xt718911pw2d_273 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 113th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 113th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_7/2010ua027_p4_7_1/5891/5891.pdf 1980 May 10 1980 1980 May 10 section false xt718911pw2d_273 xt718911pw2d P    
gi ` Q ,  »
  Commencement PI'Ogi‘&m
  One hundred and thirteenth annual
  University 0f Kentucky, Lexington
  Uninrsity Archives
} Marnemezt { ring Litnrary · !·a¤¥d’•
lj;-§..·¢ri;Zt·;. ci 2niu
  Saturday, May tenth, nineteen hundred and eighty
N d, ·•·§’••·:$ ••‘§’••·§’•  —.—

William B. Sturgill, Chairman
Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman
· Mrs. Robert O. Clark, Secretary
Michael Adelstein
William R. Black i
Governor Albert B. Chandler E
Tracy Farmer i i
L.D. Gorman it
George W. Griffin, ]r. 1
Mrs. David Hermansdorfer ‘r
David Hull, M.D. gz
Thomas B. Kessinger  
W. Terry McBrayer  
Mark Memir  
Frank Ramsey, ]r.  
Homer W. Ramsey  
W.B. Terry  
Constance Wilson  
]ohn R. Woodyard, M.D.  
Otis A. Singletary, President  
Jack C. Blanton, Vice President for Business Affairs  
Peter P. Bosomworth, Vice President for the Medical Center i
Donald B. Clapp, Vice President for Administration  
Lewis W. Cochran, Vice President for Academic Affairs  
Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations A
john T. Smith, Vice President for Minority Affairs  
M. Stanley Wall, Vice President for the Community College System  
Robert G. Zumwinkle, Vice President for Student Affairs  if

 & One Hundred and Thnrteenth Ann ua]

  University Marshal
I Professor Daniel R. Reedy
l The National and University Colors
* The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees from
l the Graduate School, College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentistry
if The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture
l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
i The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
 ¥ The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics
 i The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy
 l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College ofArchitecture
» The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Allied Health Professions
i The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Home Economics
‘ — The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Library Science
in  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Social Professions
 l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Communications
 . The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Fine Arts
A The Faculty ofthe College of Arts and Sciences
 _ The Faculty of the College of Agriculture
 · The Faculty of the College of Engineering
I  The Faculty of the College of Law
 S The Faculty ofthe College ofEducation
S The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
 ‘ The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
 V The Faculty of the College of Medicine
 l The Faculty of the College ofNursing
  The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
The Faculty of the College of Architecture
The Faculty ofthe College of Allied Health Professions
The Faculty of the College of Home Economics
The Faculty of the College of Library Science
\ The Faculty of the College ofSocial Professions
’  The Faculty of the College of Communications
The Faculty of the College of Fine Arts
1 The Directors and Faculty ofthe Community Colleges
; The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
l The Deans ofthe Colleges and Administrative Officials
The Vice Presidents
The Official Guests
The Governor and the Board ofTrustees
The President of the University of Kentucky

The exercises of the one hundred and thirteenth annual commencement are enacted today g
at the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each year on cam- l
puses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the graduates’ years of
study and preparation for responsibility.
The following description of the Academic pageantry is provided for your interest.
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum
through the south entrance. lt is led by the University Marshal and followed by the Color
Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University banner. The University Mar-
shal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the endorsement of the State and the Univer-
sity. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march behind the identification banner of the
respective colleges which recommended them for their degrees. ‘
The order of march is as follows:
The candidates for advanced degrees to include
Graduate School
College of Law .
College of Medicine
College of Dentistry
The candidates for degrees:
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Agriculture  
College of Engineering
College of Education
College of Business and Economics
College of Pharmacy V
College of Nursing I
College of Architecture  _
College of Allied Health Professions
College of Home Economics
College of Library Science _
College of Social Professions  
College of Communications
College ofFine Arts
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of Kentucky
march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and universities from ·
which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to the platform the Trustees
of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary degree recipients, alumni I
award recipients, University of Kentucky Research Foundation faculty research award reci-
pients, The William B. Sturgill award recipient, Sullivan award recipients, the Vice
Presidents, guests, state officials, and finally, the President of the University. The Trustees of
the University can be identified by their blue gowns with white panels. They wear blue caps
with blue tassels.
