xt718911pw2d_269 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 109th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 109th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_5/2010ua027_p4_5_1/5651/5651.pdf 1976 May 8 1976 1976 May 8 section false xt718911pw2d_269 xt718911pw2d , Gag, i t
L University Archivm
  COmm€nC€m€nt PrOgram Margaret I. King Library - i"· mth
  UI`liV2f5itY OF K2l"l':UC!<’/
  Lexington, Kentucky 40 GC:
L One hundred and ninth annual
  University 0f Kentucky, Lexington g
  Saturday, May eighth, nineteen hundred and seventy—six
ig ..·?•..·$ ..•@•..•§•..

· E
\Villiam B. Sturgill, Chairman Q~
Paul G. Sears, Secretary  
Michael Adelstein  
William R. Black
W. Stanley Burlew
Mrs. Robert O. Clark
Albert G. Clay  
Richard E. Cooper
]ohn R. Crockett l
john R. Gaines  
George W. Griffin R
Mrs. David Hermansdorfer
Thomas B. Kessinger y
james Harralson  
Zirl A. Palmer g
Frank Ramsey, ]r, if
Homer W. Ramsey
]ames A. Sutherland
]ohn R. Woodyard, M.D. I
Otis A. Singletary, President  
]ack C. Blanton, Vice President for Business Affairs  
Peter P. Bosomworth, Vice President for the Medical Center _‘
Donald Clapp, Vice President for Administration R
Lewis \V. Cochran, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations fg
]ohn T. Smith, Vice President for Minority Affairs in
M. Stanley \Vall, Vice President for the Community College System 1
Robert G. Zumwinkle, Vice President for Student Affairs  

I !
[ I
  One Hundred and Ninth Annual
= i
I  f
* I

é University Marshal
° Professor Robert O. Evans
y The National and University Colors l
The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees  
· from the College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentistry  
i The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences  
{ [ The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture I
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering f
l  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education I
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics  
i The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy i
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing l
· The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Architecture  
 l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Allied Health Professions  
 l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Home Economics l
 l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Library Science  
 l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Social Professions {
 A The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences l
Qi The Faculty of the College of Agriculture 1
  The Faculty of the College of Engineering i
  The Faculty of the College of Law ~
  The Faculty of the College of Education rl
  The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
  The Faculty of the College of Medicine
n The Faculty of the College of Nursing
The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
The Faculty of the College of Architecture ?
The Faculty of the College of Allied Health Professions
  The Faculty of the College of Home Economics  
' The Faculty of the College of Library Science ¤ i
i The Faculty of the College of Social Professions
 A The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges
~ The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
l The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative OlHcials
The Vice Presidents
The Official Guests
The Governor and the Board of Trustees
The President of the University of Kentucky y
3 ia

 Q; l
If i
The exercises of the one hundred and ninth annual commencement are enacted .
today at the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each
year on campuses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the ?
graduates years of study and preparation for responsibility.  
The following description of the academic pageantry is provided for your interest. §
1>RocEss1oN l
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum
through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and followed by the
Color Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University banner. The  
University Marshal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the endorsement of the ; 
State and the University. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march behind the
identification banner of the respective colleges which recommended them for their I
The order of march is as follows:  
The candidates for advanced degrees to include i 
Graduate School
College of Law
College of Medicine
College of Dentistry g
The candidates for degrees:  
College of Arts and Sciences S
College of Agriculture »
College of Engineering
College of Education .
College of Business and Economics
College of Pharmacy
College of Nursing
College of Architecture
College of Allied Health Professions
College of Home Economics
College of Library Science
College of Social Professions
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of i
Kentucky march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and [
universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to
the platform the Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary
degree recipients, alumni award recipients, University of Kentucky Research Foundation
faculty research award recipients, The \Villiam B. Sturgill award recipient, Sullivan
award recipients, the Vice Presidents, guests, state oflicials, and finally, the President
of the University. The Trustees of the University can be identified by their blue gowns
with white panels. They wear blue caps with blue tassels.

