xt715d8ngb2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8ngb2d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1998 1998 1998-03-31 2020 true xt715d8ngb2d section xt715d8ngb2d __—____..







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MAR 31 1998
EDIT N * ‘k






"- m- “Am-aw >




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2 lucs‘duy. Mari}: 3!. IWA’. Kenna/(y Kernel

«; “a,“ .


» ~ --......, «r ~q-quwgmpv-w‘4w: M” 1 it ~* W a e . s s — -i . , »-, -. -. ~ ~--~-vw-».u»mmmmw anaemia“. ., r: , t, . .- r ., . .t ._ . s
. . .

} Once again UK waged a 12-point comeback

to eliminate Uta/y, earning its sevently national title

ats’ destiny
* date flawless

SAN .-\.\“l'( )Vlt) W \Veleoiite to the (ioldeii Age
()l- Kentucky hoops. “here dreams lilend with realin

-\tter .i season-long least hill of the sweetest echoes.
Kentucky stood at destiny‘s altar last 1“ng deep in the heart
of'lexas. \iid alter a suspense—intlucing win over a cereliral
and talented Litali team, these (iats placed their star in the
hoops eosiiii is to twinkle forever,

l)_\1iasties. like humans. normally have a liiologieal

clock. But this dynasty. in hill lilooiii.
keeps on ticking. lior three years, l R
has amassed 10-} Wins. iust ll defeats.
three title games appearances and now
[\ui championships.

laviiig the life ot‘a Kentucky tan is liv-
iiig iii the land til‘t'ntlless treats lt's l lal—
lou'ceti night t'olloveed l)) (:ltt‘hIHHK
morning. It's candy .iiid treasures in an
[MC uninterrupted flow of three-pointers.


Mosolgo trapping defenses .iiid dramatic Victories,
Viv/”x l)e’Nlllt}'(\(.1llt't‘ll()ll tor this group.

I Jim/WM unlike the I No champs. didti I come .it

‘ V ‘ lirst sltlltl. l)esiin\ tirsi liecaiiie iiilatii

ated \\ith this lsentueky teaiu lollowme
the .Southeastern (Lont'ereiiee 'liitlrtta'
iiient. “here the (tan lila/ed through
three opponents lit .iii a\eiage ol 3.: points. lti St
l’etersliurg. alter the Duke iiiii icle. destiny l'ell iii lote.
\esterda}, destiii} said. "I do."

Signed with a calligraphii llair. these \\'ildeats
sealed their title—Ltaiiie \ieiort With a collage otdelete
si\ e iiiteiisitt .iiid .i tapestry ol'eluteli plats.

l K “on despite l talis perfect tirst halt , in which
the k tes shtit ;_ percent from the floor. Jlltmk‘d KCH'
tuck} /ero points troiii the perimeter .iiid held .i ia\v
dropping I—l—(i reliounduig liiilge.

"l‘\'t't"\l)tltl_\' st.l_\etl positive. noliodt' “as do\\n."
t'k‘k \lleii l' duards said of [Rs hall-tune disposition.
“\Ve kiieu \'\ e iiist had to keep fighting.“

I‘ \er} (ioldeti \ee has great philosophers tapalile of
adaptation RH k l’itino and 'l'iililit Smith .ire the
Socrates and \i‘lsttitle 'ii‘this ()nC.

l..isi night. lat in}; a guided deleiisn e mania scripted lit
L'tali hoops iiiag‘ieiaii Rick \laicrus, \iiiith scrapped his
HI‘IL'HHl eaiiieplan iii the second hall. \\'Ith Litah sealing
the periiiietei lroiii L K marksman _Ielt Sheppard. Smith
inserted a lineup more .idapt at driving to the liasket 'Shepi
pard.l ll\\.ll'tl‘s. l leshiiiiu l",\ans iiiinusa point guard).

\daptnt skills are underrated. \\ ithoiit them. llill
(,lintoii is iusi another horn} gin.