4 .

 l ¢
3; (
l All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University officials,
( faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The basic color for
most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different degrees wear distinc-
tive tassels on their caps (called mortarboards) and hoods of various hues draped down the
backs of the gowns.
Candidates for Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the tassel ap-
propriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with the exception
of those who already hold Doctors’ degrees and are privileged to wear gold tassels. Except
during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National Anthem, and prayers, men in
academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences——White Nursing—Apricot
Agriculture—Maize Dentistry—Lilac
Engineering—Orange Architecture—Brown
Law—Purple Allied Health Professions—Light Green
Education—Light Blue Home Economics—Maro0n
_ Business and Economics—Drab Library Science—Lemon
Pharmacy—Olive Green Social Professions—Citron
Medicine—Greer1 . Communications—White
Fine Arts—Brown
I c.owNs
_ The gown for the Bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn closed.
The gown for the Master's degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like the others. The
sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square
V cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is designed and supplied with fasteners
so that it may be worn open or closed. The gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell-shaped
  sleeve on which are three velvet bars (usually black but sometimes other colors depending on
A the degree).
The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate color
(see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue and white at
The Master's hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes more of
l the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the person is receiving.
I The Doctor's hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the wide panels at
either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The colors of the edging
most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine, and purple for laws; the
colors for the honorary Doctor’s degrees are purple for laws, white for letters, and golden
yellow for science.
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has been con-
ferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree consists in his
being formally invested with the hood.
- 5

Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater!
Loyal sons and daughters sing; a
l Sound her praise with voice united;  l
To the breeze her colors fling.
To the blue and white be true; I
Badge triumphant age on age; ,
Blue, the sky that o’er us bends;
White, Kentucky’s stainless page.  
- §
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky!  l
Glorious is thy heritage;  
Proud thy name and thy traditions;  
Proud thy place on history's page! V
May we ne’er forget thy fame  
Mother of the great and free; A l
May we’er uphold thy name, 2
Old Kentucky, hail to thee!
‘Words by josephine Funkhouser  '
Music by Carl A. Larnpert ,
Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light, ~
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? .
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight,
O’er the rarnparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, .
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
6 l

 · Otis A. Singletary, President
` STAR SPANGLED BANNER ................................ (Francis Scott Key)
I INVOCATION ................................. The Reverend Marshall j. Leggett
Broadway Christian Church
I INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS ............................. President Singletary
  GREETINGS——ALUMNI ASSOCIATION .................... Mr. john C. Nichols, II
 N Dean Art Gallaher, jr. Dean Marjorie Stewart
= College of Arts and Sciences College of Home Economics
 · Dean Charles E. Barnhart Dean Timothy W. Sineath
Q College of Agriculture College of Library Science
i Dean Roger Eichhorn Dean S. Zafar Hasan
College of Engineering College of Social Professions
Z Dean George W. Denemark Dean Wimberly C. Royster
» ? College of Education Graduate School
Dean W.W. Ecton Dean Thomas P. Lewis
College of Business and Economics College of Law
A Dean joseph V. Swintosky Dean D. Kay Clawson
‘ College of Pharmacy College of Medicine
  Dean Marion McKenna Dean Merrill W. Packer
4 College of Nursing College of Dentistry
( Dean Anthony Eardley Acting Dean Herbert N. Drennon
College ofArchitecture College ofCommunications
Dean joseph Hamburg Dean j. Robert Wills
College of Allied Health Professions College ofFine Arts
RESEARCH FOUNDATION FACULTY AWARDS ........... President Singletary
WILLIAM B. STURGILL AWARD ......................... President Singletary
} PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS .................. President Singletary
Professor joseph A. Bryant, University Orator
CONF ERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES .................. President Singletary
ALMA MATER ............................................. (Carl A. Lampert)
BENEDICTION ............................... The Reverend Charles]. McDonald
St. Paul Catholic Church
, Professor Arnold Blackburn, Organist
  Mr. john Henderson, Announcer

  Edward F. Prichard, jr.
