xt718911pw2d_135 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Kentucky program text Kentucky program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p2/2010ua027_p2_3/2010ua027_p2_3_17/2648/2648.pdf 1937 May 1937 1937 May section false xt718911pw2d_135 xt718911pw2d     j  

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3 ¤
L I A RICHARD BUTLER ,......4..,..,..........4. .. ..............‘.......,......,..,. President
L DAVID FLANDERS ....,`.A,....,..4.,.4..........A........A.4........... Vice»P·resident
V MARY EDITH BACH .4..,..........,.........»,......,....TT..........,,. . ..... ‘Treasu·rer A
5 A ' · CARL VANNOY ..,.....................,.,,.4....4.,......T.........4....,..,.......... Secretary
gg • Ring and Invitation
Senior Ball <
. _ ` vw/'ILLIAM H. WAss0N, Chairman

Candidates ior the Degree oi Bachelor oi Aris
Alice Adams Isadore Frisch
_. » Jean Allen Fred Fugazzi
Martha Allen Mary C. Funkhouser
Margaret Anderson Raymond Gagle
T. H. Anderson Norman Garling
Duff Arnett Adelle S. Gensemcr
‘ ' \}»"illiam B. Arthur Sara Gentry
lune Asher Marian Gibbs
Mary E. Bach Betty Gilbert
Bettie Bosworth E. E. Gillenwater .
]ohn B. Breckenridge Esther G. Goldberg
Q. · Louise Self Brown ]ack Goodykoontz
' Perry M. Bryant William F. Griffin
Bryson Burns Alice C. Guerrant
· ]. R. Bush Archie W. Hall
(Q Richard H. Butler O. L. Harris
Granville B. Byrne Charles Todd Heinrick
Evelyn Carroll Opha Herd
{Q · _lohn S. Chambers Ruth M. Howe
Stanley Elizabeth Clay Clara M. Hughes
Glenn C. Cody Carolyn Hurst
A · Helen Congleton Herschel _layne
  Donald Conrad Guy ]. ]ohnson
Louise iM. Cook Ralph Qlohnson
Margaret Cooper Ella E. Iohnston
luanita Cummins Sidney Kelly
Sara Cundifi Donald King l
_ _ lames v\Vylie A. Frances Kipping
St. ]. Curtis \Valdo D. Knight
Mildred Denny Marjorie Keohler
Donald Doelker Elizabeth Ann Keicgel
]ohn \V. Donohue Mary R. Land
~ ‘ Franklin B. Dryden ]osephine Lee
Betty Earle Dorothy MCC&1Dll1iSll ,
Helen Farmer Mary F. McClain
]oe M. Ferguson Sam McDonald
George Feskoe Katherine Maluan
Walter Flippin Robert Maloney
Robert Forsythe Mark Marlowe

Candidates lor the Degree oi Bachelor oiAr1‘s
vv r Mildred Martin William Rose
i Mary C. Masterson Charles L. Ryan
Mary Miller David W. Salyers
J Martha M. Milton Leslie Scott
{ Dorothy Minihan Emily V. Settle
· ° Betty lvlitchell Dorothy Sharpe
Clara ]oyce Mobley ]eanne Short
Ike M. Moore Mary Shraberg
Theodore Nadelstein Irene D. Sparks _
Sam H. Neel George M. Spencer
‘ \Villiam F. Nesbitt ]ohn B. Spragens
al Mary Ellen Nevins ]ohn Taylor
Dorothy Nichols Frank Trimble
; Betty Bruce Nunn Lydie C. Tucker
Q Kenneth R. Ockerman ]ane Turner
` Robert Olney Edgar N. Verters
Katherine Park Mary N. \Valden .
[;!_ { Lois Perry Martha Warren
" Anne Phelps Jean \Veis A
Kathryn Pogue Dorothy Whalen
3 ]. W. Quinn Frances D. Vxiilliams
$ Iames L. Richardson Ruth Williams
Cordie A. Riddle Weston \Vinkler
George B. Roberts
Candidates ior the Degree oi Bachelor oi Science (
` U George Archer Eleanor Graham
I. C. Arvin ]. \V. Higgins
R. C. Bagby Carter D. ]ohnston
Ralph Bates Robert E. Lawson
- ’ Lucille Baugh Scott T. McGuire
C. M. Blocher John McKenney
]ames Bryson Earl Martin I
Lawrence Collins Lowell Pelfrey
]ames Eckenhoif George C. Reed
Carl Erikson C. A. Roswell
William Thomas Gormley Willette H. Rush

