xt718911rg40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911rg40/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-09-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1977 1977 1977-09-01 2020 true xt718911rg40 section xt718911rg40  

Volume I XIX. Numberll
Thursday, Septemberl, 1977


Donations will pay
or athletic dorm

Copy Editor

A new dormitory is being built
exclusively for UK’s basketball
team from money donated by a
corporation known as the Wildcat
Foundation, a non-profit corporation
instituted by basketball coach Joe

The $500,000 structure will be
located on Lexington Avenue, across
from Memorial Coliseum. Tentative
completion date is January, 1978.
according to Athletic Director Cliff

Hall organized the foundation last
fall. Foundation members solicited
tax-deductible donations from Wild-
cat supporters throughout the state.
Hall said he is now adviser to the

Jack Blanton, business affairs
vice president and treasurer of the
University‘s Athletic Association,
said there had been no plans for a
new dorm prior to the foundation‘s

offer. “It was not on anybody‘s
priority list," he said.

Blanton said there was some dis-
cussion among association members
as to whether or not to accept the
money, but the consensus was to
accept the foundation‘s donation.

“When the dorm is completed, it
will be donated to the Athletic
Association,“ Hagan said.

Andrew Palmer. a state attorney
who works closely with Gov. Julian
Carroll, is president of the corpora—
tion. He said there were 30 major
donations. He added that many
persons donated smaller cash am-
ounts, as well as time. material and
labor. Several of the copious donors
are coal mine owners from eastern

Both Hall and Palmer refused to
release the names of the donors.
Hall said many of them asked to
remain anonymous for the time

”Some donors don‘t want to be
known As soon as they are, other

charities will be calling them for
donations," he said.

Palmer said a plaque will be
erected in the foyer area of the dorm
with the names of everyone who
donated in any way. He added that
plaques with the names of major
donors will be placed on the bed-
room doors.

llagan said the donation was too
good to refuse. “l was between a
rock and a hard place. Coach Hall
said he needed a dorm and the
money was available," he said.

“The outstanding advantage of the
dorm will be privacy for the
basketball players,” Hagan said. He
added that it will be conveniently
located near Memorial Coliseum,
where the team practices.

Hall said the dorm will offer the
coaches a better way of planning the
players’ daily routine. He said the
basketball players have a more rigid
schedule than the average student,
especially during basketball season.

Continued on page i

Private student records
are well—kept secrets

Associate Editor

Although UK‘s recordkeeping is
not as extensive as the FBI’s or
CIA‘s, it does keep a file on every

From the day of first correspon-
dence with the admissions office.
through tenure as a UK student,
various types of information about a
student are gathered and kept in a
redord file.

Accumulated material includes
transcripts, grade changes, class
schedules, ACT scores and honors

But this privileged information is
not at just anyone‘s fingertips.
There are specific, enforced rules
that protect a student’s privacy.

Responsibility for all academic
records rests with Jerry Legere.
associate registrar for student re-
cords. The only exceptions are the
Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry,
which maintain their own files.

There are no secrets kept from

students. Legere said. Under the
Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act of 197-4 ialso called the
Buckley Amendment), students can
reserve the right to review their

All it takes is proof of identifica-
tion. However. students financially
delinquent to the University must
waive this right until they return to
good standing.

ACT scores, application for under-
graduate admission and academic
suspension, probation and reinstate-
ment actions are considered confi-
dential, Legere said. ()nly author-
ized University personnel or indiV<
iduals involved with student pro-
grams have access to this informa-

Only the student, his or her dean
and adviser and the dean of students
are sent grade reports. No one,
including parents, guardians or any—
one else supporting the student, can
receive a copy without the student's

However. if an office, such as
financial aid or the honors program.
shows what Legere thinks is a
legitimate educational reason to see
a student file, permission will be
gamed, he said.

Law enforcement agencies and
courts can also gain access to
student records at any time. But if
any government investigative agen-
cy wants to review a file. it must
obtain either the student's written
consent or a subpoena.