` ]0hn S. Knight
» 9

_ Gr
‘   D0<
i Majx
~_ Alar
` Maj<
{ Diss<
f Aler
_, Majt
l Disse
[ Babl
1 Majc
§ Bad:
[ Majc
  ,, Disss
Q 1
l Barc
{ Majc
l Batt:
I Majc
V Dissc
V Beec
H Disse
— Bella
` Majc
* Degree awarded August 9, 1979 1 Dl$S€
** Degree awarded December 20, 1979 _
A Bem
(N0 asterisks) Degree will be conferred May 10, 1980  ' Malo
if candidates have met all degree requirements _ Djssc

, Graduate School
E Dean: Wimberly Calvin Royster
l D°°*°' °l Ph'l°$°Pl‘Y B111rrrdrr, George Edward, Ft. wdrdr, TX
Major: Physiology
Dissertation: "The Neural Control of the Coronary Circulation During
Akaho, Eiichi", japan Behavioral Stress in Conscious Dogs"
~ Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dissertation: "Dosage Form Design for the Continuous Release of 4- BlaPdr Gaye Kellcrlh Lexington
I-Iexylresorcinol" Ma-lofi Hlsmry
Dissertation: "Populism in Kentucky, 1887·l896"
. Alamgir, MD.**, Dacca Bangladesh
` Major: Mechanical Engineering Bohn, joseph Allen, Lexington
` Dissertation: "Initial Response of Pressurized Hot Water in a Sudden- Major: Cmp Sclcncc
,_ ly Opened Pipe" Dissertation: "Quar1titative Structural Relationships of Physiological
Activity of Diphenyl Ether Herbicides"
Alemayehu, Tsehai**, Lexington
, Major: Economics 1 Botts, Grace Anne Hall*, Lexington
Dissertation: "A Quantitative Analysis of the Factors Determining the Major: Enghsh
j Effectiveness of Devaluation for Balance ofTrade Adjustment" Dissertation: "George Hebert's Use of Narrative in The Temple"
Babhair, Salim Ahmed**, Mecca, S. Arabia Brazzell, Romulus Kimbro, Clinton
‘ Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences
{ Dissertation: "O-Acylsalicylamides as Possible Prodrugs for Salicyl· Dissertation; "Disposition of Isoproterenol and Two of its Diester
F amide" Prodrugs in the Isolated Perfused Rabbit Lung"
Badawi, Faris Abdul-jabbar, West Bank ofjordan Bridges, Robert james, Valley Stream, NY
_ Major: Mathematics Major: Biology
  Dissertation: "Structures and Algorithms in Stochastic Realization Dissertation; "Contribution of the paracellular pathway to the move-
{N Theory and the Smoothing Problem" ment of nonelectrolytes across the small intestine of the rat"
[ I
g Barcelo, jeanne Marjorie Abbott, Wilmore Brown, Steven james*, Venice, CA
I Major: Biology Major: Entomology
  Dissertation: "Quantitative Assessment of the Biological Effects of Dissertation: "l·Iistological and Immunological Responses of the
I Solar Ultraviolet Radiation" Guinea Pig (Cavia Porcellus) (L.) to the Feeding of the Lone Star
` Tick (Amblyomma Americanum) (L.)"
