xt718911pf50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911pf50/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1933-10-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1933 1933 1933-10-20 2013 true xt718911pf50 section xt718911pf50 Best Copy Available








Petition Sent to Dean of Men
Asking for Annual
Dance Date


John Born Dicker, 62
years old, superintendent
of the Engineering shops,
died at 6:15 a.m. yesterday at the St. Joseph s
He had been
under treatment for 12
weeks and was aware of
his critical condition.
Mr. Dicker was a native of Torquay, Devonshire, England, and came
to Lexington 27 years ago
to Join his uncle, the late
Joseph Dicker, then head
of the engineering shops, I
and the man for whom
Dicker hall was named. I
Each man served as head
of the shop work for 28
years; ten years of this r
time they served togeth- - f
er. It is estimated that
5,000 men came in con- tact with these two men r
during the time that they I
were at the University. I
The two men gave 42
years of faithful service
to the Engineering college.
Jack" Dicker, as he was known
to the students, was valued for the
great interest he took, not only In
the students of the Engineering college, but also In the students of
every college on the campus,
gto Dean Anderson. He was
always seeking ways to help the
student, and many brought to him
not only their school problems, but

Strollers, University dramatic circle, met at 4:45 p. m. Wednesday to
discuss further plans for membership tryouts, amateur night, and
the annual dance sponsored by the
A petition in which
November 4 was specified as the
time when the dance Is desired to
be held, was prepared for submis
sion to the dean of men.
The time for tryouts of Stroller
eligible was extended to Wednesday. October 25. since there are
great number to be heard, and a
limited time will be devoted to each
hearing. After memorizing a part
to one of the plays wnicn nave
been on the reserve shelf of the library for the past week, an appointment must be made with T. C. Conrey. Conrey Is chairman of the
tryout committee and may be
reached at Ashland 4624.
At the meeting Wednesday, Wilfred Graves was elected
of the group. A dance committee of Bill Daniels, Mary Temp-li- n
Faulkner, Phil Ardery, and T.
C. Conrey was appointed by the
new president
The time for amateur night was
definitely set for Friday, November
3. This is an annual event, spon
sored by Strollers. The best three Political Science
or four couples in the tryouts win
Held In Louisville For
present their plays at that time.
200 Women Each
After they have been Judged, the
couple giving the best performance
will receive a cup. The winning
couple and others participating in OTHER COURSES OPENED
amateur night will gain a certain
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, political
number of points toward Strollers.
Another meeting of Strollers will science department, Is offering a
be held within the next week or
course in political science
two for additional discussion of each Friday at the Seelbach hotel,
plans for the dance.
Louisville to 200 members of the
Kentucky league of women voters.
The course was widely advertised,
Mid Is well - patronized "liy the
women voters of Louisville. It startThomas Beard Is Shot By ed on October 13, and It is expected
Bandit Hitch Hiker In
that the enrollment In this course
will reach approximately 250.
Home Town
Enrollment In other courses is
Thomas Beard, 30 years old,
also high, and literature courses
a former student at the are proving the most popular. ProUniversity, was shot and perhaps fessor Farquhar Is offering these
fatally wounded by a bandit whom coisrses each Thursday afternoon
Beard had allowed to get Into his and evening.
automobile on the pretense of "a
Some 300 enrollments in Univer-t- v
ride down town" at 6:30 p.m. Tuesnf Kentucky credit courses and
day in Hardinsburg.
200 enrollments in
After being wounded, Beard man- courses have been reported so iar
aged to stop his automobile and at the University of Kentucky Exstagger to the sidewalk. The ban- tension center in Louisville. Prof.
dit drove the car towards the busi- E. F. Farquhar is offering there a
ness section of Owensboro, but no course in survey of English litertrace of the stolen car has been ature and also a course in modern
XRr W A. HpinZ Of the
Beard was taken to the Hardins- hygiene department Is offering a
burg hospital where an emergency credit course in nygiene, rroi. a. .
operation was performed to save May, a course in vocational guidhis life. Attending physicians said ance, and Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain,
two courses In school administrahis condition was critical.
Beard last attended the Univerei,n, i under wav. according to
sity In 1932. He was a student In
the College of Engineering and a Dr. Wellington Patrick, director coUniversity extension, for closer
member of Alpha Sigma Phi.
University of
operation wtth the
Louisville In adult education work
in that city. The University of
Kentucky has been onenng instruction there for ten years. Five years
ont th Hniverslt v of Louisville be
gan' offering night courses for
adults and plans will be workea out,
so as to avoid duplication.
fur th Kfvond semester courses by
the University of Kentucky at Lou
isville have not been eompietea.