If a subpoena is issued, the student
is notified and the subpoena is
referred to UK legal counsel John

Non-confidential information will
be released to anyone upon written
or telephoned request. Legere said.
This includes a student's name, date
and place of birth. dates of Univer-
sity attendance. college enrolled in.
classification. major and degreets)

Rest assured that local addresses

Continued on pa go i



an independent student newspaper





University o_l"Kentuchy
Levington. Kentucky



Heat wave

:\ casually attired Linda Ronstadt torcsook the formal gar h she wore at her

lA-yiiigtoii appearance two years ago arid opted fora cooler st_\ to last night,
“to rock superstar's performance at Rupp .\reria last night ‘.\ as the first

concert of the school year.

Hassle? Call troubleshooter

it you've ever been hassled or
confused by governitient.
businesses or the lfnivci‘sitjx. lllt'
TRttl’Hl.l’.‘~‘lllittl‘l-Iit may be
able to help Appearing on page
20f the Kernel. the column aims
to help readers in dealing,r with
the problems of a bureaucratic

Problems should be addressed

i'l'Rttl'ltLl‘ISlltttt’l‘ith. int.
”4. Journalism Building, or can






A FEDERAL GRAND .IL'RY has returned a secret
indictment against Tongsun Park, a central figure in the
investigation of alleged South Korean influence-buying in
congress, The Washington Post reported in today‘s

Park, a Korea-born. Washington~based businessman,

Till-I l'NI'H‘Il) STATES .\.\I) ’l'llln

so\ ll~.l‘ l'niou

announced yesterday a two-week delay in lllt‘ lt‘\llllll)lltilt

of top-level arms limitation talks to providn


time to lay the groundwork fora new SALT \lfllt‘f'illt‘lll
Secretary of State Cyrus R. \‘auce had been scheduled

to meet with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Uroiuyko on

the subject Sept. 7 through 9 in Vienna The lll~'t‘llllL‘ is

bcctilled mat 177 :Etott bet tat cu
in a m p in Monthly.
through Friday.

and 1

Name, address and telephone
number must accompany sub
mitted problems l’iiblislied ma—
terial will be signed only with
the \‘xt‘itei‘s initials. and the
Kernel will determine which
problents \\lll be investigated


H u nter

Kernel Staff Writer

Virtually every summer,
prior to resumption of classes.
students are mailed information
about the Student Health Service
and Student ltlue (‘ross insurance
that the University provides Many
students sign up to insure against
sudden illness or citiergcncy.

But few bother to check into other
options available in Lexington that
are not connected with the l'nivcr-

l‘tie option is the Hunter Foundar
hon for Health Care. located on
North lTppt-r Street. The Founda-
tion. which is one of only two non»
profit Health Maintenance ()rgani-
rations in the state «the other is in
loiiisvillc t. was founded in 1972 and
has an enrollment of 6.300.

.-\ccording to Keith Strassner,
Hunter Foundation executive direc
tor. a health organization is “a
direct provider of care. With an
insurance policy like Blue Cross,
they pay the cost of care, but you
must go and seek (caret yourself.
We not only pay for it. we provide it

Enrollment in the Hunter program
lby payment of an enrollment pre-
iniumt assures enrollees of com-
plete lab work. x~rays, pharmaceu-
ticals, prepaid preventive dentis-
try. hospitalization coverage and
specialist referrals.

in order to provide care to low
income families and individuals,
payment of premiums is arranged
on a sliding scale. Full premiums,
for those whose income isn’t low
enough to qualify them for discount,
are $32 for a single enrollment and
$08 for a family enrollment.

“The emphasis in on prevention
and health maintenance." Strassner

“The purpose of our program is to
takeaway the financial barrier that
keeps you from coming in and
finding out that you're healthy, or
catching your small problems be-
fore they become big problems."

