xt718911p10f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt718911p10f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1977-05-jul19. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1977-05-jul19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1977-05-jul19. 1977 1977-05-jul19. 2011 true xt718911p10f section xt718911p10f 

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Tuesday, July 19, 1977.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in special
called session at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time), on Tuesday, July
19, 1977, in the Board Roomn on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office
Tower on the Lexington campus with the following members answering the
call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Professor Michael
Adelstein, MIr. William R. Black, Mr. John R. Crockett, Mr. George
W. Griffin, Mrs. Sally Herniansdorfer, Mr. James Newberry, Mr. Frank
Ramsey, Professor Paul G. Sears, and Dr. David A. Hull. Absent from
the meeting were Mrs. Betty Carol Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr.
Richard E. Cooper, Mr. John R. Gaines, 'Mr. L. D. Gorman, Mr.
Thomas B. Kessirnger, Mr. Zirl A. Palmer, Mr. Homer W. Ramsey,
and Dr. John R. Woodyard. The University admninistration was repre-
sented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents L.ewis W.
Cochran, Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosormwcrth, Raymond R. Hornback,
John T. Smith, Jack C. Blanton, and Donald B. Clapp; Dean Joseph
T. Burch representing Vice President Robert Zumwinkle; Dr. Robert
M. Drake, Special Assistant to the President and Mr. John Darsie,
Legal Counsel. Representatives of the news media were in attendance.

     A. Meeting Opened

     The Chairman called the meeting to order at 2:08 o'clock. Following
the invocation pronounced by Mr. Black, the oath of office was administered
to Mr. James Nlewberry, Student Trustee, by Mr. John Darsie.

     The Secretary called the roll and reported a quorum present. Mr.
Sturgill declared the meetingofficially open for the conduct of business at
2:10 o'clock.

     B. Minutes Approved

     Without discussion, on motion duly trade, seconded and carried,
the reading of the Minutes of the June 14, 1977, meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes
were approved as published.

     C. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

     Since the agenda was rather long, President Singletary said that in
the interest of saving time he would not revievw his monthly report but
hoped that the members would read it at their leisure. MNr. Sturgill
accepted the report and ordered it filed.



     D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     President Singletary noted that the personnel changes in PR 2 were
routine and recommended its approval. Without discussion on motion
by Mr. Crockett, seconded by Mr. Newberry and passed, PR 2 was
approved and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

     E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

     Since the material in PR 3 had not been distributed in advance of the
meeting, President Singletary briefly reviewed the three items in it and
recommended approval of PR 3 as a whole.

     On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Black and passed, PR 3
was approved. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

     F. Budget Revisions for 1977-78 (PR 4)

     The proposed changes in the 1977-78 Budget being of a routine nature,
President Singletary recommended approval of PR 4 as presented. There
being no questions, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Professor Sears
and passed, the budget revisions recommended in PR 4 were authorized and
approved.   (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

     G. Expansion of the Student Center (PR 5)

     President Singletary explained the need for the expansion of the Student
Center, noting that in comparison with bench mark institutions, the University
of Kentucky ranks last in the number of square feet which its Center provides
per student. Mr. Blanton, after indicating that the project would be funded
by University of Kentucky Housing and Dining Revenue Bonds, outlined the
steps which had been taken to determine student reaction to an increase in
fees which would be required to cover debt service and operating expense
increases in the expanded facility. The consensus among the students was
in favor of the expansion and the increased activity fee to finance the expansion.

     Mr. Newberry moved that the Board approve the expansion of the
Student Center for submission to the Council on Higher Education as outlined
in PR 5. The motion was seconded by Professor Sears and passed. (See PR 5
at the end of the Minutes.)

     H. Centers for Graduate Study (PR 6)
         Graduate Center for Toxicology (PR 7)

     Since PR's 6 and 7 were interrelated, President Singletary recommended
these be considered together. He explained that PR 6 would give approval to the


- 3-

concept of graduate centers which would provide opportunity for better
coordination of interdisciplinary studies and faculty effort in the studies
area, serve as an academic home for graduate students in such an interdis-
ciplinary degree program, provide program identification with the area of
study, and increase the possibility of obtaining graduate student support
through graduate fellowships and training programs. PR 7 would authorize
the establishment of the first of these centers.

