xt715d8ng86n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8ng86n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1983 1983 1983-02-16 2020 true xt715d8ng86n section xt715d8ng86n j l
1 1 c1 '1 "I. Primofku
I ' . On Monday night Ramsay Lawns I
x ' I brought his jazz the to Lexington and
1 . , ‘ tho results wore musical magic For a
toyiew oi the concert. so. "RSYNIOHT-
. «1; *—~ ————————
, , ._ ' ! “430993
VOL LXXXV: NO- “5 Wednesday, February '6' 1983 An independent student newspaper UniverSity of Kentucky, Lexington Kentucky
-_ _._~___.____.__-_ ___~,.-___.~____ ______*_.____»- ,, ,fi,_______g__,fi 1m__¥._§_____._________. a,.,_-__
Legislation seeks family, student contributions
B CH E off'c'al 53 b d t t -d b $200 'Il'
I————-—By MICHELE ERB tun‘if‘darfiln l Prmgdcd. however. the state will not available would be raised from $1800to$3000
senior Staff Writer PH“1 0 e mate mg funds. causing a decrease in students would hate to provide the first to per
1 the program 5 state funds by more than $1 4 mil» cent of their expenses. or $800. whicheyer is great-
lion and cutting the number of students awarded er. before qualifying for a Self-Help Grant That
' " ‘ ’ " thegrants b)’ab0ut3.000 +0 percent could include (‘ollege Work Study.
‘ ,x President Reagan‘s proposed 1984 fiscal budget . A demonstration by-all “we?“ 0f Imam?“ “3M" anm'sl'mum
. asks Congress for $200 million in new cuts in fi_ need in order to be eligible for (.uaranteed Stu. These are just estimates of how students
W’w‘“ la \\ nancial aid awards for college students beginning dent Loans. LBS! year. only students W'th family might be affected. “‘"u‘." ( ongress pa” ”‘9 presiv
1 we,“ ’1 in Fall 1983. incomes of more than $30000 had to demonstrate dent 5 budget pmposal. llaup said "And presi-
‘ t '1‘ $1553 1335;. Ken Haup. director of fiscal affairs and admin- finanCial need dents. in general. don t have a good track record
g; 5551,. if (6} 1.1“. J istration for the Council on Higher Education. Also. graduate and professmnal students would ”‘.7“‘.'““”21‘”’P"““""”"hclrhudflctpr'weals
{I . “9° ”flrjx 'U fix says the budget proposes the amount allotted for be required to immediately repay to percent of “0 knmy what we applied for but we don't
1%. , 90$ _ we'll), - ,‘ , ‘ , .r 7‘ 39*" student financial aid be reduced from the current their loans The fee was only :i percent last year Rim“ “(N ( ttnEreSs. the president or the liftice of
-5 ¢$_ 1:1,... [I'Qg‘bf A $5.8bilii0nt0356billi0n. This will cause a decrease of about $501.00 for hducation is going to respond. ltai'id Stockhani.
; ‘6 j; . ”\“Tf: % =/ “This legislation is meant to emphasize more Kentuckysprogram. Haupsaid. l “(mm-m, 0' “Hamill”(“(1‘de
i .323” 1‘ .4 Vi, 5‘. “Mr A. family and student contributions, and to reem- . An increase m (‘ollege Work-Study by til) per i “t dont look forward to any extra mom-y,
r: Ix; . . {$2.11 _ “1 to?" phasize that the president would like to see one cent. This would increase the average award from w said But historically. t ongress has tended to
i ,W 5‘93 ‘1 & / grant program. one loan program and one work- 3700 to $775 per year. llaup said. and would affect deal with these things gradually. \(i we don t t'\
t 4T! (6“) . j 9’ n T studv program."Haupsaid. 44.(XXJIO45,(Xitlstudents. “emanydraSt'Whanges‘mmed‘aleh
: \ , ‘ ‘1 J . . ,1 The president’s proposal calls for SIX major . The elimination of Supplemental Educational jJatiiiias' lngle. assistant Vice chancellor for stu_
g (”a b 1— ~/ {2 changes in the distribution of financial aid Opportunity Grants. This would cause a In“ in (tn a airs and former director of financial aid,
«(L Qt)" ' /” \.\ , a. \ awards: Kentucky of at least $4 million and would affect at T‘Hd‘ “ 1“" budget Pmlmbiil 1* lmwli .t would
9., y; X. . N , IL) , _ _ , , l , . , : , ,, cause a greater targeting toward studcmc In the
a / ‘i 1. 1, 0 Elimination of $60 million of federal funds east b-“m-‘tl‘dentb-HNP Sd‘d- “mar “a... --
15;. fi used for State Student Incentive Grants. 0 No new money for National Direct Student , ., ,
315‘ . 1 . . ‘ _. ~ , . Ingli also said it would make it more (ili‘ft'ull
1; . o; Any federal money given the program is Loans The institutions will have to operate sole- . . .
