xt718911pw2d_264 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 104th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 104th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_3/2010ua027_p4_3_3/5345/5345.pdf 1971 May 8 1971 1971 May 8 section false xt718911pw2d_264 xt718911pw2d   ,•§:•,
Q Commencement Program
M •
  One hundred and fourth annual
i University of Kentucky, Lexington
Saturday, May eighth, nineteen hundred and sex/enty—one
  ‘ "§’• •‘¥ ••'?’• 

Governor Louie B. Nunn, Chairman  
Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman
Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secretary  
]esse M. Alverson, ]r. lx
Thomas P. Bell ‘
Wendell P. Butler
Albert B. Chandler A
Mrs. Robert O. Clark  
Richard E. Cooper ;
George VV. Griflin, ]r.  
Eugene Goss  
]. Robert Miller  l
N. N. Nicholas, D.M.D.  
james H. Pence  
Floyd H. WVright  
Robert W. Rudd, no11—voting faculty member  
Paul G. Sears, non-voting faculty member  
Scott T. \Vendelsdorf, non—voting student member  yl
Otis A. Singletary, President
Alvin L. Morris. D.D.S., Vice President—Administration
A. D. Albright, Vice President—Institutional Planning A
Peter P. Bosomworth, M.D., Vice President—Medical Center ll
Lewis \V. Cochran, Vice President—Academic Aflairs I
Glenwood L. Creech, Vice President—University Relations I
Lawrence E. F orgy, ]r., Vice President—Business Aflairs and Treasurer
M. Stanley \Vall, Vice President—Community College System _
Robert G. Zumwinkle, Vice President—Student Aflairs  

One Hundred F ourth Annual

University Marshal
A Professor VV. Garret Flickinger
The National and University Colors
V The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees
from the College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentistry
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics
] The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing
A The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Architecture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Allied Health Professions
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Home Economics
I The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Library Science
{ The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Social Professions
I The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of the College of Agriculture
The Faculty of the College of Engineering
i The Faculty of the College of Law
The Faculty of the College of Education
The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
The Faculty of the College of Medicine
The Faculty of the College of Nursing
The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
The Faculty of the College of Architecture
The Faculty of the College of Allied Health Professions
The Faculty of the College of Home Economics
{ The Faculty of the College of Library Science
I The Faculty of the College of Social Professions
A The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges
The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative Ollicials
The Vice Presidents
g The Oflicial Guests
4 The Gove1·nor and the Board of Trustees
The President of the University of Kentucky

 f l
C l
I The exercises fof the one hundred and fourth annual commencement are enacted ·
n today at the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each
year on campuses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the
graduates’ years of study and preparation for responsibility.
The following description of the academic pageantry is provided for your interest.
* a
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum f
through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and followed by the >
Color Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University banner. The
University Marshal is bearing the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the endorsement of the
State and the University. Led by Assistant Marshals the candidates march behind the
identification banner of the respective colleges which recommended them for their
The order of march is as follows:
The candidates for advanced degrees to include
» Graduate School _
College of Law
College of Medicine
College of Dentistry
The candidates for degrees:
College of Arts and Sciences -
College of Agriculture
College of Engineering
College of Education
College of Business and Economics
College of Pharmacy
College of Nursing
College of Architecture
College of Allied Health Professions
College of Home Economics
College of Library Science .
College of Social Professions V
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of l
Kentucky march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and .
universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to
the platform the Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary
degree recipients, alumni award recipients, University of Kentucky Research Foundation
. faculty research award recipients, Philip D. and Elsie O. Sang award recipient, Sullivan
award recipients, the Vice Presidents, guests, state officials, and finally the President of ,
the University. The Trustees of the University can be identified by their blue gowns S
with white panels. They wear blue caps with blue tassels. *

` All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University
oH°icials, faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The
basic color for most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different
degrees wear distinctive tassels on their caps (called mortarboards) , and hoods of various
I hues draped down the back of the gowns.
i Candidates for Bachelors' and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the
‘ tassel appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with
the exception of those who already hold Doctors’ degrees and are privileged to wear
gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National
Anthem, and prayers, men in academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The
authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences—Blacl< Medicine——Creen
Agriculture—Maize Nursing—Apricot
Engineering—Orange Dentistry—Lilac
V Law—Purple Architecture——Brown
Education—Light Blue Allied Health Professions—Light Green
- Business and Economics—Drab Home Economics—Maroon
Pharmacy—Olive Green Library Science—Lemon
A Social Professions—Citron
. The gown for the Bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn
closed. The gown for the Master's degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like
the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of
its oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is
designed and supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The
gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell-shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars
(usually black but sometimes other colors depending on the degree).
