xt715d8ng83w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt715d8ng83w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1981 1981 1981-02-13 2020 true xt715d8ng83w section xt715d8ng83w 0 ‘ 'c . r .- n
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VOLLXXXI“, No.107 University of Kentucky .‘ ‘. f-‘Ifrl '
Fridl)’. Februnry 13‘ 1981 an independent student newspaper LeXingtonv Kentucky ' ,‘5.
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. ,_/ ., no _ . . ..
>\ ‘ \ Y/s. " . _.. ; UP ,._.
. v.’ f' . “"‘I'I/
‘3‘ . —>2—. - . .. % AA survey ,
-:?'i71..' «mail; ‘1, , g..- \ - . . “A 5.5;“; 1- .5." . -.' '3 l
" _ - ' .795}. "a \a . ‘. ~ “__..'_._ 'M‘ \ P. By DEBBIE MCDANIEI. opinion," said Wallace "This is not “ . ‘
' , .. 1* v . \ 2, ‘. \ . “ ._ Associate Editor a measure of the effectiveness of . j
'1" I ‘Wif '\ ~ the dean.
_ _ - mg ' ‘ ‘ ~‘-. ' ' ‘ ’j . g .. A business and economics pro- “We have neither a census of .7' 1;. -
‘3?“ - 7'7"?- 9: \ " lessor charged yesterday that ilus population. nor a represen-
‘ ‘5‘ . 5 c‘ - " “IE“ I " ’“ ' _ _ results of a mail estionnaire tative sample.” he said "Only 60 .' ‘-
.~ . ‘ M ., .._ .. .«Wfi. .5: ... . ‘qu . . _\
""29 .«, t’ ‘31.?!” ' “Q; _ ._ ‘ . assessmg the deans performance percent of the people in the
’ :1 . g _ :1 . {if a.“ ’ « and morale of faculty members in business school responded We
‘ - .,~ 5 sl'glfilLV-fil‘ .. . .. fig 16 colleges, contains bias and is have no way of knowing the degree ; T; ..
. _' _" we, ‘ . __‘. . 1 .3» ' , . .’ ° based on opinion. not fact. 0f bias about this data ” ’ , ‘
.. .2. . . r .1 _‘_c _ , «’4 Business adminstration pro— The AAUP survey was malled to .' . ‘.
'gnf. , . ' .-~j . 'v f {a - lessor Marc Wallace said the ques- UK'S 1.261 full-time faculty "
--— 21‘ _ ,“5”? "1“" "" tionnaire, conducted by the UK members and results collected ‘
“ -‘-\ Macaw \ chapter of the American Associal from March to about mid-May '
. -. _,_ ' ' tion of University Professors. is Results of the survey show ~ f '
" , / Earhfia“ “opinion and nothing more than faculty's perceptions about their
1 in; U Opinion. " dean‘s performance and other mat» ~ .. x 2.
'. Taking the floor at an open ters before Gov. John Y Brown‘s f- , .1 a
My“ - meeting where three. AALP budget cut took effect in June i _‘<
members were explalnlng the Wallace 5 charges we; e ->‘
' survey results. Wallace also charg» answered by Donald Hochstrasser. 7. « .
ed the media with “character allied health professor and co. .f L
assassination" of the B & E dean chairman of the AAL'P governance g2; ‘-
By DAVIDCOYLE/Kernel Staff and questioned AAUP's presenta~ committee. which initiated plans
Smokestop tion of the survey as being for the survey. Hochstrasser * .1 ‘
representative of the faculty. acknowledged that the survey was . : . . .
Ordinary bus shelters can't provide adequate protection in freezing ington "Side” sought 5'19"" i" The Mall at 149“"an Center to wait ”I beg and plead With the AAUP ”0‘ representative "5 the entire UK 2““: 1' ~ I
temperatures as Jim Lake found out recently. The 56-year old Lex- fOI‘aVA hospital bus. that when ll 8915 ““0 the literature faculty. and added that “Wired 7 .
. that the media understand this is ('ontinuedon Pat-{94 K
5, 55555;?:'.-'5.555'5553;3555555;if;55F355E;:353553:‘5:‘35555§§$§5§55555§5555555§ ; 1
Students take advantage of used clothing stores UF T IJDAY assess 2- . - . - 1
By STEVE HUNT - At Volunteers of America a suit “I got a heavy coat and two pairs stores. E_ “1TH u“ T ' v ". i;
Reporter can be purchased for $5, a pair of of pants with the Graves Cox label “People bring in what they can‘t PAY]: NE . I .
pants for $1.50 and a shirt for 75 for $7 at Volunteers of America, wear anymoreand we give themso 5. ’
There are clothes from the ‘6tls~ cents. You can’t beat that anywhere.“ percent of the selling price when 5 THE .