3i. i. . - . tor uniyersitics to combine loans and grants trt‘ni
1, \ l ‘m matched Wlih state funds, Last year. Kentucky ly on the collections being FOCCIVf‘ti from prior “mm progr'ims mm “CREW. 1, ,1 ,, M
% . \— \4 matched the $732,329 provided through federal loans."Haupsaid. thcneeds of illi'itVidU’llsiit‘ltit iitL T (tsigmo o “Uh“
.. \J . . . .. > ‘~. , ‘ ‘ ~ 1 . ‘ ,s
:5 3 fundsandadded 3‘?) million more.Haupsaid. ' Renaming P9“ (Ildmé N'M'HPIP “Mill-h \(‘lillt’l‘ lngle nor stockham know how mam
3, : I" 1982- about 23-000 Kentucky students In the and increasing financmg for the program from i K students arc l‘t‘t‘(’l\'lllL’ monm um” “.111.er
program were each awarded Sim If the federal $24 billion to $2.7 billion The inaiiimum grant graiifloanand work study programs
f DAVID'lIICf/Kernalsmtl ..- \ _ .,'.sjg~l 3’
1' . ,1, ‘ ‘
IFC approves dry rush . _ m I . «1
.11 ‘\ . .> . » . 1. .. ,, a, :11: 3.1%.. .1151}, A“. 1:, ‘1." ; >1,
. «s: 1s a My» ; swime’trf’ 1.; 3‘9? 5%“ 1:.
eglnnlng "GXt a ;/ 1- .1 it '. ' .
Details to be set before May 1 WW a )1, . 3 s
By BEFKYMFVEIGII ('ampbell. chair of the six-member , “v11 N E ‘ . _
Staff Writer Rush (‘ommittee and a marketing u. . . _ _ 5!. t. f . ‘ . , .. ‘ “a:
senior. ‘ ‘ ”“~ “Kw - I; 'T‘i.i“‘} 4’.- " ‘
. . h ., - ‘ 1- ,. ‘ ‘ - ,1 “r '~ ‘ . ‘53 ~11": ~' = ='- -
.7. , , Dry rush. Campbell said. is “a y; T " N. 1 2’ . ‘1 3 i1 "‘ kg]: » "
;; good atmosphere for rushees to ‘ _' 1 i‘ _=.. ‘ __ 1 . ' > - ' .
.. The thousands of students who at- learn about the fraternity. and it's ‘ "~ . it . ‘ '» : .1 . i ‘
1, tend fraternity rush parties must also a good atmosphere for us to get "I: 3.1;; " W“ . = ‘ ,,- f . 1 at i
wait until later this semester to toknowabitaboutrushees. y - g . T i ”TNTTT * *
learn the details of the dry rush ap "To recruit new members is the figs-ct.» _. , ’ ‘f f . g
proved Monday by the lnterfraterni» primary function of rush." he said '- Ww 1 '. f < ‘ ' T‘ ‘
tyCouncilfor Fall 1983 “That is a message that has been ', . W1. . fl
'_ Lance Pierce. prOSident of the losta lot on campus." _ K “3;? M T‘.; . é’ .‘1 . .
[F(‘. said the delay stems from the Michael Palm. aSSistant dean of . . ,. , ' ‘ T W .2“ '
counCil's Rush (‘ommittee not com- students. said he thinks the change ,_ ”1%?” e .
pleting its work on proposals for will result in more people joining , ) , 7 ' w" 5 T; .. y ‘
. conducting rush. and that informa» fraternities who are serious in‘their . 3”” ”m PM?” ' _WW$Q 1 3‘ J 1 .11 new.
tion on seminars and workshops wtll commitments. and not just inter» ’ ‘ '1 " ~ j 1
_ becompleted before May]. estedin theparties. , _ g." m w T . .,
, Pierce alsc said the ll-‘("s Exec- The current rush system is not t..—11~.‘ _ -, a? 1. ‘13:“ .
3' utive Board is determining how in- “the best atmosphere to talk to stu- ’31" * ‘ . Q -. T T” * *A’T“
: formation about the new rush will be dents about seriously joining a fra- . "* ' g a.
“j distributed to the summer adv15ing ternity." Palm said. “i think they're ‘, " T1 5"
3 conferences No dates have been set caught up in the party and when _ _" . 1 I?» "saw“.
