xt718911pw2d_272 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 112th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 112th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_6/2010ua027_p4_6_1/5831/5831.pdf 1979 May 12 1979 1979 May 12 section false xt718911pw2d_272 xt718911pw2d »   ll ll L)  hi ’*l<‘—` fix     A_.» ‘   I
· r
One hu nd red and twelfth annual
University 0f Kentucky, Lexington
, University Archives
r Margaret I. King Library . Nqyg};
J University of Kentucky
i Lexington, Kentucky 40505
? Saturday, May twelfth, nineteen hundred and seventy—nine
L . .·?•. .•@•..•@»..•§•·.

 I J
i William B. Sturgill, Chairman  
Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman  
Mrs. Robert O. Clark, Secretary A
Michael Adelstein
William R. Black
Governor Albert B. Chandler  
Tracy Farmer
L.D. Gorman p
George W. Griffin, ]r.  
Mrs. David Hermansdorfer Vi
David Hull, M.D. _:
Thomas B. Kessinger  
Zirl A. Palmer  
Frank Ramsey, ]r.  
Homer W. Ramsey  
W.B. Terry  
Eugene Tichenor  
Constance Wilson  
]ohn R. Woodyard, M.D.  
Otis A. Singletary, President   V
jack C. Blanton, Vice President for Business Affairs iii
Peter P. Bosomworth, Vice President for the Medical Center  
Donald B. Clapp, Vice President for Administration  
Lewis W. Cochran, Vice President for Academic Affairs _
Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations  
]ohn T. Smith, Vice President for Minority Affairs Q ·
M. Stanley Wall, Vice President for the Community College System  
Robert G. Zumwinkle, Vice President for Student Affairs  

  One Hundred and Twelfth Annual

5 l
  University Marshal
  Professor Daniel R. Reedy
  The National and University Colors
  The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees
from the Graduate School, College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentistry
The Candidates for Degrees from the College ofArts and Sciences
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy i
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Architecture
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Allied Health Professions
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Home Economics
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Library Science
 i The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Social Professions
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Communications
  Y The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Fine Arts
Q  The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
  The Faculty of the College of Agriculture
 ` The Faculty of the College of Engineering
 X The Faculty of the College ofLaw
  The Faculty ofthe College of Education
  The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
  The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
 , The Faculty of the College ofMedicine
  The Faculty of the College of Nursing
  The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
  The Faculty of the College of Architecture
  The Faculty ofthe College of Allied Health Professions
  The Faculty of the College of Home Economics
  The Faculty of the College of Library Science
  The Faculty of the College of Social Professions
  The Faculty of the College ofCommunications
  The Faculty of the College ofFine Arts
  The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges
i The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
i* The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative Officials
 V The Vice Presidents
if The Official Guests
  The Governor and the Board ofTrustees
 ;_ The President of the University of Kentucky
·  i
  3 I

The exercises of the one hundred and twelfth annual commencement are enacted today at
• the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each year on cam- ·
puses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the graduates’ years of
study and preparation for responsibility.
The following description of the Academic pageantry is provided for your interest.
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum  ·
through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and followed by the Color P
Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University banner. The University Mar-
shal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the endorsement of the State and the Univer- l 
sity. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march behind the identification banner of the ,
respective colleges which recommended them for their degrees. `
The order of march is as follows: `
The candidates for advanced degrees to include
` Graduate School r'
College of Law J
College of Medicine ’
College of Dentistry i
The candidates for degrees: i
College of Arts and Sciences  
College of Agriculture  _
College of Engineering i
College of Education  
College of Business and Economics  ,
College of Pharmacy  
College of Nursing  
College of Architecture  
College of Allied Health Professions  
College of Home Economics
College of Library Science I
College of Social Professions _
College of Communications ·
College of Fine Arts
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of Kentucky i
march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and universities from
which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to the platform the Trustees
of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary degree recipients, alumni 1
award recipients, University of Kentucky Research Foundation faculty research award reci-  
pients, The William B. Sturgill award recipient, Sullivan award recipients, the Vice
Presidents, guests, state officials, and finally, the President of the University. The Trustees of
the University can be identified by their blue gowns with white panels. They wear blue caps .
with blue tassels. ·

. a
All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University officials, ’
T faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The basic color for
most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different degrees wear distinc- .
tive tassels on their caps (called mortarboards) and hoods of various hues draped down the
backs of the gowns.
