xt718911pw2d_78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK Honors and Prizes Awarded 62nd Annual Commencement Exercises program text UK Honors and Prizes Awarded 62nd Annual Commencement Exercises program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p1/2010ua027_p1_9/2010ua027_p1_9_6/2048/2048.pdf 1929 June 3 1929 1929 June 3 section false xt718911pw2d_78 xt718911pw2d  ~ *'h·’i Vfik
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E?  v>j$;{‘{fé}V\` Qin
 M  · cf
(Q ' 'Y
giggunurz mth 1gKIE“L‘5 Qxfuzxrhzh
L§iXi'lé_I-Eaffilllh é\lI1IlIEII
gNi1u*h>v11 lélllihffh mth G,'i’1¤v11fg—11i1w
CHHLTIIUZIQ, $11112 Elgivh

 UNIVERSITY OF 1<1ENTL1C1111111C11CC11lC111' H()I1l)I-5 :11111 Prizes
1 june 3, 19]}
1 1\l11’11.»\ Z1‘]'1`.·\, 111111111·111·y 1\;1·11·1111111·;11 I"1'Ll11*1'11I1}', 311*11111
.A.\\'2l1'(,11311 1111· 1111· 1112,111-st s1·11111111·s11111 111 11111 111'¥,11'1111ll1'111 1;11111‘:e1; (1L11'II1g
1111· 1·1'1·t<11111i111 }'\‘211'.
'1`I11·'<1111111I·j 'I`. }I111:x· 111 11111`I11111. 1{y.
11lA)<`1{ ANI) 11111111.1] <‘1`1’S
;`;\\'2ll'(11*(1 111 11]1111·1=1·111ss111:111 ;11111 1'1‘1·s111111111 1A1P1` 111*NI 1‘1~1·111‘11 111 11,11Igi11g
1i\’1· s1111·1<.
\\v.\|.'1`1[11 111:11wx 111. I1111·1`i11<1, 1{y.
(11;111:1;1-; 11.1111:1s 111- (`211'1'(1111<111, Ky.
'1`111Q C. S1 111111IN'1` ]11i)1()11I1—\I1 1’111Z1i. I111()1{S \'z11111·1l :11 S1x1y 1f>111Ia11‘s
.-\\\‘;11‘11e11 1.1!l` 111;111~s1 S1'111111-11 111 "L1·11e1‘s" 11}* s111111·111;s1
I 1111111x P1‘x11·111:1;x· (11. L1!X111§11)11. Ky.
S1.,1Y111—;x \\'. D1,11‘1·111’1"1· 111 I~`z11‘111111g11111. Ky.
L '1`111¤ (`III ORIEGA SORORITY 1*111ZIi 111 '1`w1~111y»11\‘1· 111111:11w
I :X\\`l11`L1L‘11 111 y,11·1 111 1111— s11111111111111‘1~ 11111ss 1·1|1` 111;111r·s1 $1‘11111ll1'S111]l 111 1·11·1=11·111111·s.
h }1.1111.111:1·;‘1· 11111 1s1: L)»111111x (11. Now I-1;1v1·11. (‘111111.
<_‘111,1,1·I(Q1i (11* 1,.»\\\` PRIZES
.A.\\`i11`l11‘11 11)* 11111 (`IIISS 111. 1925 1'<11' 1111* 111s1 l'2lN(‘ 111111·> 111 1111* 1i1,~111111·1·;y
142l\\` .I1\111'11l11,
1·`11·:11 1’1·1x1= 111` 1·`1111»1·11 1)1111;11·s 111
/- ('\1{1I<>I,I. IC. 1%Y1111\ 111` (1\\'I11§lS\`111l‘. K3`.
$$1,1111111 1’1·1x1· 111 '1`1—11 111111:11·s 111
--*-*--1 .1,1x11—;s (Y 111‘1:x1;`1‘1‘1·; 111 1111111. Ky.
