xt718911pw2d_261 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK 102nd Annual Commencement Exercises program text UK 102nd Annual Commencement Exercises program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_2/2010ua027_p4_2_3/5147/5147.pdf 1969 May 12 1969 1969 May 12 section false xt718911pw2d_261 xt718911pw2d ~4 or
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  9 865;
Ow Hundred Second Annddf
Monday, May Twelfth
Nineteen Hundred Sixty-Nine
Memorial Coliseum
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 I n
One Hundred Second Annual

University Marshal ‘
i Professor Garrett W. Flickinger
The National and University Colors
The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates
for Degrees from the College of Law, College of Medicine,
and College of Dentistry
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture
‘ The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
i The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy
  The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing
  The Candidates for Degrees from the School of Architecture
  The Candidates for Degrees from the School of Allied Health Professions
  The Candidates for Degrees from the School of Home Economics
  The Candidates for Degrees from the School of Library Science
  The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
l The Faculty of the College of Agriculture
E The Faculty of the College of Engineering
  The Faculty of the College of Law
l The Faculty of the College of Education
  The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
The Faculty of the College of Medicine
The Faculty of the College of Nursing
The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
The Faculty of the School of Architecture
l The Faculty of the School of Allied Health Professions
I The Faculty of the School of Home Economics
 , The Faculty of the School of Library Science
The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges
T The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
_ The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative Officials
 i The Vice Presidents
{ The Official Guests
l The Governor and the Board of Trustees
l The President of the University of Kentucky

The exercises of the one hundred and second annual commencement are
enacted today at the University of Kentucky, The counterpart of the pageantry
is enacted each year on campuses all over the world. lt is the solemn climax and
recognition of the graduates' years of study and preparation for responsibility.
, The following description of the academic pageantry is provided for your
l The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the
Coliseum through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and fol-
lowed by the Color Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University
banner. The University Marshal is bearing the ceremonial mace, emblematic of
the authority of the State and the University. Led by Student Marshals the
candidates march behind the identification banner of the respective colleges which
  recommended them for their degrees.
{ The order of march is as follows:
The candidates for advanced degrees, to include
  College of Law _
l College of Medicine
  College of Dentistry
  The candidates for degrees: `
  College of Arts and Sciences
  College of Agriculture
 I College of Engineering
  College of Education
 I College of Business and Economics
i College of Pharmacy
College of Nursing
School of Architecture
School of Allied Health Professions
School of Home Economics
: School of Library Science
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University
of Kentucky march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges
and universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession
 _ brings to the platform the Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various col-
 i leges, honorary degree recipients, alumni award recipients, University of Kentucky
‘ Research Foundation faculty research award recipients, Philip D. and Elsie O. Sang
award recipient, Sullivan award recipients, the Vice Presidents, guests, state officials,
  and finally the President of the University, The Trustees of the University can be
e identified by their blue gowns with white panels. They wear blue caps with blue

All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including Uni-
versity officials, faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and
gown. The basic color for most caps and gowns is formal black. However, re-
cipients of different degrees wear distinctive tassels on their caps (called mortar-
boards), and hoods, draped down the back of the gowns, of various hues.
Candidates for Bachelors' or Masters' degrees wear the regulation cap with the ST
_ tassel appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated,
with the exception of those who already hold Doctors' degrees and are privileged lN
to wear gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of
the National anthem, and prayers, men in academic regalia are requested to wear
their caps. The authorized list of tassel colors follow:
Arts and Sciences—Black Medicine—Green   IN
Agricu|ture——Maize Nursing——Apricot i GR
Engineering—Orange Dentistry——Lilac  
Law—Purple Architecture—Br0wn   RE
Education—Light Blue Allied Health Professions—Light Green  
Business and Economics—Drab Home Economics—Maroon   CC
Pharmacy-—Olive Green Library Science-Lemon  
; RE
The gown for the Bache|or’s degree has pointed sleeves. lt is designed to f
be worn closed. The gown for the Master's degree has an oblong sleeve, open at PR
the wrist, like the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner.
