xt715d8ng97s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8ng97s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1993 1993 1993-12-06 2020 true xt715d8ng97s section xt715d8ng97s  







Ke ntucky Ke rnel


Task force moves


By Lance Williams
News Editor


the University of Louisville traded
their dental chairs for slide niles on
Friday as the two went toe-to-toe
again to determine who will win the
tug-of—war over some of the state’s
most lucrative programs.

U of L President Donald Swain
presented objections to a plan pre-
sented to the Governor's Higher
Education Review Commission to
make UK‘s College of Engineering
the state‘s top priority in engineer-
ing education.

It was the second time during the
commission’s meetings that the two
schools have been key competitors
for programs. In the Nov. 1 meet-
ing, UK officials objected to the
possibility of closing its dental

“I do think 1 detect a subtle
change in objectives." Swain said.
“The standards have changed from
world~class in five years to Top 50
sometime in the next eight years."

Swain said the plan would be a
“major blow" to the U of L engi-
neering school. He presented sever-
al reasons why he thought the plan
should be dropped.

“This plan is out of sync with the
whole main thrust. This is sup-
posed to get real, face the facts and
require the universities to come to

minorities md women.

soon as possible.


Improvements recommended for the




DEC 6 1993


battle to engineering . .



( IA, ( 'ullr'gr' 0fIz'rrgr'm'r'ring

oAdd 20 new faculty members and make ettoris to
improve the productivity at existing faculty.

olncrease graduate enrollment and undergraduate
enrollment by 20 to 30 percent.

olncrease graduate students' stipends to attract more

oTo support the exploratory phase ot research projects.
equip laboratories and begin the init1al phase of
investigation to help compete for tunding.

oAdd another building tor mechanical engrneermg as



By Lance Williams

Commission nears finish line .

public universities. The li-x in- Also, undergraduate programs



terms with the main problem."
Swain said.

In addition. Swain said building
the program will cost millions of
dollars and there is no guarantee of
attaining top 25 status Swain said
the money that would be shifted to
the UK College of Engineering
would take away from programs at
other schools.

Swain also objected that there
was no link between the engineer-
ing plan and talk of closing the UK
College of Dentistry.

“It appears that UK is not willing
to accept those terms." Swain said.
“If it is not adapted, it draws funds

UNIX T”! l EI/Kemei Stat!

away from the state."

In addition. Swain said a plan of
this scope could be difficult to car—
ry out over two or three govemors'

The vote on the plan was post-
poned until a later meeting so that
the group will have more time to
think about the plan and the Coun-
cil on Higher Education will be
able research pans of it

“I believe that Kentucky needs a
top flight engineering school no
matter where it is," said Joe Prath-
er, an adviser to Gov. Brereton
Jones. “I would never ever be a
pan of something that I think


News Editor


the deadline for the Gov. Brere-
ton Jones‘ Higher Education Re-
view Commission less than three
weeks away. the finishing touches
are finally being put on the issues
Jones addressed when the com-
mission first began its work.

Replication of programs and a
reworking for the formula that de-
termines how much money a
school may receive from the state

.are issues still being discussed as

the commission readies for its fi-
nal two meetings.

The missions/programs com-
mittee made a decision on the
core program list for all eight

cludes the liberal ans programs
that may be offered at each

The schools will not be re-
quired to carry the programs, but
these will be the only undergrad-
uate degree programs allowed at
more than four institutions. un-
less a school gave give adequate
reasons for keeping a program.

The core programs include vis-
ual and performing ans. music.
English, foreign languages, histo-
ry, philosophy, anthropology. ec-
onomics, general communica-
tions. political science and
government, sociology. physchol-
ogy, general biology, general
chemistry. geology, mathematics
and physics.

with fewer than 10 students grad-
uating each year will be classified
as non- -productive and will be
cut. Graduate programs must
have at least five graduates, and
professional programs must have
at least three.