A All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University
_ oihcials, faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The
  basic color for most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different
g degrees wear distinctive tassels on their caps (called moitarboards) and hoods of various
  hues draped down the backs of the gowns.
Candidates for Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the
tassel appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with
  the exception of those who already hold Doctors’ degrees and are privileged to wear
‘ gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National
Anthem, and prayers, men in academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The
{ authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences—Black Medicine—Green
* Agriculture—Maize Nursing—Apricot
S Engineering—Orange Dentistry—Lilac
VS Law—Purple Architecture—Brown
Education—Light Blue Allied Health Professions—Light Green
Business and Economics—Drab Home Economics—Maroon
Pharmacy—Olive Green Library Science—Lemon
. Social Professions—Citron
Y The gown for the Bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn
closed. The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like
the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of
its oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc out away. The gown is Q
. designed and supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The ‘
gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell-shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars
(usually black but sometimes other colors depending on the degree).
The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate ;
color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue
and white at Kentucky.
The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes A
_ more of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the ,
person is receiving. ’
The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the r
wide panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The
colors of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine,
and purple for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctors’ degrees are purple for laws,  
white for letters, and golden yellow for science. V
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has  
been conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree {
consists in his being formally invested with the hood. E
Q r

 li !
l l
Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater!  
Loyal sons and daughters sing; !,
Sound her praise with voice united; !
To the breeze her colors lling. l
To the blue and white be true; A
Badge triumphant age on age;  
Blue, the sky that o’er us bends; .
\Vhite, Kentucky’s stainless page. { 
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky! !
Glorious is thy heritage; V
Proud thy name and thy traditions; y
Proud thy place on history's page!  
May we ne'er forget thy fame n
Mother of the great and free; if
May we ’er uphold thy name,  
Old Kentucky, hail to thee! §
TE by Josephine Funkbbuser ,
Music by Carl A. Lampert .
Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn's early light,
\Vhat so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
\Vhose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight,  f
O’er the ramparts we watclfd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Cave proof thro' the night that our Hag was still there. !
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

, Otis A. Singletary, President
lp STAR SPANGLED BANNER .......................................................... (Francis -Scott Key)
` INVOCATION . ................................................................. Reverend Ed Payne Miller, ]r.
United Campus Ministry
l INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS ................................................ President Singletary
_ GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION .......................................... ]ames W. Stuckert
{  GREETIN GS ............... I ................................................. T he Honorable ]ulian M. Carroll,
[ Governor, Commonwealth of Kentucky
h Dean Art Gallaher Dean ]oseph Hamburg
; College of Arts and Sciences College of Allied Health Professions
  Dean Charles Bamhart Dean Marjorie Stewart
pl College of Agriculture College of Home Economics
  Dean Roger Eichhorn Dean Paul Willis
  College of Engineering College of Library Science
  Dean George Denemark Dean Ronda S. Connaway
.. College of Education College of Social Professions
_ Dean W. W. Ecton Dean Wimberly Royster
College of Business and Economics Graduate School
Dean Joseph Swintosky Dean George W. Hardy III
College of Pharmacy College of Law
Dean Marion McKenna Dean D. Kay Clawson
College of Nursing College of Medicine  
Dean Anthony Eardley Dean Meriill W. Packer
College of Architecture College of Dentistry V
RESEARCH FOUNDATION FACULTY AVVARDS ............ President Singletary  
WILLIAM B. STURGILL AWARD .................................... President Singletary
PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ............................ President Singletary  
 K Professor ]oseph A. Bryant, University Orator i `
CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ............................ President Singletary  
Professor Bryant `
Y ALMA MATER .................................................................................. (Carl A. Lampert) {
BENEDICTION ...................................................................... Reverend Richard Wilkins  
Baptist Student Center  
Professor Arnold Blackburn, Organist  
Mr. Manthis Manchikes, Announcer  

  ]ulia11 Morton Carroll
  ]ames Sharon Huduall
  Harry Maxie Young, ]r.