The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut
away. The gown is designed and supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn PR
open or closed. The gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell-shaped sleeve on
which are three velvet bars (usually black but sometimes other colors depending
on the degree). CQ
The Bachelor's hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appro- AL
priate color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institu-
tion—blue and white at Kentucky. I BEI
The Master's hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and ex- i
poses more of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree
which the person is receiving.  
The Doctor's hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the  
wide panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. A RE
The colors of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for
medicine, and purple for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctors' degrees are V
purple for laws, white for letters, and golden yellow for science.
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree
has been conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his
honorary degree consists in his being formally invested with the hood.

, re- Presiding
»rtar- A. D. Kirwan, Acting President
, the STAR SPANGLED BANNER ............................................,....... (Francis Scott Key)
eged INVOCAT|ON—The Reverend Joseph N. Smith
g of Baptist Student Union
wear University of Kentucky
  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS .................................................... President Kirwan
l GREETINGS—ALUMNl ASSOCIATION .......................... Mr. Charles O. Landrum
  REMARKS .................................................................................. President Kirwan
zen I
  CONFERRING OF DEGREES ........................................................ President Kirwan
  TEACHER AWARDS ..,.,..................................................... President Kirwan
a I 7
mer. { DATION FACULTY RESEARCH AWARDS ...... Vice President Lewis Cochran
vom PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ................................ President Kirwan
e on Vice President A, D. Albright
CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES .................................. President Kirwan
Vice President Lewis W. Cochran
DV0· ALMA MATER ........................................................................ (Carl A. Lampert)
3 BENED|CTlON——The Reverend Peter Lee Scott
EX`   Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church
gree % Lexington, Kentucky
arg   Professor Arnold Blackburn, Organist
gree The audience is requested to be seated
his until the conclusion of the recessional

  Thomas Dionysius Clark
I Russell Ellsworth Teague ~
  Whitney Moore Young, Jr. l

LEWIS WELLINGTON COCHRAN, Dean and Vice President for Research
Wendall Earl A|len* ........................r. Microbiology .............................. Lexington
Dissertation: "A Genetic and Biochemical Study of Some Beta-Hemolysin
Mutants of Staphylococcus Aureus"
Henry Estill Amos ............................ Animal Sciences .........,........ Bowling Green
Dissertation: "Pro|ine Utilization During Cellulose Fermentation by Rumen
Albert lan Bagby* ......................... ...Spanish . ........................... Nashville, Tenn.
Dissertation: "The Moor and the Jew in the Cantigas of Alfonso X, EI
. Sabio"
Lorrayne Yates Baird ........................ English .............,.......................... Kent, O.
Dissertation: "The Statue of the Poet in the Middle Ages and the Problem
` of Anonymity"
Q John Bryant Bates** ........................ Chemistry ...................... College Park, Md.
Dissertation: "The Infrared and Raman Spectra of Some Molecular CrystaIs"
l Simon Maurice Berggrun** .............. Spanish .................,....,........... Decatur, Ga.
. Dissertation: "The Journal Martin Fierro, A Critical Index"
I Tet·Yin Bong* ................................ Mechanical Engineering .............. Lexington
Dissertation: "Two-Phase Flow in Forced Convection Electrolysis of Water" l
Alvin Benton Broderson* ..........t....... Mechanical Engineering ................ Franklin
Dissertation: "Techniques for Evaluating the White Rat as a Subject for
|n—Space Investigation of Behavior in a Gravity Field"
James Francis Brooks ........................ Mathematics ............,................. Lexington
Dissertation: "On p-Spaces"
Ailmer Browning .........................,.... Agricultural Economics .............. Lexington
Dissertation: "A Study of Grain Production and Utilization Balances and
Grain Flows for Kentucky and a Proiection of the Balances
and Flows for l975"
Joseph Brunet, Jr. ............................ History ..............,............... Gainesville, Fla.
Dissertation: "Science and the Early Ecole Polytechnique, I794—l806: The
Impact of the Early Polytechniciens on the Science of the
Eighteenth Century and on the Revolution in the Nineteenth
i Century"
l Lawrence Duane Buxton* .................. Physics .... . ................................. Lexington
  Dissertation: "Tensor Forces in the Hypertriton"
Q Grady Leon Cantrell .......................... Mathematics .............................. Lexington
:· Dissertation: "A Distortion Theorem for Certain Classes of Analytic Func-
= tions"
  Charles Ronald Ce||a* ...................... English ...................................... Lexington
ly Dissertation: "Two Reactions Against the Stereotype of the Old-Fashioned
I Girl in American Novels, l890-l920"
* Degree awarded August 7, l968
** Degree awarded December 2l, l968
*** Degrees not previously awarded will be conferred May I2, I969, if all requirements
are met
II ‘

James Chester C|aypoo|** ................ History .......................................... Murray J2
Dissertation: "The Early Political Career of Aristide Briand, 1902-l9l4"
Charles Edward Cleaver* .................. Mathematics ...........,.......................... Paris N
Dissertation: "Representations of Linear Functionals in Reflexive Banach
Kenneth B. Colebank ...................... History ......... . ................................ Ashland
Dissertation: "Civi| Rights Legislation, l866-l875" ‘ FI
Joel Allen Collins* ............................ Animal Sciences .................... Blaine, Tenn.
Dissertation: "Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides: Degradation and Effect
on the Growth of Bacteria"
V Robert Arnold Col|ins** .................... English ................. . .................. Dekalb, lll. C
Dissertation: "The Christian Significance of the Astrological Tradition: A
Study in the Literary Use of Astral Symbolism in English Lit-
erature from Chaucer to Spenser"
Henry Gundry Crowgey** ................ History ..............,......... Wilmington, N. C. T
Dissertation: "The Formative Years of Kentucky's Whiskey Industry"
James Alan Cunningham** .............. Chemistry .................................. Lexington
Dissertation: "The Crystal and Molecular Structures of the Hydrates of
Some Rare Earth Acetylacetonates" A
Rudy Leroy Curd .............................. Mathematics .............................. Lexington
Dissertation: "Theorems on Semigroups With Zero"
Philip Ray Dame* ............................ Animal Sciences .................... Chaffee, Mo. · v
Dissertation: "Amino Acid Concentration and Gonadotropin Levels in the
Pituitary Gland of the Cycling Ewe" Q
John L. Daniel* .............,.................. Chemistry ............................ Clinton, Miss. · tv
Dissertation: "Some Solvent Effects on a Menschutkin Reaction"  
Laurence Alfred Danzer .................... Chemistry .................................. Lexington D
Dissertation; "A Study of the Ozone Decomposition Reaction on a Mill Scale
Catalyst in a Continuous Flow System"
Robert Brown Denhardt* .................. Political Science .................. Bowling Green L
Dissertation: "Empirical and Valuational Anomalies in Contemporary Or-
ganization Theory"
James Gregory Dobbins .................... Mathematics ....,........................... Ashland ‘/V
Dissertation: "ldea|s in Topological Semigroups"
Don Darryl Duncan* ......................,. Phvsics ................ . ......................... Murray
Dissertation: "Low-Lying Levels of **5Cl and “"Cl" R
Norman Fayne Edwards .................... Economics .......................... Richmond, Va.