' for the committee‘s finaldeCisions. they wake up they realize it «joining ' _- ’ ‘ 9 ,'
. Thirteen ll-‘(‘ members voted for the fraternity) wasn‘t what they ! " . W“ r, 1 - .3
dry rush, Delta Tau Delta. Sigma wanted todo.“ ‘1‘?" ~ 1 ,_ '*
Nu. Alpha Tau Omega. Lambda (‘hi As a result. Palm said about 30 _' 3 j§ .‘ ' .1, \m
' Alpha. and Sigma Alpha Epsilon opr percent of the initiated members _> w 4 J“ 3"" ' . , _. ' ‘ ” . . ‘3;
: posed the :ouncil's decision. want to quit in the middle of the se~ . , "T": " ‘ "T ‘T “3;: 1-
Two fraternity members and an mester, ‘ . 1 ‘6‘ . n T " 1 "755% ,
i as5istant dean of students hope the Palm said the L'niyerSity of Ten- _ , 3 r Q ‘ ,y " ‘i ' ‘ ' W i
« new concept. currently favored by nessec. which changed to dry rush A . t 1»! ,.¢' 4 “T T’ H
eight Southeastern (‘onferencc two years ago. “said they found the ' ’ ’ 3 ‘ ”V' ' T
schools. will affect dramatically the number of people pledging dropped 0 JACK srlvns .1
‘26 fraternities that hold rush parties by about 30 to 40 people. but the pea A fa ml ly act
at the start of each semester ple initiating in fraternities rose."
“We found the national trend is The [F("s decision was based . .
, that fraternities are going to dry' upon a survey conducted by the Ron Perry (left) and his Wife Pam, of 537 Columbia Ave. practiced biology senior. The Pen‘ 3 are profess onal lugglers whc are pro(
. rush and that most fraternities felt Rush Committee. which was set up their juggling act yesterday around Ron's brother. Rob Perry 0 ticing for on upcoming.- Performance with the Shficet S C'VCUS
it was more effective." said (‘lay SeeRUSH. pages
. m“.—
WEDNESDA‘! backing off its commitment to the cornerstone tax package E] A bell ,g llarasse(1,
oi the president's economic program.
g FmAssociatodPrmropom ”Rather than being too large. the tax cut enacted in mm G h t I, S t
', just barely offsets the ri5ing tax burden on the economy Orsuc e s ena e
_, Regan insisted.
3 . WASlllNGTtW \l’ The head i Hi: I. r ' *t it r \H ii . l‘. ii: -st ‘.
3 Reagan baCks tel'ef paCkage .. - of the i‘:ll\ll'ttllltl(‘lliill Protection :ititiis hid .Tdra‘wi‘ Liiil.1\t;\l\.fi\‘ \tTll’Tl'ti
M8" hllaCks plane In Texas Agency w hich is being inn-sugared from established einti‘onmcnia.
. . . . by a halfdo/cn congressional com grouis
— fR anaehsfst blc - ‘
WASH.NGT°N l .bfirs'djn“ eagk g vf ' Ir pu b' NUEVO LAREDO. Mexico — A man who demanded to go mittees. said yesterday that much of "There l.‘ .. ng‘ccptcin that some
biedssmg '°_ 0 "“1"” '0: do or pzc 0?: o emergedncy '0 s to Cuba hijacked a commuter airplane carrying 20 people the criticism of l‘Il‘.-\ is momated by things \yroi llart said. and
an recossuon r‘e '9 Yesrei' 0V 05 9P” icons move .0 [Pro‘ yesterday and forced it '0 land in MeXICO authorities said. political harassment , pressed (iitf\ ii .. 1 itii thei she be
tect ’he” PO'W 5 54-3 b'H'O" 9'09'0'“ from Democratic "n' o d t d h h h i d sen er Anne \l norsuch told a .senatc owed the opposition was ideologi
kering .. h We fun elrs an 'dm : Cos rei'ease 5: p05 f9 RS committee that opimnents hayc re cally or politically iiiotnated
' . t e s ema es, sai Mar onne Vice c airman 0 io . . .. . i. . ~ 1» . . ' . r1 . . .
Reagan conferred with Republican congressuonal lead- , IX . . fused to .nknowitdgt that lilt H’\ \iiH htr iiii.iai rtspoi» lit outs
, , . d b Airways. He said he did not know if the hijacker was can do anything iign! and instead. honed her further or. whether the
ers, who then cautioned that adding provmons oppose _ y armed. have fired barbs to LAN” publicity politicalmoti\.itionwaspartisan
'2: presrdent and morebsizilendipg A coulslsink the entire Connell said Flight 25? en route to Dallas~Fort Worth liltilt-‘t‘l‘t‘i‘h f I t "l'hcirciis an clement of that she
e art to pass emergency jo s egis ation qwc y. , l A ,_ o mg c riisi if cri icisin i l respom (‘t
t h t it 15 a rn CST short. .
