xt718911pw2d_270 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 110th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 110th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_5/2010ua027_p4_5_2/5711/5711.pdf 1977 May 8 1977 1977 May 8 section false xt718911pw2d_270 xt718911pw2d ,:'   --.· » _ W7 '   '"' '''' r" ‘*""'“""";`""'Y`_""" _”`"`“"”"""`""“""r`F`v'r"" ' Z 
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  Commencement Program
II _ _
IQ One hundred and tenth annual
Q University of Kentucky, Lexington
  {Inf ,·  = .: Ir;   · i < —-*· ,
/ Sunday, May eighth, nineteen hundred and seventy—seven I
Q r v V * Y v
f` I · •‘%·O•·; |•·;’0\·;’• ·
  I I

 · E
William B. Sturgill, Chairman ·
Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman l
Paul G. Sears, Secretary tj
Michael Adelstein  
William R. Black
Mrs. Robert O. Clark
Richard E. Cooper  
John R. Crockett lv
John R. Gaines
L.D. Gorman
George W. Griffin  
Mrs. David Hermansdorfer
David Hull, M.D.
Thomas B. Kessinger
Michael McLaughlin
Zirl A. Palmer
Frank Ramsey, Jr. _
Homer W. Ramsey l
John R. Woodyard, M.D.
Otis A. Singletary, President J
Jack C. Blanton, Vice President for Business Affairs I r
Peter P. Bosomworth, Vice President for the Medical Center · l
Donald B. Clapp, Vice President for Administration  
Lewis W. Cochran, Vice President for Academic Affairs ;
Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations
John T. Smith, Vice President for Minority Affairs l
M. Stanley Wall, Vice President for the Community College System
Robert G. Zumwinkle, Vice President for Student Affairs p

One Hundred and Tenth Annual
QZ d 

I University Marshal
Professor Robert O. Evans
The National and University Colors
The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees
from the College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentistry
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
I The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
; _ The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics
I The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy
I The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing
· The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Architecture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Allied Health Professions
The Candidates for Degress from the College of Home Economics
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Library Science
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Social Professions
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Communications
F The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Fine Arts
I The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
. I The Faculty of the College of Agriculture
.I The Faculty of the College of Engineering
; The Faculty of the College of Law
The Faculty of the College of Education
I The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
Z The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
The Faculty of the College of Medicine
I The Faculty of the College of Nursing
I The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
I The Faculty of the College of Architecture
Y The Faculty of the College of Allied Health Professions
II The Faculty of the College of Home Economics
g The Faculty of the College of Library Science
The Faculty of the College of Social Professions
The Faculty of the College of Communications
; The Faculty of the College of Fine Arts
  The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges
  The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
  The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative Officials
  The Vice Presidents
  The Official Guests
  The Governor and the Board of Trustees
  The President of the University of Kentucky
3 .

The exercises of the one hundred and tenth annual commencement are enacted today
at the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each year on
campuses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the graduates’
years of study and preparation for responsibility.
The following description of the academic pageantry is provided for your interest.
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum
through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and followed by the Color
Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University banner. The University ,
Marshal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the endorsement of the State and the _
University. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march behind the identification 1
banner of the respective colleges which recommended them for their degrees. {1
The order of march is as follows:
The candidates for advanced degrees to include
Graduate School
College of Law
College of Medicine .
College of Dentistry 4
The candidates for degrees:  
College of Arts and Sciences  
College of Agriculture k
College of Engineering
College of Education
College of Business and Economics
College of Pharmacy L
College of Nursing .
College of Architecture  
College of Allied Health Professions i
College of Home Economics [
College of Library Science
College of Social Professions
College of Communications
College of Fine Arts  
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of
Kentucky march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and V
universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to the T
platform the Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary
degree recipients, alumni award recipients, University of Kentucky Research Foundation
faculty research award recipients, The William B. Sturgill award recipient, Sullivan award
recipients, the Vice Presidents, guests, state officials, and finally, the President of the
University. The Trustees of the University can be identified by their blue gowns with
white panels, They wear blue caps with blue tassels.