Dissertation: "The State Employment Service in Appalachian Kentucky" l
William Raney Ellis lll** .................. Psychology ,........ . ...................... Salem, Va. A
Dissertation: "AE and EA Transitions: Their Role in Stimulus Discrimination
and Stimulus Generalization"
Carl Henry Ernst ,..................,.... . ..... Biological Sciences ...................... Lexington A
Dissertation: "Natural History and Ecology of the Painted Turtle, Chrysemys
Picta (Schneider)"
Winfield Scott Ford, Jr. .................... Sociology .......................... Tallahassee, Fla. V
Dissertation: "Racial Attitudes, Behavior, and Perceptions of Public Housing
Residents in a Border State City"
* Degree awarded August 7, l968
** Degree awarded December 2], l968  

Tay James Leo Frank .............................. Mathematics ............................ Laurel, Md.
Dissertation: "On a Generalized Whittaker Problem and Polynomial Expan-
sions of Analytic Functions"
Marshall Gaither Frazer** ................ Chemistry ........................ Nashville, Tenn.
Dissertation: "The Preparation and Pinacol Rearrangement of 1,2-D|(2-Quin-
o|y|)—1,2-Diphenylethane-1,2-Diol and 1,2-D|(8-Quino|yl)1,2-
and DiphenyIethane—l,2—DioI"
Frank Edward Frerman* .................... Biochemistry .............................. Louisville
l'1l'l· Dissertation: "A Study of Membrane Lipids During the Formation of the
Membrane-Bound Electron Transport System in Staphylococ-
cus Aureus"
lll. Charles Hugh Gibson* . ..................... Education .,.....................,..,....... Richmond
Dissertation: "The Development of a Model for Utilizing the Techniques of
Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Evaluation of Vocational Pro-
C· Thomas Charles Greenland** ............ Psychology .......................... Cincinnati, O.
Dissertation: "Some Differential Relationships of Academic Ability and Per-
sonality Factors to Academic Status as Suggested by Inter-
rom Institutional and Intra-Institutional Analysis of the Freshman
Class at Four Campuses"
Arner Neal Grise** ......,....,............ Agricultural Economics .................. Quality
on Dissertation: "An Analysis of the Effect of Selected Economic Variables on
the Optimum Location of Burley Tobacco Production Within
, the Burley Belt"
l°· ‘ William D. Gunther ..................... . .... Economics .......................... Northport, Ala.
_ Dissertation; "The Modification and Application of a Regional Activity
, Analysis Model to Multi-county Development Planning"
$$· ‘ Mar`0rie D sart Harrison"' .............. History ,....... . ............................. Lexin ton
, I Y Q
4 Dissertation: "A National University and the National Interest, 1870-1902"
On David Terry Hess** .......................... Psychology ................................ Lexington
Dissertation: "The Interaction of Magnitude and Delay of Reward in Partial
Delay of Reward"
En Herbert Hirsch** .............................. Political Science ...................... Austin, Tex.
Dissertation: "Political Socialization in Appalachia; An Inquiry Into the
Process of Political Learning in an American Sub-Culture"
I/W. Wilson Hourigan ........................ Agricultural Economics .............. Lexington
Dissertation: "Analysis of the Factors Influencing Growers’ Response to the
ay 1967 Acreage-Poundage Referendum for Burley Tobacco"
Rudy I. Hutaga|ung** ...................... Animal Sciences ........................ Lexington
'a_ Dissertation: "Effect of Dietary Fat, Protein, Cholesterol and Ascorbic Acid
, on Serum and Tissue Cholesterol and Serum Lipids in Swine"
a_ Amanda Russell l·lutcherson* ............ Microbiology ..................,........... Lexington
Dissertation: "Chemical Basis of Methicillin Resistance in Staphylococcus
ln Arthur Morton lhri ** ...................... Chemistry .............................. Sarasota, Fla.
9 .