\s ll tollvming a \\ellrt‘elieat‘sed script. the (ionic!
liatk (,ats taiiie liatk l‘httts led the asteiit from the
grat e hitting t\\o three-pointers and a dri\iiig layup
in sui ( ession tor the (.ats. l tales oiiee toriiiidalile 47
t" lead “as suddeiilt “ltllllt‘ll to (Hi-l;

“ l liet \xei'e out «it shape .iiid tired out there."
l‘\ hylaws. the heiore they even announcedthe t'ieeidc 1‘ mm; fair and hest for the that another election .will not

ning candidates likeJiininyGlenn. of (Ilaims to make a decision on hearing willlie Thursday or l‘riday. results that there was a prissililltty' sttidems then l’rnesto (Mansilla) improve turnout. but if the stu~
in Mr 3 ' (ilenn woti his hid for senator the legititiiacy of last week's eletw .ind a written decision will he this election cotild he protested. and l are still escited and we still dents feel the election was unfair.
tat-Ht ‘ at large last week hut signed tion. Two S(i,-\ elections have releasedwithin 34 hoiirsoithehear» President-elect Nate Brown helieve in what we have to offer they have a valid case that there
’)u/t-t/.. Rohinson's petition that calls for lieen m ertiirned since l‘h’it), The mg. ‘11} decision by the hoard can said he knew not to take the elec- the students." should he a new election, because

TLY. 1 A









Reverend Horton Holt tonight III Boga/ts.

St‘t‘ [)lit't'l‘a‘lttlla‘. [mgr 6.




o Law/Ito 4 (ammo/i] 9

(.1; / roll 7 [)1: t’I\lIlII\ 6

i /./.I\\lilti/\ 9 limp/Ht B




Chaos corner



PARTY CENTRAL II Ito/IstII/di ofst/nletlts‘ (it/tore) gilt/tert't/ time ttgr/II/ tit t/tt' t‘II/‘Ilt'l'_\ of.” 'rmt/lt/I/t/ t/Ht/ lint/1d to rc/c/tn/te ll't' (ft/ts"

tot! [to/ire rttiit‘t’lti' (lie/rite) kept I] {lose eye on [intro/ts (If Stork I'i'i‘t.

Students storm streets
to celebrate sevent/y title

By Jessica Coy

rials/stilt]! .\ en's l'it/Itnl‘

and Aaron Sandertord
(film/tits lull/tor



.'\n immense. secthitig. mania-
cal gloli whose tiiicleus lies at the
only intersection that matters.

:\nd when the horn liellow'ed
“the end" iii the second higgest
state in the tiiiioii. the gloh from
the Bluegrass riled, s ook and
tcetiied with celehration.

(iraphically. art education
sophomore ;\my \\'agner utters.

“This is fucking aw'esoiiic."


johnny Law has all htit laid
down his smereign hadgc and

the streets to feed the massive
cauldron of hoo/c. ioytul noises
atid it‘students were lucky. nudity.

“This is my first titiie out here.
and I've never seen atiything like
it." said Jonathan (ioolsliy. a for—
eign language and international
economics freshman. “This is T’-
ll—A-T phat; it's the phattest
party l‘\c ever seen."

Among the insides ot the pul~
sating. intensified mosh pit lies
iesters iii L'K garli: white hats
with lilue Ks eitiliroitlered on
them. and a shirt. proclaiming.
um. something rather suggestive:

.S‘t-t- CELEBRATION on 5





:1'moz't'rl tit/i for t/tt' mtt/n/m/ t/t/t' /i/\/ ”lg/V Ia't'U/tj

"O'TE HTLER Al/Hl/l v'ilti

genrin g up

for return

By Mat Herron
\t‘Ig‘x lat/Ito)

\Vin or lose. you have to come home

The (Zats will arrive at Bluegrass .\it'port
today at ‘24“ pan troiii San \ntoiiio. l-aiis
who want a glimpse ol the lioys iii liliie will
have to retrain troiii rushing the terminal and
park across the street at the main entrance to
Kcencland racetrack at 4201 Versailles Road.

