xt718911pw2d_280 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 120th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 120th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p5/2010ua027_p5_2/2010ua027_p5_2_2/6281/6281.pdf 1987 May 9 1987 1987 May 9 section false xt718911pw2d_280 xt718911pw2d I
I Commencement Program I
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I I I2 ‘ 1 5 +‘°k/{ I
I I One hundred twentieth annual  
I   University of Kentucky, Lexington  
I   I
I   Unh·ersIty Archive-:  
= I Margaret I. King Libmy — ¥··IortIII.  
I I Ua’zIvz2·:IT`;· oi ?IerI·%.;s»t;€-1~,¤  
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Uy2§v·;r·z§@hy cy? ?{·;·m.·;; 
Lazxkzg-ytcn,E·(czsLe;;·{;>; , Iraq Leader Region or Rous Sarcoma Virus"
¤ Dissertation: "Solubility Enhancement of Some Water insoluble Drugs Ralph Edmond B0uvette**, Louisville
in the Presence of Nicotinamide and Related Compounds" Major; Pharmaceutical Sciences
. . Dissertation: "Studies on the In Vitro and In Vivo Hydrolysis and In-
i *
' ligioggfaimigggpafams ’ North Ch1h’ NY tramolecular Aminolysis of L-Aspartyl-L-Phenylalanine Methyl
Dissertation: "The American Commonsense Philosophers on Deter- Ester
mlmsm and Agcm causality Bonnie Cave Bradley**, Lexington
" . . M ` : H' t
Mary Elizabeth Adelski, Del Mar, CA _aJ0r _ is my
Major: Anthropology Dissertation: "William J. Reddick, Composer-Musician"
_ Dissertation: "Ejidal Agriculture in Northern Sinaloa, Mexico: Ann Chcrtkoff Buckhoitz Lexington
l Agricultural Resources, Production and Household Well-Being" M aj Or: Counseling Psychéiogy
Cccil Benjamin Arnold, _ii_i•»i•», Lancastci. Dissertation: "Differential Effects of Constructive Confrontation Versus
Major; Music Negative Self-Involving Counselor Responses"
Disseglaticclixgwaliy Peace, and the Apocalypse in Art Music Since Kirk Vincent Cammamta, Belair, MD
J or ar Major: Plant Physiology
Riad Mahmoud Awadu , jciusalcm Dissertation: "Biochemical Analysis of the Components of Photosystem
_ Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences g h/lodulition by the ll,24 kD Polypeptides of the Chloride and
Dissertation: "The Formation and Decomposition of N-Chloroamino mum eqmrcmcms In photosynthetic Oxygen Evolution
Acids - Kinetics and Mechanics Nyan_Ru Chcn,,,,,’ Taipei, Taiwan
. . M ` : Ph ` `
Peter John Ballerstedt*, Philadelphia, PA _a]Or _ armacclmcal Sciences
V Major: Cmp Scicncc Dissertation: "Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reactions of
_ 1,2-Eh d` ‘ -MN ‘ - , ’ ‘
~ Dissertation: "Studies of the lngestive Behavior of Steers and Geldmgs ( d   am. lamina: i’)b[Pr0I;;19ed;)at0i(2 ) O O Plalmuril (H)
