xt718911pw2d_262 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 103rd Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 103rd Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_3/2010ua027_p4_3_1/5269/5269.pdf 1970 May 11 1970 1970 May 11 section false xt718911pw2d_262 xt718911pw2d Y r C Of  {
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One hundred third annual
University of Kentucky, Lexington
5 Monday, May eleventh, one thousand nine hundred and seventy
  P . % Q
, · •·$·• 0*% ••·%’••·%’ ·

Governor Louie B. Nunn, Chairman
Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman
Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secretary
]esse M. Alverson, ]r. I
Thomas P. Bell `
Wendell P. Butler  
Albert B. Chandler `
Richard E. Cooper I
George W. Griflin, ]r. I
Robert H. Hillenmeyer
]. Robert Miller
B. Hudson Milner
N. N. Nicholas, D.M.D.
]ames H. Pence
Floyd H. Wright
K Robert W. Rudd, non-voting faculty member
Paul G. Sears, non-voting faculty member
Stephen B. Bright, non—voting student member
Otis A. Singletary, President I
Alvin L. Morris, D.D.S., Special Assistant to the President A
A. D. Albright, Executive Vice President (on leave) i
Lewis W. Cochran, Dean of Graduate School and Vice President—Research  
Glenwood L. Creech, Vice President—University Relations
Stuart Forth, Acting Vice President—Student Ailairs
Ellis F. Hartford, Vice President—Community College System
George ]. Ruschell, Acting Vice President—Business Affairs and Treasurer
William R. Willard, M.D., Vice President—Medical Center

One Hundred Third Annual

I University Marshal
Professor Garrett W. Flickinger
it The National and University Colors
` The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees
from the College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentistry
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
— The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics
= The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing I
l The Candidates for Degrees from the School of Architecture
The Candidates for Degrees from the School of Allied Health Professions
The Candidates for Degrees from the School of Home Economics
I The Candidates for Degrees from the School of Library Science
I The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of the College of Agriculture
The Faculty of the College of Engineering
The Faculty of the College of Law
The Faculty of the College of Education
The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
I The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
I The Faculty of the College of Medicine
The Faculty of the College of Nursing
The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
The Faculty of the School of Architecture
The Faculty of the School of Allied Health Professions
` The Faculty of the School of Home Economics
I The Faculty of the School of Library Science
l The Faculty of the School of Social Professions
  The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges
The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
, The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative Officials
I The Vice Presidents
The Official Guests ‘
  The Governor and the Board of Trustees
I · The President of the University of Kentucky
I , 3

 · i
. i
. i
The exercises of the one hundred and third annual commencement are enacted  
today at the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each l
year on campuses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the `
graduates' years of study and preparation for responsibility. '
The following description of the academic pageantry is provided for your interest. I
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum l
through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and followed by the ·
Color Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University banner. The _
University Marshal is bearing the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the authority of the _·
State and the University. Led by Student Marshals the candidates march behind the {
identification banner of the respective colleges which recommended them for their  
degrees. 1
The order of march is as follows: `
The candidates for advanced degrees, to include l
[ College of Law `
College of Medicine
College of Dentistry .
The candidates for degrees:
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Agriculture
College of Engineering `
College of Education
College of Business and Economics l
College of Pharmacy i
College of Nursing
School of Architecture
School of Allied Health Professions
School of Home Economics
School of Library Science r
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of  
Kentucky march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and ,
universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to
the platform the Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary ‘
degree recipients, alumni award recipients, University of Kentucky Research Foundation .
faculty research award recipients, Philip D. and Elsie O. Sang award recipient, Sullivan
award recipients, the Vice Presidents, guests, state officials, and finally the President of
the University. The Trustees of the University can be identified by their blue gowns i
with white panels. They wear blue caps with blue tassels.

E . All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University
l officials, faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The `
‘ basic color for most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different
* degrees wear distinctive tassels on their caps (called mortarboards), and hoods, draped
' down the back of the gowns, of various hues.