“:\ll the lots .ire hill with chartered .iir—
planes that have gotie to San \titoiiio." said
Karen .\larctiiii. cvccutive assistant {or puhlic
relations at Bluegrass \irport. “lt' tans come
here. you're going to get turned away."

lfiins who flew on one or the tour char—
ters hy (Iotiiiiioiiwealtli Traxel took up
most oi'the spaces in airport lot.

()nce ol'l‘thc plane. the team will hoard a
hits and ride to the racetrack at iz-lra' pati.

chnt‘latttl “has more parking. aestheti~
cally it‘s iiitich nicer oter there than looking
through .i chain link teiice." \larcum said.

The team will fly on .i private plane. which
doesn't come into an airport. Normally the
players come iii through (iate i] . “This week.
their just getting straight on the hus." he said.

Lexington Police will piit ahotit 15 oili—
ecrs otit at the track to direct cars and keep
people out of the hus' w .iv. The other hoys
in hltie will rush hack to Rtipp :\rcna to
direct ”attic and pedestrians to the pep
rally. 'l'wcnty—two otticers will patrol the
outside Jlitl 107-] < on the inside. along with
L'ls police and \ndy l'iain Security. which
usually rtiiis security during home games.

”I don't expect it to lse such .1 large
crowd." at the airport. said Bill Burton.
assistant chict in charge lllvlitlrctltl oi‘tral’tic
loi‘ chtngtoii l’olice. “it would he almost
iiiipossilile for people to go to the airport
.iiid then rush hack downtown."

The hig partyers won‘t lie the ones turn--
mg otit for the rally. an occasion mainly tor
lattiilies and youngsters, Burton said,

The Tree tickets l-(tr the rally “Ill he
.i\ailalile lie-ginning at h' .i.iii. iii the main
lolihy of the Rupp .t\rctia ticket office.
There's a Tour—ticket ltiiiit per person, l’or
the early risers. doors will open .it (i am.

3, Jill Erwin melted into The Party That Doors open .it (i; the rally licgms at ,— pan.

5 .S'enmrStiIfl'll 'rttt'r Killed '96. _ Bl B'IIB B“

,i Mat Herron Students tote l.’~packs oi hect’. n

3' New lid/tor liquor iii lirow'n-papcr ltags. dowti l‘iit‘st it was lsciitticky llatii. now it‘s the

Kentucky l)crhy

(iov. l’aul l’attoii .iiid l tah (.ov. Mike
Leaiitt h.i\e their own little wager going
on. with l’atton ptoiiiistng pl'ltttt) seats to
watch the fastest two minutes in sports —~
The Kentucky l)erhy

Should the (Iats roll the Runnin' L'tes‘.
Leavitt tiitist tork over tickets for the 2002
\Vinter ( iaiiics in Salt Lake (Iity.

“instead (it .i het. w e‘re referring to it as
an expression oi contidcnce." said Paula
l‘irttstroiii. ctitiiitttitiications assistant for

The .state lust collected on its (55‘) win
in er the .\'orth (.arolina Tar Heels Satur—
day night: .~\ liarhecue dinner. which the
state will donate to a homeless shelter in
Salt Lake Valley,


GA candidates

By Aaron Sandertord

(.‘tlmptti lad/tor

Just when you thought it was safe
to walk from the (llassroom Build—
ing to NJ. King Lilirary. Student
(Govemment :\ssociation candidates
might he campaigning again.

Josh Rohinson's petition to over
turn the entire election is gaining

another election. (ilenn‘s sister
Kim also ran tor ottice. She lln’
ished second in the S( i.-\ presideti

tial race heliitid Nate Brown.

“(Timmy and I) talked ahout it,
and if we do it again. who knows
what will happen." Kim (ilenn
said. “Student government's pur-
pose is to protect sttidents' rights.
not to infringe upon them. and it.
that tiieans doing it again. he's
willing to do it."