Former University
Student Wounded



All students Interested in intercollegiate debate work are asked to
meet in room 231, McVey hall, at
7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Plans for the
forthcoming debating season will be







Each and every senior has to pay
his or her senior dues. That Just
happens to be a
It's like death and taxes you can't
dodge It. Can't help It if your great,
great, grand-dadd- y
was a DKE at
Vassar, or your cousin's half sister
on Aunt Emma's side was presented at the court of St. James, you
still have to face the facts. It Is
Just one of those things you cannot
get around. Sorry, but there Just
Isn't enough pull In existence to
help you. Might as well try to miss
one of Mr. Knight s English Liters
ture quizzes and then try to per
suade him to give you a makeup
Oh! By the way, seniors, you know
what . you get out of your senior
fees besides the ole sheepskin,
don't you. A Kentucklan? Sure.
Having tried to eliminate all
tommy-rand whatnot, we have
come to this conclusion.
Just a
matter of deduction, nothing more,
The sum of the
wiy dear Watson.
plea Isn't "Remember the Maine."
but is, have your pictures taken
for the Kentuckian, youse mugs.
You won't regret it, and that la one
fact that you may rest assured of.
Why, in later years when 111' Dorothy Jeanne or Jimmy Dick drags
forth the annual with sticky fingers, covered with Jam or some such
concoction, and climbs upon your
knee and says In his or her childish
treble, "Mai ima. show me your picture in dls and tell me about the
time dat you was May Queen." Or,
"Daddy here you is in your feetball
suit; I wanna hear about the time
you made that
run for a
touchdown," won't your chest swell
with pride and your eyes get sorta
misty as you turn the pages, and
you look back on the scenes of your
school days, and memory plays heck
with that knot that wiggles up and
down in your throat. But what If
you fail to get that picture taken,
seniors? Maybe you think it is only
a small Item right now, but wait
a few years and you can tell the

also their financial and personal
troubles. It has been said that
"Jack" never betrayed a confidence.
Nine years apprenticeship In
practical mechanics In England had
just been finished when Mr. Dicker
came to the University. He was a
recognized authority In the pattern,
woodworking, blacksmlthlng,
on Page Six)

Polls In White Hall Will Be
Open from 9 a. m. Until
4:30 p. m.