red. white and blue—striped bell bot— “I'm going to a punk party said John Thrasher. geology Junior. it‘s sold." said Wilma Moss of The 5, _.533:53;E_:§§:§:'§:'_:§_:§_:§ ’ .. ' .
tom pants anda few tiedyed shirts. tonight, and I‘m looking for some "Some of the richest people in Unique Shop in Eastland Shopping 5 $ ”53555335533355555553?! . ', ‘,
There are also silk disco shirts and cheap clothes that don‘t match,“ Lexington shop here." Justice said Center. 5 FRI EB 00 o "95::55.553555355355555; t ',‘ 1.
leisure suits. said a UK student shopper at “The other day a doctor came in .. . . . . nm-«v-m-iQr-Jst'flc'. 33533235555553? ,‘ «, '
Men‘s suits that are 30 years old Volunteers of America. “I got the and bought some furniture for his .W6 W seen an increase” m 33533355535335555555355.5555355555555555555335353553.3535;3353.5355553:"' I \. , -.-‘; 3'”.
or older hang on the clothes racks. idea from a friend of mine who did office at one-fourth the price. ” ””955 due ‘0 "‘9, memo” 3" 3535555555;55355535333355555§555535;5§5§5335535;;s5;§;5;5;§;5§5§=' / -«’ 2 ’.-j .: _. 5'
Even prep-style gator shirts. bright the same thing on Halloween. The Nearly New Shop. next to employee at The Clothes llanger, §§5§5§§§§§5§E§E§§5§5§55555535535555;555535555335{55353535535355}? ‘ .
green pants and pink cotton button- “This is the first time I've ever Joe Bologna's on S. Limestone 134” Alexandria IA)“ bald 'People t, ' .' . 1 '
downs can be found among the been here, but I‘ll probably come Street, is a non-profit used clothing are more interested m what they 55535553535555535;55.5535535if};$555555;3§E§E§§5§§§E§E§E§S§§§§' .- h "_. -
stacks of clothing. back.“ he said. store. But unlike Volunteers of ““1 E“ for ‘helrdmhes “.0“; 35335553555553;5535555555555g£§sis53535355555555355Egigigss's. f»;
All of these items of clothing can “I can get better fabrics and find America. the clientele does not in- Value Boutique. E‘td' m (Jarden . 57. I . ?
possibly be found at some of the six unique clothes here." said Charles clude many college students. Spring? shopping Center, and the 33555533555$5555555535535555535555535555555555.353535353555533? .33; ’, 5 . . '
used clothing stores in Lexington. Bowsher. an Eastern Kentucky “We have less college students Attic ’lrunk are both conSignment {3553535553355533553555333555353353535535555353533355355335§i I / .3533; ~ A
And college studentsare taking ad- University student. ”I come down than other customers. said stores that deal only With women s ".‘l' 5’ "
vantage of them. here about once every two weeks. manager Mary Epperson. "we C othes, 1555353555555335555355353;:52.555355555535335;S§§§§§§5§3§5§5‘ 353555; 5
"A big part Of my business is UK “'5 a g00d place ‘0 get work placed an ad in the Kernel a while The consignment stores have ' 3335535 .‘ 5. -
students.“ said J. B. Justice. head clothes, and they‘re already broken ago, but we didn‘t benefit fl om it. higher prices than non-prof it :5_:;‘§_-':'§355355555§§5§E§§§E§§$335535E§§g3§53§f§5§$§5§§§ "r l, i
salesman at Volunteers of in." We have the same clients as other stores. but are still much lower S;§_:§§;'§5E}55555555555555533555533555;5335;55:5535535535353;- l \ _'-'i.-
America. 669 S. Broadway. "We‘re , Roscoe Claxon, a former UK stores in Lexington.“ than retail stores. “We have $200 3353555555555Sf.5gE;55E;S5E;E§§§§§5§§5§§§5§E§§§S§55$5555; {55553 "9a; ,
close to campus and students come student from the class of 1926. says Those are the only non-profit suits that sell for $40. and a $100 r ‘ (‘ '33}; "1,33..- ._f
in and buy both clothing and fur she shops at the store “to help clothing stores in Lexington. but dress would sell for about $20.“ n ‘ 33f? . 5;";3
niture." charity and myself. there are also four consignment Moss said. ‘5153535:§:;':-'51§I§:§:§:§:If3335:5325:2252:3333}:25!...::. g .j ‘.i' l.’
’" H ' d d F b 75
- t.) ‘ '
_ earmg 0n stu em co 6 set or e . z
~ 4... .34“ By JAY FOSbh'l'l‘ quent from szotosooe, mistakes. bturgeon said. That s debts and letting people register . : ; ‘ -‘
H c :_ Managing Editor He said tlle University has ac- just two parking tickets." After several minutes of debating v. '
- ‘ . _, , ‘ cumulated nearly $2 million in John Darsie. UK's legal counsel. the issue. the committee decided to » 5
2 g” u ‘- ”‘"”““ The student code revision com- delinquent fees in the lasttwo years isaproponent of the $9.99 rate. table a decision on lowering the ' _' I.
