xt718911rd7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911rd7n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 2000 Vol.71 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, October 2000 Vol.71 No.10 2000 2000 2019 true xt718911rd7n section xt718911rd7n Wuwwmww,
' t: ttih) (exams
' ’“UNlVERSlW OF KY. .,
‘ ’ at i KING UBRARY SOUTH .-,l6 n03
' ' EthNGTON KY “"‘” U ‘
Volume 71. Number l0 - October 2000 I I 68: 7’
D 'lld'lh d1 dbth 1 'hl
By LISA CARNAHAN seat in the hall and ('entre didn‘t ‘
KPA News Bureau know yet. how many seats were ., p. _
For The .»\d\'ocate-.\lesseng‘er. available." said Nelson. __ ,3 “
the hardest part of dealing with t‘entres bid for the national ' .' l i i . .
gllli‘ hoopla of \‘it't'-lit‘eXE-1°°Q stab“
that the debate was actually going turn (‘entre‘s Norton ('enter for ‘t ”L,“ 51'?“ ‘- \‘fi it“!
to take place here." said Advocate- the Arts into a television studio , if u, > ‘ VS"\»‘ 3
Messenger Editor John Nelson. Extras. such as workspace for "‘ i ; ,_ €15;pr ‘\\_ t1; ,. "
Nelson said a week before the 2.000 inninalists. i‘t-tpiii‘ed .~~e.er.il [3 ' a _: 1“...“ ' , 41:. 5f
debate he was still waiting to hear hundred thousand dollars more. ’ iii/i ' - 3. ' C ' ' .* 7g“???
from (‘entre where his staff would 'l‘he Advocate—Messenger has ‘7 , 4:3,.) ,fl °; ' DEBATE20‘O 7%;
pick up their media credentials stepped up to the plate and (lean— » 3 4 i 4‘ 1 ‘ y at}
,and if the :0L.il new spapei would ed thiee sepaiate puhinations to 1,4,; ‘-e.,'°< .. e g? _
even be able to get into the debate the debate. One is a glossy iitl—page i' ‘ a“ To?" Ms" ' ' , ‘
hall. magazine publication that was dis- Photo by Kent Brown AdvocateaMesse/iger
“People closely associated with tributed primarily to the 41.000 Jeanine Sanders and Mona Wyatt work in the office at Centre‘s alum-
Centre College. who contributed media attending the debate. The ni headquarters. They‘re holding some of the memorabilia sent to
heavily to the event. still didn‘t alumni across the nation to use at debate parties. This was one of
know if they were going to have a See DEBATE, page 10 many dtebate-related stories The Advocate-Messenger covered.
H 1d1a d M1f'1 KPAtff 'lblbd' td'l
era ea Cf, 1 C y
. Trying to call KPA and find you and need to talk to someone imme-
’ get a busy signal? With only three diately, dial "0" to be connected to a
- Opel I rECOr S awsu1 S incoming telephones lines and a ”live" person.
R0520; members and clients calling David T. Thompson, (502)875-3185
Two of the state’s largest news- the newspapers argue are public unusu:f()::i:i:::i:eei t dt’ ’7 not an Bonnie Howard, (502) 223-8180
papers are taking their battle for records. but now ou can direct dial sev— Lisa' (33111311911, (502) 226-5776
open government to court. The Herald-Leader and eral “a” meiiibers B usin r these Larrmeoks, (502) 227-7992
The Lexington Herald-Leader reporter Tom Lasseter filed suit direct dial numbers you?“ it the Rachel McCarty, (502) 226-1079
and Owensboro Messenger Sept. 22 against the Lexington- ; .‘ y . t’ . . Reba Lewis (502)2234150
- , - ‘ staff member, their voice mail if
Inquirer are embrmled in legal bat- Fayette Urban Co. Government. they're away from the desk or BuflySams,(502) 875-8120
tles over the release of documents See LAWSUITS, page 3 another busy signal. indicating that All Smff members are available
. v ' | ( l ‘ ( .
" '-— staff member is on the line. If you by calling (502) 223—8821 or the
\ VP 0 0 get the staff member's voice mail KPA 800 line -- 800-264-KPA1.
IlOIIllIlathIlS SO ught .\ '
"9‘7“" as'r'i‘i'iii “if?” 5%.? 7W v, 15":7 ' “ ' :3' j t
Nominations and letters of bylaws for that positioo- i. .— v 1
applications are being accepted Additionally, individuals interest- mmmmmme H i ’
until Friday, October 13 for the ed in holding office in the fiWN w my“ mi 7 "in“ m
Kentucky Press Association for submit a letter ofeppiication. I . v .
‘ “ e;- sag: a»; ao’ixli’i '.*'“, t '
2001. ’ KPA bylaws state: .The only flkmmmfiwtfi*mmww
Any KP; ndemlbmh may mm:- PQY‘SOHS Eligible for 919cm)“ t0 tht’ tigevmm '1 C - a -
nate any in ivi ua w o meetst e "’ fatwm’wmm'm “lull“ m " 3,;
criteria set forth in the KPA See NOMINATIONS, page 12 l 'E?’:%:“':'e:'-ii=1»;g *’c”wi‘*‘lz 7' : " e

