xt718911pw2d_171 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK Honors and Prizes Awarded 75th Annual Commencement program text UK Honors and Prizes Awarded 75th Annual Commencement program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p2/2010ua027_p2_7/2010ua027_p2_7_4/3204/3204.pdf 1942 May 29 1942 1942 May 29 section false xt718911pw2d_171 xt718911pw2d ’®lyc Hnitrersiig uf ;§ElIt1I£l§Q _
c' +~
gunurs amh Iiirwzs s
_jHHse111h2vs uf thm: féfélblléliilig (Blass
§¢21r21rig~§Hifil;· CAIIITIIHI ®Ull¥llI9lI1.‘2llll*lIf
Zfirihazg, giiay 2EI, I£|¤l—2
· Erxiugtuu, Zficnxtnxtkg

 Tatu Be/{1 Pi
john \\’eslcy Gaines joseph Donaltl Nitxschlse
Dwight Lee Hopper ,r\nthony Russell Patterson
'l`hontas ,·\rt·her Mahan Stanley William Penna
Charles Ray Marctun \\'illian1 Corrington Rice
Stanley Milwartl Moore Eretleriek Steelis|ters' antntal awartl
of $100 lor the two hest articles sulnnittetl lay thirtl year law stutlents on sonic
phase ol` copyriglit law:
Mary Louise Barton —First Prile
P/ti Dv/I/1 P/II.
Mary Louise Barton james Richartl Howell,  
john Stanley lioles Sain Boytl Neely
Hiratn Montgotnery l§roarert joseph Spare
>I()IlRN,-\I.lSXI l)I·]l’»\RiI`AIl·iN'l`
T/l('{(l Sigiitrt P/if
.\ngela Therese l’reis .\ntoinette Delores Stahile
Il/url: mul Hr/tl/e .\l¢·ri/ Tru];/ty, l'/42——_]oe .·\tlern (lrotve Michael Santlortl Nelson
l.awrem·e Bryan l·Zntl>ry \\'illiam Earl Netherlantl
Kenneth llaynes linglantl Carl Vernon Porter
Kenneth .\gee Fugett l'aul Reuben Rohhins
_|oe .\tkerson Gayle james \\’illiam Simpson
_|uli:tn lilnto (lillespie james Kermit Stacy
lames l·lnhert lson Conrad Boyd Thomas
\\'illiatn Fraser lohnstone james Etlwartls \\'right
P/zi Upsi/mi Omirron
Sonia Rhea Berkowitz josephine Kirtley Grant
Dorothy May Bostiek Margaret josephine Gulley
Xanry Oressa Byers Lorraine Harris
Ilelen Louise (Zulton listher .~\lene Kalb
Que l-lellon Dawson Nlargaret Rosalie Newcomb
Nlary Louise (lratltly Delaney .\gnes Snblette
Nlarv Lois Denny lilizaheth Belntont \\’igg‘iut0n
.\nna _]aue (Lahbert Susan Hanhery \Vor¢l
E. B. El/ix Prize
'l`he l€. B. lillis Pri/e ol 9100 is given annually to tlte nietnher of the grzuluating
(lass in the (Zollege ol` lingineering who makes the highest standing during his
l`re~lnn;tn antl sophomore years.
Stanley \\’illiam Penna

 l{t·.w·ntw ()//ir.-r.s’ .l.y.wciuIinytlSr*ttiorI'ILr‘u[1It_\‘ —li\yy‘:tt‘tle‘ ,§§§",",@i. —l(§j$,'§,‘,‘,,,l’gQ{§f;Q,,”;,‘.(§§]§§§,, 7 {t ‘ ~ ‘ ifi ·
(Zadet l.ieu1enaut julian liltno Gillespie · r]—h0TmlS ;\].(.hCl.ll[ulmH glzmlcywiuiélm pémmi   ·l     Cv  
.1//ile/ir .ly.wu·iurion Senior 'I`rn]:/ty-;\warded to the graduating memher ol` glllllllilfw   v>l'“I"(`$'ll _ DlllllillllkC{""`l“¥·`l"'l Rl"'~`
tlte Second Year Advanced Course. Reserve ()llit:ers' Training (Zorps, having tlte ` hm Q ‘ ll “"l‘ ‘ lumc Flulum swcdll
highest average itt Military Science lor tlte acadetuic year, l€l·ll—l2.