, .._‘ . is. Q31,“ a. . ’ ..-..~. mittee decided yesterday to call for when the $20 rule went into effect. “We ought to recognize that hard delinquency rate until after the
ww i " 5:” ‘ . - ~~ 3.»{% an public hearing in two weeks to More than $1 million is owed for timts are .. "e and we‘re talking public hearing. - .t ,
Hm... ..« t" "« ' ’ . . ....».. 5-....an obtain student opinion on three damage done to dormitories and abouta lot of delinquencies." Dar— Also tobediscussed at the Feb 25 ' ‘ i “ _.
“ ’ T5“ ' / . ... ‘1 possible changes in the Student apartments. sic. said. “We‘retrying to insert our hearing is the committee‘s defim. .‘ , .‘
"" “ . ,/ “ '- I- ’ j “2 Code of Rights and Responsibities. There were 11,411 delinquencies judgement on what is the proper tion of hazing.
E ’ J _- aw ‘ Among the changes is a proposal as of Jan. 2). according to George amount administratively and we At it‘s Jan. 29 meeting. the com- .
’ A ‘ " f , which would make students owing Dexter, of. the admissions and don't knowadamn tlung aboutlt. mittee established a definition on ‘. ~ - ,2
1_ ‘ '. 3M1; :- the University $9.99 or more con« registrar‘s office. "We are one of the more liberal hazing it said hazing 15 “sublec- ‘ x ,‘ 3. '
, $3. . . ' ) sidered delinquent in payments Blanton said the reason his office institutions in terms of collecting (‘ontinuedonpagcll .. g ‘ '
$5" Q ., ‘v * i is . it“ Presently. students can owe up to wants a change in the delinquency .‘ - _ ‘
' ‘ -, ' ‘ ’ ‘. . ° 320 and not be considered dilen- rulewas"primarilybudgetary." O ‘ _ .
21“ ‘ f 5:» ‘ ‘ quent. . His office has received com- New G I I! ' rate hearmg ‘ '
~.‘ “A, * ‘ ’- *1 Also tobedlscussedat the Feb,25 plaints from UK's 37 delinquency '. x ' ,»
.. . t . ‘ i . . « ‘ A”. . hearing tl‘Sa the conémlttee‘s deflini- reportihng agencies complgilning 0 wt . .
‘ «get-HA _ “a: “ . ’ ....._ tion on zing an a proposa to that t ey were having r0 ems t d b A t] ‘ ~‘
W... . z .1»: . protect the rights and respon- collecting because of thep present reques e 1“ m0 on , .
By TODDCHILDERS/Kemelfil" sibilities of handicapped students. s20rate.hesaid. 8 Pl- (.GY BOECK sion thec _ . h' h t ~ ' ' '
9 The hearing is scheduled to be Delin uenc r rtin a encies y 3‘ ‘ ” 0mm'55‘0" w ‘C mus ,. A _
Three. S company held from 3-5 pm. but it‘s location include? they misgong and Staff Writer approve or disapprove GTE's pro— . . -
Josh. Lady and Prissy take agriculture senior Merrilee Holland for a has not yet been set. Robert Zum- registrar's office. the homing of « l the , . ‘ posed rate increase. _ g . '
stroll across campus. winkle. vice president for student fice. the library, University . n. Student AssoCIat-ons con- BY taking "“5 hearing ad'on- . . ,
,- affairs and chairman of the com- bookstore, student check cashing tlnulng battle “am” (xencral we (SA) are SW'"8 mill“? do "0‘ ‘ ~
Ins . ¢ A__# mittee, said the hearing‘s location services and the police department. Telephone Company 0‘ Kentucky. take ""5 matter lightly. . 83"? Brad ‘
The lazy man‘s defense, the zone, is fast becoming basketball‘s will probably be announced However. Student Association agnagfgdfigagmptlg'g: :Tpibm; .St"{893"' Sfiaprf'dgpt‘ ‘3]: remnot . .
favoritenewstrategy.SeeRobbieKaiser‘sstory.pg.10. sometime next week. President Brad Sturgeon, another 'll be f'l ed 'ngFr nkl‘e . ‘ . ’“S .,5' mg c wat ing s t "3 ‘ . ‘ '
At yesterday‘s meeting, Jack committee member. vehemently w‘ ' m a '" C'rcu't out. . . . . . .
ou s . r Blanton. vice president for business opposes a change in the delinquen- costfligay‘ l , . ‘ swim" ”“1 m addltlon to-flllnlg - ‘ -
.——»————.———————————-————’—"— affairs. was invited to give 3 cy rule. « I a comp amt against Gov. a motion for aheanng. an affidavit .
