xt718911pw2d_267 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 107th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 107th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_4/2010ua027_p4_4_2/5529/5529.pdf 1974 May 11 1974 1974 May 11 section false xt718911pw2d_267 xt718911pw2d   Hgh
  Commencement Program
    UniVQf$ltY 6'chwci North
l M aret l. Kin'! Llbrary
l argUnivcrsity 0l Kentucky
W I-€Xll'\gtOnl Kentucky  
Y One hundred and seventh annual
ll University of Kentucky, Lexington
  Saturday, May eleventh, nineteen hundred and seventy—four
  ' '·§·• •·§ •O·@’O\·§’• •

Albert G. Clay, Chairman
Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secretary
\xVilliam R. Black  
W. Stanley Burlew
Mrs. Robert O. Clark Q
Richard E. Cooper  
]ohn R. Crockett l
]ames L. Flegle
Eugene Goss J
George W. Griffin if
Garvice D. Kincaid  
Paul Oberst  
Zirl A. Palmer  
Frank Ramsey, ]r.  
Homer W. Ramsey  
Paul G. Sears  
\Villiam B. Sturgill lg
]ames A. Sutherland  E
]ohn R. Woodyard, M.D.  
Otis A. Singletary, President
Alvin L. Morris, Vice President for Administration
Peter P. Bosomworth, Vice President for the Medical Center _
Lewis VV. Cochran, Vice President for Academic Affairs [
Lawrence E. Forgy, ]r., Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer  
Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations l
M. Stanley \Vall, Vice President for the Community College System
Robert G. Zuinwinkle, Vice President for Student Affairs

{ One Hundred Seventh Annual

  University Marshal
Q Professor Robert O. Evans
, The National and University Colors
  The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees
g from the College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentishy
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Architecture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Allied Health Professions
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Home Economics
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Library Science
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Social Professions
The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of the College of Agriculture
The Faculty of the College of Engineering
The Faculty of the College of Law
The Faculty of the College of Education
The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
The Faculty of the College of Medicine
The Faculty of the College of Nursing
The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
The Faculty of the College of Architecture T
The Faculty of the College of Allied Health Professions
The Faculty of the College of Home Economics
  The Faculty of the College of Library Science
1 The Faculty of the College of Social Professions
i The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges
l The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative Officials l
The Vice Presidents l
The Oilicial Guests
The Governor and the Board of Trustees
The President of the University of Kentucky L

5 -  
The exercises of the one hundred and seventh annual commencement are enacted lg
` today at the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each
year on campuses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the  _
graduates’ years of study and preparation for responsibility. l
The following description of the academic pageantry is provided for your interest.
l The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum ·
A through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and followed by the l
Color Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University banner. The  
University Marshal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the endorsement of the l
State and the University. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march behind the
identification banner of the respective colleges which recommended them for their
The order of march is as follows:
The candidates for advanced degrees to include
Graduate School
College of Law
College of Medicine
College of Dentistry
The candidates for degrees:
` College of Arts and Sciences
College of Agriculture .
College of Engineering
College of Education
College of Business and Economics
College of Pharmacy
College of Nursing
College of Architecture
College of Allied Health Professions
College of Home Economics
College of Library Science
College of Social Professions
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of l
Kentucky march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and b
universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to
the platform the Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary
degree recipients, alumni award recipients, University of Kentucky Research Foundation
faculty research award recipients, Philip D. and Elsie O. Sang award recipient, Sullivan
award recipients, the Vice Presidents, guests, state officials, and finally, the President
of the University. The Trustees of the University can be identified by their blue gowns
with white panels. They wear blue caps with blue tassels.

  All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University
officials, faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The
, basic color for most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different
degrees wear distinctive tassels on their caps (called mortarboards) and hoods of various
hues draped down the backs of the gowns.
