xt718911pw2d_268 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 108th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 108th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_4/2010ua027_p4_4_3/5589/5589.pdf 1975 May 10 1975 1975 May 10 section false xt718911pw2d_268 xt718911pw2d   •@’• A
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Q Commencement Program
EI One hundred and eighth annual
  i University of Kentucky, Lexington
i t Univeig; , ,.» ,_» .
  MUSOMH     lnjhmvgs _
V Ufiiveé-;;{.___   ` VOA}
L*°‘r"§’*¤¤, ?{err:€uc$ Rogers, AR Davis, Charles Lockhart, Lexington
l Mal": Hlstow Major: Political Science
. DiSs°'*€‘*{°“° _“P°hll°s· P'°h“g“hda·,,“hd the Public Printing: The Ad' Dissertation: "Towa.rd an Explanation of Mass Support for Authoritarian
. mmlsmmoh Organs- 18294849 Regimes: A Case Study of Political Attitudes in Mexico City"
l . . .
i Burris, Walter Roy°, Gainesboro, TN Del Fierro, Alfonso C., ]r.°°, Philippines i
in   Major: Animal Sciences Major; Sociology-Demography `
ly ’ [ Dissertation: "Amino Acid Availability of Isolated Rumen Microbes as Dissertation: "Rural-Urban Migration and Differential Fertility in the i
=i Ailected by Protein Supplement" Philippines"
l H .
l, <
{ 2

Duncan, john Galbraith", Louisville Hager, Paul Calvin", Berea   L
Major: Political Science Major: Higher And Adult Education Y l
Dissertation: “The Impact of Public Opinion of R€P1‘€S€¤i¤ti¤¤8l R0l€ Dissertation: "The Prediction of the Educational Choice of College r  
Orientations" Women" .§ Dl
Edling, Robert ]oe, Grand ]uncti0n, CO Hal?“lt°“· lames lfcwls > lwme `i M
Major; Agricultural Engineering Malmi mall? Phys1°1°gX _ ” 1  
Dissertation: "Vortex Velocity Prediction with_Emphasis Directed Toward Dlssermtlom Changes Durme Cum-lg °f Burley Tobacco i Dll
Vortex Tube Sediment Trap Design" E
Hartwig, Charles Walter, jonesboro, AR i M
El-Difrawi, Ahmed Abdel-Hamid°, Cairo, Egypt Mawr: plplomacy   M
_ , Dissertation: "I-Iealth Policies and National Development in Kenya" li Di:
Major: Physics i ‘
Dissertation: "Fast Neutron Irradiation Effects on Drift Mobility of Holes l,
in N-Type Germanium and Silicon” I’I3.l1SI1€l‘, AI'1tl10Hy Frank, I‘IL1HlIlIlgl0I1, WV  
Major: Social Psychology   M
_ Dissertation: "New Methods to Assess the Behavioral Consequences of l M
Elllclts Mark ROW€°» Atlanta, GA Delinquency Treatment Programs" i Di
Major: History {
Disse;§z‘l?n: "The Repatriation Issue in Soviet-American Relations, 1944- IHC€’ Nurhan Mehmet, Ankara, Turkey  
Major: Diplomacy .`
Dissertation: "Problems and Politics in Turkish Foreign Policy, 1960-1966. A Mi
Ellis, William Elli0tt¤¤, Richmond With I Emphasis on Turkish-United States Relations, the Cyprus   M
_ _ Question, and the Leftist Movement" l
Major: History i Di;
Dissertation: "Edgar Young Mullins: Southern Baptist Theologian, Ad- _
ministrator, and Denominational Leader" JOIIBS, James Edwin, ]1‘.°, Mayfield
Major: Chemical Engineering M‘
_ Dissertation: "A Study of the Dispersion of Sulfu D`oxid_ fom th M~
Enoch, Harry Garfield, Mt. Sterling Paradise Steam pjanw { I 8 Y B _ Di,
Major: Biochemistry ii
Dissertation: "The Role of Selenium and Molybdenum in the Metabolism ?\ a · ;
of Formate and Nitrate in Escherichia C0li" K€lly’ Alfrefl Brown ’ vvlrutelvatélx WI ,1
Major: Agricultural Economics 1,
Dissertation: "An Abstract of the Minimum Resource Decision Criteria to ;l M'
Fitch, Carroll Bruce, JI.-co, Lexington Attain a Specified Income Level for Kentucky Beef Producers" ; M;
Major: Spanish il D"
Dissertation: “El Cavallero Del Cisne—A Critical Edition" Kl0tt€1', ]3.IIl€S Cl`1I`1Sl10pl'1€I‘, BOOI1€Vlll€  
Major: History i
° Dissertation: "The Breckinridges of Kentucky: Two Centuries of Leader- li M4
Flatt, Don F .° , Morehead ship" ` Mi
Major: History l Di.
