xt718911pw2d_284 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 124th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 124th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p5/2010ua027_p5_4/2010ua027_p5_4_2/6535/6535.pdf 1991 May 5 1991 1991 May 5 section false xt718911pw2d_284 xt718911pw2d COM ’
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One hundred twenty—fourth annual  
University of Kentucky, Lexington t
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* Unlvzeeiry of K¤;·nh».:cS·;·;·  
D [ Lexinrcs, Kantndzy éO$·0é _
1 Sunday, May fifth, nineteen hundred ninety-one  
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 I One Hundred Twenty-Fourth Annual

Foster Ockerman, Sr., Chairman
I William E. Burnett, jr., Vice Chairman
{ Edythe ]ones Hayes, Secretary
  Ted B. Bates James L. Rose
Q Raymond F. Betts Robert F. Stephens
  Albert Benjamin Chandler Jerome A. Stricker
1 Carolyn S. Bratt William B. Sturgill '
Tracy Farmer ]ulia K. Tackett
Walter D. Huddleston Daniel C. Ulmer, ]r.
Sean P. Lohman Billy B. Wilcoxson
Robert Meriwether Henry R. Wilhoit, ]r.
]udith Rhoads
Charles T. Wethington, Ir., President
Peter P. Bosomworth, Chancellor for the Medical Center
Ioseph T. Burch, Vice President for University Relations
Ben W. Carr, Chancellor for the Community College System
  Edward A. Carter, Vice President for Management and Budget
  Donald B. Clapp, Vice President for Administration
  Robert E. Hemenway, Chancellor for the Lexington Campus
I Leonard K. Peters, Acting Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies
Eugene R. Williams, Vice President for Information Systems

The exercises of the one hundred twenty-fourth annual commencement are enacted today at
the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each year on campuses
  all over the world. lt is the solemn climax and recognition of the graduates' years of study and
  preparation for responsibility.
  A description of the academic pageantry is provided for your interest and information.
  The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions and enters the Coliseum through
  the four corners of the floor, is led by the University Marshal whose position is in front of the
  stage. The University Marshal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the endorsement of the ·
State and the University. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march behind the
identification banner of the respective colleges which recommended them for their degrees.
The candidates for advanced degrees enter the floor from the southeast door (see diagram,
next page); candidates for advanced degrees are from the following:
The Graduate School (doctoral and masters candidates),
‘ College of Law,
College of Medicine,
College of Dentistry, and
College of Pharmacy.
Entering through the southwest door (see diagram, next page) are candidates for degrees from
the following:
College of Education,
College of Nursing,
College of Human Environmental Sciences,
College of Communications, and
College of Fine Arts.
‘ Entering through the northeast door (see diagram, next page) are candidates for degrees from
the following:
. College of Arts and Sciences, and
College of Engineering.
Entering through the northwest door (see diagram, next page) are candidates for degrees from “
the following:
College of Agriculture,
College of Business and Economics, .
College of Allied Health Professions,
College of Social Work,
College of Library and Information Science, and
College of Architecture.
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of Kentucky
proceed into the Coliseum, entering the floor from the northeast door and wearing the colorful
hoods of their disciplines (see description of colors on page 5) and of the colleges and
universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to the
platform the members of the Board of Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various
colleges, honorary degree recipients, the Chancellors, the Vice Presidents, and other University
officials, and guests. The President of the University and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees,
upon greetings from the University Marshal, lead this distinguished group to the platform in
two columns from the northwest door. The Trustees of the University can be identified by their
blue gowns with white panels; they also wear blue caps with gold tassels.

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I All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University officials,
  faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The basic color for most
j caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different degrees wear distinctive
i‘  tassels on their caps and hoods of various hues draped down the backs of the gowns.
I Candidates for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees wear the regulation cap with the tassel I
appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with the exception
V of those who already hold Doctor's degrees and are privileged to wear gold tassels. Except
. during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National Anthem, and prayers, men in
I academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences — White Dentistry - Lilac
Agriculture — Maize Architecture - Blue Violet
¥ Engineering - Orange Allied Health Professions - Light Green
i Law — Purple Home Economics - Maroon
Education — Light Blue Library and Information Science - Lemon
Business and Economics - Drab Social Work -Citron
Pharmacy - Olive Green Communications - Crimson
Medicine - Green Fine Arts — Brown
Nursing — Apricot
" The gown for the Bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn closed. The
gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like the others. The sleeve
base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut and
the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is designed and supplied with fasteners so that it
may be worn open or closed, The gown for the Doctor's degree has a bell-shaped sleeve on ,
which are three velvet bars (usually black but sometimes other colors, depending on the
The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate color (see
list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution — blue and white at
, Kentucky.
The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes more of the
lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the person is receiving.
The Doctor's hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the wide panels at
either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The colors of the edging most
frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine, and purple for laws; the colors for
the honorary Doctor's degrees are purple for laws, white for letters, and golden yellow for
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has been
conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his or her honorary degree consists
in the candidate being formally invested with the hood.

Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn's early light,  
Whatso proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?  
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,  
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? _` 
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,  
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.  
Oh, say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave  
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? XV
O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain,
' For purple mountain majesties, Above the fruited plain! Y
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea!
University Marshal .
Lois M. Chan
The University of Kentucky Commencement Band
Tom Brawner, School of Music
, Soloist
Stella Irene Keidann, School of Music
Student members of the Commencement Committee and
members of the following campus honor societies:
Collegians for Academic Excellence,
Omicron Delta Kappa, Motar Board, and Lances

_ Charles T. Wethington, ]r. President
i STAR SPANGLED BANNER ................................................................. (Francis Scott Key)
  INTRODUCTION S ............................................................................ President Wethington
  PRESENTATION OF UNIVERSITY MEDALLION ....................... Foster Ockerman, Sr.
  Chairman, Board of Trustees V
COMMENCEMEN T ADDRESS ....................................................... President Wethington
Dean C. Oran Little Dean Peggy S. Meszaros
College of Agriculture College of Human Environmental Sciences
Dean Thomas C. Robinson Dean Thomas ]. Waldhart
College of Allied Health Professions College of Library and Information Science
Dean Jose R. Oubrerié Dean Carolyn A. Williams
College of Architecture College of Nursing
Acting Dean Bradley C. Canon Dean jordan L. Cohen
College of Arts and Sciences College of Pharmacy
Dean Richard W. Furst Dean Zafar Hasan
College of Business and Economics College of Social Work
Dean Douglas A. Boyd Dean Daniel R. Reedy
‘ College of Communications The Graduate School
Dean ]. Iohn Harris III Dean David A. Nash
College of Education College of Dentistry
Dean Thomas W. Lester Dean Rutheford B Campbell
College of Engineering College of Law
Dean Richard C. Domek, ]r. Dean Emery A. Wilson
College of Fine Arts College of Medicine
GREETINGS — ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ................................................ Richard A. Bean ”
President, National Alumni Association
RECOGNITION OF RECIPIENTS OF ALUMNI .......................... President Wethington
RECOGNITION OF RECIPIENTS OF ............................................ President Wethington
RECOGNITION OF RECIPIENT OF ............................................... President Wethington
PRESENTATION OF WILLIAM B. STURGILL AWARD ........... . President Wethington
PRESENTATION OF EXCELLENCE IN ........................................ President Wethington
PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ................................ President Wethington
_ David B. Dick, University Orator
AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL ...........,................................................ (Katherine Lee Bates)

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’* Degree awarded August 2, 1990 Di
** Degree awarded December 14, 1990 D_
(N0 asterisks) Degree will be conferred May 5, 1991
if candidates have met all degree requirements Jef