. Candidates for Bachelors' and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the
tassel appropriate to the school or division from which they are being gr" luated, with
‘ the exception of those who already hold Doctors’ degrees and are privileged to wear
. gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National
I anthem, and prayers, men in academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The
{ authorized list of tassel colors follow:
l Arts and Sciences—Black Medicine—Green
l Agriculture—Maize Nursing—Apricot
~ Engineering—Orange Dentistry—Lilac
Law—Purple Architecture—Brown
J Education—Light Blue Allied Health Professions—Light Green
Business and Economics—Drab Home Economics—Maroon
~ Pl1armacy—Olive Green Library Science—Lemon
The gown for the Bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn
closed. The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like
· the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of
its oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is
» designed and supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The
gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell-shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars
; (usually black but sometimes other colors depending on the degree).
The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate
color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution——blue
` and white at Kentucky.
{ The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes
  more of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the
{ person is receiving.
4 The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the
wide panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The »
l colors of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine,
· and purple for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctors` degrees are purple for laws,
white for letters, and golden yellow for science.
J Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has
` been conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree
consists in his being formally invested with the hood.

 ·l‘ 2
lt a
Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater!
Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice united;
To the breeze her colors fling.
To the blue and white be true; ,
Badge triumphant age on age; i
Blue, the sky that o'er us bends; l
\Vhite, Kentucky’s stainless page.  
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky!
Glorious is thy heritage; `
Proud thy name and thy traditions;
Proud thy place on history’s page!
May we ne’er forget thy fame
Mother of the great and free;
’ May we ’er uphold thy name,
Old Kentucky, hail to thee!
 y Iosephine Funkhouser
Music by Carl A. Lampert
Oh Say! can you see, by the dawrfs early light,  
\Vhat so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?  
\Vhose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous light,  
O”er the ramparts we watclfd, were so gallantly streaming? _~
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Cave proof thro' the night that our Hag was still there.
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

1 Otis A. Singletary, President
STAR SPANGLED BANNER ...............................................,............ (Francis Scott Key)
INVOCATION .................................................................... The Reverend Homer Nutter
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS ...................................................... President Singletary
  GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ........................................ Mr. ]oseph Creason
f REMARKS .......................................................................................... President Singletary
Dean Lewis Cochran Acting Dean Joseph Massie
~ Graduate School College of Business and Economics
Dean William Matthews Dean ]oseph Swintosky
College of Law College of Pharmacy
Dean William Jordan Dean Marcia Dake
College of Medicine College of Nursing
Dean Harry Bohannan Dean Charles Graves
College of Dentistry School of Architecture
Dean Wimberly Royster Dean ]oseph Hamburg
College of Arts and Sciences School of Allied Health Professions
Dean Charles Barnhart Dean Betty jean Brannan