There are no premium discounts
for students, other than the income-
related ones, but the University does
have a group plan for its faculty and


Continued on page 4

Laminated cards
out meal books

It} \l.'\li\‘ .\\'\ lil't‘ll.\ii'l‘
Kernel Reporter
Those bulky meal ticket books that
seemed to get lost all the time no

machines keep tabs on the number
of students going through the lines
and produce printouts which are
used by the cafeterias for reim-

now scheduled for Sept. 22 and 23. \\llt‘ll (troiiiylu. will

bursement for meals served. Before
come to Washington,

this year. employes had to tear out
the meal tickets and count them.
which was not always accurate.

t'ards that are lost or stolen are
invalidated by their number to
protect the student. making the
return rate higher. Any cards still
missing after three days are re-
placed for $5. This charge covers the
cost of manufacturing, which is
cheaper than replacing the old meal

The only disadvantage is that the
cards are sent to Rochester, N.Y.,

longer exist Students this you have
laminated cards complete w ith mag»
nefic strip on the back. The new
method eliminates the need to carry
asludent i It plusa mealbook tollic

The card has a photograph and
identification number and cm be
carried in a wallet or a pocket

New cafeteria cards and new
student I l) ‘s have caused twice as
much confusion both coming out at
the same time. said Allen Rieman,
director of food services "But it is
the first step toward a campus wide

fled to England after the investigation began last fall and
was last reported to be in South Korea. which has no
extradition treaty with the United States.

The Post said the sealed indictment on an unknown
charge was filed last Friday in the US. District Court in
Washington, but it quoted a source familiar with the
evidence as saying the indictment was likely to involve a
bribery statute.

Since the charges would not be made public until the
indictment was unsealed. Park‘s agreement to come back
to the United States and cooperate could result in the
indictment being dropped, the source was quoted as


US. DISTRICT .Il'llfil'l ll. l).\\ ll) flt-t‘m;.:
issued a temporary restraining order m t‘ottleslvui-it
yesterday forbidding the US. Mining linfot'cena-ni and
Safety Administration (MESA) frotii releasing il»
findings on the l976 Scotia mine disaster until llt‘ can:
examine the report.

Former Gov. Bert Combs. representing the little
Diamond Coal Co. of Knoxville. Tenn. told the judge the
MESA report could prejudice an impending trial III which
the widows of 15 Scotia miners are seeking $60 million in
damages from Blue Diamond.




Druge Enforcement Administration officials contend
Rothbaum tried to mail 27 grams of coke to Jennings from
New York to Nashville on Aug. 22, but the package was
intercepted by authorities.

The two were allowed to remain free under $7.500
bmd pending grand jury action.

TODAY AND TOMORROW will be sunny.

but and

humid with a high in the low 00s, Tonight will be partly
cloudy and warm. The low tonight will be in the low Tits

Compiled from Associated I'rcss dispatches



system this year. but by next \car ll
will be cheaper. The increased cost

this year comes from the installation
and high rental rates on the equip
ment used The rental rate will drop
next year. he said.

"These cards simplify a lot of
things for us."

said ttienian 'l‘he

h'sbusiness manager, Mark Rothbaum. were bound over if) he said for validation. which takes two
yesterday toa federal grand jury in Nashville on cocaine According to ltieinan. it is' costing weeks. A temporary ID. is issued
charges. weather the l'niversily more to change the dliringthcdclay.

“The new system is especially
beneficial for the students because
this card is permanent," Rieman
said. “Payment can be made
through the mail and the card is
validated in the computer. thus
eliminating a lot of wasted time in






editorials «Si comments

I ditM-tn-thlfl Mus I'Zdthr ”lief Photographer
Su-vc ll-IlHIIttl'l’ \umuuc Durham “i" “It,"
“winging I- dttor \xsurhtr lidlor Sports I-Iilltor

lurk Gabriel “4.1.. mum." "JV“ llihblth
I‘Ahhfl‘il' Fill-tr s..." hm; \rls Editor

JW‘ K"'“t' mill mi in.“ w- 'I'IIIIit‘I.irk

t‘opy hitters

Judith li‘go-rtun
l )Illll' Funk
li'lsy I'mn‘e

\ih «thing \innnger
'l‘uiiy lituly





Dorm draws technical

'Ihere‘s one redeeming quality about the new
basketball dormitory. The University isn’t
paying for it.

