xt718911pw2d_18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. State College of KY 34th Annual Commencement program text State College of KY 34th Annual Commencement program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p1/2010ua027_p1_3/2010ua027_p1_3_4/1031/1031.pdf 1902 June 5 1902 1902 June 5 section false xt718911pw2d_18 xt718911pw2d   Univvemi rc {véé  
  M°'8¤rei     _ North i
State Qollzgc of    
.s t k
    Gbirtyqfourtb A
    Ztmnual Gommcnczment    
2   1
Ebursday, jlune the 5th, I902  
` · I

 · r
z S
l eraduates.
, Q-
A ; 4 master of Bm. J
.· Frances Victor Butler, A. B. ...........,........ Paris.
Eugenc Erwin Simpson, A. B. ..,............ Lexington.
y Bachelor ot Arts.
Lemuel Ford Boulware ..... . .........................,... Campbellsburg.
 X \xValter Gilbert Campbell ,............................. Flat Lick
 Q Albert Foster Crider ........................................ Marion.
` George Watkiiis Ewell ................................... London.
Clyde Grady a..,.... . .................................... . ............. Henderson.
Theodore Tolman Jones ....................... . ........ Manchester.
David Campbell Maddox .............................. State Line.
Lal Duncan Threlkeld ................................... Salem. i
master of Science. ,
Albert Rose Marshall, B. S. ,..................... Ossippee. 1
 J . Jimmie Morrison Offutt, B. S. ................. Lexington.
  ° " Ella Campbell W`illian1s, B. S .... . ............. Chilesburg. {
VVilliani Snyder Webb, B. S. .................... Greendale. ,
Henry Preston Bassett, B. S. ...,................ Cynthiana.  
Martha Ripperdan \Vhite, B. S ................ Lexington. I
J 5Bacbe!or· ot Science. _
Glen Frank Mason ............................................. Lexington.
,j Lewis Nelson Taylor ........................................ Science Hill.
` !
mcbelor of medngogn.  
Jesse Cecil Berry ............................................... \Vhitesyille.
Leola Ditto ............................................. . ............... Pleasureyille.
Daniel Cummins Donan ................................ Three Springs.
. Ulysses Grant Hatfield ........................,.......... Jabez. {
A Robert Haynes ...............,..... . .......... . ................... Robards. ·
Jolm Hunt Jackson .......................................... New Columbus. ’
Jesse Sherman Lawhorn .............................. Yosemite. ,
Cora \Villiams ....................................................... Lexington. e
A tizncbeior or agriculture. ‘
Q Samuel Gilbert McDonald ........................... New Castle. ;

 - é
mcbelor or civil mnglnerlng.  
Matthew Martin Clayi .................................... Lexington. Q
Oswald Thorpe Dunn .,............. . ....... . ......... Louisville.  
4 \Vllll2l111 Frederick Hart ..............................,. Louisville. ll
Robert Emmett Moorinan. ..................,...... Glendeane.   ‘
Orville Francis Smith ...................,..,.............. Shadynook. _
John Lee Stoner ............................i............,........ Bardstown. ,  
\Villiam Neal Hughes ................................... ..Louisville. .  
llllecbanical Engineer.  
Leon Kaufman Frankel ..,....................i... . .... Louisville.
Joel Irvine Lyle .....................,.............,.............. New York City, N. Y. . { I
Bachelor of Iilleebnnlcnl Engineering.  
Thomas James Barra.; ...................................... Lebanon. Ygy
\Villet Lee Bowling ................. . ...................... Adairvillc.- W
Spencer, Foster Cox .......................................... Cynthiana.  
Chester Lawrence Doyle .............................. Louisville. yl
Edward Clinton Evans ................................... Louisville. ·`
George Burbridge Frazee, Jr .... . ................ Louisville. q
l\“Iorton \/\[llll311lS Gaither .............................. Harrodsburg. l
Howard Aubrey Hoeing. ............................... Lexington.
W'allaee Hoeing .................................................. Lexington. **6.3 V _
Hubert Lee Humphrey ............,._......_............. Bloomfield.   __
Charles Mills Jett ......................................... J.>...Jett’s. ti  
John Hickey Kehoe. ........................................ Cynthiana. l
`William Lyne ............ . ........................................... Brannon. A ‘ _
Louis 'Wynn Martin .... ; ...............,.........._......_.._ Lexington. A . i
\Villiam Edward Pulverman ...................... Louisville. l  
Eugene Erwin Simpson ................................ Lexington. ,y
Chester Martin Smith ..........._......................... Elizabethtown. if _.
Herman Sumner ·... . .............................................. Greenville. Gl
Flemen Coffee Taylor ..................................... Beaver Dani. "‘ l
George Paul Upington ................................... Lexington.
Richard Napoleon VVilson. .......................... Cynthiana.
Thomas Edwin 'Warnoek .............................. Chilesburg. gr
l ‘
. gl
' lg
’ lf

