xt718911pw2d_263 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program Supplement: UK 103rd Annual Commencement text Commencement Program Supplement: UK 103rd Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_3/2010ua027_p4_3_2/5329/5329.pdf 1970 August 8 1970 1970 August 8 section false xt718911pw2d_263 xt718911pw2d CG/Ty /
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One hundred third annual
University 0f Kentucky, Lexington ‘ 
University Archives
M°'9°*'€* l- King Library · North
L University of Kentucky
1 L*•¤¤¤d5
Willard David Bostwick, Louisville Eu¥mmER' Mlllmo Turkey
Major; Education “_‘o""_ °°‘]°““?* _ , ,,
Dissertation: ,,The Cooperative Education Coordinator in American Dissertation: Public Inxestment and Regional Economic Development
Institutions of Higher Education; A Proposed Guideline for Ac- RuSs€l1]O]]n ]\[Os€y, S_ Amherst, Q_
ademic Preparation" . .
Major: Chemistry
Ann Fowler Boyygy Lgxjngton Dissertation: "The Decomposition of Pyridinecarboxylic Acids"
. Millofi M¤t]l€¤`¤¤n€$ james Donald Nelson, Paducah
Dissertation: "Some Aspects of Small Modules" yhljm.: nluthcumtics
James Jay BOWQ Lexington Dissesgtigngjy "Algebras of Analytic Functions \Vith Smooth Boundary
' ` Major: Mathematics _ _
Dissertation: “Neat Homomorphisms” Charles A' Od€"'*‘l‘“» Loulsvlue
, _ Major: Economics
Ernest Ronald Bryson, Iogorsonvlllei Ind· Dissertation: “Contract Rejection in Kentucky"
Mmm; _Edl{C2m0n _ _ _ H james Edgar Parks, Lexington
_ Dissertation: ‘A Theory of Librarianship _ _ _
_ _ _ Major: Physics
Lois Mill Chim, Lexington Dissertation: "Ionization of Noble Gases by Pr0tons"
Mawr: Enghsll , _ _ Andrew Carl Plasz, Lexington
, Dissertation: "F1gures in the Carpet—A Study of Leading Metaphors in LI _ Cl _ t
Six Realistic Novels" nlori lcnns YY
_ D'ss tation: "The Chemistry of the 1,5-Naphthyridines"
. james Merrill Conrad, VVcst Baden, Ind. l or _1 Y d I d_
// Major: Agncnltnml Economics Thangamutliu Rangaswamy, Tami i .1 u, n ia
V Dissertation: "An Economic Analysis of the Impact of a New College ninlori Civil Englnoerlng
on a Rural Community" Dissertation; "Finite Element Analysis of Orthogonal Frame—Plate
_ _ Interaction"
· Mary Eunice Davis, Gadsden, Ala. 7_n_ H d C
Major: Spanish “l·1tll]l Crcager ·Setzer, I am_en, onn.
Q Dissertation: "The Vision of Reality in Selected Novels by Sabato, ninlori Nictnllllrgloal Engineering
Cortazar, and Garcia Marquez" Dissertation: "The·Annealing Characteristics of Alloys Containing Part-
_ _ icles"
Keith Arends Ekblaw, Lexington \I I d Sl I L _
Major: Mathematics I alien ra   1.1 i, ehmgton
Dissertation: "The Functions of Bounded Index as a Subspace of a ninlori Cwn Engineering
A Space of Entire Functions" Dissertation; "The Analysis of Three Dimensional Nonlinear Frames"
Albert Francis Eldridge, Lexington Donald Lee Showalter, Louisville
I Major: Political Science Major: Chemistry
, Dissertation: "The Overseas Chinese and Indians: A Study of Linkage Dissertation; "Composition Trends in Australites, Impact Glasses, and
I Politics and the Ethnic Linkage Group" Associated Natural Materials by Activation Analysis"
  Roy Giehls, ]r., Lexington Ronald Edward Steele, Lexington
  Major; Education Major: Physiology and Biophysics
Dissertation: "Migration Patterns of High School Graduates From Dissertation: "Role of Thyroid Hormone in the Homeothermic De-
Three Selected Areas of Kentucky" velopment of the Newborn Rat"

