xt718911pw2d_291 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 131st Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 131st Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p5/2010ua027_p5_7/2010ua027_p5_7_1/7068/7068.pdf 1998 May 9 1998 1998 May 9 section false xt718911pw2d_291 xt718911pw2d ‘~¤rv '
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One hundred thirty-first annual 1
University 0f Kentucky, Lexington  
4 Saturday, May ninth, nineteen hundred ninety—eight }

   One Hundred Thirty-First Annual
I ig
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  Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson
1 Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Vice Chairperson
i Mr. Merwin Grayson, ]r., Secretary
.  Mr. Ted Bates Mr. Billy ]oe Miles
’ Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell Dr. Elissa Plattner
Governor Edward T. Breathitt Mr. Steven S. Reed
Mr. Paul W. Chellgren Professor Daniel R. Reedy
Ms. Melanie Cruz Mr. C. Frank Shoop
Mr. Merwin Grayson, ]r. Dr. W. Grady Stumbo
Mr. ]ohn R. "]acl<" Guthrie Mr. Martin Welenken
Dr. ]ames F. Hardymon Ms. ]oEtta Y. Wickliffe
Professor Loys L. Mather Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson
Dr. Robert P. Meriwether
_ Charles T. Wethington, ]r., President
I Iuanita W. Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs
, Ben W. Carr, ]r., Assistant to the President for Administrative Affairs
. ]ames W. Holsinger, Chancellor for the Medical Center
Elisabeth A. Zinser, Chancellor for the Lexington Campus
` Fitzgerald B. Bramwell, Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies
`} ]oseph T. Burch, Vice President for University Relations
Edward A. Carter, Vice President for Management and Budget
George]. DeBin, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs
Eugene R. Williams, Vice President for Information Systems

The exercises of the one hundred thirty-first annual commencement are enacted today at the
University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each year on campuses all
over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the graduates' years of study and
preparation for responsibility. ,
A description of the academic pageantry is provided for your interest and information. 3
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions (Euclid Avenue) and enters the _
Coliseum through the four corners of the floor, is led by the University Marshal whose position _
is in front of the stage. The University Marshal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the tl
endorsement of the State and the University. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march
behind the identification banner of the respective colleges which recommended them for their
The candidates for advanced degrees enter the floor from the southeast door (see diagram,
next page); candidates for advanced degrees are from the following:
The Graduate School (doctoral and masters candidates),
College of Law,
College of Medicine,
College of Dentistry, and ‘
College of Pharmacy.
Entering through the southwest door (see diagram, next page) are candidates for degrees from
the following:
College of Education,
College of Nursing, n
College of Human Environmental Sciences,
College of Communications and Information Studies, and
College of Fine Arts.
Entering through the northeast corner (see diagram, next page) are candidates for degrees
from the following:
College of Arts and Sciences, and
College of Engineering.
Entering through the northwest corner (see diagram, next page) are candidates for degrees
from the following:
College of Agriculture,
Carol Martin Catton College of Business and Economics,
College of Allied Health Professions,
College of Social Work, and
College of Architecture. _
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of Kentucky  
proceed into the Coliseum, entering the floor from the southeast door and wearing the colorful  
hoods of their disciplines (see description of colors on page 6) and of the colleges and  
universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to the  
platform the members of the Board of Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various  
colleges, honorary degree recipients, the Chancellors, the Vice Presidents, and other University
officials, and guests. The President of the University and the Chairperson of the Board of
Trustees, upon greetings from the University Marshal, lead this distinguished group to the
platform in two columns from the southwest door. The Trustees of the University can be
identified by their blue gowns with white panels; they also wear blue caps with gold tassels.

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All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University
officials, faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The _
basic color for most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different `
degrees wear distinctive tassels on their caps and hoods of various hues draped i
down the backs of the gowns. I
Candidates for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees wear the regulation cap with the  
tassel appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated,  ~
with the exception of those who already hold Doctor’s degrees and are privileged to  
wear gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, and the playing of the  
"Star Spangled Banner" and "America the Beautiful", men in academic regalia are
requested to wear their caps. The authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences: Dentistry - Lilac
Arts — White Architecture - Blue Violet
Sciences - Gold Allied Health Professions - Light Green
Agriculture - Maize Human Environmental Sciences - Maroon
Engineering - Orange Social Work - Citron
Law - Purple Communications and Information Studies:
Education — Light Blue Communications - Silver/ Gray
Business and Economics - Drab Library Sciences — Lemon
Pharmacy - Olive Green Iournalism - Crimson V
Medicine - Green Fine Arts - Brown
Nursing - Apricot
The gown for the Bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn
closed. The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like
the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its
oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is
designed and supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The
gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell-shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars
(usually black but sometimes other colors, depending on the degree).