 ` i {
1 J
i _ \
i hx _
ll ·
12*, cOiI\II\tZIIC¢mQI\t .EX€I'C|8€$•
_ Il Gbursday, iizme Sth, I0 it. Im., State college chapel. y
li . l
We ` •
`A Invocation. Music. l
_ ,‘ Oration ............4.....t............................................,................4.........,.,., Imperialism. I
‘ ` l Theodore Tohnan Jones, Classical, Manchester, Ky.
Vl . . . `
, t Essay ......t..........4.........................................,.. Surveying the Field of Life.
  Orville Francis Sniith, Civil Engineering, Shadynook, Ky.
gl Music.
M . , , . . ,, .
E Oration. ............... . ........... lhe Scientific lriuinphs of the Century.
I Glen Frank Mason, Scientific, Lexington, Ky.
l Essay .................................,.......................................,......., Woman in Science.
,     Leola Ditto, Normal, Pleasureyille, Ky.
    g Music.
Mir  ·"`=2= `\_ . , , . .
at `     Oration .........................,.............. . .,.............. lhe Rational Technologist.
V _     @3 . Edwin Clinton Evans, Mechanical Engineering,
V A ·    * Louisville, Ky.
I l    { ration __,,__.___._____.._.,,,_,.......,._....,........................................ The Golden Mean. g
, I   Jesse C. Berry, Normal, V\/'hitesville, Ky. 1
  ` YE.,  Music.
"°‘l —\ ,.,  Oration .................,.,.........................................,......,... Class Representative.
’ Y \rVillet Lee Bowling, Mechanical Engineering,
y Adairyille, Ky.
K l .
°` (The Laboratories, the l\Tuseuni in the Science Building
.y and the Drawing Rooms and Shops in tl1C·El1g1l1C€l'l1lg
  Schools in Mechanical Hall will he open for inspection hy
ti, the puhlic alter the exercises.)
gi `