The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate
color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue
and white at Kentucky.
V The Mastefs hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes
I more of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the
, person is receiving.
` The Doctor”s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the
wide panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The
colors of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine,
and purple for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctors’ degrees ar: purple for laws,
white for letters, and golden yellow for science.
  Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has
' been conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree
y consists in his being formally invested with the hood.

Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! Q
Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice united; l
To the breeze her colors fling.
To the blue and white be true;  
Badge triumphant age on age; V
Blue, the sky that o'er us bends; V!
White, Kentucky’s stainless page.
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky!
Glorious is thy heritage;
Proud thy name and thy traditions;
Proud thy place on history’s page!
May we ne’er forget thy fame
Mother of the great and free;
May we ’er uphold thy name,
Old Kentucky, hail to thee!
 by Iosephine Funkimum
Music by Carl A. Lampert
Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous light,
O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming? !
And the rockets, red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Cave proof thro’ the night that our Hag was still there.
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
6 _.

, Presiding S
Otis A. Singletary, President
  STAR SPANGLED BANNER ............................................................ (Francis Scott Key)
INVOCATION .................,.........................................,.. The Reverend Donald R. Herren
( Southern Hills United Methodist Church
` Lexington
  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS ...................................................... President Singletary
" GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION .......................................... Mr.   Paul Nickell
REMARKS .......................................................................................... President Singletary
Dean Wimberly Royster Dean joseph Hamburg
College of Arts and Sciences College of Allied Health Professions
Dean Charles Barnhart Dean Betty jean Brannan
College of Agriculture College of Home Economics
Dean Robert Drake Dean Lawrence Allen
College of Engineering College of Library Science
Dean George Denemark Dean Ernest \Vitte
College of Education College of Social Professions
Dean Charles Haywood Dean \¢Villiam Dennen
College of Business and Economics Graduate School
Dean joseph Swintosky Dean VVilliam Matthews
College of Pharmacy College of Law
Dean Marcia Dake Dean \Villiam jordan
College of Nursing College of Medicine
Dean Charles Graves Dean Harry Bohannan
College of Architecture College of Dentistry
. GREAT TEACHER AVVARDS .................................................. President Singletary
RESEARCH A\VARDS ...................................... Vice President Lewis \V. Cochran
ELSIE O. SANG ANVARD ........................................................ President Singletary
PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ................................ President Singletary
Professor Holman Hamilton, University Orator
CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ................................ President Singletary
Professor Hamilton
ALMA MATER .................................................................................... (Carl A. Lampert)
V BENEDICTION .............................................................. The Reverend \V. Robert Insko
Episcopal Church of the Ascension
' Professor Arnold Blackburn, Organist
Dr. H. Howell Brady, Announcer
.- 7

  Harry M. Caudill