Disseglxggilz "I·Iistorians View ]acksonian Democracy: A Historiographical Koontz, John vVilliam¤’ Richmond, IN  
Major: Biochemistry ‘i
Dissertation: "Galactose and Arabinose Metabolism in Pseud0monas" ll Mi
Ganesan, Pasupathy, Lexington y M;
Major: Metallurgical Engineering Krueger, David Walter°, Paducah Dis
Dissertation: "Pl1ase Transformations in Beta III Titanium" Major: History
Dissertation: "Party Development in Indiana, I800—IB32" Q
Garrison, Charles E.°, Greenville, NC _ _ iw _ ` M1
Maim, Sociology Lanier, David Dale , Amite, LA l gl:
Dissertation: "Pre-College Variables Allecting College Student Church Maloli Clllllcal Psychology ii ls
Attcndancc" Dissertation; "The Personality and Attitudes of Kentucky Police OfficerS"  
`] Mt
cosrks, Thomas Peter°, Waukesha, wi l—e<{¤ei
  • r¤hi¤e= Dissertation: eiziroor of High Calcium imsko oo Phosphorus Metabolism C""lP°llll"€ Dlmllsm Versus ll€°€‘Pl°l' Dllallsm and the Availability of Various Phosphorus Sources in Equine" E ML ; Ma . . . . . ov · ; . Guimaraes, Christine V. L., Maadi, Cairo, Egypt I-·°W€nb€lg» Calla Yvonne » Lmcolni NE i Dlsl Major; Diplomacy Major: Anthropology ; Dissertation: “Program Loans as a Device to Influence Brazil’s Economic DiSS€1‘fi1li0l1¤ "Identificati¤n and Fulfillment of Needs of me Elderly 0l'l Policy Decisions During the Decade of the Sixties" Skye, Scotland—A Social Network Analysis" Q, ll Mu il Ma l` Dis: 12 li E l l . { ~. 'l ` i ` .l l ji Luszczynska, Laura B.", Orono, ME Navarro, Enrique, Caracas, Venezuela H Major: Spanish Major: Geology ll egg _: Dissertation: "Cesar Vallejo: El Poema Y El Mundo" Dissertation: "Petrogenesis of the Eclogitic Rocks of Isla de Margarita, j; Venezuela" - Maddox, Robert Franklin", St. Albans, WV l Major: History Nelson, James Wilbur", Lincoln, NE Dissertation: "Senator Harley M. Kilgore and World War II" Malofi Bl0Ch€ITli$tl'Y g Dissertation: "The Purification and Characterization of the Mutant B- Galactosidase from E. coli Mlll" · j Makiya, Cornelia Thompson", Frankfort l Major: French . . . ’ Dissertation: "Charles Sorels Polyandre, Historic Comique Microcosm of NC¥vlll'nO’_V_lllC€llt ‘lOlllll’ L""‘l“gl°“ j the Noblesse dc R0be" Ma]Or: Clinical Psychology . Dissertation: "The Factorial Structure of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Qi Scales: A Critical Reevaluation" Mattingly, Charles F., Springfield :es of l Major; Agronomy . . l Dissertation: "Isolation and Characterization of Nullihaploids and Nulli- N€ll’ Paul E_dWalld’ Loulsvllle somics from Monosomic Nicotikma Tabacum Lines by Anther and MBJOTI EDgl1$h g Tissue Culture Techniques" Dissertation: "A Closer Look at the Mind and Art of Edgar Allen Poe" .1966, T McConnell, Sherrill Redm0n’°, Louisville Newburger, ]erold°°, Philadelphia, PA lYP"lS ·j Major: History Major: Pharmacy i Dissertation: "DeBunlf¤ M¤Th€m¤ti€$ Tamberino, Edward Elia°, Nashville, TN Dissertation: "Entrophy of Ring Endomorphisms" hlajorl Psychology V\ Dissertation: "Influence of Parental Involvement on Level of Aspiration M Schiller, Marilyn Verena°°, Louisville in Asthmatic Children Diilerentiated on an Allergic B¤sis" ` D Major: French _l Dissertation: "Deed and Idea: A Study of Corneille and Racine in Their Taylor, Richard La“,1·€nc€¤7 Louisville ` Dramatic Treatment of the Berenrce Theme . . l Vl Major: English l Dissertation: "Roots and Wings: The Poetry of ]ames \Vright" M Schwertman, Neil C.