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, October 2000
. .., - . (‘- z i' 32 V ‘ ' ‘ l'o ( ha.“ been a ) mint .(1 ie 1w: ‘( x a is; . -ve : ( l‘
Gdlldld C0. NCWS, tntr il Rt cord. . I irgtit ritt Al r_l s ) ‘ r” . t tl i ii ls t tht st ttt le l ‘inl tl t
Whittaker. will continue in that Associated Iress likeville corre— competition has no divisions tor
Central Record Incrgc position. The owners ol~ The spondent. He replaces Kim Helling. type of publication or circulation.
Tl (‘ l V \' ‘ l (larrard (‘Uumy News, Jack and who has become an AI’ correspon— The treasurer ol‘ the NFI’W.
H V)" "”l‘l“ ( ount} ‘ H." ant Kant” I’encholl’, will become editor dent in Evansville. Ind. Shaller is also the vice president
Ill“ _( entral R‘""”‘l‘ lll’lh "l “hull and advertising manager. "l‘SPW‘ All‘ord. 38. has held positions at for the Kentucky I’rol'essional
”N ”l‘l“l""“l“m15"“Wlwd WMlkllv tivt-lv the Middlesboro Daily News. the (‘ommuiiicators. the state NFI’W
)a iers. merged Se it. 1. Thev wi l . ) . ~ . . . -' a ,
l l t r l l l .’ f" ”H. (entral Record has a Ill)» I ortsmouth l()lilt)l Dad} 11““ s and allihatt.
o iera t- a.‘ an ex )an( t'( version o . . . , , i . ‘ -. . _ \
tl \ {l tl i‘ year history in (xarrard ( ount_v and ll“ ( olumbus “(llhlm I)li‘l’duh- 11*
ie )a >ers unt er ie name o , i - - ~; g ; . ‘ » -, . -. '. . ,
.. . l l i . .. has been held in part by ( ox s lam« ‘” 1;” “l” m "l ”m” ( ”ll‘ts" ()ldhdn] El d hIlCS “C“
(narrard (ountv ( entral Record. . . L «) ( _
Tl ‘lll ll' l l ilv since 1J4_. In 1.):il, the late 1 d . .
ie )a )(‘l' wi ie in ) l.‘ it‘( on ‘ , . . . . , ‘ , ‘ . I) ~ ) ')
Tl l l l l \ James R. \Vhittaker became a par- TI ()UblCSOInC CICCh lerTLL ‘1 \ LITISIHE le
iurst avs. . . ..
.‘ . . tial owner. 'Ihe I’eiicholls bought - The ()ldli'tm Fri li‘h‘ ‘1(l(lt‘(l vi
"This merger will combine the . . . . . h. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ t l “ ‘ .. ‘ .‘ ’ ‘ ‘" ‘ ‘
. h .. . 'Ilie (xarrard ( ountv News lrom its TIITTLS hclh I]L\\ 0“ ”LI 5 new stall wrltmy’phm(in-mphm- and
strengths ol both stalls to deliver . . L ,g ‘_ . . H ,V ‘ . . " .
lounders in HM, 1:) vears alter its Ilie [roublesome ( reek Iimes a new advertising representative to
our readers a larger. stronger pub— . . ‘ . . . .. . .
, . . . formation. has changed ownership. Its editor. its stall. ( andv I,vnn Ailstock. who
lica ion and provide our advertisers . . . . . s _
'tl l l‘ .. .1 l' Ixaren J, Jones of Smithboro. and took the stall writer and photogra»
W] i a arger attt ieiice sau . im . . . . . . . . .
’“ ‘ ~ . , . , eeneral manager. Sharon Ix. IIall ol pliers position. has been a con-
e ~ ; ;‘ . . - - ~~ . Altoidtakes Pikevdle r, . . , . . . . _
o.\. m til iginc ((llltil ol Illt IIindman. now hold hall ol all the tributinU writer and designer lor
(‘ I it i " ’“
entra HHH' . . AP corrcgpundcnt‘g 10b stock and assets of the Knott The (irant (,‘ountv News since
‘ ”‘1‘" ll” merger. ( ox “ 1H ‘ . ‘ . (‘ouiitv paper each. They will con— 1997. She holds a degree in graphic
continue as managing editor. and Former Ashland I)ail_\ tinue In their “Hymn positions design l'roni Northern (‘ampliell
the current publisher ol I lie Independent reporter Roger I). while acting as co-publishers. Tech m Highland ”fights
The paper‘s l'ormer publisher. Shelley Williams has taken the
I e K 6' Itl IC 5} P r688 Ron I)ale_v. said he decided to sell position as advertising representa-
because ol'time constraints. He has tive for the Era and The Trimble
Hiekentuckv I‘resstlssx-ooZMHZ-tiispub- District 1‘» worked lull-time as director of" the Banner. She studied advertising at
lobed ImrtthLVl‘Vthfi'lst‘ntllclsyl’rcs] (Llenntiriw,\Lincliesterlnterprise I‘liiott (_‘ouiitv branch ol' Hazard Western Kentucky I'niversitv and
itsotiation \‘Illllx \ ’l‘l‘ssfl'fllct‘, tic (‘ommunitv (‘ollege since 1998. worked in retail ad sales at the
l ei'iodical~class postage is paid at l‘l’dnlxlttt‘t, l)‘ t‘ ‘t H r . ' . . . - v ~ . ‘ ~
ki Jioool sitiiscrxptioiiPrices stiperveir 15m 11‘“ Pill)” hit“ hm") 1“ ”Pt‘riltltm “W ”“11." :\‘“"~‘ m B‘m'lmtl ('N‘t‘“ ”Um
l’ostniaster: Send cliaiigeol address to The l Hid Thmnl‘llnl’ Ulmmwuu llth lmmlll 31 .\"‘lr>- 1i” unlll 1““ 31“}-
lx'entuckv l’ress, lttl Consumer lane, _ _
immortki' toot,mozizzxsszi. ”mm 13A . , ~ . , ‘ ‘ . ' . . ' . ' , , .