  Thruston B. MOrt0n
  Logan \Vils0r1
  David C. Sc0tt
i Lyle B. Dawson

. I Gr
I Dea
I ]am
I Maj
I Disse
I Bur
I Maj
, Maj
I Dissj
I La];
° Maj
I _ Diss
· Ma
I R01
I Ma
I ]oh
I Ma
° Degree awarded December 23, 1970 Wi
°° Degrees not previously awarded will be conferred May 8, `  
1971, if all requirements are met I ls`

l Graduate School
I Dean: William H. Dennen, Acting Dean
¤<>ct¤r 0* Ph¤|¤S¤r>hy mit-in 056 ii Degeaa, Bimcma, 1:1,
l P
\Iajor· Animal Sciences
l ·lau·lCS Land€S_Ald€rf€r ’ Lemngton Dissertation: "Effect of l\Iaternal Protein Intake on Reproduction and
l\{8]OI`Z Ch€H"|l$tl'Y Performance of the Progeny in Swine and Rats"
Dissertation: "A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Polydeoxyribo- _ ·
adenylic Acid" Bartlett Graves D1Cl(lHSOI}°, Georgetown
' Major Physics
Bul-_tOn A/Iallt Atkm? ’ V€““‘ll‘°“# S'D' Dissertation: "A General Solution to the First Order Equations of Motion
l\lz1]OI': POl1tlC£tl SCIGIICC for the Maxwell Ringlet Plus Satellite Model and Its Application to
, Dissertation: "The Eitect of Panel Decision-Making on the United States Saturn’s Rings"
Courts of Appeals: Theoretical and Empirical Considerati0ns"
D _ IR B ¤ C 1 b O Richard Glenn Edwards°, Lexington
Ame ‘ Ames ¤ O um uS= ‘ Ma`or: Mechanical En Yineerin
. . 1 is
Malori Engllsh l Dissertation: "Arterial Blood Flow and Blood Pressure in Animals Under
Dissertation: "An Edition of the Early Letters of Orestes Brownson" Mechanical Vibration"
* tz
1 LaDonna Hanks Barnett°, Paris ]ohn Gerald Feaster°, Micanopy, Fla. l _; ,- ._
Major: Ph siolo and Bio h sics Ma or: A ricultural Economics ‘
Dissertation: "'I`he Iniluence of Several Environmental Factors on Iron Dissertation: "An Analysis of the Relationship Between Infrastructure and
Uptake in the Rabbit Reticulocyte" Agricultural Development iu Caqueta, Colombia"
Diane Blacl<° Elizabethtown Diana \VLlllFI'€Cl(l1I3.ll° Lexin ton
i s 3
Major: Psychology Major: Plant Pathology
Dissertation: “'I`he Role of NR Transitions in the \Vithin§_ Generalized Dissertation: "Penetration of and Early Development in Red Clover
Partial Reinforcement Effect" Seedlings by Hcterodern Trifolii and Pmtylenchns P¢·nctmns"
Robert Lee Bradley, Lexington Enrique Pedro Gentzsch°, Lexington
Major: Anatomy Major: Soil Science
Dissertation: “Surgical Anatomy of the Gastroduodenal Artery" Dissertation: "Properties of Hydroxy-Aluminum Interlayers in Clays and
` of Peats—Major Components of Very VVeak Acid Sources in Soils"
Edward Trent Bridges, Metropolis, Ill. _ _ _ _
Major. Entomology David E. Cilium, Lexington
Dissertation: "Bel1avior` and Growth Relationships Between Aphidius hlalori Chemistry
Smiflii Sharma and Subba Rao and Acyrthosiphon Pisum (Hari-i5)" Dissertation: "Group Separation Techniques for the Determination of
Noble Metals in Meteorites by Activation Aualysis"
Louis Anderson Brown’°, Boone, N.C.
M;i'Oy; Ociolo Charles Arthur Girard°, Danville
_ Dissertation: "Value Orientations, Adoption of Contraception, and Fer- l\lz1j01‘: Chemistry
min': A Social Dcllmgmphic St“dY” Dissertation: "Some Empirical Investigations on a Fock Modified Extended
5 _ Hiickel Molecular Orbital Method"
. ]erry H. Carpenter , Lexington
MHIOYI Biological Sciences R. Dale Givens°, San Antonio, Tex.
_ Dissertation: "Systematics and Ecology of Cave Planarians of the United Nlajor; Sociology
g States Dissertation: "A Cross-Cultural Study of Value Conflict and Academic
gp - Performance: A Comparative Study of College Students iu \Vest
10**}* She$¤=*¤ Cole UI ·L:'>€r*y param: mi   K:...ma,»·
j Major: Microbiology
Dissertation: “Oxidative Phosphorylation in Thiobacillus N0vellus” Dayjd Daniel C()()(lj-jgk°’ Lladiggnl \Vig_
‘ Robert Eugene Collier", Ft, lylitchgll Major: Psychology · _ I · l
l ,   Dissertation: (‘COHS(f\lCllDH and \*alidation of a Behavior Inventory
l Nlalm': Eng Ish Measuring Maladaptive and Adaptive Responses in the Context of
  Dissertation: “George Herbert and Science: The Significance of Renais- Srrgggful aud Supportive Situations"
l sauce Learning in The Temple"
. . > ~ G tt \Villiamson NV. Va.