In fact, UK officials had no plans to construct
any athletic housing facility. If the school had
once entertained such a plan. then it quickly
abandoned it for two reasons.

First, the University would have had to
construct dorms for the women's teams, too,
because of Title IX guidelines drawn up by the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare

Second, UK administrators said the costs of
such projects would be prohibitive.

Head football coach Fran Curci agreed, saying
a dorm for his team would be expensive—pro-
bably several million dollars.

The University of Mississippi recently spent $5
million for an all-male sports dorm which
effectively segregates the athletes from the rest
of the student body. A veritable palace for the
jocks, it was paid for by university funds.

That‘s the case at the other Southeastern
Conference schools as well, except for Vander-

bilt University, which apparently does not put its
athletes on a pedestal.

This University shared Vanderbilt’s policy
until last fall when basketball coach Joe Hall
decided his squad needed a home.

Last October Hall organized the Wildcat
Foundation, a non-profit corporation which
solicited tax deductible contributions from
supporters of the Big Blue.

Eight months later, the foundation offered
Cliff Hagan, men‘s athletic director, $500,000 to
erect the facility. A sane man, he accepted.

Some of the contributors didn’t want their
names released because they feared other
charities would ask for money, too.

Evidently some people consider Kentucky
basketball more important.

And that’s why the basketball cam is getting
preferential treatment in this case, albeit from
outside sources.

It’s ironic that no monies have been solicited
for the 500-plus students who are on the waiting
list for residence housing. It‘s also discouraging
that athletic Cloisters are needed to compete for
national championships.


Letters to the editor

6URE (6 Nice
'r'si-zfi OUR TRUE






wiltiam (Egg;






Ken Kagan‘s interview with the
Episcopal bishop of Lexington (Ker-
nel, July 7) is the most balanced I
have yet read in any Kentucky
newspaper. Mr. Kagan seemed
more interested in accurate report-
ing that he did in inflaming issues.

But I do wish to take exception
(one lighthearted. one serious) to
two words the author used. He called
Bishop Hosea “folksy." I have
known and loved the man for more
than 20 years and "folksy" he’s not.

Human, yes; gifted with humor,
yes; compassionate, yes. But “folk-
sy'"? Ugh!

The more serious comment is on
the sentence in which Mr. Kagan
says. "the only way the bishop can
impose his will is to refuse to ordain
women within his own diocese."

THAT is inflammatory; for to
speak of a bishop “imposing his
will“ reminds one. as Oscar Wilde
said in another connection, “of the
worse excesses of the French Revol-
ution.“ Seriously, there is a far
better word than “will” and that is
“obedience." Obedience to Almight
God is enjoined upon Jew and
Christian alike in the Holy Scrip

Within the Episcopal Church,
obedience to the doctrine, discipline
and worship of the church is asked of
every person ordained and this they
vow publicly. Bishop Hosea—in his
obedience to his understanding of
Scripture and the history of the
Church—is being obedient; and in
that obedience he will not ordain

I, on the other hand, believe
myself to be equally obedient to the
living Word who is Christ himself
when I find no theological reason
why a woman may not be a priest.
But I am also obedient to my Church
in remaining with that portion which
chose to permit the ordination of
women and equally obedient to my
Bishop who has asked his clergy not
to invite a woman priest to perform
any sacramental function in that
parish or mission over which he has

I was taught in seminar by Bishop
Hosea; we were fellow faculty
members in that seminary also. Yet
our understanding of scripture, trad-
ition, culture and the Church have
led us to different positions.

It is from that position that I must
express my regret over that sen-
tence about the bishop imposing his
will on the diocese, when in fact he is
reflecting the will and understand-
ing of the majority of Episcopalians
in this diocese (which not infre-
quently makes me feel quite lonely).