5  Candidates for Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the tassel ap-
propriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with the exception
l of those who already hold Doctors’ degrees and are privileged to wear gold tassels. Except
. during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National Anthem, and prayers, men in
y academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences—White Nursing—Apricot
` Agriculture—Maize Dentistry—Lilac `
Engineering—Orange Architecture—Brown
Law—Purple Allied Health Professions—Light Green
r` Education—Light Blue Home Economics—Maroon
’ Business and Economics—Drab Library Science—Lemon
I Pharmacy—Olive Green Social Professions—Citron
i Medicine—Green Communications—White
  Fine Arts—Brown
· The gown for the Bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn closed.
{ The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like the others. The
 j sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square
Y cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is designed and supplied with fasteners
  so that it may be worn open or closed. The gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell—shaped
  sleeve on which are three velvet bars (usually black but sometimes other colors depending on
  the degree).
i The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate color
l (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue and white at
’ Kentucky.
The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes more of
the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the person is receiving.
_ The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the wide panels at
  either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The colors of the edging
most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine, and purple for laws; the
colors for the honorary Doctor’s degrees are purple for laws, white for letters, and golden
_ yellow for science.
_ Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has been con—
ferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree consists in his
Q being formally invested with the hood.
. l
s l

Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! K, 
Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice united;
To the breeze her colors fling. L
To the blue and white be true; !
Badge triumphant age on age;
Blue, the sky that o’er us bends; E
White, Kentucky's stainless page. ·
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky!  
Glorious is thy heritage;  
Proud thy name and thy traditions;  
. Proud thy place on history’s page! `
May we ne’er forget thy fame if 
Mother of the great and free;
May we’er uphold thy name, ;i
Old Kentucky, hail to thee! 2
’Words by josephine Funkhouser  
Music by Carl A. Lampert  
I Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light, t
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?  
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight, 5
O’er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?  
And the rockets` red glare, the bombs bursting in air, ,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that Starspangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

` Presiding `
Otis A. Singletary, President _
STAR SPANGLED BANNER ................................ (Francis Scott Key)
l INVOCATION ............................,........ The Reverend Larry Brandon
i Christian Student Fellowship
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS ............................. President Singletary
GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION .............,......... Mr. john C. Owens
  Dean Art Gallaher,jr. Dean Marjorie Stewart  
  College of Arts and Sciences College of Home Economics
  Dean Charles E. Barnhart Dean Timothy W. Sineath
1 College of Agriculture College of Library Science
if  Dean james E. Funk Dean Ronda S. Connaway
College of Engineering College of Social Professions
ii Dean George W. Denemark Dean Wimberly C. Royster
{ College of Education Graduate School
  Dean W.W. Ecton Dean Thomas P. Lewis
  College of Business and Economics College of Law
  Dean joseph V. Swintosky Dean D. Kay Clawson
  College of Pharmacy College of Medicine
  Dean Marion McKenna Dean Merrill W. Packer
  College of Nursing College of Dentistry
  Dean Anthony Eardley Dean Ramona R. Rush
  College of Architecture College of Communications
i_ Dean joseph Hamburg Deanj. Robert Wills
fl College of Allied Health Professions College of Fine Arts
  RESEARCH FOUNDATION FACULTY AWARDS ........... President Singletary
  WILLIAM B. STURGILL AWARD ......................... President Singletary
PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS .................. President Singletary
V Professor joseph A. Bryant, University Orator
CONF ERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES .................. President Singletary
ALMA MATER ............................................. (Carl A. Lampert)
  BENEDICTION ................................... The Reverend Larry Hehman
  Newman Center
i Professor Arnold Blackburn, Organist (
Mr. Manthis Manchikes, Announcer
7 I

  T 4
  Carl D. Pcrkins C
n Lyman T. johnson
 V S. M. Shah

f Doct
·~ Adam:
l Major:
_ Akin, 1
( Major:
. Dissert
~ ar
V Alencz
` Dissert
‘ j Disserl
l A
A » Major
_ Dissert
l Becke
S Major
l Dissert
j F
1 `_ Pl
n Bruck
7 Dissert
* Degree awarded August 9, 1978 §‘ Disscrl
_ A
l " Degree awarded December 21, 1978  `- P
. . . .  Q Casey
(No asternsks) Degree w1ll be conferred May 12, 1979 1f all reqmrements are met Major
 ` D