 "[`hurman Edward Stewart, Hopkinsville Reedus Back, Morehead E_
Major: Physics Major: Administration and Supervision l N;
Dissertation: "Proton Excitation of VUV Radiation from the Noble Dissertation; "The Relationship of Selected Administrator and School `
Gases" Factors to Change in the School" `
~ El
Vernon Shaw·Stubblehcld, Murray “,nlt€l_ Mnnnnn) Lexington ` M
Mellor: .Clw,I?u5try . f M h V1-44 D, h In P Y ,, Major: Administration and Supervision l C]
D'”°mm°"° The Phomreducuon ° et l ’ ` lmet Y"" cntlnoate Dissertation; "A Study of Pre-Student Teaching Professional Laboratory   M
“,niChnn Tien, Litt]0 Fnns, N.   Experiences at Southern University I
Major: Microbiology _ _ _ . _ M
Dissertation: "A Biochemical and Genetic Study of Heme Mutants of Ruth W1lhs_R*‘d°hll°= L°’*‘“gl°“ { hi
Staphylococcus Aurcus" Nlt1j01‘Z Cul'I‘1Ctlll.l111 ‘
_ r r Dissertation; "A Study of Teacher, Principal Responses Relative to P5
Sung Chill Yang, l\Olll Major: Communications ij M
l]*"ll \""“’"_ ("’ll“‘$r Fl“l“""’(ls MaryLou Croth, Uppcr Sandusky, O. Roy L. Moore, Bcrea  
Mmm; Engllsh Major: English Major: Communications lc
l M
Rohr-rt L. Coots. Lcxington \Villiam Erncst Cruters, Hartford, Conn. loan Theophila Oexmann, Lexington   D
Major: Economics Major: Art Major; Art . \I
4 l g
j i
, 1
{ i

 , Ezekiel Adewale Oke, Lexington Donald \Villiam Blancher, jr., Everett Current Lail, jr., Cynthiana
,1 l Major: Sociology jefferson City, Mo. Major: Meat Science
` _ _ \lajor: Geology
` Elaine Phmfer. Mnccn A Ocha Prachuabmoh, Bangkok, Thailand
p Mnlm`; E¤2hSh Frances F. Chang, Lexington Major: Entomology
V   Charles Ronald Rosenstiel, Lexington Major: Physics John M Shcncv Jr Columbh
Mawr: Anthropology Charles F. Denny, Lexington Major: Animal Sciences
` M.]· d. M t R lt , L · t Major: Microbiology
, M?.m_dE of Tn Oya y cxmg on james Bruce Smalling, Bay Shore, N.Y.
i ajor. ng isi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
· Shirley Ann Dudeck, \V1nn1peg, Canada Major: Animal Sciences
’ Patricia T. Scully, Lexington Major: Physical Education
5 Major: English Apichart Towtho, Bangkok, Thailand -
r john Thomas johnson, Hamburg, N.j. Major: Agronomy
Albert R. Sharp, jr., Pittsburgh, Pa. Major: Geology
Mnjm.: Dipjomncy Aree \Varanyuwat, Khonkaen, Thailand
_   Geoffrey D. Kampe, Lexington Major: Agronomy
· Charles A. Shue, jr., Lexington Major: Zoology
l Major: French james Keith \\”ilkinson, Lexington
Terry I. Korotzer, Louisville Major; Agricultural Economics
Vernon Milton Smith, Ashland Major: Microbiology
I Major; Ceogmphy Abraham \Vubishet, Harar, Ethiopia
l Maw-Shung Liu, Lexington Major: Dairy Manufacturing
George Catlett Solley, Bowling Green Major: Microbiology
Major: English Anthony j. Zabbia, jr., Ponchatoula, La.
Dudley L. Mann, Boston, Mass. Major; Plant Pathology
Betty Louise Tackett, Olive Hill Major: Chemistry
Major: English 1 I d
Siir ee Ann Beau reau Mooney, _
Katheryn Ann Thomas, Bryan, Tex. Cheney, Wash, Muster of SCIENCE In Agl'lCUlf\Il’¤l
M¤l0Y¤ Sociology Major: Physical Education Engineering
Arthur Berry Thomson, Georgetown james Alan Nimocks, L€Xingt011 Robert joe Edling, Grand junction. Col.
Major: Mathematics Major: Microbiology
David R. Thuente, St. Paul, Minn. Gordon Nolen, Camp Dix
Major: English Major: Mathematics MGSfEl' of SClEnCE in Cl'IEmlC¤l
/All€¤ C- TTYUEBI Lexington james Irvin Phelps, jr., Lexington ngmeermg
Ma` : A   . .