§ Candidates for Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the
E tassel appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with
; the exception of those who already hold Doctors' degrees and are privileged to wear
? gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National
Anthem, and prayers, men in academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The
authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences—Black Medicine—Green
Agriculture—Maize Nursing—Apricot
Engineering—Orange Dentistry—Lilac
Law—Purple Architecture—Brown
Education—Light Blue Allied Health Professions—Light Green
Business and Economics—Drab Home Economics—Maroon
Pharmacy-Olive Green Library Science—Lemon
Social Professions—Citron
The gown for the Bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn
closed. The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like
the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of
its oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is
designed and supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The
gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell-shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars .
(usually black but sometimes other colors depending on the degree).
The Bachel0r's hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate ,
color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue
and white at Kentucky.
The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes (
more of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the A
I person is receiving.
S The Doct0r’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the
wide panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The {
colors of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine,  
and purple for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctors’ degrees are purple for laws,  
white for letters, and golden yellow for science. A
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has
been conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree
consists in his being formally invested with the hood. {
5 i.

 W W
\ W
Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater!
Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice united; ‘
To the breeze her colors fling.
To the blue and white be true;
W Badge triumphant age on age;  
Blue, the sky that o’er us bends; Q
White, Kentucky’s stainless page. `
_ Hail thee ever, old Kentucky!  
Glorious is thy heritage; Q
Proud thy name and thy traditions;  
Proud thy place on history’s page!  
May we ne’er forget thy fame  
Mother of the great and free;  
May we 'er uphold thy name, W
Old Kentucky, hail to thee!
° Words by Iosephine Funkhouser
Music by Carl A. Lampert
Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? V
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Cave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

V Otis A. Singletary, President
STAR SPANGLED BANNER ........................................................ (Francis Scott Key)
‘ INVOCATION .................................................................... Reverend Lawrence Hehman
I Catholic Newman Center
§ INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS ................................................ President Singletary
  GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ..........................,..... Mr. Charles Landrum, ]r.
t REMARKS ........................................................................................ President Singletary
  Dean Art Gallaher Dean ]oseph Hamburg
  College of Arts and Sciences College of Allied Health Professions
  Dean Charles Barnhart Dean Marjorie Stewart
  College of Agriculture College of Home Economics
2 Dean James Funk Dean Lawrence Allen
I College of Engineering College of Library Science
Dean George Denemark Dean Ernest VVitte
College of Education College of Social Professions
Dean Charles Haywood Dean Wimberly Royster
College of Business and Economics Graduate School
Dean ]oseph Swintosky Dean George W. Hardy
College of Pharmacy College of Law
Dean Marion McKenna Dean William ]ordan
College of Nursing College of Medicine
Dean Anthony Eardley Dean Harry Bohannan
College of Architecture College of Dentistry
RESEARCH FOUNDATION FACULTY AVVARDS ............ President Singletary
ELSIE O. SANG AWARD .................................................... President Singletary
PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ............................ President Singletary
‘ Professor Holman Hamilton, University Orator
CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ............................ President Singletary
Professor Hamilton
ALMA MATER .................................................................................. (Carl A. Lampert)
BENEDICTION ............................................................ Reverend William Ray ]ennings
First United Methodist Church
Professor Arnold Blackburn, Organist .
Mr. Manthis Manchikes, Announcer

Ivan ]ett
Ervin ]. Nutter
Frank L. Stanley
l William R. Willard
Elizabeth Hardwick

l l
· i
E z
` D
{ Am
l M
y   D1
 , Ar
' Ma
_ Di:
* Ar
, Dis
‘ Ba
‘ Mz
W B0
° Degree awarded August 8, 1973
°° Degree awarded December 21, 1973 Bu;
"’°" Degree not previously awarded will be conferred May 11,  
1974, if all requirements are met

 I; ,,,,,,L,L,(L.._..,—..—... e — V — — — #  · ~ · · - .... ’  -.......-  7  
l _
l Graduate School
i Dean: Wimberly Calvin Royster
l .
l Doctor of Philosophy Buxton, jack Willard°, Lexington
Major: Plant Physiology
D" rtt':"Gl M bl' ‘R Hb'da"
Adams, Wallace Palmer, Stroudsburg, PA me A mn ucose eta 0 ism m Usa y n
Malon Phalmaceutics Carroll, Richard R.", Wooster, OH
Dissertation: "Kinetics and Reaction Mechanism of Phenoxybenzamine Ni . _ E .