The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate
color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution - blue
and white at Kentucky.
The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes  
more of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the i
person is receiving. i
The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the wide `
panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The colors ·
of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine, .
purple for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctor’s degrees are purple for laws,
white for arts / letters/ humanitites, and golden yellow for science.
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has been
conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his or her honorary
degree consists in the candidate being formally invested with the hood.

.; Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn's early light,
  What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
 · Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro` the perilous fight,
 i O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
 i And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
 I Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
  Oh, say does that Star—Spangled Banner yet wave
_ O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties, Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea!
  University Marshal
Lois M. Chan, Professor, School of Library and Information Science
. Music
  The University of Kentucky Wind Ensemble
George Boulden, Professor, School of Music
` Soloist
Dr. Stephen King, Professor, School of Music
  Student members of the Commencement Committee and
  members of the following campus organizations:
  Panhellenic Council
V Interfraternity Council

l Charles T. Wethington, ]r., President  
STAR SPANGLED BANNER ................................................................ (Francis Scott Key)  
INTRODUCTIONS ............................................................................ President Wethington  
COMMENCEMENT REMARKS ................................. Honorable Senator Wendell Ford  I"
Dean C. Oran Little Dean Rhoda—Gale Pollack  
College of Agriculture College of Fine Arts  
Dean Thomas C. Robinson Dean Retia Walker
College of Allied Health Professions College of Human Environmental Sciences
Dean David Mohney Dean Carolyn A. Williams
College of Architecture College of Nursing
Acting Dean Donald E. Sands Dean Iordan L. Cohen
College of Arts and Sciences College of Pharmacy
Dean Richard W. Furst Interim Dean Edgar L. Sagan
Carol Martin Gatton College of College of Social Work
Business and Economics Dean Michael T Nietzel
Associate Dean Roy L. Moore The Graduate School
College of Communications and . .
Information Studies Eggggfgliflg/Shipley _
Dean Shirley C. Raines .
College of Education E;;;;Hg$gyd;iig;fOn
Dean Thomas W. Lester Dean Le n A Assad .
College of Engineering College gf Déntistry
GREETINGS - ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ....................................... Marianne Smith Edge
President, National Alumni Association
COMMENTS FROM STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ........................... Edwin Stephens
RECOGNITION OF RECIPIENTS OF ALUMNI .......................... President Wethington
RECOGNITION OF RECIPIENTS OF ........................................... President Wethington _
PRESENTATION OF WILLIAM B. STURGILL AWARD ........... President Wethington l
PRESENTATION OF ALBERT D. AND ELIZABETH ................. President Wethington 1
PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ................................ President Wethington {
Dr. Daniel R. Reedy, University Orator ii
CON FERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ................................ President Wethington
AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL ........................................................... (Katherine Lee Bates)

1.  ]ohn Hope Franklin
]ames Francis Glenn
Theodore M. Hesburgh¢
Cawood Ledford
· Lucille Caudill Little
T  [/79 2]
I Degree awarded April 3, 1998
’* Degree awarded August 7, 1997
** Degree awarded December 19, 1997
(No asterisks) Degree will be conferred May 9, 1998
if candidates have met all degree requirement

 ]ohn Harry Benamati*, Indiana, PA jam,
Th 8 G   u     h   Major: Business Administration Majt
Donn. Michael T Niotzot Dissertation: "Managing Information Technology in a Changing Disst
` _ ` Information Technology Environment" t
Doctor of Philosophy , r , , ;
Abd I kh_ A_tb A1 Regina Marie Berry, Lexington
’ a or: uca ion an ounse in s c 0 0 - ar;
M.““;\/I  ‘t.aY€V mo' Mj Ed r ac 1· grynigy H
a or: a ema ics · ·
Disgertation "Ortho onal S line Collocation for Nonlinear Ed“°a*‘°“a1PSY°hF’1°gY ii Mall
f _ ' g P ,, Dissertation: "Relat1onsh1p Between Adolescents’ Goal   Dissi
Elhphc Boundary Value Problems Motivation and Their Perceptions of Engaging in Violence:   Q
Wendell Scott Akers, Knoxville, TN An Intervenhonu   rose
Molori m‘ormaC€“FiC“1_S°i€“°?S _ _ Frank Matthew Bettoli°*, Parkersburg, WV _  Maj,
Dlsszgagi; f:;;;S;“gL';§§;‘§{?° Neumtmnsmlsslon Major: Education and Counseling Psychology -   Diss.