Conducted with ii Tethered Grazing rcciiriiquc·· an .“"“““?][ ‘ 'Cy° ° “"“‘ °"“ °"" a‘° (2`*O·O']Pl“"“““‘
(II) with Sodium Chloride and Sodium Bromide"
  l-L‘i‘;‘?;S_L§‘gSg;;(;°“‘· L°’““g‘°“ Wonjib ciici, scciii, Korea
J r' i C n i Major: Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
. Dlssciliitzzl II;;l;‘;`r£?ma“d OV" the Busmcss Cycle: The Case of Dissertation: "Mathematical Modeling of Sheet Metal Deformation"
, , Y Sh`k Ch '**, S l, K
; 1.l/¢i;.l1(;e   Belfy**, Charlevoix, MI Milo; Ecosémics cou Orca ‘
Dissertation: "The Commissioning Project of the Louisville Orchestra, 1ss€;;;t§:[0rc;_;(g?;:2g t c mean Economy with a Baycslan Vcc
 M 1948-1958: A Study of the History and Music"
  Frank Jay Coale** Severna Park MD
Stephanie Lynn Bellar**, Guthrie Mahi. Sol S · c ’ ’
Major: Political Science D_ Jn} 1 Pclcn _c U I dk dsh Dc I
_ _ isse a ion: " otassium ti ization an oot an oot ve opment
Dissertation: "Cherchez Les Femmes: An Analysis of Gender Based i. N _.i..ii F ii S d D bi C S b ,,
Differences in Recruitment Patterns Among City Council 0 0 I u cason an Ou c mp Oy em
. C¤¤d*d¤*°$" Stephen David Cockfield
i M ‘ E i 1
’ _ a or: n omo 0
Zemram Abdepouhab Bensalah", Morocco _ J _ gy _
E Major; Animal Sciences Dissertation: "Altered Growth and Physiology of Euonymus Fortunei
_ Iftd'thE Sl,U `E ‘C k
Dissertation: "Nutritional Evaluation of Ensrled Caged Layer Manure, igijsngptxal Dil;;;3;i‘;;;),fa c naspls uonyml ( Omsmc )
= Wheat Straw and Molasses as a Drought Survival Feed for Moroc-
can L“'°st°°k” Richard Michael Cole, Woodlawn
_ _ Ma`or: Cro Science
Janice Orienda Burdette Blythe, Lancaster _ J _ p _ _ _
l Major: Animal Sciences Dissertation: "The Effect of Minimum Tillage Cover Crop Residue on
J W d d H b` `d M t"
Dissertation: "'I`he Effect of Chronic Administration of Ethanol Upon ce S an cr lm e Ovcmcn
Vitamin A Metabolism"
l l

 Mary Suzanne Connors**, Fairport, NY Clark Steven Fulton, Bend, OR Me
Major: Pharmacology Major: Geology Ma
Dissertation: "The Effect of Pregnancy or Treatment with Dissertation: "A Study of the Geological, Hydrological, and Diss
Ethinylestradiol or Phenobarbital on the Glucuronidation of B- Geochemical Factors Affecting The Distribution of Sodium in
Estradiol at the C3-OH VS Ci.]-Ol-I in_Feniale Rat Liver Lignite in the Underwood Lignite Field, West Central North ‘,
Microsomes" Dal<0t¤°l DW
Joanne Cornell-Ohlman*, Sanford, FL Eric Michael Furr*, Hopewell, VA Dis:
Major: Psychology Major: Spanish
Dissertation: "A Comparison of Recommended Treatment Approaches: Dissertation: "HeracIit0 Cristianos Quevedo’s Meditative Cycle"
Attention Deficit Disorder Versus Aggressive Undersocialized Con- Jer.
