xt718911pw2d_259 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK 100th Annual Commencement Exercises and 175th Anniversary of the Commonwealth of Kentucky program text UK 100th Annual Commencement Exercises and 175th Anniversary of the Commonwealth of Kentucky program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_2/2010ua027_p4_2_1/4957/4957.pdf 1967 May 8 1967 1967 May 8 section false xt718911pw2d_259 xt718911pw2d I
I University Archives
II U OF Margaret I. King Library - Nortiw
William Bolling Arthur ......................... . ................................ Glenwood L. Creech
Donald C. Cook ...,....................,........................................... Charles F. Haywood
Allan Mitchell Trout .................................................................. Thomas D. Clark
Robert Sutton Whitney ................................,..... . ................. Hubert P. Henderson
Francis Milton Massie .............................................................. Ralph J. Angelucci
Morris Scherago ........................................................................ Ralph H. Weaver
A l

Ronald Louis Akers* ........................ Sociology ............................ Seattle, Wash.
V Dissertation: "Professional Organization, Political Power, and Occupa-
tional Laws"
Philip Ackerman Baedecker .............. Chemistry .............................. Athens, Ohio
Dissertation: "The Distribution of Gold and lridium in Meteoritic and
Terrestrial Materials"
Bhola Nath Banerjee** .................... Dairy Science ...................... Calcutta, lndia
Dissertation: "The Levels of Nitrate, Carotene and Estrogen in Forages
and Their Relationship to the Fertility in Dairy Herds" .
Jimmy A. Beshai* .........,.................. Psychology ................................ Lexington
Dissertation: "Behavioral Correlates of Cerebral Dysrhythmia In Delin-
Joseph N. Binford* .......................... History ........... . ......................,... Lexington
Dissertation: "The Politics of Horace Walpole"
Marguerite J. Boercker ...................... Education ................................ Georgetown
Dissertation: "The Effect of an Eight-Week Head Start Program on Read-
ing Achievement as Measured at the End of First Grade"
James Cecil Bryant, Jr. .................... English .....,............. , ........ Jacksonville, Fla.
Dissertation: "Ecclesiastical Controversy in the Tudor Drama"
Scott Bligh Carr ................................ Dairy Science ............................ Taylorsville
Dissertation: "A Technique Employing the Doppler Shift for Measuring
Portal Blood Flow and Portal-Carotid Differences for Ab-
_ sorption From the Gastrointestinal Tract"
  Genevieve C. Carroll ........................ History ...................................... Lexington
  Dissertation: "The German Confederation of l8l5 and the North German
  Confederation of l867: A Study in Continuity"
Ernest A. Chaples, Jr. ........................ Political Science .......................... Lexington
Dissertation: "The Voting Behavior of United States Senators for Four
Selected lssues, l953-l964"
William Thomas Clark, Jr. ................ Education .................................. Morehead
' Dissertation: "A Study of Factors Related to the Effectiveness of Educa-
l tional Programs in Kentucky"
* Degree awarded December 2l, l966
** Degree awarded August 5, I966
*** Degrees not previously awarded will be conferred as of May 8, 1967, if all require-
ments are met
l l

John Jay Clary .................................. Animal Science .......................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Characterization and Adaptation of Ruminant Pancreatic
Alpha Amylases to Dietary Change"
William Wilson Hume C|ay* ............ History ...........................,........ Winchester
Dissertation: "Kentucky: The Awful Path to Statehood, 1782-1792"
Clarence Colby, Jr. ............................ Biochemistry .................... Memphis, Tenn.
Dissertation: "Cytoplasmic Influence on the Synthesis of B-Galactosidase"
Tommye C0oper* .............................. Dairy Science .............................. LaCenter
Dissertation: "Analysis of Sources of Variation in Calving Intervals of
Dairy Cattle"
Richard Harvey C0x* ........................ Chemistry ............................ Bowling Green
Dissertation: "The Solvent Dependence of Geminal Proton-Proton Cou-
pling Constants in Some Saturated Systems"
J. Eliseo DaRosa ................................ Economics .................................. Lexington
Dissertation: "Planning Highway investment in Argentina"
Charles Henry Daughaday ................ English ........................................ Mayfield
Dissertation: "Wil|ie Cather's 'Happy Experimenting’: Artistic Fusion of
Theme and Structure in the Novels of Willa Cather"
Bernard Davis .................................... Economics ........................................ Berea
Dissertation: "The Development of Kentucky Financial institutions 1946-
John H. DeBerry .............................. History ...................................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Confederate Tennessee"
Darrel D. Dobbs* .............................. Counseling and Guidance ............ Lexington
Dissertation: "The Blurred Rorschach: Effects of the Amorphous"
Charles Mason D0l|ar* ...................... History .............................. Stillwater, Okla. l
Dissertation: "The Senate Progressive Movement, 1921-1933: A Roll Call
Richard M. Dom .............................. Anatomy ............................., Greenville, O.
Dissertation: "Effects of the Embarrassment of the Blood Supply of the ,
Ulnar Nerve in the Rhesus Monkey" ;
James John Duffy* ..................... , .... Chemistry ...............................   Lexington  
Dissertation: Some Quinoline Azo and Diazoamino Compounds" i
Ronald M. Enroth ..........,................... Sociology .................... Santa Barbara, Calif. l
Dissertation: "Patterns of Response to Rural Medical Practice and Rural _`
Life in Eastern Kentucky" E
Pinkney David Landers Evans** ........ Education ................................ Millersburg
Dissertation: "A Study of the Desirability, Use and Helpfulness of Certain
Selected Orientation Practices in Selected Private Schools"
* Degree awarded December 21, 1966
** Degree awarded August 5, 1966

