xt718911pw2d_271 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 111th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 111th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_5/2010ua027_p4_5_3/5771/5771.pdf 1978 May 13 1978 1978 May 13 section false xt718911pw2d_271 xt718911pw2d U    P; " \l
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{ Commencement Program l
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l One hundred and eleventh annual
ll University of Kentucky, Lexington
{ .
  Llnivrzrsity Arcliivcs
  lviargarcai l. —.i:vi§ l.i?>r8fY - Nmtll
  University ol l‘:znh.¤clrIr1pa(§·1son By Slémtfatronrof Breeding Programs For
ee er· a ro uc ion in en uc
Dissertation: "The Portrayal of the Family in the Novels of Ga1dos" y
_ _ _ Cook, ]erry Denzil*, Topmost
Bauer, ]ohn Franc1s*, Libertyville, IL Major: Physics
l Major: Chcmlstry Dissertation: "Electronic Energy Transfers in Kr-Xe Mixtures"
Dissertation: "Synthesis of Some Potentially Biologically Active Com-
pounds Based on a Mini·Steroid Ring System" Corcoran, David Howard", Ronceverte, WV
Bh tt` R h`d Akht * L ` Major; History
Ma?O;_’ Niilgar Engg;-cériggmgion Dissertation: "Sherman Minton: New Deal Senator"
Dissertation: "Nuclear Reactor Fuel Management" Ci`€W$, C¤th€i'i¤¢ Y3¤C€Y, N€W O¤`l€8¤5. LA
Major: Psychology
Bland, Alan Edward, SmYI`I1&, N·Y· Dissertation: "The Effects of Participant Sex Role Orientation and
Major: Geology Some Parameters of Structure on Group Development in
Dissertation: "Trace Element Geochemistry of Volcanic Sequences of Analog"': CR GYOUPSH
Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina and its’Bearing on t e Davis, Philip Arthur In", Luckcy, OH
Tectonic Evolution of the Central Appalachians. ,
Major: Geology
r Body, Barbara Ann**' Chicago, IL Dissertation: "Trace Element Model Studies of Late Precambrian·
Tr Major.: Microbiology Early Paleozoic Greenstones of Virginia, Maryland and Penn·
  Dissertation: "Synthesis of Ribosomal Precursor Particles in Bacillus Sy vama
  M¢g¤t¢Fi¤m" Davis, William Wesley*, Bowling Green
rl Ma`or: Economics
  Botts, Robert Lovett**, Ft. Worth, TX D_ J rt t_ ‘ HA E _ _ f h Eff { _
W M¤i¤f=A¤im1   `“°i»fZ,,§§L`;.o Zo ’{;TZ`“i3?$EL’Eo'2: Zo°Mi§'ZFo°i'i°°E°M"“`?"K'$’§§
· : e asc o
1978   Dissertation: "Protein Reserves in the Lactating Cow" Recipients].
i Bryant, Carol Anne, Lexington Dawson, James Thomas* *, Dover, OH
Major: Anthropology Major: Biology _
l Dissertation: "The Impact of Kin, Friend and Neighbor Networks on Dissertation; "Thg Biology of the Genus Dysmorphococcus
Infantile Obesity" (Phacotaceae, Chlorophyta)"
1 1

i Deak, Steven Thomas", Wallingford, CT Forester, janice Darlene Riggs*, Shepherdsville H
Major: Pharmacology Major: Animal Sciences N
` Dissertation: "Factors Regulating the Intestinal Lymphatic Absorp- Dissertation: "Dietary Manipulation of Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy D
tion of Nutrients and Drugs" in Adipose Tissue of Rats"
l Debelak, Kenneth Anthony", Cleveland, OH Friedman, Marc jay, Hempstead, N.Y. H
Major: Chemical Engineering Major: Psychology N
Dissertation: "Analysis of Pore Structure in Kentucky Coals" Dissertation: "Self-Control Approaches to the Modification of TV D
Denton, Ramona Lumpkin**, Lexington
Major: English Fuchs, William Lee, Louisville &
Dissertation: "Female Selfhood in Anthony Trollope’s Palliser Majml: Psychology ll §
Novels" Dissertation: "Sex Role Orientations of Psychotherapy Clients, Ad— 4
justment Ratings, and Therapeutic Compatability" ‘ D
Donnermeyer, joseph F .* *, Dayton, OH ii
Major: Sociology Griswold, Thomas Baldwin, jamesville, WI