°, Georgetown D Major: Statistics . . . . Dissertation: "The Analysis and Testing of Hypotheses Using Growth TIG? Y€1·Ljung’ Chu FEL Talwan Curve Data with Missing Observations" l\¢I9.]Of: C1V1l EDg1I1€€1‘11'1g j V` Dissertation: "Local Buckling of Plates and Sections of Flexural Members M _ _ U d St G.d‘ t" r · Scale, \€Vllll2lHI Edward, Owensboro n Er mss m len ° D Major; Agricultural Economics _ Dissertation: "Factor Elasticities, Marginal Productivities and Returns Toohey, ROl)€l°t El-lg€U€, Paris to Scale for Selected Grain Farms in the Lower Ohio Valley Region Major; History of kentucky Dissertation: "British Radical Solutions to Imperial Problems 1774-1776" * S-lv Eli rt° \1 Y k NY .. . . i D L l_§"man’_ _ 10 ’ 1 BW OT ’ Trujillo, Vicente, Texcoco Edo de, Mexico Major: Clinical Psychology Mq.Or_ An. IN tftio 3 Dissertation: "The Effect of Phobic Obervers of Viewing a Model Who is _°l ' _ ul-la ll 1 n Q Z; Similar on a Rclwnnt Dimcnsionn Dissertation: Protein and Energy Eflects on Performance and Carcass ll / Quality of Swine" ll. H D Shackclford, ]ean Ann°, Manhattan, KS _ _ li Major: Economics Tuthill, Stuart Brent, Lexington Dissertation: "An Inquiry into the Growth Characteristics of Intermediate lllalmli Soclology Sized Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas" Dissertation: “Evaluating Alternative Path Models: An Application of l Covariance Structure Analysis" Slialdishir, Shukri Radi, Amman, ]ordan li D Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Ulbanlr Franco, Caracas, V€¤€ZU€l?~ i Dissertation: Part I: "Studies on thc Release of Covalently Bound Car- l\’I3.jOI': Geology ll°¥Yll'¤ Amd fmln P”lY"l°l'_ SUPPOYYH _ _ _ Dissertation: "Phase Equilihria and Spatial Extent of Chemical Equilihra- l Part II; "Arraerobic Photodecomposition of an Acridan Drug tion gf hiigmatite Rocks from Colorado, U.S.A., and Venezuela" V A Through Energy Transfer" i N I S D sings, Bhagwan, straw, inria Walker, Judy CML L¤¤¤SV·ll<¢ Major; Animal Sciences Nlalmi _Fr€ll?h _ _ _ U Dissertation: "Levels of Prostaglandin Furi in Ewe Blood Serum During Dlssermtmm The Umly Gl Cymno de Bergemcs lmagmmry Voyages l the Estrous Cycle, Pregnancy and Following Heat-Stress" · B S QH I M _ I Walker, Roger Dean", Lexington N ‘ "‘l_lr* ‘ "_°y M‘ _ > spl-mgllc d Major: Animal Sciences il D hlillori Animril Sciences Dissertation: "The Eilect of Epistasis on Several Metric Traits in ll Dissertation: "Calcium Metabolism in the Chick" Tribolium Custaneum" El 14 l i ii i { . Weckbach, Lana Sue", Covington Bryant, Pauline Core°, Louisville Malor: Animal Sciences Major: Education Readin , _ _ , g [etched i Dissertation: ‘Effect of Heat Treatments and Days of Storage on Psy- Dissertation: "Der’ining Low-Achieving, Inner-City Third-Grade Students’ 1 ¤h1‘0h'0Pl¤iC GYOWY}1 mid Selected C0mP0¤€HiS of Milk" Preferred Reading Modality Through Prediction Equations and \ Computer Simulation" Wesley, David Paul, London l Major; Chemistry §ihandleé,dB1lly HLigh,dOwensboro egos in l Dissertation: "Electron Transfer of Carba