Um nt NAOPO ogy M‘UOr‘ Agwnoml Harold Gaylord Peters, Louisville
Rachmad Irawan Wahono, Djakarta, Kenneth (george Snntn) Lcxillgtoll
Indonesia Major: Geology
Major: Sociology M t f S - · C- ·j `
james David Stickler, Logan, \V. Va. as er   mance In wl
Robert Davis \Visner II, Danville Rilujor; Chnnnsny E"9'“€€"“9
Major: History J _ __
julia Karen \Vade, johnson City, Tenn. Shcn Ming Cham Rhmforfh Calm
Barbara A. \Volsing, Independence Major; Zoology Om Pmknsh Dlksluh Lcxmgmn
lyiajnr; English ( Gordon R. Garner, Covington
I I I , _ james \Valter Young, Lexington Yang—sheng Lin, Lafayette, Ind.
Rui D' “ 0i]d’ W‘H‘*""“°""‘ Major: Chemistry Naresli Bhailal Shah, Lexington
Major: EIlgl1Sl]
i Mary Alice \Vright, Owensboro f S , __ A , I
l Major: English Muster ° C'€"c° '" g"'C" ture Muster of Science in Electrical
l ·. .. . , · s . .   En ineerin
j Rita Catherine Wright, Memphis, Tenn. §;§i\n_I\;,T_rgiUi,§ Clglilnfi MMP 1116 g g
T lyiajor; German A MOL an U/510 Ob} jug]; \\’i]lnrd Buelianan, jr., \Vin<:llCStc1‘
I james O. Cook, Lebanon Alfred \Villiam Fiedler, Austin, Tex.
` Major: Animal Sciences
li Muster ot Science C _1 Sl H D I L _ {
yri ie t on ot ge, exing on . . .
i john F. Bauer, New Hyde Park, N.Y. Major: Plant, Physiology Munter of Science In Mechanical
A Major: Chemistry “hH· H I C E¤s·¤e¤¤¤¤
1 ’1 iam rowarc .rcen,
l Dipti Bhattaeharjee, Lexingotn Cross Plains, Intl. Robert Leonard Burdick, Lexington
`R Major: Mathematics Major: Soils \Villiam David Glenn, jr., Lexington
li 5
Q .

 Muster of Science in Metallurgical Herbert D€¤¤iS Olsen, East Brunswick, Muster of Business Administration {S
E . 8 .n N_]_ · I A I _
ngme rl g James Monroe Phillips, IL, Decatur) CLL Puchznrd Anthony Barbell.1, FlOI'l`ldll] L
Syamal Kumar Clwsh, Lexington Nom Litton Redman, Lexington Park N· -l· _ _ P
Tliurmns Cale Reynolds, Lexington D¤¤=¤ld A· B*“°“> Lomsvlue _ _ N
` Luella C. Rourk, Lexington \Valter Bradley Bergmann H, Louisville Iv
Muster of Arts in Education Roy David Rowlett, Phyllis Robert L?/le Blackburn, Midwuy C
Sum Elizabeth Dilmorc Runyzm) _lk1l]]€S vvllllillll Frakes, Columbus, Ind. N
Frances Croley Ball, Lexington Lexington \Villin1n Paul Huflord, Lexington _ S
Dell;1 Bible Barker, Jasper, Tenn. Barry Edward Runyon Belford N_ ]_ Mark \Vaye Lowry, Lexington Y
Janice Kulzcl B*“`thl€> Lexington Patricia Henson Sundefur, Middletown John Pntrivk RhOdY» l*`·» Dawson SPTWES ,
Susan Key Bell, Lexington hmllean Secchn Harmdsburg H. Scott Roetli, FlOSSlll0O1', Ill. `
Cfmnic I0 Bognrd, I-·€Xi¤gt0¤ Linda June Shawn, Aikgm S_ C_ Terence A. Shiinp, Greenbelt, Md. P,
\¢Vand;1 Seithers Boling, Lexington Polly Lloyd Sherman, Louisville Charles Laurence Woods III, Paducah
Putriclil Cormll B"Wma“> Lexington Linda Sue Shoemaker, Evansville, Ind. <
Caml B0YlCs»IL€xl“gfI`i H Marie McClure Shye, Lexington
Susim B· Elm €“¤ Nic O wi E Patricia \Vyl Ind- Xluyy Lguigg Steele, Ca1mpl)CllSbl1l'g Elisabeth \V_ Bgtz, Chevy Chase, Bild, J
glimct V" {Cm-t€Z’ Folest HluS’ N'Y’ lcnilifffr St€ign€Y» Louiwille Karin Drudge Bright, Lexington
llielnm X. Crostliwaute, St. Petersburg, Karen Ruth Stcinhauscr, Lexington Karen Sue Brown, Columbus, O. B
.1` 1** . . J<>¤¤¤¤ Cami $W=¤¤¤» K¤d¤l<» T<=¤¤- wvnimm Melvin Bullock, Lexington
L‘“‘l" ClT‘l“"‘ C“’“°l" W‘l‘“‘”° I¤h¤ Marshall Th¤¤¤pS<>¤, _L<¤i¤g*¤¤ Fimncc M. Burghurdt, Buysicle, NY.