\\'inners and losers must now

hoard will also rule on alleged
campaign Violations.
Complaints dealing with spo

early TOI‘ IIOSSTTITB second election

citic races or infractions have heeii
tiled. S(i:\ officials had not
received a copy of Rohinson's
complaint yesterday afternoon.
Robinson said the document was
goiii through tinal revisions.

T e deadline for filing coni—
plaiiits is 4 pm. today. and the
hoard meets shortly after to set a
hearing time for the complaints.

lie appealed to the S(i:\ Supreme
(Ioiirt. whrsc decision is tinal.
Third-place presidential candi»

datejoe Schiller said there is a good
chance for a second electron in a
few weeks it‘you go hy the merits of
Rohinson's claim. But he said watt—
ing on a decision is nen'e-wraeking.

“It's heen tough hecause alter
an election Til“ this you try it) “in
or lose start planning for ohm was
next. htit this time there “'Hr. m,
closure." Schiller said. “\Vc knew

tion results as concrete. Brown
said he was tt‘ild the election might
he contested just helore w'innets

.t...--..o «awn

, L,,

were announced last week.

He is still recovering from last

week. htit he acknow ed
potential for another race.

“I know elections are difficult."
(Iruz said. “But it people are really
serious .ihotit serving the students,
this will not deter them."

ges the

“I think it would he frustrating
to pay tip to $600 for another
campaign. to ask the same volun-
teers to help out again and to ask
people to vote again." Brown said.
“But I feel like it that‘s what's they

(Itirrent S( i '\ President
Melanie (Irii/ said campaigning
again is a small price to pay.

-"'-‘W-. ., nerA.

. v


“hen asked ahout the poten-
tial for an even lower turnout than
the 6.8 percent that voted last
week. (Inn. argued the opposite.

“A lot of people assume that
because voter turnout was so low


thev want someone who was elect-
ed on merit and who follows all ..
the rules.” she said.







4 'I'uiu‘dqy. illurt'b fl. I998. Ker/rink) Arm/(l

Students, local

liars make IIBSt

(ll viewing game

By Jessica Coy

i lialafilll! Neg-1v Edimr

\.s L'K hit the court, the band
struck tip a tune and hundreds of
blue— and white—clad fans let out a
ioar and tipped tip their cups.

\\'elcome to national ehanipii
onship night in Lexington.

Lexington Brewery (Iompany
may be thousands of miles away
ironi San Antonio, btit tonight it
wanted to titake the place feel like
it were next door to the

“\\'e want to bring
the game to the crowd in
a more solid way," said
liony ( iranados. a mem-
ber oi'lhe Four Horse—


As roan a: the

partying at l‘illclltl and \\'oodland
later tonight."

Many students couldn‘t wait tiiitil
the end oi the game to make their
way towards ( Zelebration ( :oi‘iici‘.

Seyeral students who li\e on
l".ticlitl set up makeshilt living
rooms on their lawns. complete
with couches. telex isioiis and Lilsl

"\Vc set the 'l'V up out here
because we couldn't lit c\ei'yone
inside." said \dam Bourne, an
l‘ili‘ullsli itllilllr. "But
we're delinitely mor-
iiig the '|'\' back
inside as soon as the
g‘atttc is ()\ et‘.‘~


l‘illL'lltl duringr


men. a tuba quartet finalbuzzer game last iiighi you
playing at the brewery sound; fl]? wouldn‘t hate eyen
last night. ‘ sbit’sgomm bit need .i l \ to know
(thad Pence, a music )1 u how the game pro—
education major. said t efim. gressed. (Iheers and
although it might be the V iecrs could be heard
beer more than the Mike Gibson waiting out of every
music that rets the businegmkmng window as us made
trowd hyped. t icy don't senior who lll't’a'i its mm t‘s on the

mind. three bower dawn L l )llri
“'l‘he music, beer and from {L'elebmrirm “\\ e weren't C\ en
(”'7‘”- iiear .i 'l \' when the

crowd make everyone
ieel almost as it. they
were really at the game."
l’ence said.