, Batts, Robert Andrew**, Murray
Major: Economics Bruckner, Geza G.*, Versailles
_ Dissertation: "Discrimination—Its Cost and Effects of Minority Major: Ammal Sciences
Groups in the South" Dissertation: "Essential Fatty Acid Status and Characteristics associ-
~ ated with Colostrum deprived Gnotobiotic and Conventional
Beede, David Kent, Rocky Ford, CO Lambs"
Major; Animal Science
Dissertation: "Gluconeogenic Interrelationships of Protein and Carbo- BI-ljscl-· D¤¤é1d MarVm*** Lexington
hydrate Metabolism in the Growing Ruminant" Ma-lor: Chcmlstry
Dissertation: "A Photochemical Study of Some Substituted Pyrroles"
— Bellardo, Lewis joseph, jr.*, Lexington
_? Major: History Butler, Lynn David, Plainsboro, Nj
i Dissertation: "A Social and Economic History of Fairfield County, Major: Pharmaceutical Science
, South Carolina, 1865—1871" Dissertation: "Barium Sulfate in Parenteral Solutions: Identification,
li Sources, Quantitation, and Prevention"
 _ Bemis, Kerry Gene*, Indianapolis, IN
 I Major: Statistics Campbell, julian j. N., Lexington
mts  1 Dissertation: “Ban Estimation and Asymptotic Chi·Square Tests for Major: Biology
 f` the Constraint Equation Model" Dissertation: "Tree Communities in the Inner Bluegrass of Kentucky"
 I 1 1

Carmichael, Gregory Richard**, Lexington Craig, Robert james, Cleveland, OH Qlll
Major: Chemical Engineering Major: Statistics al`
Dissertation; "Development of a Regional Transport/Transforma Dissertation: "The Simplex Search in Statistical Optimization Dlss
tionlRemoval Model for SO2 and Sulfate in the Eastern United Problems" (
States" El
Curtis, Stephen Dana*, Indianapolis, IN Gl
Chao, james Lih—Ren**, Major: Psychology M Cl
. · . . . a I
Malo? Mglalllllglcal Ellglllccrlllg ’ Dissertation: "The Effects of Bilateral Seriatim Versus Single-Stage D_ J
Dissertation: "A Surface Analysis Study of Carbon Monoxide and Hy- Hippocampectomy upon the Acquisition of a DRL 20 Operant It lS§
drogen Adsorption and Desorption on Ni(1 l 1) Crystals" Schedule in juvenile, Adult and Aged Rats" l ll
Cheng, Ying-Chi, Taichung, Taiwan Davenport, Paul Wesley, Wilmore , E/IOl_l
Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Major: Physiology all
Dissertation: “The in vivo and in vitro disposition of nitrogen-13 la- Dissertation: "The Effect of the Resistive Loading of Inspiration and Dls;
beled N-nitrosocarbamates" Expiration on Slowly Adapting Pulmonary Stretch Receptor Dis-
charge" ll
Chi, In-Soon Lee, Seoul Korea , G .
Major; Musicology Deitchman, Eric Lee, New York, NY _ M25
. . i (
Dissertation; "A Comparative Study of the Mid·Sixteenth-Century Malolx Psychology   D,
Motet in Southern France; Pierre Cadeac and Guillaume Le Dissertation: "Differential Effectiveness of Two Methods of Asser- l ls?
Heurteur" tivenessTraining" i
Chien, Mu-Tien, Taipei, Taiwan Duncan, George Arthur* *, Lexington gllllll
Major: Toxicology Major: Agricultural Engineering { all
Dissertation: "Relationship of Structure to the Mutagenicity, Carcino- Dissertation: “Analysis of Alternative Burley Packaging and Market-   Dlssl
genicity, Toxicity, and DNA Binding of Some Fluorinated 7,12— ing Methods" E p
Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene"   G
Erdman, Richard Arthur* *, Lexington E Mllll
Choi, Hyup*, Kwangju, Korea Major: Animal Sciences { all
