xt718911pw2d_289 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 129th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 129th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p5/2010ua027_p5_6/2010ua027_p5_6_2/6930/6930.pdf 1996 May 5 1996 1996 May 5 section false xt718911pw2d_289 xt718911pw2d Commencement Program
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One hundred twenty—ninth annual *
Universit of Kentuck , Lexin ton
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Sunday, May fifth, nineteen hundred ninety-six
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 One Hundred Twenty-Ninth Annual

I Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson
Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Vice Chairperson
I Mrs. Lois C. Weinberg, Secretary
Mr. Ted Bates Mr. Billy ]oe Miles
Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell Professor ]immy ]acl< Miller
Governor Edward T. Breathitt Dr. Elissa Plattner
Mr. Shea Chaney Dr. Deborah Powell
Mr. Paul W. Chellgren Mr. Steven S. Reed
Mr. Robert N. Clay Mr. C. Frank Shoop
Mr. Merwin Grayson, ]r. Mrs. Marian Moore Sims
Mr. Iames F. Hardymon Mrs. Lois C. Weinberg
Dr. Loys L. Mather Mr. Martin Welenken
Dr. Robert P. Meriwether Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson
Charles T. Wethington, ]r., President
Robert Lawson, Assistant to the President for Administrative Affairs
Ben W. Carr, ]r., Chancellor for the Community College System
  ]ames W. I·Iolsinger, Chancellor for the Medical Center
l Elizabeth A. Zinser, Chancellor for the Lexington Campus
  Fitzgerald B. Bramwell, Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies
  ]oseph T. Burch, Vice President for University Relations
Edward A. Carter, Vice President for Management and Budget
Eugene R. Williams, Vice President for Information Systems
George]. Debin, Assistant to the President for Fiscal Affairs
Iuanita W. Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs

The exercises of the one hundred twenty-ninth annual commencement are enacted today at
the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each year on campuses
all over the world. lt is the solemn climax and recognition of the graduates' years of study and
preparation for responsibility. l l I 1
A description of the academic pageantry is provided for your interest and information.  
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions (Euclid Avenue) and enters the ;
Coliseum through the four corners of the floor, is led by the University Marshal whose position
is in front of the stage. The University Marshal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the
endorsement of the State and the University. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march
behind the identification banner of the respective colleges which recommended them for their
The candidates for advanced degrees enter the floor from the southeast door (see diagram,
next page); candidates for advanced degrees are from the following:
The Graduate School (doctoral and masters candidates),
College of Law,
College of Medicine,
College of Dentistry, and
College of Pharmacy.
Entering through the southwest door (see diagram, next page) are candidates for degrees from
the following:
College of Education,
College of Nursing,
College of Human Environmental Sciences,
College of Communications and Information Studies, and
College of Fine Arts.
Entering through the northeast corner (see diagram, next page) are candidates for degrees
from the following:
College of Arts and Sciences, and
College of Engineering.
Entering through the northwest corner (see diagram, next page) are candidates for degrees
from the following:
College of Agriculture,
Carol Martin Gatton College of Business and Economics,
College of Allied Health Professions,
College of Social Work, and
College of Architecture.
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of Kentucky
proceed into the Coliseum, entering the floor from the southeast door and wearing the colorful
hoods of their disciplines (see description of colors on page 7) and of the colleges and
universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to the
platform the members of the Board of Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various
colleges, honorary degree recipients, the Chancellors, the Vice Presidents, and other University
officials, and guests. The President of the University and the Chair of the Board of Trustees
follow the University Marshal and lead this distinguished group to the platform in two columns
from the southwest door. The Trustees of the University can be identified by their blue gowns
with white panels; they also wear blue caps with gold tassels.

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All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University
officials, faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The
basic color for most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different
degrees wear distinctive tassels on their caps and hoods of various hues draped ,
down the backs of the gowns. 1
Candidates for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees wear the regulation cap with the
tassel appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated,
with the exception of those who already hold Doctor’s degrees and are privileged to
wear gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, and the playing of the
"Star Spangled Banner" and "America the Beautiful", men in academic regalia are
requested to wear their caps. The authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences: Dentistry - Lilac
Arts - White Architecture - Blue Violet
Sciences - Gold Allied Health Professions — Light Green
Agriculture — Maize Human Environmental Sciences - Maroon
Engineering — Orange Social Work - Citron
Law — Purple Communications and Information Studies:
Education - Light Blue Communications - Silver/ Gray
Business and Economics - Drab Library Sciences - Lemon
Pharmacy - Olive Green Journalism - Crimson
Medicine - Green Fine Arts - Brown
Nursing - Apricot
The gown for the Bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn
closed. The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like
the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its
oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is
designed and supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The
gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell—shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars
(usually black but sometimes other colors, depending on the degree).
The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate
color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution - blue
and white at Kentucky.
The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes
more of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the ·
person is receiving. I
The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the wide  
panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The colors _
of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine, g
purple for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctor’s degrees are purple for laws,
white for arts/letters/humanitites, and golden yellow for science.
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has been
conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his or her honorary
degree consists in the candidate being formally invested with the hood.

Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro` the perilous fight,
_ O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocl<
  Kumar DElSllttt, Calcutta, India Major; Veterinary Science
ME1jO1‘2 Electrical Engln€€I'lng Dissertation: "Application of the Small Subunit Ribosomal RNA Pellet
Dissertation: "Analysis of Skin Effect Loss and Incident Field Gene Sequence of Sarcocystis neurona Towards Delineation of Nttaltll
Coupling in Electrical Interconnects Using Asymptotic Waveform 3 Definitive Host and Epidemiologiq Studie;/’ DISSQI
Evaluation" Bei
Ernesto Ferrer’*°* Prc
lames Call DaYlll» Yol"lttovvn» VA Major: Education and Counseling Psychology - Them
Major: PhY$i€5 Educational Psychology .
Dissertation: "Eieeilon CaPtlll” e illom Aligned D'State RYdbelg Dissertation: "Children’s Performance on Conservation Tests as a Melt]
At¤ms" Resuii of Age, scaring criteria, and Task Difficulty" Dose
Corinne Cecile Eloi Deibel*, Travecy Efrain piguereaet De
Major: Chemistry Mer - Ph ·
jor. ysics ._
Dissertation: "Investigations of Reactions of Carbonaceous Materials Dreeerrerrenr ~phySieel properties Ol: New Tnrereelerien Met l
with Ion Beam Analysis" (joinponnd5" lg/ltllol
Michael Anthony Deibel, Columbus, OH Angela pulizj Qlive l-lill Pla
lvlalon Cllemlstltv Major: Chemistry G
Dissertation; "The Evaluation oi Tlaee Element? Related   tile Dissertation: "Time — and Wave Length - Resolved Spectroscopic Mlllgl
Oxidative Damage l'lYI-lotllesls ot Alznelmet s Disease Methods and Their Applications for Chemical Speciation" Delol
Douglas C Dengen Lexington Miriam N. Funtowicz, Norwalk, CT N3
M¤i¤r= M¤m€di¤¤¤ E¤si¤€¤ri¤g Iames Edward Gary’*, Lsuisviiie Au
Dissertation: "Age-Related Changes in Perimicrovascular Plasma Major; Computer Science
Pttllem   Glytostlmmogtyctm Dtsttlbutlon Ettects °“ Dissertation: "Feature Indexed Similar Shape Retrieval in Image Blllltl
T|'¤¤5P0Tl Databa5es" Matol