g Educational Psychology   I
Margery Krorrk Anderson, Frankfort Dissertation: "Direct and Interactive Effects of Childhood *
Minor: Physiology And Biophysics Psychological Abuse Experiences and Value Orientations on
- · · · Positive Affect in a Colle e Student Po ulation" Pau]
Dissertation: "Role of the Ventral Respiratory Group in g P M a-(
Respiratory Rhythmogenesis and Afferent Integration" G abn Q1 Bikahsl Gabon, Africa Dis;
William Todd Ashby*, Auburn Major? MiombiO1OgY ·
Mnor. Mathematics Dissertation: "The Role of CD5 in T Cell Mediated B Cell G
( . _ . _ N ar`
Dissertation: "The Characterization of Graded Principal Ideal Activation and m B`1 B Cells Ma 
Domains and Graded Torsion Free Covering Modules" Eric M. B1 al O (Skt, Lexington Dis;
Michael Trent Ashworth ll, Fort Worth, TX Major: Phm`maCO1OgY  
Major: Education and Counseling Psychology-Counseling Di$5d¤1¤*i<>¤i¤ 3
Psychology e u re o e o ging Vid
Dissertation: ,·Th€ Impactof Therapisblnitiated Self-Deprecating Lori Jean suing Blanchardnl Lebanon, OR Mint
Humor on Female Clients Perceptions of Therapists Major: Chemistry Diss
Christopher Anthony Aubuchon] Loorninstorl M A Dissertation: "Development and Application of Nuclear Methods —
Ma ori M a th em n ti CS for the Analysis of Mercury and Other Trace Elements in .
Dissertation: "A Natural Functor from the Category of Complexes Coal Syjv
of Left R-Modules to the Category of Left R(()-Modules" Tami Mr BroWn_Brandt, Mccookl NE Mnjr
Anthony Randolph Bncknl Lexington Major: Agricultural Engineering r Dissi
M at Or: Physics Dissertation: "Bioenergetics and Growth of High Lean Growth '
Dissertation: "E2/M1 Ratio of the N (r) ( Transition in a Modified Swine Under Thermal Stress Ann
SkY’m“ Model'! Diane Gale Bruce’*, Louisville Maji
James Wayne Batman, Greenup Major: Economics Disst
Major: Agricultural Engineering Dissertation: "A Hedonic Analysis of the Cable Television
Dissertation: "Design and Verification of a Landfill Gas Extraction Industry and the Impact Of Regulauon I
Model Employing Bioreactor Enhancement Methods" Rosemary Batost Bryant] Lexington Scot
Sherri Patrice Ballard, Lake City, SC Miiloff COHttnunication Mo]‘
Major; Education and Counseling Psychology _ Dissertation: Social Networks:·Patterns of Interpersonal v D15$*
Educational Psychology Conrmunicatiorn G/pportunities Among Corporate Donors in  
Dissertation: "The Role of Science Self Efficacy, Career Efficacy, Hlg wr Educauon
Science Career Interest, and Intentions to Enroll in Science Robert Graham Buiool jr-_, Loxington   Iohr
@ot1}rs§sl;n tlh§tFgtture’Selection of Science Related Careers for Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences   Marr
lo C O0 ` U ul 5 Dissertation: "Bridging the Chasm Between Pharmaceutical i DiSS<
Edward L_ Barnes, Irv New Washington, IN Analysis and Noninvasive:Nondestructive Analysis with   I
Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences j Maremr Spemomedu t Mic]
Dissertation:4"Evaluation of the Oral Absorption of Salmon H phithpn Edith Bnrgossssl Australia ’ Marr
Calcitonm (sCT) from a Novel Three Compartment Capsule Major: Music Dissr
Glenda 5r,cnC€.r_BonCh/ Lexington Dissertation: "An Examination of Function, Venue, and Sources in l
Ma nn Toxicology the Igepertoire of Mid-Nineteenth—Century American Brass Dem
Dissertation: "DNA Damage and lt’s Potential Role in Prostate an S Man
o·¤¤¤¤* osvslermsm" Kevin w. Bnnane, Lexington Diss.