Schools presented lists to the
commission with bath core and
priority programs, along with the
number of programs that could be
eliminated. Of UK's 260 total de-
gree programs offered at the Uni-
versity, 73 were designated as
core and 187 were designated as
priority programs.

James Miller. chairman of the
commission. said during the com-

See FINISH, Back Page




would take away from the (U of L
engineering) school."

Prather added that time it will
take to build the program and the
possibility that it could lose support
of a future governor makes it dan-

“We don't need to hang our hat
on that because an incoming gov-


Students making
greeting cards



to raise money


By Clarissa Blair
Staff Writer


Alison Ratcliff. a 14-year-old
cystic fibrosis patient at UK Hos-
pital. is sending out her “gift of
love“ on a greeting card.

The Jessie Clark Middle School
student‘s an work was chosen to
adorn this year's holiday cards,
which are sold annually to raise
money for the pediatric wing of
the hospital.

“They told us (pediatric pa-
tients) to think of a gift we wanted
to give the world," Alison said. “I
drew a heart in a package. It repre-
sents love."

Marion Blanchard. teleihon di-
rector for the hospital, said the pc-
diatric patients design the cards
every year during “play therapy."

“This is our sixth card. We
made about $5,000 from the cards
last year." Blanchard said. “We
hope to make over 35,000 this

The greeting card sale is pan of
a yearlong fund-raising campaign
that pays for equipment, research
and professional development and
provides a savings to be used for
the future development of pediat-
rics. Blanchard said last year's
proceeds reached $433,000.

“All the monies are used to en-
hance programs that we provide
for the children patients,“ Blan-
chard said.

“In the past, we‘ve purchased
things like play equipment and
monitors for the pediatric inten-
sive care unit. We‘ve also pur-
chased a neonatal transport ambu-

Judy Martin. child life coordina-
tor at UK Hospital, said her de-
partment works with pediatric pa-
tients on a daily basis, using an.
games and other activities for en-

“As we are getting ready to put
the holiday cards together. we ask
the children to draw a holiday
scene or winter scene." Martin
said. “Several are selected to be
printed on the holiday cards.

“Play therapy is used most often
for psychoanalysis. We use an to
help the children feel better about
being in the hospital.“

Blanchard said packages of IS
cards and envelopes me now be-
ing sold in the UK Hospital and at
area Kroger stores for $4.99.



‘Zfie co[or5 quflnlstmastmw



Luke Rankin, 11, a student at Southern Middle School, visits with Santa Claus Saturday dur-

ing his annual visit to UK Hospital.

Visit from Santa Claus
thrills children at hospital


By Clarissa Blair
Staff Writer


A group of UK football players
and cheerleaders and the Wildcat
mascot had breakfast with pediat-
n‘c patients and other children in
the UK hospital cafeteria Satur-

But the children weren't there
to see the football team.

At a little above table level.
anxious eyes peered about the
room. quickly fixing on anyone
wearing red and white.

Anticipation swallowed the
children's appetites. Their eggs
and toast grew cold and stale on
their plates.

Nearly a hundred kids were
there, all very well behaved, wait-
ing fortheguestofhonortou-
rive. The delay dragged on.

Holiday music filled the room
when several UK students from
Alpha Ganuna Delta social sorori-
ty led the children in singing

Christmas carols.

Then Dunbar High School chor-
us director Donna Bonner played
the organ while her students car-
oied from a small stage with a
hand-painted winter scene back-

Expectations intensified.

Suddenly. the room became a
little brighter. The children‘s fac-
es Iit up like little candies. With
full smiles and imppy screeches,

Santa had arrived.

Santa visited the pediatric pa-
tients for the seventh consecutive
year, and as always he brought a
big basket of treats and an mful
of happiness.

"Ho, ho. ho. Have you been
good this yw’?‘ Santa asked a lit-
tle boy who clung to his leg.

A line that stretched from the
front of the room to the res door
formed behind Santa as he made
his way to his throne.

cusses ILNNKomol 3-"

Most of the littlest ones were
speechless. Sitting wide eyed on
Santa's lap, they could only stare
and nod for a question of two.

