xt718911rc25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911rc25/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1995-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 1995 text GLSO News, October 1995 1995 1995-10 2019 true xt718911rc25 section xt718911rc25 ——m_.fi_—_____fl
contributed by Mary Crone contributed by Keith Elston _ ,

Alex is a twelve year-old boy [Editor’s note: Keith a long—time You can now SPbmlt a_mCles and
who goes to the Unitarian Lexingtonian and early activist in the ads V13 e'mml:
Universalist Church and through that local gay rights movement has Peter (our revered editor):
community has become acquainted moved to North Dakota. He has PJTAYL00@UKCC-UKY-EDU
with a number of gay, lesbian, and agreed to send his perceptions front Elizabeth (our prankster typesetter):
bisexual people. Over the last few his new location on a regular basis. BEE@MIS-NET
years, Alex has heard an increasing I’ve entered a time warp. Up m
amount of homphobic harrassment at here in North Dakota, the gay TO THEM
his elementary school. Much of the community is at roughly the sanre Here isaprovocative item that ran
trtne it was the use of the word gay pornt in ’ their development as on the net last month. My handwriting
as a put—down or insult ( That s so Lexrngton 5 community was when I does nothing of the sort and 1,1“
gay ). . first came out some 15 years ago. In wondering about all the rest of you out

Because he knew and liked some respects it rs even farther back there. Does your handwriting have
members of our 7community and the ' evolutionary chain than arty or all of these traits? (taken from
because his mother s teachings about Lexrngton. There are no gay bars, no LavenderLists by Lynne Yamaguchi)
the need for all ofus to be allies With organized political or specral interest 7 Distinct Traits in the
people experiencing discrimination, groups (like Gay Rodeo Association, H d , , G P 1
Alex decided to say something about Lesbian Avengers, Names Project, an wntrng of ay eop e
what he was hearing. He told the etc.) for lesbians, gay men and (these traits were reported by
harrassers to stop using the word bisexuals. There isn’t even a lesbian graphologist Eldene Whiting @1116
.t 73 - , , ,~ . 1975 convention of the American

gay as an insult and to stop making and gay Alcoholics Anonymous here! . . , ,
fun of 1 , Oh there are monthl dances Handwriting Analysrs Foundation at
gay P601) 9- x y . . .

SO what was the response? As held in Fargo which quite a few {Ch Unwersrty Of Santa Cruz)
many of us could predict, Alex people from all over the state are Continued 0" [’1‘6’62
became the object of some of their willingto travel the 200—400 miles to .. h , 7 . _ g :
harrassnrent. When asked if he were attend. There is also a newly formed Liit‘lSlllDE (QQWEQBEBQ i
gay, he said no, but that gay people social group here in Bismarck which Community NEWS 4 l
he knew werejust normal people like meets in my conference room once a Companies with Domestic i

_ everybody else. There was one other month to chat. Some people drive Partnership Benefits ._......insett
student who would back him up 300 miles to attend these meetings. (3150 Camps Out ] 1
some of the time. That group, called Gala, had its GLSO/Exccl Partnership ....insert