Next door at Buffalo \\'ild
\\'ings. spirits were high and the
ll televisions cotild not be heard
over fans who were yelling not
only at each other but also at the
game announcers.

:\,s a round of Kentucky—blue
iello shots made its way around
the table, second—year nursing
senior Shannon Thompson let otit
a whoop, “(io L'Kl (irush ['tah.
Bring home the championship!"

The ehant was contagious and
soon the whole restaurant joined in

“This is lust the beginning."
said Misty (onle. a family studies
L‘K graduate. “\\'in or lose w e‘re

game started btit we

knew it had begun
because we heard everyone
screaming." said Marisa l-eddock,
a physical therapy liresliinan. who
stopped at a lawn party to watch
the game.

Business marketing senior
.\like (iibson. who lites three
houses down from the l'illL‘lltl—
\Voodland intersection. said he
brought the game outside so he
could make it to the corner taster
when the game was over.

“;\,s soon as the final liti//.er
sounds the shit‘s gonna hit the tan
and we are going to be right
there." ( iilistiii said.

Lynagh's and Steak l’est. which
sit right at the inlaiiiotis intersec-



7—1 ..._.

tion. were both full to the point oi
bursting. l’eople were lined tip
outside watching the game
through the windows.

But with all the mayhem and
madness going on around town.
some hard workers were still in l’at
tet‘son ( lllicc lower lotii‘ oiliees
had the lights on, possibly proles»
sors burning the midnight oil





._ _ .....M........M .. t. . . . t .c‘.‘




Strait-lira guilt —
i'l‘i'rl’ rlf a'i'I‘i'l'rl/
lum/lirr/1t. in
fix/mi aim/a and
first irlmlrr imr-
Tl'lii’l't’ I/ii‘t' i'lllI/t/
fim/ in {beer rl/IZI
_/et'r to the (am
dropper! ( Vii/la
Am rug/Jr.

hi rm/ t/J’,’














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”I (i






['0 l




By Jil




fans a
for fa
but w
But bi
want t
to go.
girl on
were h






“was ,


.wv’.» ——«



Illllllllli TRIS" .S'futlemr partied (If H 'mu/limt/ and lint/n! at iii/ix lt/t/l'ti/ nu


mare rlum I 8.000 [imp/e intent/ell the after [ii/Ivy.


[Cup/207721 abounds
{If Mad/{Izzd—Eltc/id

/ ‘1 71/” PAG E 1

“Litah sucks“ on the front. “Duke
sw allow s." on the back.

l)ri\'ers, yes driiers, honk again
and again to push their way
through the amoeba—like organism
without trying to become a Victim
like the blue Volkswagen van
almost totally submerged iii the

In front of 3‘” Kentucky .-\ye.,
ininstrels stretch out their instru»
iiietits .iiid jam.

\ l)eet‘~lilled sqtiirt guii finds
target in several parched

'l‘oilet paper sails from above
the rooftops as the fiddlers are
dancing and cheering. Fireworks
stream and pop.

'l‘hree helicopters circle to
catch this glob in action.

“I always knew L'K wotild win,"
and business freshman Jason Snipes.
“but L'tah kind ofscared me."

\Vhat‘s scary is a tub fan in

'l‘he glob grows. spreading tip
to High Street. o\ er to :\ylesford,
where side of the street screams
“blue." the other “white."

iack atid forth.

llack and forth.

lt spreads tip \Voodlatid. so
close to South (Iatnpus it cati
almost kiss it. 'l‘hirty Lexington
police officers gtiard the \Villiam
'1‘. Young Library.