College of Agriculture School of Home Economics
Dean Robert Drake Dean Lawrence Allen
College of Engineering School of Library Science
Dean George Denemark Dean Ernest \Vitte
College of Education School of Social Professions
CONFERRING OF DEGREES ........................................................ President Singletary
GREAT TEACHER AWARDS ................................................ President Singletary
  RESEARCH AVVARDS ..... _ ....................................... Vice President Lewis Cochran
‘ ELSIE O. SANG AWARD ........................................................ President Singletary
PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ................................ President Singletary
Professor Holman Hamilton, University Orator
CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ................................ President Singletary
Professor Hamilton
ALMA MATER .................................................................................... (Carl A. Lampert)
BENEDICTION ................................................................ The Reverend ]oseph   Rueter
Professor Arnold Blackburn, Organist

Louie Broady Nunn
Frank Graves Dickey
Ralph ]ohn Angelucci
William Clement Eaton
William Clyde Friday
William Thomas Woodson
Floyd Holmes Wright
F 9

. Grc
Q Majo
» Disser
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l Mary
l Clyde
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~ Rich:
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" Degree awarded August 6, 1969 ‘ glal°’
r rsser
°° Degree awarded December 20, 1969 Nqdq
°°° Degrees not previously awarded will be con- MMO]
ferred May 11, 1970, if all requirements are met DMS;

 Graduate School
Dean: Lewis Wellington Cochran
Doctor of Philosophy Robert Eloi Chanteloup°, Lexington
t · Major: Sociology
Al'V1l Van Ad8lT1S, L€X1flgt01'l Dissertation: "Meaning Consistency and Hyperorthodoxy: A Study of
Major: Economics Catholic Religious Beliefs"
Dissertation: "A Study of Negro Employment Pattems in Metropolitan ,_
Memphis, Tennessee" Allen kirby Chelgren, Hazard
_ Major: Mathematics
Norris Eugéne Aldérsom Santa F€> Tenn Dissertation: "Defect Groups and the Radical of a Group Algebra" ,
`_ Major: Ammal Sciences
, Dissertation: "Post-Prandial Changes in Ovine Ruminoreticular Motility Kuo-Ching Chupg°°, Lexington
l and Emptying Rate" Niajor Physics
juan, Regalis Althauservo, Lexington Diss§rtaticAn:7gTh% (r;,1X6 )°$eactions as a Tool for Nuclear Spectroscopy
. . . CBT I I] I.;
Major: Microbiology il 8
Dissertation: "Immuno1ogical Relationships Among Viruses of the Rhab- , · . o v .
dovims Gmupn Pauline Rose Clance , l\. Olmstead, O.
Major: Psychology
l Clyde Thomas Bat€s¤¤, Georgetown Dissertation: “The Effects of Different Reinforcement-Punishment Con-
, _ tmgencies Upon the Occurrence of Aggressive Behavior"
Major: Economics ;
  DiSS}g;{j—;j;¤;=m;,T*E(p;*_j(·;g;ur<;€, 3 Large R€S¢~¤¤ ¤¤ LMI G<>v·=¤·m¤¤* wrinrrrr Brerrrwe11 Clifford 11=·, ae1erg1r, N. c.
l Major: Sociology
l Joyce Hmuilton Berry, Lexington Dissgrtatgoxg “Varia:ons in Value Orientations and Fertility: A Study in
. Major: Education Dua Emogmp y
‘ Dissertation: "The Rorschach Inkblot Test as an Indicator of Empathy" Carole Jean C0H:€c¤¤’ Shop Springs) Term.
» Richard Francis Bielcer, St. Anthony, Ind. Mawr: _B1OCh€m1Stry _
_ _ _ Dissertation: "Gluconatc Metabolism in Pseudomonas: A Study of
R/l2l]0I‘2 AgI`1CLlltl1I'Hl ECODOIDICS Gjuconokirmsc-·
Dissertation: "Social and Economic Determinants of the Educational
j 2;h§;;Ej;;;fS§;§;;¤d E*<·>v¤¤*¤ cme $*¤d¤¤¤S ¤¤ RM1 K·>¤*¤¢kv= Frederic Mull Crawford, jr.·, Murfreesboro, Tenn.
l Major: History
Donald yvayne Bogie, Frankfort Dissertation: "Th_e” Mercure Hisforique Et Politique 1715-1781: A
_ _ Critical Analysis
Major: Sociology
Dissertation: "Sociocultural Diiierences Among Three Areas in Kentucky h C d
as Determinants of Educational and Occupational Aspirations and 'lo lljosep  IOW em Berea
Expectations of Rural Youth" nralori Sociology
R Dissertation: "Alienation Among Low-Income People in Appalachia" j
Bruce D. Bowen", Ann Arbor, Mich.
Major Political Science Nancy Ellen Curry, Nashville, Tenn. 5
Dissertation: "The Paradox of Voting: A Theoretical and Empirical Nrnlori French .