Annual election of senior class
officers will be held today from 9
a. m. until 4:30 p. m. on the first
floor of White hall, between the
wings of the building.
Polls will
remain open during the noon hour.
Members of the Student council
will count the votes In the office of
the dean of men, immediately after
the closing of the polls.
Election of officers of other classes
will be held as soon as arrangements can be made, and after the
newly elected president of the senior class has assumed his duties as
a member of the Student council.
Names of those who were nominNew Cheer Leaders Will Be
ated by petitions signed by members
Selected By
class, and presented
of the senior
to the dean of men are as follow:
Circle at Duke
Hamilton Oreenup and Smith
Broadbent, president; Hazel
and Ann Jones,
William Nichols and Nell
Montgomery, secretary; and Lucia n
At a meeting of SuKy circle held
and Eugene Cowley, at 5 p. m. Tuesday in' the Men's
gymnasium, the members voted to
send Miles Davis to the Washington
football game in
Roanoke. Virginia,, tomorrow, to
lead the Kentucky cheering section.
A contest for applicants for prossponpective cheer
Leonard Tracy Is Painfully sored by SuKyleaders will be
Friday, October 27,
Injured in Attempt To
pep meeting preceeding the
at the
Kentucky-Duk- e
game. All men stu
Put Out Fire
dents are eligible to compete in the
Leonard Tracy, instructor in the contest.
The best applicants will
department of English, was burned appear again at the game the folabout the face and hands at 9:30 lowing day. at which time, members
a. m., yesterday, when attempting of SuKy will make their final choice
to extinguish a fire on the roof of of cheer leaders.
the Geary tobacco warehouse on
SuKy will sponsor the sale of
South Broadway.
candy at the Kentucky-Vanderbi- lt
to the Good freshman game tomorrow, It was
Tracy was taken
Samaritan hospital whijre physi- decided at the meeting. Dan Ewing
cians said that his condition was will have charge of the sales.
not serious.
The next SuKy meeting will be
A fire extinguisher which he was held at 5 p. m., Tuesday, October 24
using to extinguish the small blaze in the Alumni gymnasium.
exploded, throwing burning asphalt
on one side of his face and on both
His glasses protected his
eyes from the hot asphalt.
Victor R. Portmann, assistant
Tracy was working for the Cen- professor in the Journalism departtral Kentucky Roofing and Supply ment, will be speaker at the fall
company at the time of the acci- meeting of the Jeffersonlan Boostdent. He received his M. A. degree ers club at 2 p. m. Saturday. Octofrom the University last spring, and ber 21, at Jefferson hall. Jefferson-towHe will discuss county corhas announced the football games
respondents and their work.
at Stoll field this fall.




Instructor Burned
By Ignited Asphalt


Article On Taxes, Written
the Omega Beta PI,
By Commerce Professor,
honorary chemical fraternity, has
To Be Read at National
been called for 7 p. m. Monday, OcTax Association
tober 23f in the" Science building.
All members are requested to be
James W. Martin, director of bu
They're here at last I
reau of business research of the
Again we see bobbing up and
Alpha Phi Omega will hold an University, has Just completed a
important meeting tonight at 7:30 report "Motor Vehicle and Related down around the campus those little
in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. All Taxes." which will be read and dis- abbreviated chapeaus which for 20
years have been one of the most
members please be present.
cussed at the National Tax associa
tion meeting to be held from Octo- cherished traditions of the Univer- versity.
Wherever one goes, he
A candy sale will be held Thurs0
at Phoenix, Arizona.
day, October 27. in the Agriculture
to usually sees in the distance a flash
The purpose of this report-Ibuilding, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. set forth a plan for investigating of blue and white atop some tousled
The candy is made and sold by the the gasoline and motor registrations mop which, upon closer observation,
frethman girls of the Ag college for the next year. It is necessary, turns out to be a good old "freshwho wish to earn credits for the according to the report, for this man cap." For the past few years,
Home Economics club.
association to study, first, what to this tradition has waned, and prodo with the revenue derived from curing and wearing of freshman
the gasoline tax, and secondly, what caps has been delayed, but it is
if anything, should be done about certainly a good sight to see these
GROUP WILL MEET the overlapping of the gasoline "distinctive lids," again and know
taxes, and of registration taxes. The that beneath every one is a true
Alma Magna Mater club will hold National Tax association appointed freshman who Is proud of his class
its first meeting of the year at 5 a committee, of which Mr. Martin is and his University.
While meditating upon aforesaid
p. m. Wednesday. October 25, at chairman, to investigate these matMaxwell Place. There are now 270 ters. It also, must be determined chapeaus, it might be well to recall
children of former students on the how much of the gasoline tax briefly a little of their history; who
campus, and they are all urged to should be used for building new started the custom, why, and so
This la their story and
bridges and the number of toll forth.
attend this meeting.
The members of the last year's bridges needed. The question of they're sticking to it I
The first step taken was by the
club will meet at 4 p. m., before what kind of business tax should
be imposed on buses, and the prob- class of '17, or rather the freshman
the new member! arrive.
After a short business meeting, lem of the administration of the class of '13. One bright sunny day,
these gentlemen decided that the
the club will adjourn to have tea taxes must be decided at this
prevalent custom of
with Mr. Frank U McVey.
A meeting of

Omicron Delta Kappa plans
to have "tag days" on October
26 and 27 prior to the Duke
game for the benefit of the
Student Union Building fund.
These tags will be sold for
five cents each by U. K. coeds and will have "BEAT
DUKE" printed on them. It
Is hoped that all of the students will buy these tags to
help the Union Building fund
and also to promote pep and
enthusiasm among the students.