Candidates tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Science
, • ]. L. Sherman Herbert P. Swartz
Emery Smith Pauline Thompson
james W. Spencer ]. Franklin Wallace
Efhe Starks Ruth Weatherford
D ‘ Sam H. Stith
Candidates tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Science
in Industrial Chemistry
_ ]ames Alrutz Thomas Nantz
I { Don Bringardner David Randall
Robert Brock Donald Riester
Lewis C. Dawson Lucy D. Simpson
j J ]ames B. Irvine Walter Thomas
Coleman Lee
K ; Candidates tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Science
in Music _
Lee Crook Fannie B. Rutherford
’ - J Robert B. Griffith Anna Mildred Tharp
Bernice E. Hall
Candidate tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Science
in Medical Technology r
" ’ Thelma Roederer
Candidates tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Science
_ _ in Commerce
Edward Alcorn Charles Brooks
]ohn T. Alexander Stuart Brooks
]oe Allen Edward Buckler
Mary Noel Barron F. L. Cawood
Cortlandt Bliss Ernest Cole
Edgar Boone ]ohn Henry Collins

Canclidafes for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
in Commerce
g (Continued)
Ray Combs Donald Irvine
Norman Crawford Helen Irvine
Archie Croley George ]ohnson
, Henry B. Crouch Chester ]'ones
L George F. Crowder Harry B. Kirk
Howard Dale Bertram Klein
\V. W. Daniel Harry Kremer
S. W. Dantzler Donald Luques
Eleanor Davis Louis Lindsey
I ( Edgar Deats Elizabeth Lutkemeier
Etta M. Dorn Everett Metcalf
]. B. Douglas Dan Metzler
U g Elmer Downard ]ohn Meyers
` W. A. Dunavent Martin Morgan
Charles Dunn Gene Myers
1. William Elliott Thomas Nichols i
  Q Gayle Fields Pat O`Rear
Ben Fowler Morton Potter `
» Western Furr Dan Scott
O » Y Edward Gibbons Ernest Shovea
_ Glenn Gill Robert Stivers
]ohn Goldschmeding Hope Sullivan
Charles Graves Margery Sutherland
Chris Grinstead Paul Tanner
Charles Guy Carl Vannoy 4
_ . lames A. Haglcr Robert Waddell
Franklyn Heath Mary A. Wallace
]unc Hcrtlcin Henry Warren
Woodrow Brooks Curtis Willmott
_ Saufley Hughes Ben Coleman Willis
Candiclaies for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
in Agriculture
Astor Akers ]ohn H. Bell, ]r.
W. E. Awbrey William P. Caskey
Frank C. Bell Sam K. Crawford

   cuss Rott
l Candidates tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Science
l in Agriculture
r U (Continued)
Charlie Dixon Donald Mitts
iQ Ben Douds Iames E. Nelson
` Sol Goldstein Andy W. Nesbitt
` , Marshall Griffin Wilson Routt
Laban P. ]ackson Richard M. Sandefur
George Kurtz John B. Southard
Mitcl1ellMcFarland ]ames L. Stephens
Fred McGoldrick C. N. Tarkington
` Gaven McMurtry Charles L. Wallace
Candidates tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Science
`   in Home Economics
Frances Bichon ]ane Purnell
Mary E, Bouldin Ruth Rowbotham
` Q Hazel Brown Betty Y. Rowe
Edna Mae Campbell Thelma Sharpe
lxiyrtle E. Cook Nell M. Shearer
` Dorothy Emmitt Rosetta Sexton
Q Ruth Hamersley Elizabeth Taylor
Camille B. Hedges Nancy Trimble
Elizabeth Hatcher Margaret \Vhaley
Eleanor Ligon Jessie Wilson I
Caroline V. McWhorter Virginia Winslow
. Edith May Margaret Young
Candidates tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Arts
in Education
- ° Helen Dalzelle Allen Rosemary Clinkscales
Maurice ]. Bunger Cathleen Cole
Charles A. Baril Grazia Kingsley Combs
Wallace Neal Briggs Mary Bess Culton
Verna Cable Louise Current
]ackson Calloway Carty Henry Jackson Daily, ]r.
Anna Bess Clarke Annabelle Davis