Ronald Maurice Cosby, Muncie, Ind. P° ggy Su:   ’ _ ’ .
: M . _ Ph . Major; Physiology and Biophysics
alma yslcs . ' rtation: "Interhemis heric Transfer and Cerebral Asyuunetries as
D' tt` · “A RF M tl d f D t ` `n the Ambi olar Diftusion Dlssc ~ D — ··
ISSN H mnf n . C 10 0r,, Q Crmml g D ` Determined by Visual Evoked Potentials
Coefficient of Semiconductors
l lolm Douglas Crouse, Smulord Jllbllll ]ames.Grcen ., Coialxillt, Ia.
, Major: Animal Sciences Nl“l‘“i _P°ll_ll°al Science _ 7 _ _ __
I Dissertation: "EfIccts of Castration, Testosterone and Slaughter VVeight D‘$S"'ml“’“° All E~r·¤¤¤··<···* m lol"'}: B°h*"mr
on the Fatty Acid Composition of Ovine Adipose Tissue"
I Charles Harmon Haggard, Georgetown
l William Guy Crouthamel°, Morgantown, W. Va. Major: Eduoauou
[ 8 i lW21jO1‘: Pll8l'1l`l8CClltlC2\l SCl€flC€S Dissertation: "A Study of the Mathematical Understanding of Pre-Service
y i ~ Dissertation: "A Study of Some Physicochemical Factors Influencing Elementary School Teachers in Selected Kentucky Teacher Education
~ Drug Absorption" Institutions"

 Nabeel F uad Haidar°, Lexington lames Robert Mahan°, Ashland l Fra;
Major: Chemistry Major: Mechanical Engineering MR]
Dissertation: "Pyrolysis of Valine, a—Aminohutyric Acid, and Proline" Dissertation: "An Experimental Study of the Effects of Local Fluid Con- DNS
striction on the Confined Discharge Plasma Generator"
Harvey Eldon Hamilton, Lexington . Rok
Major: Agricultural Engineering John Wesley McGaugh, Lexington Ma_
Dissertation: "Kinetics of Growth and Conversion of Nutrients by Rumen Ma'O1‘: Animal Sciences _ l
. . . .. l Diss
M¤€¤'¤b€$ in SGIUUOUS af POUHYY Excrem Dissertation: "The Effects of PMS Dosages on Bovine Ova Production,
Recovery, and Fertilization"
Michael Brutus Hargrove, Lanham, Md. — _ Ach
Major; Economics Richard Price Menninger, Lexington M11.
Dissertation: "Economic Development of Areas Contiguous "to Multi- Njajm.; Physiology and Biophysics Digsl
P“"P"s° ll°$°lv°llS° The l\°"tll°ky`Tenn°SS€e Experience Dissertation: "The Effects of Blood Volume Changes and Atrial Stretch l
, . H h.l.`S`lU`A"·" . ‘·
l. Drew Harringt0n°, Bowling Green on ypot ll mlm mg 6 mt cm/lb   I-Bile.
M¤i01‘¢ Hi$t0YY Michael James Miller° Richmond Va. .al
Dissertation: "Cassius Dio: A Reexamination" Niajor: Sociology l l ‘ ‘ Dlssl
Frederick Niartin Hawkridge, IL, Grovetowni CEL Dissegtgéiongri;Technology, Organizational Structure, and Decision-Making Rob
Major: Chemistry Ma.