Examination" Dissertation: “The Life and \’Vorks of Emile Gahoriau"
l Benjamin Charles Brewster, New Salisbury, Ind. David High Darst, Pinehurst, N. C.
l Major: Mathematics Major: Spanish
l Dissertation: "Classes of Finite 1;--Closed Groups and Their Covering Dissertation: "A Structural Analysis of the Prospera and Advcrsa Fortuna
Subgroups" Dc Don Alvaro Dc Luna Attributcd to Tirso dc Molina"
r ]ohnnie Larry Call, Lexington William Richard Davis, ]r.°, Macon, Ga.
Major: Animal Sciences Major: Spanish
l Dissertation: "Circulatory Nitrogen and Energy Sources in Sheep Treated Dissertation: "The Role of the Virgin in the Cnntigas de Santa Maria"
` with Insulin"
Gabriel Angel de los Reyes'", Auburn, Ala.
~ Michael Lipscomb Canipbell°", Nashville, Tenn. Major: Spanish
I Major: PSYCITOIOEY Dissertation: "Etimologia Y Significado Del Vocabulario Contenido en
Dissertation: "Premorbidity and the Generalization of Conflict in Los ‘Lucidarios’ Espanoles"
i Schizophrenics"
° john Edgar Diller°, Meursault, France
· ¤ . . .
D¤¤¤ld Korrn Carson » Goorgotown Ma or: D1 ilomac and International Commerce
. . . I I Y
l Malori DlPl0rnaCY and International Cornnlercn Dissertation: “The Comparative Gains From International Manpower
E Dissertation: "Richard Olney: Secretary of State, 1895-1897" Transfers"
Nada Chang, Columbia, M0. james Edwin Dublin°, Lexington
l_ Major; Anatomy Major: Psychology
Dissertation: "Gonadotrophin Secretion: Role of the Central Nervous Dissertation: “Reactions of A and B Therapist ‘Types’ to Verbal Non-
{ System and Gonadal Feedbacks" Immediacy in Neurotic and Schizoid Communications"

' I
l Thomas P. Dunn", Bowling Green Steven Earl Hannum°, Phoenix, Ariz. HOW
Major: Sociology Major: Chemistry Milli
i Dissertation: "Selected Personality Dimensions and Favorableness to Dissertation: "The Infrared Rellectance Spectra of CO Absorbed on Dlsse
Social Change: An Evaluation of Sorokin’s Sensate and Ideational Oriented Rhodium Films" in
Personality Types" _
’ Douglas \Vilford Hatfield", Memphis, Tenn. Hem
Paul ]on Eenigcnburg°, Lexington Major: History Majc
Mnlori Nllltnolniltlos Dissertation: "Schwarzenberg’s German Policy 1851-l852" Dlsse
Dissertation: "Rate of Growth and Boundary Behavior in Some Classes B
of Univalent Funetions" Sarah L. Haycraft", Owensboro
{ ,,, . Major: Psychology Ste ·
Janlcs Iosep  Egan ’ Covlngton Dissertation: "A Comparison of Three Psychophysical Techniques in the NI'?
nliilori PllY$lo$ Measurement of Cognitive Reinforcing Values" _‘U(
Dissertation: "Study of (p,n) Reactions iu MV and "*Zn" · Diss'?