All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University
officials, faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The
basic color for most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different
degrees wear distinctive tassels on their caps (called mortarboards) and hoods of various
hues draped down the backs of the gowns.
Candidates for Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the tassel
appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated. with the
_ exception of those who already hold Doctors’ degrees and are privileged to wear gold
. tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National Anthem,
Q and prayers, men in academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The authorized list
  of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences—~White Nursing—Apricot
Agriculture—Maize Dentistry~Lilac
Engineering—Orange Architecture—Brown
Law—Purple Allied Health Professions Light Green
g Education—Light Blue Home Economics--Maroon
  Business and Economics—Drab Library Science—Lemon
  Pharmacy —Olive Green Social Professions——Citron
  Medicine—Green Communications~White
i Fine Arts—Brown
The gown for the Bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn
closed. The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve. open at the wrist, like the
_` others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong i
, shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is designed and
  supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The gown for the Doctor’s
i degree has a bell-shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars (usually black but ·
W sometimes other colors depending on the degree).
i The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate
color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue and
white at Kentucky.
The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes more
of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the person is
~ The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the wide
panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The colors of
the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine, and purple
for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctor’s degrees are purple for laws, white for
letters, and golden yellow for science.
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has been
conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree consists
in his being formally invested with the hood.
5 I

! U
. il
Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater!
Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice united;
To the breeze her colors fling.
To the blue and white be true;
Badge triumphant age on age;
Blue, the sky that o’er us bends;
White, Kentucky’s stainless page. ,
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky! .
Glorious is thy heritage;
Proud thy name and thy traditions;  
Proud thy place on history’s page!  
May we ne’er forget thy fame  
Mother of the great and free; l
May we’er uphold thy name, 1
Old Kentucky, hail to thee!
*Words by Josephine Funkhouser
Music by Carl A. Lampert ·  
Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight,  
O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming?  
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?  

A Presiding
Otis A. Singletary, President
STAR SPANGLED BANNER ....................... (Francis Scott Key)
INVOCATION .......................... The Reverend Elmer Moore
Catholic Newman Center
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS ...................... President Singletary
GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ............... Mr. Henry R. Wilhoit
` REMARKS ............................. Dr. Edmund D. Pellegrino
Dean Art Gallaher, Jr. Dean Marjorie Stewart
  College of Arts and Sciences College of Home Economics
  Dean Charles E. Barnhart Acting Dean Thomas J. Waldhart
  College of Agriculture College of Library Science
l Dean James E. Funk Dean Ronda S. Connaway
I College of Engineering College of Social Professions
Ex Dean George W. Denemark Dean Wimberly C. Royster
E College of Education Graduate School
A Dean W. W. Ecton Dean Thomas P. Lewis
College of Business and Economics College of Law
Dean Joseph V. Swintosky Dean D. Kay Clawson
l College of Pharmacy College of Medicine
I Dean Marion McKenna Dean Merrill W. Packer
" College of Nursing College of Dentistry
  Dean Anthony Eardley Acting Dean Robert D. Murphy
_ College of Architecture College of Communications
» Dean Joseph Hamburg Acting Dean Herbert N. Drennon
A College of Allied Health Professions College of Fine Arts
‘ RESEARCH FOUNDATION FACULTY AWARDS ........ President Singletary
V WILLIAM B. STURGILL AWARD ............... . . President Singletary
PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS .............. President Singletary
i Professor Joseph A. Bryant, University Orator
  CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES .............. President Singletary
_ ALMA MATER ................................ (Carl A. Lampert)
BENEDICTION ....................... The Reverend William K. Hubbell
. St. Augustine Episcopal Chapel
Professor Arnold Blackburn, Organist
Mr. Manthis Manchikes, Announcer
7 I

  Earl Dickens Wallace
Qi Edmund D. Pellegrino
  Holman Hamilton

 1  l
l 3
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’ D<
l D
7 M:
l Ac
{N Ba
i 1 Di:
Q l Ba
l i Ma
1 Dis
l Ma;
E Dis
 , Bei
r Mai
 ,1 Dis
1 Bell
`L Maj
 . Ben
_ Maj
* Degree awarded August 11, 1976 ` Diss
** Degree awarded December 18, 1976 ' Bur
*** Degree not previously awarded will be conferred May 8, 1977 D;
if all requirements are met

‘ `
Graduate School
l Dean: Wimberly Calvin Royster
i Dggtgr gf   Carringer, Richard D., Gastonia, NC
__ _ _ Ma'or: Plant Ph siolo
Adcdejr, Johnson Olu, Nigeria _ J _ y gil _ _ _
— . . . Dissertation: "Metabolrsm of S—Ethyl Diprophylthiocarbamate in
. Major: Agricultural Economics Com, (Zea Mays (LJ)
i Disstertation: "Use of Polyperiod Programming Techniques in
A ‘ F ‘ f _’ . . .