Decomposition in Aqueous and Aqueous Ethanolic Solutions" aim" conomlcs
Dissertation: "The Structure of Employment in the Area Development
l Agrawal, Suphai Flo ii, Lexington Districts of Kentucky, 1960-1970: Analysis and Implications"
j Major: Metallurgical Engineering i i i Caro,) Ronald Hadoiiro Lexington
i Dissertation: "Low Temperature Deformation of a-T1tan1um" MajOr_ Chemical Engineering ~
` _ _ D' i-tt' : "C tr-t' P H1 ' T G DH '
Alexanclral<1s,N1cos Emmanuel", Athens, Greece ‘“°S;§§’,,’§»» °“°°° " ‘°“ '° °‘ ‘“ " °""’“’ “°°“S ‘ ““°“
Major: Economics
Dissertation: "Tourism as a Leading Sector in Economic Development: Chen, Ch1·P0¤°, TZIWZH
A Case Study of Greece ’ Major; Pharmacology
Dissertation: "Active Transport of Myoinositol in the Isolated Choroid
Anderson, ]ohn Lynn, Louisville P1exuS"
Major: Geography _ _
Dissertation: "Spatial Patterns of Human Fertility in India: A Geo- Chl;lgh> Ashok Kl{mar¤°> Amntsm-*1ndm
graphical Analysis" Major: Civil Engineering
Dissertation: "Stress Analysis of Multilayer Plates Considering Local Ma-
 i Anderson, Russell Wayne, Fulton terial Failures and Interlayer Slip"
j Major: History _ _ _
= Dissertation: "The Abandonment of British Naval Supremacy, 1918-1920" Clasksom Wlulam L/I'°°> Lexington
r Major: Spanish
i Angus, Wallace Wie, Lexington Dissei1;Ii;.lt;o1i;u;"Ig1l;:r(£`1o;1{r;;iiaHon of the Hero Construct in Selected Spanish
Major: Biochemistry
1 Dissertation: "Metabolism of Phosphatidylinositol in Yeast" Cook, enniiger Mar meta, Lexin On
. . Major: Special Education—Emotionally Disturbed
  Barfetn Barbara COrhSs’ Plankmtom SD Dissertation: "Programmed Tutoring in Reading: A Study of the Use of `
Malori English Out-of-School Neighborhood Youth Corps Enrollees as Tutors to Low-
Dissertation: “Elizabeth C. Gaskell: Her Ideas and Art" Achieving Behaviorally Disordered Children in the Regular Classrooms
of an Inner-City Elementary School"
Bartell, Daniel Paul°, Lexington _
Major: Entomology Cook, Wayne. Lee, Lexington
Dissertation: “Curculio:1i.s· (Thomson) and Baihyplectes Anurus (Thom- Malori Chemistry A
soo), and Their Effect gn the Growth, Development, ood Tissues of Dissertation: "Synthesis of Some Organoboron—Nitrogen Heterocycles and 1
Their Host, Hypera Postibu (Gyllenhal)" Related C¤mP0¤¤d$”
Bono,) James EU Moiganiiold Cottingham, Diane Marie°, Jacksonville, AL
Major: Agricultural Economics Mal": Bwchemlstry _ _ _ _
, Dissertation: "An Economic Analysis of Retail Fertilizer Markets in North- D1ss°:nt:;°2;_ ];;;’:y§'i?:;";?;1Oiig;;fEh°sls and Rcphcatmn °f Bl°°k C°p°ly`
‘  east Thailand"
· Bond, Clifford Waltoieei Buiioioi NY Couto, Richard Anthony°°, Lawrence, MA
Maioi.: Microbiology Major: Political Science i i
Dissertation: .iTempeiBture_sensitivE Mutants of Meugovimsn Dissertation: Poverty, Politics and Health Care: The Experience of One