l""“ D‘““°l’ W"‘°h“t°r . R¤b¤¤ LM Tumen Miuwburg John mimi Ceder, sheboygan mis,
Mw Davis Dyl<¢S» L¢¤¤¤1g§>¤* Patricia Ann Tuttle, Monticello Vg/iS_
Mvrtle Ann Fisher, Louisvi e Hqrry David Vqmel. Cymhianrl CHO] ,
_· _ _ _ — · » = ;· ]ean Coleman, Lookout
°l“"l""° 1""’“ l"‘"l°Y* M°“l'°j°u" P¤*ri¢i¤ B· V¤¤¤bl¤, L<>¤i$viU€ Anita Dodd c¤im€11y, cO»»mg¤»¤
D""".Ly““° €;'f‘“"‘“‘" ¥°‘““‘u“ Mw Hdw Vim L¤~i¤g¤>¤ Kaiiiieen ]eunne comm, smuket, N.Y.
Fredrick E' C]umm’ Lexington CMOIYU lilckson \V<€Y5» Lilcnmge Ellen Theresa Corbett, Columbus, O.
Bernard Anthony C0ctz,·]r., Lexington Rebecca Louise Watson, Dixon Suzanne Ferimem Marietta, O. i
Caml Byars Crgcnm  {gum Ruby WilttS* Versailles Donna Elaine Fry, Canton, O.
Nlmcy Owens ’rcC"C’ immc Elllil K€\tl\€Fi¤€ l¢V€ll$, Owingsvlllc Robert C*1rl0 Ciulloreto VVin<.lber Pa.
jmncs \Velclon Crcsliaun, ]eHers0nville, Ronald Francis Wihitsom Lexington Charles Edward Hale, Jackson
Y Ind' _ Mw Stiml€‘Y Vviggs, Lexington Edith S. Hernandez, Lexington
Wlmn Burnett Cullvr, Lvxmgtrm Luvmlu S. \Vill\\‘]]i;u] ][(·;]ry_ Pglrjg Niary PC;ln1ngtOn·All€n’ L?x1ngt0n P;_11]1(:l;1 Alice l\’iCC2U'tl1y, l\€tt€l'lI`lg,  
Linda Sue Henson, Nicliolrisville 1**1195 llllson Bull?/* Ciltsfgow _H Gloria Marie McDowell, Ashland, O. l
Elizulwtli Lclllcr Hicks, Versailles IF Hgh ILCOH BTC lem] EMS}; 6 Helen Frances McMurtray, jackson, M1SS.
janet Frances Hocnig, Louisville Mary Bl" Cham );TS’ gm   Mmtlm Allison Moloney, New C21Stl0
llusscll Curtis Holtzcluw, Stanford Jmune O' Crum l€’ elltm ity Luc Grubb Nichols, C0vingl:0H, Véh
1 1 L - · Y
Elvis Randolph lluinble, l’mcl, Louisville
“..H._ Cl V _] __ _   L _ ,. Y Mary ]une Goodrich, Owenton _ _
i 1.nn rmi rs ].mi>, umi,t0n C. IA L tl F It Jerry Aim Pamsln Rlchmond {
Nlnrtin \Vilsun johnson, Topton, Pu. Am ml U len U On _ _ C _, B Puller] Lexmmm T
_ · · _ _· Florence L. McMullin, LOLl1SV1ll€ enc"' · ’ B ‘
jmull Tobin lxeeton, Lexington _ . , · · A H
. Lungs Kent poe Cyumyler N C jehnnie Ann Ralph, Rwcrsicle, CA1 .