Dissertation: "Social Status and Attitudinal Predictors of Residential Major: G°°1°glY H
‘ Energy Consumption" Dissertation: "A Study of the Effects of a Matic Dike on a Granite, ·
l Front Georgeville Antigonish County, Nova Scotia" N
, Douglas, Eleanor Carter", Hugue, VA D
l Major: Psychology Grossman, Laurence Wil1iam**, Berea
l Dissertation: “Stages of Subjective-Objective Differentiation in Major; Physics H
» Preschool Children" Dissertation: "Time-Resolved Production and Detection of Reactive N
i h · · i Atoms" ‘
j Dreier, john A.**, Cincinnati, OH D
i Major: History Hancock, joyce Ann, Sulphur
Dissertation: "The Politics of Isolationism: A Quantitative Study of Ma-lm`: English
Congressional Foreign Policy Voting, 1937·l941" Dissertation: "Kurt Vonnecut and the Folk Society" ]a
DuPriest, Mabel Ann Benson*, , Kenosha, WI Hanke, Dan Wolf, Lexington D
Major: English Major: Pharmacology
Dissertation: "Conventions in the Sixteenth~Century English Dissertation: "Intestinal Phlorizin I-Iydrolase—A Beta Glucosidase: ja
Moralities" Studies of the Mucosal and Submucosal Distribution of N
Phlorizin, Its Enzymic Products, and Their Relationship to D
Dussere, Carolyn Thomas*, Lexington Glucose Transport"
Major: German
Dissertation: "The Image of the Primitive Giant in the Works of Ha§ak' Mary J" Spf1d’ IL jc
Cuban Hauptmam., Major: Psychology M
1 Dissertation: "Personality Styles and Their Relationship To Drop- D
Eiscmn, Miriam F., Louisville ¤·¤¤ Om 0* Therapy A: A¤ my Saga
MaJ°" PsY°h°1°gY Ham, Paul A.··, south River, Nj JO
Dissegaticinz :1The Interrlelgtionihjpsl Aimzrgg Ego Developignt, Major: Psychology M
Pgzclaimnlimenl all syl 0 Oglca logllny ln all ll Dissertation: "Relationships Among Decentration, Personality, and Dj
Life Satisfaction in the Elderly"
Emerick, Dennis Paul, Hyndman, PA
Major: Chemistry Hcizer, James Lee", Georgetown ga
Dissertation: "Studies on Dimethylamine Derivatives of Boron" Major! Hl$t0¥'Y   D
Dissertation: "The Cult of Stalin, 1929-1939" {
F annin, Franklin Fauneil, Lexington H_ k An L M h d §
Major: Pharmacology lc s· na °°· me ca l·
Dissertation: "New Phloretin Analogs for Use in Affinity lvlajlllll Eldllcallolllll Psychology and C°““s°“"g il lla
Chromatography and At-ymity Labeling of the Erythrocytc D, Dissertation: "Psychologica1 Sex Role as Related to Vocational `
Glucose Transporter" Ch0iC¢ and Certain Personality Variables? D1
Fernandez-Vazquez, Antonio Adolfo, Clearwater, FL Hui ]€ff*”°Y LY¤¤» Cadiz. OH K,
Major; Spanish Major: Pharmacology M
Dissertation: "La Novela De La Revolucion Cubana Escrita Fuera De Dlssenalioni llCh¤¤E€$ in I-·0¢8l MY0€¤¤'dl¤l EX¤‘¤¢¤U\1l¤¢' Kl Activity Dj
Cuba; j959.j975·* During Acute Myocardial Ishcemia"

 Ho, jim Yew-Wah*, Montreal, Canada Kelch, David Robert*, Alexandria, VA
Major: Microbiology Major: Agricultural Economics
A-ophy Dissertation: "Bioenergetic Processes in Rhodopseudomonas Dissertation: "Industrial Location in the Nonmetropolitan Com-
Palustris" munities of Kentucky and Tennessee: 1970-1973"
Horton, Billy Dean", Hillsville, VA Keshavan, M.K., India
Major: Sociology Major: Metallurgical Engineering
of TV Dissertation: "The Ideology of Equal Opportunity and the Dissertation: "I-Iertzian Fracture of Pyrex Glass Under Quasi-Loading
Sociological Study of Race and Ethnic Relations: A Critique of Conditions"
the Relationship Between Liberal Ideology and Social Science"
3 Klein, Larry Dean", Salina, KS
{ Hurst, Virginia, Jeffersonville, IN Major: History
s, Ati M“l°" S°°‘°l°gY Dissertation: ··nsm·y Clay, Nationalist"
` Dissertation: "Children’s Occupational and Educational Aspirations