Woe betide bishop or diocese when
the governance is of the mortal will
of one man. But God blesses those
Christians who live under the pastor-
al and ecclesiastical guidance of a
man who lets obedience to God
control his conscience and will not
compromise that conscience merely
“to keep up with modern thought
and cultural evolution (and ap-
pease) modern philosophers." to
quote Mr. Kagan.

Indeed, if the whole issue (I‘m sick
of issues) would move from THAT

level to the level of obedient listen-
ing to Christ Himself (of whom the
New Testament is merely the record
and shadow), we might be enabled
to hear what his Holy Spirit is
clearly trying to say to us in these
turbulent declining years of the 20th

The Rev. William K. Hubbell
St. Augustine's Chapel

Funky music

The Churches One Foundation
blares from loudspeakers at the top
of Memorial Hall every day on my
way to lunch.

Does someone think that images of
tranquility and a peaceful campus
life will be stirred by this electronic
tape? Actually, it makes me think of
the bank downtown that plays the
same tape. It also makes me wonder
what the administration is thinking
of by blasting Protestant hymns all
over campus, rather than say,
Fleetwood Mac‘s latest hits.

Oh well, I guess a Muzak society
might as well hear a few hymns for
several minutes each hour along
with all the rest of it.

Jim Shaeffer

University staff

Book exchange

On behalf of UK Student Govern—
ment, I would like to express

appreciation to the many students
who have shown an interest in the
continuation of the used book ex-

At this time we cannot offer a fall
semester book exchange. However,
there will be one in December. Plans

for an improved version of this
experimental service began immed-
iately at the close of the first book
exchange in January.

Savings to students in selling and
buying used books will again be
considerable. We look forward to

your continued interest in this
program. Your support will insure
the success of the used book ex-

Mark A. Benson
Student Senator

Lackey turns to political aide


Approaching a new job or assign-
ment usually causes a degree of
uncertainty in just about everyone. I
will be going to new surroundings
(Washington, DC.) and a different
job in September.

The transition from stock clerk
and professional bag boy (not to


mention championship mop
swinger) to a Congresswoman‘s aide
should be interesting.

The advance brochure one
receives begins: “Do not expect to
walk into the office and be instantly
involved in the most glamorous and
substantive of legislative matters.
This will not happen . . . make an
effort to work in a professional
manner and your internship will be
very rewarding.“

Right away I got the feeling that I
would be constantly filing and
checking on reservations, but my
feelings of anxiety were soon laid to
rest as I read further in the letter.



“Every intern will be given ample
opportunity to do more substantive
work than just typing and filing."
The letter goes on to promise that I
will be assigned to a specific area
which I will do researach on. So, at
least I will be doing more than just
pushing paper clips from one drawer
to another. My exact job still awaits
my arrival. I hope they read their
own letters.

Some people say, “Why in the
world do you want to go to
Washington and spend a whole
semester there?" My first response
would be to say, “Because it's
there." But that’s a little vague.

There are two reasons why I want
to go to Washington. One is a purely
selfish reason and, at risk of
offending some readers. I will put it
as gently as possible. There is
nothing to do in Lexington after
midnight. For some people. turning
in at the witching hour means they
have had a full day.

I desire to roam the streets of the
city past midnight as I am not ready
to retire at that early hour. In
Washington there are theatres to go

to and many different social
functions to attend.

The second reason I want to go to
Washington is that there are a lot of
people applying to law schools and
most of them have grades as good as
mine. I also needed to do something
different to make my law school
application stand out. This need,
combined with my fascination with
Washington and my deep interest in
politics, made me decide to try
something different from the usual
academic offerings.

Now it remains to be seen how a
country bumpkin can adjust to life in
the cosmopolitan city of Wash-
ington. You see, it‘s a well known
fact that all we people are bare~
footed and haven't yet discovered
the modern wonder known as shoes.

Few people realize that not all
Kentuckians live in towns with
populations of only 50. Maybe they‘ll
learn something from me and I
might even learn a few things from
the city slickers.

Kevin T. Ellis is an aide for
Congresswoman Elizabeth
Iloltzman (D-N.Y.).