Alum Clmdm Mmcn Lvxingmn r nyu H Poet].; Lcyiglrtéll · I johunnu Marie Ravenhorst, Lexington, Z
.·\liui;i Lniicetu Laibrillnzo, Ruclclifl 1;; Cl; l`   y'     t VII  
T] , I A 1 _ , L_,. .k·, I, c y ic· owcrs, exmg on ·· r · ' `
    umm I lr lnmes Edward Stammernmn, Louisville Etlwl M. ll0lJl>, CIHCIDUHU, O·  
Slwiln Cmmvlitu Musmh Louisville \Vinet0n DD. Tooke, Paris Verna Mae Rowland, Clover Bottom  
Karon Ruth Mk_CutC]“_0n’ “,ilmm_€ Daniel Lee Turley, Sncmmento Nancy jean Ruofl, Albuciuerque, N.M. ~
Minnie Carol McKee, Flcmingsburg Janet C· S*lmP1€$» BOO““llc> I“d· ,
iaiammii umm. sm1ir~1m—1, Lexington Ckwdm M— $¢h<>r¤2» Mumw i
_la1¤ncs Patrick Melillo, Snugus, Mass. Muster of Science in Accounting G“'€¤d0lY¥`¤ Ann S€lTWiU`tZ€» SL I-·0“l$» I
Bih Xl. Blormw. Owcnton M0·
joyce Elaine Nelson, Sliuflielcl, Pa. Donna june \/Vebster, Florence Brenda Sue Slieeley, Louisville

 lohalmah Sh€YT€T, Cwfefvillé, O- Master of Music Master of Science in Statistics
K h ` P l' S' , H d
at Erme imma ues en erson Donna M. Boyd, Los Angeles, Calif. Borriboon Thitakamol, Bangkok,
LeRoy Sterling Strohl III, Frankfort
Pauline M. Vmndcs Ragtown M0 ]ames Earl Kerrick, Owensboro Thailand
Mary Eva Wallace, Aberdeen, S. D.
3 MMV Harnngtnn W"l°n» Lexington Master of Science in Clinical Master of Science in
Olive jeanette Williamson, Somerset Nutrition Home Economics
Mary C. Wilson, Tiburon, Calif.
__ Sister Carolita Young, Vine Grove ]anice M. Ceiser, Chicago, Ill. Doris Bruce, Hopkinsville
S l
College of Law
5 _ Dean: William Lewis Matthews, ]r.
Juris Doctor
Michael Douglas Ragland, Harrodsburg
S, w
l .

 College of Arts und if
Sciences n
Dean: \Vimberly Calvin Royster T]
Bachelor of Arts Mary Gladys Hassenstein, Sioux Falls, Lanette Cheryl Settle, Lexington
S. D. Estelle Allen Shabetai, Lexington
Richard Elwood Adams, Ashland Charles Michael Hatzell, Lexington Thomas jolm Shinners, Erlanger  
Thomas Tunstall Adams, jr., Lexington David VV. Hayes, Leitchlield David Craine Shulhafer, Louisville  
Larry Michael Argenio, Lexington jane Ellen Helmer, Syracuse, N. Y. john Raphael Simon, Lexington t C
Michael Ronald Armstrong, Lexington judith Ann Herrlein, Arlington, Va. Phyllis Simpson, Tehran, Iran  
Dottie A. Bean, Lexington Mary Suzanne Hite, Paducah Robert Everett Sorg, Frankfort D
Barbara Lynn Beatty, Murray Hill,   Michael Dunn Holliday, Ft. Mitchell William P. Stallard, Lexington
Gregory Paul Bell, \Vorthington, O. David Hunter Holwerk, Lexington Michael joseph Stapleton, Frankfort
john A. Berger, Ft. Mitchell Oscar Gayle House, East Bernstadt james VV. Staton, Palm Beach, Fla. B'
Faye Ellen Binius, Houston, Tex. Mary Martha Hughes, Atlanta, Ca. Harry joseph Stone, jr., Ashland
Cary \Voodson Blankenship, Sparta, N.j. Stan Loren Humphrey, Louisville Susan Sutter, Forest Hills, N.Y. In
Corliss Block, Louisville joe Alan jarrell, Ashland Thomas Sweatt, Lynch R'
joan Harper Bowling, Lexington Bonnie Leda Oiner johnson, Owensboro Charlotte Elaine Tharp, Cainpbellsburg F]
Marlene Karen Breitner, Kinnelon, N.j. jan Annette johnson, Louisville Rebecca Wight Thomason, Zanesville, O. .
john \VllllillIl Broere III, Sparta, N.j. Kathryn jude, Lovely Patrick Alan Thompson, Lexington
Robert \Villiam Burke, Belleville, Ill. Michael A. jury, VVest Orange, N.j. Brownie Elizabeth Thornbury, Paris
Carol jean Bursik, Canal \Vinchestcr, O. Nancy Lynne Keen, Louisville Karen Rush Thuente, Lexington
Rendell Terel Butler, Frankfort Dennis john Kelly, Lexington Florence Minister VanMeter, Maysville
joanne M. Carver, Albuquerque, N.M. Richard Leo Kincaid, Louisville Carol Straus \Valker, Lexington
jo-jean Chandler, Louisville Persis Leize Krampe, Owensboro james Orie Ware, Ft. Mitchell C
Carletta june Chaney, Somerset Brenda Lois Layman, Lexington jo LaVelle VVaFi?en, Downey, Calif.