it and Expectations: An Exploration of the Effects of Maternal Kogut, Paul M., Blue Island, IL
Emp1¤ym<=¤t" Major: Physics
_ Hwang, Cha_ng.Shi, Taipoi_ Taiwan Diswftaticnc "C¤nductivity Transitioris and Critical Phenomena in
·anite, · _ _ Randomly Heterogeneous Media
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation: "An Investigation of the Ionic Fragmentation Processes Kostas, jeanne", Bowie, MD
in Methyl and Ethyl Derivatives of Organophosphorus Esters" Major; Psychology
. Dissertation: "Effects of Psychotropic Agents on Spontaneous Alter-
active H"‘{“‘g: i‘“}“g`Y‘E“ A1‘¥“*· Ch‘°“‘k“°‘SRD nation in Rats Neonatally Exposed to Lead Acetate"
Major: Civil Engineering
Dissertation: "Dynamic Response of Thin Liquid Layer Under Impact Kuehne, Herbert joseph, Sioux City, IA i
Motion Ofa Solid Plate" Major; Anthropology
Dissertation: “An Ethnological Study of Metaphorical Differences in
jackson, Ted Caldwell ]r.* *, St. Francisville, LA the Ideologies of Charismatic and Non·Charismatic Catholics"
Major: Animal Sciences
Dissertation: "Nucleic Acids in the Ingesta of the Ruminant" Lafontairle, Edward Dale", Tiffin, OH
Major: Sociology
.' . ' ** '
‘1das°' Janéscm Ronald Richard ’ Sac City’ IA Dissertation: "Community Sentiment, Mass Values, and Social
W °f Mawr: English Change: A Study of Attitudes Toward Reservoir Construction in
up aa Dissertation: "Taking on Reality: Themes and Structures in the an Appalachian County"
Works of Thomas Berger"
_ _ L tt` , S ah Patricia H k`ns*, Savannah, TN
jobt-3, Wilbur Donald ] 1*.*, L€Xi¤gtOn Mzjgg; Eiilglish Op I
Major: German _ _ __ _ _ _ _ l _ _ v_
Drop _ _ H _ _ Dissertation: Method and Vision in Kate Chopin s Fiction
Dissertation: Das Gereimte Passionalz Untersuchungen Zu Den Auf-
Losey, Robert L.**, Somerset
johannes, Arland Herbert", Des Plaines, IL Major: Economics
Maier? Chemical Engineering Dissertation: "Determinants of the Value of Small Kentucky Banks,
l' md Dissertation: "Catalytic Properties of Mineral Matter in Coal" l97l·73"
johnson, Victor* *, Shelby Gap Mahoney, David ]oseph* *, Schenectady, NY
V Major: Entomology Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling
  Dissertation: "A Review of the Coniopterygidae of North and Central Dissertation: "Short Term Group Marital Decision—Making Training
1 America" Using Video Taped Interaction Testing"
” . l , ` ` **, L ' `ll
 · Kmm,sm,.ncsm··,tcmgm Marshal laaaaaaa Bala   a
. . Major: Economics
Mona] Major: English T {C0 D ff A S h 1
. . . D` ` : “ h M `
Dissertation: "Mythology in the Works of Eudora Welty" lsSeg;?;;s in ;cn;ii;i?ment 0 st I Cl-ences mong C O0
Keifer, George F oster*, Lexington Mertens, Donna Marie", Lexington
Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling Ma`or: Educational Psychology and Counseling
cnviw Dissertation: "An Evaluation of a Modified Step Program Utilizing Dissertation: "Identifying Concrete and Formal Level Functioning in
the Stufflebeam Cipp Model" Classroom Teachers"

 l I
¢ . l
’ I
Q Miller, Dianne Elizabeth Bemis, Lexington Pétfilla, Ffcd lo If-, C0Hf1€llSVill¢, PA I S
, Major: Psychology Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling _ IV
Dissertation: "Stimulus Generalization Gradients Produced By Dissertation: "Grades Assigned By Teachers As Biased By Teacher ( D
l Voluntary·Response and Con—Current-Response Procedures in Experience and Student Characteristics"
Humans" l
i ‘ Poos, Mary Irene", Arlington, Va I
Miracle, Douglas Eugene**, Berea Major: Animal Science I S
Major: PhYSlcS Dissertation: "Urea Utilization By Lactating Cows: An Evaluation of ` N
