xt718911rd62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911rd62/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1991 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1991 Vol.62 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 1991 Vol.62 No.7 1991 1991 2019 true xt718911rd62 section xt718911rd62 Tfle K6 ‘ V ky * 3 '97— ‘ 2
‘ , Easements . i
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Edi EM. 0F KEN; A?“ f ”Worms é
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// W 1
fl}, OfflClal Publicatlon of the Kentucky Press Seerce - Vol. 62, No. 7 - July 1991 fr
. / i
'68 0 e e 81’ . . .
1 out a third of KPA member Scores were close in many in- McLean County News, which tied for (25,000+ circulation), The Messenger , ..
. l won awards in the 1991 Better ’stances, but eight papers emerged as third. . Inquirer in Owensboro wrested the
.‘i 2 lw‘ aperContest.Some50category number one in their circulation cat- WeeklyClassII(3,001-4,700circu- first place trophy for General Excel- '-
' 5w. 5 ‘, ” .4, plus 25 General Excellence egory, based onthe individual awards lation) saw The Bourbon Times as win- lence. Judges liked both the look and . 3
' citations, were handed out during the they earned. ner for first place in General Excel- the content. . i
summerconventionattheDrawbridge , lence.]udgeswereirnpressedwiththe The Lexington Herald—Leader and ;
Inn in Ft. Mitchell. paper in every photo category. The Kentucky Post in Covington tied .
_—__.._.—— 35* Taking second place in the same forsecond Place “more?!“ ”'80“in
Candidates: Ad dollars sneedeenuiosexeuiuesy drew Tasmsfie'mhandmd 5" W- ”9° °-' -
. 2:2:2:s::~‘-:*-z:2:e2322;221:2222“i::22:12;:2:r-2:s:2:2:::::2:s:s:2:s:2:2:2:z:s:2:=:s=i-"3::-azszzszzzeczzeirz:2:2:2:s2225:2222?2:232"2222:2222 P ace went toThe Troublesome Creek ‘
and open meetings laws Pasaafeaeiaaaasdeasaisd Times in snow. . r—fi "
, prises, but gubernatorial candidates 199lBetterNewspaperConteSt (4,701+ circulation), competition was ' GEM ",
LarryHopkinsandBreretonlonesboth mthasampleroftopentnes keen, but The Anderson News in i
made staiemenis their audience oesitsreauyinereensiune) sameness was ickofthecro no. .
waned is hear some Ken's annual engraauidnenseeanewniners General ,sxeeiienee‘.’ Judges edifice exceeerm -',
1% sum” convention June 22 in Ft. :§s§z§§§}§5§5§5€3éi§3§£§2:5isi5;53255iiziséziziii5é3;eésEs§i53§s§2§3§E§522§3§2§s§5§5§5€53;253533235isé2is:5é5i3iE3:535Eééé5iféEEEEE2:12E5éEé5iEif55535555553535.5555? larlylikeditsagricultllreand business «‘99!nettgrfluw‘p‘ger£nntg$l
Mitchell . , pages and special sections.)
In response to a publisher’s con- The Louisville Defender took tsp ‘ The Oldham, Era in LaGrange '
cem, Jones said he plans to use news- honors among Weekly Class 1 news- earned second place ranking in the weekly! .
papers to advertise his fall campaign- papers (3'000 or less circulation). same category, followed by The 5W,
"I think we ought to get back to the Judges liked its clean 1001" its use Of Paintsville Herald, third. “”mrfufifrsrm' '
press,” the Democratic nominee said. pictures, “5 promotions ‘— just about The Sentinel-News in 'Shelbyville BdMCWMyNBW'WUUWK
. . it’sabetter investment(than TV) everyfllingabOUttheLOlliSVlnePaper- pulled out a first place for General
‘ and a smart way to run a campaign.” Also in Weekly Class I, second Excellence among Multi-Weeklies. ”99km”
AskedasimilarquestionrHOPkins and third Place honors in General Evaluators had high praise for its 23%;:
said hewouldleavedecisionsonwhere Excellence resulted in ties. The Times- courage in promotion of Freedom of Tmubfgzrngzwdiznnr .
to spend advertising money "to those Argus in Central City and The Fulton Information and its news coverage. ”m '
. peoplewhobestknow whereiospend Loader shared second place, followed Running a very dose second in ' weakly“! ‘
it» by the Bath County News-Outlook and. the Multi-Weekly Class was The Ken- BndermnNems
Hepkinsi however, did say he in- . tucky Standard in Bardstown- The Cen- “shame“ '
tends ‘0 "reinsrime the cusmm" 0f We'll‘mdohl‘d? tral Kentucky News—Journal ranked ”WWWWN"
deliverin a state of the state address " third.