”Unmatux Ashland s Shafts! Wins Mddwnwlle makes

Uthcers and Directors ‘ ' '
I 4 ~ ‘ \ V ‘ f y 3 ‘ ‘l \
l‘\\‘ltlilc‘l\_\'l'rt‘>> Association District 1;,” del d 101 LOIUITInS (“hdnf‘bt‘s In g1 dphlL
N). 7)‘ v' i‘, ~ k \_:\ \¥\'>‘\V\ ‘1 .1 ‘V i ~~i i“ ' ”*3 x. , .
l‘resident lohn tlson,l inxillt \tl\tkilt its (Ilhtr ( ithit Sh illt r h is “011 litst deSlgn depdltnlent
IWLMRMIM \MCmmetVMww place lor personal column writing " . ‘ .

I ' ”<1“th l-IWU‘ in a nationwide competition spon— Th“ MWWWJN‘ m Madisoiiville
l‘t‘esltlt‘ttl Hp” Tniit' \latltltix,llt'litlerstiii(ilt‘diit‘r Stil't‘d l)\ llit‘ National Ft‘dt‘riltlt)“ (ill INKS "lad“ 5.0111“ ('IHIIILIUS In Us
Martyliackus,./\ppalatli1aii\ewsl-Xpress I’t‘t‘s‘s \Vtiiiittii. Shaffer is Today‘s grilllhlc (”fill”) ‘lI'INlrllnl’nl- Tlm

SharonTumiiiski,\ViiicliesterSuii IiiVing‘ (.deH‘ for Thp Daily THC“ has mlwml .lmlm Ililrt'llm" t”

lll‘M 18““:‘1‘I‘ll v H ‘ H l i . Independent in Ashland and writes lull'llm,“ graphic des1giier. and
”1“ «HM . ”msl‘m “J t‘ “k" 'lim Hurst, Benton 'lrlliuiie—Lourier a weekly column for the paper. Brooke I‘omes has taken hlS part—
\'1.-‘.i~,-cc,,‘h.m . . Shall'er's entry (it three “m“ WNW)“; .
iii-telldndge, lt‘.\\t‘tlltlilt‘ ltllll'llill l‘l-‘ll‘lrll‘llrh kmlml‘l XV“ 1‘“ columns published during 1999 TI ”"'~_ A)“ H ” student 111
was one Of 1 "()t) the VFI’W Madisoiivdle ( ommunitv ( ollege
Iii-easun-r l { 2:5Miclit;t.‘.\ l)l\l.\lt)it received in its 93 categories. All the and is responsible lor designing ads
(I\ l-“‘ Ill '51 l‘ I | {”th ' ‘ "
.Hl H M” l u “mm“ lml ml alum“ U .H' “1’ _ entries had received llrst—place See PEOPLE, page 10
lullmlt‘“ H I\entuckv Department ot I‘ducation
- M
l‘istrict l Advertisin ' Division
V \ . v P‘
\lltL‘ lxouse, \lurra_v ledger & limes [Lune Morgan, Owcnsboro 6a S
ledltillui'liani,Dawsonfiirin'sl’rorress v, , : , -. v. . . . ‘ ,
l‘ l l‘ ‘L’ \“‘>l‘l‘l“”“l ””5”“ Albert Warren IV of Lexmgton. and ( harles “arren

Clirtsl‘oore, lexin 'ton Herald—leader . . , ' i . , . . . . . . - ,. .
”m“! t K h Albert summit Warren 1y pub- ol (xtorgttown. and se\eral nittes
l d I;.ne\-, Owensboro Messenger lnquirer . . . . . lislier ol' manv regional magazines. and nephews.