Sgt. :\rtie (ireen, a veteran on
hand from the ”()6 inaugural mad-
ness, obseryes the situation.

u'l he crowd didn’t go any fur-
ther than StiperAnieriea." he
said. “This crowd looks a lot big-

:\tid so it grows. l’as‘t Ken—
tucky ‘\\'enue almost to
Lafayette. .-\ltnost to Republic
Bank‘s cortier.

;\ lady meanders the crowd
with two bumper stickers that
boast a new saying in blue letters
soon to be on the edge of Ken—
tucky lips:

“(Iats .v\ntonio ")8."


Fans bare

By Jill Erwin
Neil/M5711” ll 'l'l/i'l

“Show me yotir tits'“

’l'he chant goes tip every year
about this time on (Ielebration
(ioriier. (iirls propped tip on
gtiys' shoulders satiate the crowd's
appetite for skin by flashing the
students gathered below them.

“I'm one of the greatest L'K
fans around." said ‘\lttlicl‘ ()wen, a
totirtialisiii itinior, “and I am all
for fans showing their support,
btit without showing body parts.
But hey. ifthat's what some girls
want to do, more power to them."

How eier. not everyone
thinks public nudity is the way
to go.

“Never," said Lindsay (iriii~
stead. an elementary education
tunior. “I respect my body."

()byioiisly many females iii the
Lt'tmd shared her ideals. For every
girl on someone‘s shoulders. there
were hundreds more on the street.
celebrating with alcohol and all

“It‘s insane. era/y. incredible.
He and tiiy buddies Just came
otit and hang otit and drink a lot
of beer." said anthropology
senior Shane llitikle. “\Ve
thought we would cotiie otit here
for aw hile."

l"\actly. \while.

;\ Voice lt‘otii l'iiti‘al l'itHll‘s past
adds his ctiiigi'atulations.

“l‘iii itist happy for Jeff. \llen.
the rest oftlie guys." said e\l K
poitit guard .\llllittlt_\ l'ipps.
“\Vheti coach I’ left. people
didn‘t really giye tis .1 chance to
be back. but you‘yc got to gne a
lot of credit coacli Mititll; he did
a great job."

‘l‘he mix. sotiic say. might coti~
tiiiue into the wee hours of the
morning. But there is no place
psychology junior Lauren lligdoit
would rather be,





. .lx‘ u/i/ireu‘rm/i' If It'ilr t't't/IIIiI/et/ flit/f




all ill Sllllllfll‘t 0' "K

their clothes.

“I don't think
that's .i may appro
priate way to cele
brate." Karla \Vi‘igltt

\Vright. a lirst»year

pharmacy student. lam
had a simple goal
when she .itid her

friends hit the streets.
“l'tii itist out here
to watch everybody."




film showing
the/rm]; art,
but wit out
rbowigg body

shelsaid. | ‘ I [711715. (11‘ [18%

7 ~ . ~ .
..I'sl lllgtls cltl\\t lft/Mtit‘ur‘bflt
did not seem as intent

on seeing skiii as some
of their predet cssors.

some girl: want
to l 0. more

perhaps because oftlie power to
effort it took his to ”1"”. “
win the title. V

In the past. the .
(Iats cruised to the I‘MDQVOWN'I
championship gatiie IWWJILWVIII’HW

with hardly a test. btit

this year was all too

Students still

“CFC (ttllllllg

tt lebrating."
it‘s the best,"

.i\\ c‘sttlltc.

off the

ctiiotioiial roller
coaster that was this
year‘s run to llic title.

decided by l: points
cati do that to a liearl.

\ltkc lloyd. a
finance tumor. agreed
with the fact that the


celebration dealt
tiiore with the title
itsell atid less with

the search for more

“\obody c\pt‘clctl
its to be here." he said.