at KPA’sgwinter conventions if nee Rethls A tie in individual award points sna,,$‘;;;;‘s'§:g,§2~:~m
The Republican candidate also '“emmwnee‘” General Excellence in Daily Class I Centraironwckymmunurnal
. said‘he fully supports open meetings “cewmdbembc’kmmmmber (10,000 or less circulation): The
and open records legislation and is in gistgtamgfnisgiwigs‘fndlgvggfihe Middlesboro Daily News and The Win- "will
‘ favor of Opening Pal01e board hear' enckyesseoroeng Chester Sun. Winincuestarmno
- piecedlnyeurnewspoper - . é325%if?iéii‘éiiiiifiiflfdwéfsltfitéiééflflifg"riifléfllfiiiiiiiii?iii:
“‘eS' . , IfsnelmisudfeiKPSioeells TheRlcthdRegetmook mud etchinandnsglstar
KPA advertlSlllgdlreCtOF GlcneDaVlS perenfiwesomedoyAnd SomersetCommonwealth-Iournal, third. ‘
cornered the candidate's campaign envelopecontolnsoserote The GleanerinHenderson was the Unllgll '
advisor,SteveMiller,directlyafterthe erflsk‘lgstatement front runner for General Excellence Hendersonfiwanar
Saturday morning session- She made Aiedveehlne’elefememseee among Daily Class 11 entries (10,001- El’zebem'ewnd‘w‘ente’l’m'
plans to meet With Millertodiscussan ggugflkfiminmfgzkdcsgmsbfivn: 25,000 circulation). It wonanawardin annulusndoocntnoflnsanger
nee PresSfor more complete coverage or hmcvnoioalhanlseos ”Lemme “1123'?“th mid loathsome-isomers -
the 1991 summer convention, including Wlhdeepvwmdkelhlsvediw “M by The Advocate'Messmg” 1“ “WWW”!
and, perhaps, some rather revealing photos savingstepsvournewspeperst- In almost fierce fomway comm. insignia:aiéiséziisésazéziindies:tisésisziiisiiziias:aiaisésésasisisiiiisiiei:siiizésiseiiszisias;assesses;ésiiias5
ofconsentionaers. , meecefieekmheeee' , tition among Daily Class in papers \_~______./ .

 ‘ Page 2, The Kentucky hemluly 1991 , .
I I it.-:>:>:i:I:1:I:I:I:I:I:1:3:1:1:1:5:-':$5315:lzi:1:i:i:1:1:i:i:i:1:iziziti:?:3:3;1:123:-:i:3:>:>:3:1:3:?:?:fi15:35:12121:1:1:1:I:3:4:1:A:»,-, i (
. i This IS G Mt. E m E E m “3’19 T u n t i n Teeany - E E
. ”comm. EilZlEll l 5C 1." u. l 7
i mummmh 9 l u '5 \ Press
I "mun-OM90" E E] ,- 'iiirizsiii5SEE=EiziEIE???355352151:=2::IE=3I:I:i:IE535355325352325313152535E3E3Z5E5E3E5E53535E5£3E5E5E3E35535252553355525555535555332553333” ‘ l
i , E s. E
w until i ,l was rm?“ ,.
i , 1 . , If ~43! n V’.‘ g . E 1C
| t 3 ‘ 0mm - \ WWI-7i _ n I." n Celia McDonald i
E E What dld 1.993.777 ’ Harlan Daily Enterprise 1 E 10
. gain-m E Kentuckians do last month affligat-E'Ofl E m
‘ -- w- : n s a or coupo ary c urz
‘ ltgfl'as t with 0 9w [3 p n? h u r n Danville Advocate Messenger 31 f0
, ‘~_’_ nun-mun- mmfimmww—d—w—m Past PfOSidOI'It 2; , th
3 “H. “*m‘"' , bwwuwmmmnm—fi. Newspapers across the David Hawpe, The Courier-Journal i3 _
he-“ um H l_dl~fi- : mum-huh. U‘kmmuih 3 i5}:
jute-:Ezaz'zhmrmc l M,__c~‘*~-~'~*'~~m country have been criticized 3’3)“ midgmt T ,b MGM“ E
, fiag—Egfigwr . i Newspa" 3.. ad'vmertlstng .. lately by media experts for “383;; °" °” " " E
‘ . _ 003“ P not romotin themselves to ' -
Newspaper advertising E with the flick of a button. p g . Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era
It deem? stop I readers and advertisers. Board of Directors 333E;
E with the flick of a button. E . KPA and Kentucky witrIctJ't h II F it L ad 1
i v - t lam ic e , u on e or I
E ztmwgmg i hm m_-_e._ newspapers are trylng to District 2 a, E
- 7 ~--_--------, ,, A. animfimfi respond With a blltz 0f Jed Dillingham . .