_ Graduate School 1
1 Dean: Wimberly Calvin Royster ?
Doctor of Philosophy
Chen, Yu-Lin, Republic of China
Adams, David Duane*, Lexington Major: Metallurgical Engineering
1 M3_l0I`1 Malih€m3llCS Dissertation: "Hertzian Fracture of Pyrex Glass and °(-Quartz"
Dissertation: "Absolutely Pure Modules"
Christmas, Byron Keith**, Louisville
_ Akin, Gary Wayne, Summersville Malo? Ch€m¤$U`Y
{ Major: Agronomy Dissertation: "2-Amino and 2·Hydrazino Derivatives of 1, 3-Dimethyl-
Dissertation: "The Effects of Subsoiling and lnjecting Lime, i· 3· 2‘DiaZah0raCY€i°alka¤€$’i
Phosphorus, and Gypsum on the Chemical Properties of the i
  Zanesville Silt Loam Soil and the Resulting Response of Corn Cnnreih A1¤¤ Shaw? Branford- CT  
; and Alfalfa" Malori P$Y¢h0l0gY
- M 1 Dissertation; "An Evaluation of Parent Effectiveness Training (PET)
Alencar, Mauricio ello De, Brazi in Families of School-Age Chi1dren"
· Major: Animal Sciences
' Dissertation: "Evaluation of Response to Selection for Oxygen Ci-nWe· David A·*» Leiisivnie
Consumption in Chickens" Maleri Eennernies
A 1 S Dissertation: "Commuter Congestion Charges and Efficient Land
rrington, Me vin Slay, ]r., jackson, M Valu55"
Major: Spanish
, Dissertation; "The Lyrical and Narrative Art of ]osé Eustasio Rivera: Deyoub, Paul Louis*, Wyandotte, MI
A Comparative Study of Tierra De Promision and La Vorégine" Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling
1 ` Dissertation: "Suggestion with and without Hypnotic Induction in the
Ba1n,_]ames Allen,]r., Dallas, TX Treatment of Obesity and the Relation of Suggestibility to Out-
· A Major: Mathematics come"
Dissertation: "Control Kernels and Constant-Rate ]ump Processes"
Eassa, Mohamed Rifky, Mansura, Egypt
» Becker, Gerald Walt, Lousivmc Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling
A Major: Biochemistry Dissertation: "A Study of the Development of Syntax and Piagetian
Q Dissertation: "Studies on the Biosynthesis of the Fungal Inositol- 0¤¤f¤¤¤¤¤1Th¤¤zhr ih Arahic‘EhHh$h Bili¤g¤¤1S"
‘ Containing Sphingolipids"
Eckard, Emmett Robert, Hickory, NC
t Boucias, Drion Garth*, Lexington Major: Spanish
Major: En{to1T1ol0g’y Dissertation: "A Critical Study of the Later Plays of Antonio Garcia
Dissertation: "Studies Concerning the Occluded Viruses Infecting the Gutierrez.,
l Fall Webworm, Hyphantria Cunea (Drury) with Special Em- _ _ _
phasis on the Granulosis Virus" F1¤m¤¤g1 GarrY_Aiian» Leiiisviiie
 2 Major: Economics
, Bruckner, Geza G., Versailles Dissertation: "Measuring Regional Economic Stability: An Input-
· Major: Animal Sciences Output Approach"
 _; Dissertation: "Essential Fatty Acid Status And Characteristics _ _ *
 · Associated With Colostrum Deprived Gnotobiotic And Con- F°rneY· Kristine Karen » Ogdcnsburgi NY