- louriiahsm Itdutation . . . ‘ -_ w - . -

Bu ‘k Rvm (mid I‘ridav. 119 was at. ( ontributions suggested to the
l‘istntH _ . ‘ ‘ U . .. I't' tK» t ‘k' \\ arren published I\(nntuck\' Hospice ol Bluegrass or bouthland
( liarlie l’ortmami, l-ranklui l‘d\'til‘1lc‘ ”'“r51 .l ‘l “I I“ .‘ . ‘ - ( -— ‘ i .' . ~ ~ .

Turl Magazme during the IJlOs (hitstian ( hurch.
Dim-iii: General(Tounsels a'nd bOs. He also publish ed
“M Isl (il‘t‘t‘l‘i lht‘ lx'entuckvStandard, [on Fleischakerand Kim (lreene 1‘0“" Plan d I\I:1g:lZiIie. Th 0 RHl Wllllam A. HUdSOH
Bardst \‘It . , ~ Mile Magazine. Ken tc ' I\ o ' .. - .
”I ”mm“ 5‘5”)” ’2 . ll k) I nthl}. V\llllflln A. Hudson, retired
and the first series ol Opera House - - - ,
”1ma pl n bills 1 \H II 1 m 1m L ”n m broadcast editor lor The Associated
~ 1’ .‘.2s " 1S 2 "z s . , . g
Dorothy Abemathy, Oldiiain lira kmmd‘) PM» ‘lwluallml. . ’ b kl ) . ‘ I Press, died Sept. 6. He was 19.
' Kentucky Press Service stall coupon 0" ‘t-‘r Hudson early in his 40 VO’IF
[hsmct7 David T. ThompsonExecutive Director H“ S‘TVQd 1“ the hentucky A” AP ( n. tr ;( ‘1 rtd Unit r t l f

. . .. . . . , s, ' ‘2e*.')'** , '(‘.‘l'()
KellevWamick,(.allatinLountvl\ews Bonnie HowardLontroller thltmdl (derd m the 1960s. and K k t‘ I II (I I l: I) 11

Lisa Carnahan, Member Services Director was called into active duty in tntuc ) oot )a an HT Lt ‘1
District 3-” ‘ ' Larry Brooks, Advertising Director Kimpo. South Korea. ‘1‘“ fl correspondent in the
KC“ Met], Bdmk‘mnl" M‘WS Quuml‘ Reba lewis,Research/Marketing Coordinator Warren is survived by his wife. Lexmgton bureau. H“ later 5””
[.mm‘t m 11 David Spencer, New Media Administrator Sheila Warren; his mother. Anne "Ned 315‘ broadcast (‘dltl’r 1n the

_ L ‘ . .
. , Q 1‘ <’ ’vi I‘ 1" ‘ i ‘r I A) 5" ‘ ‘2 . ‘ .131 ' '
JV“? Pennington, Asiiland Daily Independent .uc (.axnimack, Administramt Assistant Bobo Warrt n. a son. Albt rt bamutl I 1“ flllt burr: W H“ “ 1*? 1 mt m

Buffysiims, BookkeepingAssistant Warren \, all ol Lexmgton; a s1s~ bL‘r Ul b0th h} A filld the KPHtUCk)’
District 12 RachelMcCarty, Advertising Assistant ter, Helen Ritchey Warren, Dallas. Broadcasters Association. He
Stephen Bowling, lackson Times Holly Stigers, Tearsheet Coordinator Texas; two brothers. Barry \Varren retired in 1984.

 Law 811 .t
n inuedt h UCk
seeking aCceSS t IC has ri 000 - Page 3

mg the - 0 record‘ ht

Clt ' - . 5 Con
Enforce y S Dlvlsion Gem" By BOBA to S . '
ment of 00d E . SHLEY rut

d In the last m e Tgltor 11112 e go

6 ‘ . o
m2‘222m1m‘222‘2he 2 “We Inquire mam. Vernmcnt
unde 5 made by thek 0" docU- YOu may h r .- . does the most lurid q
Act i‘ht he. Kentucky Onewspaper Ple of Storieq iave “Oticed a CCU . '1'; tpecu'a‘i‘m- HeilVen h
to, the :c‘t?’ Cited diffefeeI'I‘t Records S‘quirer in ththtlgfi MeSSC‘nger_ ’4? :3 a Rail;t what really matt up us if“

perlle lng attOr B ‘ . $8) . .. : ;.§.,_I;::::§:‘ ( have th - er We pub] b 1011 [305‘ ,d
tectiol ge and a “9)“ 0th recou var-1*" “réz":2:?"2:§-‘e.»;:: m e right IShed 1 ~ ‘( bV