Dissertation: "A Kinetic and Mechanistic Analysis of the Reduction of Arthur Niittlerei Lowell, Mass. Dissl
Cu(II) Using Ac Polarography L4 _ Ph _
ajor: ysics
Terrell William Holt, Lexington Dissertation: "Inelastic Scattering of 8.0-9.0 Mev Neutrons by 2*Mg, ETA],
. , esi MP and ¤¤s" MM
Major: Chemistry ’ ’ M _
Dissertation: "A Study of the Polarographic Maxima Accompanying the _ · a _ _al
Reduction of Coppcr(II) in Non-Complexing Supporting Electrolytes lnnet W· lllmgan » Lexington { Dlsst
Using Current Versus Time and Potential Versus Time Curves at the l\/[njoy; Biological Sojoncog j
D*¤P¤i"¤ lllclcllly El°°l"°‘l°" Dissertation: "Septum Formation in Fungi"   A/im
lr l D   ` ° ,' . . ·
\l€_€n glssllqm ’ Lexington Marion Michael Morgan°, Benton i M3}
r : * .‘ . . ·
l)i;;ltationIl&l‘l;roblems of Knowing in the \Vork of Samuel Beckett" Nialmll Physlcs j Dlssl
` Dissertation: "A Perturhation Study of Some States of 11-18 Electron  
]ohn Paul ]ankovich°, Lexington Awms   Rog
Major; llllilclmlllcfll Ellgmeelmg _ lay Carlton Mullen, Midway l Mal
Dissertation: "Structural Development of Bone in the Rat Under Earth M , _ H, X Diss,
. Gravity, Simulated Weightlessness. Hypergravity and Mechanical alolx lsloly ‘
vgbmtjojy Dissertation: "The Devonshire Declaration: Native Paramountcy in Kenya" ~
, . l
—* l`homas Harold Klindt, Bethany, Mo. Abbas Nenmijj Lexington 5  
Major; Agricultural Economics Major; Plant Physiology l Dlall
Dissertation: “Dcvel0pment· of ProC¤dlu‘¢.‘S fm', Qliantifyinil Mid ASSGSSWK Dissertation: "Photophysiology, and Biochemical Changes Associated With   me
H10 ECONOMY: Wvll-B€l¤1§ of Rliml A\'€‘f\$` Seed Germination of Nicotiana Tabacum L."  
‘ ° ‘ · l oh
Roger Dall? Klee j TlOn€5m’ Pa' Andrew Wesley Obst, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada   ‘l  
Major: Animal Sciences Maj0l__ Phygics j Mal'
Dissertation: "Rclated Effects of Copper, Molybdenum, Sulfate, Sulfide, . l . `U ,, . , l Disss
Z· _ _ Dissertation: The “Be( a,n)l-C Reaction and Neutron Scattering From j
mc and Iron on Performance, Hematology and Copper Stores of assi and MS at 9 8 MEV,, I
Pigs and Lambs" '
_ . , .. Estr
Richard Frank Krummel, Bemidji, Minn. Cl1ll0F€lR· O D¤¤¤ell°, H0¤0lUlU, Hawaii l Mail
Major: Germanic Languages M%‘·i01'¢ PSY€h0l0gY   Dim
Dissertation: “Nictzsche und der deutsche Geist: Ausbreitung und Wirkung Di$$€\'t¤tl0¤¤ “M0t0\‘ and Cognitive Components ia the D€$€‘¤$nlZ¤n0¤ Of
des Nietzscheschcn Werkes im deutschen Spracharum bis zu seinem 11 Socially R0l€V6¤f Target Behavior"
Todesjahr. Ein Schrifttumsverzcichnis der ]ahre 1867-1900” l Sara
Thomas ohn Peters°, Miami S rin s, Fla. _
Karen Dydo Levy, Knoxville, Tenn. Major lghysics P g MRM
lllalmn ,F'€“°h Dissertation: “A Calculation of the Ground State Energy of Lithium to 1556
Dissertation: "Andrc Malraux and the Farfclu: Quest for Transccndence" Thn-d-()rdey"  
1 1
Earnest Yuan-Shang Liou, Atlanta, Ga. Rachel Phillipse Poughkeepsie N Y Mnji
Major: Civil Engineering Mq.Or_ S mush, 7 Disse
Dissertation: "Opset; Program for Computerized Selection of Watershed fl ` ,   wrh P . M d fc . P ,,
Parameter Values for the Stanford Watershed Model" Dlssermllom c Oellc O es 0 Ctlwlo az
· . · ¤ · .