vcnmmai 1.ambs·· M¤J<>f¤ M¤S¤¢¤l¤g>’
, Dissertation: "Tielman Susato, Sixteenth-Century Music Printer: An
I Caruso, Frank Lawrence", Wyckoff, N] Archival and Typographical Investigation"
i Major: Plant Pathology
 • Dissertation: "Protectiori of Cucurbits against Anthracnose and FO)? Mariiyn Lee*» Dayton
( Angular Leaf Spot induced by Colletotrichum Lagenarium and Mailer: Engiisn
; Pseudomonas Lachrymans" Dissertation: "Sir Thomas Browne and the Realms of Knowledge" _
A Casey, Dennis Lee**, Cincinnati, OH Freeman, Samuel Reece, ]r.**, Atlanta, GA
· Major: Pharmaceutical Science Major; Political Soionoo l
Dissertation: "Studies on the Preparation, Resolution and Tissue Dissertation: “Southern Political Culture: A Test of Elazar`s Concep- 4
_ Distribution of Carbon-11 Amino Acids" tualization" ,
11 l

` i
. . . . . K l
Friedman-,_ Marc Jay*’ Hempstead, NY Hawkins, Benjamin Merritt, Columbia, SC E M;-5;
Major: Psychology Major: Economics Q D_
Dissertation: "A Comparison of Self-Control Approaches to the DisS€1'i¤ti0¤1 "Th¢ Role of SU`ik€ A¢uVitY in Public Empluymsutn g lssc;
Modification ofTV Viewing" _ E
Henfling, jan W. D. M., Bussum
Gardner,]anet Kay, Henderson M8j0f2 Plant Pathology Kane
Major: Spanish Dissertation; "Aspects of Elieitation of Terpene Metabolism in Potato E Majoi
Dissertation: "Life and Works ofjeronimo de Contreras" Tub€¤‘ Tissue}, Dissm
_ . . 1E
Gtaeeotto, Carmelo**, Hartford, CT Hodges. Linda Carol. Lexington
Major: Economics Major: Bi0Ch€mlsU'Y jr Kaye
Dissertation: "The Random Walk Hypothesis of Stock Market Prices Dissertation: "$truet¤ra1 Studies of thc GlYC0P€Plid€s From Human Major
Rg(;or·r5id€r·€d" ,·Protease II'll'lIbiiOI`" { Disscr
Gindcr Roger Gayle Ames IA Hoffman, Eric, New Orleans, LA   F
Major: Agricultural Economics Major: Sociology Kem,
Dissertation: "The Impacts of Warehouse Consolidation on Logistics Dissertation: Am-lbutwn M-Rcsponslblhty m aM0Ck Juror Scmng Major
C f F S 1 ;AT 1C A 1 ' " , _ -
Osts of arm upp y cia ost na ysls Hogan, David Edward, Lexington D‘SS°‘
Goli, Harinatha Baburao*, Guntur, India Major: Psychology a
Major: Civil Engineering Dissertation: "'I`he Role of Identity in Learning and Memory of   Kuo ,
. - . . ,, j y ‘
, Dissertation: "Flexural Punching Strength of Orthotropically Matching msamplc m Pigeons E Major
Reinforced Concrete Slabs at Exterior Co1umns" Hogan, Roseaxmv Florence   Disscr
. · · 3 S
cue, Gary Bm-Fang, Tainan Taiwan, Roc Maw- S°°‘°l°gY §
Major: Physiology Dissertation: "The Stress Role: A Conceptual Development"   LCC J
Dissertation: "Regulation of Lower Body Vascular Resistance _   Major
Following Acute Blood Volume Expansion" Howell' Bcmta-IaHklC**’ NC ° D.