(lade; Lieutenant (Qeorge Fenton Nollau COLLEGE OF Lr\\V
.·lnu·rimn ll'ur .\luI/u·r.y' .\lt·:Iul—.r\warded to the graduating menther ol` CMM`! 0f xl/J/){'/tl.? flTg1/?l1(’lI/S
*<¤·l·l>=··‘lTlCl§` ol (iotttposers, .·\lllllOl`S. and l’uhlislters' annual awartl 4      
` of $100 lor tlte two hest articles suhmitted hy third year law students on some O ‘
I()URNA_\USM ])m,f\R.l.Ml_1N,l. phase ot copyright law:
` T/Wm qi-UNM Phi Mary Louise Barton —First Prile
‘ >·
.\ugela Therese Preis .\ntoinette Delores Stahile Pllj ])(»/[A P/lf  
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ Mary Louise Barton james Richard Howell,  
(i()l.I,IZ(.lE ()l‘ A-\(»l{l(iUl.T`URE ANI) HOB/[E ECONOBIILS john Stanley Boles Sant Boyd Neely
Il/url: mul Hr/rl/r· .\l¢·ri/ Tru};/ty'. l‘/42- joe .·\tl “'=·<"~ M¤t;>‘ Th¤m=·S.*¤*~’¢·‘S
Kcunclh Xgcc Fugcll mul Reuben Robbins Marjorie letm rl-lall Doris jean Retehenhach
nlm, _\lkl,l.S(m Gayle James “yiHium Simpson Mutant .·\nn lkrayer ;yrnunta Helen Roherts
_|uli:tn lilmo (lillespie james Kermit Stacy Rlm jS"crl·*‘“l‘° _ lg*‘€l>‘¤ Mglllcll R“$S€ll
lames l·luhert lson Conrad Boyd Thotnas F"““l‘ lhlllclv M'llCl` Cllmjlollc rlllomils ;$i’l€
yyatttttttt t·~.-M ;t,i...ttt...C yum tztttwts vytwtght QW: F·*¤y‘*<>··g) **r¤‘* gt*,*t=t·¤q*~¤*'¤·‘ smh
` ‘ trgtnta .ee yerstreet n atne .teyenson
Phi Ujtsi/on Omirrrm M1¤¤`_l0¤‘i€ LCC OWCHS
Sonia Rhea Berkowitz josephine Kirtley Grant _ V
Dorothy May Bostiek Margaret josepltine Culley COI‘L];G1: ()F COA[mIEl{C]:
Nanry Oressa Byers Lorraine Harris BPM (tamma Sigma
Ilelen Louise (Zulton listher .~\lene Kalb V y V _ I   _l _ 1 _ _
Sue Hellon Dawson Margaret Rosalie Neweottth F‘l“"'(l l?°“'_l€·`;ll· _ “'ll'"m C_l*l‘°‘] lcmck
Mary Louise (Lraddy Delaney .\gnes Snhlette -lOlm Hmllj (jlllll‘c’ ill' Helen llllkcli lowcll
Mary l.ois Denny lilizaheth Beltttont \\’iggint0u lol"] D"l'¥l"“ Lim? ·
.\nna jane (Lahhert Susan Hanhery \V0rd _ r W, 0* • _ •* _
. c.11r·mU,x r1; SCHOOL §5tBi¥Bttig~(;lli1fil} gyttttttéll QLUIIYIIIPIIKBIIIEIIT
(1()I,I.lZCE Ol? ENGINEERING ]7g[[Ow_g];jps
E_ ]g_ [{]]j_; ]>,·j;,» Shirley Matt Castle (History) jolm Daniel Rotnmel. jr. (Mathematics) 3[iyihgg, jiigy 2EI, l§I¢l.2
'l`he l€. B. lillis Pri/e ol S100 is given annually to tlte metnher of the graduating _g*(.]m]m~S]1i/JS
rlass in the College ol` l·Zng·ineeriny· who makes tlte highest standingr during his . C I V . YI? ·° 7F
l`rt·~lun;ttt xnul so]>homore .;'C1ll`S, 5 1 5 H¥il`l`*€l~ Cloul-lll PUSSY imlllmllolli ` €'PxInBtu"' <"`mltutkg