But Santa said he understood.
He loved them too and already
knew what presents to bring. The
twinkle in his eye confumed it

Small school kids came. and
teenagers too. presenting their
wish lists as good children do.
“Stay in school." Santa told each
one. “Say no to drugs. Will you
do that for me?"

Santa. who poses year round as
Gerald Rogers, environmental ser-
vices employee at UK hospital.
said he hopes his message to stay
in school and say no to drugs will
have an influence on the chil-
dren's lives.

portant things to tell them." he
said. “Dropping out of school and
taking drugs is an epirkzmic in this
country. Maybe what I say will
help them when they‘re older."




from 120 to 325. and doctorates
from 15 to 45.

The plan said UK could reach
about the same level in five to 10

It calls for new faculty. an expan-
sion in enrollment both in graduate
and undergraduate levels and a new
mechanical engineering building on
UK' s campus.

Finalists announced
for LCC presidency

emor has the right to pull it," Prath-
er said.

The plan compared UK to the
University of Colorado at Boulder
during the 1985- 86 academic year.
From 1985-86 to 1991-92. UCB in-
creased its grants from about $9
million to $27 million, its faculty
from 119 to 155, master' 5 degrees






Staff report 52“The four finalists have been invit- 3
A presidential mu committee ed to Lexington for interviews. Al- %
has named the finalists for the top tien's interview was Friday. Green
post at Lexington Community Col- “’1“. be 1nterv1ewed today. JOh‘?‘ %
lege. son 5 1nterv1ew is scheduled for Fn- f;-
The four presidential finalists are day, and Friedel will arrive on cam- g;
Guy Altieri. vice president at Wash- pus Dec. 13*
tenaw Community College in Ann Former LCC President Allen Ed-
Arbor, Mich; Donald Green, vice wards left in August to become
president for academic affairs at president of Pellissippi State Tech-
Genesee Community College, Bam- nical Community College in Knox-
via, N.Y.; Clayton Johnson. presi- Ville- Anthony Newberry, vice
dent of Quincy College. a two-year chancellor of the UK Community
school in Quincy, Mass; and Janice College Syswm. is mine president
Friedel. associate vice chancellor until Edwards‘ successor is chosen.
for academic affairs and planning The committee would like to give
for Eastern Iowa Community Col- the name of one candidate to UK
lege District, Davenpon, Iowa Community College Chancellor
The candidates were selected af- Ben Carr before Christmas. Saunier
ter a nationwide search that drew said. Carr said the committee hopes
more than 100 applicants. commit- to have someone in place by Febru-
tee chairwoman Peggy Saunier ary or March. .
' i.
rou uestlons
G p q
goals of educati on
The group, compose of educa- 3

By Carole Feldman
Associated Press


tors, business and labor .ders. and
former public officials. said its goal
was a single formula for solving the

WAS HINGTQN .7 American problems of higher education. given -///
colleges and unwersmes don I pre- the diversity of higher education in //-/
pare undergraduate students ade- America Rather, it wanted to chal-
quately ‘0 fill the needs 0‘ society, a lenge the institutions to assess ‘
We! headed by former Sen. WI]- memsclve8. :
liarn Brock says. 7 ,/

The Wingspread Group on High-
er Education called on the colleges
and universities to candidly reassess
the way they do business.

“A disturbing and dangerous mis-
match exists between what Ameri-
can society needs of higher educa-
tion and what it is receiving." the
group said in a report being re-
leased today. “Nowhere is the mis-
match more dangerous than in the
quality of undergraduate prepara-
tion provided on many campuses."

°Are they taking values serious-

'Are they putting student learning

Are they creating a nation of
learners. collaborating with all oth-
er institutions invoived in learning
“to create a more seamless society
of high-quality learning opportuni-
ties responsive to lifetime noeds'!"