Malon A¤*hf¤P<>l<>SY Dissertation: ··Tno Effects of Dietary Sodium Bicarbonate and Msg. q D‘SS‘
Dissertation: “An Evaluation ofthe Introduction ofan Agricultural In- nesium Oxide on Acid-Base Metabolism and Performance in Lac- C
novation in Kentucky: A Case Study of No-Tillage Farming in tating Dairy Cows" H
Christian County" 7 Mail
Evans, ]ean McBean*, Dummerston, VT L all
Chu, Lee Yun, Taiwan, China Major: Animal Sciences   Diss:
Maloll Blocllcmlslly Dissertation: "Ovine Protein and Energy Metabolism as Influenced i ll
Dissertation: “Translational Recognition of the 5'-Terminal 7-Methyl· by Age and Nutritional R€giiT1€f1" l H
guanosine of Messenger Ribonucleic Acid" A Mall
Ewing, ]oanne**, Bellflower, CA ¤1°
Church,]anet Risty*, Oxford, OH Major: French l Disst
Ma-lor: Engllsh Dissertation: "Rabelais and ]oyce: A Study in Verbal Humor"   al
Dissertation: "He Knew He Was Right: A Critical Reappraisal" f H
Favre, Beverly Cora Stephens*, Lexington { Mal"
Collins, Michael*, Manchester Major: Sociology i all
Maloli AglOll0my—Cl·Op Sclcllcc Dissertation: "Perceived Health Status and other Factors Influencing Dlssl
Dissertation: "Yield, Quality, and Root Carbohydrate Reserves of Preference ofRetirement Age" al
Forage Legumes Harvested during Autumn and Winter"
Forman, Lloyd ]ay*, Hal"
Corcil, Marie ]eannine*, Ville Platte, LA Major: Biology Malc
Maloli Anthropology Dissertation; "Cellular Quantitation of Hemoglobin Transition Dur- Dlssc
Dissertation:"Disease Prognosis and Resource Allocation in aHaitian ing Natural €·1¤d i¤dU€€d M€i3m0YPh0$iS of ihfi Bullfmgr Rana Ol
Mountain Community" Catesbeiana "
Corwin, james Vincent*, Patchogue, NY Garas, Nabil Ayyad**, Lexington Malc
Major: Psychology Major: Plant Pathology Disse
Dissertation: "Serial Lesion Effect asa Function ofAge in Rat Medial Dissertation: "Host and Pathogen Compounds that Regulate R-Gene lll
FYUHMICOYICX" Resistance of Potato to the Late Blight Disease caused by Phy- I lll
tophthora Infestans" i
, Hodi
E Majo
E Disse
i al
12 E

Gilbert, Zelda Blair Lipschutz, Louisville Hoffman, Eric*, New Orleans, LA
Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling Major: Sociology
mm Dissertation: “Effects of Counselor Gender, Race and Warmth and Dissertation: "Attribution of Responsibility and Social Class: An Ex-
Observer Race and Gender on Measures of Counselor Preference ploratory Study"
and Observer Change"
Hogan, David Edward*, Lexington
Glenn, Donald Scott, Centerville, OH Major: Psychology
a 6 Ma-lori Cmp Science Dissertation: "The Role of Identity in Learning and Memory of
git , Dissertation: "Biochemical and Physiological Response to Mefluid· Matching-to—Sample in Pigeons"
i` ide"
E Hogan, Roseann R.*, Florence
_ Goldstein, Mark joel, Los Angeles, CA Major: Sociology
Major: Psychology Dissertation: "The Stress Role: A Conceptual Development"
and Dissertation: "Cognitive Biases in the Maintenance of Depression: An
Dig Experimental Investigation of the Reformulated Learned Help- Hovey, Peter William, Dayton, OH
lessness Model of Depression" Major: Statistics
_ _ _ Dissertation: "Some Results for Queuing Systems with Feedback"
I Grise, Martha Spurl1n*, Richmond
l Msloli Engllsn Hsieh, Thomas Cheng-Yueh*, Taiwan, China
scp i Dissertation: "Shakespeare’s Comic Heroines as Women and as MEUOFI Biochemistry