 · _ F
` ' l
~ i
inacbelor ot Givil Enginering. ‘
Matthew Martin Clay; .................................... Lexington. .
Oswald Thorpe Dunn ............... . ....... . .....,..» Louisville.  
l ¥Villiam Frederick Hart ..........i....i................ Louisville.  
Robert Emmett Moormanx ......................... Glendeane. 1
Orville Francis Smith ..................................... Shadynook.
John Lee Stoner ......i.i......,................................,. Bardstown. ,  
\»Villiam Neal Hughes ...,......,..,....._................. Louisville. . lik
mechanical Engineer. Q
Leon Kaufman Frankel .,....,.. . ...................... Louisville. A
Joel Irvine Lyle .,.,..............,............................... New York City, N. Y. 1  I
mchelor of mechanical Engineering.   {
Thomas James Bari ‘e.. 1 ....................................., Lebanon. Y;
\\/illet Lee Bowling ................. . ...................... Adairville. l
Spencer, Foster Cox .......................................... Cynthiana. W _
Chester Lawrence Doyle .............................. Louisville.  
Edward Clinton Evans ................................... Louisville.  
George Burbriclge Frazee, Jr ................. ....Louisville. _a
Morton VVilliams Gaither .............................. Harrodshurg. l
Howard Aubrey Hoeing. ......................,........ Lexington. y _.     _ ., i _
Wallace Hoeing ...............r.........................,........ Lexington. /,,2  ,r, ; it  V_.. "'
Hubert Lee Humphrey ,......,......,.................... Bloomheld.  fi    .·. fg  
Charles Mills Jett .............,........................... ;.;...Jett’s. *;    .;XQF§¥ y. _  . 
John Hickey Kehoe. ........................................ Cynthiana.   gi   i
\/Villiam Lyne ............._.......................................... Brannon. gg   of
Louis Wynn Martin .... ; ...........................,......... Lexington. ’, /V ‘``i g'
`William Edward Pulverman ...................... Louisville.   N  i
Eugene Erwin Simpson ................................ Lexington. ·.      xy
Chester Martin Smith ..................................... Elizabetllwwll.   Y _
Herman Sumner .................................................. Greenville.  F g , __ *
Flemen Coffee Taylor .........._.............,,........... Beaver Dam. *   *l
George Paul Upington .................... . .............. Lexington.
Richard Napoleon \xVilson. .......................... Cynthiana. ,
Thomas Edwin KN/arnock .............................. Chileshurg. Qt
. Ev
15 ·“

 W J
t _ x
  li A 7
  tlommencement Exercises.
,   (thursday, inane Sth, I0 it. lm., State ctollege Gbapel. y
lt . {
.|li V `O
" Invocation. Music. 3
, T Oratiou ................................................................................4...,.......... Imperialism.  
l l Theodore Tolman Jones, Classical, Manchester, Ky.
*` i . . .
y ¥ Essay l...l......................................................... Surveying the Field of Life.
if Orville Francis Smith, Civil Engineering, Shadynook, Ky.
  Oration. ........................... The Scientific Triumphs of the Century.
[ Glen Frank Mason, Scientific, Lexington, Ky.
All Essay .........................................,....................... . ................ Woman in Science.
¢·¤ . ,_ Leola Ditto, Normal, Pleasureville, Ky.
Q,     Music.
  , Oration ........,............................... . .....,.......... The Rational Technologist.
__ Edwin Clinton Evans, Mechanical Engineering,
T Louisville, Ky.
J; Oration ............,.....................,........,.........,.........,...,............ The Golden Mean. t
X Jesse C. Berry, Normal, VVhitesville, Ky.
L V Music.
·l Oration ........................................................................ Class Representative.
\~Villet Lee Bowling, Mechanical Engineering,
Adairville, Ky.
t * .
  (The Laboratories, the Museum in the Science Building
ty and the Drawing Rooms and Shops i11 the Engineering
l Schools iu Mechanical Hall will be open for inspection by
it the public after the exercises.)

for muster ot Arts.
Francis Victor Butler,
  The Two \VO111€11 in G<)€[i1€)S'I'I€1'1l1&I1 and Dorothea.
Eugene Erwin Simpson,
Die Piccolomini.
nor {master ot Science. I
Ella Campbell VVillian1s, ` ’
The Eyes and Sense of Sight in Insects.
Jinnnie Morrison Offutt,
The Relation of Insects to Flowers.
Albert Ross Marshall,
Kentucky Petroleum and Natural Gas.
Martha Ripperdan \Vhite,
A History of the Growth of the Analytic Geometry
and the Calculus, with Special Regard to tl1e \Vork of
Descartes and Newton. r   _
\Villiam Snyder Webb, yl
°°Tl1e Ether as a Vehicle for Transmission of Energy."
Henry Preston Bassett,
The Study of the Decomposition oi Certain of tl1e
Mono-, Di—+, and Trichloracetates.
not mechanical izngineer. ,
Leon Kaufman Frankel,
Plans and Specifications for Proposed Modification of ‘
Mechanical Hall, State College of Kentucky.
Joel Irvine Lyle,
The Design and Installation of an Indirect Heating
and Ventilating Plant for a Six Story Oliice Building
of the General Electric Co., Schnectady, N. Y.
incr inuchelnr ot Science.
Glen Frank Mason,
The Quantatiye Determination of Starch by means of
Pancreatic Diastase.
Lewis Nelson Taylor,
Grayitatiou—Celestial and Terrestrial.