Dissertation: "In-Beam Conversion Electron Studies in the A=90 to the Urea Fermentation Potential System" l D
100 Mass Region" j
Ransom, james Madison", Florence, AL {
A Moncrief, Gray F.**, Boise, ID Major: Agricultural Economics   S
‘ Major: Political Science Dissertation: "Feasibility of Gypsum Production and Marketing as an   N
A Dissertation: “The Consequences of State Legislative Reform" Altemative SO2 Emission Control Strategy for F ossil-Fired I D
Power Plants" {
Myers, Thomas Ross*, Waco, TX l
Major: Political soiorioo Rohl, '1`hor¤asL-**, Oshkosh, WI 5 S
Dissertation: "Legislative F actionalism in a One-Party System" Major: Geology ·_ N
l Dissertation: "Factors Controlling the Geochemistry of Vadose and I D
Neti, Sudhakar", Madras, India Stream Waters in a Carbonate Terrain"
l Major: Mechanical Engineering _ H _
l Dissertation: "Measurement and Analysis of Flow in Ducts and Rod Saafd’ Edwm-ji TOuhc_ ’  mmgtom
j Bundles,. Major: Chemical Engineering S
l Dissertation: "Separation of Ash and Unconverted Coal Particles M
Nichols, Michael Roy, Anchorage From Liquefied Coal By Fl0tation" D
l Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling
Dissertation: "Problem Drinkers: Attitudes and Knowledge of Sa1ycd’ Vltiha Vu-mam ’ New Dclhh I“d‘a S
Theology Students" Mawr $<>¤¤<>1¤sv M
Dissertation: "Dimensions of Modernism in Family Life Style and
Nickell, james Merle**, Ft. Thomas Fertility Control" D
Major: History
Dissertation: urns British Pross ood uio Ethiopian Crisis, ross-1936*: Sa1j°°· ]°“°l C““‘S i L°’““g“’“  
Major: English j Sl
Nickell, William Thompson, Lexington Dissertation: "Circles of the Self" 5 M
Major: Physiology i D
Dissertation: "Effects of Calcium on Neuromuscular Transmission in S“?d‘i'l‘"· Rmdy Scott ’ Joncsbm-O' LA E
the Cmyfishr. Major. Plant Pathology { S
Dissertation: "Biophysical Properties of Virus·Like Particles Occurr- l
1 Niehoff, Susan Carol, Louisville ing in Healthy and Diseased lsolates of Helminthosporium M
Major; Spanish Victoriae Meehan and Murphy" i D
'°‘”°22‘§3§‘» "Fig`"”|».A" i" L°‘°° D° V°g“ E"l°°`Hi“°‘l°"" """’ soiumotiis, Raymond Riohorri, Lexington  
imo Godo _ _ I
Major: Biology I S1
Nontapan, Chad*, Thailand Dissertation: "Chemical Control of Respiration in the Lizard, Iguana x M
Major: Entomology Iéufman 1 D
Dissertation: "Encapsulation of Dimilin and Its Effect on Insecticidal S t H d L M h d l
Activity Againt Aedes Aegypti (L.) and Musca Autumnalis c Sci-’ _Owar cc’ Orc ca  
Dcgccy Major: Biology L T¤
Dissertation: "A Revision of Neotropical Tiliaceae: Apeiba, Luehea T M
Nowcll, William Otis, jr.*, Georgetown and Lueheopsis"   Di
Major: Mathematics  
Dissertation: ··ruori1or Neighborhoods orniibori cubs Manifolds" Sh?“· Im M“Sa· Ammm ‘
Major: Geography T4
Oke, Ezekiel Adewale*, Ibadan Dissertation: "Spatial Pattern of Muslim Pilgrim Circulation" M
Major: Anthropology · Di
Dissertation: "Sociomedical Investigation of Sickle cou Anemia: Sh‘?l“’"· W‘u"’““ Au°“· F°" W°"h· TX
Screening and Coping" Mawr: History
Dissertation: "The Youngjefferson Davis, 1808—1846"

I Sherafatjahromi, Mohammad Nasser, Iran Thieneman, Michael Dennis*, Louisville
` Major: Agriculture Economics Major: Physics
:acher i Dissertation: "The Impact of the Coal Industry on Output, Employ- Dissertation: "Electronic Energy Transfer Processes in Ar-Kr Mix-
ment and Income in Eastern Kentucky: An Input·Output tures"
i Analysis"
Thompson, Danielle Maria Baetens, Lexington
~ Siwila, james Edward", Cleveland, OH Major; French
ion of   Major; Ellgllsll Dissertation: "Andre Malraux Et Edgar Du Perron F reres En
j Dissertation: "Narrative and Social Order: The Novels of Tobias Apol1on"