 Ronald Lee Barnett**, Lexington
  G       Major: Educational and Counseling Psychology
Dean; Dame] R- Résdy Dissertation: "Representations of Cancer: Characteristics and
I Relationships to Cancer Risk Perceptions"
Doctor of Philosophy
M.   Bayan
Abdulaziz M.A. Ajlan, Saudi Arabia Malori G€Ol0SY
  Major: Entomology Dissertation: "Application of Paleothermometers to the Coal-Bearing
  Dissertation: "Pathogen-I-lerbivore Interactions Mediated by Pllyslllles lll the Central APPala°h'a“$"
__  Activated Resistance in Cucumber and Tobacco"
{ Martin Harold Bender, Dayton, OH
 l Abdulrahman Abdulmohsen Al-Kalaf, Saudi Arabia Mal": BlOlOgY
j Major: Economics Dissertation: "Contributions to the Basic and Theoretical Population
, Dissertation: "Monetary and Financial Integration of the Gulf B*°l°8Y Ol Monocalplc l’€r€¤¤1¤l$ ('Bl€““lalS')"
· Cooperation Council (GCC) for the Arab States of the Gulf" .
Milan Avery Berge’*, Viroque, WI
Syarif Ibrahim Alqadrie’*, Indonesia Malmi TOXlCOl0gY
Major: Sociology Dissertation: "Toxicology and Metabolism of L-Canavanine in the
Dissertation: "Ethnicity and Social Change in Dyaknese Society of T¤b¤¤¤¤ Blldwolml lplellalllls Vllescens (N°Cl“lda€)"
West Kalimantan, Indonesia"
Delano H" Berry, Greenville, NC
Zhi_Qiang An, Shanxi, Chim Major: Business Administration
Major: Plant Pathology Dissertation: "An Extension of Managerial Accounting and
Dissertation: "Glomales Mycorrhizal Community Associated With Opelallollal Audlllllg ln the Publlc Sector"
Soybean As Influenced By Crop Rotation and Soil Fumigation"
Terry L. Besser, Georgetown
Dwinardi Apriyanto, Bengkulu, ID Malori S0Cl0lOgY
Major: Entomo ogy Dissertation: "Iapanese Management from the Workers‘ Perspective"
Dissertation: "Tobacco Necrosis Virus-Induced Resistance of _ _
Cucumber: its Effect uu Piaui Feeaiug Aahmpoay Akbar Bida¤a¤* _
Major: Electrical Engineering
Normalina Ar1pi’**, Palembang, Indonesia Dissertation: "Electrical Conductivity of lon-implanted PBT"
Major: Anima Sciences
Dissertation: "Restructuring Beef Using Surimi, and Chicken Using Phyul$ Scott Biddle? CBHWOUU
Calcium Ajgmatg Major: Educational and Counseling Psychology
Dissertation: "Effects of Trauma and Interview Method on Young
Becky Ann Bailey, Atlanta, GA Childrens Memory Recall"
Major: Clinical Psychology
Dissertation: "The Convergent and Discriminant Validity of the Harold Tim BOTg€$, Lexington
Chapman Psychosis Proneness Scales in a Personality Disordered M3]0Ti TOX1€0l0gY
P0P¤l¤ll0¤" Dissertation: "Mechanism for the Inhibition of Peroxisomal
“-Oxidation By the Peroxisome Proliferator Perfluorodecanoic Acid '
Arthur Ramirez Baluyut*, Peru, IN (PFDA)"
Major: Microbiology
Dissertation: "Role of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) FI`3Dk Michael BI“§¤1'\€T, Ch&Tl€5t0¤, WV
Class II Molecules in B Lymphocyte Activation" Malo? Mathematics i
Dissertation: "On the Projective Functor"
Larry jerome Bark, De Soto, WI
Major: Animal Sciences Rebecca L. Briley*, Louisville
Dissertation: "Influence of Genetic Capacity for Lean Tissue Growth M8]0T? EITgl1Sh
on Responses of Pigs to Metabolic Regulators" Dissertation: "You @ Go Home Again: The Focus on Family in the
Works of Horton Foote"
Gregory Neal Barnes*, Prospect
M€i)0Fi 10€l1€m1StfY Edward Peter Broglio, ]r., ]oplin, MO
Dissertation: "The Role of Ca': Dependent Kinases and Protein M•3]0Fi Plant P3fh0l0gY
Ph05PhHT¤5€ 2A IH The Kiridling Model Of EPUEPSYH Dissertation: "Mutational Analysis of Gene VI Of Cauliflower
Mosaic Virus: Effects on Disease Induction and Gene Expression"
Diane Iiynn Barnett, San Diego, CA
Major: ducational and Counseling Psychology Robert Dale Buskirkl Parkersburg, wv
Dissertation: "Sexual Harassment in a University Setting: The M3]0I`2 Mathematics
l¤fl¤€¤€€ of Viftim and P€YP€U`¤t0T ChaT¤€t€Ti$ti€5" Dissertation: "A Universal Completely Regular Curve and Inverse
Limits of Locally Connected Curves"
laments leffrey Curtis Barnett**, Lexington, VA
Major: Spanish Karen Waite Careyl**, Lexington
Dissertation; "Images of Mexico City: The Recent Urban Novels of Major: Studies in igher Education
Gonzalo Maftfé, Afm¤¤d0 R¤m1Y€Z· and ISMCIU $0l¤T€$" Dissertation: "Changes In Mathematical Ability Of Berea College
Graduates: A Twenty-Four Year Longitudinal Study"

