xt718911pw2d_19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. State College of KY 36th Annual Commencement text State College of KY 36th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_1904_1914/2010ua027_1904_1914_1/10244/10244.pdf 1904 June 9 1904 1904 June 9 section false xt718911pw2d_19 xt718911pw2d   '“ "’ 7 ? "  `‘.` _ _  .4    ZZ
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    <~·· v·~—r — ——r-—r     T
A . ` Graduates.
Master of Arts.
A 4 `W. O. Sadler, (A. B. Ky. Wesleyan) ....... Lexington.
_  lg Bachelor of Arts.
I Lilian Austin. ........................ . ....,........................ . ......' P aris.
— Nancy Bell Buford. ........   .............r.................... New Castle. .
Edna Truetta Cremin .... . ............ ,. ........................ Louisville.  
William Boulden Crutchfield. ............ -.- ........ Lexington.  
Margaret Rebecca Hart-, ......... . ....................... Pisgah.  
Fleming Dillard Hedges .............. - ............. . ..... Walton. —
Beverly Pryor House ............................................. Manchester.   `
Helen Louise Jaeger. ..... . ................................... "..Lexington.  gf?
Helen Glenn Madara. ....... ..,..- ....... . ...................... Lexington. A
Francis Joseph Montgomery. ............. . ............ Lexington. A
Charles Oscar Peratt, .............. . ........... -. ............... Hilltop
\ W James Franklin Sandefur . .............. . .................. Henderson.
l Elmer Wilkerson Schultz ...................... -- ........ Lexington.   .
John Craig Shelby ............. . ............. . ................. . ...... Lexington.
Sarah Cleveland Smedley ................. . ................ Fort Spring.
Nannie Susan ’l`ucker.. ........ _ .............................. Washington.
4 lpl Earl Cleveland Vaughn .............. . ............. . ........ Smithville.
V Q, ny- L g Master of Science. K Q     V
  * Elias Elvove .............. . ............................ . .................. Lexington. V  
_ _ / k ’ Edward O. Guerrant Kelly. ....... . ....... . ............. Troy. .·’  
`   ’ Alice Courtney Pence. ...... - ................ . ............. ...Lexington.  
A i"l‘e\ ;_ r Reuben Batson Sadler.. ....................................... Wilmore.  
· W   ’ ·¤Oliver Marcl1 Shedd. ....... . .... . .................... . ......... Lexington. S‘.
g ’ Nellie Herbert Whitiield, .............. . ................... Lexington.  
i-`‘ Bachelor of Science.   L»‘irl"_' ·  
..J. Harry Clo .... . .......... . ............. . ............. . ............,..... Science Hill.  ei
Samuel Alfred Denny. ....... . .................................. Madisonville. . _  
` " James Henry Gardner,. .............. . ............. . ......... Sonora; J
William Ed ward Gary.. ......... ,... .............. . ........ Pembroke. . l
·Charles Robert Gilmore ....... . ............. · ................ Valley Oak.  
a i” i