V . quarter-page house ads Dawson Springs Progress E thi]
‘i that tout the advantages of District: l M L C “EN E i the
' ' " , l - - - eresa ev ett, C can on ' ews l
iThere‘s No calm: There s no Time Pmtgvsr 2:11;” mtga- ennui "" : so“
' - - - smg e p081 ve Charlie Portmann Franklin Favorite E
' E Remd'e BEER] _ limit on This Cd results of The Preston District 5 9 :‘e‘
_ ; CCD‘iTqi - [SM-Ell. ,__‘_m,___‘ . ' '- Group’s 1991 survey of Coleman Love _ E __ av
Wl‘l’h This 'Ei E. ”at?“ . , . - ‘ shopping habits, KPA has Eliza???“ News Eme'Pflse 1 Wm
V awn-hmhh-e E ‘7" ~ ‘ , - E ‘ ’ _ r E .
. NeWSDCper mud-diam , ‘ \ - .. furmshed ad shcks to them , Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era ! bro‘
a._._........_ mm__ -«- 1} \ ,-_ - bers. The ads capitalize on District 7 i
' :fi?‘:_.=;_€'l= w.......__,_ :‘mh‘mw {- E ' i " _, the Staying power 0f neWS- Kelley Warnick, Gallatin County News 5:"
"'1‘me "€533; fl,” \\ .1/ ‘~- papers and the effectiveness _ District 8-9 ; are;
a...“ "' "'" , . }" e - ' i: ' of news a er ads. Ken Metz, Bath County News Outlook l <
. thum it»; tar-yup -’ .L ' E " E p p ' - - District 10-11 N I
_ ‘ ....._1.::_.= _ Emits-33;: , _ . E . , , “Newspaper advertising V . John Del Santo ,- law
E “5.12321"; ‘ fifi ' -' —- It doesn’t stop with a Ashland Daily Independent _ Wvlilai
E m3::§§fiu7$m-fl" :‘fifi‘gfim '. ~- I fliCk Of a button” is the ' Diana 12 E i 511::
E“ I :._h__h“__h‘_p_m xwm'“ \ theme of the campaign Louise Hatmaker . '
E mfifirz=tzamtw News???” Ofiéflhing — which goes head to head Jackson Times/Beattyville Enterprise ' i ' was
oesn o . . - ' }
tsmwnar-w-v-m- Wm, me fuck of 0 gm. Wlth broadcast media g;st"°é‘3 M . , E- . I
. . enn ray, anchester Enterprise 7‘
t [ Newspaper advertising - adverttsmg. Each ad em- District 14 2,, quest
It deem“: stop phasizes that newspaper Stuart Simpson Pulaski Week E quest
. wflhthefllckofobuflon. ' - - - ’ ‘ a e
ads are not eas11y turned ofi‘ District 15A E g nc
mzmw‘whm (or tuned out) and that gf‘s‘tggirgBl-exmgton Herald-Leader 5 ‘ can;
k , _ ,, ”hum, We . l i . ,
' newsPaPers “fer amiable Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice & Times ; gives
, results. State-At-Large ' reasox
‘ ' ' " ' t Steve Lowery, Kentucky Standard 1 .'