     Professor Adelstein moved approval of PR's 6 and 7, and his motion
was seconded by Mr. Black. After first explaining that there are many
different kinds of centers, Professor Sears moved that the recommendation
in PR 6 authorizing the establishment of an educational (academic) unit
called "Graduate Center for  _    " be amended by inserting the phrase
"which is equivalent to a department and" after "Graduate Centers for
         ". Professor Adelstein and Mr. Black accepted Professor Sears'
amendment and the original motion as amended was passed. (See PR 6
and PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

     I. University of Kentucky - Northern Kentucky Graduate Center (PR 8)

     President Singletary explained that Northern Kentucky University,
which has neither the resources nor the authority to offer graduate programs
in certain areas where there is both need and interest from residents of that
community, had requested the University of Kentucky to establish and operate
a graduate center on the Northern Kentucky campus. This is the first
regional university to request such help from the University and President
Singletary said that he thought it was a worthwhile venture and recommended
approval of the recommendation in PR 8. Dr. Hull so moved. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey and passed without dissent. (See PR 8
at the end of the Minutes. )

     J. Biennial Budget Request 1978-80 and Five Year Plan 1977-82 (PR 9)

     Dr. Singletary pointed out that Volume II of the two volume set comprising
the Biennial Budget Request 1978-80 and Five Year Plan 1977-82 included
the financial component of thefBiennial Budget Request and the Capital Con-
struction Request. He opened the presentation with the statement that
there must be major increases in funding if the University is going to
prevent further erosion of its academic quality. He noted that the two basic
problems facing the institution are salaries and student-faculty ratio. He
illustrated the eroding position in these two areas through a series of charts
which showed the deviation of the University of Kentucky average salaries
from those of the bench mark institutions since 1969 when the University
was only $23 below the average salary of these institutions to 1976-77 when
the University was $1,175 below. In the Community College System for
the same period, the average salary went from $366 below the bench mark
in 1968-69 to $629 below in 1976-77. He added that salaries for county



agents were the lowest in the nation and that non-academic salaries are
13% below the local labor market. Under the Council on Higher Education
formula in use in 1968, the University of Kentucky was 115 positions below
in 1968-69 and is now 382 positions below those generated under the
formula. This, of course, means more students with less faculty and
the budget request is asking that the University be brought back at least
to the relative position it was in in 1968-69.

      Other charts indicated that the total university budget request for
 1978-79 amounts to $251. 8 million or an increase of $32 million over the
 1977-78 budget of $219.6 million; and that for 1979-80 a total budget of
 $275. 2 million was being requested for an increase of $23 million over the
 1978-79 budget. State appropriations requested are $121. 8 million for 1978-
 79 and $140.5 million for 1979-80.

      Dr. Singletary indicated that the cause of the financial problem was
evident when one noted that in 1965-66 University of Kentucky received 62. 7%
of the state's allocation for higher education while the University of
Louisville and Northern Kentucky University were receiving 1. 8%6 and
the regional universities 36%. In the last biennium the University of
Louisville and Northern Kentucky University received 21. 7% and the
regional universities 36. 7% while the University of Kentucky received
only 41. 7% even though enrollments on the University of Kentucky campus
were increasing more rapidly than at any other institution and the demands
for services were rising steadily. Projected enrollments indicated that
by 1981, U.K. will have 26,271 students on the Lexington campus and
21, 351 in the Community College System. The final chart showed that
81. 1%1 of the request for 1978-79 would go toward current program
continuation and catch-up, with 17. 5% designated for current program
expansion and only 1. 4%6 for new programs; the percentages for 1979-80
are 80%, 19% and 1 % respectively.

      President Singletary concluded his remarks by saying that unless the
University of Kentucky can receive the level of funding represented in the budget
request it will face the loss of its competitive position, loss of strong faculty
members, more students with less faculty, and the possibility of loss of
accreditation in several areas. He then recommended approval of the biennial
budget request and the five year plan as presented.

     Mr. Crockett moved that the Biennial Budget Request 1978-80 and
Five Year Plan 1977-1982, including the Capital Construction Request, be
approved for submission to the Council on Higher Education for review and
recommendation to the Governor of the Commonwealth. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Black and after comments from Board members supportive
of the budget request, the motion passed with unanimous approval. (See PR 9
at the end of the Minutes.)