 Li¤e¤ Chady} China Woody Lynn Davis, New Carlisle, OH {5
Maldti Ch€mt$ttY Major: Communication j
Dissertation: "Water Transport Across Human Erthrocyte Membrane Dissertation: ··BeyOpd the personal Pmpoupi Gender Schemas and D1
Studied bY the |H'T; NMR Ddldmg Method the Perception of Christians and their Messages"
Baddtng/ichenti Btéjtngrchtlta Karen L nn DeMoss, Lexington kg
Maldti Echamcat ngmeetmg Major: E>ducational and Counseling Psychology 4
Dissertation: "Fluid Mechanics of Extracorporeal Blood Filtration Dissertation: ··Ap Exploration Of me Relationship Between D1
SY$tEm" Creativity, Depression, and Attributional Style in Adolescents  
with High Academic Ability" {
Chong Chen’*, Tianjin,China   K'
Major: Electrical Engineering l james K_ Drelmenl jjj, Bujjep p A    
Dissertation; "Analysis and Design of a Permanent Magnet Linear Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences j D1
Alternator" Dissertation: "A 'Noise' In Pharmaceutical Analysis: Near—Infrared *
Outside/ Inside Space Evaluation"
Hong Chen*, Hangzhon, China D
Maldti Ctvtt E¤s1¤€€11¤s Mircea D. Driga’*, Austin, TX  
Dissertation: "Nonlinear Space Frame Analysis Including Flexible Major; Electrical Engineering D1
Connection and Bttutcatton Behavmrl Dissertation: "Magnetic Flux Compression-Expansion Duality in
_ _ _ _ Electromechanical Hypervelocity Lauchers and Power Supplies:
L1·ChUan Chen, Ch1aY1, Taiwan Analytical and Numerical Methods"
~ Major: Toxicology  
Dissertation: "Role of Oxidative Stress in the Hepatoxicity of the Gale Harris Dunn, Lexington A
· Peroxisome Proliferator Perflurodecanoic Acid" Major; Soil Science D1
_ _ _ Dissertation: "Effect of Tillage Practice on Soil Macroporosity and A
Ch1€ng·San Churng, H$1n€n¤, Taiwan Effective Diameter of Non—Uniform Macropores" Y]
Major: Electrical Engineering M
Dissertation: "Variable Structure Control of Biped Locomotion" Stephen Edward Duren, Soda Springs, ID Di
Major: Animal Sciences
Stanley Clafk, D€Can1}`, _M$ _ Dissertation: "Blood Flow Distribution in Fasted and Fed Ponies at
Major: Business Adm1n1$U‘at10n Rest and During Endurance Exercise" S
Dissertation: "An Empirical Examination of Firms' Motivations For I
Early Adoption of SFAS 96 and the Information Content of Early Raghuram ElOm€S at Basuni Hamzah**, Indonesia
Charles L. Gardner, ]r., Lexington Major: Animal Sciences
Melerz Busrnees Adrnrnrsrranen Dissertation: "Control of Agglutination and its Effect on Cottage
Dissertation: "Testing the Hypotheses of a DSS Theory: The Cheese Manufacture"
Integration of Microeconomic Theory, Laboratory Experiements,
z Platesu and Information System Evaluation" Hani Handoko, Ycégyakartzrlndonesia
Major: Business A ministration
Rrenard A1an_GetenbY*» nrrer PA Dissertation: "Trust and Lateral Influence Attempts: A Test of
Maleri CnernrSrrY Gamson's Model in a Group Decision Making Simulation"
_St dal Dissertation: "Level Schemes, Lifetimes, and Gamma-Ray Transition
Erm Rates in "2Nd and ‘“Sm from the (n,n'8) Reaction: Evidence for Denise L nn Hannibal, Little Rock, AK
TWO-1¤h¤¤¤¤ O¤f¤p<>1€ E><¤it¤ti<>¤S" Major: Plllarmaceutical Sciences
_ Dissertation: "Poly-Succinyl·(Co-Tetraiodeophenolphthaleim) '
Peter G- G1¤v1¤¤S,I_r·, D¤yt¤¤» OH Nanoparticles for Contrast Enhancement of Liver Computed
_ Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences T0mOgmphy··
SlOmng’ Dissertation: "The Nucleophilic Addition of Bisulfite Ion to Imines:
Kinetics, Equilibria, and Effects on Stability" Ign Zainai Asyikin ]—{anS*¤·’ Indonesia I
Major: Agricultural Economics
William Klis Grunt! Henderson Dissertation: "Analysis of Impacts of Biotechnology from the
. Malerz Marnernancs Perspective of Contemporary Production Theory"
Dissertation: "An Alternating Projection Method For Linear Convex
Programming Problems" Constance Lynn Hardesty**, Lexington
• Major: Socio ogy
f Doreen Kim Sen Genr MareYsra Dissertation: "Gender Differences in the Factors Influencing the
S O d Malerz EnrOrnO1OgY Rates of Career Transitions among Women and Men in
ance Dissertation: "ldentification, Location, and Characterization of a Univeristy Administration"
Gene Encoding a Structural Protein in Autographa Californica
Nuclear POlyl`l€dI`OSlS       Br an Hardin, Lexington
Major: Electrical Engineering
I¤¤eth¤¤ David Geseb Henelulul HI Dissertation: "Decomposition of Radiating Structures to Directly
h Maleri GeOgraPnY Predict Asymmetric-Mode Radiation"
; Dissertation: "Production and Reproduction among the Urban Poor
en of Metro Manila: Relations of Exploitation and Conditions of Peggy L nn Hai-reu>+I Lexington
Existence" Major: E)ducational and Counseling Psychology
_ _ Dissertation: "A Comparison of the Efficiency of Interdependent and
Catnerrne Clerk Graham"' Nashvnld TN Independent Group Contingencies with Mildly Handicapped
{ Maller: Enghsn Elementary-Aged Students using Time Delay Instructional
emster Dissertation: "Southern Discoveries: The Fiction of Peter Taylor" Procedures"