Enrique H0yos°, Bogota, Columbia
john Hazle Ellis, Georgetown Major, Spanish Kath
ll/l2lj0T2 Soil Science Dissertation: "Temas Y Topicos En El Cancionero Dc Baeno” Majr
Dissertation: "Diifusion of Copper, Manganese, Zinc, and Iron in Clays" Disse
Kurt Linwood Huhtanen, VV eymouth, Mass. ll
]ohn Thomas Fangman°, Ft. Mitchell Major: Chemistry
lxlalori Chomlslly Dissertation: "An Investigation of the Photochemistry of Methyl 4, 4, VUV
Dissertation; "Structural Elucidations and Reactivity of Some Cobalt(III) 4-Triphenyl-2-Butynoate" \' 1 ·
Complexes of Amino and Malonic Acids" V l\’l2tj(
° _ David Raymond Humberd, Cleveland, Tenn. ' Disse
llandel Allen Flowers , Lexington Major: Agricultural Economics C
Mnlori Plant P?lthologY Dissertation: "A Multiperiod Analysis of the Effect of Selected Economic
Dissertation: "Ecology and Host-Parasite Relationships of Phytophthora Variables on the Optimum Growth Process of Three Case Farms in l ROD;
Parasitica Var. Nic0tianae" the Mammoth Cave Area" l I\4__lj(
Arnold Perry Foster, Madisonville, Tex. Philip \Vade ]eflress°°, Bowling Green 4 Disse
Major: Animal Sciences Major: Economics l _
Dissertation: "Rumen Microbial Responses to Proline" Dissertation: "Racial Employment Patterns in the Urban Mass Transporta- ~ Pooh
tion Industry" l h[g_j(
\Villiam Galati°, Seabrook, Md. _ _ _ l Disse
Major: Physics Larry Clinton ]enkins, Owensville, Mo. ‘ 14
' Dissertation: "Dillerential Cross Sections of 3.0 to 6.9 MeV Neutrons Mnlori Agncultnral Eoonomlcs Z
Scattered from *2 C, and Exited States of *3 C" Dissertation: "Adjustment Responses of Northwestem Kentucky Com- Ten.,
mercial Farmers to Changes in Cost and Availability of Resources" I .
Kochuparampil Mammen George, Kerala, India Ml l Blah
lplulm; Sociology Douglas Barr ]ohn , Charleston, S. C. , Dis?
Dissertation: “Family Structure and Fertility Among Lower Class Negroes: Malori H1$t0YY
A Study in Sociol Demography" Dissertation: "The Debate on British Military Air Policy 1933—1939" C _1
, a1
(Jhitta R. Chosh°, Lexington James Lavaughn ]0hn_son°°, Athens, Ga. Iyigjr
Major: Microbiology Major: Agricultural Economics , Disse
Dissertation: "The Relationship of the Immune Response in Infectious Dissertation: "Farmers’ Participation in the 1968 Feed Grain Program m
Mononuclcosis to Antigens From Microbes and Human Cell Mem- Among the Commercial and Noncommercial Grain Producing Areas `
branes" of Kentucky" ' Alam
l .
john Michael Gibson, Madison, \Vis. WVilliam \Veisiger ]ohnson°°, Atlanta, Ga. ` MTW
- Major: Physiology and Biophysics Major: Spanish   Dm;
Dissertation: "A Theoretical Analysis of Masking Phenomena in Audition Dissertation: "The Poema de Iose: A Transcription and Comparison of A
and Vision" the Extant Manuscripts"
1 Mar;
Mary Morton Gihson, Madison, \Vis. Tnolnns R· KolnP» Lebanon Majc
Major: Physiology and Biophysics Minor; Ch€ml$lY}’ Disse
Dissertation: “NcurophysioIogical Correlates of the Acoustic Modulation Dlssortnoonf Hvolnnlo Orgnnlc Constituents of Stm“’bB"Y and Ponon Il
Envelope: Single Units in the Cat Cochlear Nucleus” Folmgo Davl
lmlson Clark Cmya, Louisville Amy Patterson lung, Lexington glgli
_ _ ' . . , ° · E
Mmm.: Sociology Major. llylatllematics v 1 . dn V T
inassmtiitint "crtmiessstm and xvorimy Behavior in swamiand, 1200- D‘Ss°;*f‘,‘;]“;“·l A Cl“;Sn‘:f §“:‘f. I`““°;‘;“s °(g3,°‘{{‘d°d I“d°" "“d Ra “ j N
1900: A Post Facto Intersocietal Experiment" 0 va ence 0 0 6 vu C Kms 0 em Br ‘
, , . \Villiai Hu h Ki °°, Cinc'nnati O. { r
Henry Gaston (·r1ggs°, Lexington . ll g. pp I ’ ¢ lm?