Paid Regardless

In Annual Election


Wriler Reminds All Seniors
Interfraternity Group Names
That Dues Must Be




as Well

Pictures Taken


University Delegate As
National President


Joint Meetings Held


Pan-Hellen- ic




then in its prime, was the most

abominable phase of horse-plaand the idea of the "freshman cap"
was conceived.
gentlemen held a meeting, and deon a cap and set up rules for
the wearing of it. At that time,
each class had Its only colors, aside
from the traditional
Accordingly, a
of the University.
short while later there appeared on
the campus, and on the heads of
the freshmen, black caps, similar in
style to the regular dress cap of
today, and bearing on the front in
gold: "Ky. '17," making a black and
gold color scheme, and thus conforming with the colors of that particular freshman class. The freshmen wore these devoutly, and
was stopped for the time.
Our little history then shifts for
Its next step to 1917. It seems that
during the Intervening years the
had been Btarted
again. One authority tells of an
Incident at the mass meeting held
on the lawn in front of Mechanical
hall in 1917 In honor ot the incoming president, Frank L. McVey.
When the president mounted the
platform and gaxed out upon the





Big Blue Squad's Offense
Believed To Be Greatly
Gamage Takes Thirty Men
On Trip To Meet Snappy
W. and L. Team


Confident that at last they had
developed an offense that would
click, Coach Harry Gamage's husky
Wildcat football squad left Lexing8:15
Dean Anderson and Milford ton last night at they for Roanoke,
Virginia, where
will attempt
Noel Address
to lengthen their record of four
Wednesday In First As- straight wins when they meet the
powerful Generals of Washington
sembly of Year
and Lee at 1:30 p. m. (E.8.T.) SatDean F. Paul Anderson of the urday.
College of Engineering..and Milford
The Wildcats went through their
Noel, graduate of the Engineering
final heavy scrimmage of the week
college, were the principal speakers Wednesday when they again took
on a program presented to the en- on Coach Birkett L. Pribble's powgineering body at 10 a. m. Wedneserful yearling aggregation.
day, in Memorial hall. This meet- Gamage kept the Big Blue on the
ing marked the first general assemoffense throughout most of the
bly of the Engineering college this scrimmage and he seemed very well
year. The subject of Dean Ander60 colleges and son's speech was "Why the EngiApproximately
A broadcast of the
parts of the neer?" Mr. Noel's topic covered
universities from all
and Lee footUnited States were represented at his work In the Department of
ball game will be made at the
the meeting.
Three main topics were brought According to Dean Anderson, the Ben All and Kentucky theaters,
Saturday afternoon, when the
before the conference for discus-- : engineering student has an advanUniversity Wildcats engage the
sion; namely, finance, rushing, and tage over the other students on the
other activities, the latter including campus, and that the "score" now Generals on the field at Roanoke,
Virginia. A similar
scholarship, social activities, and stands "two to nothing" in his
account of the game will be preathletics. The complete minutes of i favor. "A high percentage of the
sented by the Lexington Leader
the meeting will be printed at a great men of today hail from small
In front of the Leader office. The
latter date. A resolution was made towns and attended small colleges,"
game will be called at 1 :30 Cenby Burns to adopt a standard key he said. Dean Anderson further
tral Standard time.
council stated that the dasire for an edufor all the
cation should not over-rid- e
the deTalks were made at the conven- sire to make friendships and to de- pleased with the showing
that they
tion by Dr. Francis W. Shepherd-so- velop one's personality, as student
who is national president of association is one of the greatest made against the Yearlings. Tom
Cassady, who has been kept out of
Beta Theta Pi. one of the oldest things of college and campus life, practice recently because
of an atsenators of Phi Beta Kappa, Editor and that the main reason for one tack
of Banta's Greek Exchange, and attending college should be for the lineupof appendicitis is back in the
and will probably see
Baird's Manual, president of the purpose of taking advantage of that of action In the Washington plenty
American Association of College priceless gift called comradeship..
Honor societies, and honorary mem"Humanity is divided Into two Lee game.
The Wildcat offense has improvber of ODK; Dean William L. San- parts," he said. "First, the thinkders, dean of men at Ohio Wesle-ya- er, which Is of the lowest order; ed considerably this week and
of second, the doer, which is the im- Coach Gamage will probably place
ODK, and educational adviser of portant one, possessed of the abili- a much more powerful team on the
council. Incident- ty to have the hands to do thing field against W. and L. than he has
used in previous games this season.
ally, Dean Sanders spoke at the the brain tells them to do."
Pritchard, who was kept out of the
(Continued on Page Six)
Greek conclave of the University
early games because of an injury
last year. Norman H. Hacket, memthat he received last season. Is back
conferber of the
in tip top shape and promises to
ence and Doctor Heckles, dean of
be one of the Wildcat's biggest
men at the University of Missouri
threats during the rest of the seaalso delivered addresses.
son. Pritchard has had little opportunity to carry the ball very
much so far
season because
Transylvania and Georgetown was necessarythis use him as it
blocker, but with the return of CasPlay On Stoll Field
sady and Jean to the lineup he has
Following Frosh
According to Prof. Victor R. Portbeen shifted to the other halfback
mann, department of Journalism,
position where he wil have ample
the "Kampus Kat," humorous magopportunity to display
azine of the campus, will be forth
KITTEN CHANCES GOOD a ball carrier. In the his ability as
final scrimcoming soon. Plans have been made
mage Wednesday afternoon PritchBy N. C. GARLING
to issue one edition for the Homeard proved his worth when he recoming game With Tennessee If
Football fans in Lexington and peatedly refused to be stopped by
possible, and one at Hallowe'en.
central Kentucky will have the un- several would-b- e freshman tacklers
magazine, which is of a bur- usual opportunity of witnessing a and reeled off several substantial
lesque type, is sponsored by Sigma double-headfootball game Satur- gains.
Delta Chi, professional Journalism day afternoon on Stoll field. In the
Although Washington and Lee is
fraternity, and is prepared and edit- first game Coach Pribble's Kittens,
ed almost entirely by members of making their season's debute, will not boasting of as good a record as
the local chapter. Wesley Carter, meet the Vanderbilt frosh at 1 p.m., the Wildcatsgame have been point
for sometime and
of The Kernel, is and the Transylvania Pioneers re- ing to the
they are promising to offer the Big
editor of the "Kat." Cost of a single new their feud with the GeorgeThe
copy which may be purchased at town college Bengals in the night- Blue plenty of opposition.
the Campus Book store, will be 25 cap, which will be called as soon as Generals will probably use Six) Ken- (Continued on Page
the first melee is concluded.
Transylvania will have charge of
all ticket sales, but when allowing
TO BE HELD OCT. 25 the North Broadway institution the
use of the field. Athletic director
Pitkin club, a luncheon organiza S. A. Boles included in the stipulastudents
tion sponsored by the Y. W. and tion that all University
Y. M. C. A. in cooperation with the and faculty be admitted on their
Visitors Inspect Experiment
Maxwell street Presbyterian church, season books.
The renewal of this annual event
will hold its first meeting of the
Station Poultry Plant, and
is one of great interest this year,
year at noon Wednesday, October
Study Results of Breeding
insofar as Vanderbilt defeated the
25, at the Maxwell street church.
Rev. George Heaton, pastor of the Kittens last year by a score of 13
Baptist church, to 0. The yearlings are determined
Felix Memorial
Poultry raisers from almost every
will be leader of the club- - again this to beat them this year by a large
' margin and gain their revenge to section of Kentucky attended their
annual fall meeting Wednesday at
Lunch for the meetings Is to be full
In their preparations for this the Experiment station. The visiserved by the Women's Auxiliary of
game, the Kittens have also helped tors studied results of breeding exthe Maxwell street Presbyterian