Clear skies and continued cold weather are forcasted for Lex- presentation to the committee on “I think the $10 difference would John Y Brown Monday concerning Will also be Signed. stating that if
ington today. Temperatures Wlll fluctuate betweenOandZOmost of why his office supports lowering cause a lot of problems for people the constitutionality of hls‘ forma- the PS( approves the GTE rate in- -
theda . the amount to be considered delin- who have not really made tion of the Public SerVice Lommls- ('ontinuedon page 3
4 p - . t p U

 a t a
ed I 0 rl a I 8 Steve Massey Scott m L‘s-ism Jen-Clay Cary Willis 7... m".
EditorirrChisf Editorial Editor Alienation Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Picture Editor
m m 1. arms-a
‘ Ja Fessett Davidt‘oyle
‘ l 1 CO e n 8 “shall" Edit!" Alex Crouch Revs [Amer Usa Wallace ChisJPhotogropher
Vicki Poole Ru Hall [hassle Ward Assistant Entertainment Editor Dun am“
1 1 . . JacliRIsdd Assistant DoyEditor J‘nuule AssistantSports Editor StallArtist
IbeKuuuc‘y Ann-d ueh'mrmkllus and ups-Ions. lMlma-duuMMklyps‘ank- 1 03km
‘ mm m Include lane. remade-s1 and proper mama-no- ineladlng l is ID ior mar-i. and u D" 54"” Illumin-
e-ploym. hum should a. Iimled u- 100 words and opt-tuna ud course-u to see worse. Sdnio' StaflWrimI
‘C’ ml ‘D ’ t d t 't ’
(I S It en S, 1011 e.
, - . ‘ ~ ' 9 ' 9
, - , New deputy Secretary of State Clark proves it s not what you know, it 3 who you know 5
‘ ’ . 1 . .- WASHINGTON — Every ”C" shouldl?” subject well." Sen. Helms if he preferred a ltmaybelnexplicableto“A”and
' ' ' 7 and "D" student in America should g|¢n Republicans on the Senate But is a top policy—making posi- mediocre doctor for his next opera- “B” students why President
. ' become a charter member of the Foreign Relations Committee have tion at the State Department the tion. Reagan would select a novice for a
' , . 1 William P. Clark Fan Club. & some answers. Chairman Charles place fora novice? Clearly, President Reagan isn't top policy position when interna-
z ' 1 1 1 1 Percy (R-Ill.) believes Clark‘s Sen. Jesse Helms(R-N.C.)thinks looki for mediocre representa- tionalorderischarm sore 'dl .
1' 1 For President Reagan S nominee shearer ability to work well with the presi~ so. He defended Clark with the tion :18 the State Department. He Yet, there’s nothing like jumin’ngz'o
; , - 1 - asdeputy secretary of state, these ‘ / dent far outweighs his inexperience “medicore people deserve wants Clark theretokeep an eyeon the head of the class when you’re
. 1 7 ' cond highfit posmon "1 the depart- 91 1’ in foreign policy. Others, such as representation" line. Secretary of State Alexander Haig. the teacher’s pet.
- - " "tent has demmt’atttd that he 1 ". Sen. Sam Hayakawa (R-Calif.) “Maybe it’sagood idea to havea Moreover, with Clark, Reaganwill
' . ’ “ , knows “55 about foreign affairs believe in on-the-job training. guy in the State Department who have brought his old governor’s Maxwell Glen and Cody an..."
' '- , 1 than any college freshman who “I didn't know anything when I doesn’t know everything,” said staff to Washington. It doesn’t mat- are natiuially syndicated colum- ‘
. 1 regularly scans the 9mm“ '" started on the Senate Agriculture Helms. “Give Clarka monthortwo ter to Reagan whether Clark con- nists working out of Washington.
~ Newsweek Committee," said Hayakawa, “but on the job and we’ll find out if he's fines Zimbabwe with a new strain ac, Their column appears every
1 ' _ Clark told the Senate Foreign “What is the objective of US. afteracouple of yearsllearned the really a dummy." No one asked of athlete’sfoot. Friday morning.
' 3 Relations Committee that he hadn’t foreign policy?" asked Sen. Glenn.
' - sought the job, was unfamiliar with
_.- r its jurisdiction and would be taking Justice Clark paused. searched
' 1 _. a salary cut _. “because the presi- the ceiling for an answer like any
. ' . . dent asked me to take this posi- school kiddoeswhen in trouble, and w WW @
~' 1 tion." declared, “Peace through _
. " But his ignorance of even the strength. W ‘
. 1 1 most elementary facts isadisgrace When asked to define strength, 6
. to the Reagan administration. In- Clark offered a textbook answer: W E
' ' deed, watching Clark‘s confirma- “Strength can be a lot of things —~ 1“: ' t
. tion hearing was like viewing a economic,militaryandpolitical." -» "g‘
. “Hollywood Squares" rerun. H‘ “1‘ /
' , . . At day’s end, Sen. Glenn summed $ am M 'g’“ .—.: J'I'.‘ \
. The 49-year-old California up the committee's mood: “This ‘ffi, t" ,W‘ \
. , . Supreme Court justice admitted at has been one of the most unen- ‘01 ' '1 fl
' . i, - the heanhg that he (11‘1"?thth jOyabie days I've spent in the us. ' - l ‘ d .