' What's the most frequent (I ' I i _fi* Jerry Lyies. Tribune-Courier 3 "mm
. E Jerlene Rose, Clay City Times : person
, sounds you ll hear from a I P PI n g E - Associates Division f People
newspaper reader? " Q :51 @1111] Gary Luhr, Kentucky RECC f mvasrc
I f: h“ fth flick ofab fl , El Advertising Division } ~
|(Hn sno- a (I. u on) ; “13¢“ Awmhmfi 2E ANNOUNCING Doug Taylor, Mt. Sterling Advocate :1 A
' ‘4‘, "3/ mwoimnsmwns i . . . News-Editorial Division ' E
t S SHIP, IP' RIP £15392?“ MW?” E Advertising Dynamlts' Russ Powell 5 B D
~mfimmmmw-‘mw * 5" we), fie!) Immrlw EE Ashland Daily independent 2 y a
3 l round-n21.1— ‘ifi kkfi wwwm EE FRAMEWORKS Education Representative 5 W
- u... .m... .._.. i v ‘ , ”firmw“"m . Jo-Ann Albers .- woman
E Ewr-"zuzlh M Q _ “mmfim The 151 Ali-Frame SerVIce Western Kentucky University E ~ fierce,‘
. . i - M‘qu-hh-dyun-zr' ,7: ”immbhlmmlfidm E: . i sentafit
. —m“m‘*_—.u-~-m——"“ mmmh fzfgw Y FEWYME'E; Fr KPA/KPS Central Office ”fourth
. Newspaper advertising — , m 'j “9 want '1‘ on 9° 0' ames, David T. Thompson, Executive Director ‘3 long tit
_ . l‘l‘ doesn't stop E NGWSPGPW "("9an " 5f morllces, borders. 100,6 every Bonnie Howard. Business Manager 5 La
- with the flick of 0 button. 5 1' It doesn't stop ,2 month A we Spec “d 59W”- Priced Gloria Davis, Advertising Director l. lisher ‘
I I, , E with the fuck of a bufim_ - to surl you. (all us. Reba Lewis, Administrative Assistant " a freeax
23 I 600 Bully Johnson, Bookkeeping Assistant 5
F l I '800'2 ' Sue Cammack, Secretary 1 ”“8195
' J V ,. NY 8. Canada (all Collect, Pam Shingler, News Bureau Director & E The sys
1—y.t’I,-qu--r_~.nm—e-uu-_ V 2] 2-947-5' 00 © Editor, 7719 Kentucky Press 100k anl
. ‘ “‘""“”""‘ mtmw~~~- :2 m x that out
E , , _ ,_ .__. , _, _ _ ~ t ' ' mm) The Kentucky Press (ISSN—0023-0324)ispublished i to selrve
, monthly and second class postagepaid at Frank— ‘1 I W
In this and future issues, The Kentucky Press will run a sampling from the . 233$?mpfifgtafldsfifi‘figfimmf ‘ Larry if
‘ 1991 Better Newspaper Contest's award-winning photo pages. Special twsfliéchanse ofaddmstonie Kentucky Press, interestt
, thanksto those editors and photographers who submitted their winners. 332 “W“ Avenue' ”any”! 1‘3“de 40601! : became.
E A , , , A ,. , — » . ,. —. ; evenmc

l I if
i o ' July 199], The Kentucky Prue, Pfae 3 ' I:
I Go ahead, you can do 1t yourself - It' - . ht .5
~ I By Tim Ballard 0C0nfid€ntial businfis Information 0’ That’s why we always add a line asking S our r1 2 I:
l The Kentucky Standard trade SCWS- . the agencyto contact usifthe cost ofcopies B Susan Allen f I’
, l How much do school employees and _ ORecords' ’9'“th f0 the proposed loca- is going to be more than $25. I’d suggest Fly (1 C T' ‘ ,3, '
l local government workers make? “0" _"f ‘f busmess 0" '"duSWr "7'?“ some you do that, too, if you write a letter. 0y , ounty tmes , . g
1 What companies get paid for doing P141311” disclosure 0’ announcement 1§ {Wide- If you still don’t get satisfaction and Fix-St Amendment Rights guarantee it
’ What kind of work for the local schools and 771154055" taPPh/ ’0 documents pertaining to you believe you were denied access with- freedom 0f speech. Well, they’re ”
; local governments? penmts, such as 3/0” can fm‘? “‘ the 10"“ C’tll' out reason, you appeal to the attorney supposed to..But, 1t appears’some would ‘7"
f What did Nelson Fiscal Court or a County Planning Commissmn offices. general’s office in Frankfort. have you believe that doesn t apply In J:
“ local school board vote to do at its last , °F°"'“’s,°f’e“’“‘“‘e “Wm,“ 0’ e"' To do that, you write that you are H°yd .C.°““ty' . . i I;
3 meeting? grueermg studies made by a public agency appealing a denial of access to public Citizens have the right toquestion . 1‘,
i How much do public officials get paid Panfthhe “C‘lutmhelz f’f P’Wty- . records. Include a copy of your letter to the shy 8“th segvmtjphout funds spent, a
for attending meetings and taking care of . $712" lire. mg to'a test or examt- agency and a COPY 0f the agency,5 letter" “fignsm e an deirreasonéng :
i‘ the public’s business? nation t 15 to grow again. . ' ' denying you access. m. g ese' ecrsrons. itizens g
.1 «more;ofenforcemnzntmwswgetwnswf have the as: to receve honest, accurate ,.