Stanley \\’illiant Penna
7_“ j V
rs 4- . ,,,.7, , _

 University of Kentucky
Commencement Honors and Prizes
May 29. l_9~12
(i}`Il{lI/II/(ft] il’]i[/I Hig/1 l)I~.Yll)I('[l(HI
%tutlent~ ate graduated "\\'ith High l>is;int’tion" who attain a standing ol` 2.6
on higher lor at least three years.
.\l`llllll sjmragens (iollins Mary Charlotte Myers
Iilinor Southgate liarle Helen Louise Nishet
l·`.ai1e (Zahell l·`owler Xlarjorie Lce Owens
Xlartin jack l·`reethnan Nlartin Paekman
john \\'es|ey Gaines Dorothy lilizahethe Patil
julian lihno Gillespie Stanley William Penna
Buford Hall. _|r, \\'illiam Albert Seay
\larjorie Penn Hall lilizaheth Garrartl South
l,ida Iieile Howe Bernard George Stall lll
Xlary Laliaelr Barbara jean \\’eleh
john Douglas I.ong
(im:/tmlrtl wil/1 1)l.YlI~‘H(`!l(}}I
S nzlenxs are gratluated "\\’ith Distinrtion" who attain a standing ol 2.I to 2.6
ton at least tlnee yeats.
_|ohn Rtnaltle .\llison .\i1nee Katharine Murray
lftlward Bowne.   Nlitihael Santlortl Nelson
Louise llionias Ihightwell Glenn Edward Padgett
_|ewell Blaine (lolliver .-\nthony Russell Patterson
\lill`ord l)onan listill \\’illiam Clilton Peniek
Sidney .·\lexander l·`oisy:he Helen Baker Powell
_|oe r\tkerson Gayle (Iharotte Thomas Sale
Lorraine Harris Frederick Steetlly
llwight Lee Hopper Sara Lucille Triplett
Rita Sue Laslie
[)r‘/zrtr/Hit'!}/rtl [*[onm‘.s‘
lhe degree ol` .v\.I$. or iw}. with honors in the sturoj»ni;tte reeijmients ol this distinction.
Hain Vernon Nldlliesney. l·`rankl`ort. I{entut·l¤11s¤¤¤ L-***¢ Hele1I1 L0111se \lSl)Cl lhC e0111es1:1111 lllli l`Cll(lCl`C(l 111 1l1e Soeieu. :1111l Sll(T('CSSi*\ll l)2ll`ll(`ll)Zlll()ll i11 ·111
Allie 21lI lgIl2 iidilell.-\le§i111fle1‘iFo1‘s)‘1he l\Iil1`[lll P2lCl·{l1l1ll1 u1’:1101·ie:1l CUlllCSl. A (
’ “ ‘,2ll` e Jn Je *011* er lilizahcth G:11`1‘:11‘1l South ll D l. . L
—~—»— M:11`1i11 _]:1ck I*l`CCdlll2ll1 Bernard George S1z1ll, lll JMD Ong (*5 (mg
. . . . . **11/`0l‘d Hall, f. I*1:11‘bz11·:1 Cflll Welch
(1/`Il{//[ll/(fd il'/[/I   l)I.Y/I//(`/IU/I J J            
%1111l1·111~ :111- g1:11|11;111·1l "\\'i1l1 lligh l)lSilll('Il1lll·* 11·h11 Zlllillll il s1:1111li11g 0I` 2.11 ***0*//**. BUN/'Il `
111 higl11·1 I111 :11 lC11%l llll`C(' *C1ll`$. Mary lZle:11101‘ (1{ll`l]Cl` Dorothy EllZ(ll)ClllQ l*1llll (»*’**€*U$'l'llllllQillC l‘i1ll`llJ l·lele11 Lo11ise Nisbet ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ lI.llIIIII SIIIIII I . .