j Smollett”
{ Tippett, james Milton, Ft. Worth, TX
F Solernou, jose Luis*, Miami, Fl. Major; Mothomarios
as an l Major; Psychology Dissertation: “Roots of Operators and Solving the Operator Equation
Fired , Dissertation: "Effects of Ethnic Group Membership on Attribution of f(X) = S"
l= Responsibility"
l Walls, David Stuart, Lexington
g Sprague, Dennis Bradford*, Lancaster, OH Major; Sociology
—v M¤1<>r=Ed¤¢¤¤¤¤¤l Psychology and Collllscllllg Dissertation: “Central Appalachia in Advanced Capitalism: Its Coal
e and I Dissertation: "The Effectiveness of Respiration Biofeedback and Industry Structure and Coal Operator Associations"
Study Skills Training in Alleviating Test Anxiety In College
Students" Watson, Dan A.**, Houston, TX
Major: Statistics
S*a}’a· La“’“’“°° lamcs »l·°S A“g°l°S· CA Dissertation: ··Maxtmum Modified Lakciihood Estimation of Popula-
ticjcs Major: Psychology tion Size., ;
Dissertation: "The Effects of Composition on Group Process and `
Outcome" Wheeler, Macel Marteva, Ravenswood, WV
Major: Geography
Stebbins, Katherine Ann Dumpace , Rl¢hm0¤d Djssorrarion; "Spatial Analysis of the Distribution of Visitors Among
: and Ma-lor: Soclology State Operated Recreational Sites in Kentucky"
Dissertation: "Labor Demand and Fertility a Test of Selected
Economic Determinants of Fertility" Williams, Harriet Kaye, Louisville
E Major: French
j Strlkwcrd?’_Charl?S Earl ’ Gland RapldS’ Ml Dissertation: "Pierre Bayle’s Concept of Droit Natuzel"
_ Major: Political Science
~ Dissertation: "The House Foreign Affairs Committee and Changing Wimmers, james Thomas, Covington .
_ Executive-Legislative Relations in Foreign Policy" Major; Physics
Q _ _ , Dissertation: "Effects of Striations and Radiation Induced Compensa-
;ourr. l Sll·l)ubc’ Wllllam B ryan J l-‘* *’ Plilllccton tion of Metal-Silicon Schottky Barrier Tunnel ]unctions"
mlm Major: Chemistry
I Dissertation: "Chemical Studies of Lunar and Terrestrial Impact Wright, Ronald Har0ld*, Waynesboro, VA
  Glasses By Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis" Major; Mathematics
  Stulpl Vajtcr JOse**’ Brazil DlsS€;‘?i)(;;;n;,lz€gUlaYltY C0¤dlti0IlS for Nonconvex Optimization
mm 1 Major: Agricultural Economics
j Dissertation: "Effects of Fertilizer Prices Under Risk on the Produc-
  tion of Wheat and Soybeans in Brazil"
L Tab, Abdullah B¤¤» K¤¤l¤l¤mr>¤¤ Malasla Doctor of Business Administration
· Ma`or: Anthro olo
‘°ll°a   _ J _ H p gy , Davis, Duane Lee, Aurora, IL
jj Dissertation: Malay Students on an American Campus: A Study of M . _ . . . .
t . . . . . .. ajor. Bus1nessAdm1n1strat1on
!¤ Social Interaction, Ethnicity and Islamic Ideology _
l, Dissertation: "An Empirical Investigation Into the Marketing of Con-
V Tang, HSiu¤g’ Tajpcj, Chjna sumer Services: Toward the Developmentnof a Typology of
Major: Mathematics Services Based on Attitudes Towards Search
Dissertation: "Index ofBessel Functions and Order Results Related to Faircloth Archie Wcodrowso Louisville
l Bessel Sams Major: Accounting
Dissertation: "Ratings of the Relevance of Current Replacement Cost
and Their Effect on Ratings of Profitability and Liquidity"

 r -4 — _ {,-1 YWPAE ·`< `— V t
i i
Hailey, William Andrew, Lexington ’ Ricchiute, David Nicho1as*, Pawtucket, RI i K
Major: Business Administration Major: Accounting I M
Dissertation: "An Analysis of Clerical Performance Measures When Dissertation: "The Entity-Proprietary Debate: An Analysis of the D
` Acceptance Sampling is Used to Evaluate the Quality of Sub- Viewpoints of Selected Authoritative Accounting Bodies and
mitted Work Plus the Development of the Expected Thruput Certified