T Herbert Parkes Riley I

nig §
` 1
·   Deu
l Alex
I Muj<
N Disse
` Aller
‘ Disse
l` Arth
Y Maj<
i Disse
} Dissei
_ Majo
. Disser
l ` Bors;
' ’ Mnjo
 I Disser
‘ A
_ P
‘ ° Major
° Degree awurcled August 13, 1975
°° Degree uwairclecl December 19, 1975 “ Buicc
°°° Degree not previously awarcled will be conferred May 8, Dissert
1976, if all requirements are met P1

Graduate School °
l Dean: \Vimberly Calvin Royster
é` Doctor of Philosophy Burkhead, ]ohn Dwight, Boston
i Ma`or: Sociolo Y
, J LY
` Dissertation: "Thc Prediction of Recidivism for Narcotic Addicts"
Alexander, Ronald Ray, Glasgow, VVV _ _ _
Major: History Carey, Daniel Irv1n°°, Versailles
` Dissertation: "Central Kentucky During the Civil War, 1861-l865” billion Agucultunll Engineering
Dissertation: “Hydrologic and Economic Models in Reservoir Design"
Allen, George Perry", Lexington _ 1 1_ M
Major: Veterinary Science Carmica ,·O1ne, ]r. , Harlan
Dissertation: "Regulation of Viral Gene Expression in Cultured Cells hialori History
Infected \Vith Equine Herpesvirus Type 3" Dissertation: “PIans of Union, 1634-1783: A Study and Reappraisal of
Projects for Uniting the English Colonies in North America"
Arthur, Gerry°, London I H _U T
Major: Sociology Carson, Carol I7rance)s, S ie yyyi e, 'I`l\
 , Dissertation: “Employment and Fertility Among \Vomen in the United Niillori Educatmmll iS>’¤ii<>i<>s>*
L States" Dissertation: “The Eilects of a Model’s Reaction to Punishment on
 ` Resistance to Transgression"
l Baker, Crump \zValker°°, Hopkinsville W _
Major: Mathenmtics Carter, Dorothy Ann , Lexington
V Dissertation: “'I`he Perersen Ideal and the Representation of C°—Algebras" Alulori French
Dissertation: "Functions of Architectural Form in the Rougon-Macquart of
Emile Zo]a"
. Bhargava, Valmik°, Allahabad, India
MMO" _El€“m““l E“g‘“C"““g _ , _ _ C1m¤·Ieswmtli, ]ean°°, Lexington
Dissertation: "Development and Applications of a Generalized Maximum _ 1 _ _ `
` Principle to Time Delay Systems \\’ith Prespecified Inputs" Billion FOUHS AUOIH _
` Dissertation: "Educational Change in Malaysia: A Case Study of the 1
Implementation of a Curriculum Innovation"
Blaz, Michael, Minneapolis. MN
V, Major: Psycllologyb ' · Collins) Maria Castellanos, Mizlllli, FL
V Dissertation: "Cond1tioned Reinforcement: An Experimental Analysis of I_ . __ S _ ._]
` the Information Hhpothesis and its Relationship to Discriminative A ‘l]0l‘ pdmbl _ D `
Stimuli" Dissertation: "Brull, Florit, Ballagas y el Vanguardismo en Cuba 2
~ i
` . l
Borsay, Maria Anna°, Cincinnati, OH Cooper, ]ohn Edward°, Baltimore, MD ; ·
Major: Anthropology Major: Biological Sciences  
Dissertation: "Subcultura] Conflicts in the Cincinnati Free Clinic: An Dissertation: "Ecol0gical and Behavioral Studies in Shelta Cave, Alabama, l
i Analysis of the Sources of Role Strain and Mechanisms Used by \Vith Emphasis on Deeapod Crustaceans ,
Physician Volunteers to Reduce It"
  Crider, Albert l\Iiehael°, Marion `
i. , , . . , U .` _ . ·
  Br‘ldl€y> Ch—¤i€> AUM] > Lexmgmn Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences E
i hiajori Animal Sciences Dissertation; "Syntheses of Potential Long-Acting Anticonvulsants of the ;
  Dissertation: "Seasonal Variation in Head Volume of Ram Spennatozoa" SuCCiniinid€ TYPE,) |