Education Secretary Richard Ri-
ley called the report a “wake-up

See EDUCATION. Back Page




oPartty eu


my and breezy today; high in the mid-cm.
and colder tonight. low in the mid-200.
openly sunny tomorro; him between ‘0 and 45.






2 - Kentucky Kernel. Monday, Docent“ 6. 1993


he L .UIIpu‘) Ctlll‘lltlxll .l‘)‘)t'dl‘u ii the ML l‘ltlily "(IIIIUII of The Kt'llltH ky Ki-rltt-l All organizations WI'JIIIIIg lo publish nioeltnqs
Incline» special events and \pOlIIIIt) t-velils must have all information to SAB room 20) I weak plllJI to publlcallon





Monday. 12/06


E . . E E . _
wavailable at the Student
Center lnfonnation Desk (across
from the UK Bookstore). movie
will be shown at 8:00 pm, in the
Student Center's Worsham The-
ater with pass'”

for Spotlight Jazz individual
shows are on sale at TicketMas-
ter; general public, students, fa-
culty. and administratlon; CALL

-TlCKETS ON SALE'!l Tickets
for Next Stage Series are on
sale at TicketMaster; general
public, students. faculty. and ad-
ministration; CALL 257-8427
-Exhiblt: An Eye FQr Antiquity
Singletary Center for the Arts,
UK Art Museum. Tuesday»
Sunday 1200—5 00 p m. CALL
257-5716 lthru 1223)

Exhibit: Russian Ians‘ Single-
tary Center for the Arts. UK Art
Museum. TuesdaySunday
12:00—5'00 pm . CALL 257-
5716 (thru 1223)

Exhibit MQniga Q Qhurgh' 1st
floor Fine Arts BUlIdlng, Center
tor Contemporary Art Monday 8
Wednesday 3 15-7 00 p m.
Tuesday & Thursday 9 00 a m .
7:00 pm. Friday 9001 1 :00
a.m.&1:004:30 pm. Saturday
& Sunday 1:00—4:00 pm. CALL
257-8148 (thru 12/10)

-SAB Visual Arts Committee
presents Experimental Video






presented by
Lexington Philharmonic

Friday and Saturday
December 10th& 1 1th


- ”“


Singletary Center for the Arts






_ wmmnmmmmmmx nmmmmux
memwmmumm _


mmwmmnmmmmmwhmmy. MiohaetSehelameardI-

Ethedbhoirmery, saidhkpefientis‘tloing 1300"!!!“le


UXfloepitel Since‘Marehlwl. UKhasmzpluMSlheertsandl7lnngsuidperformedtwonmu



Maine company that creates souvenirs
from moose droppings smelling success


Associated Press


PORTLAND, Maine — There‘s
something new on the market for
tourists desperate for a unique me—
mento of their visit to Maine ,_



Out The
Green Carpet.

earrings, tie clasps and key rings
decorated with genuine moose ma-

“They are the hottest selling
items this season," said Richard
Whitney, owner ol‘ Maine I.ine

The company introduced the
“Moose Drop Jewelry“ this season,
promoting it as the ultimate in re-

The jewelry decorated with pel-
let-like moose droppings is made
by naturalist Christopher Lewey.

Lewey, of Conway, NIL, leads
natural history trips and teaches
courses in ecology and omitholo-
gy, an occupation that has given
him more than a passing familiarity

with many varieties of animal ex-

“Being in the business, it‘s sec-
ond nature to stop and pick the
stuff up." he said.

Lewey lacquers his raw material
to make it odor free and durable.

He uses only winter droppings
which are ()9 percent wood, reflect-
ing the ruminants“ seasonal diet of
twigs and bark.

Actually, the idea isn‘t totally

An artist in Boothbay Harbor
packaged “Freeze-Dried Sea Gull
Poop“ in small plastic bags a dec-
ade ago.

Tourists by the hundreds grabbed
it up at $1 per package.

