xt718911p273 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911p273/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1978 Volume 2 -- Number 32 athletic publications  English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1977-1978) coaches Hall, Joe B. assistant coaches Parsons, Dick players Lickert, Bill NCAA Men's Basketball Championship (1978) University of Kentucky Baseball (1978) UK vs. Duke University (1978) statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause,  8-Apr-78 text The Cats' Pause,  8-Apr-78 1978 1978 2012 true xt718911p273 section xt718911p273  PAGE 2   THE CATS' PAUSE, APRIL 8, 1978
LaVon Williams
Truman Clay tor
Jay Shidler
Taking The Charge PAGE 3    THE CATS'  PAUSE, APRIL 8,  1978
Cats' Pause Publisher
'Af+vtAfv+Ap' ***Ap*'**At"
Anderson's Column Indicted All Kentuckians
I've been a Kentucky sports fan (both basketball and football) all my life and after picking up the morning newspaper with Dave Anderson's column in it, I'm ready to throw up. Literally.
The name of the Kentucky Wildcats has been run through every garbage disposal in the country by the national media during the last week and it's about time that these so-called experts shut their_mouths up.
Anderson, who works for the New York Times Service, had the audacity to level the following paragraph about Kentucky and its fans:
"But the Kentucky fans had fun long into the night. And somewhere one of them was chuckling, presumably the one who threatened the life of Gene Banks, the Duke freshman forward, in a telephone call to the Checkerdome before the game. If college basketball is so important in Kentucky that somebody would threaten a college kid's life in order to distract him in a championship game, it's to be wondered if somebody would've threatened Hall's life, even as a prank, if Kentucky had lost the championship game. And if that's what winning the college basketball championship is all about, Kentucky can have it."
Normally, I'd make light of comments like that, but Anderson went about as low as a sportswriter can go, if you can still honestly call him a sportswriter. And I mean that.
When a supposedly well-respected writer like Anderson can accuse the whole school and all supporters, then where is his sense of reality?
I was at the Checkerdome and was given the same press release as Anderson and others concerning a phone threat to Banks' life. It was not said there that it was made by a Kentucky fan.
What is appalling about the situation is that someone would be sick enough to make such a prank call and what's even more appalling is for a sportswriter to be so smart to KNOW the caller when the police don't know.
Anderson's column was just another attempt by the national media to demean the Kentucky program. That seems to be the order of the day. Two years ago it was Bobby Knight's turn at being roasted.
It's very difficult for the national media to accept anyone other than the big East teams, Notre Dame and the California schools as being good enough to win a national championship.
Anderson would have everyone believe that Kentucky's team exper-
ienced a horrible season this past year because the fans demanded so much in the Bluegrass state. Well, wonder where Anderson was when the thousands of Kentuckians and the Wildcats were rejoicing Tuesday and Wednesday in Lexington.
I'll tell you where he was, he was still in St. Louis. I also wonder how many times Dave Anderson has visited the University of Kentucky in the past four years. I don't know, but I'll bet his face hasn't been around.
Anderson also took a couple of parting shots at Joe B. Hall, saying "some of the coach's language was brutal in chewing out a player after a mistake. He wasn't supportive to his players. He hardly ever had eye contact with them as they came out of the game. Nobody seemed to be having any fun."
When you look at all the game and post-game photos in the papers, just remember, you're really not seeing what you believe you're seeing, because the Wildcats are never happy. Dave Anderson said so and you've got to believe one of those big cityslickers.
And when Anderson spoke of pressure being on the players, one has to wonder if he voted in any basketball polls which placed Kentucky at the top and brought on much of that so-called pressure.
# # #
You would think things should be getting back to normal around Big Blue land, but it's just beginning to hop, if you'll pardon the expression.
With the arrival of spring (finally), there's a big weekend of sports activity around the UK campus.
Here's a sampling: First, there's the Buckshot Underwood Roast and retirement dinner Friday evening, then the annual Blue-White spring football game Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. in Commonwealth Stadium. And there's the big World Invitational Tourney Sunday afternoon at Rupp Arena. And for a side menu, racing returns locally this weekend also.
Then the action continues next week when the Committee of 101 sponsors its annual banquet honoring the national basketball champions, the Kentucky Wildcats, on Tuesday evening at the Lexington Center.