      K. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

      Mr. Griffin, representing Mr. Clay, the Chairman of the Finance
 Committee, moved that the Financial Report for the eleven months ending
 May 31, 1977 be accepted. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and
 passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

      L. Nominating Committee Appointed

      Mr. Sturgill named the following members to serve as a Committee
to prepare nominations for presentation at the September Board meeting for
officers of the Board and members of the Executive Committee: Mr. Homer
W. Ramsey, Chairman, Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, and Mr. John R. Crockett.

     M. Meeting Adjourned

     There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  Paul G. Sears, Secretary
                                  Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, and FCR 1 which follow are official parts
of the Minutes of the meeting'.)


                                         Office of the President
                                         July 19, 1977


Members, Board of Trustees:


I.    Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

       Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the appointments
       and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the
       report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
       by the administration be accepted.

       Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
       staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
       with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University.
       These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appro-
       priate vice president through the President and have his concurrence.

       Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
       appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
       or other administrators who are required to report their actions
       to the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring
       Board approval.

                        BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Agger, Robert, Visiting Professor (part-time), Department of Political Science,
       College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 12/31/77.
Bowling, R. Eugene, Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
      Family Practice, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Brusman, Harold P., Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, College
      of Medicine, 7/l/77 through 6/30/7 8.
Cheatam, Thomas J., Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics,
      College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Clark, Sherry, Instructor, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Allied
      Health Professions, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
David, Alan K., Assistant Professor*, Department of Family Practice, College
      of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Dellepiane, Angela B., Visiting Professor, Department of Spanish and Italian
      Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Sciences, ll/78 through

*Special Title Series


Demski, Leo Stanley, Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences,
       College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
DeYoung, Alan, Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Philosophical
      Studies, College of Education, 8/16/77 through 5/15/79.
Dickson, James, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative
      Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Elliott, Robert J., Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, College
       of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/78 through 5/15/78.
Ferrell, James L., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Family Practice, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Heckenlively, John, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology,
       College of Medicine, 7/25/77 through 10/31/77.
Kimsey, Peggy, Assistant Professor, Department of Management and
      Family Economics, College of Home Economics, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Leitsch, Patricia K., Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health
      Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 8/16/77
      through 6/30/78.
Lewis, David C., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Family Practice, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
McAdam, Stephen, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics,
       College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/78 through 5/15/78.
McCullagh, James G., Assistant Professor", Department of Social Work,
       College of Social Professions, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
McNeece, C. Aaron, Assistant Professor*, Department of Social Work,
       College of Social Professions, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Maddox, Paul F., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
      Family Practice, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Mardesic, Sibe, Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, College
      of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/78 through 5/15/78.
Meadows, Michael E., Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
       College of Engineering, 8/16/77 through 5/15/79.
Paynter, Mary Ann, Assistant Professor, Department of Management and
      Family Economics, College of Home Economics, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Riegler, Sandra L., Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, College of
      Medicine, 6/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Schori, Richard M., Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, College
      of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Sieg, James W., Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy, 7/1/77 through
Stone, David R., Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics,
      College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Street, Ronald L., Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, College of
      Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Thielges, Bart A., Professor, (with tenure), and Chairman, Department of
      Forestry, College of Agriculture, effective 7/1/77.

*Special Title Series



Uthe, Elaine, Associate Professor, Department of Vocational Education,
       College of Education, 8/16/77 through 5/15/79.
Williams, Dennis Michael, Instructor, College of Pharmacy, 6/1/77 through
Wood, Constance L., Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, College
      of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 5/15/79.