duct Disorder" William Lewis Gehringer* Ma
Major: Psychology Disi
Ralph Adrian Dean* Dissertation: "A Test of Retinal Disparity and Relative Image
Malorl Plant Pathvlogy Magnification as a Basis for Stereopsis" Sar
Dissertation: "Activation of Resistance Mechanisms by Immunization M8
in Cucumber" William L. Gillespie, Louisville Diss
Major: Communication
Veronica P. Dean-ThaCkef**, ROCh€Sf€f, NY Dissertation; "”l`he Effect of Embedded Low Intensity Aural and Visual
Malori Spanish Stimuli of Neutral and Affective Content on Skin Conductance Am
Dissertation: "The Political Correspondence of Benito Perez Galdos" R€$D0l'lS€" M8
_ Ann Brooks Gould, Oak Lawn, IL t Dis:
Eric Kurt Dolence, Rock Springs, WY Moioi-t plant pathology [
Major; Pllallmacellllcal Sclellccs Dissertation: "Natural recolonization of reclaimed stripmine land by   Fu'
Dissertation: "Synthetic Approaches to Bioactive Molecules: I. cndogonaccous myoottnizal fungi" { Ma
B-Ecdysone II. 17·Phenyl Prostaglandin Fzct Photoaffinity   Dist
Probe." Douglas R. Gouzie**, Pittsburgh, PA i
L D un L _ _u Major: Geology   Mit
Si;li¥)r_ liillillysig an;] lsslgzlgoilny Dissertation: "Carbonate Geochemistry and Chemical Discrimination i Ma
` of Ground Water Basins in Portions of the Inner Bluegrass Karst i Diss
Dissertation: "Optical and Structural Studies of Binary and Ternary Region, Kentnelsyw i
Graphite Intercalation Compounds"  
_ _ _ David Doit Hall**, Hammond, IL   Ah1
Jose El13S Esp1nosa**, Quito, Ecuador Major; Animal Sciences   Mo
Majoll Soll Sclcllcc Dissertation: "The Influence of High Dietary Calcium on the Vitamin l Diss
Dissertation: "Placement and Timing of Nitrogen Fertilizer for No- K Status of pigs and Cnieksu
Tillage Corn (Zea Mays L.)"
_ Mitchell Kent Hall, Lexington i
Jabar Aboud Faraj**, Baghdad, Iraq Maiot; History i Ani
M ‘ ; Ph r ‘ . . . ‘
alol almaccll lcal Sclellces Dissertation: "Clergy and Laymen and Concern about Vietnam: A Study l Ma-
Dissertation: "A Study of the Mechanism of Nasal Absorption of Pep- of Religious Opposition to the Vietnam wmv i Diss
tides in Rats" i
_ _ _ Salim A. Hamadi**, Baghdad
gvvzlaspidwaid F'lZoc;’l§ll· Incxlngton Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences i Gar
alOl` _ yslo ogy all lop yslcs Dissertation: "Verapamil Nasal Drug Delivery and Stereoselective . Mae
Dissertation: "Modulation of Cardiac Function by Varying l¤S\1ll¤ Disposition in Rats" Diss
_ Jimmy Carrol Henning*, Tifton, GA
Joseph C. Fleishaker, McKees Rocks, PA Major: Crop Science . Mil
M ' : Ph t` lS ` . . . t
_al0l _ allllac€u_lcll clcllccl _ _ _ Dissertation: "Urea as an Ammonia Generator for Preservative and ` Ma
Dissertation: Xenobrotrc Transfer into Milk: Evaluation of a Drffu- Quality Enhancement of Moist Grass Hayn Diss
sional Model"
A __ _ _ Steven Lynn Herr**, Vienna, VA
Maureen Rose Ford , Louisville Major: physics and Astronomy
Major: Psychology _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ Dissertation: "Opt1cal Properties of the Charge Density Wave Materials
Dissertation: "An Investigation of Sex Bias in Psychiatric Diagnosis: Tas AND Zt·l—e ·· Her
The Antisocial and Histrionic Personality Disorders" 3 3 Ma_
Ste hen D. Hess**, Lexin ton P D'
Paul Joseph Fudala, Chicago, IL Malioii Biology g lss
Major: Toxicology _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ l _ _ Dissertation: "Modulat1on of Feeding Motoneurons in the Terrestrial
Dissertation: "Pharmacolog1c Characterization of Nicotine-Induced Slug, Limax Maximus by Nem-onentides and Osmotic gttessv WB
Conditioned Place Preference and Aversion" Ma_
I Diss
12 ·

Melissa Jayne Himelein, Gowanda, NY Stephen Walter Kaiser*, Taft, OK
Major: Psychology Major: Psychology