J the C1188 is Sti in a emature disclo— ‘5 answers to eir nations. 1,
'* KenfUCkY smwourdintg’ffiiuimtflmzicagmqes . emmlotamdme ,
l. interests. Access rlghts ridiculed, embarrassed and perhaps lied t
' l Views OPreliminary drafts and "01%, and Pfe- . t: When asking Where and to whom j
liminary Correspondence-with 'vate sons, * eir money is 8°ih8- -'
l Editorialstromacmss notindicatiwoffinalpublicazgncy $2... unquestlonable. h’IEerighttacliaskgoeshand-in-hand ' l
3 o preliminary recommendations and me. The Pa du c a h Sun wit t e right so to look. i
i If you’ve ever wondered about those 02' policzes formulated or recommended. Walker’s questioning Of the public’s right mmgstltihf “811th moped hny P1121“! i
l things but figured you'd never find out, 0Any documents required to belkepi se- to see public records is thoroughly mis- mfslessio: a Piidgéfigfi’heas m 1 st - 3
l the Commonwealth of Kentucky has a cret by other state or fade?“ law. Thls would guided. One who has worked With “Ch :3 83:31? - olv th reque; IS 1
s ‘ solution for you. ' ‘ include “407””? proceedings, mental health records as long as he has knows better. dulnrea d f, mv es ousan s i
r It’ lled the o n records law It hearmgs,1uvenile court recordsand the hke- The sheriff made his remarks in con— an t ousan S 0 documents, or that . i
i 5 ca . .pe ' And getthiszlf part ofthe documentis ' ' 99 records are deterrruned “Ot to be public '
J means public agencres have to let people . . . nection “nth reports Of a 1 0 exchange under the law ’
i have access to records. exemptfrominspectionandpartisnot, the between his chief deputy and a 911 dis— So ' . . . i
I .. . agency is required to separate the exempt Lo - n he -5 er me PUbhe agencres 1“ Floyd i
: Lots of co 1e think the law was . . . . patcher. gs wntte by t d1 patch \
. P p . mum and rovrde ou With the ublic - County appear to make It as difficult as I
‘ written for the benefit of newspapers and P ‘ P y P and personnel at Kentucky State Police at h 1 'b1 {0 l t . . I
i broadcast media. portion 0f the document. - Mayfield pertaining to the incident were £2321), P0551 e r peop e o inspect j
l Not so. The law was written for the The 1311th agency can also deny ac— obtained by The Paducah Sun. Payroll records reimbursements J
I i benefit of the general public, so the public cess to records If your request calls for an Sheriff Walker on Thursday night bid documents travel expenses and a, J
s 5 can keep track of what its representatives unreasonable amount 0f work to produce asked, ”Who had the right to give those to host of other documents are considered I,
g are doing. lots of records or if the agency believes The Puducah Sun?” bl' rd rd‘ t th la 1
k ‘ Of course, the media make use of the you’re making repeated requests to disrupt The answer is that the custodian of the pu i: 12:0 ec: 33C; Ebglicoreczrdzvis 1
, law more often than the general public. the normal busmess 0f the agency. records had every right, indeed the Obh‘ denied aim, mustpbe submitted to the «'
' - But the agency must be able to show ation, to ive them to the Sun, or for that ' . ,
sewedIhat makes sense, because the public b . - ~ - g g . person making the request and to the ,
‘ generally relies on’ the media to publish y clear and “Omncmfi ev1dence that 91‘ matter to any member of the Plibhe. state attorney general’s office stating _ , .
i such information. > ther of those reasons is the grounds for Open records laws,it mustbepomted ‘ why access was denied . _ _ , .
1 _ denyin you access. out, are not written for the convenience or , , , I ‘ . , 5 “ m. i
- j; . ' was afitizgmfoil$3Jfiebgmfecoms law ' ngat if you ask and you don’t get benefit of the news media, but for the d film“ hat? a: fight to ap P531 the , f
i ' satisfaction? ‘ public, whose interest the sheriff is sworn eni _ ‘ugh e a omey gener ‘ ,
I Ifyou want to find out the answers to Put it in writing. ' to serve. Inspection 0f documents can be made
1‘ questions like those above — or to similar Address it to the person who has Sheriff Walker’ 5 desire to support his during normal busmess hours Of that >
! questions — all you have to do is go to the custody of the records you want. own personnel duringatime of criticism is public agenwcL
" ; agency in question and ask. List clearly exactly what documents understandable, but he should not allow It’ 5 your right to know, if you’re
1' The agency can’t tell you that you or information you want. his defensiveness to drive him far afield. interested. It’s the public official’s duty
can’t see the records unless the agency Include the following sentences: Un— When the sheriff says his department to allow you to inspect the public .
gives you a specific reason. And those der the provisions of the Kentucky Open is trying to figure out who asked the documents. It’s your duty to complain to ‘
f reasons are limited to: Records Law, KR561 -870,thi5 request mUSt question that got the current controversy the attorney general if a 131}th agency i
‘ o Documents containing personal infor- be answered in writing within three (3) started, he. sounds as though he is less denies access to records Without proper ,
; mation that, if released, would invade another working days. Specific reasons in writing concerned about the incident than the fact justification in accordance With state _
person’s privacy. (Asking for the salaries of must be given for denying access. the public found out about it. law. _ . q
l peopleon the public payroll does not constitute Remember that agencies can charge Sheriff Walker should redirect the Whose government 19 1t and whose '
= invasion ofprioacy.) you a reasonable fee for making copies. focus of his investigation. money is being spent? .