The “responsible” adults in the September meeting recently and National News 5 ‘

continued on page 2 continued on page 11 A Coming Out Day 5pcc1al....,...4r i

 / ,/, , _ ,, from Ihefront page from thefront page
/’&OGAY& . “1100] did “0t intervene. Alex has 1) Ornate capital letters (
/LBSBIAN 110w entered middle school, where he 2) Soft, ballooning letters /
will no doubt hear more homophobic 3) Incurved circles Z
SERVICES comments. . 4) Excessive punctuation, such as
/ORG What cart we learn from this? dashes, parentheses, and underlines
' ' "i’ Are we, as adults, able to confront 5) Sunken humps on the letter “in”
Lexington. Kentucky homophobia or support other people 6) T—bars and i-dots to the left c
" who do? Do we talk about or at least 7) A varied slant, reflecting an v
”y to understand 0th“ forms or ambivalence about male-female a
' , prejudice and oppression such as identity c
racism, SCXiSI'“, or classism? . (Editor’s note: some comments a
@LSQ N@W$ It s certainly not easy to question from the sender follow:) Although I 2
. the assumptions behind a friend’s Id . -1 d' . d h' .
Published Montlil b th _ . _ cou easr y iscar t isanonsense, i
L . t G /Ly by e 10k“, or to express 3“ opinion that I won’t do that in light of the many
exrng on ay . es. [an differs from the majority. IVS 633‘“ biological differences that have been I
Servrces Organization l0 write an article about one Of these found between homo’s and hetero’s. t'
P-O- BOX “471 'SSUCS' 1“ tact, If you have Although many of these studies 1i
Lexington, KY 40575 something [0 say about any form‘ Of remain controversial or unreplicated, n
OppreSSion, please write something the evidence is mountng that such q
interim Editor: for “5' ' differences exist. ;
Peter Taylor So, Alex, mostly 5““ a young Especially relevant is the recent
boy, but with steps taken toward study on dermatoglyphic g
manhood, learned that it can be (fingerprint) differences. 1
Layout Editors/Co-Editors: difficult to be an ally, but that it is Fingemmus are developed early in a
Tammy D, Strong/ also wonderful to have something to the fetal life, as the result of
Elizabeth A, Gilliam be proud Of' Thanks, Alex. V homrones. It is not inconceivable to n
me that these hormones may have a d
C1150 Annual Dues and tiny but noticible effect on 1‘
Newsletter: $15 digital/manual anatomy
Dues and Newsletter for development, which can eventually I‘
Couples: $20 affect handwriting. g
Newsletter only: $10 Previous studies have also shown I]
g ‘ cognitive differences between gay and t
Views or opinions expressed in the A Big Thanks to :tralgtljt inert, SIREWIHg 111:: gay 111:1; i]
GLSO News are those ofthe authors and i ave rarnwaves or were ey scans.
don’t necessarily represent those of the OUTRAGEOUS ACTS women S that were closer to those of hetero t]
GLSO Board ofDirectors. Submissions softball team for repre- women. Fine motor skills, such as n
are welcome. All submrssrons become senting Central Kentucky in writing, may be influenced by this. p
the property ofGLSO and must indicate . . All ms '5 s eculat've of OU se
full name and addressofthe author. The the National Tournament In ‘ 1 P 1 '7 C I ~--'
stiff. reservesd Elbet rightt Ito“ tedit Denver in September! I:
su mlSSlonS an a s 0 mee pu is ing .
requirements, as well as the right to (BUt neXt “"18 take your own "atinnal coming 0'“ Si
reject any submissions. Placement 0' SHOW plOWS for that 9” nay is october 1‘]! C
advertising in GLSO News denotes deluge!) V
neither a person’s sexual orientation nor (see page 5 for national events) _
a business’ customer preference. 3
M _
GLSO News Page 2