1 .' ,1 = names of the prime ministers of Senate."
‘, ' either South Africa or Zimbabwe. '
' . He was also unaware of the issues ~ - ~ ~ ,
r ’, , , . . . Surely, Jistlce Clark 5 testimony , -
1 1. 1. invowed in U.S.-BraZilian rela- proved one thing to every school kid ‘. . 9 0 if; m
. . ' trons. He knew nothing about the in America: ".5 not what you know “9 S . )
,: . British Labour Party or the at- but whoyou knowthatcounts. fl
. ,- ,_ , titudes of Western Europeans / f 3' h
. . toward the deployment of new US. And Clark’s history is testament ’ 1 \ ‘ 5 1‘ o: \
1 1. "1155115 there. to that fact. He was Ventura ’11 ' 5 5’33- }. n,
. , .‘ . “We kept throwing him (Calm), County chairman for 1 ,
' ._ . . Reagan s gubernatorial campaign _ I
11 1 basketball-Size. questions 1 to in 1966, became the governor’s 3'95. , EQUAL”), 1
' - '. anrslweGri @9181??? kOh'O s. 5.8“ Cabinet secretary in 1967 and then 8 E G". "'3 16
‘1 f: " .. em a“ e 89‘ “55mg his chief of staffin 1968. Not bad for e e - ’ W //
.' . em. “ \y —,
1 , 1 a guy who never graduated from Q .i
‘ »' L Like a teacher looking admiring- college and dropped out Of night it _ 5;,
. ' .1 ly on his favorite student, an em- 13W SChOOI because 0‘ 9001' 81' adee. ”WW
. , barrassed Sen.Glenn finally turned On the brighter side of things, /(
' ' away from “@931 questions to Justice Clark’s endorsement may
' ' ‘ : . seek Clar k1‘s opimons on such SUb' have handed wayward students an o O
', Jective topics as nuclear prolifera- excuse for not boning up on the the V»,
" , tion. facts. But how are high school Erica’s e
“At this juncture, I don‘t have a civics teachers to respond when
' _. personal view,“ replied Clark. their students ask, “Teacher, if the 0 1k
' 1 Annoyed. Glenn then asked Clark deputy secretary of state doesn’t W”
. one of those “What was the color of have any views on defense spen- ”I‘M e I 1 t. g
- George Washington's white horse" ding or doesn‘t. know the prime
- 11 t' questions: minister of South Africa, why [0,.
‘ " i Where is love 7
Recent years ind' t ' l l d '
“‘1". *' Marcello Mastroiann’ bemoaned grand dukes fell at the feet of Mastro d hi {1 Th ha l'bet but
' 1 ianni sai 's ims are “ ‘3’ V9 1 ry— -~-P°01‘ . -
'- . f. the death of romance inamagazine ballerinas. and whole armies chas- about weak men— psychologically, darlings, they’re so hungry for neggsabfli’gugami rilnianntti:
interview several years ago. ed them. But when a man chases a socially, and sexually _ because romance that two little words in attraction people can desire each
’ a ' N woman today, we say, ‘What luck “modern man is not as virile as he their ears are enough to crumble .1 . other for heautiful pocketbooks or
.111 “Once men dueled over women, —hecanstill run used to be." And about women: thembeforeyoureyes." Vb” " ‘ " walletsoreven minimandinevery
'. 1 1. ~ Sexism aSIde. It IS puzzling that a . instance the relatiomhip becomesa ,
1. ._ .7- 1 v..._M.fi-.....n4___,_h ____7* studier 0‘ people believes rmnce . 11 1 sort of fantasy where each person is . ‘
x: g 1; fi""‘*“_ ‘— " is a vanishing phenomenon — men 900W ~ , fl. . . valuablefor what he orshecan con-
}, .1, 1; feel less than Virile and women are :r tribute to the image: the Country
3:111 11 absolutely starvmg for 13 tender { Clubbers, the Intellectuals,
, .1 1 ~ :1 word or 30.31: say nothing of ti: 1 whatever.