Non-Academic Appointments

Bacdayan, Carolyn, Lecturer/Research Associate (part-time), Department
      of Behavioral Science, College of Medicine, 8/15/77 through 6/30/78.
Dye, Griffith R., Assistant to the Dean, Undergraduate Studies, 8/16/77 through
Harris, John, Instructional Specialist I, Division of Dental Auxiliary Personnel,
      Department of Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry,
      retroactive 5/1/77.
Hensley, Marvin L., Extension Agent for Pikeville, Area Extension Programs,
       College of Agriculture, retroactive 6/16/77.
Jewell, Margaret, Student Affairs Officer AHES, Office of Student Affairs,
       College of Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Sharpe, James K, Research Associate (temporary), Department of Extension
       (Research), College of Business and Economics, retroactive 6/1/77.
Thompson, Mary L. , Senior Research Assistant, Department of Extension
       (Research), College of Business and Economics, retroactive 6/1/77.
Tobey, Scott H.1, Labor Education Specialist, Department of Continuing Education,
       College of Business and Economics, retroactive 6/13/77.
Walton, Thomas J., County Extension Agent for 4-H (Simpson County), Area
      Extension Programs, College of Agriculture, retroactive 5/23/77.
Wells, Phillip E., Labor Education Specialist, Department of Continuing
      Education, College of Business and Economics, retroactive 6/7/77.

Administrative Appointments

Dennen, William H., Professor, (with tenure), named Chairman, Department of
      Geology, College of Arts and Sciences, 7/1/77 through 6/30/81.
Dowdy, Larry, Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with
      tenure), named Division Chairman, Paducah Community College,
      7/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Knoblett, James A., Professor, (with tenure), reappointed Chairman, Department
      of Accounting, College of Business and Economics, 1/1/78 through
Lacefield, Arch S., Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure),
      named Division Chairman, Henderson Community College, 7/1/77
      through 6/30/80.
Marshall, Fred Edward III, Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
      named Division Chairman, Hopkinsville Community College, 7/1/77
      through 6/30/79.

*Special Title Series



Tapp, Dorothy it., Associate Professor in the Community College System,
       (with tenure), named Division Chairman, Henderson Community College,
       7/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Timmons, Edward H., Director, Division of Animal Care Services, Office of
       Vice President for Medical Center, 8/1/77 through 6/30/78.

Joint Appointments

Crossen, Philip S., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Obstetrics and Gynecology, named Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
       Department of Family Practice, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through
       6 /30/79.
Myers, John E. Jr., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Medicine, named Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Family Practice, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/79.


Jaeger, LaVonne, Associate Professor*, (with tenure), Department of Physical
       Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, effective 7/1/77.


Brandenberger, Jerry D., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor,
       (with tenure), Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Arts
       and Sciences, effective 7/1/77.
Burkhart, Robert C., from Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), to
       Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of Family Practice,
       College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Garrett, Ruby Joyce, from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate
       Professor, (with tenure), College of Pharmacy, effective 7/1/77.
Goodman, Norman L., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor,
       (with tenure), Department of Community Medicine and Department of
       Pathology, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/77.
Graham, Arthur, from Associate Professor of Music (Applied)*, (with tenure),
       to Professor of Music (Applied)r, (with tenure), School of Music, College
       of Fine Arts, effective 7/1/77.
Martin, Kenneth M., from Assistant Professor', (without tenure), to Associate
       Professor*, (with tenure), Department of Medical Technology, College
       of Allied Health Professions, effective 7/1/77.
Papka, Raymond E., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate
      Professor, (with tenure), Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine,
      effective 7/1/77.
Wadsworth, John B., from Assistant Professor*, (without tenure), to Associate
      Professor*, (with tenure), Department of Physical Therapy, and Department
      of Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Profession;
      effective 7/1/77
*Special Title Series



Careu, Molly B., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Dillhunt, Elaine, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
       Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Dirnberger, Bernard, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Hensley, Evelyn M., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
       Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Hill, Robert S., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
       Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Howard, Ed, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical Therapy,
       7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Howard, Marilyn J., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Jesse, Captain Norris F., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Physical Therapy, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Judge, Sister Eileem, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Lehman, Nancy, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
       Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Lewis, Britt, Jr., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
       Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Manyo, Jane, Visiting Instructor, Department of Allied Health Education and
       Research, 7/1/77 through 8/31/77.
Ragsdale, Ellen, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Allied Health
       Education and Research, 6/6/77 through 8/12/77.
Saylor, Darlene, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
       Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Scholl, Sister Francis, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Smith, Susan L., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
       Therapy, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Thomas, Barbara D., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Tylavsky, Frances A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Yezerski, John A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
       Therapy, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.