Each year, the committee has to turn fans away from the banquet and this year should be no exception. A limited number of tickets were available early this week at $12 each.
Would you believe that a few pieces of sports equipment which sell for the retail value of about $125 brought more than $22,000 in an auction last Sunday?
Two basketballs used in the recent NCAA by the Wildcats, a UK game football and a UK practice ball were auctioned off during the Cardinal Hill Easter Seal Telethon on WKYT-TV in Lexington Sunday.
Local horse breeder Seth Hancock won the first NCAA basketball with a bid of $10,000 and Cynthiana banker Tracy Farmer took the second ball with a bid of $5,000. Farmer also bid $5,000 for a UK football. Another horseman, Brownell Combs, put up $1,500 for a UK practice ball.
UK football and basketball players appeared on the telethon, as well as basketball coach Joe B. Hall and football coach Fran Curci.
Most every basketball fan in the country knows about the Jack Givens-es, Rick Robeys, Mike Phillipses, Truman Claytors, James Lees and Kyle Macys. But there's one young man who stands just as tall.
I've known this young man for the past two years (at least I thought I knew him). But a story relayed to me by state attorney general Bob Stephens over the weekend really restores faith in mankind and sports.
Friday night, Stephens was accompanied by Kyle Macy and Dwane Casey to a charity function in Logan County which was attended by more than 700 citizens of that county.
When Casey approached the podium, he admitted he was nervous. Nervous he might have been, but no one could have uttered a speech more inspirational than the young Union Countian delivered to that congregation.
Without all the fanfare of a big-time hero, Casey calmly told his story of being a proud member of the national champions, how he looked upon his role with the UK Wildcats.
Then he dropped the bombshell.
' 'There are two important things for you to remember," Casey quietly told the crowd. "Remember, whatever you are doing, wherever you go and whatever time it is, God is always with you. God will always be there and I put all my trust and faith in him. Secondly, always listen to and obey your parents.
They are much smarter than you are and will only do what is best for you." Need more be said?
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The experts tell us that momentum is the key to winning. So it the Cats are going to win a national championship, they will need national momentum . .. folks in every state of the union proudly announcing to their neighbors that the Kentucky Cats are No. 1. Show the people in your state whose team you're on.
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Player & School
1 . Mike Mitchel1, Auburn
2. Reggie Johnson, Tennessee
3. Reggie King, Alabama
4. Stan Pietkiewicz, Auburn 5- Durand Macklin, LSU
5. Terry Crosby,^ Tennessee
7. Mike Rhodes, Vanderbilt
8. John Stroud, Mississippi
9. Jack Givens, Kentucky
10. Charles Davis, Vanderbilt
11. Walter Daniels, Georgia
12. Ray Whi te, Miss. State
13. Rick Robey, Kentucky
14. Joe Kyles, Mississippi
15. Kenny Higgs, LSU
16. Reggie Hannah, Florida
17. Ricky Brown, Miss. State
18. Richard Glasper, Florida
19. DeWayne Scales, LSU
20. Kyle Macy, Kentucky 21 . Al  Bonner, Flor ida
22. Ken Johnson, Alabama
23. Curtis Jackson, Georgia
24. Lucius Foster, Georgia 25- Malcolm Cesare, Florida 26. Bert Bertelkamp, Tennessee 27- James Lee, Kentucky
28. Larry Brewster, Florida
29- Johnny Darden, Tennessee
30. Lavon Mercer, Georgia
31. Mike Phillips, Kentucky
32. Myles Patrick, Auburn
27	283	105	671	24.	9
27	229	115	573	21 .	2
27	218	136	572	21 .	2
27	194	128	516	19.	1
27	217	79	513	19.	0
25	198	79	475	19-	0
27	202	103	507	18.	8
27	207	74	488	18.	1
32	238	102	578	18.	1
25	178	63	419	16	8
27	184	76	444	16.	4
26	\h5	109	378	14	5
32	167	126	460	14	4
27	161	54	376	13	9
27	1 29	1 12	370	13	7
22	109	81	299	13	6
26	1 40	69	349	13	4
27	146	58	350	1 2	9
26	153	27	333	1 2	8
32	1 A3	115	401	12	5
27	138	60	336	12	4
27	148	26	322	12	.0
27	149	23	321	12	.0
26	127	55	309	1 1	 9
27	126	66	318	1 1	 7
27	137	35	309	1 1	.4
31	136	78	350	1 1	 3
27	104	91	299	1 1	. 1
23	102	38	242	10	.5
27	124	36	284	10	.5
31	125	66	316	10	.2
27	103	65	271	10	.0
Player & School
1 .