Major: Anthropology   lsscf
Gupta, Hari Krishna**,_]aipur, India Dissertation: "Native American Trickster Mythology from the   A
Major; Animal Science Northwest Coast: A Computer-Aided Comparison of Content"   Lawn
Dissertation: "Effect of Feeding Fiber, Beta Sitosterol and Probucol H T K. T , , T ,   Major
on Blood, Egg Yolk and Liver Cholesterol Concentration in the u?¤g’ .aO mg a1p€1’ alwan i D·
Cotumix Hens]. Major: Biochemistry   lsseé
Dissertation: "Effect of Canavanine on the Mitotic Cycle of Mouse  
Gwilt, Peter Richard*, Big Rapids, MI Embryonic Fibrob1asts" g Limo
Major: Pharmaceutical Science   Majcj
Dissertation: "Digital Computer Fitting ofMultiple Dose Data" HuFSt’ Hanicu E' ’ Sommcrsct l D·
Major: Toxicology i— isssf
Hall, Elizabeth].", Lexington Dissertation: "An in Vivo Examination of Chemical Alteration of the C
Major: English Hydrolytic Detoxication and Elimination of Methylcarbamates , Magg
Dissertation: "A Study of the Change in Attitude Towards Blood in m Rats y j Major
th R ' D 1589-1642" .
i C cnalssance rama johnson, Arthur Edward, Los Alamos, NM ‘ Dlsscr
nat, Larry Date, Monte, AL M¤J¤¤A¤¤m¤1s¢¤¢¤¤¤S i j
Major: Sociology Dissertation: "Microbiological and Other Effects of Pre-Cure Storage,
Dissertation: "The Occupational Choice Process Among Low-Income Pl-c`Cur€ Frcezmg and Smoking on Drycurcd Hamsu Maltz,
Soth Yth;AL 'td‘lAI"’ _ M';
u cm Ou Ongl u ma na ysls Joyce, Peter MCCO&ft,Pf0V1dCHCC, RI D_a]Or
Hanke, Dan Wolf*, Lexington Mawr; Mathematics ESC?
Major: Pharmacology Dissertation: "Dual Numbers and Finite Abelian Groups" i
Dissertation; "Intestinal Phlorizin Hydrolase—A Beta Glucosidase: , A , H * B d b Mar-io
Studies of the Mucosal and Submucosal Distribution of gpina Emu?. h` ’ ran cn urg Major-
Phlorizin, its Enzymic Products, and their Relationship to a·l0r' ng is   Disscr
Glucose Transport" Dissertation: "Mucedorus: A Contextual Study and Modern·Spelling  
' Edition" . Marla
Hannaway, David Byron, Stratford, Nj Ma-01,,
Major: Plant Physiology Kadaba, Murali, P.**. Bangalore, India   J '
Dissertation: "lon Accumulation and Kinetics of 28Mg and 86Rb Major" Mechanical Engmccl-mg lssmg
Absorption by a Lolium mulriilor-um X Fesruca amndjnacsa Dissertation: "Tissue Characterization Using Ultrasonic Tran- 5
Hybrid Derivative" smission and Scattering Parameters" ,
12  ~

 l l
I i
I l
t I
l Kalam, Muhammad Abul, Dina` ur, Ban ladesh Marquis, effrey Aiken"‘, Lexin on i
I Jp g . . . .