Classes in the Rasdell Gallery.
Gallery hours Monday~Friday
11-5, open to all students, facul-

ty. and staff (thru 12/08)
Tuesday, 12/07 —UK Women's Forum Christmas Bruce, Student Center Grand

.Women and Film Series: 5m Buffet or brown bag: "1 he Light- Ballroom, “330 a.m., (Reser-
am I! lie: Student Center. Cen- er Side of Working at UK Star- vatlons and pre-payment
ter Theater, 7:00 pm, FRE ”"93 Kathy 09309" and Doug were requued by December

Friday 12/10

Lexington Philharmonic Or-
chestra: Handel's Messiah with
the Lexington Singers and solo-
ists; Singletary Center for the
Arts. Concert Hall, 8 00 pm.
Tickets are $20. $17. $13, $10.
and $7. CALL 233-1226
Saturday, 1211

Lexington Philharmonic Or-
chestra: Handel's Messiah wrth
the Lexington Singers and solo-
lsts: Singletary Center for the
Arts. Concert Hall. 8:00 p m.
Tickets are $20. $17 $13. $10.
and S7. CALL 233-4226
Sunday 12/12










Monday. 12/06 line’s Chapel, 12:00 a 5:30 pm.
—Catholic Newman Center Daily CALL 254-3726

Mass Services. 1210 pm, 320 -Student Government Senate
Central ““9“" Youth 0" R059 Lane. Call 255-8555 Meeting: Classroom Building.
chestras. Holiday Benefit COII- -Alkid0 Classes: 8200 pm“ Rm. 212’ 7,30 p‘m'

cert; featuring both Concert and Alumni Gym Loft, CALL 269- -Aikido Classes: 8:00 pm,
Symphony Orchestras Smg'e- 4305 Alumni Gym Loft CALL 269-
tary Center for the Arts. Concert Tuesday, 12/07 4305 '

Hall. 3:00 pm. paid admlsslon- -LSA Meeting: Biology Building.
CALL 257-4929 Rm. 205. 7:00 p m.

Lexington Men's Chorus .American Marketing'Associa-
Christmas Concert. Singletary tion Student/Faculty Mixer

Fitness and Weight Training
Clinic sponsored by Campus
Recreation: Sign up in Rm. 145
Seaton Center. Cost is $1 cash,
Seaton Center Conditioning

- Lecture Series: A Tribute to Af— Rm. 730.1000 pm, All UK
rlcan Americans in KerituCky and LCC students faculty. and
and in the Military. sponsored by staff welcome

The American Studies and Re- Thursday, 12/09

search Program, King CU'TUTa‘ -Lecture: SAVE presents Dr.
Centeri1tt30-1r30 pm . refresh— Neal Barnard who will discuss
ments will be served following his book "Food for Life". Stu-

\. ., , . the lecture. Free and Open ‘0 dent Center, Center Theater.
”m“ ”‘- the public 7:00 pm. CALL 233-3487

0”) ‘HOIY Communion. 3‘ AUQUS‘ -Catholic Newman Center: Stu-
.-\I"RI(;.\N AMERICANS dent Night (0N2); 320 Rose

IN Lane. 7:30 pm, CALL 255»
KI-LN'I"! '( ,KY SPORTS $5317 12/10

. . . . .. r ay,
till-1:13”, Cosmopolitan Club Christmas
' ‘ Dinner: Bradley Hall. Counyard.
6-9 pm. CALL 258—6531 to
confirm your place and what
food item you will be bringing
Saturday, 12/11
Catholic Newman Center
Weekend Mass Seerce: 320
Rose Lane,
6.00 pm . CALL 255-8566
Wednesday, 12/08 Sunday, 12/12
- Hot Shot Contest Fntrles Catholic Newman Center
Due by 4:00 p m . Rm 145 of Weekend Mass Sewlces 320
the Seaton Center Rose Lane, 9.00 8. 11 30 a m .
Thursday. 12/09 5:00 & 8:30 pm, CALL 255-
-Hot Shot Contest Seaton 8566
Gym. 6:00 pm. -Holy Communion St Augus-
Frlday. 12/10 tine's Chapel. 10:30 a m 8. 5:30
-'Santa Calls": Forms due in p.m., CALL 254-3726
Rm. 145 Seaton Center -Aikldo Classes. Alumni Gym
Loft. 1:00 pm. CALL 269-4305