no .-:, :. Ba., ri ti     MW Che ···: my Mar
_`] ' _   Ul lunch Dissertation: "I. Electron Density Studies of N,N-Dimethy1—p-Phenylaz0- Digge
Dissertation: "Studies on Recovery of Colpoda From Potentially Lethal X mlglinc Annlqgucs l tl
and Ultraviolet Radiation Induced Damage" IL Kinetics Of Azcbenzene Formatlonv
Peter l\lichael Guzy, \Vashington, Pa. David Edwin Kissel", Lexington l Man
Major: Biochemistry Major: Soil Science   Man
Dissertation: "Studies of the Formation and Fraetionation of Spheroplasts Dissertation: "A Study of Some Reactions of Acidity iu Selected Kentucky l Dlssc
of Saccharomyces Ccrevisiae" Soils" 1 A
llay Kenneth llammond", E. Lansing, Mich. George Chao-Tsi Kung", Stevens Point, \Vis. l Alam
Major: Biochemistry Major: Mathematics l Majr
Dissertation: "Isoprenoid Neutral Lipid Formation by Staphylococcus Dissertation: "Oscillation and Nonoscillation Criteria for Functional Dif- Disse
AUfC‘il·Yn ferential Equations" i lf

` Howard Augustus Lee, St. Louis, Mo. Carroll Bruce Myers, Lexington
Major: Biochemistry Major: Mathematics
m Dissertation: "Chemical and Biochemical Studies of the NAD-}- —Pyruvate Dissertation: "F-Torsionless and F-Reilexive Modules"
and Pyruvate Analogue Adducts"
Guessler Normand, Akron, O.
Henri K. Lese, Monroeville, Pa. Major: French
Major; Chenncal Engineering Dissertationnnn‘Hen1jnBarbusse, Monde and the Dimensions of Commit-
Dissertation: "Heat Transfer From a Horizontal Tube to a Fluidized mmm *93;*
Bed in the Presence of Unheated Tubes John Lenny Omdiihlaai inndisim, \ViSi
Major· Physiology and Biophysics
he Stephen Edwarii Lil'? i Hopkmsvllle Diggertatign; "The Influence of Dietary Calcium on Vitamin Dx Mediated
Major: Economics Processes in the Chick"
Dissertation: "lnterstate Comparisons of Family Tax Burdens"
Georgia Pappanastos", Milwaukee, Wis.
Kathleen Elizabeth Li s, Louisville M8i0T¤ Spanish
P . .
Miijori Physics Dissertation: "The Heroic Ideal in Five Plays of Guillen De Castro"
D'·srt.t':"M'.dCfig t' ShllMdlCllt` £ N1' . . . ~
15 svighuifjlz 28,];) < gn; zgson e 0 c a cu A mm or uc el john Richard Pfe1ffer°°, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Major; English
4 . . . . D' ' : “Th h`1 ' " h- · 'lh   :
, \Vinn_nn Tlininns Lipscninbi Lnxinginn issiiziiijgninuinii A Tienniinig in l\1neteent Century Britis Fiction and
i Major: Physiology
Dissertation: "Neurophysiological Studies of the Superficial Medullary Ralph L. Place°, i\luI1Ci€, Ind.