rnd Dissertation: "Adjustment to Victimization by Burglary: Cognitive Cop- Dissertation: "Criminal Offender Causal Attributions of Crimes"
in ing and Perceptions of Support"
rth 1 Jutta Kausch, Winchester
David L. Hodge, Blountville, TN Major: Counseling Psychology
Ma-lor; Ammal Sciences Dissertation: "Mapping Personalities in Female Multiple Personality
Dissertation: "The Role of Aldosterone and Hyperkalemia in the Pro- Disorder Clients"
4 duction of Hypomagnesemic Tetany"
Theresia Sita Kusuma, Indonesia
Jerry Berl Hopkins**, Mt. Vernon Major: Chemistry
Major: Hlstory Dissertation: "A Comparative Study of Absorbed CO, H and O on
Dissertation: "Billy Graham and the Race Problem, 1949-l969" a Ni (Ill) Surface"
Sandra Lynn Hough, Lexington Susan Laing**, Fairfax Station, VA
Major: Counseling Psychology Major: Counseling Psychology
Dissertation: "Perceived Father Involvement with 7-I0 Month Old Dissertation: "Women’s Power and Sex-Role Stereotypes: An Organiza-
Infants" tional Perspective"
nce { Amy Ruth Howell, Wilmore Donna M. Langenbahn*, Monterey, IN
F Major: Chemistry Major: Psychology
j Dissertation: "Synthetic Approaches to Azanicotine Analogs" Dissertation: "The Use of Visual Imagery and Self-Instruction for
I Memory Rehabilitation with Closed Head Injury Patients"
by   Fu-sen Hu**, Republic of China
5 Major: Biology Laurel Leichner, Towson, MD
  Dissertation: "Plasmodial Aging in Physarum P0lycephaIum" Mawr: German
{ Dissertation: "The Strassburger Heldenbuch"
{ Michael Francis Hughes*, Ann Arbor, MI
ion I Major: Toxicology Gregory Brent Leichty**, Lexington
al-St   Dissertation: "Characterization of Binding of N’-Nitrosonornicotine Malori Commumcatlon
§ to Protein" Dissertation: "Social Cognitive and Situational Influences on the Use
  of Face-Saving Persuasive Strategies"
Y Ahmed S. Hussein, Cairo, Egypt
j Major: Animal Sciences Van Michael Leslie, Pikeville
min   Dissertation: "The influence of toxic levels of dietary aluminum on Malori H¤St¤rv
[ calcium and phosphorus metabolism and performance of chickens Dissertation: "Neville Chamberlain As A War-Time Prime Minister"
{ and Japanese quail"
i Dennis Gilbert Lewellen, Spokane, WA
j Andrew Lewis Jacobs**, Newton, MA Major: Geology
udy j Major: Ammal Sclenccs Dissertation: "A Technique for Analyzing Geologic Structures Using
l Dissertation: "Endocrine Studies Pertaining to Hormonal Control of Fourier Analysis and Butterworth Filters"
E Luteolysis in Cattle"
i Chia-Hsin Lin, Taiwan
e Gary W. Jacobs*, Louisville Major: Counseling Psychology
tive   Major: Geology Dissertation: "Chinese and American Perceptions of Rogers’, Perls’,
I Dissertation: "Characterization and Origin of the Garrard Siltstone (Up- and Ellis’ Approaches to Psychotherapy"
per Ordovician), Central and Eastern Kentucky"
Sandra Kay Lybarger, Lexington
Milan Marcel Jevtitch*, Paris, France Major: Counseling Psychology
and ` Major: Chemical Engmcermg Dissertation: "The Effectiveness of Two Study Skills Interventions for
Dissertation: "Reverse Osmosis Membrane Separation Characteristics Students with Differing Personality Characteristics"
of Various Organics: Prediction of Separation by Surface Force-
Pore Flow Model and Solute Surface Concentration by Finite Ele- Marie-Pierre Malice**, Tournai, Belgium
ment Method" Major: Statistics
ria]; _ Dissertation: "Some Epidemic Models for Non—Homogeneous
Henry Mason Jones*, Richmond populationsn
Major: Anatomy
Dissertation: "Pituitary-Ovarian Interactions in Normal and An- Dennis Michael Mann**, Wallingford, PA
drogenized Rats" Major: Toxicology
trial _ _ _ Dissertation: "Specific Probes for Evaluating Mechanisms of
5,, Walter Keith Jones, Loursvrle Calmodulin Functiow
Major: Biology
— Dissertation: "The Genetic Localization and Molecular Cloning of the
Drosophila Dhod locus."

