WAMZ-FM. u of L is given the
. ' ‘ process of negotiating next year‘s right to have the games rebroadcast
' y The UK volleyball team will make its first road trip this contract. LtIIhItIe Kentuckky NettvIlIIork antd onadelayed basxs on WHAS.
. . - . . v - ‘_ WHAS co not wor any ng ou . .
_ . . . weekend as ll trayels to Notre Dame and Western Michi so in late March. WAVG, a 5000- According to Hammond, the con-
‘ ' gafi.‘ watt AM station in Louisville. was tract entitles U of Lto receive $255.-
' ‘y The Lady K3“ “'l” meet the Fighting ”is“ in N0"? awarded the contract to broadcast 500 in royalties. promotional consid- O
_ , . Dame. lnd.. tonight and the Bronc0s in Kalamazoo, all UK games. erationsI Md advertising time during ' f, '
. . . Mich. tomorrow night Both matches will begin at WHAS also Wl“ broadcast all UK the lmllal year 0t the contract. and ’
. . . . 110 m games this year, but it had to pay the umverSity wtll receive $275,500 ail .
'. , " p. ' , . WAVG for the broadcasting rights, in each of the t‘ollowmg five years. o,
. The Lady hats. l-l. Opened their season last weekend UK does not have the power to ap- Inflation provision built into the .SQ
" . j I. i- “llh a runner-up finish in the Kentucky Kick-Off Classic. prove stations on the Kentucky Net- agreement are estimated to bring ‘6 at
. . ’_ ' 5 After beating Morehead University on Sunday afternoon. work; _ WOVEN” amountIottheagreement DOMINO’S ‘3 '
.‘ . . L‘K “as edged by Eastern Kentucky University in the 0" those occasrorts that the games tomore than $1.9million. F. a;
‘ ‘ ‘ f . ‘ championship match. BIEszlcERSO @II) ’15,,
Q, - .- .’ ' f Cincinnati to name street after Rose Bes-Type 257-6525 FREE " M
" ‘ It . : ClNClNNATl —— The Cincinnati City Council voted yes-
. , . - . _ . . . . , Hours:
. . . . . I . terday to rename a street in honor ot Cincmnati Reds play— 4;; Sun-Thurs. HAM—1AM
'. I E er«manager Pete Rose when he breaks baseball‘s all-time BABYS], ’ERS 133‘ ,‘ Fri. &Sat. HAM—2AM
‘ .. . , hll it‘COTd. ; F ’ r---——------—----------1
_ . ‘ - The council decided to name Second Street, which runs Dependable ones are hard to find. That’s '1 l |
» .1 4. « 1 past Riyert‘ront Stadium. as Pete Rose Way the day Rose why Lexington's parents depend on The x ' I
.' . .. 1. tops Ty Cobb's all-time hit mark of 4.191. Rose is five hits Little People Keeper for safe, fun-tilled 35 : n g
‘ .' - a“) ”0m “Hing a "mid care for their little eo le. ( l I
. . . . P p
- . Seyeral council members originally objected to the pro- I | |
’ . ‘ " i. posal. arguing that public places shouldn't be named after N0 Enrollment NOAPPOI'DUDOM 5W“ Licensed l .4 ' ($32 00 0" any ‘6” W“ I
~ . 'I liying people and that the name change will cost businesses T . Vi ,' : r' 7n m Efsrceif’gié’se' plzza :
--, . - . along the street for new stationery. he Little k | IL. i b |
, 7 I . L‘ntil this year. the city had a rule that a person had to P l I~ ’ I ::_-I E: :58“- F'Iee Delivery: I
. ~ g be dead for a year before a public place could be named cop e Keeper \ : .. g; biggie: any exmg on:
_ Q . » tot them. The rule was intended to amid naming places ‘33 | O I
. . ._ after someone it ho later falls into disrepute. Hours: M-‘rh Inm-Mkhigu Drop In cggfi': W I I
- The city also 15 planning a major public celebration the 37:?"th 3368 III ID I . ms L---—------------------J
. ' : day after Rose gets hit No. 4.192. The Reds return to Cin- Emuov 1 1- Ourdernc-nylourhan moo timm delivery area OIMSDomino'IPisznc
. . .' ' cinnati Monday to start a ill-game homestand. ' '
_ 1- wwwc cinema H dd
" , ' . _ Kerne not mam- zuoooo FfI.
