xt718911pw2d_165 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK Honors and Prizes Awarded 74th Annual Commencement program text UK Honors and Prizes Awarded 74th Annual Commencement program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p2/2010ua027_p2_6/2010ua027_p2_6_13/3148/3148.pdf 1941 June 6 1941 1941 June 6 section false xt718911pw2d_165 xt718911pw2d ‘@hz Hnihzraiig uf Zlieuiuclag
C`; ' *~(
QQUUUITE smh }§¥r1¤2$
CHH 2111 lmm:$ uf thm (§1·a1hua1ii11g  @1asx
;%¤11c11iy—jHuu1:il; CAIIIIIIEII (I;UIlIl1IBll‘f9l1\ABlli
jihsibag, jlmtc li, I£!·l—I
Zhfcxingtun, jfieniuckg

i ]\v(l/)/}(l Dc/la Pi
V Mary Lee (laltlwell jean Bell Nlorlantl
i Yvonne (Ioyysert Mary liralyn Phillips
Ralph (Qaines l·Z¢lwar¢ls _|n|ius Kemper Powell
1 Cora Horine (Zaroline Margaret Sbumate
Margaret Nancy Howe Mabel (latberine Stephenson
Nliltlretl lilaine \Itt(Iarty I-Ielen Virginia Taylor
Q P/ii Della ]\v(I/)/){l
I Ralph Gaines litlwartls _]ulius Kemper Powell
‘ Milton Dayicl Feinstein Bertram Rain Rigg
' Richard l.ean1<>nt (lulick H ,-\r.s‘
Dallas Hnbbartl Candy- Psycliology
,' _]ames Clifton liayes— Mathematics
L john Albert Rassenl`oss—Engineering
l Sr/1 o {zz rs/1 ip.;
` james Russell Morgan — Engineering
V Alfrctl Robert Neumann — (Qerman
I .

lf. li. lillis l’ri;e
II he Ii. I5. Iailis Prize ol` S100 is given annuallx to the tnernher of the granIu·
ating class in thc College 0I` Engineering who makes the highest standing during
his t`re~hinan ant! sopliuiiime years.
Ruhett l'sher (Laines. _|r. `
Tun Bela Pi
l·`.ert Ifrnest (Zrittentlen R;tiIe)
Ruhert l`~her Gaines.   George I)a\iIll l).CIIllIIll1lI`}` arguments during the
setmul anti thirel year; tn unuluct the annual argument ul` a ease hefore the ?
(Inuit nl .\l»pe;tIs:
_|useph (.ranviIIe (ilark
Iitlthe Perkins _|a¢·ks<>n. jr.
Eugene Rupert \\’eI>h
I\'uI/mn liurkun i\[e·mm‘ir1/ (Imnjze/i/{rn: A
ilhe .\nieii¢an Muiieti of (iiiiiiposers, .\uth0rs anti l’uhIishers` annual aivard I
nl Sl00 hn the tim hest a··tit·les suhrnitteml hy third year Iaw students on smne
pIia~.t· ui. mpxriglit law was receireil hi: `
Ilarrt \\'hite Rnheris. _|r.—I·`irst I’ri/e
liugene Rupert \\'ehI>—— Seeoml l'ri7e ·`