Paul L. Marcotte*, Seattle, WA Nawfal Abdulmunarn Numan, Baghdad, Iraq Ra
Major: Sociology Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences   Ms
Dissertation: "Farming Systems Research as a Method for Introduc- Dissertation: "Pulmonary Vasoactivity and Metabolism of Atrial , Dis
ing Sorghum in the Dominican Republic: A Synthesis of The Natriuretic Peptides" I
Positivist and Critical Paradigms" _
Chukwuemeka Gbufor Nwosu, Umuahia, Nigeria :
Kenneth Clark Midkiff, Jr.*, Versailles Major: Toxicology Ca;
Ma-lm: Mechanical Engmcumg Dissertation: "Amine N-Methyltransferase Studies in Rat, Guinea Pig, M3
Dissertation: "The Release and Distribution of Fuel Nitrogen in One- Hamster and Rabbit with Special Emphasis on Nicotine N- Dis
Dimensional Coal-Dust Flames" Methylation in Vivo"
Henry Edward Moon, Jr.*, Leda, VA Michi Suzanne Okuda** Lei
Major: Geography Major: Entomology Ma
Dissertation: "Modeling Land Use Change Around Interstate Highway Dissertation: "Behavioral and Field Ecology of the Stink Bug Egg _ Dis
Interchanges in Nonmetropolitan Areas: A Multivariate Statistical Parasitoids Telenomus Podisi Ashmead and Trissolcus Euschisti
Analysis" (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)"
Joanne K. Morse, Brooklyn, NY Palmer A. Orlandi, Jr., Roseto, PA l Wi
Major: Anatomy Major: Biochemistry I Ms
Dissertation: "Injury-Induced CNS Plasticity: A Sexually Dimorphic Dissertation: "Characterization of a Novel Glycolipid Component of _  Dis:
Response in Hippocampal Sprouting" a Lipophosphoglycan of Leishmania D0n0vani"  
Mohammad Gholi Mousanejad*, Iran Edeki Francis Osumah, Ihievbe, Nigeria ws
Major: Agricultural Economics Major: Civil Engineering Ma
Dissertation: "Long-Run Regional Analysis of the World Wheat Market Dissertation: "Taxonomy of World Air Transport" : Dis:
with Emphasis on Government Policy" `
Joseph Olu Owasoyo**, Nigeria I
William Raymond Mundy, Reston, VA Major: Toxicology RO
Mawr: T°x‘°°l°gY Dissertation: "Dynamic Interaction Neutrophil and the Heart: Adverse : M3
Dissertation: "The Effects of Nicotine In Three Models Of Learning Effect of Nicotine" { Dis:
And Memory In The Rat" l
Ramdas Mizar Pai**, Mangalore, India ·
Hernan Andres Navarro, Potomac, MD Major: Electrical Engineering j Ma
Mawr: Anatomy Dissertation: "Techniques of Analysis of Linear Induction Motors" 4 M3
Dissertation: "The Effect of Age on the Release of Serotonin from the I Dis:
Rostral l-lypothalamus" Sahat Sahala Parmonangan Pandjaitan**, Indonesia :
Major: Agricultural Economics ‘
Saaal Mohammad Nazhan Baghdad- kai Dissertation: "An Economic Analysis of the U.S. Burley Tobacco » Arl
Major: Sociology indumyn : Ma
Dissertation: "Technology Diffusion and Agricultural Development. Dis:
Communication Process and the Dissemination of Innovative Randall Erickson Parker*, Lansing, IL ~
Technology for Agricultural Development and Desertification Con- Major: Economics  :
[ml '“ S°mi'A'id Areas}, Dissertation: "An Empirical Analysis of Tax-Adjusted Tobin’s q and ` Gh~
_ Economic Activity" Ma
Gary Ronald Newton*, Middleport, NY D_ :