 .. . ,. .V ,   ..  ..  A .. .  ..   _  . ` 1    ..  _  I  _  _ _    _  
.   V,  I
A   ‘ Benjamin Robert Hart ........ . ................................. Pisgalr.
_ " Roy Chan Hoagland ...............,.............. . ................ New Castle.
    Walter Pearson Kelley. ......... _ ............................. Hickory Flat.
    Mary Josephine Maguire. ................... -. ............ Lexington. _
‘ /   Sue_ Dobyns McCann - ................... - ....... - ............. Lexington.
    _ Eloise Chesley Hance McCaw......, ...... . .......... Pisgah.
( if   re. lll/IV12iam Céairiypbeg Payne. ............... . ........, . .......r. gexington.
» ¢ ,   a 1son . orc . ...... . ......... . .................................. omers t.
 , Gertrude Renz ............................................................ Louisville. ,
_ ‘ = Heber Holbrook Rice ............... . .......................... Paintsville.
L \ Claude Robert Sm1th... .......................... ; ............... Elizabethtown,
  \.` _ ghlomlaf Mjirghall Smith ...............,............. . ...... Hooktown.
l ll, v\~ `i l e a ae urman ........ - ............... . ......... . ......... ..S0merset. A
.;   ® Margaret Donald Erskine Wilkie ............... "Lexington. `
K   George Hancock Wilson,. .......... . ...... . ...... . ....... Lexington.
  y Bachelor of Pedagogy. _
  `. Richard Hood Arnett. .......... . ...... . ........................ Troy. ge
  ‘   Harry Raymond Coleman ................... e. ........... Latonia". V
  ' l Marqus Alvin DOClSOI1 .................... . .................... Monticello. .·
_   l 6 ¤l\ gess1e1_Lee§N_Monson .................................................. Shady Nook ·
.   ` ji OI`¤€ HIS BTG .............................. . ......... . ...... . ......... Pulaski. l
  . Bachelor of Agriculture. .
i 1 . . ‘ ‘»
{   `F William Merritt Shobe ..... . ............... . ................... Oakland. `·`
    Civil Engineer.
i   F Oswald Tharp Dunn, ........................................ ..New Orleans, La,.
{   Bachelor of Civil Engineering. A ,
    Howard Kerfoot Bell, B. S. ............... - .... a ....... Midway. X G
V E ; Amos Alvin Gordon .......... . ...... . ........................ . .... Owensboro. V
l ` X/Villiam David Grey ...... . .......... . ..... .. ..................... Louisville.
l   f   George Othniel Harding. ................................... Campbellsville.. .
  , ¤`}\- — Joseph Graham Lewis ............ N ............... -. ......... Oakland.
l   George Wellington Pickels. .............. - ............. Richmond. V
i   Hom er Puckett ................................ . .............. . ........ Tonieville.
·   Frederic Lewis Schneiter ....... . ........................ ..Louisville.
g W Vi/illianr Henry Warder ..... ,...-.- ............... . ......... Glasgow.
,, li ‘ Henry Joseph Wurtele. .......... . r..................... ....,.Louisville. ~ . Y
f   » Mechanical Engineer. _ "
I   ' George Frederick Blessing, .’.... . ......... . ......... ..Reno, Nev. ‘
g  ' Samuel Archibald Bullock, .................... . ...... St. Paul, Minn. l
;     ' Frank Garfield Cutler., .............. . .............. . ......... Chicago, lll.
_ g, ,\i\_ ` ’ Frank Williain Milbonrn, ............,................... Nashville, Tennl. i
g   ¢ Joseph Franklin Musselman, .......... .. .......... Louisville.
` §;" I Perry West; .... . ..................................... . ......... . .............. Louisville, i
J   ~
l · A —.
.  °