Center for the Arts. Recrtal Hall. Wednesday 12/08
8.00 pm . Tickets are $10 and
SS CALL 2o? 492’";






Wednesday. 12/08

-UK Men's Basketball vs
Eastern Kentucky University
\\ I I'll (UKTV-LIVE) 8:00 p m

(.l 1591' l.I-(.'l'l 'RIiR

( .\I'I‘. I-RIiI)RI(.K

The Buffalo Soldiers"






\\ I'.I).. I)I'( . 8
Ilfifl \\l lzfili |’\I






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Coach hardens Hoosiers after opening defeat


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Knight 21 week. and he'll take off
the weight.

No, the Indiana coach hasn't
timed to Slim-Fast; his gut still
stretches his red sweater.

But Knight helped his players re-
move a large weight from their
backs. albeit through back-breaking

On Saturday. the 21st-ranked
Hoosiers looked nothing like a team
that lost at Butler just seven days
earlier. Instead. they looked like a
team that could beat the best teams
in the country. And they did, top-
pling No. 1 UK 96-84 in the Hoosi-
er Dome.

Knight sequestered himself and
his players from the media this
week. so only they know what hap-
pened in practice. But suffice it to
say they worked on more than lay-
up drills.

“We really didn't prepare for
Kentucky." said Indiana senior
Damon Bailey.

“We were trying to get an India-
na team that could play on the floor
with Kentucky."

“We prepared pretty hard all
week," Hoosier guard Todd Leary

“After watching the (Butler) film.
everybody kind of wanted to get

Indiana Bailed out

Hoosier senior point guard broke UK ’s press, carried I U


By Ty Halpin
Sports Editor


court press is famous for making
opponents feel like they've run a
marathon by game's end.

Saturday, the Indiana Hoosiers
were understandably tired after en-
during 40 minutes of the pesky
Wildcat press.




Kentucky Kernel’s


1. Arkansas

199 (7) Rec.:3-0 Last week:2
2. Michigan

189 Rec.:4-0 Last week:3

3. North Carolina

186 Rec.:4-1 Last week:4

4. Temple

173 (1) Rec.:2-0 Last weekz7
5. Duke

171 Rec.:3-0 Last week:6

6. Kentuc
162 Rec.:2-1
7. Kansas
146 Rec.:5-1 Last week:5
8. Massachusetts

140 Rec.:5-1 Last week:8

136 Rec.:2v0 Last week:9
10. Oklahoma State
123 Rec.:4-O Last week:12
11. Louisville

116 Rec.:1-1 Last week:10
12. Syracuse

110 Rec.:4-0 Last week:13
13. Indiana

106 Rec.:1-1 Last week:19
14. Gear '3 Tech

90 Rec.:3-1 ast week:14(t)
15. Minnesota

89 Rec.:4-2 Last week:16
16. Purdue

81 Rec.:S-O Last week: 18
17. Illinois

64 Rec.:2-0 Last weekz17
18. California
55 Rec.:2-2 Last week“
19. Vanderbilt
46 Rec.:3-1 Last week:20
20. Cincinnati
45 Rec: 4-1 Last weekz23
21. Ohio State
30 Rec.:2-0 Last week:21
22. Wisconsin
27 Rec.:1-0 Last weekz22
23. Arizona
25 Rec.:2-O Last weekz23
23. Connecticut
22 Rec.:2-0 Last week:NR
25. Vi inia
17 Rec: -1 Last week:14(t)

Others: wxu 16, Geo. Willi. r4,
LSU IO, Vir ' 'a Commonwealth 2,
Georgia 1, ennsylvania l


ast week:1




The Hoosiers must have watched
more film this week than the robots
on “Mystery Science Theater
3000." Their preparation showed,
as they managed to take away
everything the Cats do right and ex-
ploit everything they do wrong.