Carol Frances Clay, Louisville Linda Carol LeMarr, Lexington Sharon Spangler \Vatt, Lexington D
jolm Roachc Cook III, Lexington james Edward Lett II, Ft. Lauderdale, Danny jerome \¢Vilkerson, Corbin
David C. Cornett, jr., Cumberland Fla. Martha Mattson Wilinoth, Lexington ·
john Mather Cotton, South Ft. Mitchell john P. Lenz, Berlin, N. ]. Roger Lee Wilson, jr., Morehead B,
Margaret Linda Craft, Florence Clarence Randall Lewis, Fern Creek Marie Therese Wright, Louisville A
Marilyn B. Creech, Lexington Frank Robert Lodico, Selden, N. Y.
\Valton B. Creech, Lexington Paul Edwin Mace, jr., Louisville \\
\Villiam Owen Crumbaugh, Frankfort Gerald Stephen Manning, Maysville B¤Cl1€l0r of Science C
()liver Kash Curry, jr., Carlisle Margaret Rose Marsh, VVaddy
joseph Franklin Daugherty III, Union Nina Irene Marusov, Lexington Michael B. Auslandcr, Bardstown F]
Gary Edward Davis, Lexington Donna Bowling McDonald, Lexington Lawrence Ernest Barker, Anchorage
jeff Davis III, Savannah, Ga. jolm Thomson McGarvey, Lexington james Carlos Broach, jr., Paducah
Anne C. Dcelcy, Anderson, Ind. Katherine Lancaster McKay, Bardstown SUSLU`1 N€21l€ Chililwell, LCXi11gl£OI1 Bl
Truman Lewis Delmer, Lexington j. Elaine Merrick, Mishawaka, Ind. Byron French Combs, Lexington C
(Zheryl Ann Dil’aolo, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rebecca Ann Miller, Clinton Frederick Michael Creusere, Lexington
Stephen Douglas Driesler, Lexington Eve G. Monk, Lexington David Andrew Detmer, Danville E*
\\'illiam joseph Dungan, Somerset Allen F. Montgomery, Lexington jack Irwin Dollar, Russell A;
Garnett Ray Earlywinc, Lexington Layna Irene Moore, Lexington Gary Fisher Earle, Berry D
janet Miller Ehrmantraut, Lexington james Alan Mulligan, Vine Grove Ann jean Emberger, Maumee, O. I0
Richard Lundy Elswick, Elkhorn City Sue Burdon Nash, Louisville Ezra \Villis Cash, Lawrenceburg C:
Leigh ll. Fleming, Louisville Thomas Lee Osborne, Benton Robert D. Goble, Prestonsburg
Cecil Carlysle Frost III, Lexington Cary Paul Parr, Massillon, O. Ova Lee Cussler, Ashland
Merry Martha Fuller. St. Louis, Mo. Darrell Eugene Pennington, Ferguson Eric Richard Hart, Lexington  
Ernest Gardner III, Louisville Irwin LeRoy Pickett, Lexington Bernard Ray Hawke, Sonora l'
Thomas Vincent Grealis, New Brunswick, Linda Lee Pierce, Springfield, Ill. Laura Ann Isaacs, Danville ry
N. j. Carol Ann Pitman, Frankfort David Horton johnson, Lexington   C
Raymond joseph Gunterman, Louisville Linda \Vills Qaim-Maqami, Lexington Michael Charles johnston, Lexington
Saunclra llale, Lexington Chardell Thomson Ralston, Lexington james Morris Lakes, Lexington D
Alan Montgomery llall, Elizabethtown Ronald Kenton Reynolds, Lexington Susan Cope Landrum, Lexington
Robert Lewis Ilalleuberg, Anchorage \Villiam Eugene Ritchie, \Vinchester Danny Randall Lewis, Mouthcard
llarlan llamm, _lr., Lexington Robert Leslie Rosenbaum, Lexington Stanley Lee Lockett, Lexington
Mary Theresa llancock, Cold Spring Ronald \\’. Russell, Lexington Allen T. Lyons, Lexington BI
Mary llarrison, Cumberland Ronald james Sale, Lexington john Frederick McPhearson, Ft. Mitchell
Amelia Suzann llartzcl, Harrisburg, Pa. Harold Frederick Salsbery, jr., Nancy jean Moegling, Ashland D
Parkersburg, \V. Va. M

 Robert H. Moore, Burlington Gerald Ray Pratt, Paintsville Bqchelgr gf Music
Kathy Flynn Mueller, Ft. Thomas Benjamin Crawford Sewell III, Maysville
Dannie Lester Mullins, Stanford Penny Kristine Smith, Warsaw Dennis Richard Akers, Prestonsburg
Lee Daniel Newbury, Lexington Terry L. Wagner, Ft. Thomas Sheila Kay O’Nan, Defoe
Thomas Olney Palmer II, Lexington Robert Parker Yowler II, Cincinnati, O. Emily Settle Polson, Glasgow
il .