. Brcvedan, Graciela Elena, Buenos Aires, Argentina Dare, Philip Ned°, Lexington
  Major: Spanish Major: History
DiSSOrtntion: “Estudio Estructural Del Pocma De Fm-mm Gpn;a]g;" Dissertation; "]ohn A. Bingham and Treaty Revision \V1th Japanz 1873- ,
Bgeyedzxi, Roberto Eric, Capital 1* ederal, Argentina Davis) Phillip I{(,mchCl¤’ Owensboro
a]or: gronomy M l. _ ._ _
._ . _ ,, . ., ijoix Chemistry
Dlsscxggglgé qlggcyglhfhugucg (if,I\im?gj$l]·,§j.\lE:1tl.()EL ?fM1é10;lCU‘ and Pod Dissertation: "Phase-Selective Alternating—Current Anodic Stripping Vo1t—
n l cc m Oy Kms JCI 1 al ` rr ammetry of Gallium in Thiocyanate—Containing Solutions at High
3 Solution Ionic Strength" ·
{ Buckley, Robert Miehael°, ]ersey City, N]
Major: Economies Dawson, Nelson Lloyd", Louisville
Dissertation: "An Application of the Hedonic Technique to the Analysis lylajorz History
Of Group C0"s“‘“P'l°“" Dissertation: "Louis D. Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter, and the New Deal"
Buiec, Robert Graham", Lexington Demeri, Mahmoud Yehia, jerusalem .
Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Major; Metallurgical Engineering `_
y 8, Dissertation: “Bilirubin Dynamics in the Gunn Rat andthe Evaluation of Dissertation: "Influence of Material Parameters on Tensile Instability of  
Procedures for Phototherapy Enhancement" Sheet Steel" H
11 l=
E, -

 l is
Dennis, Rodney ]oc°°, White Plains . Holt, Charles E., ]r., Morehead I K0
Major; Animal Sciences Major: History MH
Dissertation: "The Potassium Requirement of the Dairy Cow in Early and Dissertation: "English Liberals and Russia 1895-1907" Dis
Mid Lactation"
Hopkins, Sidney Franklin, Chino, CA ‘ I
Dolan, Michael Paul°, Matawan, N] Mriicr; Physiology and Biophysics iw
Niajor: Psychology ' Dissertation: "Postnatal Changes in Rat Ventricular Function" Mil
Dissertation: “The Use of Reinforcement for Facilitating Acquisition and Di$~
R t t' `n Brain D. ag d P.t`ents" _ _
B cn um I ami C H Horn, Elizabeth Rehm, Versailles
i_ _ Major: Psychology Ks
1)llilllgPutril> IWW B¤¤sl<<>i<» Tl¤=¤¤i¤¤¤i¤b¤¤¤¤. 1757-1807" I is/ia
Major: Political Science a Diss
Dissertation: "Conllict Among Chinese Elites Over Modernization Values, Johnson, ]on Log: Inglewood, CA  
Strategies and Educational Policies 1957-1967” i`/I_ijOI__ histlieinritics »
Dissertation: "Craded Structures in Commutative Algebra" Lee
Cilbcrt, Paul Elliot, Cranford, N] MT
Major; Pharmacology ]ohnson, Robert Stalford°°, Ashland · Digi
Dissertation: "'l`he Effects of Morphine-Like and Nalorphine-Like Drugs Ni,i·Or_ Economics
· t Y · » ‘ » · tl . l ' D - °] '
  i‘ig‘;’§i""° Dep"' €“t md Cyc az°°m° Q Disscsggiirkngpisgggiicptimum Share of International Reserves: A Theoret-
('ur·1l Richard P·1trick°° Flemington N] , . Let
' _‘ ’ iii ‘ ‘ _ i S’_ ’ kaplan, Alan L€\V1S°, Boston, MA Maj
Union _ i‘Um‘lwlmC`l_ SICDLLS , , , . Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling Diss
Dissertation; “Phnrmac0kinet1cs and Gastrointestinal AbS0l”pl£l0I\ Behavior DiSS€i_sissi0n_ npredicsing Generiil Or Speniqity Dental Practice From
of Ludronam Admissions Data" V
. . , . . Lib
llamilton, Sarah ]ane , Springlield Keith, Curtis Lssrii Boise, ID Maj
Major: (·crman Majoii Sociology Digg.