Dissertation: "The Solvent Dependence of H-H, H-F, and F-F Coupling Con-
stants in Both Saturated and Unsaturated Systems '
8* Willard L. Jinks** .................. . ......... Biological Sciences ........................ Pikeville
Dissertation: "The Reproductive Potential of Drosophila Affinis"
* Degree awarded August 7, 1968
g ** Degree awarded December 2l, 1968
13 ‘

Norris R. Johnson ............................ Sociology ..................,........... Cincinnati, O. Fi
Dissertation: "Television and Politicization: A Study] of the Relationship Be-
tween Television Availability and t e Political Information,
Interest and Participation of High School Seniors in Six Rural
Kentucky Counties" Ri
Howard H. Kalwies ............................ French .................................. Macomb, III.
Dissertation: "Hugues Salelc A Study of His Life and Works" l‘l
Lael F. Kinch .................................... Mathematics ................ Niagara Falls, N. Y.  
Dissertation: "Horne Semigroups" I N
John Edward Kleber .......................... History ........................................ Louisville I
I Dissertation: "The Magic of His Power: Robert G. Ingersoll and His Day"  
Edward E. Knipe ................................ Sociology .................... Johnson City, Tenn.
Dissertation: "He|p Patterns in a Complex Organization: A Study of Human
Behavior as Exchange" D
Victor Arthur Lotrich ........................ Biological Sciences ...................... Lexington j
Dissertation: "Growth, Production and Community Composition of Fishes Q
inhabiting a lst, 2nd, and 3rd Order Stream of Eastern Ken- i V
tucky" I
Ruth Constance MacKay .................. Sociology .................................... Lexington  
Dissertation: "Effects of Interpersonal Difference, Social Distance, and So- E R
cial Environment on the Relationship Between Professionals ,
and Their Clientele" j
Robert Kennedy Main* .................... Economics .......................... Bowling Green   D
Dissertation: "Deve|opmental of Fiscal Capacity Measurement and the ln- ¤
fluence of Selected Dimensions of Personal income" ~ T
Shyamal Kumar Majumdar* .............. Biological Sciences ...................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Morphology, Cytogenetics and Evolution of the Tribe `
AIoineae’ JA
Stephen Joseph Mayor ...................... Physiology ..,..................... Grosse Ile, Mich. »
Dissertation: "The Effects of Puromycin on Memory in the Japanese Quai|" S
James Hamilton McCroskery ............ Psychology ................................ Lexington
Dissertation: "Extinguishing, Abolishing, and Reversing Discriminative Re-
sponding" J,
John Ford Mead* ............................ Economics .................................. Louisville
Dissertation: "An Economic Analysis of the Toledo Labor-Management-Cith A
zens Committee After Twenty Years of Operation"
C. Richard Mochow** ...................... Animal Sciences ........................ Lexington K
Dissertation: "The Effects of Pronase on Subsequent Development of Mouse
Embryos and the Separation and Development of Isolated
B|astomeres" J
Robert Earl Moisand .................,...... Biological Sciences .................. Chicago, Ill.
Dissertation: "Effect of Continuous Exposure to Two Insecticides on the Fit- .
ness of Two Third Chromosome inversions of Drosophila _ ` R
Pseudoobscura" ‘
James Donald Moore ........................ Microbiology .............................. Lexington lj
Dissertation: "gnmunlological Relationships Among Viruses of the Herpes
* Degree awarded August 7, I968
*" Degree awarded December 2I, l968

D. Frances Williams Morgan** .............. Spanish ............. . ........... . ...... Norris, Tenn.
Dissertation: "liroverbs from Four Didactic Works of the Thirteenth Cen-
Robert Jeffry Morris** .................... Spanish ................................ Shelby, N. C.
H Dissertation; "The Peruvian Theater I946-I966"
Harry Donald Nash .......................... Microbiology .........................,.... Frankfort
issertation: "The Development of Depth Perception in Intermediate Age
(_ ;__,__..,/¢" Children"
  Mary Nash ............. . ........................ Psychology ................................ Lexington
’ Dissertation: "Economic Analysis of Equity Under Full Value Assessments
Ie , ( for Farm P, erty in Kentucky" .