1 fol. m n alleged On a r nted COUrt h - .< EEE_>I:EE nc'. 413$" .E;'..i:533§:. ent- AflCQ to know b abt wedne ‘d .
mai1 sent b emos, lette . ”0' f‘ equest the Oarlngs ~ C. r81Lwho 3 out (Mr I‘ 5 ayr
j ‘ etwee ' T5 and 9_ 119d fOr r . hCWspa , .-’-~-‘§53‘3::: " II???“ t'. lty Offlc' payS their ‘ - p0 1C0 d0 1
bame City d ’h (Employe I i ECOI‘ds lnv l . ptr has -v-~- .. i 2.353. “81' 1315 Conte d halal-1089.. Pc rt-

epartm 95 of the h the p01“ 0 Vlng CO d c- y matter . n that th - '
In it~ . ent_ 199 de h uCt we“? th x u ' that it h 0 18w x '

. 5 Su t . Conduct, partment . --‘-"?'I~.'-:?..:;: .j- . ‘-‘., ( (ttvlg‘ . . as b ) ‘ Q 18 a d. V . .
Ci - 1 , file ' - and ,2 - ' . . ' ‘ pOhCi ,2 . 9‘“ ha , ”(I li-
3CCr:;ltt}?Uurt’ thed r11: Fayette . f Neither “tory thcbtlgation Of that 138: every rightttodlrSd pmcedmmni‘nt: tizjcordlhgpto

-. S e - y 3 WS In Orm . 5 “73$ ‘7 L a 9. Ind pop th ‘ . ' v ( "t ' .
tV.” Clt) of “a ‘. paper at10n m. 81')! S 9C. ‘ (‘Qd' th x . 050 lnt I . ‘ the Cit
theitr-PSO OftenI Citv thlctiif m0ntali- expansivpjob 0:51“ Ibe, n0r dlj)d :5]: ghout what that :0 Lhelr employ:V “131110 thilt theylgndl dealings priy

ec0rds ,1 ' . < S HSS‘Um Case ‘ ’Xp ainin , ’ 0 an 9‘ . ‘ as ion ‘05 0 ha; d 3"“ an obl' - .
SGarc ‘ re prlvat t e i h wh." We y, bpvt‘lall ‘ ‘ 1 1“ thes x . ‘giltlon
fromhpiilu’asohs to «hicalrdd Lhey if We CEln't 54V nu h “(w Pursuing tht: tl The Office” im 1 ( matters in thin
1c . . . - t t We kn I . ‘. 1c 31“ . ie C0u . ‘ 'o Ved . ‘
allegeg bU‘utinv th em , (W It We )ut the Inf . ”5 to b] . , ' M)me ()f Wh
_. . . 0 SUit Why “’("re d . . probably “I ””hi'ltion t ... OVt‘n if th ()Lk the Clt ()n] hilV I . .
From . (”n T th' , * Utlldn't b ~ )t LtluSe (‘V ar \ _ y froth . ( ‘lhkt‘d
the H , ahV rend , .t‘ ‘5. and r 9 Hi Co that t( d‘ ' ‘ Public r“VL‘illn r
hfi‘arlv 0v ' (”ltd-Lam) ~ . t ' (ht 0f ()w- . “hy this a} Urt. But . ) ISClUSp tl . uhder Kt’nt ‘ts “‘C(‘r(l<
: t‘TVthil ‘ t T S vuiw \Vt"r(\ . ("film“) i. I ‘ . iould m. t tiltlngi ,I . 1“ facts ( f UCkV 1 ‘
Dllbltc b ‘. W the Cit , ' t PUFSuin r - ‘ “ “()rthy f “ “T to mdSlon f - ’ th“ C'm , ‘ aw, aFtrue
‘ USlno . . _V (1005 '. Urn buck t" thlh‘ ("1g ) ‘ U ('XDI.” - ' 1 n U tht‘lr ) ' , t t ( “Vollld l y .
>hown t 5“ and .1 ‘5 ' -. tho coy. . “t not be" ‘ “‘tmn. (“h llnde ~ ”'VJCV. " “ dt‘V‘r
. - 0 tho u ‘ h lould he lng lt beg. . tr” Un Sailac' . tdlise “'0 w' u’hten i r‘ht‘md and , . ‘ t 5'
said Pam Luol-Jk bl“ Upon rcqu \- khowinu lduw w" think th mu“ 3359p. We" ant to It to” Mm 8““921th -
editOr ( U, the Ilt’vvgpqpt ht C] h 11()\v ()ffimi‘xlg Cohi t} public I} lulqt H” llllrh‘ll— \ut I Cannot bl“ it 11.0 Wltll that