james Houston Logsdon, Marion, Ind. Rlcllmcl Allen Rellz ¤ Sallsblllg N·C· May
Major: Physics lvlalon _SPan‘Sll C _ F h _ Th W k f Disse
Dissertation: ··A New rta.aa.(» rm Mmmg the Ammponr oisrusmn D·M¤¤¤¤= Mme; AMS VW mm * E MW T=>We· s 0* S 0
Length in the Elemental Scmiconductors" F°""‘“‘l° smlllvlm Dol),
. . · M `
Mm-y Beth L¤ur1·, Madison, wig. George R¤¤d¤!r>h R1<>€°, Bama Rouse: La 1),;];
Nlajgy; Spanish Major: Economics j
Diggpygnijnn; "A 5imjy Of 50j,_rCjc(j Comedjcs Og Timo De Mojjmp Dissertation: "State Differentials in Income Concentration: A Simultaneous ,
Equation Model Explanation" 1
Richard B. MacDonough, Louisville S h 1 R_ O I Will
Major: French c .11 tz iggs, vvens )0r0 Mak
Dissertation: "Pi¢.-rre Charron: His Career at Bordeaux and Les Discours Malori Matnemancs Disse
Chrcticns" Dissertation: "Operators With Orthogonal Approximate Eigenvectors" i ‘
12 A

 ` Frank Elijah Sagcndorph IV, Haverford, Pa. Paul H. Vaughter, ]r.°, Sauk Rapids, Minn.
I Major: Mechanical Engineering Major: History
Som Dissertation: "A Numerical Solution Method for Two Dimensional Non- Dissertation: "The Balanced Constitution in Early Stuart England, 1603-
l Viscometric Flows of Fluids Exhibiting Fading Memory" 1660"
Robert Sherman Sand, Cortez, Colo. Harrell Lynn Walker", Jamestown, La.
Major: Animal Sciences Major: Plant Pathology
. Dissertation: "Blood Flow Changes in the Testes of Heat-Stressed South- Dissertation: "Infectivities of Some Aphid Transmitted and Non-Aphid
hom down Rams" Transmitted Viruses as Determined by Electron Microscope Particle
Counts and Mechanical Assays"
Admiral Dewey Sanders, Barbourville 6
Major; Education Thomas C.·Walker ·, Atlanta, Ga.
Dissertation: "A Study of Faculty Morale in a Community College System" Llalori Polltlcal Sclénce
retch l I Dissertation: "]udges in Concert: The Influence of the Group on Judicial
i, Jitendra Saxena°, Boston, Mass. Decision-M¤ki¤g"
1 Major: Microbiology .
. Dissertation: "Some Aspects of Energy Metabolism in Thiobacillus Robert Drake W€lch’ Lexington
Neapolitanus" Major: Psychology
iking Dissertation: "The Effectiveness of A and Q College Males as Models and
ROl)€1‘[ L3\Vl'€I'1C€ SChlllt€, SOt1[l`l Ft. Mitchell Interviewers with Schizophrenic and Neurotic Patients"
Major: Physics . .
Dissertation: ··D + D Reactions from 1.96 to 6.20 MEV and A study or Lylln R' WllhamS’_N€w Tazwelk Tenn
the States in 2*Si Excited by 2‘Mg(a,a)2'Mg" Malori lwlathemahcs
ETA] Dissertation: "Generalized Hausdorff-Young Inequalities and Mixed Norm
’ I Mary Beatrice Schwab", Princeton Spaces"
: Major: French _ . . ,, . .