Take, for example. UK’s three-

In last season’s 81-78 UK win,
the Cats hit 16 of 41 threes. Satur-
day. they madejust 9 of 33.

No one was shackled by India-
na's defense more than Travis Ford.
The senior point guard. who was 7
of 12 on threes in last season's
game. missed 13 of his 20 shots
Saturday, including 8 of his 11

“They did a good job of not let-
ting us shoot our threes." said Ford,
who finished with 20 points. “They
always knew where I was and our
other three-point shooters were."

Indiana also limited UK's other
three-point marksmen. Tony Delk
and Jeff Brassow, to just 5 of 15
combined from three-point land.

“We didn't want those guys
shooting three-pointers. and if they
were. we wanted them a couple of
steps behind the line." Bailey said.

Well, then. how about UK‘s in-
side game? After all, UK attempted
just 13 threes in its 115-77 win over
Tennessee Tech on Wednesday. If
the threes weren't falling, the Cats
could just pound it inside right?

Wrong. The Hoosiers crew-cut
committee of Todd Lindeman, Alan

Funny thing is, the Hoosiers wer-
en‘t tired because of what the Cats
did to them. it was what Indiana did
to UK.

“The biggest trouble players have
with a press is they’re timid.
they're scared," Indiana point
guard Damon Bailey said after IU’s
96-84 victory at the Hoosier Dome.

“We just tried to attack it If
we've got a full head of steam, it‘s
hard to stop somebody. We wanted
to make an advantage for us and
get a fast break out of it."

The Cats tried to stop Bailey all
afternoon. but he continuously gave
them fits.

He was the reason Indiana led by
11 at halftime. with his press-
breaking coast-to-coast drives. Bai-
ley had 23 points and five rebounds
at the break and finished with 29
points for the day. ‘

“Damon Bailey was the best
player on the court." UK coach
Rick Pitino said. “I think his self-
confidence is so much higher. He
looks totally different. I never
thought Damon Bailey had a
chance at the NBA. Now I think
he's got an excellent chance at the

UK also fouled the sure-shooting
senior on numerous occasions.
sending him to the free-throw line
19 times.

Bailey cashed in on 16 of those

“I felt this was the best Bailey
has played." Hoosier head coach
Bob Knight said. “This is how Bai-
ley has to play basketball. There
was just something about Bailey
that was like ‘Goddammit, we're
gonna play.’ That's the kind of ap-
proach that can make Bailey a good

UK‘s Travis Ford. Bailey’s coun-
terpart, was impressed with his
press-breaking and leadership abili-

“He played with more confidence
than I've ever seen him tonight,"
Ford said.

“He wanted to take over and it
showed. He really wants to be in
the ballgame and he wants to be a
leader. Andlthinkhehastobe. In-
diana needs his leadership and
needs his points."

UK senior Jeff Bmssow, who
played 13 minutes in the frontcourt
of the Wildcat press, thought Bai-
ley found a second wind in his

“He's the best player they've
got." Brassow said.

As for the UK press. Brusow
thought it was more inviting than
he had hoped.

“They just went right through it."
he said.

Bailey has flourished at times for
a coach he thinks is easy to play

“Coach hm a system that any-
body can play it." he said.

Henderson and Brian Evans held
UK’s two centers, who were aver-
aging 28 points per game. to just
13. Starter Rodney Dent had just
two points.

“We were trying to go inside. but
their big people dominated." UK
coach Rick Pitino said.

“They doubled down in the
paint," Dent said. “We couldn't get
any shots."

Without an inside game and with
the three-pointer shut down, the
Cats were in trouble.

“We did not cut backdoor, and
our big men roamed away from the
basket too much." Pitino said. “It
was just Travis Ford trying to get a
pick. and that was our offense. It
wasn't very pretty."