Vicki P_ Bolt, Hnrrodsburg Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences '
Minor: Music Dissertation: "lnfluence of Hydrophilicity of Poly(Lactide—Co- *
Dissertation: "Shaker Music Theory: The Nineteenth-Century rglyiigldli) Im P$ZlYm€‘ D€g‘”¤d““°“ and Mass LOSS and
Treatises of Isaac Newton Youngs and Russell Haskell" ep 1 E 9 Ease

 ]ames Noah Greear Cauthen, Ridgewood, N] Mingwu Cui, Henan, China
Major: Political Science Major: Crop Science ·
Dissertation: "Ending Rights: A Model of State Court Dissertation: “Source and Regulation of Nitrogen Oxide
Constitutional Policymaking Under the New ludicial Production for Tobacco-Specific N itrosamine Formation"
Zhongjie Da**, Lujiang, China
H&fHi€€t   Clladllél, BO1'IlbBy, lfldia Majgrg Mechanical Engjnccrjng
  Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Dissertation: "Optimization of Finish Turning Operations Based
  Dissertation: "Hydrophobicity and Radiolabeling of Polytyrosine on a Hybrid Model"
a Hydroxyethyl Starch (HES) Microspheres"
j Mary Blythe Daniels, Brevard, NC
  ]OS€pl`l   Cl`lI'lSt€HS€1'1 Major; Spanish
  Major: Physics Dissertation: "Re-Visioning Gender on the Seventeenth—Century
‘ Dissertation: "Renormalization of the BB Parameter and the Spanish Stage: A Study of Actresses and Autoras"
  Isgur-Wise Form Factor in Lattice Quantum
Chmmodynamicsii Sandra ]ean DeBano**, Glendora, CA
Major: Entomology
Paula Amis? C1aYk'SafkOH» SPYingfl€1d» OH Dissertation: "The Effect of Ecological Disturbance Caused by
Major: Animal Sciences Livestock Grazing on the Ecology, Morphology, Physiology,
Dissertation: "Inhibition of Lactic Bacteriophage Proliferation by and Behavior of the Rainbow Grasshopper, Dactylotum
Hydrolyzed Bacteriophage Peptide" variegatum"
Gary Allan Cline*, Somerset Sarah Elizabeth Deitsch, Richmond, IN
Major: Statistics Major: Psychology- Clinical Psychology
Dissertation: "Contagion Alternatives to Randomness for Dissertation: "Structure of Personality: An Evaluation of
Defining the Temporal, Spatial, and Space-Time Clustering of Alternative Models"
Lanqian Deng’*
Victoria P. Collins**, Asheville, NC Major: Entomology
Major: Animal Sciences Dissertation: "Isolation and Characterization of Certain Genes
Dissertation: "Use of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum americanum) in Encoding Structural Proteins of Campoletis Sonorensis
. Poultry Diets: Effect on Performance and Meat and Egg Fatty Polydnavirus"
Acid Composition" _ _
Madhav N. Devalaraja"', Lexington
Sylvia K. Cox*, SOHl€1‘S€f Major; Tgxjcglggy
Major: Psychology- Experimental Psychology Dissertation: "Role of NF-(B in the Regulation of the Human
Dissertation: “Individual Differences in College Students’ Manganese Containing Superoxide Dismutase Expression"
Conditional Knowledge About Reading" _ _ _
Radhika Madhav Devalaraja, Lexington
Anne M. Crawford, Pekin, IL Major; Toxicology
Major: Psychology- Experimental Psychology Dissertation: "Involvement of Monocytes/ Macrophages in Toxin
Dissertation: "Perceived Self-Efficacy and Collective Efficacy: Induced Liver Injury"
Mediators Between Lesbians’ Perceptions of Discrimination _ _ _
ssa Social Attioiw Alexei D¤¤t¤<=‘¤l<¤
Major: Statistics
Scott Cl`l5t* Dissertation: "Sequential Methods in Linear and Generalized
Major: Microbiology Linear Mode1s"
Dissertation: "EGR-1 Prevents RB-Hypophosphorylation and _ _
Growth Arrest by Induction of C-MYC Via a Homopurine/ Charles Eckford Eastmr Lcxinston
Homopyrimidine-Rich Element" Major: Nutritional SCl€TlC€
Q Dissertation: "The Influence of Choline Deficiency on Endotoxin-
  ]ohn David Critchett**, Canton, MI induced Hgpatic Injury"