l Dissertation: "Patterns in the Structural Elements of the Historiettes of Jack Wllllanlsgn ’ Wllllamsburg
f Tallemant des Réaux" Nlalori Educatlon
Q Dissertation: "Experimental Preschool Intervention in the Appalachian
i Manvendra Shambhu°, Lexington H°““’
l Major: Ch€mlstIY Sri ]atno Wirjosoedirdjo°, Bandung, Indonesia
j Dissertation: "Photochemical Preparation and ‘Pinaco1 Rearrangement' of IWa·0l__ Ph Si
{ some 1,2-Di(Methoxypyridyl)-1,2-Diphenyl-I,2-Ethanediols" _ l ` _ y CS _ _ _
ctron I Dissertation: "Relativist1c Correction Energies of Some State of 3-10
~ . El S "
l Roger Shannon°, Lexington ectmn equences
2 Mawr: PhySi¤l¤gy and Bi0PhYSi€S Ta Hai Yeh°, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
l Dissertation: “The Reflex and Mechanical Response of the Inspiratory Nlnjorl Physics
:ny;j" ~ Muscles to im Increased Airflow Reslstzmcc Dissertation: "Hole Drift Mobility in N-Type Germanium Irradiated by
. _ _ Fast Neutroris"
E Bhagwan K. S1ngh°, Richmond, Va.
L Iyfgjjoy; Sociology Andrew Alexander Zwarun°, Princess Anne, Md.
_ i Dissertation: "Modernization and Diffusion of Innovations in a Rural Ap- l\I8.j0l': SOil Science
With E Palachlan C0“¤tY_A General Systems A¤¤lY$l$” Dissertation: "Eflect of Soluble and Exchangeable Aluminum on Soil
; Bacteria"
Q ]ohn C. Smart, Lexington
  Major: Education
2 Dissertation: "Personality and Voting Behavior: A Study of Voting and Doctor of Education
From   Non-Voting College Students"
{ _ _ _ _ Frank Charles Bickel r.°, Lexin ton
I Estrella D. Solidum°, Quezon City, Philippines . . ’ I . g
N _ _ _ 1 Major: Curriculum and Instruction
{ lalmi _Dlp‘?macy _ Dissertation: “The Effects of Sex and Age as Variables in a Microteaching
i Dissertation: The Nature of Cooperation Among the Asean States as Modeling pmceduny
on Of   Perceived Through Elite Attitudes—A Factor for Regionalism"
g _ Paul Douglas Casdorph°, Charleston, WV. Va.
; Sara Lee Soloway, Monticello, N.Y. Major: Foundations
Malori Engllsh Dissertation: “Legislative Politics and the Public Schools in West Virginia,
t Dissertation: "Dorothy Sayers: Novelist" 1933-1958: A Twenty-Five Year History"
im 0 l
philip Vajen Spears, Berea Robert Norris Cocanougher, Lexington
jyjajor: Economics Major: Educational Administration
Dissertation: “A Method for Estimation of Program Economic Contribu— DlSS€m‘ti°"° “Th° R°lnEl,°"Shlp Between Teacher Milmmcy {md Career
tions to College and University Operations" Patterns °f Teachers
. . ` ` t
Norbert Thonnard, Lexington Terrence M Leigh, Lexing on ·
. . Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Major: Physics . . .. . . . .
D. t t, _ NT, D nd t St d {VUV E _ _ _ A ,, Dissertation: An Examination and Comparison of the Health Services
ks of BSU fl W"' imc epc en “ y ° "“SS'°" m rglm Received by Participants and Non-Participants in a Full-Year Head
Start Program"
Deborah Rede Turner, Lexington
Major. pjzmt pathology Peggy A. Lerterman , Cincinnati, O.