Not surprisingly.
the tendency to bare
all met with almost no
disapprotal from the
tiiale portion of the

Lloyd said it's all a
part of winning .i
“l’yeryone's itisi
he said. “It‘s inst


Inn/nth kernel. [Inn/ll). Hart/i t‘l. [WA 6









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llisit the Kentucky Kernel tin-line





in major“ movie debut

By Matt Mulcahey
.\l um \It/H (ill/It

Sooner or later, tiiost tndepew
dent sell out their
integrity and giye into the money
attd glainour hy “going llollyr
\yood." \\'itli 'l'ltt' \t‘zrltu/ Hoyt.
that time has eottte ior Rtehard

\lthough he takes his gilt iot'
l't"(‘l‘L'.illlif_1 the past. as in his trthi
tite to the ‘70s I),I:ti/ tH/t/ (foul/(titl.
\\ tth hittt to the depression era set?
ting oi ill/tr \t'.'."lU/l Hoyt. l.inklater
leay es heliind liis e\eeptional ahil~
ity i'or t'L'alislit‘ dialogue and ehat>

Vii/tr Vets/on li’oty tells the true
story oi iiillt’ 'l e\.is iarinhoy
hrothers \\ ho heeaine the tiiost
stit'eessi'ul hankerohhing team in

tltl‘et'ti it‘s

\itteriean history. But tlteir story
isn‘t all that interesting. .\'o
explanation is giyen i'or the
hegiiining oi the spree. and the
haekgrotinds oi the hrothers are
net er thoroughly explored. ren-
dering the ehat’aeters as tinderde»
\eloped. iine—dittienstottal carter

\lost til. the heist
ptilled at night. resulting iii ieyy
gtiit lights. ear ehases or anything
else t‘titititely Interesting,

iohs are

During .i trip to (ianada. \yhen
otte ol the i‘ohheries iinally goes
“rung. the seene is played tor
laughs instead oi' dt‘aitta. lea\ing
the itioyie \ylthtittt the neeess‘ai‘y'
aetion to disti'aet i'roiit the tinder—
\\ i'itten ehat'aeters.

V] M .Vt'rz‘ioi/ [fort moderately
stieeeeds as .i shoty ease lill' sottte oi

llollyyyood‘s hrightest yoting
stars. Mattheyy .\le(lonatighey,
who got his hig hreak in tin.
klater's Dazed ill/ll (.‘o/I/iixt't/ as .t
|ong~sinee graduated student ytith
.1 thing for young
girls. is solid as the
oldest hrother. \Vith
eyery role, though. it
seems more and more
like .\le(lonatighey is
.t one—note aetor \tith
lititited range.

'l'he same can he
said lior eo~star Skeet
l'lt‘ieh. \y’ho seems to
do nothing more than

oi these ‘aetoi‘s need
to stl'etL‘li a little.
Perhaps they can
learn iront \‘ersatile
eo—star \'ineent l)‘()noirio.
\lthotigh he‘ll prohahly loreyet‘
he reinettihered as l’riyate l’ile in

Stanley Ktthriek‘s I'illl/ .llt'm/fllrltv





201/) Cent/Hy I 7 or

IV ' '1.

PflElIY-BOY BA" GUYS .lltm/tea .\It'(.‘ummg/tey'. [CI/um [Ii/Isle imi/ Clair/tar (JIM/Hing mu m "I'ltt' Nee-ion lioy'x.‘ Hie fi/m plan in Sum/v lir/t' am! ll It’ll/Ill”,

er. l)‘( )nolrio traiisiortits phy sit al
ly .ind emotionally lot eyei'y role
and T/tt‘ .\'t".’:‘mn Hoyt stands as yet
another e\atttple oi his
ehattteleonelike .ihiltty.