The House Republican leader. Robert Michel of lilinois, Regiono "a?" ' was "Od‘ed abou 6K ll rccted athci‘.igency.shc said , -\ strong element lieaskcd
, . ., IY alter takeo from the Central Texas 'OW” o ' 99" "\obody can be that w roiii: .ilt \ cs There is a strong element of
said the GOP program could prowde the first of several
. ., ~ ‘ that much all the time Personally l political partisanship to it in my
hundred thousand "3'35 by ”"5 5P“"9- have to finally judge that .‘i great iiidgmcnt. ~shesaid V
Senate Majority Leader Howard H. Baker Jr. of Tennes- \ dcal'of it ls political harassment ”0r comments brought I. ‘hdrl‘ H.
see, meanwhile, sought to discourage Democrats from in- \“U knit“ thi‘ old rult‘x >ht' .an mm M.” “NW1. “who“
creasin the administration‘s ro osal b su' estin other ‘T‘m‘mm‘d T'm mm“ 'M‘” d" 1‘ Maine. who said it .i neared she
g p p Y 39 g —— strm 'llti iln‘ ll\ st n 'I‘hi iil H
legislation could be used later in the year to increase ih n' th : kl "‘l‘ ‘ it” was charging that all emironmen
spending on iobs programs ”llngth‘3l‘r‘xld :tbhli‘rti \:]:\n:"::" "‘ talists were Democrats
~ 1 .. -( .‘tss' c iia .,. i . _
WEATHER bly will impede our progress toward fl ”If“ ”T I” g‘xrh'm‘ :h‘” h“
(‘lll‘ ‘0.” \\ hi h l. l ‘illllll‘ ii 1 .\lll ‘1. \illt t‘t llig it tlllg Is Or} it t‘ll\ll‘0li
Regan defend. tax-cut Pfogfam .. L t . k. T T ‘ L ‘ ‘ mental concerns b\ Re ublicans l
it a lllitit r supt rfiiiid - p
The $1 ti billion supt‘rfund pro do not helicyc that the owrwhelm
WASHINGTON —- Treasury Secretary Donald T. R990" gram to clean up the nation s it!“ illtl‘md‘tmll.‘ "i lht‘N‘f‘l“lrtmmtfit'ii'
tended oli com loints esterda about the tax cuts Presi- Rt‘rttlb t‘ltt‘mlt‘al “Mic dum b is ”‘4' \ mourned WON“ ‘m‘ “mm ”I“
p Y Y I lhm ire \incric'ins icting on their
dent Reagan pushed through Congress in 1981 and mu Partly cloudy today with a high in tho uppor ‘01 to l-"Rt‘k‘" ”1*“(:‘ntlltt‘S-‘W‘JU ”“05“ concernsa'tmutthcenx‘ironment
tioned senators that tampering With them would hurt low- low 30:. ”mm“ mm H A "firsum ‘T refusal .
_ . to turn oyer documents to a congres (vorsuch said \litchell had misun.
income workers. retirees and small businessmen. Increasing clouds tonight with a low around 30. sional panoi has led in contempt of derstood her
In an appearance belore the Senate Appropriations Cloudy tomorrow with a high in tho mid to upper (‘ongress charges against her 'I do not believe that most enVi
Committee. Re an ave no si n that the administration is 40:. She made her comments during ronmentalisis are Democrats." she
9 9 9 .
questioning by sen (iary Hart. 1) said “i h(‘ll(‘\'(“ I am an (‘i'fl'lrltrt
t‘olo. about why the agency has mentalist Wastrongone'
. I j . V

 . l.. ”I. . _‘ '
K8? i)“ of
I'll holdon Andy-w 0W1"! John fivluln Mldoy hum "III I. K04... 1.0. V0“... Don COM.“
mind. in Chief Nowvlaiioi Middle: 590". Edito- Spacinl'ioiocn (dim: Phaioidiioi Groom“ Ediioi
’.m Ifiln m".- lath-II Mk. Salli. II" 6. WI“ Jr. .00 “9w KIOMO flllllon .01! V” “00. (MI- I“!
Mnnogiiigidimi t “*“‘t‘ H h“ AuntootAits Editor AuiltontSpmn Editor SpociolPioious Assistant (bid Photograph-v tupy Desi-t the. :-
._‘.____.__w.-_.. . . .__________—__._ .
Se ate's investigative arm —
'd d SGA - f. hf ...
00" on In I In N
g g ‘3‘? 42/ ‘v/ ”Ia/,1 .
. . #5153 :c 0/ (Mel, - '
If fair, committee could remove mud from Senate floor § 5 00¢ "a 4.0” ~ 9’
~ . . ' / ’/
. . . § v / t , / .,
Politics . even on the student level — can ator in question and set a precedent for the :‘5’ , i ;‘ ”Vt-s77 y”
be a dirty business The Student Government organization to follow in the future. " v, t. . .‘ t l W I// l
Association. however. has recently taken ac~ ,, y! " ‘x.\' ‘ ‘ \ y M, i / 7' I .
tion that might restore a bit of the shine to At the Feb. 7 Senate meeting. SGA made i, I m, , l I ( ‘ ‘i.‘\ . \ w R 55 - i x
. . . . . , i , i ‘ ‘ ;
its organization the committee permanent. It shall conSist of [W ".i Ira/1" ‘ s it \ \ a" \ P9 5 /’ .
senators appOinted by the chief justice of the ' U" i ' . , "‘ \\ :l \l ”1' . h ‘l‘ A ‘ SlBL l' l
. . . . . . . i . . . . . _ . i . . ‘ " /
. [fid’t ”egl‘mefl't: filing stood. daring it: SGA Judical Board, prov1ded the accused ml '1 \‘ itlivlhf'i i \; rgr| 0 EE , ./ - ,
hr-‘th‘ee ”‘3 " e * " cena 9 an pom ‘ and the accuser have no valid objections. i ' ‘ t it I (.t l' . "with.“ lN c: / / , j
the finger of doubt at one of his colleagues. i.‘ i‘ 1 N i . w k.“ «a ,
, .. . v. v." . _ . . ~ A 'I ,. X y /‘\ \vg ’
Emil? ptF’t‘t itt‘rt’gtfi g"? t‘_ld'”3ng hthaé the The committee — after hearing the eVi- ii... "I“ ' Q Q l.
Std 95 0 JU> M dt 9‘" ippe m ‘5 ”‘90 dence — shall report its findings to the Sen- .tli‘ 'r ‘ . \ 1 l
. . . l ,
“0" ate. In addition. the committee has the \I'~\ , M ‘} 5
_ . . . - . l
The puhllcny' lOllOW'lng [he dramatlc aCCu- power to Tepl‘lmal'ld senators Who do n0l use “hi ,‘ ‘ d/ \ ‘ l
satlon dragged the senator's name through the committee toair grievences. _ i. V. q . l
the campus mud And it almost ruined his . ' . ' _ . y I" ’ . §
politicalcareer The idea of an investigative committee is \l , ' § ll
. _ a step in the direction of restoring some of - i; , . if
Hoping to deal with the issue effectively. SGA's credibility, No longer will Senate ‘ l2
the Senate established the Senate lnvestiga- meetings be taken up with accusatorv l‘l‘ ’
, . . . _ .' \
tly-e tommittee. consisting of a select group screams and mud slinging And. the commit- i " f. i
01 senators. nominated and approved b." the tee has the potential to serve the organiza- * L " ‘ IL
Senate tion well, as long as the final decision of . '0 ll- l
Behind the glare of publicity and the bold membership 9“ the committee IS IlOt Chit- !“ » il l:
type of headlines. the committee heard both trOHed b.‘ a Single ““0131 m the organiza- K k / if
sides of the argument and made a recom- “0” §
mendatioii to the Senate for final action . . . t
The dirt of politics can be hard to clean. g
The committee was not a kangaroo court. SGA. however. may have found the deter— .‘ 83kt mu “6 x
as some senators feared; it cleared the sen- gent to eradicate the spot. ”*J ' .