Agggyigixgroaagn, Business Growth or Young Farmers An Ex Slaépa-n¥Gm(;O Edmund, Lexington
i ajorz renc
i Aesohloman Stanley Ray, Roanoke, I] Dissertation: "Le Chrétien Bernanos, Ecrivain Engage"
4 Major: Psychology
A Dissertation: "Complex Stimulus Discrimination Learning in Re- Chen, ](e.(j]·ieng**’Te_iwan’ Qhina
x, tarded Children: Stimulus Control as a Function of Stimulus M ·OI_ Toxicolo
, Shaping and Traditional Training Procedures" ai ' gy
f Dissertation: "The Significance of Glutathion Conjugation in the
Q . . Bioalteration of Naphthalene, 2, 4—Dinitrobromobenzene and
  A1¤><=md¢r, Albma S¤€**, Nitro, WV 1-Napmnyi N-Methylcarbamate (canmyi) in Rats"
i Major: Animal Sciences
i Dissertation: "Effects of Post-Mortem Aging, Muscle and Cooking Che, Nam Seek, Seoul, Kei-eg
i Temperature and Rate on Ultrastructure and Selected Tender- Ma·01__ Ch€m· t
ness-Related Characteristics of Bovine Muscle" -l ' IS rr
j Disertationz "Effect of Cations on the Electron-Transfer Reaction
Baker John Patton JI Lexington From Fluoradenide Ion to Nitrobenzene"
  Major: Physiology
I Dissertation: "Responses of Nucleus Retroambigularis Expiratory Choi, Chang Whan, Lexington
Neurons to Mechanical and Chemical Loading" Major: physics
l~ _ * Dissertation: "Two—State and Two-State Plus Continuum Problems
il Bafbeh BIHY Joe , Momhead Associated With the Interaction of Intense Laser Pulses With
V Major: Biology At°m$”
` Dissertation: "A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Behav- _
` ioral Temperature Regulation in the Lizard Dipsosaurus Chow, T1I'i*, Hong Kong
  D°'$“l‘$ Major: Plant Physiology
1 Bauer, John Francis, Libertyville, Il Diss James Glenn ’ Lexington Dissertation: "The Celibate Ideal: Transformation and the Process
E Major: History of Identity in Henry James’s The Ambassadors"
Dissertation: "The Ideal of Comprehension in the Church of Eng-
_ la“d· 15934689,, Csinos, Alex S., Tillsonburg, Ont
Major: Plant Pathology
’ Burma Rohm-F Leon ’ Lexington Dissertation: "Toxin Produced by Phytophthora Cryptogea and
 — Major: Chemistry Related Species Active on Tobacco"
‘ Dissertation: "Photoreactions of N-Substituted Pyrroles and 2-Sub-
r stituted 2 H-Pyrroles"
 1 Dansby, John Walter*, Ashland
 l Bell, Samuel Virgil, Jr., Louisville MAJOR Ecommlcs
2 Major; Electrical Engineering Dissentgtionz "Inventories and Orders in a Model of Industrial Lay-
  Dissertation: "Gallium Arsenide Planar Type Transferred Electron O S
DeDas, Virgil Archie*, Raeford, NC
, Beniwal, Ramkumar, Sriganganagar, India Major: Germanic Languages
 r Maier; Civil Engineering Dissertattioné "The Iiugdiegqghlgory`: iz? Igizitical Analysis and Inter-
Dissertation: "The Effect of Grain Characteristics on the Shear pm we Ommen ary 0 0 le nc
 < Modulus of Gravels"
i Derauh, Harun Bin*, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
, Burris, Anthony Eldon**, Carlsbad, NM kia-ior: Sociology
1977 ` Ma-lor l Agricultural E¤¤¤¤m¤¢S Dissertation: "Membership Participation, Organizational Perfor-
Dissertation: "Peanut Supply Response in Northeast Thailand: A mance and Developmental Change: A Comparative Study of
Linear programming Appr0ach" Selected Farmers’ Associations in West Malaysia"
1 l l `
` `

’ {
V ‘ l
_ . . . . J
DeSxmone, Shirley Clouse, Lexmgton Greene, Mary Mcrnson, Versailles Ni