, . . . , o a o
. . . , . “nomad“ Elizabem Caras .. “gm National Distillers
‘ . I ' Managing Editor 5°¢h° DeVFOOme" .. , 5“”? Fa" VaIue Days
; Nam Editor :IrIon Stzworl 7-: 372 Woodland Ave.
‘ -, '~ $223.12" witziizicm" . ix, 25mm
_ x .
' . ‘ ' . ”KI-I Prolocts Editor Scott Ward . \ acorn; I .
. . Photo Editor Brock Smither LIPS, . ".55” fl 6"“ , I Old Crow
' .7. S .3
‘. ' ' ' Adviur Paula Anderson ‘ ' Gin Rum yVodka ‘5 Windsor Canadian
. " Advortlaing Monogor Linda Collins "£01m“ healer { .. Y'o CI‘I I .. ’ ‘ Dokuypor Schnapps
, produ‘Tlon Mon...’ Rhonda O'Nan )I‘ luv MAIN . w in now Adm' ‘2'” I; or o ‘. .-' .I" ’7 ‘ Your choi‘e
Promioro .- - m 4 99 i“ , ,
. I 1:3.- w
The Kontudty Kornol is published on class days during the academic year Films ‘2'15 : V‘s"- o 75.0 ml i -... fig 4.99
and weekly during the summer sesmon. Now! Loxlng'on Promloro \__,IY - 1 .j . .. _ ._ 150"”
I - Third-class postage paid at Lexington Ky. 40511 Mailed subscription rates ”PARIS TEXAS” (R)
» are $15per semester moor year tonigmo:oo.s.i.1:is.sun.1:00
. L The IKIornol 23579;;me at Scripps-Howord Web (0.. 4l3 Louisville Air Park Friday Midnight! Sammy's
' ' °”'"' ° KY ‘ ‘ "MONTY PYTHON HOLY amt" : lirmt
. . ' I 'I 7 Correspondence should be addressed to the Kontudry Kml, Room TiO Saturday MidnlgIIhtI SOIIIM m BUSCh & Natural
.. Jownalism Building University of Kentucky Loxtngton Ky. 40506< system in which educational and '
I ._ -‘ . 3 :‘ CilTL‘CTEldV'ZlnCCantRTCII'K‘ rulc.
- I" ‘ , not the exception The gold bar __ _ 3 F i
’ l ' '; f‘ 'I on the ntlht means you command respCCt HS 2m Army utticer It you re l ' L a
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j Pizza ‘
, ;, i .. . Hand Tossed R0 d i This semester at Ponderosa. when you
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. :. . , . ; . Deepmsh Sicilian ® salad bar. and a beverage—full cup refills
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I '. , Sticks ‘ k ‘ You want a ribeye and a gallon of iced tea?
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ital , (1/0 InSIghtful Eden describes world of intelligent rcpt l ., .
~ '3 ‘5 c v o , ' .
*5 A ByJAMESA.S'I‘0LL , ,. , - .-' ..-~ .'
l A SeniorStaffWriter I my . . . ,
m “It. —- 31 W. Short St. Tonight, Earl Zero (reggae), 9 pm. to l a.m. About 430 million years ago, the I I< If ,. ‘%I7 . opt-r: . , I ’3, ' ,r ‘4 ‘ .
”cover. Tomorrow, First Right (reggae), 9p.m. to I aim. sacovor. race of dinosaurs that had ruled the {9' _ , I‘ W; I E mu, I ‘I'i’If ' I' j 5
m A Cabot! 2909 Richmond Road. Tonight and tomormw, Quadra (Top 40 Earth without challenge for un~ l 1 A6 . " i , .. , . ",1. . r‘ I.- .
rock).9p.m. tola.m.$3covor. counted millions of years simply : ii: ‘ t ‘ _ . _ . x ' _ , . ,. "' ._ . ”LEI . ,_
M‘s 1505 Now Circle Road. Tonight and tomorrow, The Metropolitan vanished from existence. ‘ 5, I ‘ "I; ~ . a 5‘ "3;", ‘ .. _ ': lI _ I: I 1' .