4. 5-
9-10. 11 . 12.
Rick Robey, Kentucky 32
Durand Macklin, LSU 27
Mike Phi 11ips, Kentucky 31
Larry Brewster, Florida 27
Reggie King, Alabama 27
Reggie Hannah, Florida 23
Wiley Peck, Miss. State 27
James Lee,  Kentucky 31
Lavon Mercer, Georgia 27
Reggie Johnson, Tennessee 27
Jack Givens, Kentucky 32
Kyle Macy,  Kentucky 32
Myles Patrick, Auburn 27
Mike Mitchell, Auburn 27
Stan Pietkiewicz, Auburn 27
217 125 104
218 109
98 136 124 229 238 143 103 283 194
263 349 210 175 371 191 171 239 218
409 430 267 1 96 544 380
63.5 62.0 59-5 59-h
57.7 57-3
56.9 56.9 56.0 55-3
53.6 52.6
Player & School		G	REBS	AVE .	
1 .	Reggie King, Alabama	27	359	13.	3
2.	Durand Mackli n, LSU	27	286	10.	6
3-	Reggie Johnson, Tennessee	27	258	9-	6
4.	DeWayne Scales, LSU	26	244	9-	4
5-	Reggie Hannah, Florida	22	203	9-	2
6.	Mike Mitchel1, Auburn	27	241	8.	9
7-	Lavon Mercer, Georgia	27	231	8	6
8.	John Stroud, Mississippi	27	230	8	5
9-	Lucius Foster, Georgia	26	221	8	5
10.	Wiley Peck, Miss . State	27	228	8	4
11 .	Rick Robey, Kentucky	32	261	8	2
12.	Elston Turner, Mississippi	27	210	7	8
13-	Gary Hooker, Miss. State	27	193	7	2
14.	Charles Davis, Vanderbilt	25	178	7	.1
15-	Lionel Green, LSU	27	191	7	.1
	ASSISTS -	TOP 10			
Player & School		G	NO.	AVE.	
1 .	Johnny Darden, Tennessee	27	192	8	 3
2.	Kyle Macy, Kentucky	32	178	5	.6
	(Cont i nued	On Page 11)			
Steve Roberts Completing Round-Tripper
Under The Watchful Eye Of Coach TuffyHorne PAGE 6   THE CATS' PAUSE, APRIL 8. 1978
Anderson, Jones, And Tillman Head Parade All-American
Dwight Anderson, the 6-3 superstar from Roth High in Dayton, Ohio who is headed to the Univeristy of Kentucky next season, has been named to the ten-man first team of Parade Magazine's high school All-Americans.
Released Sunday, Parade's first team also includes 6-11 sophomore Earl Jones of Mount Hope, West Virginia and Clarence Tillman, a highly sought-after forward from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Others named to the first team were Greg Goorjian of California, Reggie Jackson of Philadelphia, Lionel Mar-
(Continued From Page 20) Brown and Wiley Peck of Mississippi State; Terry Crosby and Johnny Darden of Tennessee; Charles Davis and Mike Rhodes of Vanderbilt; Stan Pietkiewicz of Auburn, Walter Daniels of Georgia, James Lee of Kentucky and Kenny Higgs of LSU.
quetti of California, Darryl Mitchell of Florida, Cronelius Thompson of Connecticut, Landon Turner of Indiana and Terry White of Texas.
Three Kentuckians were members of the Top Forty. Jerry Eaves of Ballard High in Louisville and Vince Taylor of Lexington Tates Creek were selected to the second team, while junior Dirk Minniefield of Lexington Lafayette was named to the fourth team.
Anthony Lee of Tyler, Texas, who is being sought heavily by Kentucky was also named to the fourth team and Mcah Blunt of Metairie, Louisiana, was selected to the second team.