J Wives; A Siiidy of iiic Limits of Shaksspcnlcis Fsnilnlsmn Dissertation: "Chemical Characterization of Glycophosphosphingo-
` _ lipids from Tobacco"
Grunewald, Katharine Klevesahl*, Shawano, WI
; Mnlolii Animal Sciences Hurley, Walter Lee**, Gaithersburg, MD
(Bb T Dissertation: "Gastrointestinal Microbial Responses to Bilateral Ne- Major: Animal SCi€¤C€$
PhF€€l0lnY in lhs Rats Dissertation: "The Effect of Dietary Phosphorue Level on Reproduc-
j _ tion in Diary Heifers: Effects on Estrous Behavior, and Serum ln-
} Giiinswaldg Orion Clllllst Bondliclt WI organic Phosphorus, Calcium, Luteinizing Hormone, Progester-
, Major; Agricultural Economics Cnc, and Estradioy
[a _ i Dissertation: "A Risk-Programming Analysis of the Kentucky Feeder
ai ` Cattle Industry" james, Connie Lee Mitchell, Lexington
' Major: History
_ Hancock; l—#al`l`Y WaYn€**i Madisonville Dissertation: "Epaminondas and Philip II: A Comparative Study of
' MnJOl'¥ BloCl'l€lnlsll`Y Military Reorganization"
  Dissertation: "Studies on Glycoconjugates Released by Cultured
_€d E Hamster Fibroblasts" lab', Michael I0$€Dhi Bulilialfh NY
i Z Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences
I i`iafiilon· Doiinls W-**·T¤11¤h¤SSooi Fl-* Dissertation: "Synthesis of Carbon-ll Labelled Phenethylamine and
Maint? Political Science Measurement ofits In Vivo Uptake in Dog Brain"
` Dissertation; "Images ofForeign Trustworthiness: Conceptual Nature
‘ at-td Associated Faotot-s" jenns, Anne Elizabeth", Folkestone, England
X Major: Plant Pathology
i Hay, Molha Doon Porter. Russsll Springs Dissertation: "Induction of Systemic Resistance in Cucurbits to An-
  Maloiii History thracnose and Tobacco Necrosis Virus"
in Dissertation: "Madeline McDowell Breckinridge, Kentucky Suffragist
g and Progressive, Rgfgrmcrii johnson, Mafk Colwell, Denver,  
Major: Plant Pathology
H¤yoSiJohnCh¤r1oS**, L¤koYiowi$C Dissertation: "The Resistance of T.I. 1406 Tobacco to Three Poty-
Major: Agricultural Engineering ,,,mS€S~
up Dissertation: "Evaluation of Design Procedures for Vegetal Filtration _
ma oisotiiiiiout from Flowing wotow Johnson, Phthp Joffroy, SL Josoph. MI
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hsnlillngi Jan W-D·M·*i Bussum Dissertation: "Computer Simulation, Second—Law Analysis, and Eco—
Mnlolil Plant Pathology nomics 0fCoal Gasification Processes"
Dissertation: "Aspects of the Elicitation and Accumulation of Ter- _ _
me pene Phytoalexins in the Potato—Phytophthora Infestans Interac— l0Td€i¤» David ChaTl€$i EVan$Vlll€i IN
,Iy_   tion" Major: Statistics
¥ _ Dissertation: "On the Use of Prior Information for Prediction"
, Hodges, Linda Carol*, Lexington
l Moion Bwohonnsny Kugaws, Manabu**, Fukuoka, japan
l Dissertation: "Stuctural Studies on the Glycopeptides from Human M3jOYZ M€tallUI‘giCal Engineering
l at-Protoaso Inhibitor" Dissertation: ··A Study ofthe Eisotiopiostio ettoot in ivtotu1s··
§ 13

Kargoll, Robert, Lexington Mattingly, Bruce Adams*, Louisville   Pan,
Major: Economics Major: Physiology { Maj,
Dissertation: "Revenue Forecasting Models: Kentucky Sales and Use Dissertation: "The Role of Cholinergic and Serotonergic Mechanisms   Diss,
Tax and Corporation Taxes" in Passive Avoidance Learning of the Young Domestic Chick" 3N C
’ S
King, Rebecca K.**, Lexington McCammon, Sally Lee**, Denver, CO ¥
Major: French Major: Plant Pathology   Pate