l Major: Business Administration _ _
  Dissertation: "IRA-Type Savings Plans: Framing Effects Chmstopher Lcvon Edwardsjjr WlnStOn'Sal€m» NC
l Associated with tiis Form siia Timing ofthe rex Benefit': Major: Psychology- Clinical Psychology
j Dissertation: "Pain-Induced, Memory Modulation: The Effects of
  Ml€ll¤€l P· CT0tS€T, Champaign, IL Pain and Naltrexone on Recall and Recognition Performance
j Major: Crop Science in Eumenorrheic Women"
Dissertation: "Competitive Relationships Between Eastern Black _ we
Nightshade and Soybeans" Esawl K· Elesawl
Major: Geology
Daniel Edward Crowc, Iacksonvillo, FL Dissertation: iioooiogy and ooooiioioistiy or tho Mocksville
Major: History Complex and Associated Rocks, Central North Carolina:
Dissertation: "The Origins of the Black Revolution: The Petrogenetic and Tectonic Implications"
Transformation of San Francisco Bay Area Black _ _
Communities ]945_]%9~ ]ames Hubert Embrey*, Rineyville
Major: History
Dissertation: "Reorienting Pacification: The Accelerated
Pacification Campaign of I968"
I 1

 Nancy Carol Everts, Corning, NY Mara Lucy Garc1a’**, Trujillo, Peru  
Major: Spanish Major: Spanish Disgi
Dissertation: "Diego Davalos y Figueroa's Defensa de damas: A Dissertation: "El Protagonista Femenino Y El Uso Del Espacio En _
New World Catalogue of Women" La Cuentistica De Rosario Castellanos, Elena Garro E Ines `
’ Arredondo" C
. . . YU
]ose Antonio Fabres, Santiago, Chile .
Major. Spanish Virginia S. Garcia, Charleston, WV . li;/iall
` . · lSS(
Dissertation: "La Novela Historica De Salvador De Madariaga" Ma]01`i Spanish . i
Dissertation: "Portrayals of Estrada Cabrera in Guatemalan ·g ‘
Mark Alan Fairchild*, Leoti, KS Fiction': ,3 Ami
Major: Soil Science _ _ _ _   M ·
Dissertation: "Denitrifier Ecology in Fragipan Soils of Kentucky" T1mOthY   Garmsonwl Gameavluai FL   Dig;
Major: History i  ,
la$0n WESIQY F€rguS<>¤’*, Wichita, K5 Dissertation: "The Legal Ideology of Removal: The Southern State ` `
Major: Physics ludiciary and the Sovereignty of Native American Nations i A_ C
Dissertation: "Spectral Simulations and Abundance 1776-l838" Maii
Determinations in the lnterstellar Medium of Active _ Dissi
Gaiaxiey Xiaosong Ge i
Major: Entomology
David Louis F€I`UaHd€Z**» Tampa, Fl- Dissertation: "Resource Finding by Several Stored-Product Insects Emi
Major: Animal Sciences and Its Disruption by Natural Products" Maii
Dissertation: "Effects of Monosodium Glutamate on Luteinizing _ Dissi
Hormone and Growth Hormone, and Monoamine l—·€Si€€ Kosh Gllbertr Fort Worth, TX i
Neurotransmitter Antagonists on Luteinizing Hormone, Major: History
Growth Hormone, Prolactin and Testosterone in Prepubertal Dissertation: "The Religion of Reason: Rational Religion and the Liiiii
Beef Bull Calves" American Enlightenment" Maii
Seth Andrew Fichter, Wilder Sandra C. Gray, Lexington Dlgsj
Major: Animal Sciences Major: Public Administration i
Dissertation: "Intragastric Protection of Vitamin A Orally Dosed Dissertation: "The Basle Accord Agreement on Bank Capital a
to Ruminant Animals with Carrier Coconut Oil or Monensin" Policymaking Model for International Economic pied
Cooperation" · M ·
Sam Wilson Francis, Slade _al(
Major; Crop Science Victoria Greenberg, Lexington D‘S5‘
Dissertation: "Plant Communities of Sandstone Rockshelters in Major: Microbiology Dem
Kentucky’s Red River Gorge" Dissertation: "Growth Arrest of Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma Maii
D _1 G F S i_ MI Cells: A Cell Cycle Analysis" Dissi
arri yn ay raser, a ll'\€,
Major; Veterinary Scjgngg Iames ]effrey Griffin*, Louisville `