“a f f ‘T “t; 5’ V’M ; / W 53/
as WOMYNWEAVE NEEDS A COMING OUT DAY information on coming out to
.S COORDINATOR SPECIAL Children and helping children
" Womynweave is without a In honor of Coming Out Day, understand their gay and lesbian
coordinator, but the calls to Mary by October 11, we have a continuing parents. . . .
an womyn looking for a social outlet series on coming out issues. Consider the followrng pomts
'10 are just as frequent. If you would Divorced Parents Coming Out to when decrding if, when, where, why
consider coordinating social Children Part1: and how to come out to your
its activities for womyn, call Mary at Coming out after having children:
11 266—5904. V children in a heterosexual marriage Ol‘Cornplete the process M
;c, COMMUNITY NETWORKING can be a doubly stressful event for coming 0‘” to yourself before
my At the Fairness Community which many parents need assistance. coming out to your Chlldfin'
en Forum held during Pride Month, They are often caught in the Chaos Children tend to take your posrtrve
3. there was a desire for more and quandry of coming out to or negative cues on how to react to
:5 networking expressed by several themselves and coming out to their thelsrtfuatron. hDeal wlithf YOUEOOW“
OO’ members of our community. The children simutaneously. Several g1“ t; allure, S ame an ears ”5}
"11 Stonewall Network - which books have been written on gay and 1.36 aware 0f the legal Situation
nt welcomed participation by all local lesbian parenting, GAY FATHERS regardLngf custody “Sr you‘rhgiy
ic groups - went out of existence after (1990) and GAY AND IOJESBIAN status e ore gorng P“ l; wrt I Z
is. 1-1/2 years due to lack of PARENTS (1987), Wthh offer contmue 0" page“
in attendance.
3f There is a need and an interest in e ..
to networking, but it is apparently EX DATING ‘47 .. IN], ACY
a difficult to have an ongoing group (4" O
m just for that purpose. I . " _. ,
ty One possiblefway is to have A WORKSHOP"8'RIES
representatives 0 various LBGT A.
ly groups together is to designate GAY & BISXUAL
, periodic GLSO Board Meetings for _ 3:9
1:; the express purpose of networking. 3§\\§\il¢ 28' & DEWER 5’ 12
:11 We suggest that groups or y¥ ”st ‘¢
'2) individuals interested in developing ‘QVORKSHOPS H'el: j ftl/EN/NG
.‘0 this idea come to our November 1% THE WOBKS/fl SEQ/{@FREE
is meeting on Monday, Nov 6 at 7:00 £9??? 3 w
s. pm, upstairs atThe Bar, downtown ENaettME/w IS aria/750, CALL TO REsEAVE A SPOT
Our meetings are always open % 5"“ g
to the curious or adventurous, partic- DionéMbe’ Pg I Doug B'Jiham, MSW
ularly if you would like to volunteer to» ;
some time to one of our projects. {606) 257-7Q1 7 {60612694007
Our next meeting will be m ...3.
Wednesday, Oct 4, at 7:00 pm, also , _ 51mm 1"“ 7"
Leungton-l‘uvettc (bum-v Health Department
at The Bar. 7 - .
GLSO News Page 3

 //‘fif/7// that dozens of gay custody cases are age-appropriate language.
(CWWWNBWS currently winding their way through After the telling, be prepared for
from page 3 Virginia ruling could set the standard answer their classic questions: What
information. Historically gays have for other states, particularly courts in does being gay mean? What makes
had parental rights questioned or the south. Besides Virginia, courts in a person gay? Don’t you like men (or
removed based solely on their sexual Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota women)? Will I be gay? What
orientation. The recent Sharon and Oklahoma appear to have should I tell my friends? Does dad
Bottoms case in Virginia is the most already taken the position that homo- (0r mom) know? Be prepared to
recent public example of the sexuality along makes a parent unfit. answer these questions again as the
prejudice and discrimination handed * If you decide it is in the child develops. What the child
down by the courts to gay parents. children’s best interest emotionally understands at age 5 is different at
The Bottoms case is based on a 1985 and legally, tell them before others ages 10, 15 and 20.
Virginia State Court decision (Roe v. tell them. Children seldom initiate Next month: Advice from the
Roe) which found that gays, by the discussion. Keep the conversa— Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition
definition were unfit parents because tion positive and sincere. Children International 011 reducing problems
children are damaged through their are never“too young” to be told, but experienced by children of lesbigay
exposure to that sexual orientation. the converstation must be tailored to parents. v
The May 30, 1995 Advocate reports their level of understanding, using
,7? MA ég‘ $72 / m : fig A C? / “fig 2:1 my: ‘1: F f :1, “(,4 federal approval, for clinical trials on
{NZ/@2123 MATLINTEKWES people infected with the AIDS virus.
///7/////”////4/////7////7///////////M/////// proven the drugs immobilize the
NEW AIDS DRUG ON Dr. Mlkc Anazodo usmg ins1ghts virus in monkey cells. Preliminary,
HORIZON gleaned from cancer Chemotherapy collaborating research in Montreal,
The following article has been drugs... The new drugs are 5.0 where one Of Canada’s top AIDS
taken from the August 18th issue of promismg that Wright and ms researchers has joined the Winnipeg
the Winnipeg Free Press, in colleagues have applied for patents work, shows that the drugs also kill
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. for both. . AIDS in human cells in lab tests.
Winnipeg Cancer researchers Wright syntheSized manjmade Institute director Dr. Arnold
have developed drugs that 0311 genes m a [€814ch to mimic the Greenberg said that if the clinical
paralyse the virus that causes AIDS- ones In HIV' He found that injecting trials confirm the promise shown so
“It’s as if the virus isn’t there at all,” the substance into ' the. virus far the drugs will be hailed in
said Dr. Jim Wright of the Manitoba Imeblhzed ’1‘, stopping u from headlines around the world. V
Institute for Cell Biology at the growmg, Its 3 Completely new NATIONAL COMING
Manitoba Cancer Treatment and approach _to blocking the AIDS OUT DAY 1995
Research Foundation. “The cells Virus. Wright said it acts much like B
an antibiotic at a enetic level. Gene VENTS CALENDAR
would act as though they were g . . Th N t' l C . 0
normal.” therapy works by stopping the Virus . e _ 21 mm oniing . “t
The research tested 011 lab from copying itself. In turn, it can’t Proiect. ‘5 the Human Rights
, ’ , _ , s read in the bod . Campaign Fund’s ongomg campaign
animals and human tissue, is being p y to eiicoura e and em ower ever
hailed as a major breakthrough. The In three years Of research, the d 1 gb. p t k y
two genetic drugs called anti-sense two drugs have passed two gas; an 6.3 ian pets“ 0 m? e a
molecules, which mimic DNA, were preliminary but major hurdles. The 1 erence m educating America by
designed by Wright and colleague cruc1al {CSt for the new drugs 18 continued on page9
GLSO News Page 4