Major: English Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling D
Dissertation: "Alpeng1ow: Isak Dinesen dnd the Sense of History" Dissertation: "An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of
Thoughts on Emotions and Behavior"
Deyoub, Nancy Johnson**, Mercer, PA iii _ _ ji
Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling i?i“Pm# Shallsilyam D: ’ Alwmr Rain India M
Dissertation: "Compa.rative Effectiveness of Assertive Training With alma tzmstlcs D
and Without Dyad Assig:nments" Dissertation: "S0me Nonparametric Tests of Randomness and of
Ordered Alternatives" `
Dhaliwal, Paramjeet Kaur*, Sri Ganganagar, India _ d W MA K
Mllioll Economics Siuth, Eigzzlbeth Ann Bro y, eston, M
Dissertation: "The Effect of Size on Cost on Credit Unions in MOI" 10 ogy D
Kentucky" Dissertation: "Ultrastructural Observations on Sporulation and Ger-
mination of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae"
Duangpatra, Piya*, Bangkok, Thailand 5
Major: Sorl Science Hams, Guy Aivllli Lcxlllgloll D
Dissertation: "Distribution and Estimation of Plant Available Man- Major: Miltllomiltjos
ganese in Selected Kentucky Soils" _ "
Dissertation: "The Traces of Holomorphic Functions on Real Sub- ·‘
ma.nifolds" _ K
DuPriest, Mabel Ann Benson, Kenosha, WI i M
Major: English Hedlund, Richard Paul**, Ashland Q, D
Dissertation: "Conventions in the Sixteenth-Century Moralites" Major: History ·
Dissertation: "Congress and the British Loan"
Elosser, P. D0uglas*, Wise, VA K
Major: Mathematics M
Dissertation: "Approximation of Certain Functions in the Uniform Hill, Gary Martin, Hendersonville, NC D
and L1 N°1’m$" Major: Animal Sciences `
_ Dissertation: "Sulfur Supplementation and Abomasal Infusion of ,
Fly, Jerry Wayne*, Birmingham, AL Amino Acids in Growing Steers" K
Major: Sociology _ M
Dissertation: ··An Ecological Analysis or the Opportunity or Apps- Hill, Sister Joan M¤ry*, Washingivn, D·C~
lachian Out-Migrants" Major; Spanish ‘ D
_ _ Dissertation: "Ca1derén’s La Aurora en Copacabana: A Figural  
Frasch, Susan Jane Fisher, Fairview, IL Interpretation" l K
Major: Anatomy   M
Dissertation: "The Effects of Trypsin on the Immunologieal Barrier Huang, YUng‘FU**, Taiwan   D
Of the Pl¤¤€¤t¤" Major: Chemical Engineering [
_ _ _ _ _ Dissertation: "Mass Transfer During Drop Formation Under Jetting i
Frederick, Ol1v1a M., Louisville Conditions" l Li
Major: History M
Dissertation: "Henry P. Fletcher and United States Latin-American Hwang, LUng‘Y€n Alun, Chien, Kun STd D
Relations, 1910-1930" Major: Civil Engineering
Dissertation: "Dynamic Response of Thin Liquid Layer Under Im-
_ pact Motion of a Solid P1ate" Ll
Freely, H. David, Brooklyn, NY M
Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling i Di
Dissertation: "Differential Effects of Carkhuff Model Communica- Ig€lmO= Cnstma l·**= Stockholm  
tions Skills Training on Selected Sex-Role Types" Major: Educational Psychology  
Dissertation: "The Effects of Peer Model ’s Age and Sharing Be- ' Ll
(j,otstlmg_ Estollo Rose Bilkol-rrr, Dlllmmolldi MT havior on Preschool Boys’ Cooperation in a Conflict Situation" M
Major: English
Dissertation: "Oil:onomia and Dramatic Function of Seven Shake- h`Wm¤ Lyndon Neil, Bronaugln MO Di
spear-ean Orations" Major: Animal Sciences
Dissertation: "Histamine and Tyramine in Ruminants I. Occurrence M