Appalachian County
Bryce, Gale Rex, Spanish Fork, UT Cuyley, Michael D., Biiighiimieii, NY
M==¤1¤r= _$t¤¤S¤¤S _ _ _ _ Major: Economics
Dissertation: HA C°mPs"s°“ °f Pssufss F'St*msu°s “"th Regus *0 the Dissertation: "Investment Behavior and Institutional Change in Rural V i
Split Plot Repeated Measures Design” South vietnam--
Burtner, Dale Kenneth, ]r.’°, Lexington Darley, Henry Merricl<°°, Lexington  
Major: Mathematics Major: Physics
9~Y ]~]·¤ Dissertation: "Indicat0rs of the Growth of Entire Functions on Several Dissertation: "Radiation Damage in Metal-Semiconductor Tunnel June- i
Variables and in Banach Spaces" t:ions" A
11 A

>   Q
j i
i Dorson, ]ohn Wesley", Lexington Hammack, Jmes W., ]r., Murray 1 I,
Major: Biochemistry Major: History L
Dissertation: "Reaction Characteristics of Terminal Riboadenylate Trans- Dissertation: "Kentucky and Anglo-American Relations, 1803-1815" ‘ I
r ferase from Calf Thymus Glands"
Doty Rnbnn Len, nnvnnnn ‘ Han, Tong-Whi°°, Seoul, Korea
I Major: English glgerlrziticeiirrrlrrillycolate Excretion by the Blue-Green Alga Anacystis Nidu- ·  
l Dissertation: "A Plumbline in His Hand: The Clergyman as Social Prophet kms., ` l E
‘ in Victorian Fiction" .
r Dougherty, Edward I·I.°, Shawnee, KA Harlrahmb ph?u`l€$ E·°°» Algxandfia, VA   5
Major, Clinical] Psychology Major: AgrioulturalEconom1cs I ' D
Dissertation: "The Effects of Reward and Punishment Interactions on the Drss°rrflt“?r‘i _P'·‘blr°nB“dg€r Errects Or Eastern Kentucky Mrgrarmrl to  
Development of Resistance to Transgression in Children" Cmcmmrth Ohm it
Drews, ]oel Edmund, Clinton, IA . Harsokoesoemo, Darmawan’°°, Lexington I;
i Major: Animal Nutrition Major: Engineering Mechanics D
Dissertation: "Diet Effects on Body Composition of Swine" Dissertation: "A Constitutive Equation for Mild Steel Applicable to a
Wide Spectrum of Strain Rates"
Eichmann, Raymond°, Fayetteville, AK j
Major: French Haughton, Virginia Floy"’°, Tulsa, OK ll K
Dissertation: "Oral Composition and the Fabliaux, a Study in Generic l\’laj0r: History   N
Evolutiimn Dissertation: "]ohn Worth Kem and Wils0n’s New Freedom: A Study of   D
a Senate Majority Leader" T
‘ Erlen, ]onathon°, Lexington it
Major: History Hays, Charles", College Station, TX j` I;
Dissertation: "The Executive-Legislative Controversy Over Military Con- Major: Engineering  
trol in Virginia, 1689-1763: Virginia During the Four Colonial Wars Dissnnnnnn: ,,Sn_nngtnening Mechanisms in Iron nt 30OG Kn j D
§;°rren*§°ra?d P‘ ’ Lexmgren Hess, Allen Kenneth°°, Lexington   5
ajor: ocio ogy M - _ P 1 1 .
Dissertation: "An Exploration of Medication Practices as a Health and .a]0r' . Sycio ogy. . . .   D
Illness Behnvion, Dissertation: Indoctrmation of Two Types of Criminal Offenders as a .