 nor mcbelor of pedagogy.
Jesse Cecil Berry, ,
Manual Training.
Leola Ditto,
Private Education.
Daniel Cummins Donan,
Pupil’s Self Education.
Ulysses Grant Hatfield,
V The Pueblo Plan.
Robert Haynes, ·
Methods of Promotion.
I Jolm Hunt Jackson,
1 Vacation School.
Jesse Sherman Lawhorn,
Points of Contact Between Pedagogy and Psychology.
, Cora lxVilliams,
Nature Study.
for nsacbeler or Agriculture.
Samuel Gilbert McDonald,
Studies on Asparagus.
  mor mcbelor or civil Engineering.
Mathew Martin Clay and 'William Neil Hughes,
Adjustment of Triangulation System.
Oswald Thorpe Dunn,
Survey, Plans and Estimates of Railroad from Q. & C.
Railrod Spur at South Broadway to Pumping Station _
Reservoir. {
I \·Villiam Frederick Hart, -
‘ Survey, Plans and Estimates for a Dam and Reservoir
at VVilliamstown, Ky., for the Q. 8; C. R. R.
Robert Emmett Moorman, and Jolm Lee Stoner.
Investigation and Computation of Stresses the Deck
Bridge over Frankfort Pike on Q. & C. R. R.
Orville Francis Smith,
Investigation of Different Tests of Portland Cement. ,
for nsacbelor ot mechanical isngineering.
George Paul Upington, George Burbridge Frazee and Jolm
Hickey Kehoe,
An Experimental Study of the Efficiency of the Hous-
ton, Stanwood & Gamble Tlirottling Engine for Var-
ious Steam Distributions.

4 i
, \¢Villiam Lyne and Louis ¥Vynn Martin, ··
[ A History of Methods used in Car Lighting, together *
with a Study of Axle Car Lighting Equipments on the
Cafe Cars of the Cincinnati Southern Railroad. ‘
Thomas James Barr, ··
An Experimental Study of tl1e Variations in Tensile, ·
Compressive and Transverse Strengths of Cast Iroiis  _
of Various Compositions.
Eugene Erwin Simpson, ’
, A Study of Alternating Current Condensers. A
A Charles Mills Jett and Richard Napoleon Wilson,
Test of Power Plant in Union Savings Bank and Trust _
Company Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.  
XX/'illiam Edward Pulverman,  ,
A Design of 15 Horse Power Steam Turbine. . *
Morton Wvilliams Gaither and Flemen Coffee Taylor, ;
A Discussion of the Valve Gears of Locomotives on i
the Chattanooga Division of the Cinci1111ati Southern
Hubert Lee Humphrey, \Villet Lee Bowling and Edwin l
Clinton Evans, I
Development of Hauling Charts for tl1e Chicago & A
Alton R. R.  
Spencer Foster Cox,   ,ii‘   " 
. The Various Forms of Boilers Used in Marine Practice.    
Howard Aubrey Hoeing, - `i.-‘i   A .-_· J  
Design of a Refrigerating Plant of 150 Tons Capacity,   ‘‘»_·   .Qj,;Jf,;Z-·"i
including Design of Modern Cold Storage Building.  
Thomas Edwin VVarnock and Chester Martin Smith,
Development of Locomotive Hauling Charts for Cin- ‘ 
cinnati Southern Railroad, showing relation of Loaded ,
a11d Empty Cars. gil ,
\Vallace Hoeing and Herman Sumner, JF!
An Experimental Study of the Efhciency of a 10 Horse V
Power Steam Turbine.  
Chester Lawrence Doyle, ,
A History of Steam Separators and Calorimcters.

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,I`1IOM.—\S Emmy `\V.»uaN0cI;.

Press of McClure & Bniu.