 Y    —· »-·-·~ —¤ ··»~-   "  »
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. -
Robert Clark Butner ,,........ . ....................... . ........ Lexington. ‘
· Edward Thonras Dowlrng _,...,.,.l . ,_____ , __..,_________ Lexington ._
Martrn Augustus Doyle,. __,,______ __ _,,,_, _ ___cc_ _ ____ P;rri5_ { _
Orville Krrk Dyer ,.............. , ...»».   . .... . r.... .. Dekoven. l l
Wlrllrarn Edwrn Frecinzm .. ..>. . ..,. . .,.,   . Lcxingtmr. l
Henry Skrllrnan Fry ..l...... . ..r., . .....l.,.» . ....r . ....,.cr Le-:~;?11gto11. l l
i Eugene Cllllllillifl ,....e»,,l . .... .. .......e . ee..._...._._..,.ll,_,_ ¥.j]z~;n;;nir, I
Carroll Hanks (%12llxon »....     l..... . c,.__ . ce...ce_ New ijngrle, 2
.` l Styles r,l.`l`GIll`EOH Howard r...l. .. ......... . ..r. . .. Qleyzclezrre. il
\j»\ . ‘ Patrick Owen Hunter l.._,r._.. . ..,.,, . .   ..  .¥.EEc·r~:.i=s:i1ie. Q
A \ " Alexzuuler Lewrs Jenlcms   ..e..r. . .,.,.   l‘:l{7OEE`lll¢ l·.l.
Frzml; Ysmrbrougli. Jolrnsson .»el.. . ..._.. . .e,r_.   .`.'>Vll?.ZllL‘., Vin.
Hampton Vllallace Jolrnston ,..... .. ..4, .. ..,,..   .l,a·bz2xzo1}.
  Charles Aloysms l\.1a.tl2.eLt ....,.. .. . .. . . l.e>;En·gl<»;1.
Jolm live l"~’lZ1tlllEWF3 .. ,..._.__, .. r_,r, H ____r_ _ ,,_,,_ _. Ei.z:·?»r>:z: ··.· lljg
, __ ‘Fc~· . i¤.(¤   r   wz,
JAl1:9S .JliD€Oll d`lC.,;il¤lc_»     .. Z ·;:.—L.1! xi. ___
V Louis Edward Nollzm ,_” ,_,__,___, . _ ___,__   ____ ,_ :5. §'_.q·;aae_ life fj?
.  Emerson Everette Rz;.1vee;.·· ..,,   .ll....   ,_r,   .
Clsure Porter St. Jonnu ...,., . .......,. . .,.l . .,..4l_,,..   B}.“QOl~Zl}`EL, N. EE.
Clrfton Carr Staeklrouse . ....._.___,.. . .___ _ ,_._ _ ___.___ Lexington.
» ig Gaehelor of Mining Engineering.
Y Robert Hargrove Barclay ................................... Louisville C
`. " i
· i .l l
L y . .|
‘ 2

 __,M e   . A A  e . . M .z;. _..............................-...     . *‘=TF@€>
  ls , i
  i ‘
ii . J
. g . . ; , ,
  Commencement Exercises. _ _
Aff  , Invocation Music.
Ovation ............................ The New Education %
T T Harry Raymond Coleman, Normal, Towers, Ky. K
    Ovation ................................... 'l‘he Builders _
_   George VVcllington Pickels, Civil El1,Q[llll‘(51'l1lg, Richmond, Ky .  
  - Music. »
  g Ovation ............................. National Greatness
N James Franklin Samleliiiv, Classical, Henderson, Ky. -
i   Ovation .............. C .........,.... The Unity of Science
‘·   ‘» · Heber Holbrook Rice, Scientific, Paintsville, Ky.
  L ` Music. V  
  ir n"
  Q Essay ............................ The Awakening Power /
  Nannie Susan Tucker, Wasliingtoii, Ky., Repre-
  sentative of VVomcn of Class of 1904. ’
  Ovation ................ The Genius of George Stephenson
{   _ VVilliam Edwin Freeman, Mechanical Engineering, rx
l   Lexington, Ky. /
fi     Music.
  Ovation ................................. The True Ideal
  John Craig Shelby, Class Representative, Lexington, Ky. ‘
 l  4 Music.
  Conferving of Degrees. C E
_ il Benediction. Music. _
  The Laboratories and the Drawing Rooms and Shops
  in Mechanical Hall will be open for inspection by the public
— __   after the exercises. _