Function of Altered Arousal Conditions" `
' 00 L
3¤*?*<=· <餤?_*·£ Lee » Bl=··=‘
Major: Metallurgical Engineering Mawr; _S°C1(2}Ogy _ _ _ _ _ ¤_ Lt
Di sscr tation: ··MecnaSmS ot erm cam emma.-H. in Ampeheas D¤SS€j,*¤*·¤¤=B gggslagg of P¤*g¤¤==*_§y ¥*¤·=gml,g°<:¤S¤M$:Ve A*¤*¤·*e M
Poly   vinylcilrbnzole) Filmry mODg U 1St Efgymall 98. ETS IH Ollt V1€tH8I'1'l  
Glasgow, Glenn Patrick, Columbia Horchkissf Shawn Kaye, Eau Clairet WI M
Major: Physics Mellor; Mrcrebrorogy _ M
Dissertation: "'I`he Gamma Radiations, Neutron Inelastic Scattering Cross Drsseggrregrr fsgudreelelrfgrrremesemes rrrrd Spmdresner Here Cells and the Di
Sections, and Nuclear Structure of "i"Z\/ and °*Z\/." ec S 0 eme rr r rrers en Mrrerre Processes -.
Cranneman, G. Richard", spaagiieid, IL Hsu. Cham; $¤m¤€L Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China Mi
` Major: Chemistry M¤i<>r= Ch€mi$U’}’ M
Dissertation; "C{,;-TmnS {some,-ism in the py,-gdy] Anajogues of Amber., Dissertation: "Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Three-, Four-, and Di;
z9ne" Five-Membered Heterocyclic Compounds of Sulfur, Oxygen and
Graves, Donald Hubert, Versailles H I n C l_ _ _n M'
Major: Agricultural Economics ug ree’ re rr Ome rus’ Leursvr e  
Dissertation: "Altemative Marketing Strategies: A Linear Programming Nrruori rrrerery _ _ Dr:
Application to Kentucky snwmi]]S" Dissertation: “Alfonso Salmerén: His \Vork at the Council of Trent"
Groutas, Vasihos Constantine", Lexington Imholt, Robert joseph, Cincinnati, OH Mi
MHIOV Ch€miSU'Y Major: History Di;
Dissertation: "Base-Induced "Reactions of Some Activated Halides in Dissertation: "Bey0nd Slavery: The Transformation of Issues in the
Drpolar Aprotnc Solvents Politics of New York 1857—1860"

 ui `
l Isarangkura, Rungruang, Lexington McNeill, ]ohn Wayne, Canyon, TX
Major: Soil Science Major: Animal Sciences
l V Dissertation; "Accumulation and Distribution of Zinc on Corn Plants Re- Dissertation: "Ovine Maltase Response to Form and Level of Carbo-
ceiving Foliar and Root Application of Zinc" hydrate"
| ]a°$°m€· DOIBIES W" # L¤¤·¤v¤“€ Michaelis, Elias K.°, Lexington
Nidu- j Mawr: Svaglsh _ _ _ A L H Major: Physiology
, Dlssertahom The C¤¤¤¤·S*¤d¤* Figure m G°‘d€“ ge (mers Dissertation: "Demonstration and Characterization of the Glutamic Acid
, Receptor from Rat Brain Synaptic and Crayfish Muscle Membranes"
  Kapadia, Cawas Maneck, Bombay, India
' Major: Metallurgical Engineering . .