Gray, Donald C_**, Minneapolis, MN During Lactic Acidosis and Chronic Laminitis Il. Disappearance M
Major; Sociology from Ruminal Contents In Vitro and In Vivo" V Di
Dissertation: ‘“The Labeling Perspective: Critique and Synthesis" jilffoi Al-lloldi Koi-honksorl, NY
_ _ Major: History ~ Mi
Grgcm EUC l\clih’ Orl`mdO’ FL Dissertation: "Addiction Reform in the Progressive Age: Scientific M,
Mnlnii E€0n0nl|€5 and Social Responses to Drug Dependence in the United States, * Di
Dissertation: "Economic Efficiency of Three Synthetic Fuel Pro- 1870-1930
cesses" '
C K iii W i i ii N P ,d Johnson, Charles Andrew, Baltimore, MD  ”
irctne, .1 li een .1 si , , rovi ence, RI Milioil Political Science i M,
Major: Spanish _ _ _ _ M,
I _ _ i / Dissertation: "Judieial Impact Analysis and Organizational Theory: - ‘
Dissertation: "The Theaiter of Cruelty in Spain: Valle-lnclan. Garcia An Empirical Evaluation of State Supreme Court Decisions and · Di
Lorca, and Arpabal State Administrative Agencies"
I2 i
l V

 Johnston, David Maurice**, Huntsville, Ontario Martin, Stuart Taylor**, Owensboro I
Major: Animal Sciences Major: Toxicology
Dissertation: "Effects of Breed, Sex, Age, Feeding Method and Dissertation: "Digita1is Toxicity. The Inhibitory Action of Cardiac
Ct af Muscle on Myofiber Characteristics and Meat Pa.latability" Glycosides on Active Intestinal Transport Mechanisms"
Jones, Frank Tisdale, Gainesville, FL Marx, David Benjamin, Tucson, AZ
Major: Animal Sciences Major: Statistics
Dissertation: "Influence of Antibacterials in Swine Feed on Persis- Dissertation: "A Bayesian Classification of Samples Into Multi-
lid of tence and Antibiotic Resistance of Coliforms and Salm0ne11ae" nomial Populations"
Kantaratanakul, somsn K.**,r1n:1nnd May,Char1aS Ehiah, Prarranshurg
Major: Entomology MaJ°Y* Ch€m*$UY
Dissertation: "Nut1·itiona1 Physiology of Tetmnyehus Umcae Dissertefiion: "Studies on Some Borane Derivatives of Bifunctional
1 Ger- (Koeh)>¤ Am1nes"
Kim, Dong [_, Pusan, Korea MCBIIdC, DIIHHC C.**,   FL
Major; Sociology M3]OIZ Sociology
Dissertation: ··s¤cm Change, Anomy and Alienation in Lew- Dissertation: "S<>¤ia1 C<>n:r¤1 and Drug Us¤"
. Income Areas of the Rural South"
I Sub` A A McGawley, Edward Caleb**, New Orleans, LA
, Kirby, Carol Bingham, Akron, OH Major: mam Panioiogy
Ma-lor: Spanish Dissertation: f‘Population Development of Concomitant Cricone-
' Dissertation: "The Transformation of History Into Poetry: The marder S’”fi1€· Helicctylencilus P$C”d°"0bu$tu$· and P¤l'Ct3’·
Treatment of Pedro I de Castilla in El Rey Don Pedro En lenchus Prolectus °“ Savhearr
Madrid Y El Infanzon de Illescas"
` _ McGlaun, James M` hael** L es TX
Kisch, Ron Magnus**, Cleveland, OH M · , - - lc i am a’
_ _ ajor. Engineering Mechanics
Major: Educat1onal Psychology _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ Dissertation: "On Elastic Materials With Strain Energies Dependent
Dissertation: "An Analysis of Factors Associated With Therapist on the Derivatives of Stminv
Perception of and Response to Client Psychosocial Stress"
Oh °f Okolo, Titus Okori**, Unubi, Nigeria
Korsching, Peter Fritz, Gainesville, FL Major; Arijma] sciences
Mawr: SOCIOIOEY Dissertation: "Serum Calcium, Magnesium, Free Fatty Acids and
Dissertation: "An Ecological Approach to Urban Dominance" Urea Nitrogen m Lactating Beef Cows
" al . .