l l
l   i
I P . Theses. ;
. l
, . V l
  For Master of Arts. {
l W. O. Sadler, (A. B. Kentucky Wesleyan). I
Critical Study of the Literary and Ethical Influence {
,_ , of the Bible upon Shakespeare. {
For Master of Science.   ,j ,. ;-·· e Q
_ ¢ C Elias Elvove,
 · The I-Iydrolysis of Ethyl Butyrate by Lipase, »
l Edward O. Guerrant Keiiyl,
A Study ofthe Life—History of Calandra Oryzae and l
Calandra Granaria. · C
Alice Courtney Pence,
The Development of the Bones of the Hand as Shown I Ti;
by X-Ray Photography.  
Reuben Batson Sadler,
Wireless Telegraphy. —
· · _ Oliver March Shedd,
, \ • Studies on Nitrification. _
Nellie Herbert Whitfield,
Study of the Culture Histology and Development of _
Certain Species of Narcissi. »
For Mechanical Engineer.
George Frederick Blessing,
• Development of Shop and Drawing Room Courses
for Technical Schools. ,
_ Samuel Archibald Bullock.
· Design for High Speed Passenger Service in the New
“ York Subway, an Electric Motor Truck to Carry on q
the Center Plate 28,000 Pounds.  
Frank Garfield Cutler, t
. Duty Trails of Wordberg Pumping Engine, Central  
Pumping Station, Illinois Steel Company, South ‘ .
  Works, Chicago, Illinois.  
Frank William Milbourn, {
Design and Discussion of 500 Horse Power, Simple, l
Non-Condensing Corliss Engine.
Joseph Franklin Musselman, .
s A System of Oil Piping for Specific Supply of Motive
Perry West, l
Power Plant Piping.  
i l
. . l

 y _   ‘ For Civil Engineer. l 
i` .]` j
  C G Oswald Thorp Dunn, C [1 
.   ` , A Stud of the Methods of Preservinfr Wood by =;
{ y Z5 {
  _ i l Creosote. `: ‘
  i i  For Bachelor of Arts. `  
" ,   ‘ 
. C `  Nancy Bell Buford,    
g ,   VVon1z1n in the Literary Worlcl in America.  
  gl  T Edna Truetta Creniin, E  
l     i The America Aborigines in Literature. j`  
` : Zi ii l l
l ijyl Willizun Bzrulden Crutchfield, J  
  i   C The 'l`heor;.· and History of Chivalry. T`- 
>‘   li . . - . l 
li     `xlnrgaret Rebecca Hart, .g
?e=   E The Slave in llniversnl Literature. [ 
e l · { ' ~
{   »— V   lfieniing Dilleircl Hedgem ‘ { 
l ,   The liulluence of Climate on Literary Evolution.  
· zp. . _ >* V
l   til Helen Louise Jztegei __ / `
l Eg ii Trinlg of   Literrirv ’l`rio (az Study in Comparative -`
il ·
i     Literature.} .
l   Helen Glenn l\lél.'.lLlfii.  
      _ The (”}eue;i:< cli Child fjziinee.  
i   2* ~ {
    Cl1m’les Oserir Feiettt. if Y
l   _ '°i`he Eyroniae; Conception of SoCie1iv 1
l .` Qi  Nniiuie $1;;.111 il`ilCl{C1`._  
    ‘Qi”`l1e Scottish l*jle1i¤_ent in Lexingtoifs Growth l
¥ ,. it ,
¥  l. . , . _ i
,  gl;-’ tor Bachelor ol Science.     i J
  Zi:} J. I·larrj.·‘ Clo, ’;
I.   X-Rays. Q 
i    ‘ Samuel Alfred Denny, . • V 
`  " Stratigrnphy ofthe l\~Ii.nera,l Viens of Bourbon County. Q  ii;
2 5 ,. _ _ li 
: ·  Q James Henry L£f'.T(lElé1‘. L 
i i   Report OH UW Milleiol Veins of Mercer and Vi/'oodford i 
\_   i Counties. J ll 
    `  Qi
· l j . _ Jl
A ii J ig
Y i .
;i· [ 