Of the top forty, only five were non-seniors. In addition to Jones and Minniefield, other underclassmen on list were juniors Derrick Hord of Bristol, Tennessee; James Worthy of Gastonia, North Carolina and Ray-mand McCoy of Chicago Heights, Illinois.
Dwight Anderson Greg Goorjian Reggie Jackson Earl Jones Leone! Marquetti Darryl Mitchell Cornelius Thompson Clarence Tillman Landon Turner Terry White
Crescenta Valley Roman Catholic Mount Hope Verbum Dei North Shore Middletown West Philadelphia Tech Eastwood
Dayton, Ohio	6'3"	Sr.
La Crescenta, Cal.	6'2"	Sr.
Philadelphia, Pa.	6'4"	Sr.
Mount Hope.W.Va.	6'11"	Soph.
Los Angeles, Cal.	67"	Sr.
West Palm Beach, Fla.	6'4"	Sr.
Middletown, Conn.	67"	Sr.
Philadelphia, Pa.	67"	Sr.
Indianapolis, Ind.	6'9"	Sr.
El Paso, Tex.	6'8"	Sr.
Micah Blunt Chris Brust Wallace Bryant Darius demons Jerry Eaves Tony Guy Derrick Hord Dan Larson Vince Taylor James Worthy
East Jefferson	Metairie, La.	6'8"	Sr.
Babylon	Babylon, N.Y.	6'8"	Sr.
Emerson	Gary, Ind.	rr	Sr.
Phillips	Chicago, III.	6'2"	Sr.
Ballard	Louisville, Ky.	6'3"	Sr.
Loyola	Towson, Md.	6V	Sr.
Tennessee	Bristol, Tenn.	67"	Jr.
Ventura	Ventura, Cal.	6'8"	Sr.
Tates Creek	Lexington, Ky.	6'4"	Sr.
Ashbrook	Gastonia, N.C.	6'8"	Jr.
Mark Aguirre Lewis Card Dwan Chandler Ken McAlister Howard McNeill Guy Morgan Fred Roberts Walter Russell Mike Sanders Guy Williams
Westinghouse	Chicago, III.	6'6"	Sr.
Auburn	Auburn, Ala.	6'3"	Sr.
Maine Central	Pittsfield, Me.	6T	Sr.
Oakland	Oakland, Cal.	6'4"	Sr.
Glassboro	Glassboro, NJ.	6'9"	Sr.
First Colonial	Virginia Beach, Va.	6'8"	Sr.
Bingham	Riverton, Utah	6'9"	Sr.
Central	Pontiac, Mich.	6'4"	Sr.
De Ridder	De Ridder, La.	67"	Sr.
Bishop O'Dowd	Oakland, Cal.	67"	Sr.
Thad Gamer	Bishop Noll	Hammond, Ind.	67"	Sr.
Kevin Greaney	Nazareth	Brooklyn, N.Y.	6'4"	Sr.
Rick Harmon	Middle Township	Cape May, NJ.	6'4"	Sr.
Gary Holmes	Central	Miami, Fla.	6'9"	Sr.
Anthony Lee	John Tyler	Tyler, Tex.	6'9"	Sr.
David Magley	LaSalle	South Bend, Ind.	6'8"	Sr.
Dean Marquardt	Washington	Milwaukee, Wis.	6'8"	Sr.
Raymond McCoy	Bloom	Chicago Heights, III.	6T	Jr.
Scooter McCray	Mount Vernon	Mount Vernon, N.Y.	6'9"	Sr.
Dirk Minniefield	Lafayette	Lexington, Ky.	6'2"	Jr.
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Also Located in Richmond & Winchester PAGE 7    THE CATS'  PAUSE, APRIL 8,   1978
University of Kentucky Athletics
Lexington. Kentucky 40506
March 1, 1978
Wildcat Foundation /nc. 333 Lexington Avenu ^
Lexington, ^
Dear Friends:
On behalf of the 1977-1978 Kentucky Wildcat basketball team and those who will live here in years to come, we each wish to say "THANK YOU" for our new home.
Needless to say, it is a very beautiful and most comfortable facility in which each of us takes great pride. But, most of all, it is important to us because it was built as a gift to Kentucky basketball by our friends and fans totally through voluntary contributions of money, labor and materials.    We were here during its construction and saw the time and effort and planning which went into it.
which went into it.