Major: Animal Sciences Aisii Frank pai.:.**, Omshm NE g 1S`
Dissertation: "Factors Affecting Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences  
P°stpam"“ Ew°s" Dissertation: "Radiolabelling of Intact Dosage Forms By Neutron Ac-   Bul
_ _ _ tivation for In Vivo Scintigraphic Studies" Ma
Peter N. Nicklas, Chicago, IL I Dis:
Mal": Chcmlstry Dan Warren Peyton**, West Liberty _ `
Dissertation: "NMR Studies and Synthesis of Mo and W Organometallic Major: History ‘
C°mpl°x°s" Dissertation: "Conservative Anti-Marketeers" :
sg Wil
:GlarlaridElgincher Niquette, Lexington Amie Valzala Philips**, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Ma
·ajor.: ucatlona Psychology s : : Major: Biochemistry Dis:
D'sS°mm°"° An Expl°m"°“_°fth° B°la"°“sh’ps bFtw°°“ ?°'°°“’°d Dissertation: "Immunoaffinity Purification and Fluorescence Spec-
Control, Value for Reading Amuety and Reading Achievement tmscopy of Human Adenosine Deaminaseu :
in Fifth Grade Readers" Ma
_ _ _ Gayle Marechia Pohl, Louisville Ma
Luyaku Loko Ns1mpas1*, Zaire Major: Communication Dis:
Major: Agricultural Economics _ _ _ _ `
D_ _ : HA E _ _ _ Dissertation: "Anx1ety and Message-Induced Persuasion: A Meta-
lSS€l’[3II0ll. I I1 C0l’lOITl€[l'lC ADKIYSIS ofthe Ei1I'Op€3Il ECOIIOHIIC Analytical Approachsr
Community Markets for Feed Grains and L1vestock"

 El A
Randel Howard Raub, Ottawa, IL James Edgar Schoelz**, Arcadia, CA
I Major: Animal Sciences Major: Plant Pathology
ria] = Dissertation: "The effect of exercise on bone development and growth Dissertation: "The Host Specificity of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus is
and circulating levels of thyroxine, insulin and cortisol in weanl- Determined by Region VI"
ing horses"
1 William David Schoenherr, Sterling, KS
Carol Ann Reardon, Pittsburgh, PA Major: Animal Sciences
’i8. Major: Hlstory Dissertation: "The effects of dietary fat or fiber addition on lactating
N- Dissertation: "The Study of Military History and the Professionaliza- sows housed in a warm or hot environment"
tion of the U.S. Army Before WWI"
Sara Rosenquist Sears*
Leslie Recio** Major: Psychology
Major: Toxlcology Dissertation: "Stress and Social Support in Postpartum Depression"
ESS Dissertation: "Modulation of Benzo(z)Pyrene-Induced Toxicity and
rrlvti Mutagenicity by Conjugation Enzymes in Mammalian Cells Christopher Paul Selby**, Wilmington, DE
(CHO/HGPRT ASSAY)" Major: Toxicology
_ _ kl_ h _ Dissertation: "Characteristics of the Photomutagenic Activity of Car-
Wlljlam Fran m Rom: cri Jr" L€’““g*°“ bonization Products (Synthetic Fuels) from Coal and Oil Shale"
Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences
t of Dissertation: "Desmosine-Like Peptidyl Carbamates as Novel Inhibitors Naresh Shah, India
, of Human Leukocyte Elastase" Major: Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
l _ Dissertation: "Application of Ion Scattering Spectroscopy to Surface
l Woodson Rcynoldsh ML Sterling Analysis of Catalysts and Particle Size Analysis"
j Major: Counseling Psychology
4 Dissertation: