xt718911pw2d_17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. State College of KY 33rd Annual Commencement program text State College of KY 33rd Annual Commencement program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p1/2010ua027_p1_3/2010ua027_p1_3_3/1019/1019.pdf 1901 June 6 1901 1901 June 6 section false xt718911pw2d_17 xt718911pw2d V ` ;/ T,}    . »
uV4J.; O U"*V¢f$§£y Archives
  Mdfgdfél     Library , ?_,°'}B ,
  UMVQBHY of K~?ni:1c!»y I
_ ,;.1 Lexington, Ziqngucky 4r’;FL__
T i-   State College of Kentucky
1 Thirty-Third Annual
'I`hu1·sda>’».]une 6th, 1901
Ogg -

 ·. E
Master of Arts
_ ,.   J01111 'Pevis G111111, .»\. B., - - - 1,r·xi11g_·t<111, Ky.
Felix 1{(‘1'1'1(j1i, A. I1., -—-- 1.<)11isvil1e, Ky.
1)z1uie1 Stillwell 1io11u1·ts, - - - 1':1{l'|)11, Ky.
A—··» Bachelor of Arts
{ (`1l2LI'10LtC Miri:1111 Bllss, - - - l,w>11isyi111», Ky.
`   \\'ill1a1111 .1 :11111·s (,`I‘£\,1g,`, - - - 1i:1St)l', Ky.
; .-\l1>e1·i3 $11111311 1>a1b11uy, — - - (`udiz. Ky.
b1I\1'_V 1.11;;:1.11 (i<>1·11<>11, - - - 1.0xi11gt<>11, Ky.
1)1‘(·\\’ \\'i11i:1111 111111111, - - — (`£l)'(7U. Ky.
'1`11<.1111z1s 11I‘(‘IlU A1l)U1'l‘, — - — 1.1·xi11gt<111. Ky.
1"1()l'£L l€:111ki11, - - - - - 1{:1.11la 1i£11'1}' .1rU1ll1S1T(11l. 11. S., - - 1.0xi11;;·t1111, Ky.
<1<»1>1·;;;1» 11()1ll‘l‘[S, 15. S., - - - 1{l11'11S1l1L*. Ky.
Bachelor of Science .
11?ll']')' 1‘1·1>sb¢.>11 Bzmsott, — — — (.‘_\'1lT1I1iL1lIl, Ky.  
Na11111iu l·)t;l11 1$l1t1(·‘I', --—- 1,1·xi11;;1’<»11, Ky.  
*· .1111111 \\'111ti111;:;t011 : 11il~1'(11I1. - - - 1i11$L1>11. 11:1.
.·\11l‘01) 1.’uit;it.11:11yv. ---- 111·xi11;;t¤»11. Ky.
  Albert Ross )11ll'S11il.11. - - - <)>::<1]>1·1·. Ky.
.1 r .1a1.111i0 Mo1·1·is<111<>1'1'11t1<. - — - 1.1~xi11gt1111. Ky. _
" (111\'<*l' )I:11·c11 S11L‘(1l1_. »--- 1.1·xi11g·i1<>11, Ky. ’
{ \\’i1liz1.111 NI1}'<1L‘1` Webb. ~ — — <11·1·1-1111:1.lv, Ky.
1i11LL(`il1l1])1lL‘11 \\'illi:1111s. - - . (`11il1~sb111·g·. Ky.
Bachelor of Pedagcdy. ·-
Nicholas 11rOI1I'}' Ellis, - - - 1*11:1011 Grove, Ky.  
Wi11i11111 1.)12lC1 ·1(')1111Nl111. — — — Cayce, Ky. *1*
1.011:1 1*]1e:1111>1·.1b11es. - - - 15ll11Il(*Il(‘G. Ky. {
U11él1'1(.‘S 1>i1·k011s Lvwis. — — - 1‘:1l1)il111{S, Ky. \ -
\\'1l1ia1111 Luo PQl1]11I1§;`t—0ll. - - - S}L11l1}' 1111111;, Ky.  
J 01111 Albertus S1l£Ll`l)1l, - - - Mt. .·\l11l1ll'1|. Ky. j“