·. .. .:·‘::·   "   · .1·‘.(,ll.·
l‘i.11llL' (1:1|1ell l‘()\\`lCl` *l21l`l|()1`lC Lee Owens gil? g*;***£***I. ;’i*f*I*i0**l° ***0****: 0§**° I * "Lm U lm
\1;11·1i11 _];11·k l·`1·e1·1l111:111 \l111:1i11 l)ilCl1’<11l1)‘ lYlili1*>Cll1C **21*1* Il A A i L ****21 ucl C up Lu \1*1l1111‘ $11··11·e11s (*()]lil]< hk- l 1 -.
_|11li:111 l·Zl11111 Cill1rsl1ie S1:111ley Wil1i:1111 l)€lll12l O]III~(IIImI Dplm Kappa `* `” ` ’ ` *****0*** **00** *0**0**0**
Hl1l*i)l`il ll:1ll. _|1·. \\'illi:1111 Albert Seny I I) I_ I D _ __ _  
11.11-1111-111 1-e1111 111111 1·i1111111e111 (;Zl1`l`lll`(l SOlllll .}}****1 **<>*`<* (·*=¤*‘*¤; .l¤`· Ilnmcs Hu*><¤1`1 *s<>11 0****-* *>*—·******LM
1.i11;1 111:111: 1-111111: 1&e1:11;11·1l George $1:111 lll *‘°****°*** *******0* *`·**¥******* .*0**** D<>¤s*¤S *****2 S/Q')/Z(I Pi Sjgnm
*I;1l`\ 1.;11§;11·l1 Bill`l)lll`2l jenn \\’elcl1 .*00 *****0***)** (*:*****2 *******0**Y ******C** *)****C*`*0** \I·ilIIII· g)I..II,.eII, (· ll· . k - ~ _
|11l11i 111111g111s 1,1111; **111*011* Hall. Jr. Wi11i11111 Cilf[Oll PClll(`l·{ I)“_I_IIIl   =HIIPP;; ***1 Illllilriliw\i}l·lIl1cr $`1:1IlI11111
` ' :1 *` 1 1:1111 1 1l]()ll
(21111/1111I1·1I 2111.//1 /)/.Y/Ii'//(`//(J/I I-’****/J (***6* C*`05$ i HI I D
.. . . . I, . . . I I · ·. .. . _. I __ _   S `ORY l·.l’,·\R`l*AIl§N`l`
*1 111Y1·111s :111- g11I1llI1ll('\l "\\11h l)1s11111·111111 11‘|111 :111:1111 il s1:1111l111g 111 2.I 111 J.11 *******‘****_H0“·**** **0*** /******0**) ******0** *)*******0** .