Dissertation: "The Fusion of Hellenic Myth and,Social Novel in Zola’s Dissertation: "Prevention of the Effects of Victorin on Susceptible l Majt
Rougon-Macquart" Oats"   Diss,
. . . . . a S
Kirk, Lewis Melvin, jr., Miami, FL McN1cholas, Laura F., Casper, WY ,
Major: Political Science Major: Pharmacology ge Pam
Dissertation: "Laetrile Legalization In the American States: A Multi- Dissertation: "The Identification and Pharmacologic Implications of Majc
Explanatory Analysis of Health Policy Adoptions and Non-Deci— Recurrent Sympathetic Fibers in the Spinal Cord" I Disst
Menda, William john**, Monaca, PA » Pam
Kondo, Charles Y.K., Salt Lake City, UT Major: English ii Mak
· . Fl
Malolh Psychology Dissertation: "The Epic Simile in The Faerie Queene: Orientation to { Diese
Dissertation: "I·Ieterogeneity Among Alcoholics: Implications for Faery Land"  
Models and Treatment of Alcoholism"   Pam
Murray, Bruce Poppleton*, Wellsville, UT Q, Majc
Kulkarni, Prakash Shriram**, Bombay, India Major: Sociology   D_
MZUOYZ Pharmaccllllcal Sclellce Dissertation: "An Exploratory Study of the Prescribing Patterns of msc
_ H _ ol
Dissertation: "The Kinetics and Mechanism of Reactions of Hypo- Dentists i
chlorous Acid and Monochloramine with some Organic Mole— Petr
.;ti1€s" Nallan, Gary B.*, New Rochelle, NY ~ Majc
Major: Psychology   D_
Kuo, Hal-KU j31Tl§S, THIWUBIH ROC Dissertation; "Tempora1 Parameters of Feature Positive and Feature I lss;
Major; Metallurgical Engineering Negative Leaming·· I
Dissertation: "The Sintering of a Silica Supported Nickel Catalyst" Ral
Naugle, Burl I.*, Salem, IN _ Mal;
Kurk, Katherine Chenault*, Louisville Major: Agricultural Engineering ‘ I l
Ma-lor: French Dissertation: "The Dynamics of the Ensiling of Swine Waste with DISSE
Dissertation: "Consummation of the Text: A Study of Philippe Ground Shelled Corn" ` RCCC
S0llers" * Ma·O
Nicholls, William Warrior, jr., Durham, NC _ l
Leibee, Gary Leroy*, Lexington Major: Political Science · D1S$€
Major: En¥0nl0l0gY Dissertation: "Cross Court Commitment and Change: A Test of a Par- V
Dissertation: "Bionomics of the Clover Root Curculio, Sitona Hispid- tial Tn€0i'YIl { Reyr
u/us (FAB.), in Alfalfa and Red Clover in Kentucky" { Maje)
O’Donnell, Margaret Mary*, Boulder, CO U _
Luvjyh-Wggi ]jmmy**’ Major: Pharmacology Dlssc
. · . . . l I U . T
Malo? Mclnllurglcnl E¤g¤¤¤¢¤¤g Dissertation: "Inh1b1tory Neural Control ofAirway Smooth Muscle" (
Dissertation: “Hertzian Fracture of Pyrex Glass and Silicon Single Riehl
Cry5(a]5'I O’Neale, Sondra Ann White**, Decatur , M .
Ma ~ 12 1‘ ii an
jor. ng is
Llllillclli Alllell ]OS€ph*· Loulslllllc Dissertation: "Chr1st1an1ty and Protest in the Works of Three Early . Sig
Major: Curriculum and Instruction Black American pOetS·· `
Dissertation: `“The Interactive Effects of Anxiety and Readability on . an
Reading Comprehension and Rate ofComprehension" Ordway, George Allen", Rockville Centre, NY   Rick,
Major: Physiology - Maj;
mangPOl·’Bl2ld l·°P‘S*» Slllvcly Dissertation: "The Effect of Cardiac Denervation on Heart-Rate   Dissc
nlm: Plant Physlology Adaptation to Physical Training in Dogs"   nt
Dissertation: "Activity and Selectivity of Acifluorfen`I I
Pace, Gary Michael, Chicago, IL ,
· ~ Rose
Major: Psychology Maja
Dissertation: "A Theoretical Analysis of the Feature-Positive Effect" Dissci
A Ac
14 ,

ti .