» ‘ ‘ “rs . . “My. thi .- ‘ ‘Uct the - .‘ *‘t‘t‘ml i 2 . x gum - -. 2 3‘ ~
light? e never t‘nter int . . Loodlngg “gain; LIity has launchblIiIulIilics business )) fairly lU(ll;(-lttllh llllpngsihlo for
hghqc‘i' But there is I0 htlgathn 3“) have left flu dft' [oust two poll“ t lf?f"l’lillziry' pro lnatinj, hut “5 ms“ t“ the '1}, US 0r thr you

‘ '10r he , t i patter 10 St'lt I , \ ()rCt' h I _ ' t) K-(.’.\, ‘ ‘ I ' ”,‘Iitin ( 5‘9“th ()f. _. 7A.. t()
Lut‘Ck . r( that 1‘ n of t u“ of SO" , _V rtltlrt‘n} i l “\t l("1\‘t Darth" trl ‘ i ll “'hilt I . ng tlrl] t ‘

“ SHid w v .‘h ”Outfit .. le ~ . 1‘ "thers ‘~ (m ()I‘ re-’ “ ‘- ‘ "h it fills .. . . MS heen . ‘ l ”‘thr-
h’ls q ' ' V9 thl k ng‘ dt' ”1 Its ‘lf‘ ‘ 1* uhk'le'i 'h'ghiltioi ~ ”H‘H‘r c “(5 N‘rim - 4””th "

t‘ ‘ r1ght to k n the put 1‘ “'0 have ‘t . Shtiuld r. -. ‘ r. ‘~ . “hdllct but - ‘5 (lut'fition‘ be h “V“h
C‘mduCtjn - “0W how th . ) ‘C P‘Hed. “1*“ tiuesm . “’mmand r 1- - "b““t We--' 5 ””t “N . i

g Its 'lt‘f’li II C t'ltv is MOI-00‘, ”1-" -_ (lu ,. - ~ . (hlltmsllyl- , 'l-‘ltllit \- ' . . “ )Uut
c L rs. . . . erI t>tiox I. lf 1 1t\. ‘ ““ht'rv ,~
beg?“ Aug. ‘20. the He town, in lt’gal :9thst have 1m.” (e h “"thinli I‘ll)“ hot mist. ”II . lsltm and
1315:”? a Eeries 0f'irtirjldLoader Idlzmnrs‘ if (Wen gf‘stland DISIIWIIITI:rtIIiilating around that It‘d t” ”so by divulginlsttvlquestions the (it l
- ‘ "1h unsq ‘ t t 95 about )p'dl‘tmpnt tr V true . ‘ "T mom} . n . “ ‘0 ll'itx - g "‘ “atu- t 5' “N
lng in Lt . ‘ ‘ hltnry font that W ’ ‘ hugvegt . ‘5‘ The If it l I‘rhlll lnv i. - . H' of the -l. t

. I . al h . ‘1ch 1 Wild [)0 ’“ tomh . - ( oes- r- . “hum, . _ t iarup.
llghted l Ylngton- The s - ()llls- } 18"“ not b Unllt‘t‘tnn' . “t In tlni tlit- )lt ‘ . ‘nht’ tllhs‘ , h “n |Ul(l ”\- h ‘N

' ’ 8X 0' d . homes h' ’h uth‘ hp- (‘(‘n ah] i ”131‘” [)()ll ~. I I )1“. 5 ('(inf' ‘( (lut‘fitit) v ‘ - i ”“tt‘ome
bV t] t) 0' 0htOrc » It” ‘ drd~ Son . ' t t” t'UIif' Le Th ldtlm't‘t n‘h‘ '1 1* ' '

-, ie D' . . (mom off l(‘Vel ”f . .. "t‘mes th' ”"1 the st .~ . “ Court l‘ . . ”"Wer u . ‘ “ hreach -
Ehfor 1VISH’)n ~ Orts confukI . 1rd». or to . - ones We (tls‘cl . LisI m .I . l) tlu. tact- of

Cement . . "f (‘f I rt’DUrtjn r lice that , “Ith'han ,~ . i . ”Miro ,l ,I ‘ ”'U‘row w; .2 .- 5'
Sew'ml divisiiolrli1d It diSClosc-(liflfti the rcputht'()SpWhtllv repiii-ltt'uts ”u" Staiufiil-llm; a Illmtt‘d infra-”111.21:-J ”ery Uriffiifll‘ mm“ with public
80mg Oftht ' employees “ l" ‘ “’11s and (I, ”Hi that w ‘ ‘ 5' or olfiuq. . ‘ Ion cont.“ . - “‘5 ”Nip .

_ 3 I I . ( , I I . are. . ~ ”le , mat . . ht (l . _ H (l .- I

tlon. I‘t ntal hOUSin I _ , )wncd re n Mire Sump ). < rs of l’t‘Uple liiv .d damn”. ht‘en h . h pumu, Thu . Im a (ltzlrg‘. it”; . son“
. {-3 1n (“1(st . ptn‘tod ‘tht lttlplp Sllg .. ()ht‘tl, . (ltl Up h”. . t tllh(‘l()\~u t“ llllht ”lie
d’ since the q . t m Sonic-emf1 they ”know" hi-lth that \W. h'lvt- U‘rs decide whl‘tld month Ulttil “it Ht‘ h”w“Vt‘T. hm

'ltVISlon eml3l0):eeersl(1:1S began tWo facts, and W:I‘—Iup_ P0091“ ()f‘teiff'llfsv We 2”.“ Coinplmtt ”mp mill” 1 vy Milli“) upl’t‘ill the Lirilt‘y's- {Ur tht‘ offi-
c1 y has t ave . ’ in I I ’(Un't w- _ ’now" . “'1 could ' ‘ 'ou ( ack ‘ ”1”~_ - '

. em 01‘ ~ 4 quit. Th , {s and n, v , dnt to ta . more th; not hnd . . howl”! r. .- h a nu“ _
dlreCtOr top 0:218}; regssigned th: Confirm Pt citing What We lClIllri‘ito the trap ()flitnlitho \Ve Still 1:1): itnleztsp that IIIIdtsIt. silice Elli ”l’lfliiil
annoUnCed . ' 1' ut B t ‘ “()t inc ‘ 0V" [um-(f , . . 5 tlrt’l I ' ( )(-t.llrl‘( (l '
gatlon led b n lnternal ‘ dis 1 ‘ Chew th. - ' ’IV 1 , “r ”mime t' r “W'r wl‘

a tW . lnszti_ ..C Oslng th I .' trt‘ IS St ‘ t [5 dis" _ . J 10110” .1 leth 1- W U]

The D y 0 Outsldel O L facts In _ Yong pUbl . I t!” t. tiptnnntln I t ”nun”. ()ff . t l

. eWSpa . 3Wyers n a r . ‘ this case It ll)t(.r(I.t . _ d ion SH.“ L. to me th lc(-r_
cOnthe . per 18 att , . be . P actica] 1,, ‘ 1- 5 in n f I . the law - . . at the _2

. Its I'ese emptin ars th; He] _ . . 1 ("that - . In th 2 .. my 1 1 ~ -

. ar gto - 5 Out __ and . . . Hm it , . lb can . . K mini_--
arm“ by FGViewiih for additional my almost alw mm‘“ that circfiilh ”My Probabi , “’9‘“?ng that 3'“ “W“ out. amft ““ ”‘0 "lilXimu;

0“ reports g more ins 80mg On ' ays e"Ceed th 2 . at“ In an . 3 Wlllin yl 1“ th“ mini r“l“Ctunu - , ‘
betwee . and Corres pec- 1“ the poliCe d L fdcts, Wh t y Wmmu- ILy. mum and ri . .V. Instmid
to the n'CIty employees PondenCG C' - ' Opal'tment it a ever may be D'SCI"SUFO h L Ving mm“ Out

SUlt. ’ according 1rCult Court t ’ pTObably d0esn't publlc faith . ’ ()wchr painfu] .

In th closed 0 keep th ‘ s 2 m g‘WOrn . . , (100s n
Messen e other Cas I . 8 records tio Urc that (10“ that mentI It IS thc b ot undermim

_ . e ‘ n ‘ L . ‘ ‘ ('1 ., . . )
gain a ger Ianlrer's att 2 The J d H AugUSt Da _ 0 Ofeur quUCst th> . srnu ol disclo-
Departgess to OW'8nsbo eigpt to ”I: ge Henry NT G V5358 CtTCuit b“: additional duct", (re is at least (

ent d' .- . r0 01' at a d' . . ' 1'1 In 11 0 leve , 1Ont wh' ‘ Erifr w.
hea ISClpllna lee ISCI lln I ruled . may Sh 1 ' ‘Ch WC in 5 Au 1’ . .
Appi-chi for the KentuZlZyngords is Palmer, byptheanry eral-g9 against 9“ this Story A (I? v:ImpOHant hght the newspaper’qilgt rulmg dei ied
5- OUrt of 0 iCer a Orm ‘ m an f i 9 are a - 0F att' . ‘ 3 ("ts to ~ '
. , must Br poli- . 9 fort to .. PPOalm . dthed t I . 5(‘0 a 10 -
wherlll‘ht: dispute began A Messenger-Inqtii: released to of information thatoyt/ndthn 21dditiongfi agalnst Palmo: tht ”1mm“ Ch'irgtt
e news mi] 19 But . er- ‘ ant forth ‘3 inki-‘ Th ' ' ‘ ‘
I‘BCOrdS r paper filed Griffin 9 publi 1” lmpor. . 9 Only r ,.
equest - an Open Inents Sealed t ‘ 'I‘h0 I C to knOW n 15 St. I . (,LQrdS the ,
Egetgersome] filezlgilsthe city fer time tofggso Idays to 31103:}?wa inffimatiéilw‘spahper Considem th and Kliésfiflflng are thmenggvgplaper
9 polic 1" memb 93 the rul' ‘ "‘01" of - . m t 0 (1' ' ‘ 0 Joe ‘ a mer
Palm 6 depart ers Palm ing_ pubth p) ice fileq t Th .
er, ~ ment - er follow, . “terest f 0 be 0 Ken .
Ha Lisa Dri Jeff the appeal ‘, id thrOllgh ' ti) get It, no t and We Wlll f' , Act all tucky Opt‘n .
P flan, Mark igersI Gary Lee d l' - Hlb attorney M' W‘th t1me"A h] matter Wh'it th lkht a ()ws the Publ' Recordq
0S eWaite 6e - "’ QC med . icha l ’ 5 0y qa‘d ‘ ' 0 C0st 0 ' CCCss t ’ 1c to , ‘
. andJ f . 1 Mlke 8p t0 COm 0 G . _ ~ 1 . r 0 must d I rLQUOSt