. t { Dissertation: "Grain Boundary Mobility in Anion Doped Magnesium Ml(?haISky’ Jfmeph Jam ]r" R‘Chl‘“‘d· WA
‘°“ ° j Oxidg Major: Physics
  Dissertation: "Vertical Structure of the Upper Jovian Atmosphere"
l Katanyukul, \Veerawooth°’°, Thailand
Major; E¤tOm0lOgY Miller, Carl Eli°, Irvington
Dissertation: "Survival of Eggs and Larvae of the Tobacco Homworm, · _ · · ·
’ to a Munduca Sexta (L.) on Various Host Plants and Effects of Trichome Nlalolx _AuH§al Sclences _ I I f _ f V I
E*··d=·*e on Egg *’m**:¤·" D““£‘:?5?.‘;?‘F€L‘A"?X$§£§S S23 L‘Zf"XE§?;i‘§ -i.§2;i?;’;‘.: °:,.§§”%?&:§L‘a Z;
j Glucose, Beta-Hydrokybutyrate and Acetate Singh; or Coadministered"
lj Krishnamoorthy, Sadagopan, Poona, India
{ Major: Mechanical Engineering o
udy of   Dissertation: "Kinematic Synthesis of Adjustable Four-Bar Lindage Mech- MOOr€’ B(?bby Owen # Fort DOdg€’ LA
ji anisms" Major: Microbiology
YK Dissertation: "Type Specific Antigenicity of Group C Streptocci from `
la Kruzeln Raymond George, FL Walton Beach, FL Diseases of the Horse, land. the Serological Response of Horses to `
l . . Streptococcus Equr Vaccination
g Major: Physics
i Dissertation: "Lifetime Study of °"Ar and Gamma—Ray Study of °°Tc"
Morgan, Larry C.‘°°, Sturgis
Leach, Wesley' Buie, Lexington Major: Agricultural Economics
‘ Major; Higher Education Dissertation: "An Economics Analysis of Out-Migration from a Depressed
h Dissertation: “Institutional Profile and ]ob Satisfaction: A Study of Three Rural Ama
S 85 H   Levels of University Administrators"
Motlow ]ohn Perry Palmetto FL
Ledford, Manfred Harwood°°, San Francisco, CA Major bhemistry ’ ’
A Major: Economics Dissertation: "The Synthesis of Some Imidazoquinoline Compounds as
y Dissertation: "The Retail Distilled Spirits Industry in Kentucky" Potential Antibactei-ia] Agemg"
L d Tl M. L VA .
Eclmr ’ _ mums _’_ O1-tOn’ Muse, Henry David, Florence, AL
~ Major: Animal Nutrition . . .
. , ,. . . . . . ,, Major: Statistics
Dissertation: Factors Influencing Cellulose Digestion in the Eguine _ _ H ____ _
_ Dissertation: Companson of Designs to Estimate Variance Components in
AX1Ym· a Two-\Vay Classification Model"
Elected Levan, Jerome H.°, Richmond
Major: Mathematics _ _ ·
` Dissertation: ashape Theory, Na ·Nagara Tawachai, Bangkok, Thailand
· Major: Physics
· Q. L0Ckn1_d’ Jnycn M' P-,] Lexington Dissentlaéignn ggggnltaneous Diffusion and Mass Flow of Nitrate Nitrogen `
Nudes Major: Microbiology `
Dissertation: "Studies of the Replicase of Mengovirus" ,
Nayle, Robert Lee", Richmond  
Madrigal, ]osé Antonio", Auburn, AL Major: Higher Education
Major; Spanish Dissertation: "A Comparative Study and Prediction of the Academic Per-
md the Dissertation: "La Function Del Hombre Salvaje En El Teatro de Lope de gmnancfi of TWITJYSM College Transfers and Native Students at
·— Vega, Tirso de Molina Y Calderon de La Barca" astem entucky mverslty
11://{al/H€l(}%d]°S€Ph N{¤¤D¤¤ald· Bowlmg Green Nishimuta, ]ohn F rancis", McAlester, OK
_a]Or' _ ucatlmm P€y°h°l°gy Ma`or: Animal Nutrition
I- and D1ssertat1on· "A Comparison of Interaction Style of Mothers of Conduct I
'# . ' . . ,, Dissertation: “Ruminant Response to Soybean Meal Treated with Heat, {
’“ and D‘s°‘d°‘°d and Ncndlsmdered Chlldmn Formalin, Tannic Acid, or a Urea—For-Maldchyde Product" V
McFadyen, ]ames B., ]r.°, Lexington `
Major: Economics Noronha, ]osé F.°°, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dissertation: "Post-Vtfar Southern Manufacturing: Concentrations and Major: AgtiCultu1‘z1l Economics `
" Facmr Imensmes Dissertation: "A Study of Allocative Efliciency at the Farm Level in l
Southem Brazil" `
McKinney, Thomas R., San Marcos, TX l
Major: Biology ., . . .  