  Pandey, Kailash Nath**, jaunpur, India Rothgeb, john Martin,jr., Falls Church, VA
{ Major: Biology Ma`or: Political Science
, J
lms l Dissertation: "Neoplastic Transformation of Plant Callus Tissues by Dissertation: "Nation-State Alignment: The Effects of External Vari-
*j Gamma-Irradiation: Morphogenetic, Cytological and Biochemical ables and National Attributes"
li Saylor, Annie Victoria**, Molus
l Patel, Kalabhai B.**, India Major: Mathematics
ble l Ma-lOl-I Melallufgmal Elrlglllccfmg Dissertation: "Extrapolation, Deferred Correction, and Defect Correc·
{ Dissertation: "Reduction of Iron Oxides Pellets in a Fixed Bed and tion of Discrete—'I`ime Galerkin Methods for Linear Parabolic
gg Scaling Model for Retort and Countercurrent Shaft Furnace" Problems"
l Patrick, Marietta Stafford, Paintsville Schelling, Margaret Ann Easterly**, Lexington
s of Major: En lish Major: Biolo ical Sciences
` g H
Dissertation: "Romantic Iconography in Charles Brockden Brown" Dissertation: "Studies on Bdellovibrio Bacteriovorus
1. Attachment to Prey Cells
' Patterson, james Carlton**, Lexington 2. Immunological Interrelationsliips"
  Major: Mathematics
l m   Dissertation: "(x,y)-Divisible Modules Over Commutative Rings" S°lTWa"Z· Jeffrey l-lowclli l·’€XlllglOll
Q Major: Statistics
ll Patterson, Mamie Salva, Salem, VA Dissertation: “Optimal Allocation of Resources to Reduce Product or
'Q Major: Spanish Process Variability; A Comparison of some Designs to Estimate
t Dissertation: "La Mujer—Victima En El Teatro Dc Antnrns Esnnn. the A**¤¤a¤<>¤ P¤¤¤m¢¤¤rS¤¤d the Vari¤¤¤=r= €¤m¤¤¤€¤¤S"
’ of _ olas Del Siglo XX" _ _
4 Scoln1ck,joseph Mendelsohn, jr., Queens Village, NY
Petrilla, Linda Kay Scragg**, Lexington Ma-lor: Pollllcal Sclcllce
l Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling Dissertation: "The Effects of External Conflict on Domestic Strife at
| Dissertation: "Teachers’ Perceptions of Students They Nominate as the Nallollal Level; All A“alY$‘S Olscvcll E‘plS°d€S‘ l965`l974 l
um High-Motivated and Low»Motivated" _
t Seider, Margaret L. Mason, Concord, TN
Ralph, Margaret Nutting, Lexington Major: Spalllsh
{ Major: English Dissertation: "Literary and Historical Aspects of Rodriguez Freile`s
kh · Dissertation: ··Ncw Biblical Criticism andthe Synoptic ccspc1s·* E] Ca”'€’° "
  Reed, Sandra Lee Margrave**, Lexington Sll?€tZ· ROY Mlghacl Sllclbyvllle
’ Major, Cmp Science Major: Biochemistry
_. Dissertation. qmerspccific Hybridization in Nicotiana through In Dissertation: "Isolation and Characterization of Mutations Affecting
Vitro Culture Of Fcrtmzed OVu1€S·» Induction of B-Galactosidase Activity in the Yeast, Klujrveromyces
’ar- Laezis"
Reynolds, Burnam William, Wilmore _ _
j` Major: History Smith, Roy Roger*,Moundsv1lle, WV
V _ _ _ _ _ Major:Spanish
Dissertation: "The Beatific and the Bestial: War Theory Gregory of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tours] Historia Fmncorum ~ Dissertation: “Recap1tulat1on, Reiteration and Repetition: Tech-
" niques ofRestatement in La Celestina "
, Richers, David Matthew, Altoona, PA _ _
g Major, Geology Spears, Marthalee Atkinson, Lexington
_ _ _ Major: English
Dissertation: "A Hydrogeochemical Study of the Corbin Sandstone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
rly 1 Member Of the LEE Formation in Eastern Kentucky for Uranium Dissertation: "The Sympathetic Imagi