  Ahn Paul Nelso .. ............. T.} ........ Agricultural Economics ............ Middletown
.1 k Dissertation ,’The Effe of Strip Mining on the Microbiology of a Stream
` Free From Domestic Pollution"
David Winchell Novak* .................... Psychology ........................ Park Ridge, lll.
_ Dissertation: "Socia| Psychological Processes and Reactions to the Handi-
`V" , capped"
E William Phillip Novinger* ..............., Mathematics .............................. Lexington
l Dissertation: "Ho|0morphic Functions with Infinitely Differentiable Bound-
  ary Values"
n z
  Ramelle Frances Patterson* .............. Education ..,................................. Louisville
. Dissertation: "Sex Recognition from Voice as Related to Age and Person-
j ality Characteristics in Children"
n i David Muir Petersen** .................... Sociology ........................ Silver Spring, Md.
  Dissertation: "The Police, Discretion and the Decision to Arrest"
Theodore Phillips ll** ...................... Chemistry ........................ Cambridge, Md.
n Dissertation: "The Crystal and Molecular Structures of Some Solvated Metal
, Acety|acetonates"
James Edwin Pitts** .................,...... Economics and Business .... Tallahassee, Fla.
Dissertation: "The Impact of Tax Policy on Investment Behavior in the
I- » Chemicals and Allied Products Industry"
Stanley Eugene Poe .,........................ Animal Sciences ............. . ...... Franklin, lnd.
’l Dissertation: "Factors Affecting Stomach Development in the Young Lamb"
James Douglas Powe||* .................... Mathematics ................................ Danville
Dissertation: "Notes on Locally Convex Algebras"
Marlon C. Rayburn, Jr. .................... Mathematics .................... Saint Louis, Mo.
Dissertation: "On the Lattice of Compactifications and the Lattice of Top-
1 Kenneth Terrence Reed* .................. English ................,..............,...... Lexington
Dissertation: "PhiIip Freneau and the Art of Political Satire"
John Thomas Riley** ...................... Chemistry .......................... Bowling Green
_ Dissertation: "Preparation, Properties, and Reactions of Metal Ferrates (V|)"
* Robert Edmund Roberts* ............ . ..... Sociology .............................. Bellaire, Tex.
‘ Dissertation: "Social Structure and Demographic Variance: A Reformulation
of General Transition Theory"
I Donald Richard Rogers* .................... Chemistry ..........,....................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Solvent Extraction Behavior of the Trivalent Lanthanides in
the Acetylacetone-Water System"
* Degree awarded August 7, l968
** Degree awarded December 2I, l968
l5 ’

Wesley F. Ross ,................................. Education .................................. Lexington B‘
Dissertation: "The Relation of Psycho-Social Variables to Mental Health
Needs of a Freshman Class"
lssam Satady ................. . ................., English ...................................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Attempt and Attainment: A Study of Some Literary Aspects
of Doughty’s Arabia Descita as the Culmination of Late-Vic-
torian Anglo-American Travel Books to the Levant"
Abdur·Rafique Saiyed* .................... Sociology ................ Byculla Bombay, India 1 C
Dissertation: "Education and Modernization of Attitudes in India: A Group-
Mediated Analysis"
Vincent George Schulte ,........... . ....... Psychology ......................................., Berea D;
I Dissertation: "The Discrimination of the Stimulus Consequences of Re-
sponses Differing in Work Requirement"
Charles Eugene Scruggs** ................ French ...................................... Richmond Ja
Dissertation: "Charles Dassoucy, Seventeenth-Century Troubadour"
John Francis Andrew Seggar* .......... Sociology .................................... Provo, Ut. _
Dissertation: "Continuities and Discontinuities of Religious Commitment l
of Recent Converts"   R
Edward W. L. Smith .......................... Psychology ................................ Lexington l
Dissertation: "N0n-Verbal Communication in Interviewer-lnterviewee Dyads E
as a Function of the Participants A-B Status" ;
~ RC
William Freeman Smith** ................ Physics ,.................. . .................. Lexington j
Dissertation: "Wave Functions and Transition Rates of HSL
for Large lnternuclear Separation"   Ja
Jack Steele** .................................. Chemistry .......................... Pullman, Wash. l
Dissertation: "A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Reactions of
Coordinated Ligands" R_
. l'
Thomas Michael Stoeckinger** ........ Chemistry ............,..................... Lexington g
Dissertation: "Dielectric Constants and Viscosities of Some Liquid Sulfona- l
mides and Conductances of Selected Uni-Univalent Salts in i
N,N-Dimethylmethanesultonamide" j W
Brit Allan Storey* ........................ ....History ...........,...................... Auburn, Ala.  