Candidates tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Arts
in Education
V g (Continued)
_ Mary Elizabeth Eekler Bessie L Moore
‘Q Russell Ford Ellington Gene Meyers
, Mary Walker Flowers Alberta Reba Murphy
` X. L. Garrison Stanley Peter Neverdoski
Herman Ggham Lucille Hope Iiewton
Velma Har esty Lena El is Pea
Erma Oseline Harris Dorothy Anne Perkins
4 Ruth E. Hillen Nancy Quicksall
` ik Marie Horton Iviary Kathryn Robinson
-' Foster Herbert Hunter john Claude Runyan
Caleb Powers Jones Maona Vern Shinkle
Marshall A. Kehrt Mildred Stotz
D € Frances Evelyn Kidd Anna Moss Threlkeld
Mary L. McCarthy Dorothy Adams Vwiebb
_ Ivlainie Sarah Maddox lames S. Williams
` G David Darwin May Edith L. Woodburn `
· Alma Moftett
`   Candidates tor the Degree ot Bachelor ot Arts
in Journalism
]ames H. Anderson Elsie Riley ;
Madge P. Regan Virginia Robinson
S Walter Riddell
Candidates tor the Degree ot LL.B. in Law
. W. T. Baldwin Dewey lx/Iiller
' Edwin S. Campbell Garviee Kincaid
Edward Carlick Charles Montgomery
Earle Cole ]ohn Grady O`Hara
Bert Combs Thomas Waller
]ohn L. Davis H. O. Whitlow
James Hunt Gust Yandala
James Keyser

;   lwfarch, 1937
BacheIor oi Science in Archiieciural Engineering
_ Saunders, Charles W.
` ' Bachelor oi Science in Civil Engineering
Adams, ]amed Edwin ]ohnson, Thomas B.
Barron, Iames E. Leggett, ]ames L., ]r.
Brammer, Paul Edwin Moseley, Charles E.
¤ Brock, David M., ]r. Whceldon, Roscoe Gaiier
" Q Cannon, William Cornett White, Porter].
Henry, ]ames Edgar
Q Q BacheIor oi Science in EIec+ricaI Engineering
Armistead, R. B. Richmond, _Iames L.
, Begley, Charles C. Ross, Paul Davidson
Q Q Crawford, Sam. T., ]r. Sears, Richard Edward
' Evans, Robley D. Sharp, Winston S.
Howard, Leland Bernard Shewmaker, Stanley
` » • McKeel, Gaston Zaharias, Pete
I. J Pendleton, Guy
Bachelor oi Science in Mechanical Engineering
Bloom, Laurence Edward Me1‘iiherm$)ro}:‘°\.
Botts, Robert L. Mic 1 er, iss iza et
s .; Bryant, L. Patrick lvliller, Henry Morgan, ]r.
Davis, \Vilbur E. Montgomery, Francis].
Hall, Collier Olney, Charles Bert
Harmon, William Thomas Penn, ]ohn E.
_ v_ Jackes, Herman Douglas, Perkins, ]ack R.
]r. Reeves, Charles Pierce
]ohnson, ]ames Hisle Rehn, Eugene A.
Kirkpatrick,]. D. Rice, Reginald I., ]r.
McCain, Linn H. Riley, Tom R.
McDowell, Charles Sheehan, ]onn Ioseph
[ William Traynor, ]. H.
Mahon, Bu ord M.

° BacI1eI0r OI Science in I\/Ie’raIIurgiceI Engineering
" , Bizet, ]0lm W. Honnaker, Leland Robert
Grace, Robert H. Munger, L. Wesley
BacIweI0r OI Science in Mining Engineering
QI I   Horimc, I. W.
L. G. BALFOUR C0., A1··r1.n¤0n0, MAss.