Bachelor of Agriculture.
Thomas Logim Ricliumnd, - - Gu1·¤11zmt<)xvu,Tenn. _
Bachelor of Civil Engineering.  
George Hereford Hailey. - — — ].)iL(lllCLLll, Ky. `
V\'udc llzuuptoii Perkins, - - (Jrnb Ol'Cllill'(·l, Ky. · 4
Guy Wickliffe Rico, ---- Pzmiiitsville, Ky.  
Ul1zu·lcsTrez1s, ----- Buutlni, Ky. i  
Mechanical Engineer.  
\\’il]iz’1.m 'l‘l1<»111ars Uau·p011tcr, B. BI. IC., l,exix1g·L011, Ky.  
.I;1.nms )lll.lllS()l1 (Hayes, li. M. E., lA*XlllQ,'lJ<)ll, Ky, I. l
John l’)0ll1l\lIl .1 uliiistnm, li. Al'. li., l4L‘Xll1g‘l<)I\, Ky.  
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.  
, llenry Bcwhly, —--- Iicxi11gl:<>11. Ky.  
Ul1ZLl'l€S Albert lllussiug, - - <}z11·rollt<>11, Ky,  
Vlnzmrlus Wailtor llrzulloy. Jr., - liuxiiigboii, Ky.  
l"l'LlIll{ (izxriivlml (Tutlcr. - - Louisville, Ky.  
l<`rzu1k l>;u1g·l1e~1·ty, - - — l’z1.ris=, Ky.  
Clzmdc Loerclwr l'llllll])l1l'C}'. - l.L*Xl11gt<)Il. Ky. fil
Robert Bruce l-hint, - - - Paris, Ky.  
Philip Levy liilllflllilll, - - li()Xlll§.;`l()Il, Ky. {{1
Guriieth llosul Klein, - · lluiiisyille, Ky.  
l<`r:ml< \\'i1li:uu Millmurn, - - limwrzmil, Ky. li;
,l"l‘2Llll{ Tliumus Sieherl, - - Loiiisvillo. Ky.  
Furry \\'cst, ---— Nil·l1<>lz1svilh—, Ky.   *

 [ W 
Commencement Exercises.
.9 .0 0
·  June 6010 a. m.0State College Chapel
_._ ‘ if _ lY1VOCfllt~ll)l1 Music
Ouitimi - — OllI`(.`l)lll1l~l`j’, Its Possihiliizies.
, Uihsnu \\':1ll1·1u;1l, liuhmiks, Ky. V
3i. Music.
Q; ()1`{lllOll, — The l)(*V(‘l<)])lll(‘llt 0f the Agl`l(‘lll[llI`8l `
  Iuduslary. V'
  r.lll101ll7lS Logan llieliiuoml, ;\g`l`lQllll]lll`{ll, Ge1·111ant<;>wu,'l`e1111.  
'1 A P- ·  
_A Music.  
A @1
{ Essay, - - Yesteriluy. Tuwliiy uml TOlllOI‘l'O\\`. Q
lf » Cliurlolte Mi1·i:m1 Bliss, (Tlzissicul. liouisylllc, Ky.
_' llepreseututive ol Young Lmlics.
I Mum. `
Ovation, - - - '1`he Map uf Life.
George l’lCI`Ci()1`fl l-lnilcy, Ulvil Euglueeriugx, Pacluculi, Ky. »
C (‘lu.ss< Represeutzitive.   .
Music. ·
J (r10lll(‘I`1`lIlQ.` 0l Degrees. \_‘
  (’l`he Il:ilmr:1.lurlnn. the Museum in the Fmimice llullmliug uml the  
H Drnwiug l{urn11n:1mlSli¤»pr< iu the l‘ll\}7,'lll(’0l'lIl}Z' Selmuln lu Mcelmuieal I ~
  Hull will be upcnfm·1m=pect.l0n hy the public after the exerclseem ·’
iii   »
.a ‘ T