IIuooAll-Stars(rhythrn‘hluos),9p.m. tol o.m.$3covor. The drastic, geologically sudden I "Ky-‘1 [4V ‘ -- ’ ' '_ ‘ ”v ‘ -j w, . . .T ;_ 7"} ' ,
CI“ M_— 337 E. Main St. Tonight, Two Small Bodies (original rock), 9 extimtim of the great reptiles is ,‘I' ‘ .~ 4 ,« -/ ,./~. ‘ . i if“ ‘. . flit l,” 41' y!“
p.m. to i o.m. 32 cover. Tomorrow, Radio Cate (modern talk), 9 pm. to 1 little more than a pre-historical foot- . «‘2 T‘stfi‘E-“I'” l I“ . f. ‘ " l, .I '-‘. '-II.- 5
“-mruc‘WW- note to us now. with nothing left to \/'“I,« ,. ’I "I" ~ . , I' it! rI ~‘ ‘I l
0'... MN" m — 604 S. Broadway St. Tonight and tomorrow, Charlie‘s remind US of their once.unques. " 7 L"- f w “ ‘ . , '--l I‘ 317' j. . ",I; II
“WUW‘O'xl‘l-9P-m- ”lam-33‘3“"- tioned global authority except a col~ I. , .- . - » ' [if '-", l :I .
m m In — 102 W. High St. Tonight and tomorrow. The Dropouts |ectionofbonm and assumptions. 5 g f f w “A" ~ I. , . I. .r *ij‘lII'Ifi ”VII-1 ~~ -
(Iw‘dl'm'l'9P-m~'°‘“rm-”WV“ But what if the dinosaurs -- 0r 3 ; . f -_\/ 1 . . - .1 'i‘I'IIIyI'. If;
Library —— an Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow night, Nervous Melvin more pointedly, the reptilfi m had f g x ’ . .. ' II"_’i',’{.. : f-
and tho Mistdios (rock 'n’ roll), 9 pm. to i am. Free Godiathor's pizza until 9 not been brought law? What would :1 ' ‘I a; , ' \I\ I... , , I fr: "it 3, ItI‘.
tonight. assocovor. the Earth be like today if intelli» » ‘4 , ,t- ’ ‘- . , -' t ., . j fi-a’V’r .-"r 1" .‘i'
MI-VIP Club - 5539 Athens-Boonosboro Rood. Tonight and tomorrow, Par- gence had developed not only in hu~ E ’11" ”.tl‘ ' . . ,. ‘I.I . .' - It: I.:II.'I." .
ado: (TopAOrocll).9p.m. tala.m. Tonight,$3cover;$4cover tomorrow. mans. but also in some variety of E - 5/ ’fl‘ . I-(_ " ll . 'I .. . I{I III: HI“) j
reptile? This is the question posed ; ‘ 4}!“ .II". ~ . ,.-' " I
by noted science fiction author ‘ r} X // ' II 5‘} 5‘ .1
' Harry Harrison in his latest work. 7 5.53;; 5 '. ,li,‘ f3:
. , West ofEden. . ' N / ~ 1. . . I j. I :I, _II'I,.'t.’
0. Eden is fascinating science fiction -, we“ / 53"" 4.-.. “VEEEEE‘EEEZE‘E. ‘ . ‘, ', ’ .‘ 'III r‘ :I i-
as well as an imightl‘ul study of race \ 4‘, I ., " ”w // ' _; , ; " .. I" ” I} 3:3; I‘.I-
.. relations. Harrison‘s 474-page novel ';’ -‘~‘ '3 ~ ( I . . .51.: I- I . I rI i":
touches all the bases of human c0n~ A . ' . _# ‘ . ._ * div...“ ‘ ' ' ‘rI . n ' ‘7‘ ’r’.