{ Dissertation: "The Geology of and Comparison Between Three Species of POR;-ld1c’ Vulafhn O°’ l?€lgr?d’ Yugoslavla f.
in the Cave Beetles of the Genus Pseudanophthalmus (Coleopleru: Carra- Malori Chemlcal Engineering  
sldael Dissertation: "Pseudo lastic Thin-Film Flow" Q`
p zl
13 Y
; j

} 1
Powell, james Kerry, Owensboro Smith, Daniel B.°, Lexington l
Nlajor: English Major: Agricultural Economics l
Dissertation: “The Theatre of the Mind in Late Victorian Literature" Dissertation: "An Evaluation of the Competitiveness of Beef Cattle Pro- I
l duction for Resource Use in Selected Areas of Kentucky" {
l W
P 'c , o Anna Sae isa Manchester, MD _ _ _ _ —
rl .€ I gl ’ Smith, Sharron Williams, Rockv1lle, MD i lt
Major: French _ _ _ h _ l
l Dissertation: "Marguerite de France—Literary Patroness of the Renaiss:mce" MalOl· Bloc €l'ill$tl'Y ` l
` Dissertation: "The Isolation and Identification of a Group of Sphingo-
° lipids Containing Inositol and Phosphorus from Saccharomycees ,
Ququs William H Lexington Cerevisiae and Neurospora Crassa" ~
‘ s *!
A Major: Higher Education l
Dissertation: "'I`he Development and Application of Curriculum Materials Snepnrdjm Siswadhn Bogon Indonesia _ ]t
to Attempt Increasing Knowledge and Improving Attitudes Toward . _ . . . g I
Man _ _ _ and the Envnnnmenw Major. Agricultural Englneermg E.
Dissertation: "The Changes of Soil-Moisture Content Due to Temperature  
Gradient in Unsaturated Soil" Q
g Quisenberry, Virgil Lee, Reynolds Station f \
M¤i0*= Soil Science _ _ _ _ Sparrow, Wendall Keats°, Kinston, NC A
Dissertation: "Soil-\Vater Percolation and Displacement Relative to Initial M , _ E 1, h [
\Vater Content Under Field and Laboratory Conditions" aim.- ng ls
Dissertation: "From Theory to Achievement in the Poetry of A. E. Hous- ‘i
man" { _
Ramanan, Pasupathy°, Lexington   ll
Maier: Cliernienl Engineering Strorrr, Lilia Dapaz°, Frankfort . ll
Dissertation: "Radial Distribution Function, Friction Coefficients and Self- Major, Spanish   ii:
Diffusivities of Liquids and Dense Gases: Reduced State Correlations , ` , U ____ ,
y and Imencknionships., Disseglzgignée I;`2;:s5r(;a1¢%t;aL(YP;{;§;og]anng;a’ En Las Paces De Los Reyes Y  
· V
. . *· · . . . E it
Rllslmkci Momice ’ Lexmgmn Sukhapesna, Vrclntr, Lexington   D
M=¤¤r= 50* Sem Mm. Veterinary sam »
Dissertation; "Potassium Relations of Six Alluvial Soils from Central and _ _ ‘ _ t
vvestern Kentucky- Dissertation: ‘ A Study of the Morphological Features of Kentucky Iscolates {
of Haemonchus Spp. and the Biological Inter-Relationships with l V
Special Reference to Drug Resistance" l N
Reed, Anna Kremer°°, \Vilmore   D
liiiiililii English Swatos, William Henry°, Lawrenceburg E
Dissertation: "The Tether and Pang of the Particular—A Study of the NIa·OI._ Sociolo Z
F ·` fT l ‘hE l'h1 fAbh " l` gy l Vi
ummm 0 ypo ogy m t E ng is P ays 0 ra am and Issac Dissertation: "Monopolism, Pluralism, Acceptance, and Rejection: Toward ' N
an Integrated Model for Church-Sect T heory" l 1;
Ripy, Thomas Beebe°°, Memphis, TN i
' Miiloii Political S€i€¤€€ Talmage, ]ohn Edward, ]r.", Oak Ridge, TN