Dissertation: "The Presence and Nature of Irony in the Dramas of Franz Dissertation: miihs Profession of Dentistry ss Seen Through the Issue of
Gnulmmer Expanded Functions for Auxiliary Personnel"
H s Lyn
llargcr, lhomas Ray , Havana, AR Kciiyi Jciricy Aiicnoi Cleveland, OH Mai
Major: Agronoinyi i i i is Major; Psychology   Dissi
Dissertation: Soil Dissipation of Dicamba and VEL-4207 Dissemitioni <=Pei,s0niiiityi Parent Behavior and Cheiitingv
llarris, Sara Elizabeth, Nashville, TN King, Richard Dcnn°, Pittsburgh, PA M3,
Major: French Miijcr; Sociology Mill
D'$$°"i*‘l'°"* "Th*’ EPD N¤v¢i AS P¤¢m= M“kh*‘li‘Ph“l” Dissertation; "A Study of the Effects of the Structure of Institutional D'sS‘
Settings Upon Mentally Retarded Residents" 2
llcnning, \\’illiam Russell", Loraine, IL M
g Aliijuyi Aniiiiii] gcicriccs Kirby, Steven Darrell, Richmond, VA 1 iii
Dissertation: "Effects of Postmortein Aging, Cooking Temperature and Major: Spanish Mill‘
i Cold Storage on the Ultrastrueture and Tendemess of Bovine Muscle" Disscrmricrri mriic Artistic Utiiimiicii of Law and nhcgcric in thc Don Diss:
Ximio Episode of ]uan Ruiz’s Libra De Buen Amor"
lloeckcr, jamcs ]ohn°, Eagle River, VVI I s Mar
Miijiiii iiistiiiy lxocan, Marlene , New York, NY Miiii
Dissertation: “Pr0gress, Perfectability, and the Thought of joseph Priestly; Malori PSYchOl0gY Disse
A View of Eighteenth-Century Liberalism" Dissertation: "The Management of Anger in Essential Hupertension"
12 I

‘ Kook, Chyung S.°°, Seoul, Korea Matkovich, Maureen VVelling°°, Laureldale, PA
Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Major: Chemistry
Dissertation: “Synthesis and In Vivo Distribution Studies of (IAF) Hal- Dissertation: “Rare Earth 1-(2-Thienyl)-4,4,5,5,6,6,6-Heptafluoro-I, 3-
operidol and its Major Metabolite" Hexanedionates: Preparation, Properties, and Analytical Application"
Kowalski, Gregory Stephen°, Moorhead, MN Maynard, Edward W.°°, Lexington V
Major: Sociology Major; Mathematics
Dissertation: "The Structure of Father-Son Decision-Making: Its Nature Dissertation; "Partial Topological Entropy"
and Influence in the ]oint Agricultural Operation"
, McConnell, Robert Lewis, Mt. Vernon OH
_ lxrasaesindhu, Pratee , Huahin, Thailand . . . . ’
rung _ _ _ P Major: Electrical Engineering
im" MRJOE $0*1 Science Dissertation: ··Tne Bicarbonate ron in Solid Solution in Aiksu nniioesi An
Dissertasicgr: grlitrogegi, Potaisium, ang Caggum Nutrition )Effects on Ion Optical Filter at 10,6 Mici·ometers"
r an ry atter ccumu ation in ice ryza sativa L. "
* , McGee, Marsha Ga le°, Columbus MI
Krug, james L., Ft. Dodge, IA . . y ’
M , _ A _ rs _ Major: Sociology
_"]°‘· _ ““E“ °‘€“C"s _ _ Dissenotion; "Familial Response to Meaioni Tieonnent: An Analysis ot
Dissegatiorzlz tliftelgtsfof Lengrh of Lactation and Chlortetracychne on Home versus Center Cm-e··
€pl'O LIC IVE EI' (`II'lT\BI)C€