i Chemosensitive Areas for Respiration" Major: Pl1ySlCS
qc Dissertation: "Angular Correlation and Gamma—Ray Branching Ratio
m l Ronald Dale Long"', Franklin, Ind. Studies of ¤"Ar"
i Major: Animal Sciences M _
i Dissertation: "Ruminal Histamine Response to Changes in Dietary Protein" Glen CNW P0$$l€Y » LOS AUg€l€$> Calif- i
i Major: Chemistry '
a_ i Rjchm-d Q_ ]\[m·(_—jS°i Bowling Green) O_ Dissertation: "'I`he Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Co and Oi absorbed on
j \i . . Oriented Nickel Films"
i ajor: Economics
i DissfnEi1i;i¢irn:n7;‘pon1mercial Bank Activity in the Municipal Bond Market: Richard vvillinui Posimneai Lexington
= Major: Physics
ii- ¤ .· Dissertation: “P-State \Vave Function of the Two-Electron Atom and the
Ter?-ence George Maish ’ Lexington Absorption Coeiticient of the Negative Hydrogen Ion"
i Major: Biological Sciences
I Dissertation: "Ecological and Behavioral Studies of the Cave Beetle Henry B_ P0t0cZny°i plnladejnhia Pm
Darlingtonca Kcntuckcnis Valentine (Coleoptera: Carabidae)" . . )
Major: Mathematics
i Cnii ninrin ninitiinwsoi Lnxinninn Dissgnnziningiiz “S0me Generalizations of the First and Second Countability
Major: Psychology I
, Dissertation: “Interpersonal Attraction and Stage of Learning as Deter- ThO1Hi1S COIll€y Powell, Olleidzl
iii minants of Social Facilitation" \I.ijOi.. \.I€Ch,miC.il Enginceiina
as , Dissertation: “Fusion Power for Interstellar Flight"
i Alan Stewart McCall°, Cleveland, O. .
~ Major; Economics Billy Reese Prcbble°°, Laramie, \Vyo. i
~ Dissertation: "A Statistical Study of Market Structure and Performance: Llajor; Economics ‘
of l Small' and MBd'um'Slz€d Commemml Banks Dissertation: “Patterns of Land Use Change Around a Large Reservoir" E
i Margaret Suzanne McCroskery, Oswego, N. Y. Teoiila V. Rebagay°, Mindanao, Phil. i
Major: English Major: Chemistry
Dissertation: “Tristan and Isolde: Four Dimensions of a Tale of Passion" Dissertation: “The Determination of Zirconium and Hafnium in Meteor-
ch P ites and Terrestrial Materials by Activation Analysis"
David Melvin McKown°° \’Valker VV. Va. _
l . . ° ’ Robert Lloyd Recs, Lexington
Major: Chemistry \ii_ _ Ei ii _
Dissertation: "Application of Gamma-Gamma Coincidence Counting ‘ _`l]Or’ _ ( uitltwn _ _ _ _ _ _
1.. . Techniques to the Non-Destructive Activation Analysis of Meteoritic Dissertation: Educational Media in Higher Education: A Guide for
“ i: Mntenaisrr Educational Administrators"
; James waiice Middleton, ii., Munfordville  ¤'_h—¤¤ M'; *i¤¤h·¤dS¤¤ » R·¤*·¤¤¤¤"

1 . . V
‘ ohn H. Scalf r.°, DeLand, Fla. Kenneth Paul Tucker, Louisville Sed
’ .
Major: Sociology Major: English Mal
j Dissertation: "Religion and Bureaucracy: A Study of the Relation Dissertation: "The Dramatic Use of Divine Intervention in Elizabethan D‘Ss`
Between Goal Specificity, Bureaucratization, and Commitment" Drama" i 1
Dennis Harold Schnack°, Lexington " Robert Q_ '[`urrr€r°°’ Ngrnjan, ()k]a_ I jose
Major: Mathematics Major; Economics Maj
Di5S¤¤t9¢i¤¤= HOU nw ,§¤¤fH¤i¢¤¤ B¤¤¤dS for 3 Class of M€*'0m0l'Phi° Dissertation: "The Locational Characteristics of Kentucky and the Role   Diss
UmVal€¤t Functwns of the Kentucky Department of Commerce in the Location of New i
_ _ _ M n f cturing Plants" ~ D0;
Peter joseph Sehlrnger, ]r.°, Louisville a u 8 Mai
Major: History Philip Ray Utley°°, Albion, Ill. Diss
Dissertation: "The Educational Thought and Influence of Valentin Major: Anjillal Sciences i
Letcher Dissertation: "Water Restriction and Nitrogen Metabolism in the Bovine" \
Edward Scidman°° Winni e , Canada _ I Jim
uniim Psychology ’ P g Gerald Lee Varland, Lexington Maj
i' ¢ Z ` . . . . . l .