Dissertation: "Changes in the Formal Structure of Municipal Govemment · , ·
and Their Effect on Selected Aspects of the Legislative Process: A Nla]01-` l°hY$}°S _ _ _ H Vi
Case Study nf Memphis, Tnnnnssey Dissertation: Transport of Resonance Radiation m Argon M
V ` D1
Rizza, Victor", Newington, CN Taylor, Marvin Eclward°°, Cleveland, TN
Major: Biochemistry Nlaloli Spilillsll _ _
Dissertation: "Gluconzite Metabolism in Pseudomonas; Obligatory Involve- Dissertation: "Re1ig1ous Problems in the Novels of Emilia Parrle Bazan W
ment of the Electron Transport System" ’ M
Taylor, Richard Lawrence, Louisville D5
Rowclen, David Walter° °, Ft. \Vorth, TX Major; English `
l`/liljOl`§ Sociology Dissertation: "Roots and Wings: The Poetry of James \Vright"
Dissertation: "A Study of Staff Perceptions of Patients in an Emergency W
Room" l
The, Paul ]oe Wie", Lexington , M
· ' · . I . . · D"
Rusmm, Simon, Lexington Malon Chemlcal Engmgermg _ - I
\I'. _ . 1 Dissertation: "A Cationic Surfactant as a Soluble Ion Exchanger in the
. .1]01‘. B10 Ogy V Continuous Foam Fractionation of SCN, I, CIOs, NOa, Br, Bron, and e W
Dissertation: "Biochemical Induction of Haploid Fruiting in Schizophyillum NO2" '
Commune" M;
_ a Di:
, _ u _ _ Thuente, David R. , St. Paul, MN
Samsonofl, William Alexander , Richmond Hills, NY Major. English " 
l\lz1]0r: ·l\llC1‘OlJlOl0gy Dissertation: "Channels of Feeling: George Eliot’s Search for the Natural ·
D1SS€i’§(\il0D2 "Ultrastructural Observations of Selected Anaerobic Spore Bases of Religion"
omiing Bacteria"
Tsen , Richard au Yu Tai ei Taiwan China
Schumacher, Richard William, Lexington Main? Civil Engineering P l l DC
Major- Plmt Physiology Dissennion -· · · ·
· . t . : A Study of Liquefactxon of Sand by Torsion Shear Test"
Dissertation: "Metabolism of Metribuzin in Soybeans and Soil"
Ulloa ]usto Celso°i’ jacksonville FL All
` Y ° , ) I l
S;'g;1vc;i·]ne T. , Searcy, Alx Major: Spanish M,
‘ fl] L _ lsgry Dissertation: "La Narrativa de Lezama Lima Y Sardu: Entre La Imagen Dis
Dissertation: Arkansas Politics, 1873-1918" Visionaria Y El Iuego Verbal"
14 ‘

l Urbanski, Marie Olesen°’°, Orono, ME Amerson, Barbara Elaine, Tallahassee, FL
Ma'or: En lish Major: Curriculum and Instruction
1 g
3 pm- Dissertation: "Margaret F uller’s Woman in the Nineteenth Century" Dissertation; "The Effect of Instruction in Listening on the Development
4 of Listening Comprehension Skills of Disadvantaged Post-Secondary
i Youth"
_ Vaupel, Donald Bruce, Lexington
j Major: Pharmacology
T Dissertation: "The Effects of Norepinephrine, Methoxamine and Trypta- Banks, Carl: Camptvn
hingO_ mine on Segmental Reflex Activity of the Decerebrate, Acute Spinal Major; Administration and Supervision
nycees Cat Dissertation': "Perceptions of the Secondary School Held by Higher and
l Lower-Income Students and Teachers in Selected Schools in Eastern
Waite, Robert George°, Bangor, ME Kentucky
_ Major: English
E Dissertation: "Linked Analogies: The Symbolic Mode of Perception and Baughman, Keith Leroy, Vine CIOVG
t g, Expression in Emerson and Melvi]le" Major: Cu