r College of Agriculture
l Dean: Charles Elmer Barnliart
Bqchelgr of Science in Agriculture ]ames Roe Greene, ]r., Lexington Edward joseph Skees, Cecilia
Carolyn Cameron Hamlin, Lexington Susan Leona Smith, Cincinnati, O.
jane Ann Bierley, Portsmouth, O. joseph Eric Hinton, Vine Grove Steven Floyd VVills, Falmouth
Robert Bruce Biggs, Hueysville ]ames F. Knight, Henderson Thomas Nolen Wright, ]r., Lexington
Frank Henry Geminden, jr., \Varren Dee Plunkett, ]r., Hopkinsville Loretta Virginia Young, Glasgow
Cincinnati, O. ]ames Thomas Ryan, Paris
College of Engineering
Dean: Robert Mortimer Drake, jr.
Bne|·le|Or of Science in Michael Lee Feinauer, Newport \Valter \Villiam Steinmann, Fort Thomas
A rrculru el E · · Gustavo Renan Leoro, Lexington
g r ngmeermg Frederick Neal Wilson, Covington B h r r S _ _
William Peterson, Loretto GC 8 or 0 Cléncc _m
Gerald Maynard Schlatter, Mcchunlcul E¤s¤¤¤¤r·¤¤
Shepherdsville Q Bachelor of Seience in Delbert Eugene Davis) Rush
Franklin Edward Woeste, Alexandria Chernlcnl Engineering James Stewart Morris) Frankfort
Charles Brent vmson, Louisville ;l¤;S¤¤¤ gniiriiiiirqzlriri, éicxintgon
Bachelor Of Science in O CTE r .1)l1€ 01158, \€1'lS· O1'O
C. .| E . . Dana Miles Stephens, Pyramid
lvl ngmeermg B · · Delbert Randell Young, Barbourville
achelor of Science in
Eduardo Caieedo, Lexington Electrical Engineering
Alejandro Cardenas, jr., Lexington Bachelor of Science in
Donald Ray Clemons, Lexington Hubert Scotty Cox, \Vurtland Merullur reel En lneerirl
. 9 9 9
jose R. Delgado, Lexington Philip Edward Feistritzer, ]r., Stanford
Charles Gerald Dietz, Schoharie, N.Y. Billy D. Hyde, Lexington Robert T. Surface, Lebanon, O.