g Major: Mechanical Engineering Major: Mechanical Engmeering I
l Dissertation: “A New Equilibrium Finite Element Analysis of Dissertation: "Low Frequency Dynamics of Cardiovascular l
I Stresses in Hollow Orthotropic Cylinders with Temperature Regulation in Canines Exposed to Sinusoidal Whole Body
Dependent Material Properties" Acceleration" i
l Kane, Edward", Great Neck, NY Marshall, Thomas Charles*, Lima, OH
I° l Major: Animal Sciences Major: Toxicology
l Dissertation: "Utilization of a Corn Oil Supplemented Diet by the Dissertation; "Bioavailability of Carbamate Insecticide Plant
i Equine" Residues"
é Kaye, Michael Stuart* *, Skokie, IL Martin, ]ames Robert* *, Ripley
In Major: Psychology Major: Agronomy
l Dissertation: "Patterns of Situation Construal and Behavior: The Dissertation: "The Selectivity of Bentazon in Cocklebur and Giant
E Person-Situation Controversy Revisited" Ragweed Plants at Different Stages of Development"
, Kenney, Mary Cleary*, Louisville McCarty, Dennis ]oseph*, Chicago, IL i
Major: Agricultural Economics Major: Psychology ,
Dissertation: "Price Variation and Market Imperfection in the Lease Dissertation: "Attitudinal and Normative Influences on Contraceptive
and Transfer of Burley Tobacco Quotas in Kentucky" Usage Intention: A Test of the F ishbein Model of Intentions"
°l   Kuo, Sheng-Yu*, Taiwan, ROC McCarty, Sarah Arm Moffatt, Boise, ID
‘ Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling Major: Psychology
i Dissertation: "A Cross-Cultural Study of Ratings of Teaching Dissertation: "A Comparison of Neurological and Neuropsychological
S Strategies in Chinese and American Classroom Teachers" Diagnostic Procedures"
  Lee, ]ai Moon*, Cleveland, OH McFarland, Dennis ].**, Covington
5 Major: Chemical Engineering Major: Psychology Bs Psychiatry
5 Dissertation; "Mass Transfer and Liquid~Liquid Dispersion in Dissertation: “Effects of Neonatal Lead Exposure on Learning and
lc   Agitated Vessels" Performance in the Rat"
l Lewter, Billy Ray, Louisville McGregor, john Patrick", Winchester
l Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling
Q Dissertation; "Toward Changing Self Concept In The Classroom: The Dissertation: "Kinetic Family Drawing Test: A Validity Study"
_   Effect of Interpersonal Competency Skill Enhancement?
’c   McQuinn, Roy L.**, Lexington
I Linton, Donald Francis, Louisville Major: Pharmaceutical Science
  Malolll Statlstlcs Dissertation: "The Disposition of Nitrogen—13 Labeled Nitrosoureas
  Dissertation: "Infinite Server Queueing Systems with Renewal in the Rat and Combined Modality Chemotherapy"
{ Clearing &t Related Models"
lc S Mehrotra, Pankaj Kumar, Lexington
“s i Maggard, Elmer Clarence*, Lexington Major: Metallurgical Engineering
l M3J0¤‘¢ Psychology Dissertation; "A Model For The Multiparticle Erosion of Pyrex Glass
l- Dissertation: "The Effects of Specificity of Structure, Level of Choice By Spherical Particles"
and Field Dependence-Independence on the Early Development
of Groups" Merris, Randall C., Des Plaines, IL
°‘ Major: Economics
Maltz, Andrew David, Westport, CT _ Disscttatioiii ··MOiicttii·y Policy, Bank Regulation and Banking
Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling Pmmsn
Dissertation: “Concrete and Formal Discrimination: Cognitive
g Constructs for the Diagnosis of Autistic Children" Miller, David Foster, Lexington
Major: Mathematics
MaF‘°“· R<>dS·%¤ D·**» Oakland CA Dissertation: "The Optimal Impulse Control of jump Stochastic
Major: Educational Psychology PmCCSSeS_»·
  Dissertation: "An Evaluation Model for Developmental Growth" l
`g ‘ Miller, Dianne Elizabeth Bemis*, Lexington