11. 11, 1)1!\N'1`Z1,1·]1{ 1’111Z1·] (11} '1`1=11 111111111%
.~\.w111‘111,·11 111 1'1`US111111111 111i11<111Q 1111· 11151 1·1111t1‘11111111111 111 "L1~111·1‘>".
.E111Z,\111j'1`11 L1x‘1111:.111 \\'11111111—;x‘ 111; 1;,11115, Ky.

 '1`111· I)l·}11'l`;\ SIGMA 1‘I, 1’1·111`1·ss11111;1l (`111111111·1*1·1· 1·`1*:111·1*1111y, 1{1~y
;\w111*111·11 111 $¥<·1l11Jl` (ll. 11111 1`111l1·;1· 111. (`l11111l11‘1'l‘1‘ 11:11*111; 111g111-·s1 s1~l111I111*s11111
l'<11' 1'11111' }'£·&l1`H. 1
.1.1111-;» li. 11.111-;s (11. 1111111sv1111·, Ky. ·
11.15. 1*:1.1415 1‘1{1Z1s11111 111 the 141‘1‘S1l1112l11 111111 N11])111l11111I'l‘ §'1*Z11`S.
\\'1·]Y|11·f1.l. S. \\`.x1;x1>1 11 111. 1l1·11*1111, X\111·h.
1`(11,11N1~Z1. 1·`1i1·Z1·l)1.\N (`1`1’ 111111 S'1`1l1·].·\.\|11]1i
.1\w;11*111·11 111 111~sL 111*111111l 1·1111111:111y.
1'11111·.xx1‘ "1}" .
111`1\\'.\1l11 1’.\\'N1·] 1N<11·]1..% 1‘1i1Z1·] 111 ()1ll' 111111111·1·11 111111:11%
1»\11‘111*111·11 111 :<1·111111* 111 1'11111;;11 111. 1·j11;‘1111·4·1*111;‘ I-(1]` 1111· 111;111·>¢1 s1·11111;11*s11ip
111 1)111)111' S1)l*1l](111}Z.
}1.\1i<§.\1:l·Z'l` 11}*1*111:1. 11`1:1‘ (11* l1111·111·s11.·1*, 1’;1.
1{1·ZN'1`1`(`1{Y 1{ERN11]11 CUP
A-\.\\'k11'l11:(1 111 111:111 111 s1·11i111· 1·111ss 111l\`1I1Q' 1111* 11i#,1I1*f¤1 >a1·11111:11*:1111p 1111*
1111% 1'11111' )‘1%211‘S.
\\'\1 (`.\\11’1I1·X1.1. $1*11*1**1 111 Ll*X111§1111l, Ky.
111\l·`.»\Y1·]'1"1`|·j 11<1'1`1Q11 (.‘1T1’ ·
.~\w;11·111.11 111 1l11· _1|1111i11' 1·1P1' 11111 l11#{11l‘$11 $1:11111111; 111 ]11111111*y S1J1c11c12 }*`
1'111' 1110 3*1111*.
.I1111w (`. 111-;;»»11>; 111 111·x111;11111, Ky.
'1`111·Z 11.»\1·`1·`1·]1l'1`Y )111]1l1\11
"’/ld }1w111·11111l 111 1111. ?%1*|1111l' 111 1111· (`11111·;1· 111 141111* 1111* 11111 highwst S(‘11111ki1'S111])
1111* 1111· 1111·14· }'1’ill'S.
\\vI1|.1\\1 1`\\11’l2|§|.1. S1‘11'I"I’ 111' I,1·x111;1:111, Ky.
1,1·IX1N11'1`1>N 11lQ11A111J(TU1’
.\v·,·;11·11.11 111 11111 ;<1111l111111111·1~ 11111*111;* 111~ 1l1,9,111*$'1 S11111f1111§1` 111 311111111*)* S1;1e11ce
1111* 11111 5*1-:11*.
;\L`>'1`lN .\1. 111;x111;11s11x 1.11 ;\s111;111d, Ky.