I -
past on y remem ered — and a shudder or re Iwng
{new s mitiwig stiw'fii' tying l trudged 0"” to my laVOFitb favorite New Wave bands I thought never had any trouble waking up or. mind full of books and cynical rock back into a past fondly remeln
riuI' (is minis-mu) as .i sound friend's office. thinking surely Sht' were relatively current Even my those mornings These days I keep ‘n‘ roll lyrics. I found some grudgiiig bercd. though if we had a clearer fix
m t1\.t’(’,’li'lfiftlt\ sidewalls could lighten my mood She wasn‘t cherished mUSlC collection reminds my clock radio teii feet from the bed pleasure in dissecting Sunday serr on that past we‘d shudder to think of
5hmhl‘ ”Mm“ ““"'~”‘ d‘"“‘ I” and the pre»\'alentine's Day rose me that my past ShpS inexorably so I'll have to get up Just to turn off iiiolis I dreamed with great relish of reliving a single second of it
K'is Ktls‘tiltle'rstl". on her desk already showed its age away the blasted thing. and only after five mustering the guts to stand right up
Even the giant snow-popsicle in My past. God help me That‘s all 1 cups of coffee and two cold showers iii the middle of the service to refute Pardon me for playing Andrew
s‘unday . wretched Sunday back of Memorial “all had been needtothink Oli'ight now do I harbor hopes of getting my eyes the pastor‘s homilelic arguments Eckdahl for a moment. but I sense a
Icrawled out of bed \‘tith my usual smashed intoan orange pulp Sunday wasn‘t always like this. open by noon with quotes from Bob Dylan and Final Thought coming on Among
Sabbath dread StlUt‘t‘UnL’ my SkUll you see As a child. my Sabbath was (in Sunday mornings past. there Mark Twain Kernel columnists there seems to be
like d bad hangover that leaves no strictly structured. On Sundays. were no two ways about it t'hurch Thinking it over. I guess I owe a tradition of writing columns about
memory of the good time that . s come hell or high water. mv family was callilig. and those who didn't lunch of whatever intellectual prowr the act of writing columns As a for-
L‘aUSt’dlt ‘ . Gary w. went to church Promptly at eight. make it to the sanctuary on time css I've attained to those imaginary mer graduate student in English I.it»
I started a little prayer while the . . PIERCE my mother would blast the out of suffered a fate even worse than arguments My consciousness. my erature. I bear an intense aesthetic
€0th dripped PlPase (iod. deliy er _ t« '3.“ bed With her disgustingly cheerful. those wllo don‘t brush three times a very sense of myself. was sharpened prejudice against novelists who pen
me from PthI .heard my “”rtt‘ hlt "I'p and at 'em?" ()n a weekday day And there was always a Sunday on those Sunday morning w'hctting iiovcls about aspiring young novel
the ceiling \Mth it (tUll thUd and Wilt ‘ ' “ morning I could maybe take an ill night service as well. what brief stones masqueradingiis sermons ists trying to write their first novels
lilelessly totht‘ililtr ness and stay home from school. but time lay between Sunday morning Freud claimed happiness is the about aspiring young novelists WI‘llr .
l found the morning paper “”019“ ltwas Sunday alloverthe place nothing this Side of leprosy could get and Sunday night stands to this day fulfillment of a childhood dream ing their first novels l swore I 1
under my car and hmLight it inside. Back home I sought solace in my me out of church in my memory as the most the The flip side must say sadness is the would avoid such self—consciousness
poured my tlr-‘t CUP ”t t‘dttt’lhf‘ and record collection Nothing new to 115- I‘d get out of bed. put some Doors rishcd playtime of liiy childhood vague recollection of something lost in these pages
flipped the page.\ Eubic Blakes ten to Poking around through my or Jefferson Airplane on my little Before the rust-colored glasses somewherealongthe way Looking over what I've done here. 3
dead Erma Bonihfl'k isnt Mark golden-oldies forced me into a sad plastic stereo to set the proper con— glue themselves permanently to my I‘ve lost those Sundays forever. however. I find what I've written is
Hamill s tired of 'Star “an an game of Where-wasl»when-l-firstt trast against the religious onslaught nose 1 must remind myself that l tln the mri- ix-i-usions l drag myself not so much a column as it is a com
”ll Sht'k »‘ “WW mm “W“ and the heard-thisone N0 EOOd- l thought " t0 come. l COUld count on hearing hated church. hated sitting in a con into church these days. it's always pendium of the thoughts I brought
t'K (‘Ulb >8} the} 2t“ h‘JN‘d around 4 I'm much too young to start feeling my father from the kitchen com- gregation of believers shouting their more of an attempt to regain some with me as l satdown to write
a in Old BUt erWl facts, stare me 1“ the plainlng about the volume and lld “Praise the Lords" and waving of that lost discipline than any act of Ah. well Nobodys perfect At
l C'dmt’ ”ht” campus t” htt‘f‘t “lth face smile. (‘orny as it sounds. my moth- teardrenched hankies at the omnip devotion If I get up early and force least it's one more Sunday I won't
50"“? Petlpl“ “h a project “'9 W Hot 1 can't recall the last time 1 er would drown him out With .Vt‘t an- resent portrait of t'hrist behind the myself into a coat and tie on my day havetodeal with again
gt’lhli ll 2‘95 ”‘1le and the amt?“ bought a rock ht roll album Lately other Chorus of “Oh. What a Beauti- pulpit. while the other hids w atchcd off. I‘m more likely to avoid my [hope
t’ncc Win groans lt> “115‘ int” ’d mU' it‘s all been Frank Sinatra. Hank ful Morning” over the crackle of Sunday morning cartoons and Sunday letdown by getting some
that doom ~aying 599"“ ”(Th5 0* Williams and bargainbasement bacon frying. eggs cracking and played two-hand touch in the back- work done latcrinthcday (iiiiv W PII’HI‘ IS (1 Kernel coliini .