Marlowe, Anne Franklyn, Lexington Major: Psychology ‘
` Major: Edllcallollal PSY°h¤l°%Y and Collllsellllg Dissertation: "Stimulus Generalization Gradients Produced by j
  Dissertation: "Greek Membership: Its Impact Upon the Value Voluntary-Response and Concurrent—Response Procedures in l
1_ ? Orientations and Moral Development ofCollege Freshman" Humans" {
 ' 13 5

 Miller, Kathleen DP". lfldié1¤¤D0liS, IN Reynolds, Burnam William, Wilmore   Thom;
Major; Behavioral Sciences and Psychology Major: History l Major;
Dissertation: "$€lf·Oth€1' Diff€f€¤€€$ in M€m0YY·BaS€d ludgmemsn Dissertation: "The Beatific and the Bestial: War Theory in Gregory of l Disserte
Tours' Historia Francorum" ` Ar
Moore, Dixie, Harrodsburg ·
Major: Psychology Riddle, Phyliss Elayne Simmons, East St. Louis, IL Thumr
Dissertation: "Linguistic Misperception in Schizophrenia" Major: Edllcallollal Psychology and C¤¤¤S¢l1¤s l Mawr;
Dissertation: "The Impact of Client Participation and Counselor`s Disserte
Morrison, john Eddy, _lr.**, Lexington Suggestion of the Outcome of a Vocational Counseling Ex- an
Major: Agricultural Engineering perience"
D' t t` : "P d` t' L f T tu f Transpiring Ar- _ _ l Tlllpatl
lsscggclglland liali lirgvcgil Cmpcfa rcs or Rivers, james Edward, Campbellsville ll Major:
Major: Sociology l Dlssem
Mount, joann McFerran*, Fayetteville, AK Dissertation: "Older Siblings as Bases of Teacher Expectations" 1 sit
Major: Spanish P 151
Dissertation: HEL sobmviviemez Poetry of Pablo Nehruda’s rmi R°P€'» R°'P°?“ThQmaS· C·°’b°¤dal€· IL
Years (19684973) Major: Political Science Truelo
Dissertation: "Measuring the Simulated Impact of judicial Policy _' Malol-i
Murray, Bruce Poppleton, Wellsville, UT Making: The United States Supreme Court and the ]ury’s Dissertz
Major: Sociology Operating Structure" of
D` t t` : "A E l t St d Of Th P ribing Patterns of _ _ l _
lssclggnzgsn n xp Om my u y E msc Rymph, David Budd", Lexington Tyler, .
Major: Anthropology Major:
Nakaji, Martin K.*, Long Beach, CA Dissertation: “Achievement Motivation, Innovation, and En- \ Dissertz
Major: Microbiology trepreneurship in an Isthmus Zapotec Village, Oaxaca, Mexico" Mi
Dissertation: "Ultrastructure and Physiology of the Thermophilic _ _ _ SO
Fungus-· Sahley, Christie Lee, Seven Hills, OH
Major: Psychology l Ullal, I
Naugle, Burl I., Salem IN Dissertation: "Sparing and Recovery of Function Within the   Ma-lol':
Major: Agricultural Engineering Prefrontal System of the Infant Rat" l_ Dissertz
Dissertation: "Dynamic of Ensiling of Swine Manure and Ground _ _ _
shelled C0m·» Salmassi, Mohammad, Tehran, Iran Ulloa, .
Major: Mathematics Major:
Pandey, Kailash Nath, jaunpur, India Dissertation: "Some Classes of Entire Functions of Exponential Type Dissertz
Major: Biology in one and Several Complex Variables" Li
Dissertation: "In Vitro Neoplastic Transformations of Callus Tissues _ _
By Gamma Radiation: Morphogenetic, Cytological and Sll?W· Klmlllcl`ly· Lcxlllgloll Val? H'
Biochemical Studies" Major; English Malofi
Dissertation: "Feminism and Dualism: The History of an Idea" Dissert:
Pavon, Michele, Venice, Italy l CC
Major: Mathematics Solomowitz, Norman, New York, NY `
Dissertation: "Duality Theory, Stochastic Realization and Invariant Ma-lor: Psychology · Vlllccn
Directions for Linear Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems" Dissertation: "Life Styles, Life Satisfaction, and Ego Development in Ma-lol':
l Late Adulthood" Dissertf
Pendlum, Larry Clayton*"‘, Lexington l¤‘
Major; Animal Science Stroup, Walter Whitney, Lexington ,
Dissertation; "Amino Acid Metabolism in the Perfused Ovine Hind Major: Statistics Vulcsl