‘1‘ g. l .- ' _ 1 _ vo ume aen ine earth a p r - ~ -
1 1 1'1 § f t L aDVEHlSth 5“”9 Wile ‘5‘ §‘§\ \ \ flowers merchants will sell today We mgmmgagagtn:
l m1! ...anD cl. §§1 h“ and tomorrow, romance fertiliws believes romance is dead, at least
l ' ’ V 1: . WE'LL “€80 some "BlG' \\ \s theeconomyyear round.1Thedisco simplyandendedjustaseasily. in his own life, since “it almost
11 1‘ l _ 3 ML -Doe$nt . mean . §\ \~‘ “dust” couldnt “Ck 't 'f men Ifromanceissoall-firedwonder- always ends thesame: with disen—
. '. .‘ .' ' r —- 1 g . . u . § § stayed at home on weekends to ful according to every issue of chantment." The actor said he
' . V" 3 8‘6 QtolitS commemus . misstlie1rmasculuiity. _ , Cosmopolitan or ' Glamour works himself up to a “fantastic
1' 1;; - X‘ 1,. You Know,,.somethG N°' romance. ‘5'” “d3 {ts a magazine, why are half the mar- andsublimepassion forawoman.”
. .. , _, 'x 1 ‘ .< 1 . til t 9. WSW“ ‘0'“ 1" Ahtehcah htt- ‘t ried people either calling it quits or Upon going out with her, however,
. ‘1, . . ‘8 14 / Ni $OF “W (C ano i 11 se sproducts and is alive anddo- foolingaroundontheside? helsdisappointed.
' f: , k ma Yee some Lit’tLe 1\ ‘f'rtgtweht at manuals bah 0' Andwhy don’t young adults have "Since I’ve coated such an ex-
‘ ‘ 1 31.; , _ to '-\ a 5"“ 3’91" _ 1 party. faithinrelationshipsanymore? traordinary love in my mind —
1;; 1 ' ‘ PUPPY ”<33 m ”€- M‘Ybe "3 “em“ "”“Eh 0' Grand dukes don’t fall atthefeet which isn’t real and exists only
‘- 1. 5:1 {s- W ’ * atéasgxfitsfimmiul of ballerinas in the 19003, but we’ve within 1% Itiolon realize she
-' t- .. ' r ifs , . 1 ucceas ' gotourownmodern-day versionof isn’ ex 8 .”
i F m OPEC, w ‘ 1: lnthepastdecade,thenumberof romancing. It’s a little more Maybetherealiration comuthe
,- _.- . ’l We trust . 1 ‘ ~~ ‘ / s WWW” "W89 mm by sophisticated thanchivalry, too. morningafter ormaybe it happens
1 ' 1 '. ‘ we... «we . ' , I“ 1 w 9 1 $1 96 pacem' and ‘l ‘3 predicted that lt’saesthetic.'l‘hoseofuswhoare seven years afte'. In any case,
. - 1 “- W“ t A , ”Wefthmt‘?“ Masai" the truly modernknowromanceisnot ranancehasfailed—ithasnotled
‘ ' ' ,. " 1 CI 1, l 11% 3 _1m “'1" and m divorce. Concern- basedsolelyonphysical attraction. to the establishment of love
. . $3 1% - "‘8 "1°89 Wind°n°t (hi/0'00.” Agoodromanceisbornofbeauty— betweentwopeople,andHenryVan
; B 1; 1: ‘ . . 50W" helm“ M“ t°_ two physicalbeautyforinstance. Dyke'sdefinitionoflovemaybethe
1 i g 1' ' , ‘ ,1 h ‘ I mrtbwtiill all married people 1“ "‘9 But Mastroianni, who thinks answer to why romance today
1 " . 1 , b >”t _ 11!: ‘~l \1 t ' '1 5 1m , commitadultay. romance neeth reviving, said he seemsempty and impotaitwhenit
1., i, .' x A(O ‘ \ ’2Y st E Marriages standonshakyground mmmmmutflmwe. comm to establishing sum“!
1,.1. ,’/‘— . ‘ - 1 ~ _ 0 Oh \\ iii 4 — and not jmt first-round but “American women are. _ 1 too marriages.
’ I’ 1 1' , -' 1‘ - k d 99% “'1“ _ ‘ second-round, ‘00- For women m perfect - too well brought up with For Van Dyke’s definition of love
1_ .. , 1' '1 1' Kb V} 1? 11 W\\ \\ 1 \ \‘JQ’épQ 698/) /1,. /- ,c- “.16? n and a! WM remarry, ”I the perfume and "I hair always implim mgmmwanm town"
,1 . 1. 1 ,' \_\ .- no “1‘11 ‘ \~ 93*"5 \. 11.1 . ’ divorce rate stands at 414 percent, just so and the rosecolored skin, of a fantasy, not a disco queen,
' ' ,1 . \ “ ,4, \\\ »/ ' * 1? 3“ percentage points mm M What perfection — and what a grand dukeorballerina. Fantastic
11 1' 11“ as 2'32: round marriages. 1“ 1U“ bore! images are too hard to live up to.