 LEXINGTON l,E.\l>ER (`l`l’
Awautletl to the l·l'(‘Slllll2l1l lizxviiigy the highest stumliiig in Military Scieiive
W 1`. Ashlztml, Ky.; s0pl1oi11<»1·e; il debates.
lltweli R. .l.w|1:*r1;l<. Lexiugteii, Ky.; s<»pl1c·iti·ty.
S 01.1.11-: .I. I$myi—;x <»t` L2`l\\`]`(<‘I1('(’blII`g. Ky. '”-N~N
Q l”’lll IIPSILON OMICRON. l·It»1m1·z11·y lI<>111<¤ Eemmiiiies, I\le¤lzil
;X\\'2Il`dL*ti to wrmiziii iii freslminu Mass for highest sr·l1r»lz1i‘sl1ip iu
I·I0111e Ee·1m¤111it·s.
E\‘1·:r.Yx C(\lll.l·IY nl` Emitieiiee. Ky.
Awzireletl In taeinitw uiukiiig the higliezst 25tiII1(II]l§` in Military Science.
.l.xx11-zs <,`. I<`1N¤.1~;y ot llsttlisoiiyille. Ky.
ROBERT L. PORTER PRIZES of Teh Dollars Ettvh
Ayyuixtetl t`yiiigtt»11. Ky.
(Mus.) (_`l.l·Z)lliN'l` BYHBIQ mt Dztyteii, Ky.

 1l1i1\1l1`.\'1`1·lS 1l1·IS11j1{\`l·1 111·`1·`11`|·]1{S 'l`|i.\1N1N1} 1‘1>111‘S
111111111·;11111· 1\11·11111111
.1\\I1,> \\'1l.1.l.\\1 ({11 11111xx 111 .-\S1l1211l11. 1{51 _?
1{1.YN1Z'|`11 111..xx1‘1»\ 1l,x1<1-111 111* 1.11x111;11111, Ky.
11\\11·ZS 1‘.xx1111:1;11. 1·`1x1.1;x 111 1\111111s1111x‘1l111, Ky. G
1l1·Zt%1·Z1{\`11I1111`1·`l1‘I·}1iS` 1-\SS1)1‘l1\'1`11lN 111* 1`1~ZN'1`l1.\11 1{l·ZN'I`1'1’l{Y
1*111111 111;1>s:_·s
;\xx‘;11·111·11 111 S1'l11111' 1'111· 111;;111s1 s1;11111111;; 111 1111· $1111111111 1>1111:11·111111111 L11ll1
111111-1·1111111z11‘111111111s 111- 1111 1'|11\'1I`>11)` 11111 11111)*11:11:
1111 1\, S1·11x1; 111 1,;1x111;11111. 1{51
1`1\l.1·] YOUNG 1l1(`1·] 1’1<1Z1·jS 111 '1`1111 111111:11*s 1‘1111'1l
A_xx111·111,11 1`111· 11111·111s 1~111111·1111111-11 111 "11=11111·s" 11x ]l1`1`S1|llS 11111 :1111111·111s at
11111 1`111x’111s11y 111 1{1111111·1;)‘.
S,x1;.x11 1,11·s:;x‘ 111. 1111111sx‘111·11. 1{}‘.
1Z\11:s.1 1>1x1:1~11.1.1·; Q\11’111;xx.x\ ;\1(31111‘11{11X 111 1,11111sx‘i1111, 1{51
111)'1`A1{Y '1`HOPIIY
—..-»—/ Awz11·1,1e11 111 r;1_1111111· 111 0. 'l‘, 1‘, s1111111111 \\'11ll 1·x1·111s 111 1111* 1·11111111·1;111c11ts 1,11
;·1.1111 1‘111Z1)l1S11111.
Jxx11;» 1',1·`1Y11iY 111. M:111111111x‘11111, KY.
S1'.~\1i1L~\1l1,> AND I31,\111<] (`1'I’
.\xx*111·111~11 111 11111 msi 1111111-11 1111111111 ·
111·i\1;x’ .1. 11xYx 111 I,1·x111u11111. KY.