 3r «WM . MW. www ‘. MW! ' W‘W'" MM 3%
[0 1%
at 11
:3 1 CD PRE 9 Ch is

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lye 111 1 1 1 a; mm1111 :1 ° 1mm 0 v
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11 Admission fee = @1313“ 110 °

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Is ‘5' vafififififh- , r :1:
:n 1: 71*-
’y GLSO News Page 5

 GLSO Wlshes Everyone a Happy Natlonal Comlng Out Day! ALFALPA
Sunda‘ Monda Tuesda Wednesday Thursda Frida Saturda I l - -. ‘
V y y y y y y ,_ .
III, I' ' a ' '-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a?) ,- ‘17
“9"“ Coum Dance Lessons (The 7:30 PM Ga [Lesbian 7:00 PM Lex.Men‘ 7:30 PM Ga /Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontnmners : . I ~ ' .
AAMACsCA lam-lees) AiAmA V cm Rom? AA ’ ' , . ~
Guild) , 7 :00 PM GUESS (EKU) 8'45 PM Rainbow Bowl- 500 PM Fromnmnels (Woodland 7-30 pM UK Lambda
4:00PMTSGRAML3 (fishnet) 730 PM Pn-d C '. Park) I
7:00 PM Dignity - e tr. mg (Joyland Lanes) 700 PM Ebony Mm Mtg (Rm. 231 Student Ctr.)
7:00 PM Gay/LabianM Taskforce 7:00 PM MCC(134 Church so 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. R E s T A U R A N T
P-FLAG National Conference . 'ana . lis 800 PM GEM/”him AA Grp.
' ' _ ' WWMMM 557 S Limestone
222;; A Ago _______i_,,. Du 12PM GMMM We“ MAM MMMMM MAMAAM Lexi “Mon, KY
- - - ' t. I. :
1 1130 AM MCC 03“ ‘ M 8:45 PAlil/lolgainbow Bowl- 61°33 ““55““ (WNW 7:30 cIii/118m: Ema 7:00 PM A Healing Service for 25 3-001 4
Chur°h 3") , count” Dime mm (The ing (Joyland LaneS) 7:00 PM MCC (134 Church (Rm. 231 Student Ctr.) ' AIDS (Chm Chm“ .
7:00 PM Gay/Lesblan Par & L'fes‘y‘“) St.) 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. Grp. cam”
AA 700 PM GUESS (EKU) goggmggggmmm, mm mm W R B
"°" _ enowned Weekend mndr
I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 20 21 '
11:30 AM MCC (134 L251 Guam" GLSO News Deadline AIDS/HIV SpptGrp. 7:00 PM Elm NOW (“med Integn'ty (St. Augustine's) 9:00 AM Frontrunners In 6/ be” I) /( [780]!
2 5511;? LSt-g). P a k “$33323?“ (The 7:33 12:14 Gay/lesbian 61°§§$F’°“mm ””11““ 7;o§ai§§ei:§i3im cum 7:10APM Gay/Lesbian 10:00 AM Men's Network 58W 9 U8 y ”F W
: es mm o uc . - on 7:00 PM MCC 134 Ch h e
. . . 7.00m GMEssasKU) . . _ o. < mm anal/(e; e sbenea’lc/ arno/a’
7.00 PM Dlgmty _ 8.45 PM Rambow Bowl ) 7.30PMUKurM-(Rmzsl saloon my.) , . - ~ . u , ~ I /
. 7.30 PM Falrness Meet- . . - ,
7:00 PM Gay/Lesblan in (Alfalfais mg (J oyland Lanes) 300 PM Gay/”Sb“ AA 8~°° PM ”WWW Gm - - .
AA g > WPWWWW ' , med Rodeo Assoc. ls We span/5h ome/effel,
22 23 24 . 25 26 27 . 28 0/70, MUC/l more...
Imperial C'- (RJSC) Mtg- New M°°" 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV SpptGIP- 7100 PM LexMen's Chorus 7:30 PM Gay/Lesblan 9:00 AM Frontrunners
11:30 AM MCC (134 Church Country Dance Lessons (The Al— Anon 6:00 PM Fronmnmels (Woodland Reheaxsal AA
2.03214 Welles um 7-38’15‘i2‘foes13ye13s (EKU) 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- 756" 13M MCC (134 Church riggifliii‘emubf“ (Rm °
' Remains" (Actors' Guild) ' ‘ iflg (Joyland Lanes) 5“) 3:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. Gfp Wednesday ls
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 800 PM COLTS Mtg ‘ . .
2'1 Ga Rodeo Assoc... 91°2I$C°W 9““ W" (0“ ' 3:00 PM "Unidentified Human Remains...” Actors’ Guild Internatlonal nght
29 3 0 3 1 September November
D5211} ht Savingtset ““3"” Halloween/ s M T w T F s s M T w T F s Breads and desserts
b k 1 h CountnI Dance Lessons (The __....___.. 1 2 l 2 3 4
,ac our Bar & Lifestyles) Samhain , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 s 9 10 ll ' ' '
Alicia: 7:00PMGUEssasKU) mgyeaymm- 2:13:32: 13:2,: :2 :2 :3 :: baked da'ly "' 0"" “Che"
Re 2 ' (A 'Guild) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30
2:00 PWLSOCIEIZ; Folding 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling

 what a meeting it was. The major is that there is always a certain single time when the events were
topic of discussion was whether we amount of risk involved as we try to disrupted, either by bible-toting
wanted to attract or restrict new create community. Each person has zealots or bat—wielding punks. As
membership. If we decided we to calculate that risk for her or far as I know, no one who partici-
wanted to attract new members, then himself and decide whether the pated in those Friday night social
how would we go about letting rewards outweigh the risks. If the gatherings lost their job or their
people know we exist? Explicit to rewards don’t outweigh the risks, home as a result Of attending.
this discussion was a rather then it may be that that individual is Allowing one’s imagination to
disturbing subtopic on whether to not ready tobe apart of the lesbigay override common sense leads 3
allow bisexuals to come to our community. person who lives 150 miles front
meetings. Some folks seemed to Risk is a natural part of the Bismarck to fear that someone he
argue that bisexuals, for some coming out process. Ifthere was no knows will see him here with a
unexplained reason, could not be risk, thenthere would be no need for group of other adults (in the
trusted to respect the privacy of the a supportive community and conse— basement conference room of a
group. Others argued, at times quite quently, no growth. As I continued locked building on a Sunday
forcefully, that as lesbigay people, to watch this little rerun unfold, I afternoon),concludethathe and they
we have been the recipients of just noticed that most of the participants are gay, and broadcast that
this sort of arbitrary discrimination were accepting the assumption that if information to his employer, his
and to wield that bigotry against the group’s existence were known landlord, his friends and his family,
others was a dangerous road to publicly, large numbers of gay- thereby causing him to lose his job,
travel. basliers would disrupt our meetings. his borne, and his support network. I
As I listened to this discussion, I In reality, such assumptions are more guess that is why sonre people seem
was struck by a strange sense of deja a measure of imagination than willing to be just as bigoted as the
vu. This was incredibly similar to experience. society that has forced them to fear
discussions I participated in back in Of course, there have been and distrust everyone around them.
the early 19805 in Lexington. occasions when hornophobes Fortunately, Lexington’s
Saturating the discussion then and confronted gay people—sometimes lesbigay community has put this
now was the fear that if strangers with unpleasant results. However, demon to rest for the most part. I
were allowed in our midst, our the occurence Of such incidents is a only hope that North Dakota’s gays,
anonymity might be compromised. rarity and virtually never have “large lesbians and bisexuals will hurry up
Of course, this could happen at any numbers” of hornophobes been and get through this ugly and self-
time—not just at times when we are involved. In all the years that GLSO possessed stage. If not, we will
expanding our circle of associates. held volley ball games out at never truly become a “community.”
What it comes down to, for me, Jacobson Park, I cannot recall a
SIIE STRONG, PhD. Prec|ous Furs .
Licensed Psychologist
All Breed Pet Grooming
255-4864 .
(60‘) Experienced
Fax (606) 255-5385
110 Woodland Ave. 277—9365
Lexington, KY 40502
GLSO News Page 8

 2 /WM////////%W///é// Butler at (800)866—NCOD. Alice (212) 930-4726
. MATENZAEZF “W‘s Di nit /USA aCatholic or '- N Y k C‘ - R] r th
s /?///////?;//7////%//C/ zation supportive of G/L/B/T issues, Book, Untold Millions: Pos1tioning
- from page 4 will sponsor a nationwide event on Your Business for the G/L Consumer
1 letting others know who they are. 10/8 called Solidarity Sunday. Revolutions by Grant Lakenbill.