‘l College of Education
Dean: George VV. Denemark
Bqchelgr gf Arts in Educcitien Catherine Fmnces Allen, Lexington Carol S. Anderson, Lexington
Major: English Major: Chemistry
Darlene Hopkins Adams, Lexington Barbara Sue Anderson, Lexington Karin R. Anderson, Paris
Major: Elementary Education Major: History (junior High) Major: Elementary Education

 Mary Patricia McCarthy Anderson, Robert Harges Bowling, Ashland Sharon Lee Daniels, Lexington ir
Fort Thomas Major: History Major: Elementary Education M
M ` : El ‘ Ed t`
3101. ememdry um mn Betty D’Arville Breyley, Park Hills ]ames Anastos Daopoulos, Marlboro, L
Richard ]ames Andretta, Lexington Major: Elementary Education Mass. M
M‘;H‘ M‘;H1th dPh'lEd t"
mor lstory Mildred Kaye Broaddus, Cumberland mm ea an yslca uca mn ir
Philip Nathan Argento, Lexington ` Major: Political Science lames W. Daugherty, Lexington M
Major: Health and Physical Education il Major: Biological Sciences
Donna Lee Brunson, Louisvi e ` D
Barbara Funke Arnold, Pewee Valley Mejor; Biological Seienee Patricia Al]ean Day, Lexington M
Major; Art Education Major: Elementary Education
abia ,N'hl ·11 P:
Beverly Faye Ashcraft, Covington ljrlgigj lgrignsh urge lc O asvl 6 Cheryl French Duncan, Paris M
Major: Elementary Education ` Major: Elementary Education
james Dillion Asher, Whitesburg {icing rslgirt Cam DE?/ill€_ Donna ]ean Durham, Lexington i R
Major: History mm" Gmenmry ucamm Major: Business Education i\
Larry Darnell Ball, Cumberland Marlin Campbell Carte-`1`» Nicholasvnln Catherine Lee Durkin, Louisville N
Major: Political Science Mnlnri Hi$t0YY Major: Elementary Education V N
]ohn L. Barnett, Lexington Mary Keith Comett Casner, Lexington Ruth Evelyn Fallis, Salvisa li R
Major: English Major: Elementary and Special Educa- Major: English and History (]unior High) V
‘ E M R ;
d bl ll d d N
Carolyne Ann Barnhill, Providence tum < uca 6 enta Y atm 6 ) Cheryl Gwyn Fegley, Lexington C
Major: History and Special Education Margie Carol Ceudillr Eiibenk Major; Elementary Education g iv
O h d`·.ll H. d' d · . ·
< rf <>1¤<> M Y "¤¤ 1¢¤1¤·1>€ ) Major. English Sandra Lee Fielder, Cincinnati, 0. B
IreizabethEi»\nnerBashi11i;r ;/arlrleyiSéa51io;r- Dale Fredrick Chapmarr) Walton Major: Elementary Education i N
L apr. mmm lr?] an P ia Malnri Social Studies Barbara loan Fisher Lexington Q
tion (Orthopedieally Handicapped) wr _ S _ i Sr d_ ’ i l<
I i ajor: ocia u ies lr,
Terry Wayne Beridlesr Fulton Delranea Donta Chapman, Ashland r r
Mrri0r_ History Major; Elementary Education Donald Ray Fisher, Lexington , ll
L I Major: Health and Physical Education 1 lr
Sheila Christine Platt Becker, Louisville Nina Ch€€l<» Stantvn _ _ _ ‘
yl · . h · Major: Elementary Education Craig E- Folnsbec, Corning, N· Y- j L
i ajor. Mat ematics M _ H ith d Pi _ IEC] i_0
ajor; ea an iysica ucai n i ll
Patricia Ann Bell, Fort Thomas David Allen Clark, Danville r V
Major: Physical Education and Major: Health and Physical Education Deborah S01‘Y€u Foster, Spring Station ' L
Health, lieereeiion Major: Biological Sciences r A
Mary Marlene Clark, Lexington _
Theodorg Berry, Lexington Major; Elementary Education Diane Gndnlain Gabbardi Lexington ~  
Major: ng isi Major: Eng is V
james Dewey Clay, Lexington
Bonita Kay Bishop, Cincinnati, O. Meior; Elementary Ednoetion Marianne Casey Gardner, Pittsburgh, Pa. . A
Major: Elementary Education Major: Spanish ` N
J C Bl ir Patricia Carol Combs, Hindman d Gr K
oanne . anc·, Lexington Mriiori History Bren a Sue ass, Lexington ,
Major: l\Iatliematics Major: Elementary Education l A
Pamela Moore Conley, Louisville i
Mildred S];1ne Flgnrkenship, Morganfieldd Mriiori Elenienrery Education Virginiariéann Cotton Goodman, C
major: pecia ucation: Speech an Noro , Va. i A
Hearing Wanda Fay Conley, Handshoe Major: Sociology
Major: Elementary Education L
Susan Bertram Block, Vanceburg Susan Levin Cordon, Lexington ri X
Major: History Milina Fay Cramb, Nashville, Tenn. Major: Elementary Education l
Major: Elementary Educatio C
\Voodie Henderson Bogie, Dayton, O. n Robert Vemon Hale, Louisville B
Major: History Eugenia DeVere Cravens, Franklin, Ind, Major: Health, Physical Education and rl rr
Major: Eleme tary Edt catio R c t'
Mary Kathleen Bohan, Lexington n I n E rea mn A
Major: History and English Kathleen DeVoe Crooks, Chaplin Angela Duane Hardaway, Vine Grove A
M i A B H d Major: Elementary Education Major: Elementary Education  
iartia nn oone, en erson
Major: Elementary and