We know that every future Kentucky Wildcat will cherish, protect and appreciate this great addition to the legacy of Kentucky basketball.
Sincerely yours, 1977-I2a KENTUCKY WILDCATS
Cats On Verge Of Big Recruiting Sweep; Lee Praises Griffith
HITS AND MISSES . . . Dave Dorr of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch had the following comment  on Kentucky's national   championship   last week: "The national championship that Joe B. Hall promised St. Louis University when he was that school's head coach for six days in 1969 is his today. Ironically, he won it in the city that he jilted to return to Kentucky as the successor to the legendary Adolph Rupp" . . . Hall was sympathetic to Duke Coach Bill Foster, who was tagged with a technical foul by official Jim Bain in the championship game. Foster, questioning a play when he thought Truman Qaytor had walked with the ball, signaled a walking sign with his hands and was whistled for a technical. Two days earlier, Hall was tagged with a technical by the same official for questioning a  call by signaling his arms. For those who don't remember, Bain also officiated the Kentucky-North Carolina game in the East Regional a year ago . . . You won't get the UK staff to admit it, but the coaches'  faces were dragging Sunday when they learned that Bain would be working the final game. And wonder how Foster feels now? . . . One Wildcat fan said he overheard athletics director Cliff Hagan say ''he'd give an arm to see Kentucky win the championship. '' And some may believe he was serious if they've seen Hagan the last couple of days. He has his left arm in a cast. No, he really didn't give away his arm, just had an old injury operated on. ' 'I broke the arm a couple of months ago and decided to wait until after the NCAA before I had it operated on," said Hagan. And it's not true anyone broke it, trying to get Joe Hall a big, new raise ... In fact, Hagan told The Cats' Pause in St. Louis that he, as athletics director, had recommended a sizeable raise for Hall prior to the game with Florida State: By the time you read this edition, Hall's new contract with a hefty pay raise should be official . . . The UK basketball house has been .the target of much talk in recent weeks and a University committee recommended last week that it be named the ' 'Joe B. Hall Wildcat Lodge" after receiving a petition from the team players, as we mentioned earlier here. The UK Board of Trustees was scheduled to make it official on Tuesday of this week... It's recruiting time in collegiate basketball and don't be surprised if Kentucky consumes all three scholarships on the first day, April 12. Dwight Anderson has already signed an SEC-ACC letter with Kentucky and it's a good bet Kentucky will land Clarence Tillman of West Philadelphia, one of the most sought-after players in the country this year. Tillman, at 6-7, and Anderson both were named to Parade's Ail-American first team Sunday . . . Vince Taylor, the pride and joy of Lexington, will sign (if he already hasn't) with
Duke University in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Why not Kentucky? Most experts feel Taylor's decision was compounded with wanting to get away from home  to  establish  his own identity.   No   doubt,   he probably scanned the UK roster which contains Kyle  Macy,  Jay Shidler, Truman Qaytor, Dwane Casey and Anderson. Only Qaytor and Casey will be seniors next year. Kentucky did offer Taylor a scholarship and he was recruited heavily, according to Hall. Probably the first bad omen for the Wildcats was when media reports surfaced that Taylor might become a walk-on at Kentucky his first year so the Wildcats would still have three scholarships. That, supposedly, infuriated his family, especially when Notre Dame and other schools pointed out that Kentucky must not think too much of Taylor to ask him to walk on. "We wanted him very badly," said Hall Sunday, "and we never asked him to walk on. We offered him a scholarship. I think that shows how much we wanted him when we had only three to award. But I wish him the best of luck. He's a great kid and he'll be a great success wherever he goes. I just hate that we weren't fortunate enough to get him.'' Taylor wants to play guard in college, but many feel his best suit will be a swing post because the Tates Geek product is expected to grow from his 6-4 size to about 6-7. Since Taylor wants to play guard, Kentucky couldn't guarantee him a starting spot for a couple of years and Hall wasn't about to mislead him . . . Speaking of Parade All-Americans, Mount Hope West Virginia, sophomore Earl Jones was named to the first team, the first sophomore since Lew Alcindor 15 years ago, to make