r Every October 11, National Coming Participants will be asked to wear a Contact: Suzanne Oaks (212) 207-6909
Out Day serves as the day to rainbow ribbon on their lapel. or Bran Farrington (212) 207-7000.
) commemorate the importance of this Contact: (202) 861-0047 or (800) Sacramento - Paulette Jacobsen
a single act of courage. 877-8797 will be host several signings of her
i The following calendar lists Los Angeles - On October 11, book, Letters From the Closet with
3 National Coming Out Day events all Elizabeth Birch, Dan Butler, Wes proceeds to benefit the National
a over the country on and around Combs, Candace Gingrich, and other Coming Out Project. Contact: Shades
3 October 11. Having knowledge of public figures will speak. Shrater of Diversity (916) 684-0974v
it local events encourages people to Boulevard Will be ClOSCd Off for HRCF HEAD ADDRESSES
y come out and support events. To festivities. The Second Annual Dick CHRISTIAN COALITION
Y encourage maximum visibility we Sargent NatiOHal COming Out Day Elizabeth Birch Calls for New Ethic
I would like this list to be as complete Award will be presented. Contact of Respect and Decency
S as POSSihtC- we need your help in Jim Key (213) 993'7603- Washington — Some members
'7 compiling 3 complete listing Of New York City ' Comedy of Pat Robertson’s Christian
’7 events. If you are sponsoring, or Central Wt“ 3” “Out There in Coalition today joined with
1 know of an event in your area please HOUYWOOd” starring Scott progressive clergy and other
h e-mail US at: Thompson and 0th“ openly G/L supporters of lesbian and gay equal
e NCOD@HRCUSA.ORG. You can comedians in the third annual show rights to hear a speech by Human
r also call us at: 800-866-NCOD_ of its kind. Contact: Monique Hart Rights Campaign Fund Executive
Please present the info in the (212) 767‘8546- Director Elizabeth Birch during the
5 following format: State -City~ New York City ' Liz Wiltfeld & group’s annual “Road to Victory”
5 Organization, event specifics, Susan Spelman’s b00ka Straight Talk conference at the Washington Hilton.
1 contact: name & phone number.1995 AbOUI Gays in the Workplace, Wt“ More than 300 people crowded into
i, Calendar of NCOD Events as of be released. This book makes the a ballroom to hear the head of the
P 9/13/95 V case for inclusion 0f G/L employees largest national lesbian and gay orga—
' Other Events Sceduled for in diversity thitthtiVCS and domestic nization deliver an address in the
h October Around the Nation... partnership benefits. Contact: form of an “open letter” to Christian
V Boston- Alyson Publishing will (800)866‘NCOD- q Coalition members. The speech was
release Coming Out In The New York Ctty ‘ ACtOt D3“ held next to a Gramm for President
Workplace, by Richard Rasi and Butler’s 'PSA WhICh declares,”l’m luncheon, and just down the hall
Lourdes Rodriguez-Nogoes. Contact: “Qt a straight man, httt I play one on from the conference’s main ballroom
Christine sami(617) 542-5670 TV-” This wrll appear on FX, where most of the 1996 GOP presi-
Capitol Hjl] -There will be a press Comedy. Central, and mth others dential hopefuls were addressing the
conference at the US Capitol with stations in the top 25 media markets. two-day gathering.
NCOP spokespeople Candace Contact: (800) 866-NCOD . III the 20-111IIIUIC address during
Gingrich and Dan Butler, in addition to New York Clty ' BMG Class1cs the thh break 0f the conference,
HRCF Executive Director Elizabeth willrunaTV Campaign beginning at Birch called for a new ethic in the
Birch and NCOPDirectorWes Combs, the end 0f September through public dialog. “We may work for
This marks the end of Candace’s 51 National Coming 01” Day 01‘ VH‘l- different outcomes..., but we can
city tour. Other dignitaries and This. will include coming out stories engage in an ethic of basic respect
celebrities to attend. Contact: Frank and info on NCOD' Contact: Cargos continued on page 10
GLSO News Page 9