xgur i Kino, Theodore John, Lexington Papson, Stephen Denms*, Denville, NJ
‘ Major: Microbiology MEJOT? SCCIOIOSY
5 Dissertation: "Dicarboxy1ic Acid Transport and Cytoohromes of Di$$€Tl¤¤ti0¤¥ “Q¤P1lii3ti\{€ Annlysis of Western Literary Utopias:'A
; Thicbacinus A2»» Study of the Relationship of Utopian Ideas to Their Socio-
i Historical L0cation"
'etting I
r L me Sh C nch M feld
l at r’ aim IO . ’ ay I Parson, Helen Edna*, Ottawa, Canada
i Major: Chemical Physics .
_ _ _ Major: Geography
Dissertation: "Investigation of the Analytical Capability of Proton- _ _ “ _ N
Induced X-Rsy Emission Applied to the Analysis or ooo] and Dissertation: Rural Land Use Change: Gatineau Valley of Quebec ,
Surface Water"
er Im- - · ·
Lindle, Samuel G1·eene**, Sturgis Il;t?l’ _Dél;l;cI I·i1N*“‘°b‘
Major; statistics FJ": _ gap Y _ _ _ _
’ Dissertation: "A Study of Orthogonal Transformations and Their D1ssEgT;‘;1°n;s,,A Resldemml Fml-mer: Exulbs m K°“*“°kY S Inner
i Applications to Statistics" gm
  Pawar, Vinayak Balkrishna, Lexington
ggigj; · Lowney, J ¤rernrah*, Butte, MT Major: Animal Sciences
Ma-lor: Sociology Dissertation: "Incidence, Transfer and Relationship of Selected
Dissertation: uDrug Use Among Ymmg M alesn zlxgzgliicgs gnrniongngiggiose Positive Species Isolated From Swine
nance Ma9Kinh¤¤,_David Narnr, San Marcar, TX Peers, Calvin Bieckinndge, irnnnnx, AZ
“m“°° Malor * Spanish Major: Sociology
Diss€rtati‘·:}‘* "Th€ Mvrh¤1¤»:i¤a1 Dramas af P°d1`° C”·1d“°n de la Dissertation: "Toward a Fictional Paradigm: A Study of Weber and
Bama Nietzsche"
Mahyuddin, Mohamed**, Pahang, Malaysia Post, Carl J oseph*, Manhattan, NY
entific   Major: Animal Sciences Major: History
States"   Dissertation: "Effects of Feeding Systems, Slaughter Weight and Dissertation: "Bemard II Cabrera and the Expansion of the Crown
~ Sex on Lamb Carcass Characteristics, Palatability, Histology and of Aragon Under Peter the Dagger"
Fatty Acid Composition"
n _ Prince, Terry Jamison**, Elwood, IN
L Malinak, Edward Michael, New York, NY Major; Animal Sciences ~
heory: i Major: Spamsh Dissertation: "Related Effects of Copper. Calcium, Phosphorus and
ns and Dissertation: "The Dramaturgy of Bartolome de Torres Nahorro" Sulfide on Performance and Liver Copper Stores of Pigs"
l 3

Raghuraman, Srinivasan**, N. Delhi, India Smith, John David, Lexington ii I
Major: Metallurgical Engineering and Material Sciences Major: History * N
Dissertation: "Deformation Kinetics of Ti-5A1-2.5 Sn at Low Tem- Dissertation: “The Formative Period of American Slave Historio- I
peratures (<0.3 Tm) gsaphy, 1890·1920"  
Ranck, Edward Lee, Louisville Smith, Samuela Dare Davidson, Rural Retreat, VA j
Major: Economics Major: Spanish ~ T
Dissertation: "A Refinement of the Theory of Technological Ex- Dissertation: "Apoca1yptic Symbolism in the Argentine Novel"   N