. 1 . 1 11 MN [1,“ _ numbers, “ coma as no “Believ ’t mak Love, however, is not since it is
. . . .. . _ \si\\\ \Xw "1r ‘ x 801111” that young adults have lit- e me, ' as you want “the heart's immortal thirst to be ,
‘ .' .' - ‘ seesaw l "”\l lofts "claiminlorewrmcommmts- to h." . girl with ' mistache, completely known and all
- , 1 »~ - . \\\\\\ >\ so \\\~§ And "'3’.va The muffin“- u'oas'eyes and mm in her stock- forgiven"
1 - married couple imsehoidr in 1979 in!!- '
, 1 “d more than “led since 1970‘ Or a man with a four o‘clock Vicki Poole is the assistant day
. ‘3 million W” chose ‘ living shadow, broken glasses and editor. Her column appears every
mammmt "It could he helm mismatched erode stockings. other mu.
‘ ' s .. . .
BFQT rmv

 krfi ll ( I“ l\l“.R\lzl., lrida). reliruary l3, l98l-3 I
I ..__.______._- '7 W" '7' ‘3 ‘3 ' ' ‘ S d d h ' f F b 25 "
compiled from tu ent CO e earmg set or e .
news rou nd up op d'SpOlChQS j ('ontinued from page I ”‘5; d"'“ ”leU“ U“ ”Ml ttht‘ ' .
i%___,.__.%____ _.____-_.___ __.__, 2., _, . fl .. . . . W--- . 7 ., _ ting l'mwrs”). students to lht‘ ltl'lllfllht'd ellltt'lltlmt‘lll Alter the committee is '
unnecessary and excessive 'i‘jlfl'to illlill‘ ’quailtlied llll'll linisho-d with its proP‘ism: ‘ ‘ .
Reagan's economic aides now are in- reshuffled the government‘s top echelon “NS“- hUllHI'imV” 0" 51:13:"fidmltfl)‘: futility, I” rerun”? .1 h ”Timmy. int“. ' i " '
a e dicating that It!“ probably is the earliest and announced a 10-point program to PhySlcultlunL’er.” oialaidisoloiimzl‘;'11.“) winiili-Tul xI‘H.‘ . ttt ll .1 .
the budget canbebalanced. tackle the economic emergency. ln thcpast hazing had been or her hand“ .. d t o s ”Hm”, Li‘iii lirhvul;:)l;l(l;lf‘l‘l(. , .
. . . . . _ ‘ i . ‘ I ' D
N t 4hr AshlandandBo d Coun One congressmnal economist briefed Jaruzelski named SIX new Cabinet mentioned m the student 4 pubm, “93pm” h' d [Min Tm u . d | , .
9“ y 99 Y ' by the admmistration said of a balanced ministers and two new vice premiers in . i , ' . -- ' i . f . . . g d . f i 3 ’
ty raidents were anated yesterday on .. . - . . . . U’d‘» lumm'lklt Mild» DUI «t pteuously planned alter the lllt code committee ol the .
, ' _ 1983 budget, [don tthinkthat srealistic the Sixth purge of government leaders dchnition of” had not .n it ', t' j . l I it . .d - ’l“ , l l ‘ " . ,
avanety of drug—trafficking charges and at this time." since last summer's strikes thatspawned :1 “21'1“ ld( Liilllp (-l(' y our oi iusties wi l t ien , , 7 .
a. 24th was still being sought Tuesday Publicly, administration spokesmen independent unionism. He outlined an ’“ pmpmw amendment l',’ by“: U, 1:5 ,1 “moi”; hi” Shftu'xrmf‘ ruff?!“ trial; 1 . . ,
mght,statepolicesaid. . . . were saying they hadn‘t given up on economic plan to deal with complaints on the “Ode to ”0.1“" "with“ “LN ‘ “mm!" “ “d“ .“ u ”d“ w t” 0'“ t ' ' _ .
The arrests followed an investigation reaching their goal in 1983. But they con- food and housing Shortages but called for and respons‘ibilttes ol han‘ split on the deliquency rule. it lull board is expected to vote . .~
begun 1218! fall by state police and ceded this had become exceedinglv dill worker disci 1- . _ dicapped students willalso he was decided that public hear on the revisions at its May . ‘_2'
, . _ , _ pine and improved produt» . , .
Ashland police,offic1als said. fig-ult- tivity discussed at the public hear- Int! hhttllltl ht‘ held t” #01 >tU meeting -" ._ '
. “This Is the biggest drug bust in The president “hopes, and i underline S A f] t halt GTE h'k d3 ' I . ,'
* eastern Kentucky “1 our memory. 581d hopes that we could do it as early as Zimbabwe Prime Minister Robert 1 es 0 rats 1 e to y . , .,
AshlandPohceLLThomas K9116! _ ’83.” said press secretary James 5. Mugabe yesterday ordered his former ’.: ' " 3-
These' are not the small-time Brady.» _ {06, the whiteofficered regular army “m“"m‘d (1'01" Putz“ month. sturgeon .silltl. ..nil tliint Brown opt-rates :i.~ a .. '1 i
pushers. said Steve Miller, statepolice Reminded 0t Reagan‘s campaign and air force, to smash mUtinous ex- crease helore a tlL‘b‘lL'lUll is “t‘K ,, ”my, biggest (m, “WNW“, lmlrpml‘m m we .. . :. 4
public affairs officer. “The majority are statement that his economic plan "will guerrilla forces loyal to Joshua Nkomo,a “Tad", 0” ”‘0 329“".‘7‘ U’H' suiiicr " legislative process oi Ullllly ~ .. ., 'l
on thedistnbthrlet'vel. ’ 8W9,” a balanced budget by 1983. and minister in Mugabe's government smum'wmy 5A “1“ “M” It the turmattmn ot the I‘N‘ i-ati- making which l.~ a tlll‘t‘t‘l .