Dissertation: "Development of an SSCP-Based Typing System to Major: Civil Engineering Gui)
Stud Structure and Pol mo hism of E uine MHC Class II Dissertation: "Influence of Dia hra ms on Load Distribution in ·
Genes" P / C I—Girder Bridges" Dissi
Andrea Marjory Fredenburg, Radcliff Christopher P. Grill, Rockford, IL l
Major: Toxicology Major: Biology igei
Dissertation: "Evaluation of Selected 3-Hydroxypyridin-4-ones Dissertation: "Ecological Genetics of Color and Life History Mai
for Aluminum Chelation Potential by Pharmacokinetic, Characters in an Aposematic Ladybird Beetle" Dis;
Efficacy and Toxicity Studies in Animals" M_ h i Ri h d G B t NY i
1C ae c ar umpper, rewer on,
Kathleen ]oelle Fromm*’*, Syracuse Major; Ecgngmics Chu
Major: Psychology- Clinical Psychology Dissertation: "Consumer Response to Environmental Labeling" Md
._ . _ ,, , . ,, j<
Dissertation. College Students Attitudes About Condom Use H G ii Q_ d Dissi
ongtao uo , ing ao I
Lynn Zaremba Fuller", Hartford Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences
M6j01‘i Pl\}’Sl0l0gY Dissertation: "Monocrotaline/Dehydromonocrota1ine and Wei
Dissertation: "Modulation of Signal Transduction Pathways by Cultured Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells: Altered Ma·(
Glucocorticoids in Adrenal Medullary Chromaffin Cells" Regulation of Polyamines and Cell Cycle" Dis i
Robert Timothy Gallen*, Menlo Park, CA Stephen Phillips I·lanna*, Mclean, VA (
Major: Psychology- Clinical Psychology Major: Geography Ami
Dissertation: "An Examination of Social Goals of Boys and Girls Dissertation: "Representing Appalachia: Appalshop Films and Mai
With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Do They the Politics of Regional Identity" . 1
want what We warm': _ Desi
i ]ames William Harden*, Riverdale, GA :
Michael Duane Galloy, LaPorte, IN Major: Business Administration M€i_
Malmi MatlT€mati€$ Dissertation: "The Impact of State Tax Structure on Employment: Mai
Dissertation: "Harmonic Univalent Mappings on the Unit Disk An Optimal Tax Approach" Dis;
and the Punctured Unit Disk"

 Warren William Harper, Harrisonburg, VA Wei Huang’*, Xi’an, China
Major: Chemistry Major: Chemistry
Dissertation: "High-Resolution let Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Dissertation: "Genetic and Chemical Modification of Proteins for
Semiconductor Growth Intermediates" Site-Specific Immobilization and Binding Assays"
Cynthia Marie Hartung, Chicago, IL William Elliot Inman**, Cary, NC
V Major: Psychology- Clinical Psychology Major: Psychology- Experimental Psychology
Dissertation: "Understanding Disinhibition in Adolescents with Dissertation: "Intrusions and Omissions: Learning to Classify
‘ i ADHD and CD" Errors"
  Ann Rachelle Hawkins**, Dallas, TX Pamela Elizabeth Ivezic**, Lexington
  Major: English Major: Music
  Dissertation: "Order, Community, and Astarte: Revising Dissertation: "Alexander Sergeyevich Dargomyzhsky 1813-1869:
 ` Shakespeare in Byron's Manfred" A Study of His Solo Vocal Works"
i A. Gwynn Henderson, Seaford, DE Chengliang ]iang**,
Major: Anthropology Major: Mining Engineering
Dissertation: "Middle Fort Ancient Villages and Organizational Dissertation: "Color and Organic Pollutant Removal From
Complexity in Central Kentucky" Industrial Dye Wastewaters"
Emily C. Hernandez**, Ponce, PR Donald Keith ]onas, Charlotte, NC
Major: Chemistry Major: Political Science
Dissertation: "Development of Biosensors and Binding Assays Dissertation: "The Beliefs of State—Level Leaders: A Case Study of
Using Molecular Recognition Systems" the North Carolina Information Highway and the Iowa
Communication Network"