an Albert W, Fields .........................,.... English ...................................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Nosce Teipsum: The Study of a Commonplace in English
Literature, 1500-1900"
Er Hermogenes Flores* .......................... Biological Sciences ............ Blacksburg, Va.
Dissertation: "Xiphinema Americanum: Population Development and its
Role as a Vector of Tobacco Ringspot Virus to Tobacco"
in. _
Joseph Martin Garza* ...................... Sociology ........................ New Orleans, La.
Dissertation: "Race, The Achievement Syndrome, and Perception of Op-
re'. p0rtunity"
Everette Hugh Gerlach, Jr. .....,.......... Microbiolo .............................. Lexin ton
QY 9
Dissertation: "The Relationship of Leukocytic Hypersensitivity to Active
gn Tuberculosis Infection and the Specificity of ln Vitro Test-
ing for Hypersensitivity"
David Stanley Hall** .............. . ......... Sociology .................................... Lexington
On Dissertation: "Socio—Cultura| and Personal Correlates of Differential
Orientations of Dental Students to Dentistry"
;|d Robert Pettus Hay ............................ History ...................................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Freedom’s Jubilee: One Hundred Years of the Fourth of
July, 1776-1876"
'éa Elizabeth Ann Heard ........................ Mathematics .............................. Lexington
Dissertation: "A Generalization of the F. and M. Riesz Theorem and
Szego’s Theorem to Function Algebras"
°"‘ Dennis Bry Herd*` ............................ Animal Science .................. East Liberty, O.
Dissertation: "An Evaluation of Tylosin Boluses for Grazing Beef Steers"
On John Robert Ho|singer** .................. Biological Sciences .......... Harrisonburg, Va.
Dissertation: "Systematics, Speciation, and Distribution of the Subter-
Ia - ranean Amphipod Genus Stygonectes (Gammaridae)"
Richard Fred Hood* .......................... Physics ................................ Lancaster, Pa.
Dissertation: "The Study of 1°F (d, 0:)**0 Reactions at Deuteron Energies
O_ of 1.00 to 2.52 Mev"
  James Lebert Howse, Jr. .................. Physics ............................ Somerville, Tenn.
  Dissertation: "A Relativistic Thomas-Fermi Model of the Compressed
on   Atom"
lit.   Edward Louis Hutton’§* .................... Mathematics .............................. Lexington
._ Dissertation: "On the Class of Spirallike Univalent Functions"
Hg Luther Hoover Ke||er** .................... Agricultural Economics .... Knoxville, Tenn.
Dissertation: "Estimating Market Supply Functions for Milk in the Louis-
ville Milkshed from Firm Data"
* Degree awarded December 21, 1966
** Degree awarded August 5, 1966

 I Govind Jivaji Khudanpur .................. Agricultural Economics .............. Lexington
Dissertation: "Entrapreneurial Behavior under Conditions of Scarcity and
Kenneth W. Lieberman .................... Chemistry .................................. Lexington
Dissertation: "The Determination of Bromine in Terrestrial and Extrater-
restrial Materials by Netron Activation Analysis"
Andree John LIoyd* .......................... Psychology .................................. Ft. Knox A
Dissertation: "The Accuracy of Active and Passive Positioning of the Leg
on the Basis of Kinesthetic Cues: Synkinesis"
Lawrence Kryan Lynch* .................... Economics .................................. Lexington
Dissertation: "A Statistical Model of Intercounty Commuting"
Bernard L. Madison** ...................... Mathematics ........................ Bowling Green
Dissertation: "Clans on Coset Spaces" V
Betty Field Meketon** ...................... Counseling and Guidance ............ Lexington ;
Dissertation: "The Effects of Integration Upon the Negro Chi|d's Re-  
sponses to Various Tasks and Upon His Level of Self-
Frank Stephen Murray* .................... Psychology ............................ Roanoke, Va.
Dissertation: "Judgment of Evidence"
Davis Betz Nichols* .......................... Physics ........ , ............................. Lexington
Dissertation: "Cross Sections of (ri, n' oc) Reactions in Chlorine and Po- :
Thomas Gordon Nye l|** .................. Biological Sciences ,..................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Effects of Tobacco Etch Virus Infection on the Polyphenol A
Oxidase Activity of Subcellular Components of Tobacco
Leaf Tissue"
Byunghoon Ohn* .............................. Diplomacy .............................. Seoul, Korea
Dissertation: "United States and Southeast Asia, l945-l954: The Evolu-
tion of American Policy in Southeast Asia"
Oscar C. Page .................................. History ..........................,..... Bowling Green l
Dissertation: "Critique of the Courrier D’Avignon, l734—l774" L
Narsinhbhai Bhikhabhai Pate|* .......... Sociology ........................ Terre Haute, lnd.  
Dissertation: "Status Determinants of Interpersonal Communication: A E
Dyadic Ana|ysis" ;
Philip Arthur Phar ............................ Animal Science .......................... Lexington '
Dissertation: "Effects of Confinement and Level of Feed Intake on Di-   I
gestibility of Nutrients and Excretion of Chromic Oxide"  
. . . l
Gary Wayne Porier** ........................ Psychology ........................ Gainesville, Fla. g,
Dissertation: "The Effects of Parental Pressure on Judgment in Process   `
and Reactive Schizophrenia and in Norma|s" {
* Degree awarded December 2l, l966 j
** Degree awarded August 5, I966 1
I4 1