. M P t ' k" L t , IN
Lagodna, Gretchen E.°°, Lexington CQOVEUL James _a uc _ ’ 00gOO ee
Ma'or· Educational Ps cholo and Counselin Mmm: Pharmaceutical Sciences
. 1 I . ., y gy I . . g . ,, Dissertation: "Uptake and Metabolism of Nicotine by the Isolated Perfused
Dissertation: Mental Health Consultation \V1th Community Nurses · .
Rabbit Lung`
:lua- , · · ·
Lml-$01]* Dal/ld Bobertth C¤v1¤gt¤¤ Miles, ]ohn Preston III, Owensboro
Major: Economics Q r I r Major: Chemistry
r DlSS€§f`5l;:;>;l1;. Demand for Medical Care in a Prepaid Medical Care Dissertation; iilrrorgrmrc crystallization Chr0mamgr_,rphy»»
me , Lenten, oem     M·*¥e· M*<=h?*€* C¤**y »Mmy
I Major, History Major: English
I Dissertation: "The Deterioration of the Imperial Russian Anny in the First Dissertation: “D`°k€nS and the Lawn
g World War, August 1914-March 1917"
Mount, Richard Terry°°, Brantley, AL
Lee, Fred Thomas°, Bowling Green, OH Major: Spanish
Major; Pgychglggy Dissertation: "Imagery in the \Vorks of Gonzalo De Berceo”
‘ Dissertation: "The Effects of Sex, Risk-Taking, and Strucure on Prescribed c
Group Behavior, Cohesion, and Evaluative Attitudes in a Simulated Q _ .
Her- Early Training Phase of Group Psychotherapy" Odom, _I0l'lI1 Gary, ]1` , L€XlI1gfOI1
Major: Sociology
Dissertation: "Self-Selection Bias in Mail Questionnaires: A Comparison ~ ·
;*{€upO1(;&ROb€rt ]Ohn’ East kieadowi NY of the Psychological and Sociological Characteristics of Early, Late, l
ajorz iSt0ry and Nonrespondents" Y
Dissertation: "The United States and Indonesia Independence, 1944-1947: i
, An American Response to Revolution" _ _
mm Odom, Sylvia Southard°, Lexington _
‘ . . . Major: Psychology ;
_ L1b}>€y» James K€lth= R¤¤hm<>¤d Dissertation; "(:lioieictei·istics of Academically Successful Underqualified
Major: History Students" ’
Dissertation: "Alexander Gumberg and Soviet-American Relations, 1917- l
1933" i
8 of Ozil, Eralp, Istanbul, Turkey r I
Major: Mechanical Engineering * `
k/ryr?°h* gemld  Osgph ¤ L°“‘SV‘H€ oissei-rations ··A seooy of Combined Heat Transfer in Biological rnsnioeing  
ajor: conomics Materials:
_ Dissertation: "The Effects of Export Instability on Capital Formation in  
i the Less Developed C0untries"   ·
Parker, Gary Ray", Henderson  
Nia? Niaw-Su€P¤°’ Taichlmg Taiwan ]P){;‘;)rldtii:riiu;€l'I`iheSEl‘lE`;i;;:§i>f Dietary Phosphorous, Copper, Exercise, Pen  
Mawr: Chermstry Size and Pen Surface on Perfonrnance and Bone Characteristics of r
mul Dissertation: "Cyclic Neutron Activation Analysis With a Californium-252 Swine" U `
` _ Neutron Source" ,
Patterson, Kenneth VVilliam, Duluth, MN I
Mand, Lawrence R.°, Shelbyville Major Statistics I ~
Millori Mathenmiics Disseiiotion; ··A study of Monivoiinte U Statistic Techniques With Ap-   l
Dissertation: "A Generalization of Cell-like Mappings" plications to Profile Analysis" §
Don r .