Luna Hilaire, Edison, N]
Major: Biomedical Engineering ]effrey William Kane*, Fort Wayne, IN
Dissertation: "Characterization of Lower Body Negative Pressure Major: Physics
(LBNP)-Induced Fluid Distribution in Tissues Using Dissertation: "In—Plane Tunneling Spectroscopy of the High
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Techniques" Temperature Superconductor, Bi—22l2"
Frederick Wayne Holtsberg, Bridgewater, N] ]ohn Paul Karr**, Tuscaloosa, AL
I Major: Biology Major: Music
Dissertation: "Lysophosphatic Acid and N euronal Degeneration" Dissertation: "The Psalms of Siena MS K.I.2: Evidence on the
_ Origins of Falsobordone"
Dean Matthew Homan*, Lexington
Major: Physics Lisa Ann Whitis I1<>sy Testing for Monitoring Toxicity at a Uranium Gaseous
Dissertation: "Differentiation and Molecular Characterization of Diffusion plaiiftt
Two Subgroups of Peanut Stunt Virus Strains"
_ Abdul Quyyum Khan*
Wei Hut Major: Civil Engineering
Major: Matiioriiatios Dissertation: "Mathematical Modeling of Runoff Processes in
Dissertation: "The Initial-boundary Value Problem for Higher gfocply Sloping Forested Wafoishodsll
Order Differential Operators on Lipschitz Cylinders"
Noor Paio Khan*’*
Arnold Chih-Hua Huang**, Albertson, NY Major: Agricultural Economics
Major: Ni-itritioiioi Science Dissertation: Comparative Advantage of U.S. Agriculture and
Dissertation: "Modulation of Carcinogenic Processes by Niacin lgffccfs of policics on Agi-iculfufal Development and Ti-ada;
$t¤t¤5" Policy Analysis Matrix Approach"
Mei-Chumi Huemsl Ti¤w¤¤ Thomas 1. Kirtmeyer, Cincinnati, on
Major: Microbiology Major; History
Dissertation: "Positive and Negative Regulation of the Mouse Disscffafioii; "Frofn g,clf-l—lclp to gadifioii; The Appalachian
AiPiia‘F€roProtoir* Gorio by ito Promoter and Eiiimricor Volunteers and the War on Poverty in Eastern Kentucky,
Element II" l964-l97o··
I 3

 Miles Andrew Kimba1l’*" Christopher Edward Lockwood**, Warfield Ray
Major: English Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Ma.;
Dissertation: "Woman and the Loss of Representation: Responses Dissertation: "Foam Fractionation for the Separation and Dis;
to the New Philology in Victorian Fiction" Purification of Proteins and Enzymes" t _
Pia Andrea Knigge*, Louisville ' jianrong Lou*, Fuyang LOU
Major: Political Science Major: Animal Sciences Mal
Dissertation: "Public Opinion on Immigration in Western Dissertation: "Intracellular Metabolism of Cellulose and Starch Dis;
Europe" Degradation Products by Ruminococcus Albus and  
Prevotella Ruminicola" i I
Paul Konye", Lagos, Nigeria   .
Major: Music Mitzi A. Lowe, Lexington    
Dissertation: "Twentieth—Century Nigerian Art Music: Social, Major: Studies ln Higher Education   Dis;
Political, and Cultural Factors Involved in Its Evolution and Dissertation: "The Phenomenology of Student Engagement   _
Practice" During High School Restructuring" `
]ul1e Helen Kuhr, Antigo, WI Ming Lu°*, Hangzhou, China Mai}
Major: Chemistry Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Diall
Dissertation: "Application of Low-Rank Coal for Removal of Dissertation: "The Effect of Pregnenolone l6(- Carbonitrile on the S5`
Heavy Metal and Radioactive Contaminants from Aqueous Pharmacokinetics of Dapsone: An In Vivo and In Vitro Milt
Solutions" Study" Ma·
Barbara L. La]aunie, Colonial Heights, VA Pei-]ung Lu** DIS?
Major: Communication Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences I
Dissertation: "A Question of Legitimacy: The Farmville Herald Dissertation: "Molecular Targets of the Lipid Products of Q
and the Brown Decision" Phosphoinositide 3-kinase" ‘
Lene Holm Larsen*