· :·: :·:* ‘r. .*· l t ?· `* ·,f‘ ‘ C" ° ° ’l
(.()LLL(.L Ol ENGIRLKRING I COLLLGE Ok ]1.DU(,,\Il()N        
E- B- Ellis P"lZi’ A Kujzjm De//11 Pi
'l he li. ll. Iillis l’ri/e ol` $100 is given anlnuallrkto tlhelminnber ollthe ;§ratlu-   MM`. LCC (m(l“,cl| mm BCH Mmluml
. ' ..—-' ‘ » . I ,-` »-° y ;·»_· · ly- ¤_· pl r ~ · V ' V ` ` · _
dLlIlg`(.l.l§>-lll the College ollneiineutng xx o mn es me ne rest sum me ( ming V .h_(mnC (Am\_SCl_l Mary lnmlm Phillips
his llC‘llIll.lIl aml sophomore xeans. _ _ _ · ·
' Ralph (¤1llllCS lntlwartls julius Kemper Powell
RUUUI l>llU (··¤l¤¤¤>- _l¤- Cora Horme (Zarolme Margaret Shtunate
Margaret Nancy Howe Mabel (Zatherine Stephenson
THU BPM Pi Miltlretl lilaine \l|>·J1¤l*i " Daniel \\`ar<| Doggett lll Rex \\'emlell Rasniek
joseph (jmmtmc (zjmk i Robert \\'illi;nn Guel) .»\nne Lee Stoll
l_;(mi(_ Iwrkim ju(_k_i(m_ jp j joseph Logan Nlassie Robert .»\mh·cw `lhomas
Eugene Rupert \\'ebb i
.\u//mn Bur/mn rllrrmorml Conzjietilmn _
l _ .
The .\lIlL'Il(QIIl Sonic!) ol` (Zotnposers. .·\uthors aml l’ublishers' annual award 3 ['€[]()ui'YllI/M
ol Arlnltltl lm the two best vazjtirlesh stibmittetl by thirtl )ear law stutlents on some Dallas Huhhm.(l Candy _ ],S\.dwIU(_.\
phase ol topxttght law was 1eon
(·l`CL‘l` johnson l)oris liakcr Zcngcr
(;l`Ilt'[Il{l[(’([ llvi//1 1)/s/{nr/timz
Students arc graduatctl "\\'ith l)istint:tion" who attain a standing ol 2.·l to 2.6
lor at lcast tlircc ycztrs.
litlwartl \'Cl`llUll .\Ihc1‘t loscph Logan Nlassic
_]arn¢;~ Randolph l);|tlt· listil jones Nollsingcr
l'ill/iI|)('[il l’tr|and 'licrrcll Linnicl Xollsingcr
Dorothy lintlcl Hill listhcr Iicc l’icrSon
(Lt·ory_t: .\l\in Langston lfrncst (Zrittcndcn Railc)
»|t·an Nlaric \l<·(1onnt·|l »\nnc Luc Stoll
1)('/)(l7`[}I}(’}I/(H I`[f))I(}'l`S
'l`|n· tl¢·grt·t· of .\.l%. or ll.S. with honors in thc stutlcnt`s tnajor sul>jt‘<‘t is ton-
lcrrcd upon thc student who in addition to having completed thc rcquircincntk
lor thc t|t·grt·t·. has (I1 attained a high standing in his major suhjvct: t2) pawcd
with diwtinrtion a thorough. (`()lllI)l`(‘ll('IlSl\`C cxarnination in his major suhicctz
(fh ht·t·n l`('(`()llllllCll(l('(l for said tl¢·grt·<· In thc fatxulty ol` thc tlcpzntincnt in
whitli hix major work was done.
Ilouurs in liar/rrioloyy ~ lllantht· llcrttina llroxxn
llonorr in Ifrir/r‘1‘inIogV\‘—_|ohn Stuart Hannan
llunorv in liar/rrinlogy — liniily Stone Sclicrago
llmmww in Ihu·I¤·rioIoyVy — Doriw Baker lcngcr
Ilomnw in (Z/n·:ni.vlr_v — \\'il|i;nn Nunn l,ipst·onih.  
Ilonon in (I/u·m/x/rv—.\1`tl1ur lloyd Mcadcr.  
Ilvmorvin4\I1t.vir·—_|can Mario \lt·(Zonncll
Ilonon in .\lus/r — ,\li¢·t· ()/Zllk Rohcrlxon

 T/10 /iig`(’T)I(})I Sydttey Sl!]/lYl(l}I t\Iz*du//torts
Eslzthli hed in H)27, lty tlte New York Southern Society. .»\trarded to a tnatt and
wotnan in the senior class ol` the l`niyersity and to a citiyen 0I` Kentttcky not
connected with the liniversity who, because ol` tlte quality ol` tlteir lites. are
judged to he tlte a]>]>r0l>riate recipients of this distinction.
Barry liingltatn. Louisrtlle. lientueky
\\'illi:tnt Nunn Lipsttonth. _]r.
lean Marie Z\Ic(Zonnell
P/ti Be/rt Kajzjm
lllanehe lierttina llrotru \\'i|liztnt Nunn Lipscotnlt.  
Vincent _]eronte (lrowdus .\rthur Lloyd Nleader. _]r.
james Randolplt llade listlter Lee Pierson
(Ionstanee l\larion (Qar|>er Doris llalter Xenger
(Qreer _|ohnson
Szigzmt Xi
(I/mj}/r·r JlX.\`U(`i(I](’.\`
.·\Il`red .‘\l()ll/() liltert.   l·`ranl\lin lletrjatnin l’auls
I·`red Marston Mayes l’rancis _]erotne Stnith
Httgh (Larry Myers
Ittiliu/(es lo (i]l(l/}[l’)` .l.S.3`(}l`ill[¢’.S
\\'illiant .·\llen lltnren. _]r. .\ll>ert Loren Rltotott
rllnrlztr Board
\\'ilnta l’atri](iIlll \\`;trl1u (lreemvtitntl (Zltnre lfstil juries NuIl`singt·r
john \\`:n‘Irl;t¢’lier Nlztrgztret Slisirpe Itetu