Neither was UK‘s defense. Near-
ly the only defense the Cats could
find to Indiana's cuts and streaks
past the press was to foul. Indiana
shot 42 free throws. with Bailey
alone making 16 of 19. He finished
with 29 points.

Indiana built an ll-point halftime
lead and led by as much as 65-50 in
the second half. But UK stormed
back to within 66-63 as the blue
part of the crowd of 38.197 went

But UK missed several opportu-
nities and had several three-pointers
come up short. The Hoosiers. tired
but determined, withstood the bar-

“We never ever made the little
play on the floor to come up with











Rhodes 5-14 8-10 19, Prickett 2-3
3-5 7, Dent 1-5 0-0 2, Delk 5-17 2-4
16 , Ford 7—20 3-3 20, Brassow 1-4
2—2 5, Riddick 5—9 1-4 11, Martinez
1-3 2-4 4, She part} 0-1 0-0 0,
Harrison 0-1 -0 0, Epps 0-1 0-0 0,
McCarty 0-0 0—0 0.

Totals 27-28 21-32 84.


Hart 2-6 0-0 5, Evans 8-13 2-619,
Lindeman 2-7 0-1 4, Wilkerson 1-2
0-0 2, Baile 6-1216-19 29, Knight
0-0 0—0 0, andeville 0-0 0-0 0,

Lea 2-6 4—4 8, Henderson 7-12 3-6
17, raham 3-6 5-612.

Totals 31—64 30-42 96.

Halftime-1U 55, UK 44

3 Pt. Goals— UK 9—33 (Rhodes 1-3,
i’rickett 0-1, Delk 4-11, Ford 3-11,
Brassow 1-4, Martinez O-l,
Sheppard 0-1, Ep 5 0-1), lU 4-8
(Hart M, Evans -3, Wilkerson
0-1, Baile 1-1, Graham 1-2)
Reboun s- UK 39 (Riddick 8), [U
57 (Henderson 11).

Assists- UK 13 (Ford 5), 1U 21



(Bailey 5)). Attendance- 38,197


the run." Pitino said.

With the loss, the Cats (2-1) will
relinquish their No. 1 ranking. But
Pitino says that ranking was unde-
served anyway.

“I think right now we're a good
basketball team." he said. “I don't
think there‘s any greatness in this
basketball team yet."

Give Knight 3 week; he takes off the weight




GRAB BAG: Indiana's Alan Henderson and UK's Andre Riddick
battle for a rebound Saturday during IU’s 96-84 win.




HAILIN' BAILEY: Indiana point guard Damon Bailey drove past
UK's Travis Ford during the Hoosiers' 96-84 victory at the H00-
sier Dome in Indianapolis. Bailey scored 29 points for IU.



I_ felt this was the best (Damon) Bailey has
played. ms is how Bailey has to play
basketball. There was just something about
Bailey that was like ‘Goddammit, we’re gonna
play.’ That’s the kind of approach that can make

Bailey a good player.

400 KM
Indiana head coach


“You don‘t have to be quick. You
don't have to jump over back-

Knight was prepared for the re-
lentless UK pressure. He had his
players play like animals backed
into a corner.

They attacked.

"They just stay at you.” Knight

“You have to take advantage of
the press.“

After Indiana's season-opening
loss to Butler. the Hoosiers took a
week of practice to shuffle person-
nel and look for some heart

“We tried all week to get a team
together that plays hard." guard
Todd Leary said.

After looking at the effort Indiana
displayed against Butler. Leary was
left feeling weary.

“It was really kind of pathetic.“
he said.

Pitino liked UK's intensity but
was incensed by the abundance of
hacks and chops that put III at the
line 42 times in the game.

“Wlmt we had tonight wu hustle
and no quit." he said. “We fouled
too much. You can‘t foul Damon

Indiana didn‘t seem to fatigue as
much as Wildcat opponents usually

”Die only thing we could have
been tired from was this week‘s
practice," Knight said.

Pitino looked to the rest of the
seam quite happy I) rid himself of
the top ran