ternality With Emphasis Upon Distributional C0nsiderations" * D
_ Solernou, Jose Luis, Miami, FL g
Reed, Thomas Edward**, Wrlmore Major; psychology A
Major: Psychology Dissertation: "Perception of Locus of Control in Three Ethnic V
Dissertation: "Defensive Attribution as a Function of Severity and G1‘0¤DS" M
Relevance in Police-Student Encounters" l D
Sookhakich, Seri**,Thailand [
Reeves, John Moore*, Lexington Major; Soil Science `
Mal°’* Eieetrieel Engineedng Dissertation: ··Avei1abi1iiy or sou water and water Use by Corn, V
Dissertation: "Cha.racterization and Computation of Phase Charac- S0Yb€31'\S. Alfalfa. and O!ch&!d$&SS" V,
teristics Associated With Isolated Infrared, Optical and Ultra- [_ M
violet Absorption Bands"   D
Srihakim, Somchai, Thailand  
Richards, Donnie Dean**, Lubbock, TX Major: Veterinary Science {
M3j01'Z SP&I1iSh Dissertation: "A Study of Pathology and Pathogenesis of Parascaris iq V
Dieeeneneni ··nie Changing Nature or Reality in Selected Novels Eeuerum I¤fe¤¤¤¤¤¤ Pe¤es¤¢e·Free Pew Fee~le" j M
by Ramon J. Sender" D
Stephens, Joyanne Gockerman, Lexington i
Roach, Allen Marshall**, Mayfield Major: Sociology   W
M2i.l01’¥ P$Y€h0l08Y Disertation: "Attitudes Toward Male Versus Female Patients: A l M
Dissertation: "The Comparative Effects of Behavioral vs. Cognitive C°mp*mS°“ ef Mah and Female Physlcumsv Dj
Presentation, High vs. Low Levels of Specificity, and Interper-
sonal vs. Intrapersonal Content of Structure on Early Group Smokey, John Alan, Mesa, AZ
Development _ _ _ _
Major: Political Science
· · · ** · Dissertation: "The Victim’s Perspective on American Criminal Jus- W
R0Pu?k’ Bemzimm Edwm’ JL ’ L°"“‘g‘°“ tice: An Empirical Test of the Systems Theory" M
Major. Educational Psychology _
Dissertation: "A Study of Inmate Outcome in Kentucky" D1
Stuart, Robert Louis**, Ruston, LA
Roopohenri, Bnjrnoiien 1eieingn**,1nr1ie Me1<>r= Ammei Seienees
Major: Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science Dissertation: "Amino Acid Utilization by Ruminal 1Vlicroorganisms" it W,
Dissertation: "Ana.lysis of the Warm and Hot Deformation of 5086 I M:
Aluminum Alloy That is Potentially Dynamically Strain Age- Sullivan, Susan E]izabeth*, Lexington M Di
ab1e" · · i
Major: Educational Psychology
* . Dissertation: "The Effects of Decision-Making Group and Individual
Roses Bruce Jeeksen i Le>¤¤s’¤e¤ Career Counseling on the Career Maturity of College Freshmen" W,
Major: Educational Psychology M:
Dissertation: "A Cognitive and Communications System of Behavior Susan, Paul Anthony*, Lexington Di
Developed for the Purpose of Defining and Studying Expectan- Major, Psychology
cies" ‘
Dissertation: "The Effect of Transposed Orientations on the Recog- ` Wi
__ , 't'Thrh1d fCmm dR Wd"
Rosebrough, Robert W1ll1ams**, Lexington m mn as 0 S 0 0 on an me or S   M;