i .
Martin, Gary Edwin, Wilkensburg, PA Patton, Sharon°, \Vatertown, TN l .__`
Major: Phamiaceutical Sciences Major: Biology  
Dissertation: "Studies of the Preparation, Stability and Reactivity of the Dissertation: "Some Studies on the Immune State Produced ip Mice and Ill
Polymcric Mixed Carbonic-Carboxylic Anhydrides" Rats by Hymenolepzs Nana (Cestordea: Hymenolep1drdae)’ pr
I 13  
1 l

Penning, ]ames Michael", Grand Rapids, MI Shapiro, Edith°°, Newton, MA ` We
. . . . . ·
Major: Political Science Major: Psychology , Ml .
Dissertation: "Neighborhood Associations and Land—Use Decision-Making: Dissertation: "The Accuracy of Schizophrenics in Decoding Emotional 1, .d]
The Case of Louisville and Iefferson County, Kentucky" Meaning from Vocal Cues” t Diss'
Place, Overton \Valter°, Lexington Sinback, Christopher Nelson, Louisville i nvm
Major: History . Major: Physiology . M .
Dissertation: "Parliamentary Debate in Great Britain Regarding the War Dissertation: "A Convergent Network of Identified Neurons Modulating .21]
\Vith France, 1793 to 180G" Respiratory Rhythmicity in Aplysia Cnlif0rnica" n Diss'
Quesenberry, Kenneth Hays°, Adairville Slack, Donald Carl"', Meeteetse, VVY i`
Major: Crop Science Major: Agricultural Engineering Win;
Dissertation; "Interspecific Hybridization of Perennial Trifolium Species Dissertation; "Modeling the Uptake of Soil \Vater by Plants" i M,1·
Related to Red Clover" Z Df]
Smiley, Sara udith°, Lexin ton
, . ,. H, . . H
Rattan, lxuldip Singh · , Amritsar, India Major: History i Wil]
NWOT; El¤<·f¤¢=¤l Engmcermg Dissertation: "The Political Career of Thruston B. Morton: The Senate l M,,·`
Dissertation: "Computer-Aided Design of Sampled-Data Control Systems Years, 1956-1968" _`]
Via Complex-Curve Fitting" DISH
Smith Sara Frances Sim sonville
R· I ·t1· S-it°° N‘·hl ‘lI ’ ’ p
~ ‘l¥m°m’ JOM hm (0 ’ lc Oasvl 8 Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling i WO]
Mulori PSy¤l¤¤l<>gy Dissertation: "The Construction and Validation of the Screening Test of i Ma·‘
Dissertation: "Perceived Efl`ort and Incidental Outcome as Detemiinants Ediicgigiomil Prgrgquigite $ki11g" _ 1
of Moral ]udgmcnts of Middle-Class Peruvians: A Social Psychological D‘SS€
Study of Person Perception and Moral Evaluations" _  
Smith, William Owen", Lexington
  ]ohn ninnnn, Lexington Mw PM Piwélogy . . . ,, Wu
. . . . Dissertation: "Puriiicatron and Physrcochemical Studies of Phytochrome ~ M, ·
Major: Electrical Engineering dll
‘ Dissertation: "Characterization and Computation of Phase Characteristics Dissc
Associated With Isolated Infrared, Optical and Ultraviolet Absorption Steger, Harry Leland°°, Boise, ID
B""dS Major: Educational Psychology
Dissertation; "Dimensions and Correlates of Children’s Self-Concept"   Wu,