Dissertation: "Infection of Seedlings of Alfalfa and Red Clover by Con- lVIHjOI': E(lllC2lt`iOl'lRl Psychology and Counseling
{ comitnnt P0P¤lf\¢i0¤S of M¤'l0id0§UY¤¤’ INCUSFIW1 (K0f0id & White) imd Dissertation: "Attitudinal and Behavioral Changes in Self-Directed and
“€°“s { P"¤tUl¢’¤€lWS P¢’¤€’?"0¤6` (C0bb)” Leader-Directed Personal Growth Groups"
j William H. Vaughan III°, jacksonville, Fla. George Clark Overstreet°, Morganfield
Major: Education Major: Educational Administration
Dissertation: "Toward an Anarchistic Theory of Education: A Systematic Dissertation:”"A Study of Teacher Characteristics in Changing and Stable
` , Examination of the Educational Thought of Paul Goodman" Schools
A 13

` l
- l
Leonard Donald Ralph, Lexington Doctor of Mugicql Arts Q C
Major: Educational Administration _ uml
Dissertation: "A Study of the Ettects of [n—Service Involvement on H€l€l1FlOydFtllb1`lght°, Morehead { l al
Selected Characteristics of Teachers” luajori iylusic Teaching l E
l ze
__ . . _.   tit` :“AC t` Bt T' Mth l f'I`;l`gM '   ,
.l<~<= Br<><¤L> W·"¤amS» Le·¤g*¤¤ . "`€iJ¤‘§2.mt.is 2’E"i?22Ks§’3vicZ`E'iZ'§m.$Z§’ Tehch0elr;"0       j Mai
Major: Foundations   _
Dissertation: "The Relative Eltectivcuess of Automated-Multimedia For l Dm
inservice Training of County Extension Agent.s"   jyjaj
Specialist in Educqriori Stephen R. Cain°, Lexington Billy D. Horton, Lexington Maj
Major; Anthropology Major: Sociology Ch
LeRoy Aldon Cantrel°, Louisville E
Guido E. Caspani, Lexington Harvey Lee Hughett, jr.°, Lexington ’ F
ririytlm 1>wighr Cline, Frankfort xrajm; French Major-; Spanish { Mai
Sharon Barrow Childs, Lexington jeanne Sue Hnmble°, Winchester Rob
Muster gf Arts Major: Communications Major: Sociology   Maj
ovillimii Aiiliiii. Biiclimmil Di,3i.l,om_ john B. Cooper, Elizabethtown Daniel Edward jaco, St. Louis, Mo. Riel
Mich Major: English Major: Communications Maj
llllllml Ewmlllllcs Charlotte Cottrill, Chillicothe, O. Sarah Howard jenl¤i°l·*¤Y Robert E. Darcy°, Lexington Shannon Kiser, Grayson A al
Carlos M_ Bi,mm.,l’ Lcxiiigtoii Major: Political Science Major: English gel?
lllllllm l)lpl°"l“Cy Carol Lynne DeArmond, Bowling Green james F. Kopenhoefer, Lexington A al
Rebekah Ann Blaine, Lexington Mill": English Major: English Me]
Malo": Pll}'*lC*‘l E¤ john Leonard Dove, Lexington Timothy Eugene Kuryla°, Lexington Mal
Claire Moore Blancher°, jefferson City, lllaloll Pwchslogy Mlllolll Pollllcal Science Bm,
M"- _ Deanna Blanche Durbin°, Fenton, Mo. Robert john Leupold, Lexington Mal
Major: trench [Major; Sociology Major: History A
john Duvnl Book, lll, U<‘¤¢l€¤`$0¤ Mark Rowe Elliott, Decatur, Ca, Clayton Gary Mammel°, Denver, Colo. j Maj
M=¤1<¤= timmy Major; History Major: Economics e
, _,, _. l judi
(·’*l°"` ·‘\']“" llilll B"ll* » l#*`*"‘¥l"“ jonathon Erlen°, Lexington \Villiam H. Marquardt, Zephyrhills, Fla. j Mai,
Major: English Major; History Major, Anthropology L
lhnnela Bcll'B1‘;1tllcy°, Hartford yvilliam Kiikliiml Finlcyro Franklin, Va. Eugene Rex Mccanei Vanceburg '  
Major; English Major; English Nlajor; History il
. ._ _. ti
l’·‘·{·‘l<*¤¢_ Slw Bl?“ll‘lY’ l*°“'*l'll°` Nancy Young Gilpin°, Chicago, Ill. Randall C. Merris, Lexington ` Joh?
l\”l*ll""i (·"'“m"“l"“ll°“S Major; English Major; Economics l`l"l‘
llllllmll ·l"f°`i’l‘ Bl.l`ltl’l`ll· L****i**’ill<‘ Lyndia Rouse Glasgow, Lexington Ernest Donald Mctivier, Rumforcl, Me. l VCU
**=¤·>·‘= **·¤*<··‘>‘ xnjm; srimogy xnjm; ceography T Mai
Allllly 0`§<‘=¤l B·’·>i