Limb" Dissertation: “‘Variance Component Estimation for the Completely Ma-lol"
Random Balanced Incomplete Block Design" Disserta
Placek, Timothy Dale", Lexington _ T1
Major: Chemical Engineering SU'U€kma¤‘l0h¤S0¤» Cy¤th¤a .l0¤¤*. G¤'€E0¤'Y, SD *
Dissertation: "The Role of Heat and Mass Transfer and Related Major: Psychology r WallS’
Effccfs in vemuff Sc,-ubbcf Performance" Dissertation: "The Effect of Threat Level in Anti-Shoplifting Signs on » Ma-lol':
Perceptions of Sign Prevention Value and on Shoplifting" 6 Disserta
Prus, joseph S., Lexington  Q In»
, Major: Educational Psychology and Couseling Th0mPS0¤l Iamfis RiCh¤¤'d**. Paducah _`
Dissertation: "The Matching Familiar Figures Test, Indices of Malml: Sociology Walsol
Renectjgn and lrnpulgjvityy and Predicting Performance gn DiSSCI'tZti0l’I1‘lDlff€fCHtl3lSOCiHliZatiOfl&l'l(I DCIlD(]UCHCyll Major:
Programmed Learning Tasks of Middle School·Age Children" Disserta
, sg
14  `

 \ l
. Thompson, joel Allan, Stoneville, NC Weeks, Carolyn Grace Mang, Lousiville
jj Major: Political Science Major: Educational Psychology 8s Counseling ,
ii r
of i Dissertation: “Workmen’s Compensation and Public Policy in the Dissertation: "The Effects of Two Components of Self-Instruction,
American States" Monitions and Sequential Self-Guiding Statements on
Children's Attention and Visual Information Processing" ‘
, Thummabood, Sawat**, Thailand
i Major: Animal Sciences Wetter, Robert Edward, Versailles
r"S , Dissertation: "Effects of Inbreeding on Chickens Selected for High Ma-lol.: Edllcallonal PSY°h°1°gY and Colmsclmg
~X- and Low Oxygen Consumption" Dissertation: "The Convergence of Sex Role Measurement and the
Wiggins Interpersonal Behavior Circle"
L Tripathi, Shambhu Nath", Faizabad, India
  Major: Physics White, Isabelle B.**, Richmond
I, Dissertation: "Neutron Excitation of Collective Modes in ‘Tran— Ma-lor: Engllsh
I sitional’ Samarium and Neodymium Nuclei; 148Sm, 150Nd, Dissertation: “The American Heroine, 1789·1899:Nonconformity and
p lS2Sm" Death"
Truelove, james Eldon**, Emporia, KS Willard, john C., Malvern, IA I
;y Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Major: Animal Science E
JS Dissertation: "The Synthesis, Kinetics and Mechanism of Hydrolysis Dissertation: "Determination Of The Energy Requirements For i
of Aspirin Pro-Drugs" Work"
Tyler, Donald Dean**, Fancy Farm Williams, Carlton Rowe, Central City
Major: Agronomy Major: History
¤· » Dissertation: "Effects of a Water Table on Soil Water, Chloride Dissertation: SIR THOMAS MODYFORD, 1620-1679: "That grand
V Movement, and Oxidation Reduction in Four River Bottom propagator of English honour and power in the West Indies."
j Williams, Kennedy, jr.**, Paris
l Ullal, Harin Shrinivas, Bombay, India Major: English
l€   Ma-lor: Mctallurglcal E¤g¤¤¢<=¤¤g Dissertation: "Fenimore Cooper’s Use of the American Past"
2 Dissertation: "Photovoltaic Energy Conversion in Polymer F ilms"
l Wilson, Sara Ivill Scott"‘*, Canton, OH
i Ulloa, Leonor Alvarez de, Blacksburg, VA Major: English
Major: Spamsh Dissertation: "The Problems of Perception and Selfhood in
·€ g Dissertation: "El Proceso Creativo Del Ensayismo de josé Lezama Browning, Pater, and Wilde"
Winrich, joseph Steven*, Kalamazoo, MI
A Van Hellen, Russell William, San Antonio, TX Major: Economics
Major: Ammal Sclencc Dissertation: "Environmental Externalities and Abatement"
Dissertation: "Pancreatic Amylase Response to High and Low
Concentrate in the Growing Bovine" Yu, Kuang-0*, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Major: Metallurgical Engineering