: o o o o
; A newspaperman Will be missed by his community .
1 By ”and Dick . . Hemmwamomponebmmamm
i woman, it loses a piece Of its souL It loses a voice. It loses £33953EgigfgégEgigigfgfigigigE;EgigigigigigignggEgigZ;E;E;E;E;E;E;S;§;E;Eg§g£g£gig£35gigégigigigigigigfgig3555553;};333395333353;533353535333332§5;E;E;E§35313;};5353233513239535253gE;E;E55355E5E3£55;13533525312535335553555153535 by his father.
; fierce, but fair, independent thinking. It 10595 its repre— didn’t know what the word ”quit” meant. Larry saw competitors come and go. As George
; sentative in the fourth branch of government, or the There’s no use pretending that Larry and I were Wallace used to say, he just kept on keeping on. Thereare ,
I ”fourth estate” — Edmund Burke’s expression coined a buddieswhenwe weren’tfightingdeadlines. And, I’veno few who would have kept on with as many personal '
i_ 10118 time 5180- right to try to speak for him, but we probably were both challenges, especially the medical ones in the latter years .
Larry Brannon, the long-time Bourbon County PUb- believers not only in ourselves, but also in the profession of his life. Many would have found it too much to bear.
: lisher, was always a part Of that tradition WhiCh had that to which we had decided to cast our lot. Last week, when Bourbon County witnessed the _
l a free and open soc1ety needs more than the executive, the Larry was a newspaperman long before I took it up. passing of Larry Brannon, it lost another friend whocared «
‘ congressional and the Indlelal branches 0f government. He was a newspaperman long before I’d thought about about his community.
f The system cries out for someone to stand outsrde and broadcasting asa legitimate medium for news. Iresigned May there be more graduates of the University of
* look-and listen in, while at the same time, remembering as publisher of The Bourbon Times last year in order to Kentucky who care enough about their communities to
5 that journalism is also a part Of the community 1‘ attempts devote virtuallyallof my time asa journalism educator. In spend their lives playing the part of the messenger. '
:91: f *0 serve. fact, Larry studied journalism at the University of Ken- There is much work left to be done. It’s important
ling , I wentlto lunch one day several years ago and asked tucky, and I didn’t. When I was a student, I was trying to work. Without journalists, thereis no fourth estate, there’s
nas- ‘1 Larry If he ‘1 consrder selling h15 newspaper 1 He wasn t find myself in the EnglisheDepartment. nobody who will keep an independent eye and ear on the
re“, " interested. I admired him for his detemunation. After I Lan'y Brannon was one of those graduates of the UK people’s business. '
601' , became publisher Of The Bourbon Times, I respected Larry School of Journalism who went out into the real world and Thank you, Mr. Brannon, for your years Of service *0 .
} even more for his indomitable SPh’it as a competitor. He continuedafamilytraditionofnewspapering.Heaccepted Paris and Bourbon County. ' e

 Page 4, The Kentucky Press, July 1921 I ' II n
_ Tough times selling 2 bits, 4 bits. . . NNA to convene Criticism, features ‘1 E
, International Newspaper Adver- paper Prices rise in Little Rock subject of seminar - . .