l I
at i
= » . i
2  William Edward Gary, _  
l  A · On the Nitrification of Various Nitrogen Compounds ,
EL { by Soil Organisms. E
  · Cl1a1‘les_ Robert Qilznore, Q
‘;   The inspection and Discussion of the Barite Veins, ,
T   Mainly of Scott and Franklin Counties. E
,<  — Benjamin Robert Hart, V  
    On the Effect of Various Oxygen Carriers on Oxida- ·
.   tions by Hytlrogen Peroxide. i
”   Roy Chan Hoagland,
y g , The Transformation of Ether VVayes by Flourescent.
J` * Phosphorescent and Caloresceut Substances
i   Walter Pearson Kelley, _
f.  On the rate of Change of Plastic and Monoclinic
5 Sulphur, as determined by means ofthe Dilatometer. __._,
  Mary Josephine Maguire, ii":)
·§ On the Action of Cyanogen Ioclide on Certain Thio—
lg ureas. .
  Sue Dobyns McCann,
; V Q Birds of Fayette County. ·
l Eloise Chesley Hance McCaw, A
T On the Fate of Potassium Myronate in the Animal
‘, Organism, and its Hydrolysis by the Ferments of the
ifi? `William Campbell Payne,
Y, lr  ·. A Study of Zinc, Flnorspar and Barite Veins of Jes-
samine and Fayette Counties.
, Madison-B. Porch,
  On the Iniiuence of Soluble Chlorides on the Action
il of Chlorine on Fnmaric Acid and Maleic Acids.
A . Gertrude Renz, ,
. Radiant Energy.  _
2 Heber Holbrook Rice, ‘  
_i  Radium and other Radio-active Substances. ,
 j,  .- Claude Robert Smith, I
,  On the Oxidation of Sulphocyanic Acid and its Salts
{  by Hydrogen Peroxide.
  Thomas Marshall Smith,  
3,  The Comparative Anatomy of the Vermiform Appen— |
‘  . aix. _
5 — 4

 A   ___, 44 .    
/4   4 A V
  Zella Mae Thurman,
4 i   The Histology of the Garden Hyacinth. 4 g
..\ n  Margaret Donald Erskine Wilkie, g il
  V Q On the Decomposition of Barium Ethyl Sulphate. ` 
g4 _` l Q George Hancock Wilson,   .
   ; On the Occurrence of Lipase in Plants.  
   { For Bachelor of Pedagogy. `  
,   Richard Hood Arnett,  
  Pre-adolescent and Adolescent Interests.  
.. Q   Harry Raymond Coleman, _  
f§l§ A Statistical Study of Kindergarten Values in Lex-  
  ington, Ky. ?`
  Marcus Alvin Dodson,
    _ Muscular and Mental Fatigue. ;
_   Bessie Lee Monson, _ Q
“   p Points of Contact Between! Pedagogy a11d Sociology. f
4_ 4f Cornelius Ware,  
  .» Y An Analysis of the Text-books used in the Grades of fg
gf, the Lexington, Ky., Schools.  
  Bachelor of Agriculture. l Q, ui
  William Merritt Shobe, _ r
‘ gl The Cyprian Honey-Bee as Compared with Other 4
  Varieties Kept in the United States.  
=2¤ . . .  
  For Bachelor Mechanical Engmeermg. >
  · Robert Clark Butxier, _ 4
  Design of an Arc Light Blue Printing Apparatus. W
T V   Edward Thomas Dowling, _ ' .
  ’f  The Construction and Testing of a Rotary Gas Engine. .
    Martin Augustus Doyle,  
  » Eugene Gilliland, _ _  
ll  _ Design of a Power Plant, Lighting System and Elec-  
  f` tric Street Railway for the City of Lexington, Ky.  
T  l Orville Kirk Dyer, ,, 
.  ~ A Study of Four Cycle Gas Engine Performance,  
  With Special Reference to Amount of Compression  
 _. » Before Ignition.  
‘  William Edwin Freeman, ·  
  Carroll Hanks Gullion, _ .  
Q, Design of a Heating, Lighting and Power Plant for  
  2 the New Oiiice Building of the Security, Trust and  
.__·  ,1. Safety Vault Co., Lexmgton, Ky.  