 /////¢,////////// and provides expertise and training lesbian children are at huge risk, and
NflTfllNiH/AZL/NEWS at the state and local level. 7 even children who are simply
“i“ COALITION REPORTS GANG perceived to be gay or lesbiam and
frompageQ RAPES OF TEENAGE GAYS may not be,” said Marilyn Cass, a
and decency.” & LESBIANS chapter president of coalition
Birch’s speech was delivered SEATTLE (AP) __ Five girls member Parents, Families and
despite being rebuffed by a Coalition and three boys said they were gang Friends of Lesbians and Gays.
spokesman after formally requesting raped by other students in state One rape and two other attacks
to speak at the Conference. Ihave schools for being gay or lesbian, were at elementary schools, the
had the opportunity to meet according to a report released report said. The others happened at
thousands of individuals from all Wednesday. middle schools or high schools.
walks of life who have grave The rapes were among 27 anti— Besides the gang rapes, eight other
concerns about misconceptions put gay attacks in schools since 1990’ sexual assaults were reported.
forth by representatives of the ranging from name-calling to violent Only one of the rapes was #
Christian Coalition when addressing assaults, the Seattle-based Safe reported to police and the outcome of
the hopes, dreams and aspirations of Schools Coalition said. the case was not immediately known.
lesbian and gay Americans and their In one case, a 14—year-old girl Nine of the 27 attacks were not
families, Birch wrote in a July 5 said she and a 13—year-old girl were reported to school staff because
letter to Christian Coalition forced by a group of boys to have students feared retribution, wanted to
Executive Director Ralph Reed. I sex with each other under the protect someone or believed nothing I
believe that it is time to address our bleachers, then the boys raped the would be done, the coalition said. F
differences face to face, she wrote. younger girl and broke her hand. Of the other attacks, the response
When the formal request was The coalition gathered the by school staff varied. In some cases,
turned down, Birch decided to information through telephone teachers failed to stop harassment, the
reserve aroom in the same hotel that interviews with children and teens report said. HOWever, none of the
would host the conference, to deliver who called an advertised hot line. sexual assaults were witnessed by
her message directly to Christian Most of the attacks took place in the school staff, said Beth Reis, sexuality
Coalition members. “Although your past year. educator with the Seattle/King County
podium was not available to me, I To protect the students’ privacy, health department and an author of the i
am grateful for those who have come the researchers did not attempt to report. V
today and Wiii give me the ‘benefit corroborate the accounts and are not
Of the dOiibi’ and be wi’tling to revealing where the attacks tookplace. Coming in November:
00mg: Earlifaggfimwiéampaign The SUWCY'WHS. believed to be Special Political Issue -
- , [he only one Of “S kind in the featurin articles coverin Bill
Fund (HRCF), the nations largest nation, its organizers and the . g g
lesbian and gay political organiza- National Gay and Lesbian Task Clinton, Bob Dole, and where
tion, works to end discrimination’ Force said. The coalition’s first they Stand on issues important to
secure equal rights, and protect the report last year found 23 anti-gay gays & lesbians.
health and safety Of all Americans. attacks, many of them name-calling.
With a national staff, and volunteers The attacks in the latest report
and members throughout the happened at 18 schools in 12
country, HRCF IObbieS the federal school districts, almost all in the
government on lesbian, gay, and Seattle area, said the coalition of
AIDS issues; educates the general gay~rights groups, nonprofit organi-
public; participates in election zations and government agencies.
campaigns; organizes volunteers; “This report confirms that our gay or
GLSO News Page 10