the Varsity prepare for their game periments, which have been conchurch.
with Washington and Lee univer- ducted under the supervision of J.
sity at Roanoke, Virginia, which Holmes Martin, professor of poultry
will be played at the same time the husbandry at the College of AgriKittens are playing Vanderbilt. The culture.
two teams have scrimmaged every
An inspection of the Experiment
day this week, and these scrim- station poultry plant and flocks was
mages were Just as tough as if they held from 10 a. m. until 12 noon.
were actual games. There seems to One experiment In outcrossing for
tinge between higher egg production proved esstudent body, he was met with a be a
perfect galaxy of bald heads gleam- Wildcats and Kittens, because they pecially interesting to the visitors.
ing brightly in the sun, and was go at each other with hammer and In this experiment, good hens have
been crossed with males bred for
heard to remark, in so many words, tongs.
Tuesday and mo of Wednesday high production. As a result of this
"I thought I was to be president of
a civilized group of students."
the practices were devoted to the plan, Improvements were noted in
We again skip over a period of Varsity's offense, something that the rate of maturity, winter and
years, presumably,
they have been rather weak in all yearly egg production, fertility, and
During the last half of egg weight.
years, until about 1923 or "24. Some year.
time during this period the Student Wednesday's practice the Kittens
Luncheon was served in the livecouncil, upon urgent request from were on the offensive, using Wash- stock pavilion at 13 noon. Dean
everyone, officially passed a resolu- ington and Lee plays, but they did Thomas P. Cooper, director of the
tion banning
and not fare so well. Their attack was Experiment station, welcomed the
officially declared and ordained the mostly to the left side of the line visitors at 1:15 p. m.
wealing of a "freshman cap" to and they were usually stopped cold
Other speakers on the afternoon
distinguish first-yeprogram included G. Davis Buck-ne- r,
men. A new at the line of scrimmage.
style of cap was adopted, the "overBert Johnson, former Ashland
chemist in animal nutrition at
seas cap," the same type of cap ace, was not in the scrimmage on the experiment station, who reportworn with military uniforms at Wednesday, due to a call from home ed on the World's Poultry congress
present. They were blue and white, saying that his mother was ill. It at Rome, from which he has Just
the traditional University colors, is hoped that he will be back for returned, and Dr. M. A. Jull of the
and bore the same lettering as the the game Saturday.
United States Department of Agrioriginal '13 caps, except on the left
Homer Nicholas, former Kentucky culture, whose subject was, "The
front side. These caps were used Military Institute star, left a big Poultry Industry: Kentucky's Part."
continually until about 1929 or '30, gap at right end, when he left for Prof. D. O. Card, assistant profeswhen the present style was adopted. Texas the other day. Earl Bryant sor of agriculture economics at the
So with this little "biography of has taken his place, and thus far College of Agriculture, gave an adthe freshman cap" as a background, has been doing very well. Uurnice dress on "The Poultry and Egg Outwe hail their reappearance, the takBates, another star from Kentucky look." Following the program of
ing up again of an old custom. Long Military Institute, received a deep speeches, the remainder of the
may it live, and long may they gash under his left eye in Wednesmeeting was devoted to questions
wave I
day's fracas.
and answers.
Gordon Burns, senior of the College of Commerce, and representative of the University at the Naconference,
which met at Chicago this week,
was elected national president of
that organization.
Burns will serve until the next
meeting of the Council which will
be held In New York city during the
Thanksgiving holidays In 1934. He
assumed his duties at the opening
session of the convention and presided throughout.
In addition to other campus activities, Burns is president of the
president of Omicron Delta Kappa, i
member of the Student council, and
member of Alpha Sigma Phi, social
Inter-fraterni- ty