embody ~ it” \iimf’thlhfl t“ (hmpliilh classical recordings My students in ploppingintothe skillet yard I suppose it‘s the curse of the nist who thinks siinduv IS (I won on
about Speech 181 never have heard Of my Funny. now that I think of it. but I In my adolescent years. with a human animal to frequently fade the fuceof the wcch
___________________—_____._______________—_________.___ .____________._—_—
ter Ballroom atnoonlorthe rally commission recommended Beyond ((1an smmu; llfilHS inn-i l-iil» ll s earned the film Gandhi. he parentheticall.v
W ll ll that. there was no punishment for a Ki-mi-i wi'iit iiipii-ss The cost of education in Kentucky stated that "Mohandas" means
res lng r0 y Dean Grimm very obvious reason No one in Is is and should be a very real concern "great soul " "Mahatma” means
Politicalscience sophomore raelcommlttedacrime Increased costs to all members of the I'niversity grcat soul. "Mohandas” is simply a
All the inquiry commission cone community Any feasible method to proper name
l am writing this letter with re A - S of cluded was that certain Cabinet Having read the editorial in the control cost increases must be ex Arc you guys doing this on pure
giant to the wrestling Nth that 15 i., nll' eml IC members aiid army officers in Is Feb 9 Kernel. I would like to iiiakc amined Student initiated assistance pose" You must be nobody could
be field toda\ I think that in order rael made dec1sions based on mis- the following observations The title in the aforementioned area could go screw up this much accidentally _
for me why to nmkp any significant continuing a lung trend of antiels- Judgment. and failed to anticipate versity in total should remain sensi a long way toward holdingthelinc (liven that. are you simply trying to
contribution 'o the wrestling causi- raeli and anti si-niitic editorials. the events on the basis of past expcri five to student tuition. room and get our collective goats or is it a
on both .i university and nationai Kernel editors last Friday not only cnce That is ‘iust what the Kernel board ratesfecsctc Bobt'lay ncw puzzle "Find the Foot in the
level it is imperatiyo- that (K \tU made an ev post facto prediction. editors did in their stupid editorial No cost increase should be rccom North campus area coordinator Kernel‘s Mouth""
dents come- out and show their full but tho-y proved to be wrong and they were not punished t‘l~ mended to or approved by the Board n mi. fan” .5 thccasc. please just
suppor’ again ther of Trustees without solid evidence of I - put the crossword puzzle in more
The- issue has become larger than With regard to the implications of With regard to “Justice." it should need All of Us arc painfully aware Kernel S mlstOkes often
iusi a l lilyf'rslty wide deflate it has the iiidicial inquiry commissmn‘s re» be said that the Israeli government of the problem of increased costs in l have seen the Kernel go from
grow :i ll) thi- Tldllffllill ii-yi-l lK‘t‘dUSt' port on Israeli politics. the editors did what no government in the Mid thcfaccof(lwilidliiigfinancialaid Iii .loliii (triffin s column on Kuhlt‘ one of the best college newspapers
m the dropping ”i .irmiimg pri. wrote that Israeli Prime Minister dle East would have done It ap- Students themselves. however. l’ilakc's tooth birthday. he observed. in the country to what the readers -’
grams throughout the Southeastern \lenachem Begins government will pointed an impartial. independent can directly assist lIl keeping down with respect to Blake's partnership have on hand as they read this At ‘
i‘onlcrenci- This could have a maior probably survive with Defense Min and highly prestigious committee to the annual need for a larger share of with Noble Sissal. "Sissal wrote the this rate. next year it will be written -
effect on ihel S iilympii- Wrestling ister Ariel Sharon intact " investigate the responsibility of ls their education dollar to go toward lyrics. Blake the words ” I'nless in crayon
Team since all candidates are Predictions like these are not only raeli officials in the Beirut mas- room and board Replacement costs thi-rc are some distinctions esoteric ;
drawn from i'ollcgc champions PUFP‘N‘lt‘SS- damaging and mislead» sacre. although it was obvious from for both breakage and theft of dishes to milsicology or mysticism un Richard W I)izncy 3.
acrosslhecouniry ing. but they also cast a serious the beginning that no Israeli soldiers and silverware in the cafeterias con known to the rest of us. lyrics are Education senior
we are contending that the “HIV? doubt on the credibility of the edi wereinvolvedinthe killing tinut‘toniount thewords
of f‘iyil Rights has a responsibility tors andthe paper While the real criminals *7 Arabs The expense of unassigned dam .\pparently Barry Williams found Editor‘s notu Thy nustako In .