the squad. And while colleges cannot contact players until after their junior year in high school, not too many people are going to be beating the doors down in West Virginia. Why? Because most everyone agrees Jones will never visit a college campus, let alone play on one. He figures to turn pro without ever facing the NCAA tug-o-war . . . More dope on UK recruits. Look for Anthony Lee of Tyler, Texas, to cast his lot with Kentucky although he probably won't be  consuming one  of the three scholarships UK has to offer this season. Still high on Kentucky's list are such players as Rudy Woods of Texas; Chuck Verderber of Illinois; Micah Blunt of Metairie, Louisiana; and several others. The Cats' Pause will present its All-American selection and Top Fifty week after next . . . All lower arena seats for the World Invitational Tournament game at Rupp Arena this Sunday have been sold. Upper arena tickets at $5 each are still available in good seat locations. No mail orders are being  accepted this week, but tickets are on sale daily at the UK ticket office and at Rupp Arena
. . . Don't be too surprised if Hall plays his Wildcats as a five-man unit rather than mixing them up with the other all-stars. After Sunday practice, Hall pointed out the Kentucky players play better when as a unit. Hall and his assistant, Dick Parsons, are considering the possibilities of starting the Kentucky five Sunday in Lexington as a final salute to the national champions.   However,   they   are   a bit concerned because the game with the Russians will be televised nationally and they don't want to be accused of taking any glory away from the other great stars in the toumey . . . The crowd will be mostly UK fans, but the Wildcat followers should make it a special point to cheer one young man in  Sunday's   game.   He's Darrell Griffith from the University of Louisville. He's a great guy and showed his class by accepting the invitation to play here. Wildcat fans should respond likewise because they'll be seeing the  "Doctor of Dunks" in action. Even James Lee smiled after watching Griffith dunk a few for a photographer Sunday. As Darrell left the floor, James joked and said, "When he hits the floor, I just sit back and watch. He's the greatest when it comes to dunks.'' Who says all the fun is going out of basketball?  .  . . Arkansas' star Sidney Moncrief says he doesn't agree with the reporters who label Kentucky as "too physical and brutal." Moncrief, playing in the tourney games this week, told The Cats' Pause, "I didn't think Kentucky was rough at all. Notre Dame? Now, that's a different story. I thought they did a lot of cheap stuff."... Everyone was laughing when the all-star practice concluded Sunday at Memorial Coliseum. After about eight minutes of scrimmage, James Lee halted action, called time-out and loped over the side-lines and proclaimed "I'm tired.'' One bystander quipped, "He's been waiting four years to do that in practice." Lee has to be in hoop heaven right now, having won the national championship and then won MVP honors in the SEC-ACC All-Star game Saturday in Charlotte," North Carolina, when he scored 28 points and hauled down 12 rebounds. And the NBA scouts were waiting . . . The daily mail to the UK Wildcats has been running about 100 letters per day since the Cats won the big one in St. Louis . . . Mike Phillips is in Hawaii this week to play in the Aloha Qassic which pits the best East seniors against the best West seniors . . . The senior Wildcats will begin a month-long bam-storrning tour of the state next week against the Marathon Oil team. Playing against the Wildcat seniors will be such former Wildcats as Larry Johnson, Merion Has kins,   Larry  Stamper  and Jim Andrews ... All four senior Wildcats are expected to go high in the NBA (Continued On Page 21)
Dunkin'Darrell PAGE 9   THE CATS' PAUSE, APRIL 8,  1978
A Happy Trip Home From St. Louis
I As Walt McCombs And Bill Keightley Ham It Up PAGE 10   THE CATS' PAUSE, APRIL 8, J978
;7m................................iTTTT 11111 n...........?
Letters To The Editor
Mail All Letters To: VIEWPOINT, The Cat
? ? h m i m h ??????????? t4
s' Pause, Box 7297, Lexington,
Ky. 40502 ? ??????????mmmm........????
Dear Sir:
First, may I say that I enjoy The Cats' Pause very much.
Now to the subject at hand.
Everybody has been talking about a name for the 77-78 basketball team. I hereby suggest and hopefully request that they be officially named "The Big Cats." How much bigger can they be than after last night's defeat of Duke for the National Championship?
The Big Cats are not only big in stature but big in ability as well. This applies to the entire squad, not just five.
Now, as for Joe B. Hall . . .