Inter-fraterni- ty





play-by-pl- ay


Inter-fraterni- ty



Inter-fraterni- ty

Inter-fraterni- ty


Humorous Magazine
To Make Debut Soon








Frosh Caps Have Colorful History




Get Your Kyian IS ELECTED TO

John B. Dicker Succumbs
After Lingering Illness






Stroller Eligihles Must Meet
With Conrey, Chairman
Of Committee








� Best Copy



Anderson Named

For Office In
Dahlia Society
Derrlll W. Unit, New York. U. K.
graduate for whom the dahlia Harden on the campus Is named, was
recently elected president of the
Dahlia society.
Paul P. Anderson was elected one
of the
Mr. Hart Is editor of "The Amer
lean Home," and Is rated as one
of the Rreatest dahlia, authorities
In America. He has obtained many
of the latest and most famous varieties of dahlias for the University
The" Derrlll W. Hart Dahlia (tar
den has one of the finest collec
tions of dahlias In existence. It Is
through the continuous efforts of
Mr. Hart and Dean Anderson that
this great variety of dahlias has
been collected. It has been a difficult task, as dahlia growers are
extremely jealous of each other and
do not wish to share their rare
At the fourth annual dahlia show
held September 30 and October 1
at the Hotel Alms, Cincinnati, the
certificate given was
only first-claawarded to the dahlia garden of
the University. This was the highest award for flowers of superior
merit that showed evidence of
skillful cultivation.
This handsomely engrossed certificate has
been received by the University.
The Derrlll W. Hart Dahlia garden
also sent a fine exhibit of exquisite
blooms to the Louisville dahlia
show, September 22, at the Kentucky hotel In Louisville.
The Derrlll W. Hart dahlia garden was founded in order to bring
to the students, faculty, and visitors a beautiful expression of the
floriculture art. There are many
persons who find much pleasure In
observing the variety and color in
dahlias. The dahlia is said to lend
itself to more different colors than
any other flower.
The 19th annual show of the
American Dahlia society was held
recently at the Pennsylvania hotel
in New York, with the largest attendance of any dahlia show ever
held in this country. Many dahlias
similar to the ones grown In our
garden on the campus were exhibited at the national show. Mr. Hart,
who compiled the annual dahlia
roll of honor, was much pleased
with the exhibition.
The dahlia was found originally
in Mexico and was afterwards
and cultivated in Holland,
but today America leads the world
in the creation of new dahlias. The
University is proud of its famous
garden for it has been complimented by the outstanding dahlia
growers of the continent.

Review has any number of differ
ent styles and Miss Bixby, New
York stylist, don't forget, is at Wolf
Wile's pattern counter to help you
choose. (Ask her about the Res
taurant Fashions and the emphasis
now put on the Mandarin colors.)
The neckware department is close
enough for you to select pattern, 13.
material, and trimming at one time. 11


Company Knitwear department has in two new models
that prove Lexington women demand the latest thing in fashion.
sweater suit
One Is a
with matching hat and gauntlet
gloves. A feather has been thoughtfully provided for the hat to symbolize the feather in your imaginary
cap when you appear in this outfit.
The second model Is a velvet sport
suit of a soft shade of green. Velvet ia onlnir tn h. used a cood deal
for suits and suit trimmings. They
also have a new lot of the popular
aeoters A member Of our
campus is in the department during
the afternoon, ene promises 10
that you get the best service possi
an induce
ble and that is quit



Friday, October 20,

can be






I have been finding things out
and left about our dear
teachers. I mean. One of them Is
an ardent photographer. Hs has an
excellent camera and enjoys nothing more than a day spent in what
he likes to call "messing around,
photographically speaking." 8o lately he hied himself out to the Narcotic farm and was all set to take
a nice panorama when he backed
up sllght.fuly and fell right into a
fifteen-foSomehow he
out and restored as
much of his dignity as was possible, when a dog came up and bit
him. Rather upsetting, what?
I wish more of the students coul