.11111N S1{;\1N PRIZE 111 C11l1‘ 111111111111 111111111*s
.»\‘1x‘:11·111111 111 11111 xx‘11111z111 111 s1;111111‘ 1‘1[L$S xx*1111s1· 111111111111·11 1121% 11111111 111111-1
11111111'111 111111 xx‘1111111s1111111 111 1111* 11111 111- 11111 r1v1l1\'1`·1`S1I}`.
1,l'1‘ll.l~1 Sl|11IL1 111 ]1i1111111s11111'11, 1{Y.
'1`11l1I .\111}1·§1{N11N S11lN1·]\' S1'1.1.1\'1\N )11C1>.‘x1,1,11>NS 111111111 111 1111111111’11‘1
1\w:11·11111 111 :1 111i111 :11111 :1 \\'1ll11&\11 111 1111 >:11111111· 1‘1i1>¢S F11, 11111 1vll1\'1‘1'S11)' :11111 111
LL 11i11z1111 111' 1{11111111·1xy 11111 1-111111111·1·111 \\'1111 11111 1'111x·111·s115‘ \\'1l1>, 1111111111s11
111 111:1 1[1121111}` 111 1111·11' l1x’1·< i\1`1' i1111;;1·11 111 1111 11111 11p111‘11p1‘1z111>
1’<1'1‘11>1"1l1>¥ 111 1111% 111s11111·111111,
\\'11.1.1,x,x1 11.x1:1..x\ (11\\Z 111. 1111111sx‘11111. 1{52
N1x1:1.x111;1‘ 1·11.11s 1111111111 111. 1,11x111;11111. 1{yi
S\\l11·fl. M_x1114.xx‘ \\'11.s11x 111 1r111xi11g11111, Ky.

 l`Nl\'l·]liSl'l`Y (`l`l’
A»\wz11‘¤l:·rl tn ilu- <·¤:111]»;my lmviu; 1lu- l1i;lu·st 2l\'|‘l'Il¥€' :=l;11uli11u in Military
_` Sf‘l*‘ll<’4· l`v·1' ilu- }'<*lll'.
` (`uxll·x\—.·  
¢ ll. l·`. \'Al'(lllN l’l{lZl·Z ul` ¢>11»- ll111ul1‘·~<»ll:11‘s
.—\\\'lll`lll'll In 111:1:1 in ilu- sz-11u»1· <-lass wl;·>s·· i11ll1u-1u·<- l1:<.< lV‘€ll nuwt. l’u·lpi`ul
mul \\‘lu¤l¢·s<»m<- i11 llu- liu- wl` ilu- lYlll\'l*l'>ilI}'.
.l\\11;> lLw\u»\u lll.~'|`l·`ll ·»1` l\l;1yli<~l1uls \\`¤-il ul` l.<~xluu‘1·»11 Illl`¢l·jl,l·` N l‘l2lZl·] ul (_)l1¤‘ llmulrx-·l
.»\xv;•1·1·;;mIl•-lal. Ky.
Y<)l`Nx <1l` l.e-xiugum. Ky.
` l_)l[.l..\|Ill S, (§1:1—.1-;x ul` C;L111u-l ('lly. Ky,
lN'l‘lil'lN.\'l`l(>N.\L lil·]ll.\'l`l11. Ky.
(`Y\`|`lll\ S`-ll|`ll <·l`L<-:;i11;u·11.l(y.
l>l·ll’.\lI'l`)ll·ZN'l` Ul-` .\li'l` l’l{lZl·]
A S··lu»l;11‘: in muy ·»1' ilu- ]»l'l1u·ll¤z\l znrl rivllwrrlsl`¤»l‘lll<.*Sllll1ll\¤*l`.
l{<·4i;»i¤-111 is In l'<‘llll’ll tu xlu- l'r1i\‘·-rsity in ilu- l`:¤ll mul ¤l<¤ wnrl; in llu*
1111n1wu. luw:1.