City _ e meith P031. ment 0n th l"lfhn al‘ loCai “Lump .

0 ' - e . 50 ru . and 2 nts h,
request ffIICIalS denied Ralph W'b Complaint agai . ltd that a formal man . “at“ governm (1d by
not open :aying the record the the M9899“ l 10, Who repregent be released Pl)“ Mark L00 should Publ'y [finvate agencies th ents ahd

01' ins . 5 Were W'l ‘ geT-In ' ‘ S m x - ' Oweve ‘ 1C Und' i ‘ {It TOC ,'
paper a peCtlon The 1 l file 3 cr quirer Said int 15 a]. 1', that d lngI (lye

' . 053-: . ’ ‘ 1 he . 50 Seal d OCU- Th i 1.
Gene Ppealed tO th news- 35km appeal 1 f0" hlm e to all - L dw 0 \
Fa] but b e AttOI-n g for addflt n the Cage to appeal 0W tlme typeq f .XCmptS 8 f0
8 159 Oplm 1n did “merits atter b lca] , / t5, Incl -
Palm . ued att 0n M not rele 0P1) egan Wh , rccord Udin r
e . , Or 853 2159. offi . . . (,n g i , , - S of 9 L med-
r’ Dr‘ggers and Legiiisdfor Ashley Saiirégewnqm'er Editor B b yea, andcitrf res'gned earliseivtg‘tl mg law'enf<)rco:pkt)y“°s and pond
. e in th : " hi] 0 d ’ mOrs qu f IS (771' ' 0n inve~ . . '
at the - e We are epartm ‘ ’ aced th ‘8 Stor ht‘gatm ~
Jlldge ha Pleased - Ent had at the st . y Was . . ns.
5 in - c Owes - ‘ (0m )
agreed to a por- .tema] thVfiéstigati or-lducted an re 8 written by He plltd from
mISCOnduCt A‘ on Into pog . porter J h ‘ rald‘Lt’ad I
, shle - ~Slble M 0 n C U‘
y 331d, eSScnger I'lqu' hL’Ues and
Lawrence.) reporter Keg],

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, October 2000
News a er des1 n trends
p p g Statement 01 Ownership. Management, and Circulation
r man-mm 2 Ian-aw .WJ— ___.._ H
make for ositive outlook __.._____c_._ “mm
‘ '1" FM ’5 NM'OHIMI MM Am...» 6 Anna! Summoner n”.
p -__-_fli’131._.____._,_- ' i? ' s8
. . °More training for editors and ’ CM“""°‘°°""°""""°‘°'°'°“°‘"'°"‘"°"’"‘""’"5'7'7:"=c~ 5473353“ "3533”“
D6519". ls 15%;: paginators. Publishers are begin— lfiffi;c““°mn
. 34.. . . . , , _~ to! Consumer Lane, Frankfort_,_t(y_ 40601‘_~_ _ _ __EDZ;223-8821
Eve'ything 5 ning t0 anBSt more “We! attentlon a Womnqmdumuomummavmmvlmwm
jg; , . —~ and money — in their personnel.
—— 2’ And there are more workshops «oncucxx Press serviceI 101 Consumer Lane ”anywwldofimhu
Bifgflzggf ZialglvalgleCSStthem. In more places. Wigwafiflxaawgw; _._. _ - _ .
. .
, wedding dad be “$35.35: magma: 13:1; ~W~~- w _, 7-
"5k?" B1". ”IS a much more reliable newspaper without spending the '
b_USlneSS If we can base our predic- time to work their way through all Lisa Carnahan, Same -.~__'____ _ ____,__._.__ _~ _ fl‘ . .
tions on the trends we ve observed of it We'll react to that b usin wwmewrmwmmmmow
during the past year or so. Instead ' 1 ‘ f f ‘yd' g
of our striking off in bold new direc- more page Spa“). or re ers, lgu’ b WW__W___
tions for newspaper design in 2001, and pomters to msrde content. w figmfiifimwmggwmmflgiwqggxgd
I e