 Catherine Marie Gillotti, Dayton, OH Kenneth L. Hensley**, Ashland
Major: Communication Major: Chemistry
Dissertation: "Individual Differences Among Third Year Medical Dissertation: "Magnetic Resonance Studies of Free Radical-Mediated
Students in the Delivery of Bad News to Patients" Oxidative Stress in Brain: Relevance to Aging and Alzheimer’s
_ _ Disease, and Other Neurological Disorders"
Ivan Daniel Girard, Besancon, France
Major; Animal Sciences Nathaniel George Hentz, Pinckney, MI
V Dissertation: "Effects of Yeast Culture Supplements on In Vitro Major: Chemistry
l Ruminal Fermentation and Characterization of Stimulatory Dissertation: "Liquid Chromatography Systems Based on Bio-
i Activities of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae strain ]O26 on the Growth Recognition Properties"
of Ruminal Bacteria"
Scot Christopher Hickey, Buena Park, CA
I Linda 5. Gorman, Lexington Major; Political Science
Major: Nutritional Science Dissertation: "The Cycle of Rebellion and Repression In Protracted
Dissertation: "Influence of Sulfur-Amino Acids on the Ability of Political Conflict"
Endothelial Cells to Withstand Free Fatty Acid-Mediated _ _ _
Oxidative $tieSS~ Camille Crunelle Hill, Elizabethtown
_ _ _ _ Major: Music
Peter Wllllem Gmffm Dissertation: "The Synthesis of Messiaen’s Musical Language in his
Major: Agricultural Economics Opera Saint Francois d"Assisi"
Dissertation: "Investigating the Conflict in Agricultural Policy _
Between the Federal Crop Insurance and Disaster Assistance lehn Eugene Hmkleeel London
Programs, and the Conservation Reserve Program" Major: St6ti$ti€$
Dissertation: "Recipr0cal Components, Reciprocal Curves, and
Thomas Gerald Groleau*, Lexington partial Least gqiiaiey
Major: Business Administration _ _ _
Dissertation: "An Operational Performance Comparison of FMCs Daniel Mleheel Heefnerer Versalues
and Dedicated GT Cells Under Varying Product Variety and Major: Toxicology
Demand" Dissertation: "p-Azidobenzylphlorizin Alters Human Red Blood Cell
_ Flexibility, Shape, and Volume Through Its Interaction with the
Mel'We¤ Guo**, Xlienr China Anion Transporter and A 28 kDa Peptide"
Major: Civil Engineering _ _
Dissertation: "Bending, Free Vibration and Buckling of Stiffened Melinda Lou Heffmener Werthlngtenr OH
Plates and Laminates" Major: Crop Science
Dissertation: "Weed Response to Germinating Seeds, Seedlings, and
Gregory Todd Hegereer Lexington Residues of Sorghum (Scrglmm bicolor) and Rye (Secale ccrvnlc)"
Major: Chemical Engineering _ _ _
Dissertation: "The Effect of Promoter Metals on the Activity of Beatrice Hm Helzl Wllmere
Nanoscale Iron-Based Catalysts" M6j01`i Music
Dissertation: "The Effect of a Speech-To Song Approach on Singing
Saleh Lee H6mi1t0¤°°, Lexington Voice Range and Tessitura of Future Elementary Classroom
Major: Anthropology Teachers"
Dissertation: "The Two-Headed Household: Gender and Agricultural _ _
Development in an Andean Setting (Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador)" Noel David Horton, Knoxville, TN
Major: Toxicology
Nan Zhang Hampton, Beijing, China Dissertation: "Isolation and Partial Characterization of an Opioid-
Major: Education and Counseling Psychology - Educational Like 88 kDa Hibernation-Specific Protein"
Ps cholo .
Dissertgltion: ’§l`lie Relations of Learning Disabilities to the Perceived Cyethla Meereen Heweli LOS Ang€1€S’ CA
Sources of Self-Efficacy, Efficacy Expectations, and Academic Melee English
Aehievemeht ih High School 5tiieletitS~ Dissertation: "Rereading Agrarianism: Despoliation and
Conservation in the Works of Wendell Berry, Lee Smith, and
lin Purwati Handayani, Indonesia Bobbie Ann Mason"
Ma'or: Soil Science .
Disiertationz "Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pools and Transformations Cmlcan Iiluangee Chme
After 23 Years of No Tillage and Conventional Tillage" Maier: Biochemistry
Dissertation: "Characterization and Comlementation of a
Richard Harris Hanson, Louisville Lipophosphoglycan-Defective Mutant Cell Line of Leishmania
Major: English D0¤0V¤¤i"
Dissertation. Manifestations of Fear Moby Dick. A Case Study Shaohua Huang
Cynthia Layman Hartsfield, Damascus, VA Major: Plant Pathology
Major; Pliaymaceutjce] Sciences Dissertation: "Genomic Organization and Expression of a dsRNA
Dissertation: "Noninfectious Lung Disease in a Murine Model of T0UVi¤'¤5 I¤f€€ti¤g the P1antPathogenic Fungus
AlDg~ Helminthosporium victoriae"
Billie ]o Hatton*, Whitesburg Xiaeqleng Huangi China
Major: Education and Counseling Psychology - Counseling M¤]0Y¤ BIOIOSY
Psychology Dissertation: f'The Understory Herbaceous Community in a Mixed
Dissertation: "Personal Power in Lesbian Relationships" Me$OPhYee Forest',
1 3

 Sandra Binggeli Huddleston, Erie, PA _ Nada Hanna Khattar, Beirut, Lebanon Qing
Majgrz Nursing Major: Microbiology Majo
Dissertation: "A Phenomenological Inquiry: Symptom Appraisal by Dissertation: "Structure-Function Analysis of Mammalian Adenine Dissei
Women With Coronary Artery Disease" l°h0SPh0rll¤0Sylt1‘?¢¤$f€l'?l$€" Elf
gherris E Humsnrg Lexington Barbara S. Kiernan**, Augusta, GA Tianc
Major: Business Administration Major: Nursing M&]OZ
Dissertation; "Strategic Networks of Growth-Oriented Manufacturing Dissertation: "Parents’ Perceptions of Family Functioning and Dissei
Firms: A Comparative Study of Structures and Outcomes" Parental Coping in Families of Chronically Ill Children I Pi