to follow Title l.\' and apply its own At the same time when the Kernel by all acr-ounts are still free. hip 321‘ in th!‘ N‘Siilt'ncc lialls them a challenge in this. for his parry was (iuridhi x Home was a copy editor 3
guidelines to tho l'K wrestling pro editors made their irresponsmle pro ocrites like the Kernel editors de- selves is also a factor our housing Just as ixmehpadm ln hm rev,“ of ,n(,d\.(,"un,p,m,
gram decision diction 'Feb ll . it was already in mand punishment for Israel. the Wllr and dining system is totally scllrsup
Title IX will not hurt the women of the news that Sharon quit his posr ness to the crime This is their sense porting No state or federal funds Ionian-r0 amour-god i. with" OMIV imm mi opinion. in IN Innol. "no". tuba-lulu. _
I‘K lf wrestling is kept as a varsity tion as Defense Minister, of justice are available t“ be Utililt'd 1" the UP 323:2..123332'L'xmxtrumiawm '° '" “m"... “m" " "n "m." "‘
sport. then the women will have iin the same day. The ( ourier As an Israeli citizen. I feel respect eration t onsequently. cucli dollar All mtorlll uni co. (”slim-Hon mm s. inn—mun mi doubt. mend. mim- mun
three more sports elevated to varsi Journals headline read. "Israeli for the courage of the commissnm spent mU-St ht‘ replaced. “lth "h I” '"f':“‘""".'.:""“' “‘"f'" """W'." “m“: 'a‘h'r'l";;';“"';'l"°f'|f’ ‘°""""°" .
ty level (‘abinet votes to call on Sharon to members and I feel proud in the flation factor added in. by a dollar "' u "" ' """"“"'""°""""" ””m'" °“ "" °' "’"' mm
In my opinion I can see no reason leave post" and the front page of way the Israeli government reacted W
whatsoever why the women of [K The New York Times said. "Israeli to its recommendations It proves BLNM COUNTY ' '0'“.
could be disappointed by such a do (‘abineL 16-1. approves findings of above all that Israel is a strong de
Cision massacre inqmry. including remove mocracv guided by a sense of mor- 0F
. .. ' ' 86“ (1036!!) FUIL W04 WEB
VH- need ”w SUppnri of the entire aWShar‘m al'ti‘that‘tan‘t‘ am"°3"P°"t"'~‘ Algmflgg ANXIETICO.. Wilt fight to platinum Miawm t mm
campus on this issue I mean. after It seems to me this is more than Nowdear editors. this is Justice' MONTOF mm, umnxmua , [CW Mm AND mmx it ”if,
all. wrestling is second only to an international mistake It is part LATELY,MILO,. (Mm SPOTTED MWWWIB .
men's basketball as the most suc- of a systematic attack by the Kernel Levy Rabinowitz / wounbmua. [JIMMY THIN. l ‘. ‘Q
cessful l'K sport 1 cannot see true editors on Israel and the American Educational psychology graduate ,. . q -A '0" .'
blue fans. like the ones I have come Jewry that intenSified Since the war student -'_/ m\ < L . Ml? /' a. )‘ i
to know. letting something as unjust in Lebanon broke out last June {J . ‘ ‘1‘ ' ' he, I . . l 6
as this happen when they have the Drawmg conclusions based on a Editor‘s note The Kernel's final \ v \i @304 K) /( I ,
a ‘t i ‘ I
right tospeaktheir "“be wrong prediction. the editors claim. copy deadline is l2 a m the day of ’ . d wjfi)‘ . / ~ I ‘
In closing. I urge the students of in regard to Sharon. that there was publication. The Courier-Journal ‘ R . ”k boasts‘ I? 0““ \Qy ' {E "‘
UK to join together and help fight "nopunishment"and"nojiatice “ and The New York Times have . \v , . \ A a y y n. so ‘? <
this issue I look forward to seeing With regard to "punishment." slightlv eaerr and later deadlines \t * ' J or. J A! , - «W '
* all of you today in the Student (‘20- Sharon lost his job. as the inquiry respectively Sharon‘s resignation ..\ u in -- » _
, .. i.-.“ -‘

 “ ‘ _ . -. . , ”villi." - i
‘ ‘ ‘ - - c . u.
. . ...W_————————————————_—_—_______ .___.———____________~_—*______—_
‘ ’lVlephisto 'portra ys actor's struggle to deal with reality
Hungarian director lsti'an Slaho election. or that the lteichstag is ater. which extols the Aryan ideal comes allpowerlul ’l‘he Nari gener conflict is not resolved until the
The (tscarrw'inning “Meph1sto” is treats this early era of National So hurried (Jilly his expression as an Nevertheless. his ideals for the the» al proclaims “Mephisto is a nation- Viewer redress-esu
a fascinating study of the complext cialism in an unusually careful man artist matters ater remain unchanged He strives al (ieriiiaii hero ' Indeed. as Szabo makes Hoefgen a believable
‘ ties of man‘s morald