Dissertation: "Patient—Therapist Compatibility in a Quasi—Therapeutic 11;/¥a]Or:'t_Ecluqilonaibigulrilsilstlfijn br S h 1 _ K t k f i DHS
Sihmn(m·· isse a ron: ccessr r o e u rc c oo s m en uc y or
Research Purposes" CGC
Sang—ok Chang Seo°°, Lexington _ i ` Maj
Miiioii Maijicimiiics Bandaru Venkateswarlu, Chrrala, Indra Diss
Dissertation: "Augmentations in Semigroup Rings" Ma]0Yi C1v1lEngmeermg i i
r _ _ Dissertation: "Bond—Slip and Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Beams" ii
A. lxarim lrl. Shallal°°, Lexington ` juli
_ l
Major: Chemistry Kenneth E. Webb, jr", Fairfield, O. Igfaj
Dissertation: “The Effect of Different Supporting Electrolytes on the Major; Anjrnnl Sciences Digs
AbS°n’"°" °f Al°°h°ls '“ Tensmllmetryn Dissertation: "Renal Function and Adrenal Metabolism in Vitamin A- i 1
. D fi ' t . d N 1 Sh "
Robert Roland Sharp°°, Lexington 8 men lm Umm sep . *
M¤i<>r= Agnculnlml Economics Willard VVesley Weeks, Nicholasville Mu
Dissertation: "A Study of the Effects of the Eight-Man Logging Exemp- - , · _
tion, Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, on the Northeastem Logging Nlalol-` _P1anf Phxsmlogy _ _ _ _ _ _ \
indiisiiyy, Dissertation: Physiology of Alkalords rn Germrnatmg Seed of Nicotiana Phi]
Tabavum L." I
. . ° M
, john lxenncth Shaw, Lexington i E W_ C C d Iii ai
Major: Mathematics Josép I meit 1€St’ erm Or 0’ ' ]O€
Dissertation: “Zeros of Partial Sums and Remainders of Power Series" A/Iulori Physlcs i hda
Dissertation: "A Study of (p,n) Reactions in °i‘Cr and 7sAs" i
. . [
David joel Sheskrn, Teaneck, N. ]. Joh
Major; Psychology Nancy Andrews \rVinkelman°, Lexington Maj
Dissertation: “An Extension of the Concept of Personal Space" lVlajO1‘: lVl21lill€II`t2li1lCS 1
Dissertation: "On the Existence of an Exponential Dichotomy for Ordinary
¤ · Cer
.linn€$ B· SnY€W$bnYY s Princeton Linear Differential Equations in a Banach Space"
Major: Education Ma;
Dissertation: "Individual Knowledge of Language Redundancy as a SUh·f€n Chang YQUGQ, I-·€‘Xlngt0n
Measure of Scholastic Aptitude” Major; Animal Sciences 1;/{ur
_ _ _ . _ _ . r. Dissertation: "Biologica1 Characteristics of Toxic Fescue with Introduction ai
Pctcr Robert Sinclair, Lexrngton of a smaii Animal Bioassayn i
Major: Biochemistry W1]
Dissertation: "Branching in the Electron Transport System of Haemophilus Anthony \i\/ayng Y0nng°'·", Kutfawa Lia;
  Major: Animal Sciences ii
Ai Edward Spitzei Terre Haute, Ind- Dissleigaggng Sgillzggn Adjustment Responses of the Bovine to Different Q  
Major: Economics C
Dissertation: "Sume Determinants of Investing in Load or No-Load
Mutual Funds: A Statistical Analysis"
Doctor of Education — .
David Criflin Spruill°, Raleigh, N. C. Y Mai
Major: Animal Sciences Russell Bowen Irs Stanton 4 Pm
Dissertation: "Eff•.·ct of Protein Level and Source and Iron Level on Ni'. _ Ed ,. · {Ad . . .   M _
Reproductive and Pig Performance and Certain Iron Related Con- ‘1·lOr‘ ucatl