The man has done an outstanding job under very difficult circumstances. It's an outright shame that these rabid "fair-weather friends" cannot or will not recognize a man of great ability and high moral standards.
May I suggest that these so-called fans' tickets be cancelled for insubordination, and given to some of us loyal alumni? I would hope that you would pass this information along to the Athletic Department as well as the Adminstrative Dept. and the Board of Trustees.
Sincerely yours, J.A. Wheeler Morganfield, Kentucky
Hats Off
Dear Sir:
My hat is off to Coach Joe B. Hall for the job he has done at UK. I am a Kentuckian and I am mighty proud of it. I grew up in Lexington. I have been and always will be a "Big Blue Fan."
Now, as for the critics of Joe B. Hall, try coaching at UK for one year and see how long you last. I say, "Don't knock him, until you try it."
You're in style, Kyle. A few more players of your caliber should get smart and transfer to Kentucky and be winners. Darrell Griffith could be playing for a winner. Instead, he is just another loser. If he had been smart, he would have followed in the footsteps of another Male High graduate, -namely, Ralph. As the "Cardinal" said to the "Crum," if I don't eat you up, the Wildcats will. So it goes.
One full gallon (Rick) is worth about one-half a Robey (Rick). I wonder if the "Crum" would trade for Rick Robey now.
If the University of Louisville had ten Gallons they would still run out of gas.
I think the appropriate name for the first six Wildcats would be the "Super
Go Big Blue.
Yours truly,
Mr. Shirley M. Scroggins San Diego, California
On Easter
Dear Sir:
On Easter morning my niece brought her son, Derek, who is not yet two years old, by our home to show us how much he had learned since starting to Sunday School. She said, ' 'Derek, what book do you take to your class ?'' He promptly replied, '' Bible.'' She then asked, "What great person will you be learning about on this Easter Day?"
He looked at the floor studying and thinking for a moment then, as if it just suddenly came to him, raised his blond head, smiled and said, "Joe B. Hall."
Mrs. William T. Hines Buffalo, Kentucky
Knockin UK
Dear Sir:
Why   knock   the   UK basketball program? I think the reason is simple I Philadelphia,  St.  Louis,   and other papers that are knocking UK's basketball program are doing it for a reason -- the reason being they do not want to lose the outstanding talent in their own states to UK1 Clarence Tillman is an example.   If he   chooses   UK over Villanova, he will be just another of a long list of outstanding basketball players to leave the state of Pennsyl vania and play his basketball else where.
Everyone knows UK should have a uper recruiting year, and no one wants the "super players" to leave their own states when they could be playing for the state school or another university within the state.
Sincerely, Jerry Sparks Towson, Maryland
Keep Up Good Work
Dear Sir:
The Cats' Pause is the finest sports publication I have ever subscribed to.
I am in the military, in Florida, and all we ever hear is Gators. They didn' broadcast  the  SEC   Monday night games or the Mid-East Regional game on Thursday.
I would like to say the Cats are the greatest in both basketball and football. They provide many thrills to people all over the country.
To Coach Hall, keep up the good work. I'm sure it's hard in the footsteps of a legend but you're doing a fine job.
Keep providing us with your fine publication and its excellent coverage.
Sincerely, Tom Gillion Jacksonville, Florida
Wants Album
Dear Sir:
I wish you would put out an album on this championship season. If you do send me the info and I will order one.
Sincerely, Bill Giles
Pleasureville, Kentucky
On Grid Recruiting
Dear Sir:
Some people have written about what Ail-American teams some of the Kentucky football recruits have made in 1977.
Chris Jones made Parade All-Amer-ican. Jones also made the Scholastic Coach All-American team, along with Jim Campbell. Honorable mention All-American Scholastic Coach were QB's Larry McCrimmon and Robert Mangas; backs Shawn Donnigan and Ben Johnson; linemen John Maddox, Brian Allen, Craig Miller, Bill Prewitt, Kevin Kearns, Frank McDaniels, Ovid Lyons, Mickey Cochran, Todd Sha-dower.
On Prep Sports Pre-Season All-American were Robert Mangas and Shawn Donigan. Jim Campbell, John Maddox and Chris Jones made Honorable Mention. Craig Miller, Chris Jones, Shawn Donigan made Popular Sports Pre-Season All-American.
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