. tising and Marketing EXGCUtiVES has The prevailing price for a daily The annual convention of the The arts will be the focus of a f
. set its mid-year sales conference and paper nationally is now35 cents;$1 on National Newspaper Association will seminar for media critics and feature " a
workshopsforluly21-24inMonterey, Sunday. That’s the word from behosted by Arkansas Press Associa— writers, Aug. 1.4 in Daytona Beach, ' j E
Cal. The themeis "Selling Newspaper American Newspaper Publishers As- tion, Sept. 25-28 in Little Rock. The under aegis of Southern Newspaper
E . - Advertising in Tough Times,” featur- sociation, which recently released re- bottom line Will be the focus Of this Publishers Association Foundation,
'e ing speakers from the retail indUStTY, sults of its annual survey of prices. year’ 5 sessions. Topics include build- Daytona Beach News-Journal and jI‘
' experts on newspaper advertisingand According to the 1990 figures, three ing a client base, working with con— Florida International Festival.In addi- 1
alternative distribution. Call INAME Kentucky dailies still charged25cents tracked personnel, creative selling, tion to sessions on covering the arts II_‘II‘I-I ,
_ at 703/648-1168. for a weekday paper; 16 charged 35 competing with mass merchandiserS, and support of the arts, participants III E:
Recycling tab on tap cents,and4 soldfor50cents. For single usingcomputerdatabasesinreporfing, will be entertained by the London
Ideas for Issues Inc. in Baltimore copies 0f the Sunday paper, five Ken— and strategic planning. NNA prom- Symphony Orchestra and other re- I1,
is offering the elements for producing tucky publishers set the price at 75 ises its largest trade show ever, dinner nown groups. Cost is $200 for SNPA v 1
" local tabloid inserts about paper recy- cents; four at $1, and tWO at $1-25- (In in the state capitol and a sidetrip to members, $300 for non-members. To ' IIgIInEn ;
j cling. The company provides copy, 1991,therehavealreadybeenchanges.) rice and cotton farms. A post-con- seeifthere’s any space left, call SNPA =I
graphics and national advertising for Predominant Ipnces 1n the southern vention tour of the Ozarks is also on at 404 / 256-0444. E
‘ a 12- to 20-page tab to be printed and region, of Wthh Kentucky 15 a part, tap. For information, contact NNA, ———————~—II— 1
inserted locally. Publishers can select remain at 25 cents for a dally and 75 Suite 400, 1627KSt. NW, Washington, Fair ex Chan e jg: i
from four publication dates, begin- cents for Sunday, according to SNPA. DC 20006; phone 202/466-7200. g :
E ‘» ning with September 1991. For more‘ 1, .I I E e I -> :5 KP A executive director David ‘ 1
information,contactDonAkchin,301/ a e “a ' e: e 4mg,“ “EQNm.M~W~eWV Thompson has sent invitations for E '5, '
Need a kiddie tab? ' E e- '. ; 5 universities to get some down-and— ~.
. McDonald County Newspapers I , . ; ' e' ‘ the e . .- . dirty, practical experience this sum— ,I.'f
, inMiSSOllriPllblisheS—alld offerstl . ‘ . . . . ‘e ' * “a men ' 3
* E sale to other papers—a monthly, two- ' . n " " W Eng: In a May 24 letter to department ’ ; 1
C010" 12'lt’ag" tabbid for Y°““8 .-, ~ ; - = - " " ' it chairpersonsl Thompson told of the ‘ e1
’ ' . readers. Pippintoe Press©is sent cam- e I5». le " E. 3% ”summer employment” opportunity '11
E . era-ready with spaceleftfor papers to ‘ ‘I j ,: ' . , hem that would allow faculty to substitute
' ' ‘ ' . . '» , . . ' > ' ' - ., 11“., ‘ h ‘-. here ‘ View . 7- ‘ r:
papers print and insert the tablord, , , . v , _ ,, E, ._ I. a. . ‘31:,” per personnel. _ W ‘3?
- which the sponsor says is being used . i :5 -. . e. eif’ae ‘ ”Community newspaper PUh‘ “7"
by several teachers as a classroom e {Eta}; h We annoyeth lishers seldom have the opportunity fife?
learning tool. For an information . ; W neeeeee E .e ea: to take vacations—small staff, lots to .771
‘ packet, contact Roark Rickett, figfi m I. . .7 . a“, . :1 do, no time, worried'things won’t go 1,; 1
tral Plant, Highway 71 at EE Junction. “aeaaeng the Oneofthenewermembersel'vlees
Pinevflle MO 64856; Or ca“ 417”” flhfine ea of m, he said, is trying to find part— . ’-
_ When they don’t nheeaaaea lishers, editors and general managere
love you anymore _ , ; ele eufiaeiththémfiéweaejea‘ Thompson said he W°“1d keep a ros.‘ 1
A Why do subscribers cancel your er of available faculty and male a
Paper? A Shutter COmmunicafions ; kmw“ t" the Papers“
They move from the area. <2) They fieaeeeeaae teas help than those who are teachhg our
dislike something about the paper. (3) finangégfigtffighfiwgefi jOurnalists of tomorrow,” he said. "It i. E
. They believe the price is too high. 333%;EMEEgzeanfignggfifiggagenggggggg$駧g§§ not only gets them away from the * a