Im III IlIII_I IIIIW WIIISI _l:1111cs rlllOll121S B()\\`llll§ S1;111ley \\'1ll1:1m l’e1111:1 /’/11 .`//P/l(l T/mln
‘ l(e1111e1h Hz1v11es El1L{l'lll(l ]'l!`1]CS I1-·111 Pons ]1· \l.Ii-· · ~
·. ~ . ·.     . - ~‘ ~‘ ‘  · .1\Hele11(. -l1··1 -» .*· . ·.,
I|I11l111 l{111:l1l1· .\|l1~1111 .\lIIllLC k.l1l1.11I111e Nllllhll l.illI.l l7I.€IIClI Hllllllcn Iinmcs Rollcrl i,O“IcI_S ilunés BNIYIUII l*_’;kI*; Cl1.11Il1;111I Ill:1111.ls $.111
l·.1l11*i11·1lI Il111111111·. I|1·I. \l11;l1:1ell S:1111|<11·1l Nelson (lllilllle Ellis l.lllIIIIIIl,Ii(l Shelby SlIlIIIkllIII lI._ Illcph IOIIII l:‘IlmlI’IIilII .ll_*I*_*I**I· **]*** *II—   I
l.11111s1· ll1(l1Ilil% l§11g_l11111·ll (1lCllll 1‘,(l\\'(ll`(l Pzulgelt lllmes gl/illei l.lllI.I.i$ FI.IIIlk M0I.lOII Shll -\l;li_\_ L- BI II ‘ ‘ ·*/·*)€** (·-I¤1¤·1l¢* *<*l1|l1
lI(‘l\'e‘lI l;]§li|lL‘   .·\lllll()ll}'   P/l*·*CrSOl* j]f|_]]']c$ H[[l)Qf[ [SOI'] GcOl‘gc \\/illianls *I`(;·l‘l‘Cll       LYON :{§ml{l]l;*_l4();Hic 593lOn I
\I1l|111·1l l)1111;111 l·.s11|l \\’1ll1:1111 Cl1l1011 Pemek yvillillm Fmsel lolilislelic Illmc K III __ ‘\l   » ·**¥£¢*}_ ·‘* *U*€I ***01\111>
Si1l11e11 .‘\lC\i1ll(l(‘I` l·`111sy:l11· l·lele11 Baker Powell ` _ _ ll UC (_I‘* Ii******0 \·l I***I*—** *2****11 $*0110 \\el1011
|111· .\ll(('1`S(\I1 (i2l\`lC (Zl1:11‘1111c Tl10111:1s S:1le C/II DP/[(1 P/ZL   Pl;I*‘** 0**;- *0** **>i1*`*>1!l`il _]C£l11 *\ Clcll
‘ ·   ’ ;. .- . . _ I . . " 10111:1s 111· -1-:
l.111·I1:11111- Ililllls ]IlC(lCIlClxlS[CC(*ll Lmlelln Alheys l;,m—i· Helell lieiiise Nisliel 1 *° `
l)l\*lgll[ Lee ll()l)l)Cl` 5:11*:1 LllC1llC Tl`1l)l€[l Agnes B;lylel~ Ecklcg lylimlliii lgllzlilicllie l1IIIIl P! I li] I Tl I I I
R11:1 $11C l.i1s|1e Ruth Knight I-[mils lgelli, \`7CllS Roliclls I I I // A /1/H 14/H .·/11'1111/
Rilll Slic Laslic MIII.g€I.lI Allcnc -l—lIOIIIIIS .·\ silver e11l1 is gl\Cll 111 1l1e11111s1:1111l111e_ se11i1>1· i11 l§1‘i1ish :1111l l·]111‘0l1en11 His11111.
[)I'/)/(l`//II('/l/(l/ /*/111111;*.1 H 1 1*1 1 I" L L I
I . . . I . . . · een 01e11- ·  ·
1I11· 1ll`l;ll'(' 111 .1\.1$. 111· 11..1. 11:1111 h1111111·s 111 1he s111/1)'—:\\\`21l`dC(l 10 1l1e g`l`1lLlll1lllll**` 111e111I)1;1· 11|` lllq 5el-(mll Yem-
I I I , I I 01011 111 IC 1 ICS. ]1. ]()l]ll l,ll§\\()Illl lho111:111 \ l. l __ _ _ 1 I II . . I0 _
[{,,,,,1,, ,,, [,,/,;,,,,/ s,»,,·,,,»,·r(),ll1-ell Rlllll yll-(illilmll — » . 11:111101 Couise. Reseixe ()1l11’e1’s lfilllllllg (.111:l1s. 11:1111 lS selee1e1l 111: llllj
T/Ic Judge Smnlml ATI l·.l,·ilIImI Awllwl ;1i1‘l$Oll‘1?eI11l llhe .‘\(l\`l1llCCll (Z11111·se Slll(lCll[$ :1s exeelling i11 1l1e l`C(lllll`(‘11lCl]i>
· I I I · I I ·   I · I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _‘ *1 IZCIIS ll 1.