Good ideas usually surface in
the weirdest places. “Dogs of
the Stars," for example, was
born at the Clubhouse.

It seems that Kernel staff
artist William Fugate has a
fetish for dogs (a fetish for beer.
too; otherwise this series
wouldn't be possible).

Love of dogs wasn‘t the major
factor that influenced the 23-

year—old Fugate to push “Dogs."
Love of MONEY was.

These drawings appeared in.
several issues of the summer
Kernel. They‘re worth running

And they'll be appearing daily
in the future. until the Kernel
budget runs out.

59”" pori'mi‘i’
by william Eadie

iD‘D‘G§'DIf1rIHIE J’WAIDJI fizz:



0 .










A W"




, 01(an


15¢“ a series .



million? 62,in




tsrlgbo [gr

Neither the Student Health Ser-
vice nor the Student Blue Cross plan
covers any pregnancy costs at all.
Where does a single student who is
pregnant go for help? —S.B.

The Planned Parenthood Center,
331 W. Second St., provides a broad
range of services for women. lnclud- ,
ed in their services are abortion
counseling and referrals, as well as
prenatal counseling and referrals to
homes for unwed mothers.

Jan Harmon, who runs the center,
told me there is a $4 fee for a
pregnancy tst and a counseling ses-

Planned Parenthood offers seven
birth control clinics, conducted Mon-
day, Tuesday and Thursday nights,
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons
and Friday mornings. The clinics
include all testing and prescriptions,
and fees are charged on a sliding

The organization also has a large,
multi-media library with informa-
tion on anything relating to birth,
birth control, population and so on.








Id I








or a




KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. September 1, l977~—3











4—KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. September I, I977

DZ’s ‘





About Our New Pledges


FAYEIIEMMAM Startsl-‘riday Tim;:|;’2;:o:os;¢o



Times: 2: 004'. 30
No Passes

Movie of The Year


Held over 2nd Big Week.

nanoosoulc. no
a ”M “u" 770- uu

Times: 1301 30

t” (.‘Ibfl

Sometimes when vou reach for a dream
uou have 10 leaxe something behind

‘.'I I;,I1t"l pd







Euclid At Woodland


Disco: 9:00P.M.-1:00 AM,
Food Served 11:00 A.M,-7:30 PM.




UK Kittens

Escort football recruits to home
football games

Register athletes for camps
and clinics

Hostess recruits on big
basketball weekends

Time Involved:

One to two hours before and
during games.

Freshmen women only




Commonwealth Stadium






Socially and athletically minded

September 6 and 7 — 6:30 pm.




adds discipline

Continued from page I

certain time, they have to
attend all their classes and
they have a study period
every night," he said.

Hall added that other stu-
dents might not be willing to
endure the discipline the bes-
ketball players must accept.

“There is a whole different
lifestyle (for the players) the
night before a game. Students
study all week and then on
Friday night, turn on their
stereo to relax. It would not
be feasible to ask students to
be quiet on a Friday night,”
Hall said.

“This is not unusual that
athletes be put in special
housing," Hagan said. Every
Southeastern Conference
school, except Vanderbilt,
has athletic dormitories.

Hall said he thinks the new
dorm will also help UK’s
recruiting efforts. “i thought
we needed to improve the sit-
uation we had. I felt out
program needed something

like this to attract the best
payers," hesaid.

Hall said he does not think
the move to the new dorm will
lessen the players’ contact

with other students.

However, Women‘s Athle-
tic Director Sue t-‘eamster
said she thinks dorms, I
general, are not good for the
athlete. “I feel athletes
should be kept in the main-
stream of campus life as
much as possible. They are
segregated enough as it is,"

The dorm will have 22,000
square feet of floor space.
There are 23 bedrooms with
each bedroom approximately
14 by 16 feet. Each bedroom
has a private bathroom and a
large closet. Every bedroom
will be fully carpeted.

There will be a large meet-
ing room in the basement
along with a sauna room.
There will be one large
kitchen and two smaller kit-
chens in the dorm. However,
the players will continue to
eat their meals at the Student

UK guards files

Continued from page I

and telephone numbers are
not given out, Legere said.