 Linda Sue Hartenian, Oshkosh, WI Philip Lee Kenkel**, Lexington 5
Major: Business Administration _ Major: Agricultural Economics
Dissertation: "Achieving Performance Appraisal System Goals: Dissertation: "An Empirical Examination of Expected Utility Based D
Understanding the Relationship Between Business-Level Strategy Approaches to Modeling Behavior Under Uncertainty"
and Performance Appraisal Purpose"
Michael James Kern**, Ft. Mitchell {6
]oseph Gerald Harvil1**, Lexington Major: Microbiology
Malor? Commllnlcallon ` Dissertation: "Murine Major Histocompatibility Complex Class ll . D
Dissertation: "Aristotle's Concept of Ethos as Ground for a Modern Genes; Evaluating Gene Regulation by RNA Stability i
Ethics of Communication" Modulation, Trans-Acting Factors, and DNA Binding Proteins"  j
Rosma Hasibuan, Indonesia joan Marie Cleves Keutzer°**, Bellevue   5
Major: Entomology Major: Biology Y
Dissertation: "Predator-Pathogen-Host Population Interaction in a Dissertation: "The Identification and Characterization of Annexin ll F D
Model Laboratory System" as a Growth-Regulated Gene" ‘
Michael Griffin Hayek, Newton, N] Dong Kwan Kim*, Seoul,Korea  
Major: Nutritional Sciences Major: Materials Science and Engineering l
Dissertation: "Migrational Characteristics of Colostral Cells in Dissertation: "Electro-Discharge Consolidation Of Powders" D
Newbom Lambs and Pigs and Binding of Lymphocytes to Small
Intestine Brush Membrane Vesicles of the Mouse" Won Mok Kim*, Seoul, Korea A
» Major: Materials Science and Engineering  
Llnoa Sue Hon$on» lgoxlnglon Dissertation: "The Effect of Sulfur on the Kinetics of Reduction of D.
i Malol': Commllnlcatlon Iron Oxide From Molten Slag BY CO"
Dissertation: "Policies and Practices of Broadcast and Cable
Networks Toward the Acceptance of Issue Advertising" Kathryn Anne King*, St. Louis, MO .
Major: Pharmacology  
Sallilll l`lll