'l he sa\tng grate ot
'I'ltt' .\t'i."/lili‘ li’uy't‘ lies iii
the periorittante oi
l‘ithatt llattke as the
eareii‘ee. ltt‘a\_\*tll'lltl\
llig‘less \eyitoit.

llayyke steals e\et‘\
steiie he‘s tit \ttth .t
iiti\ oi ehat‘ttt. humor
and wit that make hint
one oil tiiost ttnderrat

ed aetot's \yoi'kiii._I

iiititate the talented out”

.ll’lmnll ‘1)Clll) every (Olltoffii’l’) Despite its iti.ttt\
time ie s on set‘een. . ' >-,, ,y, .3 _\
li l ... l‘" y ‘Tbe Newton lattlts. Ill _\t at 1. int
“U “'L “LU" ”1 Bays’ has its titoitieiits lli‘.
their roles. htit hoth

\otttig aetors do hate
good eheitttsti't togeth

er. and the period
detail is e\eellelit. llltl
the itimte tiierelt

t’eltients the ttli'ttittg oi‘yet .ttiotlt
et' gilteil tlti‘eetiit' lit the "tlatk
sllle‘“ ()l l ltilly'\\iii )(l tiltn ies.


Face t0 Face plays

By Mary Dees
/\t'(i l‘a/IIUI'

l)es'pite thtee ttiaior alhuins. iour
years of touring and to headlining
the \Varped 'l‘otii' ior three years.
liiee to lltee has retttained one oi-
the int punk hands otit oi’Southern
(Zalil‘ornia not to titake .t ttiaiot'
"\(‘llrUtll‘l natne lot themselves.

In .t neus release. late to late
said it has aehtey ed this status hy
"touring endlessly and htiilding a
eore latt hase that the haitd speaks
iii i‘eyerential tones."

l‘itil' those \yho rettteltiher \L't"
ittg this haitd tor the tint tune
for .ihottt S"- iti a ltali1ittlleoiu
eert hall; this tour should he a
change. No“ touring \yith RM—
erend Horton Heat. litee to
late is hound to iall into a
respeetahle eategory that they
deser\ e.

litre to [Cite hails lrottt \vlk'r

I()r\lllL'. (Ialiifl. 35' itllles “est ()lr

lays .\iigeles. lt \\ as eategot'i/ed as

part oi the punkeroek reiiyal oi
southern (itlllliil'l‘lltl. htit says it
doesn‘t fit the stereotype oi ptink
roekers and \t as neyer hardeore
iatts oi the tiiuste at iirst.

'l i'eyor Keith. the hand‘s lead
singer. said he was .t hig ian oi-
()//y ()shourne iti high sehool
and later tttrned to hands stteh as
the (line and the l’y sehedelie

“I met) started a hand that
sounded like those groups. htit it
turned into pttnk roek onee I got
itiy hands on .t llad Religion tape."
Keith said.

“lhei‘e's a lot oi diiiei‘etu gen
res of punk roek. l'oi' the tiiost
part \\ e don‘t iit into ”H pereent oi
thetti. \Ve're playttig lliL'liItlll‘
inusie. l'he only thing that’s punk
roek .ihoiit it is the speed and
energy w uh “huh it‘s played." he

‘I his is one oithe reasons litee
to lfiiee has reeetytd so nttteh sue?
tess. (lihe hand gt\ es a titee high


energy speed sittiilar to punk roek.
htit also giyes a melody liltil‘e akin
to pop and roek. ’l'he grotip
hletitls the tun styles that leayes
listeners \‘llllt .tn upheat punk roek
sound .tnd a eatehy heat and tune
tnititis the hardeot‘e sereatiiitig

l“.lee to “tee hegan se\'en years
ago and has sinee prodtteed three
.ilhtiitts and a lt\e eoitipilation.
reeorded at the Royy ’l‘heater iii
l,os \ng‘eles, lseith said the (ll)
leattires “sotttething lin‘ eyeryone"
ineltidtng rare. iton—alhtttit songs
like "Dissension" and “\ot I‘or

'lhis is lust .i satnple oi the
lyrtes that represent litee to litre
as .i hand \\ith tiitH'e oi a punk
roek sound, uith poetit lyries and
.i roek genre.

late to late rides the tenee
hetueen sell out and true—toriorttt
punk hand. It hlends its sound
hetueen i'oek and punk. \lthough
it seems to horder on numerous
issues. it is