If there is a question about
accuracy of information con-
tained in the file, a student
may challenge the alleged
error, Legere said.

While transcripts, grade
changes and class schedules
are a matter of permanent

record, other information is
kept for a limited time, then
destroyed. Time limit de-
pends on the information.

“Sometimes we collect
more information than we
need,” Legere said. “To re-
dice storage space, every-
thing except transcripts is
placed on microfilm and the
paper copy is destroyed.”

Work on the $6 million Fine Arts building is
said to be 20 per cent complete. Opening


I i A an and
day is scheduled sometime during Novem-
ber, i918.

Arts replace football

Kernel Reporter

Culture is coming to UK.
Where ancient Stoll Field
once stood, the Fine Arts
Building is on its way.

Construction was delayed
because of the deep freeze of
last winter. Now 20 per cent of
the work is completed and the
building is scheduled to open
in November, 1978.

Jack Blanton, business af-
fairs vice president, has high
expectations for the building.
He calls it a “cultural center,
an opportunity that doesn’t

Divided into three sections,
the building will contain con-
cert and recital halls for the
performing arts, along with
an art gallery. Blanton said
that acoustics in the 1,500
seat concert hall will make it
one of the finest around.

What does this $6,170,000
project offer for those who
think the “Last Supper” is a
meal at the Commons? Pris-
cilla Colt, director of the UK
Art Museum, is convinced
that “We can interest those
people that are not so glued to




as o





in today‘s woman


We've Come TLona Way. Baby ./

The world Is a changing ”mt.-

There. are more options. more opportunities, and more dolls
You. the college used have a chance.
make a place in this would. with your enthusiasm energy-o


0nd creativity

We Need Y», M You Need U__s_./
Topihev. ihvouqh Girl Swain

{or HR experience. you 30""
Girl Scout Volunieci’.

YOu may earn an lege

especially the world of mm




Wha'i Ave You Woiiing For
C,mon.—Iit€¥e:5 A Lei—Io Be. Done ./

Madame» Rad Girl 5.»

i000 West "do Sheet

pg”... ocean-east







For your convenience, the Health Service will have
a table in the Student Center at the foot of the
ballroom stairs during the first week of school:
Monday through Friday, August 29-September 2.

You can pay your health fee and/or sign up for
the U.K. Student Blue Cross/Blue Shield Group
Insurance Plan at that table.


I'm Seymour,
the Health Service



TV sets that they can’t enjoy

It will be a busy place.
Paintings will include works
by both Kentucky and inter-
national artists. Included in
the gallery will be original
sculpture and pottery. There
will also be a section avail-
able for faculty members to

display their creativity.
Plans for a student display
area is still in the discussion

How can art compete with
backhands and beer blasts?
Colt points to the many dif-
ferent areas of interests. “It’s
like anything you do—you get
out of it what you put into it."

Hunter provides
health options

Continued from page 1

According to Strassner, UK is
the largest of Hunter's 55
employer groups. An em—
ployer group plan allows
employes of member employ-
ers to enroll at a discount pre-
mium. Member employers
usually pay some portion of
the employe’s premiums.

For instance, individual
and family memberships for
UK employes are reduced to
$28 and $61, respectively. In
addition, UK pays $12 of each

The foundation recently ov-
ercame some serious admin-
istrative problems, brought

on by a shaky financial
situation earlier in the year.

“We were never in danger
of going under, but people got
the idea that we were and
began dropping out of the
program, which caused more
financial pressure," Strass-
ner said. “We were on a bad
financial route, but we were
never in danger of going

Strassner added, though,
that the worst appears to be
over. Service has been im-
proved and “tightened up,"
and enrollment, which had
bottomed out at 5, 700 in May,
is steadily increasing.


The Kentucky Kernel, lit Journalism
Building. University of Kentucky,
lexingten Kentucky. 405m, is mailed
itvethnes weekly diring the year except
hold-ya and exam periods. and once
neatly durhg the summe