/*/11 .//grlnrm .*)*1/Hr) SH//I1'!lIl 1*/1(/1////0/1.1 _\ 1111sh {l\\`I1l`(l ol $:10. 10 he (lI\’l(lC(l l1c111‘cc11 fi1‘s1 :11111 second l)l`lZC \\'l1]IlCl`S, IS 0 (*·.IllCl l-, I. . (— l l —- -
lIs1;1l11i~h1·1l 111 I927. I11·1I11- X1·11· Y(ll`l{ S1111:l11·1·11 $11111-11*. Zl\\'2ll`(lC(l 111 :1 111:111 :11111 given for 1l1e l1es1 S[ll(lCll[ lll)l`Ill`}’ i11 1hc _i1111i01· 01· se11i01: elnss. " '**** ***‘**** ‘** 0*** ******‘**** ***** *****0**
110111:111 ill 1I11· \('lli1\l` 1`|;1ss 11I Il1(' l*11i\‘1·11si1\’ :11111 111 il 1‘i1ize11 of l{e111111‘I\\‘ 1101 $’g(·(1,1,[ ]>,·[~e ]9.;].4¤..De,l·Ol]ly Eljzqllellle pqlll I   [ - 1 I .
I II I _ _ __. *1 ~1 ·-· I ¢ 1 _· · 41 (I __l ,.>._I,I._ __  
11111111·1·11·1I 11·11I1 1I11· 1 lll\('l`\li}' 11·|111. |11·11:111s1· 111 1l1e (lllilllty 01 lllCll` lives. :11‘e <1llii;1*(;gl*e1‘101****1*/ '1*l(){*'ll`(lI,:;i 1;)e1*i1*/·*11·Iii*1*11-A\1i******—u* IU il/C %**“*u**l*i**` (MIM
- l_I Il l l I Il , I . ·I I   ·I I l· l·I. l·.· I· I I I I I II . _ _ · I . · · I h 1 1 }IQ l(Cl> 11s 11111s :1111 llll*` :1111 l111ss1-ss.
[lll I_11 11 11 11 1l1l1111l11111< 1111l11111 s 11 1 ll\ (l\lIll(lI()1] _ A//}/7/I /;(l771/JIC/(1 DF//(L AZU07 (/ I I mg ill ll IiIIII.l\l.ll llcgicc llmsc IIIlICI.CIIl lllllliillcl IIcl_cSlillIl_ In IIIC Tmllling (II. lm
l|;1111 \*(‘I`ll<>ll *l((iil(‘*|Il`l. l'4I'1llll§l*(Pl`I. l§1·111111·I<1’ ·* **00**_ =·~~‘=···<*-_1>¤·<:1¤·1¤¢<* *0 ***0 **:***0* ***0*****0 *****0 **0* *********C** ***0 ***¥**C** 0***cc* ****0 ¥°****°*******-
I_.II/IIINIIII (IiiI_I_imI SIIIHII :11·:11le1111e s1:1111l111g 11111*111g he1‘I lOlll` years of college l`€$|(*CllCC. Cadet Lie111e11:1111 (i()l(lll('l ll()C .\[l{(jl`S()|\ (;;11l1-
[111- .\1l11-1s1111 (;:11I1· El1znbe1h G:11‘1‘:11·cl South ‘

 l’u/lrrrsozt Li/cmry Sorizzly ()rrt/oric11/ i·lzt*rtrrI
The 2l\\'Lll`(l is lllllllfi to illl outstttntling se11ior inemher of the Society. front il
trust fund set up by tl1e l:1te _[:nnes Kennetly Ptttterson, President of tl1e
l7niversity. Tl1e 2l\\‘11l`(l is lll1l(lC on the hztsis ol` scholztrship, tl1e seryices which
the contestant llil$ rentleretl to the Society. il|l(l successl`ul l)2ll`ll(`ll)Zlll()ll in :tu
or:1t0ric:tl contest.