College of Arts and Sciences

Adams, William H., Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology,
       8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Aguirre, Ramon, Visiting Instructor (temporary), Department of Spanish and
      Italian Languages and Literatures, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Lenhart, Stephen W., Visiting Instructor, Department of Geology, 8/16/77
      through 5/15/78.

*Special Title Series



Nowell, William 0. Jr., Visiting Instructor, Department of Mathematics,
       8/16/77 through 5/15/78.
Schneider, Dennis Eugene, Assistant Professor, English Education*, Department
       of English, 8/16/77 through 5/15/79.

College of Communication
Browning, Elizabeth L., Visiting Instructor, School of Journalism, 8/16/77
       through 5/15/78.

College of Education
Bridge, Connie A., Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and
       Instruction, 8/16/77 through 5/15/79.

College of Fine Arts
Henderson, Gordon, Instructor of Music (Applied)* and Assistant Director of
       Bands, School of Music, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Lewis, Robert Jerry, Visiting Assistant Professor (Applied)*, School of Music,
       8/16/77 through 12/31/77.

College of Home Economics
Harris, Glenda, Instructor (temporary), Department of Management and Family
       Economics, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78.

Bott, Cynthia, Librarian IV, Law Library, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Timberlake, Charles R., Visiting Librarian IV, Reference, 7/1/77 through

College of Library Science
Trinkner, Charles L., Visiting Instructor (temporary), 8/16/77 through 12/31/77.

College of Nursing
Goodykoontz, Lynn, Instructor, 8/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Maurer, JoAnn, Instructor, 8/1/77 through 6/30/78.

College of Dentistry
Bradshaw, Charles P., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 7/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Collins, John L., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
      Dentistry, 7/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Combs, Steven D., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
      Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Cooper, Samuel L., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
      T)entistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.

*Special Title Series



Daugherty, William B., Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of
       Orthodontics, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Herman, Arthur H., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Hollingsworth, Robert, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Klaene, Thoznas, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Leslie, Louis C., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
McCall, Douglas H., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Communit y
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Martin, David H., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Muncy, Bobby, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Parks, Pete A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Perkins, Timothy R., Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of
       Orthodontics, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Prunty, Michael, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Robinette, Quentin T., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Community Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Smith, William L., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Tingle, Charles, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
Tudor, William, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.
York, Andrew K. III, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 6/1/77 through 6/30/80.

College of Medicine
Baker, James W., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Family
       Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Brown, Kent, Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of Family
       Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Bynum, Gus A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Family
       Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Caldwell, Joseph G., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Family
       Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Costich, Timothy, Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of
      Pediatrics, 7/1/77 through 7/31/77.

*Special Title Series



Crase, James D., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Family Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Jasper, Stephen, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Family
       Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Kelley, Stephen B., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Family Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Sebastian, Wilson, Clinical Instructor (voluntary.), Department of Family
       Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Stein, Orville J., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Family Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Thomas, Michael D., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
       Family Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Walton, William W., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Surgery,
       6/22/77 through 6/30/79.
Wessinger, James B., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Family
       Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Williamson, Paul, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Family
       Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Wright, Elizabeth A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Family Practice, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.

Community College System

Ashland Community College
Conley, Richard R., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77
       through 6/30/78.

Hopkinsville Community College
Carter, David Edward, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77
       through 6/30/78.
Edwards, George D., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77
       through 6/30/78.
Felton, Kevin E., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77 through

Jefferson Community College
Riley, Rebecca M., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77
       through 6/30/78.

Lexington Technical Institute
Dobbins, Kenneth E., Instructor in the Community College System, 7/1/77
      through 6/30/78.
Sanders, Jacqueline B., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77
      through 6/30/78.
Sterling, Catherine, Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
      7/1/77 through 6/30/78.

*Special Title Series



Sutton, Carroll, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77 through

Maysville Community College
Bennett, Donna S., Librarian III in the Community College System, 7/1/77
       through 6/30/78.
Klee, John, Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77 through

Paducah Community College
Adams, Neil D., Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 8/1/77
       through 6/30/78.
Beyer, Carol A., Instructor in the Community College System, 8/1/77 through
Deyoub, Nancy J., Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
       7/1/77 through