Stauffer circulation coordinator Keith ., "tray E 2......4ee “Xyan,.”!é?§w.,mtmu Em,“ «Maisonette/mi z Enwewe.:fleaemmweimemaeee ‘ classroom and umversrty setting, bth . ‘31
Wood advises newspapers to contact Poetry in motion -The Fulton Leader won a first place award in the KPA it also gives them hands-on ean- 51
' every customer who cancels a Sttt" Better Newspaper Contest for capturing the dramatic choreography of these ence.” ‘_
'scription. ”The goal should be a 100 young ball players. . _ . E
percentcontactrate,neveraizluminga ——————————————~————~I———:—.———fi_ L
_ oss, even onmoves or seaso sto ,” a ,7
,. Woodayntaufiemewspapemuia ANPA stats reflect status of da111es E
software programto track subscribers Washington —- More US adults tising expenditures. e newspapers remained at more than 62 1
e. ' and non-subscribers} than ever before are reading Sunday Advertising expendituresindaily million. E E
. Accgss to crash Sltes newspapers. In 1990' more than 121 newspapers were more than $32 bil- 0 The number of US dailies with, ‘ f
I, is on SP] agenda million of them, 67 percent of all US 1ion,$4billion more thanall television circulation more than50,000 increased ie'E
. The Society of Professional Iour- adults, read a newspaper on an aver- services combined. by 18 to a total of 282. t1
nalists is asking the National Trans- age weekend. These and other statistical high— _- Canadian daily newspapers to- 531
‘ portation Safety Board to re-examine Sunday newspapers increased to lights of the newspaper business in ‘ taled 108 in number with circulation - ,1
' its policies on media access and the 855 in number and 62.4 million in cir— 1990, compared with previous years, of 5.8 million. ’1
j use of press pools. The request comes culation, an increase of 18 newspapers are contained in "Facts About News- A mill‘ f . J
in the wake 0f difficulty reporters had and more than 400,000 in circulation. papers ’91,” an annual statistical sum- ' bout6 1,0“ tonso newspa- 1
.. ‘ in covering the Feb. 1 air crash at Los More that 113 million US adults, mary compiled by the American pers were recycled into ngwsPrmt and ti
. " Angeles International Airport. The 524 percent of the total, read a daily Newspaper Publishers Association as other producstgom the United Sites in e1
E organization contends that NTSB t00 . newspaper on an average weekday. a service to the newspaper business 1990' almost 11 '900 thhiltnhm'et ahth ,;1
tightly controlled media accesstothe Daily newspapers remain the and to the public. 1989' More tI an 2 “h 10h tons 0t in
' ' ‘ crash site through ”poorly organized nation’s largest advertising medium Other 1990 highlights include: newspapers were recycled 1nt0 news- “ 1
: and poorly operated” press pools. with25 percent of all 1990 US adver— - 0 Circulation of the 1,611 USdaily- print. - -

 ,gsgsgigégigégigigiaié35322255253222égisizésigégéésésézézésizézéa:sésisiai2:22:2552323332522522:Ssisiszzésisésisés;2:22zée:sésésisééeé:é:i=3£52222i2isisézizéeésfsiiééisé22225:2é2€23:3éséésésisis5:52:2%:éaé532223.32::5:sé2i2253;222:222:2:sis32izézisésieésésésiézé53122322?2%:é2:2;ésésésézéaizi2isieésis5225525252223. July 1991' The ““ka Press: Page 5
I33:35:252;sgsgzgsg;gagsgsgsgzgagzgzgzgzg2g2g23233;;33522235235532:5323335523552325555532252335? 5:52:55:555*523:33???"553*€2§E313=3=‘13513:§E’ 5%?55‘“i5=5E§€§i¥*‘*‘33§§§55e::'*35§§§§i?iiii;§iiiiiiiéjiiii§5':§§E§§§§§§§§§§§i§i§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§€§E§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§i§§éiéiiiiiiiéi '
‘ Lelese Complalnts won't go away,
, Recent legal issues iI'IVOMI'Ig Kén- to cover up the investigation, which but they can be handled .
tUCkY newspapers»: Tribune editors found out about from (F Oklahoma P A . 2' ) .
'The Kentucky Coalition Against a television news report. mmHow do )2: cbsii'lecltna 130043007 ' All Of this Wih prove your and your V
Rapeand Sexual Assaultplanstostudy °Four of California’s largest Inthe fast-paced life ofnewspaper newspaper’s Integrity.
the prospect of sponsoring legislation newspaperorganizationshavebanded journalism, no matter how hard we Humor has he place in ”done ,
that would make it illegal to publish together to hire a lobbyist to fight pro- try mistakes errors faulty facts and somebody wrong’ Situations. Neither
. ' the names of rape victims. At least one posed state legislation“ that would even typos get into print. does casting blame on an employee.
state, Florida, bars publication of vic- impose new taxes on newspapers and Chief Oklahoma City Municipal Many newspaper employees have '
tims’ names, according to a report in a disposal fee on newsprintpurchases.