Dissertation: "Wi||iam Jackson Palmer: A Biography" 1
Samineni Venkata Suryanarayana** ..Chemistry ..........r......................... Paducah
Dissertation: "Studies of Compounds of N-Phenylanthranilic Acid with {
Metals" E
Paul Floyd Taylor .............................. History .................................. Augusta, Ga. l
Dissertation: "Coal and Conflict: The UMWA in Harlan County, l93l-l939"
Houw Liong The .............................. Physics ...................................... Lexington
Dissertation: "The Matrix Elements of the Nuclear Spin-Lattice Interactions
in Solids"
Doris Annis Tichenor ........................ Animal Sciences .................... Nicholasville Jac
Dissertation: "Eftects of Rate of Gain, Slaughter Weight and Castration on
Selected Chemical, Historical and Organoleptic Characteristics ·
of Ovine Muscle and Adipose Tissue"
Selden Y. Trimble ..........................., Mathematics .......................... Hopkinsville Bill
Dissertation: "Relationships Between the Radius of Convergence of a Power °
Series and the Radii of Univalence of its Derivatives, and a
Note on the Convex Sum of Convex Functions"
* Degree awarded August 7, l968
*" Degree awarded December 2l, l96B ‘

On Bwee Lan Tjong* .............................. Mathematics ..............,. Diakarta, Indonesia
Dissertation: "Operators Generating Solutions of
3%;, 62.;, B2.;
——— + ——— + —— —l— F(><,y,z)i/J = O
on 2 ., .,
Bx By- 32*
and Their Properties"
j_ Jack Justin Turner ............................ Political Science ..,................. Prestonsburg
la 1 Dissertation: "éra_b-Asian Positive Neutralism and United States Foreign
ea Danny Ray Varney ............................ Plant Pathology . ............,. . .......... Lexington
Dissertation: "Pheno|ic Compounds and Amino Acids in Burley Tobacco ln-
fected With Tobacco Streak Virus"
rid l * . .
James Arnold Verbrugge ................ Economics ............,..................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Co||atera| Requirements for Public Deposits: A Study of the
Method of Providing Security For Public Funds and the Impli-
lt· 1 cations for Commercial Bank Management"
* Randall H. Wa|dron** ...................... English .....................,..........i. Delaware, O.
Jn l Dissertation: "®·moHr's Iron Brace; The Machine in Major Novels of World
· ar ’
  Ronald Lee Warner .......................... Animal Sciences .................. Maysville, Mo.
m I Dissertation: "Post-Ruminal Digestion of Cellulose by Steers and Wethers"
i James Edward Weatherbee* .............. Mathematics .............................. Lexington
, i Dissertation: "Some Extensions of the F. and M. Riesz Theorem on Abso- ~
*1. lutely Continuous Measures"
, Richard Maxwell Weist** ................ Psychology ....... . ........................ Lexington
in g Dissertation: "Subiective Organization and Memory"
{ William M. Whitaker lll** ..........,... Economics and Business .... Tallahassee, Fla. `
; Dissertation: "lnvestment Behavior of Manufacturers in the Southeast,
;_ Q i95l-l963"
l Ching Woo* .................................... Chemistry . ........