 if  ..a ;· ’·A
l l
~ I
  Henry Skillrnan Fry,  
 *5 The Design of an Experimental Laboratory for the zi
  State College of Kentucky. _.  
  . Styles Trearliton Howard, ‘i
  Emerson verette Ramey,
·   A_ Series of Passenger Engine Road Tests on the  
  Cincinnati Southern Between Cincinnati, Ohio, and · `l
  Somerset, Ky.  
g Patrick Owen Hunter,
  Hampton Wallace Johnson,  
  Duty Test of Lebanon Water Works Company’s Pump-
§ ing Plant.
é Alexander Lewis Jenkins,
  A Discussion of the Appliances used in the Positive ,
  Transmission of Power. __~
  Frank Yarbrough Johnson, Li)
  Design of a Transmission Dynamometer.
  Charles Aloysius Matlack,
  A Design of a Factory and Equipment for the Manu-
ilfi   facture of a Line of Drill Presses.
J   John Eve Matthews, .
4   The Design of an Electric Interurban Road Between
I ,. Versailles and Frankfort.
ii James Simeon McCauley, , l
· _ An Investigation of the Development of the Shaft
g _ Governor for Steam Engines.
.` 5, A Louis Edward Nollau, ·
  The Design of a Heating and Lighting Plant for a
  Modern Steel Construction Building.
  Claire Porter St. John,
  A Study of the Development of Electric Railways.
  A Clifton Carr Stackhouse,   I
Q f? · A Comparison of the Webster and Paul Systems of * 5
  Steam Heating. Q
  For Bachelor of Civil Engineering.
  Howard Kerfoot Bell, (B. S. Georgetown College)
  Design of`Sewerage System for Georgetown, Ky.
  Amos Alvan Gordon, l
  Design of a Coal Elevator for a Railroad Terminal. _
l   f ~ l

   ,,__ _ M  ._..     ..».. . _ 7 77 7 7 tl V ,- 7   ,
at I-g p ,
A x ’ , ,
7 Z   7V 
J   NVilliam David Grey, ‘· I
A   Plans and Estimates for a Freight Branch to the Cin!
  V E cinnati Southern Railway. I 
{wi   i George Othniel Harding, i _  
~   ‘  ` Design of a Sewerage System for Georgetown» Ky.  
in   ‘ Joseph Graham Lewis,  
i G   Design of a \Vater Supply for the College Farm.  
5 lf  _ _ S
5  y George \Vell1ngton Pickels,  
  _  Design of Spirals for existing railroad track at ‘, 
7;     V Lexington.  75
E   _ Homer Puckett,  i,'
  TY  Survey and Specifications for a Freight Branch to the iQ
Ji, §; Cincinnati Southern Railway at Lexington.  
    Frederick Lewis Schneiter,  ie
  A _} A Problem in Triangulation. { 
  _·_· V, \Villian1 Henry W31`d€1‘,  i
{   A Study of the Construction of the Highways of Fay mu  
{   ette County. j
    Henry Joseph Wurtele, A 1
l   Investigation of the Stability of the Lottie Street °
    Bridge under various loads.
    For Bachelor of Mining Engineering, v » 
I iq? `  
{ .*4 · iii: Robert Hargrove Barclay, Q
    The Preparation of/Bituminous Coal for the Market,  
· i f  
;, Q3 P 
    A ‘ ea; 
l   R?  
.   , fij
Li ‘ in

 · ;
r r E
1 ·  
‘ x
~  V}
L  ni
ri Honor Graduates, t
;_ Honors are given in each department of the College tO
  those students attaining an average of 14 out of a pos- sr;)
k sible 15. , "‘”
  ~ James Franklin Sandefur,
”’l John Craig Shelby,
, 5% {V. N annie Susan Tucker.
V scnzurmc. V
1, `Gertrude Renz, _
g Heber Holbrook RICE,. _ _
- Margaret Donald Erskine \/Vllklé.
·»  mscnmcrn Eumnrnruuo.
°  I: Q William Edwin Freeman.
  cwu. Erxonurrknmo.
Q  Howard Kerfoot Bell, I r
if  il
G. V  sl

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 ·¤  F§   Ushers.  
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g |·L — H. L. Amoss, H. H. Megee, · @3
  ?   H. B. Darling, J. C. Nisbet, »
?   Fayette Johnston, T. P. Pinkerton. . {
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