Mfum: Afumulsclencci _ _ _ _ Takahashi, Kenji**, Chiba, Japan j Di
D1ss§;t;°SiétS%dapta°‘°"S m Cmcks t° H‘gh`Fat er H‘gh`C”b°hy` Major: Metallurgical Engneering and Material Science I
Dissertation: "Transient Photoconductivity Studies in Amorphous 1
d Cr t lli O ‘ S lid " `
Schroeder, Hans Guenter**, Germany an YS a ne rgamc 0 S  
Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Th lh _ Ri h d* Chad WVA Q  
Dissertation: "Distribution and Piiyeioiogioai Erreets or snbvisibie S °lm°I’ 9 er ’ °St°“’  —` ‘
Microspheres Administered Intravenoiuly to Beagle Dogs" Malmi Economics
Dissertation: "A Portfolio Choice Model With an Application to .
seeiing, Ronem Leonard, New oneans, LA Mum] S¤“¤¤S B¤¤kS"  ’
Major: Mathematics _ _ _ I
Dissertation: "Dirichlet Series and singnieiiiiee or Solutions or Th{mkam°l3 I%°mb°°“· Kh°“ Km, Thmland »
Euler-P0isson·Darboux Partial Differential Equations" M3]017 St9·ti$t1C$ ` Dl
Dissertation: "Extension of Previous Results on Properties of Esti· ;
t f V ' C t " "
Shrewsbury, Robert Parks, Aztec, NM ma Drs O mance Omponen S ` QL
Mer : rn ii al s ‘ _ _ _ _  . 8
lor Mmaceu C memes Tieman, Cheryl Rae**, Cmcmnatr, OH  , Dir
Dissertation: "S0me Factors Influencing Drug Absorption Through Major. Sociolo  ;
Biologic Membranes: Percutaneous and Intestinal Administra- ' gy  
¥·10¤” Dissertation: "Social Control and Delinquent Behavior"  

5, ,
lj V
is Triplett, John William, Lexington Babb, Robert Marion*, Marion I
Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Major: Higher Education
lSt°¤°` , Dissertation: "Carbon·13 NMR Studies of the Reactions of Bisulfite Dissertation: "The University of Kentucky Community College
i girth giologically Important Pyrimidines and Halogenated System: A Comparative Study, 1968-1973"
‘ yrrmi ines
j T d J h uu _ Bacon, Mary Lewis*, Somerset
, Mu_ 01.* NE n if lam L¤>¤¤et¤¤ Major: Vocational Education
Jl   Z
` P éjor _cm 10 ogy _ Dissertation: "Factors Affecting Retention and Loss of Associate-
Dissertation: "Encystment, Germmation, and Characterization of Degree Students in University of Kentucky Community Col-
: Bdellocysts of Bdellovibrio sp. Strain W." 1eges"
. 4 Ve bl Th C l ` J . T t . . .
Ethnic Ma?;_ ;’tati;?;S a vm’ I ’ ure Han €’ IN Bolstein, Stanley H., Louisville
' Ma'or: l—Ii er Education
l Dissertation: "An Investigation of Exact Tests and Some Asym- _]   N __ _
[ ptotic pmeedm-es For TWO and Three Dimensional Contingency Dissertation: Specific. Themes and Unresolved issues in the Devel-
Tablesn opment of Education for Social Work Within Higher Education
in the U.S., 1893-1975"
C°“‘· Verasan Visoot** Thailand
Z. Major éou Scicncé Clement, Robert John**, Paulsboro, NJ
=` U M · 2Hl Ed tl
g Dissertation: “Effects of Soil and Plant Water Stress on Growth and e