Jesse Emerson Raine ........................ Economics .................. Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Dissertation: "The Tax Status of Religious Property in the United States
m with Special Emphasis on Nashville and Tennessee"
Jerry Donald Reber .......................... Physics .................................. Lebanon, Pa.
Dissertation: "Neutron Cross Sections of Calcium and Potassium from 2.0
` to 8.0 MEV"
Thammaiahgari Ramakrishna Reddy* ..Po|itica| Science ........................ Ogden, Ut.
Dissertation: "|ndia’s Policy at the United Nati0ns"
David Hopkins Rembert, Jr. .. ............ Microbiology .............................. Lexington
Dissertation: "Comparative Megasporogenesis in Leguminosae—A Phylo-
an gentic Tool"
Mary Frances Richardson ...........,,..... Chemistry ................................ Barbourville
nn . Dissertation: "Rare Earth Acetylacetonates and Hexafluore-Acetylacetom
K ates: Preparation, Properties, and Infrared Spectra of Their
i Hydrates and Some of Their Adducts"
Harold Clark R0hrs** ...................... Physiology . ................................. Lexington
'a_ Dissertation: "Uptake of Amino Acids by the Rabbit Erythrocyte and
an James Pheane Ross .......................... Education .................................. Lexington
Dissertation: "A Study of Selected Early Life Experiences and Social Fac-
tors as Related to Leisure Activity Choices of College
Ori . . .
Thomas Nash Seay ............................ Biological Sciences ...................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Studies on the Rearing of the Two-Spotted Spider Mite,
Tetranychus Urticae (Koch), On Chemically Defined Diets"
ga Richard Monroe Sellers* .................... Education .................................. Lexington
Dissertation: "A Study of Organization Patterns and Administrative Prac-
tices in Physical Plant Development in Selected institutions
of Higher Learning"
Martin Berthold Solomon, Jr. ............ Economics .................................. Lexington
\ Dissertation: "Investment Decisions in Small Business"
id. , _ _ _ _
§ Barbara June Sullivan ...................... Physiology and Biophysics .......... Lexington
Dissertation: "The Temporal Pattern of Motor Unit Activity During Vol-
} untary and Evoked Muscle Contration"
on ` . . . .
l Elwin Nelson Swinerton, Jr. .............. Political Science ........................ Lexington
  Dissertations: "Explorations in Administrative-Political Role Relations: A
i Comparative Study of American State Executives"
la. ’ .
fl James Thomas Tanner** .................. Chemistry .................................. Lexington
{ Dissertation: "The Determination of Antimony in Natural Materials by
g Neutron Activation"
l * Degree awarded December 2l, I966
' ** Degree awarded August 5, 1966
. i5

Donald Curtis Taylor ........................ Mathematics ................................,. London l
Dissertation: "A Generalized Fatou Theorem for Banach A|gebras"
James Tipton Thompson** ................ Animal Science ................................ Hazel `
Dissertation: "Utilization of Urea and Added Fat in Pelleted and Meal l
Finishing Rations for Beef Steers"  
William Ronald Usborne .................... Animal Science .......................... Lexington  
Dissertation: "The Relation of Certain Protein Components and Free  
Amino Acids to Quality of Porcine Muscle from Five Dif- Q
ferent Weights of Hogs"
Harry Ruff White* ............................ Agricultural Economics .. Lewisburg, W. Va.
Dissertation: "Re-appraisal of Market Movements and Factors Affecting _;
Prices of Feeder Pigs"  
Joseph Emmanuel Willett ................ ..Psychology ................................ Covington I
Dissertation: "Pr1or information and Opportunity for Validation in Proba- fl
bility Learning"  
William Curtis Wise .......................... Physiology and Biophysics .......... Lexington V
Dissertation: "Studies on the Uptake of Iron into the Erythroid Cell"
Ralph Douglas Wood ........................ Animal Science .......................... Lexington
Dissertation: "Effects of Dietary Proteins on the Serum Protein Profile
and Serum Free Amino Acids of Sows and their Pigs"
Emmett D. Burl