Robbins, Kittye Dclle°, Starkville, MS ‘ Majt
Millmi French Sterling, Harry ]oseph, ]r., Ashland ` Dissé
Disseixtgzrlgiltanlgz;5;1rg:;;)(;i€II`iI1iig:2ori`r0?gt;l’. Transcendence in the Arthurian Miljorz Civil Engineering ·
‘ Dissertation: "Hydrodynamic Separation of Solids From Solid-Liquid ‘
Mixtures" Yin,
Roberts, Cecilia M,°, San Francisco, CA * Majc
Major; S0€l0l0g}’ Street, james Osborne", Lexington Disssg
Dissertation: "Doctor and Patient: An Exploratory Study of Doctor-Patient NIqjm__ Stlltistics
Relationships in 1 Unrxersity exc ing ospita Dissertation: "Cross-Evaluative Variable Screening and the Multivariate
t-Distribution in General Normal Discriminant Analysis" Your
Robnck, Benjamin Edwin, ]r., Lexington Majc
Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling Tnylnn Marcin Lynn Vg/lncken Winston Snlcnn NC Disse;
D'S$€mm°"° Major: Political Science
Dissertation: "A Computer Simulation of Innovative Decision-Making in
Roodman, Carson David", Louisville O*i1¤¤iZ¤*i°¤$” ` YUUE
Major: Biochemistry V Mil]0
Dissertation: "DNA Polymerase Activities During Erythropoietin Stim- Templin, Thomas Ed\vards°, Lexington Dlssel
nlatcd Erythropoiesis" Niajorz History I
Dissertation: "Henry ‘Light Horse Harry’ Lee: A Biography"
Roscbrough, Robin Hirchcrt°, Flint, MI '
M"i""i Alllmill Scicnccs Theodorakis, Michael C.°°, Chios, Greece
Dissertation: "Behavior, Leaming, and Neural Tissue Electrolytes in I · _ , · _, _·
Young Rabbits From Vitamin A-Deficient Does" Simon Ph`UmaCCuu?°ll Sciences _ . A DOCI
Dissertation: "Preparation and Evaluation of a Polystyrene Resin as ·a _'
Technetium 99m Carrier: A New Radiodiagnostic Agent for Gastric
Schn<·idcr, llarlcy ]., ]r.°°, Mahwah, Nj Emptyinz Time in H¤m¤¤$” Ang
Major: Animal Sciences _ _ ° _ Main:
Dissertation; "Studies on the Development of Mammalian Embroyos T0m€‘$, Dwight TYHVIS y Cimeyvllle Disser
I" V"”’ Major: Crop Science s
Dissertation: "The Production and Cytological Analysis of Anther Derived d
Sekharan, Karuthethil Krishman, Trichur, Kerala H“Pl°‘ds "‘ N'°”t"'"" Species ,
il Major: Physics _ _ E Beck,
‘ l)issi·rtation: "Mcasurcmcnt and Analysis of Neutron Production Cross T“°k°l» Anne N1chOlS’ Lcxmgton Majoi
Sections and Determination of Some Reaction Rates for Nuclear i\’l1ljO1‘: Toxicology Dissen
‘\$“"Pl“'$'°“l C"l°"l"l‘°“$ Dissertation: "An Investigation of Dinitrophenol as a Proton Conductor" . S
Shamckh, Ahmed A.°, Saudi Arabia \Vatts, ]ames Michael, Lexington _ Bron}
Millmi (·€0iZF¤Pl1Y Major: Economics . Majm
Dissertation: "Spatial Patterns of Bedouin Settlement in Al-Qasim Region, Dissertation: "An Investigation Into the Allocation of Resources in the  , Dissen
b*“'d‘ Ambin Electric Power Industry" ·’  K
14 ’
