xt718911pw2d_12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. 29th Annual Commencement State College of KY program text 29th Annual Commencement State College of KY program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p1/2010ua027_p1_2/2010ua027_p1_2_4/7267/7267.pdf 1897 June 3 1897 1897 June 3 section false xt718911pw2d_12 xt718911pw2d I
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I 1897
  State College Chapel
;` Ten 0’cl0ck A. Nl.
I ,

 Mass 1b0n0w. —
jfirst 1boncr. `
· Robert Lee Pope.
Sccoub 1b0uor.
joseph Christie Whitney Frazer.
james Harry Heudren, Chairman. Z
C. W. Bradley, ]. R. Vinson,
H. P. Shaw, H. Newman,
O. C. Crooke, I. D. Turner,
W. L. Brock, L. B. Brock. ·

Music. .
SALUTATORY, joseph Whitney Christie Frazer.
ORATION, ”_—E Robert Lee Gordon.
"Our Foreign Policy.”
ESSAY, · ___ William Adolphus Duncan. -
“Engineering as an Exact Scieuce." ‘
1EQ `
ESSAY, —-— Martha Ripperdau White.  
“Mysteries of Nature."  
QRAT [ON, M George Frederick Blessing.  
“The Mission ofthe Engineer."
EEQ. g
ESSAY, —_— Lula Searcy. 1
“After College-What?" 1
VALEDICTORY, __— Robert Lee Pope. fr
Benediction. I

 Ganotcatee tor Ivegrees.
WiHiam Raymond Allen, Bachelor of Arts.
Robert Lee Gordon, Bachelor of Arts.
Arthur Lee Hicks, Bachelor of Arts. _
Robert Lee Pope, Bachelor of Arts.
john Scott, Bachelor of Arts.
james O. Harrison Simrall, Bachelor of Arts.
Antoinette Thornton Atkins, Bachelor of Science.
Elizabeth Cassidy, Bachelor of Science.
Mary Eva Clarke, Bachelor of Science.
Clara Brooke Gunn, Bachelor of Science.
Barbara Sue McHargue, Bachelor oi Science.
Logie Hocker Warner, Bachelor of Science.
Martha Ripperdan White, Bachelor of Science.
; joseph Christie Whitney Frazer, Bachelor of Science.
  john Thomas Geary, Bachelor of Science.
x john Thomas Haley, Bachelor of Science.
  james Harry Hendren, Bachelor of Science.
2 George Matt Morgan, Bachelor of Science.
  Henry Clay Anderson, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.
  George Frederick Blessing, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. `
j Samuel Archibald Bullock, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.
{ William Henry Collier, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.  
  Samuel Caruthers DeBow, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.
  Berkley Wilsox1'Duck, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. j
’ William Adolphus Duncan, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. g
j Thomas Conway Kelly, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. ` {
Y George Crutcher Downing, Bachelor of Pedagogy.  
U Lula Searcy, Bachelor oi Pedagogy. V
» »~
  Graham Hawes Kemper, Maj. Subject Chemistry, Master of Science  
  Wallace Appleton Beatty, Maj. Subject Chemistry, Master oi Science -  
  Hattie Hocker Warner, Maj. Subject Biology, Master of Science. {
  Mary LeGrand Didlake, Maj. Subject Biology, Master of Science.  
li Elizabeth Whittington King, Major Study Modern Languages, Mas- Q
  ter of Arts. {
§ john Theodore Faig, Major Subject Machine Design, Mechanical

For tho Degree ot Bachelor ol Science.
n “The Atomic Weight of Cobalt."— A
joseph Christie Whitney Frazer
For the Degree ol Bachelor ot Mechanical Englneerlng.
“The Design of a 500 Pound Steam Hammer"——
- Henry Clay Anderson.
"The Comparative Study of Compound Locomotives on American
and Continental Railways”—
George Frederick Blessing.
"The Design of a Surface Condenser, for the Hamilton—Corli¤
Engine, Running the State College Shops"—
Samuel Archibald Bullock.
“The Design of a Boiler Feed Pump, with New Valve Gear"-
William Henry Collier.
“The Design of a Five Horse Power Gas Engine"—·
Samuel Caruthers DeBow.
“The Design of a Modern Boiler Plant, of 1000 Horse Power Ca-
Berkley Wilson Duck.
“An Experimental Study of the Holding Power of Wood Screws”—
William Aclolphus Duncan.
“The Design of an Ice Plant to Make 500 Pounds of Ice in 24
` Thomas Conway Kelly.
For the Degree of Master ol Sclence
A “A Study of the Several Modifications of Sulphur, and Mercurie
. Iodide"-·
. Graham Hawes Kemper.
z “On the Effect of Light on the Replacement of Bromine and Iodine,
X, in Organic Bromides and Iodides"—
; Wallace Appleton Beatty.
V “Diurnal Lepidoptera of Kentucky"——
  Hattie Hocker Warner.
Q “Odonata from Kentucky”—~
  Mary LeGrand Didlake.
{ For the Degree of Master of Arts.
{ “Les Comedies de Moliere"—
j’ Elizabeth Whittington King.
j For the Degree ot Mechanlcal Engineer.
“The Design of Cranes”—
Iohn Theodore Faig.