(.4 O flict, tracing the experiences of a m“ “m” """ I _I . :‘I . -'-',I -. ’ f. i 'Ixi
human named Kerrick Who 5 cap — plastic heroes, blasting rot rm ' ;"I ' 1 .I'Sf i" .1
tured and raised by reptiles in Ker- WhOlesalt‘ gunl'lk’hb I ' 1 I " ' ‘I '.
led: to The luturo - Michel J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd and a silver DoLo- rick‘s struggles to escape, and even- Where Duothomzri a.“ .t,;.r :1
roan keep this summer smash cruising steadily along. Watch for Huey Lewis's tually in his desire to understand REVIEW hOld the reader 5 ”NEW-‘3 F , ' ,i . - 'I; I -I = I I I. I:
cameo as a rock music-hating teacher. Rated PG. (Southpark: 2:30. 4:50. 7:30. and communicate with the reptiles. “WW“ “7W9 1“" W ' > ' . i I I. 5.x
9:50, Friday and Saturday at ”:55. Also Northpork: 230 4.50. 7 30, 9:50, Fri- we witness an essentially primal cry Rd! drill‘t‘dv NV" ifl>l>11"" .. '-. . I: _ '
dayandSaturdayalllz55.) forunderstandingand acceptance Harrison's reptile mrim'. : " I
Iovorty Hills Cop .- Eddie Murphy returns to action as Axel Foley that hip The plot of the novel is as Simple -————- lers us a different New in v .: .-: ~, .. . _ ’ I , .‘ \Ir f3.
cost from Detroit with a score to settle. Also stars Judge Reinhold ("Fast Times as that. How would the two races that characterize much of Harri $00le In his rel'ashionw: llfii o , , :I I '7', I' “ I I
At RidgomontHigh").RatodR. (FayettoMall: l230, 5:45, 10.) discover each other” How would son's other material The thundering man ‘0 "0‘ “CCE’SSaTllE WWW” ' ;' . I .' f- ‘I‘y- '
MIWM~ Action! Gore! Sex! Nonacting! Bod direction' All this, and they communicate? interact" In the guns of the Dcathworid trilogy and Other “l“ “mm M Vt“ "ll-WW“ 1-” II“ 5 I
much more, promises to knock the viewer six loot under Rated R. (North- book, mammals and reptiles have the James Bond antics of the live reptiles and their CUEYUR‘ ‘N' . , . I I I’- .,
parkz2, 3:45, 5:30, 7:50, 9:55, Friday andSaturdoyatll:50.) been blood enemies since the first volume Stainless Steel Rut \t’l‘K’s forced to realize that .l ,. itx ~- ‘. i '.
Cocoon — Aliens otter eternal youth to the people at a small Florida rotiro- dinsosaur consumed a human, and gire nowhere to be found, yet the that humam *‘Wlw'l ”‘1"! ”It T‘v’ .‘ 2 , «
mont community. Stars Stove Guttenbarg ("Police Academy) and Brian Don- the desperate attempts for commu~ edger)!” tcns‘ion remains, mint race on the Plan” With :7 V I‘ ' - ‘ it ,. I .‘I
nehy ("First Blood," "Silvorodo"). Rated PG-lS. (Sauthpork' 2, 4 30. 7:35, 9:45, nication and friendship between the other species had I'.lt‘\t‘llllt(‘l2 . . I. ‘
FridayandSaturdayatiizss.) alien societies meet With complex The Violence and trickery in MM gently the battle for woman - ' ' * i, - , - -
Wain. Positions — This comedy concerns a mad scientist who does and exciting obstacles —and wars 15 much more SOPhISllt‘alt‘d. along Earth might well lla‘tH' stupor .: - I " -. I "I iI . ’ I 1‘
unusual experimentsonhigh school females. Starring Susan Sarondon("Rocky In short, the work is excellent the lines of Harrison's Shim}? In Justasllarrisondt-slgnt-ti.' ’~ " a, " '- ' I
Horror"). this is one crazy flick. Rated R. (Sauthpark 2 lo 4.40 7:50, 9:40, reading for any Harrison fan Wm: both these WOFKS. the Hum” “98““ I. ‘ ' .4 ' .,
Friday and Saturday atii:30.) of Eden does not rely merely upon a delicate pattern of characters and Perhaps not lint lint' ti trio » . , . . -‘ , ,
Deon-bod —- Say your prayers botore going to see this one. Totally ignored the mechanized violence and action eliHrOnmf’nlS that (“35 “01 rely 0“ ‘3'“ ""“rt‘ 1h" "‘“n"""" "‘ ”W ‘3 ‘ ' ‘ I - ' . I :
at tho Cannes Film Festival. Rated R. (Northpark 2, 3.50 5.40, e, lo, Friday ‘I . - _I "
and saturaay at midnight.) D ‘ .- _ ‘ \ / .' : - . ‘.