 University gf Kentucky - T/ur A/germm Syclvtey Sul/iwnz i\»Ie€l`l I·(’YUll Rlltlloll Terrell Limnel Nollsinger
lilirabeth Feland 'lierrell Limuel Nollsinger
l>m·otliy lindel Hill listher Lee Pierson lllorlur Iiortrtl *1//)/Nl Lim
(lwnlgc ‘\l\llH linlgsmn limes! Climcmlcll Rmlcy Wim].! p.m.i,.i.l R.l\.m(m(l Hclcn Hem:]. Hm.].I(.hC]. \\'illiam Orville Blandlord. jr. \\`illiam Robert Farris
can Nlarie \lc(Zonnell ·\nne Lee Stoll ( I ` ` `· ` ( _ ·, · __ __ ;. _. , .  
-l Doris Baku. Zcngm- jmwl Mm lrcygus Benjamin joseph Butlci Lintst Lco Harris V
1), _ I I [J M jenn Mmjc Mdimllwll lsmnwi (jhcmlwclh ljmmnll ]·rank Igtlward (.lark james Iztlwartl I\ltLllI|Q
('IHHHIHHIH (HIGH I)m.mhy pmlcl Hm Glenn \\`ashington (`Ia) james .\sa \Ic(Zonath3
The degree ol .\.B. or B.S. with honors in the student`s major subject is con· jolm (`Qreenwood (Zlore listil jones Nollsinger
l;Cl‘l`t‘tl uputl the Sttttlvut who in addition to lhavihng completed the l`L’(ll|ll`€l]]Cll[\ _/I [/)/HI I (HIIIHIH DF]/N V_1w(H_(] john \\‘;H~(] (j(,“~gi]| ‘|‘Cl—,~C]] ]_gmuc| X(,{lggH!CI»
lor lllC·(lQgI`(‘t'. has (l) attained a high standing nrlhts-major subject;. 42) passed ‘ 4 ` Rohcrl (iurlis Davis gm`. Graham “·iHCH
with distinction a thorough, comprehensive exarmnation m his major snb;ect: A book ,m,,H.(l ln,(,l]:;:;;:;(l`_A:;)ld(:;;:l dlhlu lll lll l‘l°Ulll Ul [lu (l°l)‘lllmUli m academic stantling during her tour years ol college residence. Phi U/Hi/(W O]H’·(_)_m]
. . , Constance Marion (Qarher
I]f¤llfH‘SlH IilI(`I!’}`lU]!)g)’·# Blanche Bertttna Brown )[i|(]l~C(l |·j|)]C“ _t\gnc“· |>;m]{HC jolmqm
Ilourniv in Iiurlvriolngr — ohu Stuart Hannan I _ ane lillen .·\llen D1ir.ith\‘ (Ihristine lila w
- - `   ]`/····S ·}l·()‘/ ‘·/-l··*‘I ` ` li
Ilorttnrv tn Ifmr/t·r1olog)· — limily Stone St-liemgo PNN! l.srHl -1 (Htl} t or It ) HI Ul tru , it an Hum] Jones ],H_(mghl(m Nome LCC Rig?
/[Hitt"'-V lll Iittf/t't`l¤log)‘ — Dttrls l$tll<¢‘1‘ lcngcr `Fhc Hwmd is made ir) an outstanding senior member ol the Society. lront a Ei u~1 Mlldlicd Elgin COX rlilllilmi Ross Rlllllm
/I~~·>r1~~t (}ltr’HtlSIf)*— \\’tl|i:nn Nunn Li iscomb. r. [uml set nj b the late ames liennedv Patterson. President ol` the lfnixersitx. lilixabeth I·`elantl lixa Lillian Rowe
. lj Y . _ _ , _ _ _ .
lltmorl in (1In·;ui.v/ry—_-\rilinr l_lqn·(l Mc;u|C,—_ j,—_ The award is made on the hasta ol Sl'I]()l2l;`SlIl|).-tl·lC serxtces which the tpntestant jimcl mm lpcrgus Kmlniyll (mlm gcbwc
H,,,,,,,·_¥ i,, M,,_,j,.4j(.;m MMR. Mdjmmcll has rendered to the Sotttty. ant sutccsslu participation m an oiatonita tonttst. Dm_mh§_ limlcl Hill \|m_gm_cl l_.\_L_hH %HulcHImgCI_
Iltmorx in ,\Iu.sic—- .\lice ()1:n·k Robertson Robert Llewellyn Henry Helen Hester Horlacher Nlargaret Sharpe `I rcnl