The 24 were indicted Tuesday by the possmly by 1982." Brady said: "When we The rebellious former guerrillas, who "Immediate and “reputable is lound to he un . -' .
BoydOCounty grand Jury.The indictment talked 1982,_ that was before we had wereallied with Mugabe‘s forces in the 7‘ hi‘rnl"l“mag°~a”‘l“’5“ H Cttll-‘lltUllllllitl- llMtltltl'UWl ”l \mmmm ”1 ”I“ ‘1 e 'i
contained 27 felony counts and 3 misde- economy lnSlpla, Which has set in since _ . ' . , SA has l'llt‘tl for an illju€ll0n ”10 “it ~ .. , l t‘ .w 't- H ll t 'Illstillllltlllllll} filliil‘i‘illlbctl . ', . . Z ’ l.
.. year war that brought his coalition to _ 4 . Ir. iati n i (is w ul. _ , .. , , i . ,
meanorcounts. ‘ . _ . September. _ . ' . power, are acting against the orders of requestingthat no dcsn'ion be be abolished. Sturgeon MM \ltllillillltnltll pom-ix hum“, . '7- ;4 .‘ ’.
They included trafficking m man_ Brady defined “economy lnSlpla" as their leaders, including Nkomo the accepted by the PSC posstbly GTE would have to give llllt‘k the legislative. _)lltllt'|£il and 'i'.,..
Juana, methaqualone, L§D and other “when programs aren‘tcut." . prime minister said. approvmg the G’I‘E rate in» the $1 9 iiiillioii. hut Sturgeon “Nun“. H, _' . , I ', '7 7,5,.
. controlled substancespolicesaid. The economy, as it was inherited from u] am determined to descend on them crease until the con- said it would still haw the di- , ., , ’ “i" 1' \ ‘” ,. ‘ 1."
o the Carter administration, was ”much like a hammer,“ Mugabe told the Zim— SlllUlllttl'dlllb'0mm agency I5 collected interest ,1: put J“ ”M H' 61mm” " .' -
Natlon worse than anyone thought it would be," babwe House of Assembly in Salisbury determined. The suit said SA has In will: ' as «‘1 Mi thin .hel on .71. 5, f.
Brady said, and this is why Reagan‘s He spoke after Six days of fighting Ankh-urgency horeisthal il lei‘y't'tled lit-cause I: is ..u l':‘)'ll\;i ”in, oi the t oiii ,. r. __
'I ' " . , 'V' ‘ ' ‘1 - ) i _ 4 . , ~v , “ ' v“ ‘I '5' ' .‘.
Despite President Reagan‘s plans for Robsellt'lfi'?‘ had ‘been ._m°fll“ed ‘fr‘m‘ 0‘ between former guerrillas loyal to him 9” f‘e” Erin,“ [,h‘ .111 (lufm Wm“ “1 body. a" ' ‘6 , ' ~ V?"-
sweeping cuts in federal spending, the . ie to. a hope ot a 1983 budget and the forces led in the war by Nkomo,a (iraase on May 1.) and we tbAi delined hy suite law. and was "We SA are establishing ' A,
administration 'yesterday acknowledged Without defiCit. sometimes uneasy partner in Mugabe's if)“:[tnggltllignig‘tlli‘iiritil)lu:\t. created and is existing ..ior titil‘sely’x-x il\ eonsunior “d, -",""".l .7
dwindling confidence that Reagan can 10—month-oldcoalition, olmone . "Sthr ‘0 "htdd o the purpogt. 0t ropngmmm “n.8,.” 0,, a “W,“ Awe] . _-'
fulfill his promise to balance the budget or Military sources reported that the H, 3‘ l: gt ”'5‘“ dlld advocating the needs. lll' now. said Sturgeon ' By our g
by 1933, government used helicopter gunships , € exp dlm‘fl thdl It the terests. concerns. and legal group taking this action. it j -.""_"‘_
. Congressional sources said the ad- Gen- WOjciech Jaruzelski. Poland’s and mortars against the insurgents on 11a): [”3 rzfif ,‘51 d mi ' “EMS 0t ’ thf >tutte