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class 1b0n0m. —
Jm.¤1¤...... ‘ * ANNUAL C0MMENcEMENT
· Robert Lee Pope.
Eccouwbouor.     F T  i  
joseph Christie Whitney Frazer. 9 F   L_ JY:  ’     LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY
“¤*>¤*¤· A · *5 é' _ ? ; JUNE THE THIRD
]ames Harry Heudren, Chairman. A *
c. W. Bradley, J. R. Vinson, i *8*
H. P. Shaw, H. Newman, {
O. C. Crooke, I. D. Turner,   State College Chapel
W. L. Brock, L. B. Brock. ·   Ten 0’C]Ock A, M_
3 I I
` W
%<>J0UA02.$e @.2.% J

 commencement pl`0Ql`8lTle Ganbibateg for Eegreegi ‘¢bgggg_
  For the Degree of Bachelor of Science.
Music, . 1 “The Atomic Weight of Cobalt."— i
Invccatiim William Raymond Allen, Bachelor of Arts. J°s°Ph Chmhc Whitmy Fra"'
v—_Fii . Robert Lee Gordon, Bachelor Oi Arts. u For the Degree of Bachelor ot Mechanical Englneerlng.
SALUTATORY, joseph Whitney Christie Frazer. Arthur Lee Hicks, Bachelor of Arts. The D“s*g“ of a· 500 Poood Steam He¤¤mei¤fi’— cia A de
—-————— RbertLeP Bhl fAr. l °°"Y Y um"'
Music, Jogii Scot: Bsfigioiagf 22 ts "The Comparative Study of Compound Locomotives on American
ORATION, 7-__P Robert Leg Gprdqm, james O. Harrison Simrall, Bachelor of Arts. and Continental Rai1WayS”— G ii F ed . k Bi .
"Our Foreign Policy." Antoinette Thornton Atkins, Bachelor of Science. uTi.i D · eo ge f eu? essulg
i i _ _ _ e esign of a Surface Condenser, for the H3H11lt0¤·C0fl1§
———_ Elizabeth Cassidy, Bachelor of Science. Engine Running the State Cniie e Sim sv-
i   Mary Eva Clarke, Bachelor of Science. ’ g Saiguci Archibald Buiiocin
CLASS REPRESENTATIVE, Logic Hockey Wame,_ Clara Brooke Gohh, Bachelor of S¢ie¤¢e· “The Design of a Boiler Feed Pump, with New Valve Gear"-
u·i··YPes_» Barbara Sue McHargue, Bachelor ol Science. William Henry Collier.
my Logie Hocker Warner, Bachelor of Science. “The Design of a Five Horse Power Gas SE:gini"E-ai ih
• Martha Ripperdan White Bachelor of Sc' . mne ro ers DeB0W·
ESSAY, Wyiiiiam Adcipiius Dimcani i Joseph Christie Wintney Euler, Ba_ehci0ii;?cg;ienu_ “The Design of a Modern Boiler Plant, of 1000 Horse Power Ca-
“EfIél!'l€¢!‘lflg as an Exact Scie¤ce." * lohh Thomas Geary. Becheior of Science. P°°’*Y “ B ki wiiso Du iii
’f" { john Thomas Haley Bachelor of Science. , _ er ev ° C
Musxc· i James Hairy Hmdiezii Bachelor of Scieiicei “An Experimental Study of the Holding €’V•;i§;eiriii>fiii?ilg,i;i;i;liiiir;i%;iiv;iiSi;Q-i:i-
ESSAY Martha Ripperdan White.   George Matt Morgan Bachelor of Science. u · . °
’ “Mysteries of Nature.”   Henry Clay Anderson, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. Thiilgjsg? of an Ice Plant to Make 500 Pounds of Ice m 24
Magi;   George Frederick Blessing, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. ` Thomas Conway Kellie
N ;— G F de iik Bi i   Samuel Archibald Bullock, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. For the Dc r Q wi i S i
ORATIO 1 forge "E rn- mmf- { William Henry Collier, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. u g c ° , _ as, M ° C °°°°
llThc Mission Oi the Engmeei,_» i Samuel Caiuiheis DcBOw’ Bachcioi Oi Mechanical Engineering · A Study of the Several Modifications of Sulphur, and Mercuric
"‘ i · V . ' . Iodide"--
Mnsie_ ( Berkley Wilson Duck, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. Gfaiiia Ha
——— * wma Ad 1 11 D B hl · · · P . m .‘”“ K°“‘*°"‘·
ESSAY, Lnin Seni.ey_ i Thom; Cojigss Kgiincagg egg'; gig: 1V;€°na¤;@:i Engineering-- i “On the Effect of Light on the Replacement of Bromine and Iodine,
“ C ll -Wh P" i Y Y' ee amca gm“"mg• , in Or amc Bromides and Iodides"—
After oege at G Cth D . Bhl {P 8
_?_ ~ eorge ru c er owning, ac e or o edagogy. t nyniinee Appietou Bzattin
Music. i Lula Searcy, Bachelor oi Pedagogy. “D;urm_] Lepidoptera of Ke¤tuCky"._
Y — R but L P _ i`   Hattie Hocker Warner.
VALEDICTOR ' —T— 0 ee ope   Graham Hawes Kemper, Maj. Subject Chemistry, Master of Science   “Od°na·ti’~ {mm Kent'—’CkY”“
M¤$i€· ig Wallace Appleton Beatty, Maj.Subject Chemistry, Master of Science - r _ _ Mary L°G"a“d Did1“ke•
E Hattie Hocker Warner Maj. Subject Biology Master of Scien e K _,
RIP: F D _ Z _ r _ i i o C6- · For the Degree or Master ot Arts.
CONFER   EQREES   Mary LeGrand Didlake, Ma]. Subject Biology, Master of Science.   “Les Comedies de Moliere"—
PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS ii Elizabethinrihittington King, Major Stuzly Modern Languages, Mas- i` Elizabeth Whittington King.
• ; ter o rts. _ W-
B iii   lenn Tne°5°re Feie. Major Subject Machine Design, Mechanical l 44The DesignF;;C;`:n;)s$·!K.8° M Mechanical Engineer-
ena idiom Y E°gm°°’°‘ _ Iohn Theodore Faig.