, GLSO ANNUAL CAMP- pith “cengal 1 Kenttlilcky and Eddibel willd provide a
l u15v1 e. egu ars att eevent say com orta e groun to seep on, a
1 OUT IN SCOTT COU it is a great way to meet and enjoy campfire, and a clear sky.
1 The . 15th Annual GLSO new friends and old, and it’s just 30 Because the campsite is not
i Campout IS SCthUICd .tor Saturday, miles north of Lexington. visible from the road, if you have not
OLiOber 14' Once again? Eddle WI“ Campers will “rough it” - there attended a previous campout, please
‘ host the campout at hls secluded are no facilities. Those attending are call Eddie at his Lexington home -
: farm in rural $9011 County. Campers to bring your own supplies: warm 259-0878 - for detailed directions.
i wrll beg1narr1v1ng at 4pm. There IS clothes, sleeping bags and food for The map provides the basic
no ram date lhls year. dinner and breakfast. directions for finding the farm. V
~ The event attracts people from
f =§
" :-‘ Lane; J03 HINE tom
1 3 ac [<- 1.5 m. —>i <---1.7 mile ——->| ‘L .0
: 0a - N 1‘
3 ’ Jose ne ORTER I
g Woods‘Ryker fl ' ._.
Farm House g3 %
o u
.e ‘ \ “"3 5 Proter
1, \ ,6 Road
e X \Id 3 Exit
6 . - (”page 136
y .
y 2 l <---- 2.3 miles ----> l
'7 x
i: 1 ' from Lexington take 1—75 north tn Sadlevllle exit -
I 1 t" :7 11:2. _ ’ _ - ‘7 _ — ,T" " ""“ "—— " _—
ll _______—___—__
0 Laura E. Kaplan M..—
Licensed Clinical Social Worker 1 AIL
HIV/AlDSIPersunal Growth 1 ‘IV
7 Relationships l Women's Issues ‘ SPECh'acalE
l ‘ . ‘ Pioneers in Alternate-Site Health Care
' ' ‘ 1510 Newtown Pike,Suitc H Phone (606) 253-0300
605154'1690 I Pager' 2323873 Lexington, Kentucky 40511 Fax (606) 231-1214
~‘ GLSO News Page II

GLSO Board (Mary) 266-5904 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark) 233-7266
GLSO Community Education (Mary) .................266-5904 Country Dykes (Debbie)..............................(606) 871-7452
GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeft)....................276-5383 Cumberland Cares (606) 678-0587
GLSO: News (Peter)..........1.............1...................273~5845 E-Male (Juno)252-2353
Advertisements (Tammy) .....................225-3953 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINE........................275-7812