[mu Vocation — Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo. and the rest at tho ancers may TV week OfterS I]? S . s. i 5’- ’: i . ,t ,
Griswold family are back. this time causing more damage in Europe than the I . . .
Normandy invasion. Rated PG-l3. (Southpork: 2:20. 420, 7.40. 935, Friday b k d : 7 " .1
andSoturdayatllzdo.) rea recor Of dUdS some (itiggi; 5 { I . III.
mm — Illl Murray. Dan Aykroyd, and Harold Ram-s return as those . -‘ ’ ' ' ' ‘-"'~ '. , - . ,I .' .'I
lovable spook-Chasers. Also stars Sigournay Weaver ("Allen“) and Rick Mora- In tap-a-thon ‘I . . . _ . » I .
nis (“Strange Brow"). Rated PG (Northpark. 2.20, 4 40, 7-40, 9 40, Friday and ‘33 I i .. *f,‘ “*5“th ““1”“ ' ‘ . ' , l '
Saturdayatli:40.) BV STEVE [)RIFSLER ‘t g I‘ES'}: : ‘ N‘s; StafHKriter ' . .. : - _ '. . .
Oreo-It — ilie'em ornot, imo nd the r tot lh littl r -' ‘ i .1 \\‘.‘~\ t ‘\. ' ‘ ' ’ ’ I,
in an “Tort t: boost their profit ImarSin. Fire :5: the micrOWZy/(egkilzioedblggl Contributing Writer I\ ‘& I} XL. \\\\ “MIG 30“ ever “"ll‘wI‘ ”MI ‘* "II I ' g I If . ,
(Northpark: 2:25, 4:50,7:55, 9:55, Friday andsalurdayalii:55.) , . . . , 9 7 movies. no matter hint ...~z I.I . . . . . . . '. II
Poo war. “I Adventure _, Mb 8 Chang’s crime 090"“, the mm“ Al] aspiring Fred Astaires and are will often be >htl“ll on .i. ‘ ._ 'v . ,V .1 , It. _~. .
industry stars in his own movie, an idiotic mess obOut a nerd and his bicycle. temporary fame seekers take note 0‘ the mayor “3‘th mIm‘I I 'I'“I‘ I I I I :I. I ‘I I .
For Poo Wootans only. Rated PG tor Pretty sooty. (Lexington Mall; 1:30. 3:30. SWCOPaled- lnc~ a Lamglon' i” th‘Samt'UW“ ~ ' . '1 - . ‘ -
5:31 7:1).9:1).Frldayand$oturdayatll:30I.) based dance and music troupe. is * Such is the case this .uttx , : , .I i .I . . I,'-/,'.
WM". flood M II _ ,n a w°m_up to, mod” Iv." Sly smnone ,._ sponsoring a tap-a-thon tomorrow in though the two moms lR'l'ik . -. .. w I II I
turns to Lexington, ready to wipe up the world tor the good ol U.S.A. Rated Woodland Park. Dancers W1“ “II Shm‘n are not NIH“) mf", M'II ' I ' . l, " IA;
R. (Chevy Chose:6:30,8:15, on) tempt to