john Douglas Long
(j()Ll,li(}li ()l·` ARTS ANI) SCIENCES
CIVIIZMISTRY l)liI’.·\R'l`Ml·ZN'l'
ll’i/lun! Iiiggs tlI(’l`(7([T[/I il[('}/l(Jl`I·(ll Iiotnirlulioti ,·1z1·urd
Arthur Sprugens Collins
{Tl/)/l(( C/ti Signm
.\l`llll|l` Sprugens (Zollins l{1lylll()ll(l Leon l,illlCl`SUll
l’uys1t;s l)1il’l·\R'l`MlZN1`
Sigznu Pi Signtn
Arthur Sprugens (lollins ·l`ll()lll1lS Arclier Klilllllll
Dwight Lec Hopper Robert \\'illi:un \\'lllll]()ll
Htsrotty l)1·.1·.»yt<‘t’Atux‘1`
P/ti ;I//2/tu T/lC[(l
Mztry Helen Cockriel Charlotte rl—llUIllil5 Szile
Agnes Baylor lickles _|une Smith Smith
joseph _]ohn Filllllllilltl l·Zli7:1l>eth (iill`l`2ll`(l South
Mary L:1l§:1ch Xlllflllll Louise Sutton
Helen liohette Fiske Lyon M:n·t;ery ,·\llene rl`ll()lll1lS
.’\llllCC KZllllilI`lllC Nll|l`l`2lA 1.:1111*:1 Stone \\`:1lton
Mary (lhztrlotte Myers llill`l)2ll`2l _]e;1n \\’elch
Mztry Thonms Poyrers
/*/11. ql//1/tu yl/l4'l([ .·l1t*zt1‘¢/
.·\ silyer CUI) is giyen to the (>lIl$[1IIllllllQ_ senior in British 1lll(l liuropenn History.
Helen l’»ol>ette Fiske Lyon
' G1i01.(>(;\‘ D1·iP.»\R’1`At1;N`t°
_ Signzu Gnnzmu Ejmilott
l%eni:unin \\'illi:un l’locl1
M11.1‘rARy* DEl’,—\l{'l`AI1iN`l`
Ro/ary (J/ub Trop/ty — .—\yy:1rdetl to the g1‘:1tl11:tti11g nteniher ol` the Secontl Year
Atlystntetl Course. Reserye ()lli1’ers` vl`l`(ll|llllg Corps. who is selectetl hy the
secret yote ol` the .‘\(l\`1lllCUll Course stutlents :1s excelling in the requireinents
ol` gootl citizenship.
(Z:1tlet l,lCllIClllllll Colonel \\`illi:1n1 Rzty lilztck
.In1¢·ricu:1 Imgion Cup. Alun ()`ll’ur I’¤»s/—s\w:1t‘tletl to the gfilllllilllllg (`ZI(l('l
ollicer selectetl hy il l)(l1ll`ll ol` Regular .\l`lIly` ollicers :1s otttstztntling 1lIl(l possess-
ing in a lll(ll`l(L‘(l degree those inherent quztlities necessatry i11 the niztking ol` Zlll
ollicer {lIl(l gentleinttn.
(Iztclet Lieuteuzuu (foloncl _]oe Atkersou (Q;1yle