For Master of Arts.
.1111111 'l`<—vis G111111,
Nijl>¢>l1111g011li<*1l, llugcn You Troujc (cine (}lllLl`&ll(tGl‘-
:1·ts, ---- I1I:1jo1·, (”`l1u111isl1‘y
(ni C(‘l'Y2l.ll1 l)9UOlIl[)()SliLi()llS of Ll1<· Slli1)i1()l1l(’ l·]bl1c1‘:s.
For Mechanical Engineer.
J :1:1110s 3[2l(ilSt)ll (’il'2l\'l‘S.
.\ .i)L‘t(‘l`llllll2ltiUll oi thc llutio of the \·\'iliC1` (`UllSlllll[1-
tl()Il o1`>%t:·:1111 I‘lll§i1l(‘S :1s SIIUWII l>_v the l111lic:1Lo1·
l`:11·1l :1111l 1»\1·t11:1l Ai<‘{lSlll`L‘lll(*‘]li?.
.lol111 liL‘iil(llll .1ol111so11. ·
A (:1`iilL'lSlll ol the \V&li\`(} ti0:11· of :1 lllll lrlorsc ,l,)(l\\'£‘l'
\\'0i1·-ll:11·1l1111<'o11111o1111]lll(ll‘ by 111:+:111s of S11l11l1111·ic 1-\1·i1l.
C:1lvl11 i‘]\'1lllS l[z1,1·ll of Starch iu l’ll1lllS.
Willi:1111 Suyrlcr Weehh, - - - Almjnw, Pliysius
'.llC1'1'CSll2ll )lEl§.fll0lllHlIl mul tlw l}|‘ll’l'llllll2lllf)ll ui thc
_ __ _ l·]:u‘tl1’s ]l2lLfIl()ll(i (fmiclitimi ut I.¢·xi11g·t<>11, Ky.
Ella (l2l~llll)l>(‘ll \\'illi:11us, - - - Maxim, lll)J[flll_\’
Tho l)C\'4:‘ll)[>lll\‘lll' mul lli1l<>;:y<>f thm- <}:11·l` .l<>11<·s,  
(‘<>1u<<>li1`l2\ll<)llUl thc ?
l’upil. I
\\'illiz11u l’i;L1L .l’l)lIllS(>ll.  
The 1*}:100 of flu- (`<>l S_\`SlL‘lll. ‘
("liairlvs Dickciis Lewis,
(,`<>lIl]lZLTlltlV(‘ Siurly uf Arluiissiuu l‘i(‘(]llll'(’lIl(,‘lllS 0f `
tho C<>ll<·;.:0s of (`;1lif<>1‘11i;1. Ohio nun`} .\l:1l»:1111z1.
\\`illi:1u1 Lu- P(‘llllll]Ql`()ll, .
rl`ll(‘ Township Systuiu \'(‘I`f11.
A (‘Olll])2ll‘2lllV0 Study ol tl10.\11 l{"i]lllI`V‘lll¥‘lItEl
Of lf`()lll' Stulcs. _
For Bachelor of Agriculture.  
H` P 'l`l101u:1:< ll0_!Iilll llichiuoud.  
A Study of tl10l,ifc-l1lstm·_\‘uml l·l:1l>ils<,>f the Indian  
)l(‘2l,l Moth [l)l()p<,>sc1l 1.:11:0 ut Stzxtv (Vol- `

‘ 'l`HESES—(Yontinned.
For Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.
Henry Bewlzty, _
The Design and (foustruction of zi l-ligh Potential `
1000 Watt Trnnsforiner. T
Clinrleis Alhert Blessing,  
An l·]xperi1nent:1l Study of the Flow of Air tlirough `"` 2; '
Pipes und Oritices.  
(.`l1urles Walter llrndley, .lr. und Fru.nk (`lau·field Cutler, Q
A Tliermodynnniic lnvestigzxxtion by Hirn’s Anuilysis Ai
oi at Houston, Stanwood und (jumble Compound lin-  
eine. ;
l"1`lLlll{ Dziugherty. ~
The Design oi zi High Speed Triple lixpztnsion Engine
using.: Superhented Stezuu ut High Pressure. PY
Claude Loereher Humphrey, ’
An Experimental Study of zi Four (‘yele Gasoline En- `
gine with Speeizil Reference to the Mixture of Iixplo- i_
sive Gases in the ux¤’mx, l·`. <`. '1`Avmm.  
Transylvania Print. J